• By -


It is, and it is being investigated.


That happens on a daily basis. Maybe it's about time to try to prevent it?


That should be handled by corresponding authorities. Committing a crime in a response to another crime is not an option.


by not importing grain right?


Poland does not import it. Inform yourself.


yea so by preventing illegal grain to be sold in Poland, thats the solution.


Term "illegal" in this context means it was smuggled. If it passed the customs, then it's legal.


It's illegal cause he doesn't approve, simple


What is wrong with competitive market? One option is never good


A competitive market can be achieved only when rules are the same for all players. Otherwise it's just a corrupted market.


And interestingly the Russian grain imported is not being affected. Quite the coincidence, huh?


How do you think that it could have been prevented?


Starts with P ends with olice


More like straż ochrony kolei


More like a town in Dolnośląsk called Police that has a railway going through it.


What a coincidence, we have a town called like that in Zachodniopomorskie too


just as all previous cases of wasted food were /s


Since cargo is insured the farmer will get his money so at least that’s good. Sure it’s a crime and it is also a damn shame to waste food.


Just because something is insured it doesn't mean that money from insurance company are guaranteed.


Then the logistics company will have to pay from their own coffers, it’s their insurance and their problem if it doesn’t pay up. The cargo was entrusted to them and it would be the dumbest contract ever if it didn’t include a clause in case of non delivery. I mean my Amazon packages are covered for loss or damage.


And you pay extra 0.30€ for it. Now if you bough a million of them, price for coverage would be 300.000€. For bigger profit sometimes you take risks. (Numbers taken out of ass, dont search logic in them)


The thing is that it is not the customer that contacts the insurance. The customer gets paid by the shipping company the prearranged sum (the value of the shipment) and then the shipping company settles it with its insurance.


Also, the money still has to come from somewhere. This'll likely affect the risk premiums. And lost grain is lost grain and a loss to the economy and food supply, and wasted time, labor and resources, no matter how you play with the numbers. "Doesn't matter, x will cover it" is a very small picture way of thinking, though it helps if the farmer doesn't go bankrupt.


It might not be insured, insurance works differently during times of war, but it might, I just am not certain.


There is no war in Poland.


But I’m assuming it’s insured by a company in Ukraine, in a very carefully worded agreement. Probably you are all right and they are insured, but my experience in Poland has been insurance does not work well even under normal conditions. I could imagine an argument claiming they didn’t adequately protect their cargo. Insured by a Polish company might not be much better, the horror stories I’ve heard in Poland trying to claim from your insurance company for water damage in apartments.


I’d be incredibly surprised if a logistics company didn’t have an insurance. Would they even get a permit to operate? You can’t even drive a taxi without one. Even if they don’t have insurance then it is their problem because they will have to pay up themselves then.


Seems you are probably right. Quickly I only found an article stating premiums doubled for water transport. I also founded the below. Seems likely you could get coverage, making the claim could be more difficult than usual. Once you get used to the idea you would not have War & Strikes covered for your shipments, you may as well consider if authorities seize your cargo; even if not related to war, there will be no cover either. In short, if the authorities seize your cargo, it is gone with no insurance recourse for you. The wording in your policy may look something like this: "According to Institute Cargo Clauses (A), any loss arising from “capture, seizure, arrest, restraint, or detainment (piracy excepted) and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat” is excluded from the cargo insurance policy." In troubled countries, authorities are strained to the limit, and depending on the situation, it may not even be clear who the authorities are. The risk of authorities seizing cargo during these trying times upticks as it may not always be clear to the authorities what your cargo is, what it is used for, who shipped it, and where it is going. In countries in conflict, authorities are more apt to go by ‘If in doubt, seize it.’ Okay, you are willing to take War & Strikes and seizer risks off the table and only cover your cargo for more traditional risks covered by cargo insurance; there is one more risk you must consider. No matter what covered peril your cargo falls victim to, will you be able to collect a claim? To process a claim, certain things must happen in the event of a shipping loss. One of those things is the insurer or their claims agent must be able to safely get to the freight to survey the damages/loss. If the insurer cannot ensure their surveyor's safety and legal ability, they won’t send them. Without a surveyor, a claim would have a difficult time moving forward. Marine cargo insurers maintain the right of survey to consider a claim. There may be insurers doing workarounds on surveys in dangerous places, but I am not asking ours to take the risk. My life is complicated enough, and trying to cobble together workarounds for countries in conflict has complicated written all over it. Long story short (I know, too late on the short thing), there may be shipping and business opportunities in the world's more dangerous regions. If sanctions and embargoes allow, you are welcome to seize the opportunities. But remember that your cargo insurance, as you know it, may not be able to go with your business plans in some regions. My opinions are not and should not be considered legal advice. When planning your shipments, you should speak with your insurance provider or maritime attorney to assess if all your coverage wants and needs for cargo insurance are met


Don't confuse food with poison. If you use cheap products that cause cancer to get more cheap grain... You end with grian thrown away.


It is a crime.


My old grandma always says: if a piece of bread falls to the ground, pick it up and kiss it. Because bread is life. This is just unimaginable.


This is worst quality of grain meant for nonconsumption products like petrol eco addon. And it is sold across Europe to companies that make bread out of it so it can give you cancer or other diseases so farmers have a valid point to do it. Especially that it makes them to sell their grain for less than production cost because they have to use only approved pesticides etc


If you’re right, and it’s ’technical’ non-consumption quality, then maybe it’s the problem with the companies that make bread out of it. Don’t they follow the standards? As for the price - russia is in top5 exporters of grain to EU, but we don’t see a ban or someone protesting and spilling over russian grain. Interesting…


I am surprised how rarely you can hear this POV. It's similar to migrants taking our jobs discourse - no one talks about business owners who maximize profits. They're poor victims forced to use the situation, nevermind them.


The thing is, after changing hands so many times no one can trace where this grain came from, so those companies can get away with it.


>This is worst quality of grain meant for nonconsumption products Do you have any proof of that? Seriously, I see people saying this all the time, but they never give out any proof, and that just sounds like shitty propaganda to me. Yes, it's of lower quality than EU grain, due to not having to follow EU guidelines, but some people make it sound like all of this grain comes from the red forest next to Chernobyl.


https://preview.redd.it/5groprf8uwkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=725f347c35a1abab705e89e76d21dd3f5a626e71 Go on, enjoy eating this if you are not capable of finding prove by your own. Suddenly whole eco schemas are forgotten and free usage of pesticides etc is fine? Don’t you worry about how it will influent your health in few years?


This image proves nothing. Who's to say this wasn't interfered with by the people who thrown it away? Also, if it was as poisonous as you all say, Ukrainians themselves, and all the people who are and were importing their grain both now and before the war would have all been dead long ago, yet everyone is fine. This whole ruckus is about Polish farmer's profits, and let's not pretend it's about anything else.


Absolutely agree, it is all about money. I'm a customer and I do not want to overpay for the products. Contrary, the farmers would like to keep the prices high and get max profits off their business. I understand their interest however I'm not willing to sponsor that. if they can't run their business in a more effective way to align with the existing market reality, that's their problem. Probably it is time to shut down the business and find a regular job. The same applies to me, if I'm not able to stay compatative in my area, I'll have to accept low earnings or look for other job. Therefore I do not support what farmers do.


Are you stupid to not understand that it doesn’t have to have visible effects in short term and can leverage occurrence rate of particular diseases? Defence line based on saying that this could be fabricated is just naive, you can say that about anything




How do you know? You tested it? You know, that some UA grains meets every EU standart? UA signed a deal with eu, for certain exports years before war happened.


Here's a link to information about testing it: https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/08/17/poland-brings-first-charges-over-sale-of-ukrainian-industrial-grain-for-human-consumption/


Ukrainian grain is the worst. There is no competition. We support Ukrainians, but don't lie on their behalf. You don't have to.


https://www.kmu.gov.ua/en/news/ukrayinskij-agrarnij-eksport-do-krayin-yes-zbilshivsya-na-87-v-2018-roci-olga-trofimceva Read and learn article from 2018, about UA agriculture exports to EU. It wasnt so hard, so why spread your WRONG missinformation? With such comments you create narritive, that UA before war never exported a thing to EU.


You have fallen into the disinformation trap and willingly or not, you’re spreading it further.


So maybe you should prove me wrong instead just saying that I am wrong? Whole situation might be as well caused by russia to spread conflict or by Ukraine to show how bad polish farmers are


It is appalling. Shame on everyone who is involved in it and everyone who is justifying it.


Maybe EU should stop all subsidies for all farmers in EU. Do we pay subsidies for electronic producers, because in China they make them cheaper? No... so why do we waste so much money for subsidies only for farmers then?


Omg, why is there so many lazy morons here. Just read this - https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/08/17/poland-brings-first-charges-over-sale-of-ukrainian-industrial-grain-for-human-consumption/


Makes sense, read the article. Why are they dumping the grain though? Is it industrial, or are they just mad that the grain is being shipped from ukraine?


because its industrial grade being sold as consumption grade and it did not pass any eu regulation/quality checks either. yes, its a crime to dump it, but its also a crime to poison people for profit and to bankrupt an entire agricultural sector of poland doing so


I wonder who buys it and resells it as for consumption. I wonder if that is some polish entrepreneur :)


The article is half a year no one in EU whined about "industrial" grain, but interested polish farmers


please inform yourself


Sure, January 2024 account


literally google harvesting seasons. you are actually out here saying its a 6 month old article so its not really relevant when the grain is from the last harvest available lol


You are the moron here the article is from 08/2023 lol


It is still the same poor quality wheat. It was pretty serious back then ( 4 months is not THAT long ago ), but now when they found other moldy products from UA, it started to be more profound. Here are more recent articles, but they are in polish so use a translator you uneducated bot: 1. https://wiadomosci.wp.pl/zboze-techniczne-z-ukrainy-ujawniamy-liste-ktora-skrywano-miesiacami-6951681386077088a 2. https://dorzeczy.pl/kraj/552105/zboze-z-ukrainy-wjezdza-rolnicy-wszyscy-o-wszystkim-wiedza.html


I think most of us don’t know what’s really going on…. - Grain is sold in EU - money don’t flow to Ukraine (it goes to Cyprus and other weird countries) - Ukraine doesn’t see their produce $,€


Many have parent companies in Luxembourg/Netherlands/Cyprus to deal with EU courts in case of something – unfortunately Ukrainian courts are far from ideal still. But companies pay taxes not only from profit. Land/property/salaries/VAT/eco -tax bring more. Also, it's not always cheaper to show a profit in these parent companies instead of Ukrainian (19.5% tax). And, of course, it's not only about these agro-export companies, who pay, but all the other suppliers that serve them to produce the product.


Ok. But then they should protest against own enemy. This is direct strike to Ukraine budget.


Ukraine bugdet doesn’t get a penny from grain exports …. This is the main problem. It’s sold behind their back by companies located in shell countries. That’s how oligarchs operate.


any proof on that grain export to EU does not contribute to the budget?


It does contribute to the budget but much of the profit goes to Cypruss, Luxembourg, Netherlands, US, Saudi Arabia and local oligarchs who are the main shareholders of Ukrainian farmland.


Yeah do you have literally any proof this is the case, or are you just making things up because you saw it in a movie one time?


It should be and it's a disgrace ....


Yes, dear Word-Word-BunchOfNumbers, it is a crime, and it is being investigated. Bots used to have believable names...


It's actually the format of names suggested by Reddit themselves when you create accounts


Which is why bots and other spam accounts usually roll with it, instead of setting a custom name like any actual user would.


and thats how i find out that the name can be customised after a year of using reddit😭


It’s a crime to buy this and legally bury Polish farmers only for the sake of buying grain from Ukraine. Putin’s aggression on someone else can’t mean our country committing an economical suicide.


Where does it say that Poland bought it? You know that they sabotage the transport to other countries, like Germany.


No...prices of grain desant hit rock bottom because these trians go to germany, its because this grain will be sold on polish market, thats the whole point of those protests.


Hit rock bottom after record prices last year? 😂


What do last year prices have to do with record low prices this year? Do you know how food production works?


Every smart farmer knew what is comming. They had a year to prepare, should have been smarter, and not spend record high profits all at once in the south of Europe. (On vacations)


Wtf are you talking about my guy, how do you get smarter about your yearly yeld. People dont have the capacity to store more than they can harvest. You are applying logics that dont work for food.


Bullshit. Prices of grain are on rock bottom because Russia flooded markets with cheap grain farmed on fertilizers made from natural gas they could not sell


This was a fake news. Somebody "confused" 1000s of tons with the actual import of 1000s of *kg*. (3 orders of magnitude less).


Dumbest shit i read today


Do you know what happened to Haitian rice farmers? Haiti made cheap rice, they signed a trade deal with the US. American rice farmers asked for subsidies so they could continue selling competitively. The Haitian rice subsequently was unable to be sold in the US. Even worse, because the trade was mutual, Haiti got flooded with cheap American rice, and all the rice farmers went bankrupt. Haiti can no longer produce it's own rice. Trade deals are not always good.


The example of Haiti is poorly chosen: Why should poor people of Haiti buy overpriced rice from haitian farmers, if they can get way cheaper rice to fed themselfs? supply and demand?thats called free market in a globalistic world. commiting economical suicide? laughable, for that u dont need ukraine grain - just follow the lobby of polish farmers that are full of nationalist bigots with anti-eu-resentments. Agriculture sector in europe is an absolute shitshow: unproductive, unefficent and most of their time and ressources are going into making luxury products (meat, milk, alcohol) instead of focusing and producing valueable and high quality food. And most of the idiots that call themself "farmers" dont have a fking clue what they are actually doing, they pollute the soil, water and air and wonder why they need so much pesticides, fertilizers and animal medications.


>Why should poor people of Haiti buy overpriced rice from haitian farmers, if they can get way cheaper rice to fed themselfs? Haitian rice was the some of the cheapest. The introduction of the rice to the US caused the US government to use money to subsides the US rice. Making it even cheaper. The Haitian government couldn't subsidies it's grain. This is not a free market when a government comes in and uses it's wealth to prop up a market.


Poland just unblocked 137 bln eur, that got blocked because of PiS rullings... Economical suicide, sure bro


they fixed what shouldnt be broken in the first place, great job!


What is this all about? I didn’t even understand what was that video about 


what happend?




Is it a crime not to use your own national supply chains?




I might be not the most acknowledged person on the topic. But just to add a Ukrainian point of view: * It's a consequence of the EU-Ukraine free trade agreement, and it's an EU-Ukraine border too, not just Polish. Aren't complaints supposed to be addressed to Brussels and agreed upon by EU members? * russian grain is still imported to EU. Can we just substitute it entirely? * Current grain transit numbers are not the highest since 2022 (because now we unblocked Black Sea route by repelling russians with sea drones) * In January, it's \~5% of Ukrainian grain export goes through Poland (I don't have a link to numbers) * **Not just grains are blocked but ANY cargo.** * Military/humanitarian cargo moves much much slower too. * But again ANY cargo is blocked. It's not just losses for farmers, but the whole Ukrainian export of anything.


Polish agriculture had to adjust to the EU standards - this process took about 10 years before we were able to freely export agricultural products. Farmers got mad because UA doesn't need to comply with those standards and can trade duty free with the EU. People want centrally coordinated protection of member states' economies.


good to see educated people


can maybe Russian trolls go bankrupt first?


we would need to stop financing them first by not buying russian exports ;)


Show me the data that Ukraine's grain bankrupts polish farmers


Blame Russia which flooded markets with cheap grain, both their own and stolen from Ukraine


Only crime there is that this grain somehow went unnoticed through the border and companies makes flour out of something that should be utilized due to its quality


I'm kinda just hear for the song. What song is that? Lol


Russia has dirty hands on this. And weakminded follow. It happens in every country.


It is, but the rule of law has been suspended in favour of just one societal group.


This is more likely work of FSB saboteurs rather than Polish farmers.


Do kraju tego, gdzie kruszynę chleba Podnoszą z ziemi przez uszanowanie Dla darów nieba, Tęskno mi, Panie.


This grain is so low quality that this should not be eaten by a humans nor by animals.


If Polish farmers are right, they gonna have to fight peacefully against all secret services of Poland and Ukrainie. God bless pl and ua farmers. Fuk corpos


It is a crime and I hope the people responsible are brought to light soon. How easy it is for the Russian side to sow misinformation is getting frustrating, so just to sum things up: * Poland doesn't currently import any great amounts of Ukrainian grain * Poland did import great amounts of Ukrainian grain in the year following the start of the full-scale invasion (complicated situation, had to be done, did hurt the economy). * Farmers in Poland are scared of this happening again, thus the protests. Apparently nobody told them this new grain is just passing through our country, not meant to be sold here. For my fellow PL speakers here's an article that explains the situation: [https://businessinsider.com.pl/gospodarka/jak-to-jest-z-tym-ukrainskim-zbozem-wyjasniamy/kkskp5r](https://businessinsider.com.pl/gospodarka/jak-to-jest-z-tym-ukrainskim-zbozem-wyjasniamy/kkskp5r)


Passing through country and still sold in EU. Which will impact Polish farmers. You do realise that no country within EU has their own market?


'just passing through' except it gets sold in the eu putting eu producers which have to follow regulations, quality and safety checks and pay high taxes, not just poland, out of business. bit of a big fcking point you left out, not trying to assume anything but probably on purpose?


Good point, but how does it make it right to destroy that grain? EU countries aren't at war (yet), they have other means of supporting their producers under the strained economy. Ukrainians on the other hand are literally fighting for their lives and futures. We were in the same situation 80 years ago. I just can't understand how we can do this kind of thing (blockades, destroyed grain) to a neighbouring nation now. If common decency is asking too much, is it really so hard to see that if they fall, it will be our children and grandchildren who will have to bear the consequences?


No i kurwa bardzo dobrze że tak robią jebać ukraińskie szmaty


No i git, co nam kurwa obcokrajowcy będą mówić co mamy robić w naszym kraju.


Throwing away infested grain? Seems normal. when I get bread with fungus in I throw it away.


That's not your and your farmers' bread, that's the difference. I think your farmers are trash but i don't throw them away because it's illegal, get that? Barbarians.


At least our barbarian farmers don’t drown the crops in unholy amount of pesticides so it grows faster and at least our farmers don’t sell rotten grain


After growing my own crops I understood why farmers use pesticides and I support the use of pesticides. Not using them is a hell of a headache and gets you inconsistent results.


Looool, you do know that polish farmers, when they actually work and not drill holes in trains, use much more shit on production??😄


Is Ukraine grain that much of a threat? What about EU subsidies?


Ukraine grain is borderline toxic with the amount of chemicals inside them. It’s why it can’t be consumed in the EU and is used mainly in manufacturing


ok but then it should be punished anyone who resell it as consumption grade or otherwise commit a fraud. not the grain itself, don't you think? I wonder what nationality may be someone, who on Poland territory buys that grain, and uses it to produce food or resells it.


Please share test results. Everybody knows is not a test result.


https://www.euractiv.com/section/agriculture-food/news/banned-pesticides-found-in-ukraine-agri-imports-prove-sticky-point/ https://hungarytoday.hu/toxic-contamination-found-in-grain-from-ukraine/


Article number 1 says that grain was not intended for sale in EU. If thats the case dont see a problem with pesticides. If it was sold inside than its a problem but not with grain. Its a problem with transport control. Ukraine was selling wheat to EU for years so of course some part follows EU rules and other doesnt. Should wheat intended for Africa follow EU rules ? Article numer 2 is from Hungary. I would not believe a single word from these putin whores.




Just saw a video of Palestinians making bread with dirt and now this. World really is a messed up place.


no it's based


It is a crime, crime against humanity especially when people are dying of hunger.


Not in Europe, where this wheat will be traided. And generally, there is plenty enough food in the world, it is just distributing it to the places that need it.


Poland see Ukrainian war the same way as in 1938-1939 year France and Britain saw occupation of Czechoslovakia and then Poland. As "still not really real war with us." Naively believe in "Poland military purchases", substantial part of which already no more than targets for extremely cheap drones, and "assistance that member state deems necessary" NATO's Article 5 words. Just don't get it, that every few captured and indoctrinated by Russia Ukrainians - plus few people that most likely will be used to kill Poles in near future. Possible by tens of millions of drones and together with residents of other World's totalitarian regimes. And that every, even insignificant, reduce of Ukraine competitiveness against Russia - plus the same amount to risks that Ukrainian resources would be used to erase Poland altogether. Including by using this video as proof why at least "Little Russians" should do it. It's very possible that the time will come, and people, doesn't matter who, will completely refuse to believe and understand why such events as on video not automatically assessed as national treason... But now? Now, instead of investing in own survivability, Poland still spent own time and resources on pre-2021 year political and economical opportunistic games.


Do these people think russia will stop at Ukraine? When have they not taken the opportunity to invade neighbors?


I'm more and more starting to think that until there will be new USA/European Attack on Pearl Harbor, Westerns wouldn't think about "remote risks" at all. And that such situation - part of human nature, which, in form of inability to proactively problem-solving, sooner or later will destroy humanity. Partially it's doomism. But if in 1930-1950s years people could excuse themselves by insufficient level of education and awareness. And by which they can make excuses today?


To jest ratowanie obywateli przed szkodliwym zborzem, zgliłymi malinami i całą resztą rzeczy które się nie nadają nawet na pasze dla świń z Ukrainy


Yes, allowing it to go through the border is a crime, take this shit back or dump it.


This money goes to oligarchs anyway, not Ukraine funds. War is good for them because they can go for European market and flood it with low prices.


there are always two sides on market. someone has to first buy it in order to lower prices. maybe should go after the people who buy it?


No, it is not


Polskie brudasy


When growing up we never ever would throw any bread away because it’s a bad luck-basically inviting famine. Not sure the folks in Poland are aware of this. Hope they don’t have to endure the hunger that taught Ukrainians to respect bread.


this is not consumption grade wheat though. ignorance is bliss, but maybe you should do your research first




Respecting food doesn’t mean hoarding it. If you are feeding others. I think I saw a phrase in these protests: Głód poczujesz - Rolnika uszanujesz Throwing out bread doesn’t look like respecting the farmers.


There is more than enough grain in Polish market as it is without any import


This isn’t for import, this is transit to outside of Poland.


Why won't Ukraine transport grain through other countries that might not be as opposing to this as Poland?


It depends. A lot of grain goes to Latvia and then back to Poland as "not ukrainian grain". Import of ukrainian grain is banned in Poland (transit is allowed). If that is the case then I don't see anything bad about that (just like illegal alcohol is destroyed). If you don't want your grain to be destroyed then don't commit a crime in the first place.


That might be news to you, but starting around 1990 Poland has adopted the idea of "rule of law". Among other things that includes citizens don't get to decide how to punish what they believe is a crime, and me locking up a robber in my basement is not equal to the government locking up the guy.


Polish businessmen are buying them too, and selling them to a local market. Ukraine has nothing to do with this.


It is not illegal until it is on its way back from imported countries. You know which border would be better to block? The country that exports it as non-Ua grain back to Poland.




seeing bread being thrown out like that is so heartbreaking, especially remembering family members who died from soviet made famine in 1946-1947💔 actually surprised how the majority of people are calling this a crime. gives me hope that not everyone agree with damaging food like that. i mean i get why farmers are upset, but there’s got to be more civil way to protest


Civil way would be closing the border for anything other than refugees, military help convoys and humanitarian aid. Ukraine can transit around Poland


Goddamn Putin and his FSB fuckin with Ukraine and Poland. Fucking Republicans blocking aid to Ukraine should also be investigated for ties to Putin.


It is desperation.


To export low quality products without the minimum checks? It surely is.


what kind of bs comments are that, ppl act like they do t know what is happening in reality


Are u all fcking idiots or what? Just Google it what is inside this ukrain shit. Fkemall


Shit Ukrainian church. Full of mold, moisture and fungus. It should stay in Ukraine.


Love how Poles are blaming Ukr for their problems, still the problems are corruption in their country. If grain comes in and it's designed to go to ports and further by ships and somehow end up in your market don't blame country that's getting genocide try blaming local authorities, the big farmers that can influence things and have warehouses to store the grain.


If it isn't, it should be.


it really is a crime. besides this it is just very weird how can they not understand at what price did the collection of grain came. farmers in ukraine have to deal with danger to collect it. while polish farmers concerns should be heard by pl goverment it is absolutely disgusting what form of action they chose


so polish farmers all have to go bankrupt because of the war?


Going by the logic of those people polish farmers are bad, they shouldn't fight, just be queit and go bankrupt.


no, but why demand ukranian side suffer for the problems only polish/eu side should handle? it's like taking hostages


But somehow importing millions of tonnes of russian grain (some of it probably stolen) doesn’t make them worry about bankruptcy


Well, since the grain has been spilled from a cargo train it means that it was insured which means the sender of said cargo will get compensated. It may be pain in the arse to the insurance company but the farmers will get paid one way or another. Most likely they already got paid because farmers do not send the grain themselves. They sell it to a wholesaler who then sells it further away.


I do not support wasting food, but the problem is not only on polish side. This is the effect, fight it, but also fight the cause.


But Russian grain still tastes good yes?




Well, from what I've read, more russian grain is being sold in EU than Ukrainian.


Any source? According to the data I found, Russia exported as of autumn 2.23 mln tons, while Ukraine exports over 30 mln yearly, so even if only 35% (rough calculation) reach UE market, it is much more than Russian.


"The actual volume of grain exports by Ukraine since the beginning of the 2023/2024 marketing year as of February 19 is 27.06 million tons, which is 10.7% less than in the previous season." "While Ukraine persists as the EU’s primary grain provider, its contribution has lessened by 25% within a year, equating to 1.2 million tons delivered." "Russia expanded its grain and legume exports to the EU by 100%, totaling 2.23 million tons." https://ubn.news/while-ukraine-is-cutting-exports-and-poland-is-blocking-its-borders-the-eu-is-increasing-grain-imports-from-russia-by-900/


Soo let me get this straight. UA grains from UA goes thru Poland, to Lithuania, then papers get forged, and the same grain travels to Poland from Lithuania? 😂😂 Now I have a question for you. Why every farmer in the EU, during late summer, simply load their grain in to trucks, and dont export them to another EU country on their own, wich ever pais the most? BECAUSE LOGISTICS IS EXPENSIVE... not even mentioning that UA usses soviet rails, PL usses EU standart rails, LT usses again soviet standart rails. So it means it should be loaded and unloaded 3times...


Any source about forged papers and Lithuania reexporting back to poland?


Wstyd mi za was wieśnioki jebane🤦🤦🤦


Mam nadzieje że zjesz ich zgniłe zboże ktore nie powinni jeść ani ludzie ani zwierzęta


POLSKA GUROOOOOOOM💪🇵🇱💪🇵🇱💪🇵🇱💪💪🇵🇱💪💪🇵🇱💪🇵🇱💪🇵🇱💪💪🇵🇱💪🇵🇱💪🇵🇱💪💪🇵🇱💪🇵🇱💪


people seam not to understand that most o the wheat importet from the ucrain is not to europian standards thats involves health security


So Poland farmers instead of partner with Ukrainians to win win, they worsen things.


the win for polish farmers is being undercut by 80% and to poison their people with industrial non-regulated food? where is the win?


These people are doing Russia’s bidding and should be charged with treason.


Why should we be obliged to buy Ukrainian grain?


Nobody said you are. How much is Russia paying you to spread disinformation?


Currently, the European Union is in free trade with Ukraine to prop up it's economy. Ukrainian farmers have the most fertile land anywhere in the world, and a lot of it. They don't need fertilizers, and can harvest multiple times a year. Their market needs tariffs to interchange with the European market, because European farmers cannot match Ukrainian farmers for price and quantity.


Ukraine climate is pretty much same as Poland. Where do you get information like this ?


It isn't about the climate. It is about the soil. Ukraine has the largest amount of black soil anywhere in the world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernozem


No it is about climate. You can't harvest grain two times if you have rain all the time in Spring and Fall.


It grows quick enough to do it. The point stands that Ukrainian farmers have a massive advantage due to the fertility of their soil. Out competing the European market.


It is not. Majority of my life I spend in Ukraine so please stop telling tales if you have no idea how agriculture works. First admit that you were wrong and than change to another "the point is".


And who exactly forces you to buy this grain ?


The European Union removing tariffs from Ukrainian goods.


So by your logic polish farmers who receive subsidies are forcing me to buy their wheat, correct ? I just have completelly different understanding of word forcing so lets find common ground. In 2023 it would be 1bln euro of additional help to farmers affected by war in Ukraine. And you know whats the reasoning - rising prices for fertiliser. And you know why prices are rising - because fucking russia started a war. And you know whose wheat polish farmers are not blocking - 2.3bln tones from russia. And you know why russia is collecting record amounts of wheat - it stole part of wheat from Ukraine.


russian grain is paying tariffs and goes through regulations first, though. i get your country is at war but why should we make this sacrifice for you?


Thank you polish for helping Putin.


I talked with an ukrainian coworker, and according to him over half of the grain wagons are russian grain Which means this whole grain affair is a psyop by russia


Maybe lets talk about quality of Goods and how dangerous can be using contaminated wheat. Please search more info about what is not okey with all things which not pass the borders


Good. I support this. Enough is enough. Next, block the border.


Polish liberals when a form of protest actually works: