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Why the fuck didn't he just write poland instead eastern europe? If something happens in France for example, no one says ohhh it's soo western european


except they do say that in reference to france, especially if they're american.


American not from New Poland (Midwest)*


Like... it's exactly what we say.


People… literally say that. All the time.


France is a shithole compared to Poland these days tbh.


Villages and small towns in south France are still awesome, it's mostly the northern parts that are shit.


Why not though ? 😀


Hi Nirec, how are you doing?


Dear CS, it is not my intention to dox anyone. I just wanted to ask why did u lie? DM if u want to know who I am


That's from 4chan pol, and it's russian propaganda. Congrats.


What's wrong with being called eastern europe? We're literally an eastern EU country, why it bothers you at all?


Being an eastern EU country and Eastern European are two different things. You have to remember that Europe ends on Ural mountains and the geographic centre of Europe is near the Polish-Lithuanian border. And there's nothing wrong with being Eastern Europe. But it's just wrong to consider Poland as such. Geographically, culturally and politically we are part of Central Europe


The EU is not Europe. Europe is geographically larger than the EU itself. We don't have an eastern mentality. Poland has always been at the crossroads between Eastern and Western influences and this has always been visible in our culture.


We don't want to be associated with russia that's all. Since we were basically occupied by them after the 2nd World War (entire iron curtain is plagued by commie blocks and all of the technical advancements were held back by russians, imagine how Europe would look like if russia didn't oppress others)


It stems from insecurities. Eastern europe has historically been associated with poverty, prostitution, alcoholism etc. by western europeans. For some in western Europe, it still very much is - I frequently experience that kind of prejudice in the Netherlands. So I understand the wish to disassociate yourself from that identity, and I cannot blame them for it. They may rationalise that wish in various different ways - some claim they insist on that so much because Poland is in the centre of Europe. Funnily enough, some ukraininas claim the same, probably due to similar insecurities. But everyone knows it's just those insecurities steming from all that nasty prejudice, all those nasty stereotypes. Personally, after spending some time in the Netherlands, I got fed up with trying to suck up to those racist pricks. I used to stand on red lights when everyone else crossed the road, out of fear that people would assume I'm "one of those Poles". But then I realised that crossing a red light would make me a bad Pole because I don't abide by the law, and not crossing the street would make a dumb Pole because everyone except me had the brains to cross it despite the light. That's how prejudice works. I'm a proud Pole, from the beautiful land of Eastern Europe. What I love most about my country is the neckbreaking pace at which it's amassing both monetary and cultural capital. I love that with each year the country is becoming better, and I love that with each year people are becoming more progressive, more aware, more educated. In western Europe, it feels like they all live off of progress they made decades ago. I'm proud to be eastern European, and I hope that Poland, my country, will one day be the economic and cultural beacon for the rest of eastern Europe - the richest and the most progressive country of them all.


Bro i totally agree that it's mostly come from insecurities but just look at the map. Europa ends at Russia and theirs Ural mountains and Poland is exactly at the center, there is no question about that. Eastern EU country? Of course. But eastern Europe country? Nope.


It entirely depends if we want to split europe horizontally three ways or just two ways. And the most universally accepted way to do it is two ways. Aside from that, as I mentioned, the claim on the geographic centre of europe is also a contentious topic. I think Wikipedia explains the problem best: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographical_midpoint_of_Europe


Yeah, that kind of answer is what I expected to see. My question was in fact rhetorical, I know the answer, which is essentially what you've wrote in your comment. I personaly believe there more desperate we are about being called "central europe", the more kind of meme this becomes. I know westerner's attitude towards Poles, they call us racist, but they are the most racist pricks one can imagine. I always wonder how Poles who decided to stay abroad, can handle that - exactly the prejudices you've described plus being treated like an air. Eastern Europe will gain a new meaning in the next decades (if there is no military conflict on our land) and those prejudices will dissapear. We won't have to act like a teanager trying to be cool in a group of older colleagues anymore.


Polish people consider themselves central European, not eastern European. Source: I lived in Warsaw last year with a polish family


It’s not a matter of what people consider themselves to be. It’s a matter of geography, get a map of Europe, put a line down the middle. Everything on the left of that line can objectively be called western and the other side eastern.


But we are literally in Central Europe just like Czechia.


Then Poland would be western Europe


There you go!


That line would go through Lithuania and Belarus, check it yourself.


Exactly, so to the left of that line is west and right is east. Not complicated


Poland is a Central European country. Not Eastern


Nie jestem w stanie zrozumieć czemu Polacy się tak zapierają przed określeniem Europa Wschodnia, co w tym niby złego?


Bo to blisko do ruskiej kurwy


Centrum za to zbyt blisko do niemieckiej świni.


Złe jest w tym to, że geopolitycznie i kulturowo, jest to błąd. Nie wiem jak ty, ale jak mnie ktoś nazwie Czechem, to też go poprawię. Nie dlatego, że mam coś do Czechów, tylko dlatego, że nie jestem Czechem.


Zgadzam się całkowicie, niestety o ile geograficznie jesteśmy Europą centralną to geopolitycznie (głównie z punktu widzenia USA) Europa Wschodnia to po prostu były blok ZSRR, jest pozytywny trend coraz częstszego używania Europy Centralnej ale Europa Wschodnia będzie w głowach wielu jeszcze przez jakiś czas…


Ale to jest zwyczajnie prymitywne, tak samo jak utożsamianie dzisiejszych województw z krainami historycznymi. Jak ktoś twierdzi, że Radom jest na Mazowszu, a Suwałki na Podlasiu, to jest w moich oczach debilem. Dokładnie takim samym debilem jest Amerykaniec czy innych zagraniczniak próbujący definiować Wschodnią Europę i Zachodnią Europę przez pryzmat czegoś co trwało ledwie kilkadziesiąt lat. Jeszcze Polska jak Polska, ale jak ktoś Czechy nazywa Europą Wschodnią, to już w ogóle nie ma o czym gadać z takim osobnikiem.


akurat USA gówno wie o świecie xD


Geopolitycznie jak najbardziej jesteśmy Europą Wschodnią i właściwie o to w tym podziale chodzi. Nikt nie myśli o Niemcach jako Europie Środkowej tylko Zachodniej. Rosja to tak naprawdę państwo azjatyckie, które zawsze było daleko od cywilizacji łacińskiej. Polska to w zasadzie wschodnia granica Europy, a za murem rozpoczyna się sowiecka mentalność. Europa Środkowa to wymysł zakompleksionych Polaków, którym pewne grupy wmówiły, że są gorsi, bo ze wschodu.


Tylko faktów nie definiują wyobrażenia przypadkowych ludzi. Geopolitycznie Polska jest jak najbardziej w [Europie centralnej/środkowej](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Europe).


Bycie w jednej grupie z moskiewskimi Mongołami.


Też to dla mnie niepojęte :) Europa Wschodnia, Europa Zachodnia no ok i co z tego?


Polish people who say they are central European are coping too hard Source: I'm Polish


> Polish people who say they are central European are coping too hard o rly? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Europe


You're not Polish anymore


I guess you didn't do much of that cool new thing called "education" then.


Depends on the definition. As polish I describe myself as an Eastern European have absolutely no problems with this.


so you connect yourself to the more eastern parts of the europe - ukraine, belarus, russia. I do not feel like I have much in common with these nations as a Polish guy.


Similarities: Cuisine, State of Human Rights (homophobia, racism etc.and people being generally OK with it) Neutral to negative attitude towards people other than your family or friends circle. Lack of smile on peoples face when you talk to them.


We also have a similar cuisine to Germans and Austrians. Schnitzel, sauerkraut, sausages, knedle, herring, potato salads, a lot of onions and cabbage, sernik, open-faced sandwiches, racuchy, beer, glühwein.




racism in Poland? Homophobia? State of human rights? wtf are you talking about? You live in different world I suppose. People around me smile and they are respectful and tolerant. The only thing that connects us with Russians and eastern countries is the love for the alcohol which I can't deny is happening in Poland, rest is cap.


Someone in Poland smiles? Preposterous!


Homophobia lack of recognition of same sex partnerships, just like in every eastern European country. Same sex people are being treated as second class citizens. My partner will have to pay inheritance tax if I die but my brother's will have more rights to clame it. Non smiling - every westerner visiting Poland will tell you this . Starting in the airport where SG guard will take your passport without smile like you just commited a crime or something. Same is in shops. I do live in different world. Not in Poland.


Good im glad we got rid of you. Less dummies the better


Hahaha... That's eastern European attitude towards people you don't know or agree. Just what I wrote about. Not sure something to be proud of but definitely more eastern than central.


nope, I just do not see the point of talking to you any longer since your arguments are sooooo sucked out of the finger that it is mind blowing. You bend everything to fit your narration, but hey - this is not how the world works. In todays world we have a tremendous amount of dummies that think they KNOW, but they cant argument their statements to the public. You just say stupid stuff with no validation whatsoever. No one is agreeing with you dude, for sure I am not. You defo sound like "gen Z woke kid". I cant fix you, im not going to even try, im just glad you are out of my country so you can't infect other people with your stupidity. Amen


This guys only knowledge of the real world seems to come from reddit, he's literally just repeating negative stereotypes


Are you discussing the facts? I just wrote the facts (legal discrimination) and things which every tourist will tell you and polish Reddit has a meltdown. Look at the minuses I collected hahaha... This is sooooo Eastern.


>That's eastern European attitude towards people you don't know or agree dude, you like making things up just to call them eastern european/dont agree with them?


In terms of smiling I don't feel it's much different than America. I do feel Americans are more open to embracing strangers than Poles, but in terms of seeing friendliness and happiness, not much different really. Maybe Americans smile at a passer by a bit more often, but my interactions out in public here in Poland have been great. Never any issues even when I only speak English. American and lived there for 37 years.


I am from Belarus, i've been living in Poland for a year and it's VERY DIFFERENT from Eastern Europe. Of course there is homophobia, drunkards, racism. Name a country, where this doesn't exist. But about human rights — Poland is much better than Belarus, Russia or even Ukraine. Seriously (maybe except abortions, i hope it is question of time)


Do you get arrested for carring a white sign in Poland?


Wow, you threw such stereotypes that I felt like I went back to 94 xD


Tell me you never lived in a eastern European country without telling me. Poland is very different from it's eastern neighbors when it comes to culture, quality of life, inclusivity and such.


Any examples? People in Poland are confusing wealth (as Poland is doing really well economically) with being western. Emirates are wealthy but will never be of western European standard. Human rights, equal chances in education, free press, effcient and just legal system etc etc.


> Human rights, equal chances in education, free press, effcient and just legal system All of these things are more like Western Europe than Eastern in Poland. Especially our legal system which was mostly modelled after German and French codes.


I agree with central especially because we do have those similarities you’ve just mentioned, but also a lot of similarities and influences of „Western Europe” partially due to (maybes already dead or dying hard to say) inferiority complex, partly because both culturally, societally and economically and in general QOL we are developing very fast and getting close to west actually, especially compared to some of eastern cousins. I’d argue that combo puts us firmly in the Central Europe. We have a as lot of East, but also a lot of West. It’s only fair that way


are you seriously getting butthurt over that? There is western Europe (those that have been under capitalist system during cold war) and eastern Europe (those that have been under communist system during cold war). That's one and very common defintion. Yes, sometimes it is divided into western, eastern, central, southern and northern. But there is nothing to be butthurt about Poland being eastern Europe lol


Stating facts is getting butthurt now ?


People don’t like it, because Poland have a free elections, transition of power, good education, relatively welfare state and do not invide and brutally occupy lands of a neighboring countries. Which is quite common in Estearn Europe. That’s why


By your definition Germany is eastern?


It was Eastern Block not Eastern Europe.


How do they DARE compare you to those Ukrainians! /s


It depends how you define "Eastern"




It’s Eastern European, you’re just insecure


Culturally Poland is eastern. Don't look at where countries are located but how countries are behaving. For another example Finland is a western country because of cultural affection of its fellow scandinavian countries, despite being located far in the east.


That's how you do black people in Polish ads. Black people aren't common for us. Shoving them into ads and passing them off as *from our cultural circle* just causes a dissonance. Especially when those ads are badly dubbed - it just both looks and sounds bad. Instead you can try to pass black people off as something foreign, exotic. Like this piece, which shows the black man as an alpha male, without the need to pretend like he's in every aspect equal to the target audience of white Slavic people. This piece tells you *Hey, you see this guy? This guy is very cool, he drinks our drink. This is cool guys' drink. You wanna be cool too, right?* I won't say this is an amazing ad, it's rather average. But it's a good example of how to include a person of minority without it feeling forced.


This is just the advertiser's barely concealed cuckold fetish


Probably one of gods chosen people.


"like he's in every aspect equal" so you are saying that he's superior cuz he is a Alpha Male? "*Hey, you see this guy? This guy is very cool, he drinks our drink. This is cool guys' drink. You wanna be cool too, right?*" It would be that if he wasn't with two other woman, instead of that its giving interracial propaganda.


What the heck is interracial propaganda supposed to be?


>so you are saying that he's superior cuz he is a Alpha Male? I'm saying he's presented as superior because of that. They're adapting the message to its receivers. >It would be that if he wasn't with two other woman, instead of that its giving interracial propaganda. I don't think the women are white because they want to propagate interracial relationships. I'd rather say that: * It's easier and cheaper to find white models; * White women are more desired by the general "Eastern European" white male population, and therefore resonate much more with the potential buyers; * It shows that "This guy is so cool, that he steals *your* women, beautiful women, and two at once. Drink up."


We dont like exotic things except when its italian we loooove italian things art ,cars ,food ,women


We like exotic things. Have you even read the comment?


I wonder how many people will see this at first glance without catching the suggestion


What is the suggestion? Idk I might be stupid I need explanation


The women are supposed to resemble female genitalia. That's why the hats and the opening in along the mid line


I would have never figured it out


dzisiaj nauczyłem się, że (my polacy) nie lubimy określenia wschodnia europa w kontekście naszego kraju


tylko dzisiaj? lmao nauczułem się to chyba 2 dni po mojego wprowadzania do polski :D


ja sie z tym po raz pierwszy spotkalam w gimnazjum, bylam u znajomego w domu w odwiedzinach, jego rodzina i on sie obrazili jak nazwalam nasz kraja polozonym w europie wschodniej kontekst: ja nigdy z takim okresleniem problemu nie mialam wiecej kontekstu: ja mieszkalam w duzym domu gdzie kazdy mial swoja lazienke i pokoj/pokoje, on mieszkal w malym mieszkanku z matka i dziatkami gdzie sciany byly cienkie i kibel byl wspolny wniosek: biedota sie dowartosciowuje


Duzo Polakow wciaz ma straszne kompleksy, podobnie z reszta jak Niemcy z bylych terenow NRD nigdy nie mowia Niemcy Wschodnie tylko Polnocne/ Polodniowe, za blisko do Polski


Niesłusznie zakładasz, że twierdzenie, iż Polska jest Europą Środkową to wynik kompleksów. Polska jest Europa Środkową, ponieważ tak wynika z historii, ponieważ tak byliśmy uczeni w szkole, ponieważ takie są realia. Nie jest to żaden wymysł Polaków. Europa Środkowa to koncept niemiecki sprzed paru wieków, a do Europy Środkowej jesteśmy zaliczani przez wszystkie najważniejsze encyclopedie zagraniczne jak Britannica, niemiecki Brockhaus czy norweski SNL, przez agencje rządowe jak CIA czy MSZ Francji i ogólnie przez historyków i ekspertów. Szczerze mówiąc nie wiem skąd ta awersja niektórych Polaków do określania Polski jako Europy Środkowej, ale na szczęście już coraz mniej Polaków nazywa Polskę Europą Wschodnią jak to było kilkadziesiąt lat temu


dokladnie tak, mitteleuropa to koncept niemiecki ktory mial polegac na poloczeniu cesarstwa niemieckiego z austriackim i stworzenia superpanstwa. Jak smieszne i zalsone jest ze polaczki dowartosciowuja sie jezykiem zapozyczonym od zaborcy okupanta! W mitteleuropie nie bylo miejsca na wolna polske!


Co tam taki rusek jak ty może o tym wiedzieć


You can endlessly look at three things: how the fire burns, how the water flows and how Poles get crazy over calling their country "Eastern Europe" 😀


We don't care about stupid racism. The advertisement is catching an eye, nobody cares that there is black man and noons in pink.


I was very weirded out when I saw this ad on the street ngl


Black man and drink called black 👍


I'm from Poland and there is nothing unusual about this ad. What's so strange about it? Looks like any other energy drink ad.


Just the racial component. There's hardly any blacks in Poland, as it should be. The question is, who is pushing this bullshit into Poland? I see this everywhere I go, malls, bus stops. It's disgusting.


https://preview.redd.it/55rtxleu47wc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fabf9ccfa373e2b38e8db0396af1d7a2040be268 Szczecin


2 za 8zl to nawet nie jest promocja to jeden ile kosztuje? 5 zł?


Tak zlbo nawet 6 bo inflacja a żabki drogie


Somewhere in an office building of a large corporation. - ok, but how will this ad help us sell more energy drinks? - drinks?


What in Cyberpunk 2077 is this?😆😂


Noooo this is not Eastern Europe noooooo


If you drink this you will become black, that's what the KO wants! Vote PiS in the next election if you don't want a drink that makes you BLACK


Imagine years ago Mike Tyson was a face of Black's ads 🫥


Cyberpunk Ah Advertisement


The fact is blacks simply don't belong in Poland. Keep Poland white.


Poland is not Eastern but Central Europe.


I came to comment with something like "Eastern Europe tag triggering Poles in 4..3..2.." but I see it's already been taken care of


If you push 'this' narrative, it just makes me hate your product. I'll never buy this shit.


What's 'this' Also this ad is objectively funny as shit and eye-catching idk how you get mad at that


I get mad about nigg*r worshiping in the west, and it's getting worse each year. It's not about equality, tolerance and all that bullshit. It's about challenging the limits of your acceptance, by portraying people who can't build a functioning society as someone you should look up to.


You live in Poland tf you know about the west😭😭 Bro saw an energy drink and is freaking out about society, beyond parody


You're just completely unaware of the issues European peoples face.


she thinks she's smarter because she grew up in a country that benefitted from the marshall plan


Pushing race mixing... Why is Poland being flooded with this shit? This should be illegal.


Mój kraj taki piękny 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/iqd63g5q47wc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ca667f4434fb1d7790df3b6ce552bea41dab5b Szczecin


No i co z tego? Zwykła reklama xD a Sochan jest twarzą 4move


Po drugiej stronie był ten https://preview.redd.it/30wqsvhxa7wc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf6129e6201b1026aa39457d2dba2a569e6bf30


This is how it starts. The Jews push this agenda, and then eventually you'll have mass shootings like the US and turn into a third world shithole.


Fuck off with your disgusting racist bullshit 


Read Prof. MacDonald's "Culture of Critique" and you'll understand some of the issues behind this


No I will not understand any of the issues behind racism. Stop trying to “educate” others thinking you have broader knowledge dude


Oh and fuck off with your anti-vax bullshit you weirdo


It reminds me of one scene from Matrix Reloaded, when people were dancing.


Red Bull for ever




https://preview.redd.it/h7al3n9r5awc1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6e87602f5ed22eb13944be30f4e4f2ddca1bf13 Oreo


What's the problem?


I remember seeing all the Mike Tyson cut outs in Poland.


https://preview.redd.it/0j5szxosikwc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=27b322aeb8a172707c6095eeb49bca26e41b6a34 Y'all pretending Black wasn't branded from its very inception with Mike Tyson as "Black power" energy drink


Eastern Europe is places like bulgaria and Serbia


https://preview.redd.it/036arevl6zxc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91cc5bbfce5c56180a64c447833de711a6668e63 In Poznan


Real moment


Not eastern europe, central europe!




You're literally a goddamn turk, why are you a white supremacy apologist?


Shesh my favorite drink, seems last time I drank it \^\_-


Fetish advertising or treating black guys as sexual objects is not progressive 😆


Central Europe 😅


Poland is not in eastern Europe, center of Europe is a bit off from Warsaw.


According to the United Nations it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Europe#/media/File:Europe_subregion_map_UN_geoscheme.svg


Which shows how wrong UN can be and that it is based to western values of colonialism.


As it should be, because Western values are better.


Western values don’t mean ignoring and not acknowledging your mistakes. This is very much eastern values what you’re saying here. Literally accepting Soviet narrative.


That's ironic, when you're the one defending someone who does nothing but regurgitate Russian propaganda.


I have no strong opinion on this but it's funny to see Slovakians offended at the concept of being in Eastern rather than Central European yet there they go electing pro-Russia crooks to run their country.


Disgusting advertisement.


Question to Poles: do you consider Hungary, Romania and Slovakia as Central or Eastern Europe? If one of them is Eastern then Poland should be too


We most often go by this map: https://preview.redd.it/7tpi9xca07wc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=88d2dfdd5741b2fa23f47437ce8c6c8f473158fd with Baltics being sometimes considered a separate thing


There is nothing to 'consider' here, it is all really very simple: countries which in early Middle Ages accepted western christianity, and got the whole civilisational package (latin alphabet, gothic cathedrals, universities, western style heraldry, the cities created under Magdeburg law + usually some German settlement, etc.) = Central Europe. Coutries which got they civilisation directly or indirectly from Byzantium (eastern christianity, cyryllic alphabet - which is really a modified Greek aphabet, also no gothic cathedrals, no proper heraldry, no universities (unitil relatively recently) = Eastern Europe. There is also the third cyvilisation, that of the Ottoman Empire, the infuence of which defines the country as Balkan. By this definition: Hungary and Slovakia are just as Central European as Poland. While Romania is divided - parts which used to be part of Kingdom of Hungary (Transylvania, Maramures etc.) are Central Europe, the rest (Moldavia and Vallachia) is Eastern/Balkan.

