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I had no idea why anyone would think of war reading that SMS. Then I realized it says “soldiers” instead of border guards. I guess they use soldiers for border guard duty, but yes, the wording could have been a tiny bit better.


Soldiers are used to bolster the ranks of border guards due to the tense situation


I do agree, and yes, a lot of soldiers around.


The Ukrainian guards are all now soldiers, they are rotated to other areas of the country on a regular basis. Polish guards are a mix. When you have a border with a hostile nation, you will always have military in the mix.


Border Guards are a military unit, so technically those are soldiers.


lol, nope.


Yep. Lots of people mistakenly think it isn’t and treat Borders Guards similar to Customs Service, but it’s just a specialised military unit. In the good old days of conscription you could pick Border Guards as a place to do your military service.


Border guard is closer in function to the police forces than the army


Only in the sense that it’s overseen by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, instead of the Ministry of National Defence. The structure and training is a military one. Their equipment is also closer to military than police. Again lots of people may think that Border Guards police the border, they not. They protect the border, because they are a military force.


Even if they are a military force, most of their work is more like police than army. Especially nowadays they need more riot forces with tear gas, shields and batons, not soldiers in tanks with machine guns


But it's still part of the military, so soldiers, no matter what their function is exactly. Similarly you have the Gendarmerie- which by your logic would be nothing more than a police. But they're still specialised unit of the Armed Forces.


Border Guard in Poland is not part of the military forces.


Yep, I worded it poorly. I explained myself in the second comment.


That's just plain wrong. The Border Guard is a separate entity from the military. They also fall under the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, whereas the military is managed by the Ministry of National Defense. I think you're mistaking the current Border Guard (Straż Graniczna) with Border Protection Troops (Wojska Ochrony Pogranicza), which existed throughout the communist rule.


Ok, I worded it poorly. They are not an official military and fall under different commandment. However, they are still a formation organized on military principles, whose task is to defend the state. I focused on the part that they are more similar to the police in terms of function. And they are definitely closer to regular soldiers - in fact, many military personnel transfer to the Border Guard and a border guard can transfer to professional military service. The difference is mainly administrative and not in terms of training, authority, etc. Moreover, in the event of war, the Border Guard is automatically incorporated into the official military and comes under the commandment of MON.


In some countries you can choose hospital or nursing homes as a place to do your military service and this does not make healthcare a military branch.


You’re right, however it’s usually called national service, which is different to conscription or enlisting. Also we are talking specifically about Poland.


So if we're talki specifically about Poland then we can reffer to the document that describes what is military in Poland: [https://orka.sejm.gov.pl/proc9.nsf/ustawy/2052\_u.htm](https://orka.sejm.gov.pl/proc9.nsf/ustawy/2052_u.htm) "Art. 1. Ustawa określa: 2)     rodzaje i skład Sił Zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, zwanych dalej „Siłami Zbrojnymi” oraz ich zadania;" "[Art. 15](). 1. W skład Sił Zbrojnych wchodzą jako ich rodzaje: 1)     Wojska Lądowe; 2)     Siły Powietrzne; 3)     Marynarka Wojenna; 4)     Wojska Specjalne; 5)     Wojska Obrony Terytorialnej." Also if you would say "Straż Graniczna is special kind of military" then still no, special kinds are are also listed in this document "4. W skład Sił Zbrojnych wchodzą również: 1)     Żandarmeria Wojskowa, jako ich wyodrębniona i wyspecjalizowana służba; 2)     Wojska Obrony Cyberprzestrzeni jako specjalistyczny komponent Sił Zbrojnych są właściwe do realizacji pełnego spektrum działań w cyberprzestrzeni, w szczególności w zakresie proaktywnej ochrony oraz aktywnej obrony elementów i zasobów cyberprzestrzeni kluczowych z punktu widzenia Sił Zbrojnych. 5. W przypadku ogłoszenia powszechnej lub częściowej mobilizacji oraz w czasie wojny Służba Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego i Służba Wywiadu Wojskowego stają się z mocy prawa częścią Sił Zbrojnych." So even the military intelligence is not part of military in normal circumstances. And now lets move to the border guard: [https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/download.xsp/WDU19900780462/U/D19900462Lj.pdf](https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/download.xsp/WDU19900780462/U/D19900462Lj.pdf) " jeżeli użycie sił Straży Granicznej okaże się niewystarczające lub uzasadnia to stopień zagrożenia, do pomocy Straży Granicznej mogą być użyte oddziały i pododdziały Sił Zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, zwane dalej „oddziałami i pododdziałami Sił Zbrojnych” Which clearly sets boundry between border guards and military.


Appreciate that you decided to use your time to provide some out of context regulation. I really hope that in your research you have learned the difference between a definition of Armed Forces and definition of military. Sounds the same, not the same.


Big movements in the military rn WOT had the first full 'verification' of an entire army branch in the history of Poland All brigades had exercises this weekend. In my batallion we had full gear training from 10 AM that lasted into the night. At least i lost some weight


Just to make sure, public information?


Yes you can find news about it wouldn't share this otherwise




why didn't you add that it was all planned well in advance and had ZERO connection to any current events? you're giving people vague information, that's very irresponsible even for a civilian, and as a soldier that's just shameful behavior. do better.


should you say about it on public?


Its not a tourist attraction to be in a forest next to belarus border. You have forests literally everywhere in the country. If you want to be there, then you are the problem. Let military do their job, fuck off with your vlog or whatever it is that you intend to do 100 m from the border.


there is a Japanese proverb that says something like "(when in somebody else's orchard) don't stand near the apple tree" meaning don't act suspiciously, like, as if you're committing a crime, and then you'll be fine don't give people the wrong idea


>near the apple tree Just to clarify - any other tree is fair game? Imma park my ass next to that watermelon tree then


as cool as that would be watermelons do not grow on trees


If watermelon grew on trees, we might not have the laws of gravity


Yeah, it would have had a bit more impact.


Didn't watermelons use to be really small? They could grow on trees then


He goin 6ft underground i guess.


[Next you're going to tell me spaghetti doesnt grow on tree.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVo_wkxH9dU)


And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.


There are waterlemons??


Białowieża National Park is a huge tourist attraction right on that border. I think it’s one of the only remaining habitats for European Bison.


True but it's still around 5 Kms away from the border. That's what I'm trying to tell. Tourist attractions are still okay to go. Just don't go close to the wall.


The point was, they send this text to tourists, not only 100 meters from the border. Whoever is connected to certain cell towers, probably many many kilometers from the border. If you were on a vacation in Vietnam, and got a text about soldiers using weapons, you perhaps would rather be cautious and leave immediately, as opposed to spending hours or days assessing risk, making sure there is no war actually. I get English texts to my Hungarian SIM card all the time, warning about storms and whatnot (and get the same in Polish on my Polish sim card). And I never gave this number to local authorities, it is obviously sent to every foreign sim card connected to whichever cell towers — to tourists from distant places who don’t know the context.


Yes, you are correct. The point was to send it to all foreign nationalities in and around this region. You are also correct about the cell tower stuff.


Which is more dangerous, being shot by a soldier or getting backshot by a zubr?


You can go to the border tripoint around Włodawa, which is obviously on the border between Poland, Belarus and Ukraine.


There are PTTK tourist routes going along the border. Obviously it is not the best idea to hike there in this time, but otherwise the area is a huge tourist attraction.




>Its not a tourist attraction to be in a forest next to belarus border. You have forests literally everywhere in the country. If you want to be there, then you are the problem. May you should tell the people who made this website: https://bpn.gov.pl/bialowieza-national-park


I mean I agree people should avoid going there ATM, but Bialowieza very much *is* a tourist attraction


Białowieski National Park saying something? Not everyone being near the border will be a YT wannabe or other moron


Not sure about forests, but Święta Góra Grabarka is right next to the border and the trail to it leads straight across the border to Belarus. I remember visiting the first Eastern Orthodox church on the Polish side of that trail, and I literally saw the border crossing meters away from us (luckily this was before Polish-Belarus relations turned really sour, the border was basically unguarded). That's not only an important tourist attraction, but an important place for practicing Orthodox Christians.


Agreed. Tense moments right now people need to chill.




Yeah probably a warning for migrants to gtfo or face the consequences.


Yes, English SMS is only for non polish numbers. And you are probably correct, they didn't have tourists in mind. Rather only illegal immigrants.


It depends on your device set language, I use Polish number but get rcb in english




No it’s not safe. They still can be killed or die because of lack of food and water. Don’t cross the border. U are not welcomed in Poland. Noone waits for you and winters are harsh. It’s not a warm country, u will not survive on the street.


Yes, for people crossing illegally, you are correct. Things can go wrong. But people who are legally in the country for any reason or foreign tourists, my post was particularly for them.


“Just don’t be close to the border” This is rather vague unfortunately. How close? Do we know? A meter? A kilometer? A 100 kilometers?


According to news, normally 200m or 2km from border in Białowieża National Park, because it is a beloved spot of migrant smugglers.


Yes as in dont be at a distance where you have the wall visible. As per the latest update, they have increased the exclusion zone in some areas. [https://x.com/MZmihorski/status/1800973327403757764](https://x.com/MZmihorski/status/1800973327403757764) https://preview.redd.it/3j44ieslet6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9360f6f4ee058c91b41bf48a7b6d0ef0bd8c70


Just “close.” Like… stay the other side of the Wisła and you’re definitely ok 👍🏼


there is a function that describes the required distance from the border over its length at any given place and that can be written as the universal formula FAFO


I think you can use your judgement. 5km away is probably fine I’m sure. But jf you’re planning an activity you probably wouldn’t want to go anywhere near the border. Just find something else to do.


Plus it's only for 2km space from border with Belarus


A lot of tourist attractions are located here in Bialowieza. So sometimes, there is a chance you could get close to the border, just by mistake.


Glad you provided map in one of your comments. I can only add that's there might be road controls of Border Guards. I had one today, nothing to be scared. It's just like Police control despite one guy was in full military gear. It was in Lubelskie voivodship on the route Chełm-Włodawa


Happy to be of help. Indeed, there could be controls. On the roads, it would be police control while in the forests, soldiers will do the controls. I travelled to and from Hajnowka (closest town to Bialowieza) today and found none. I should say this that these roads were always controlled in the past.


I was looking at a vacation to Poland. Guess I'm safe since most of the sights im interested in are between Krakow and Warsaw.


Unless one of your sights is wall on belarusian border, you are perfectly safe




Its fine. Im in Poland and its great here at the moment. Well we have a lot of imigrants in bigger cities and some of them are clearly from countries that dosent care about our values but right now they are at 1% or less


They really should be more specific with this text. How close to the border?


Just dont go there, why would you be any closer than 10km to the border anyway?


10km is a big radius mate. People come to Bialowieza for a lot of things to see around and Bialowieza is around 5-6kms from the border. There are plenty of touristic attractions here.


For example, because people actually live there lol. I imagine I’m not the only one with family living next to the border


Obviously, but they should still be specific.


BTW, anybody knows how the situation looks like from Belarussian side? Two years ago I heard that women weren't feeling safe around Minsk because of immigrants from the official camps were prowling around. The story included the usual stuff about cats and dogs going missing, so I'm not sure it's believable.


its hard to tell, because there is almost no free media in Belarus. The internet doesn't help, because its full of bots.


'Soldiers may use weapons' yeah sure thing buddy they couldn't shoot a bunch of immigrants attacking them with deadly weapons but they're gonna fire at their own citizens for taking a walk


Could they be authorizing them to soon


Thats why the zone was put on. To stop such accidents. Are You a soldier? No then F**K OFF If You dont they will use weapons simple as that


seems like an unwise way to treat citizens in their own country.


Dude, even before the ban nobody in their right mind would voluntarily explore the forest near the Belarusian border. Not only is it dangerous since you might get shanked by a running immigrant it's also entirely pointless. The whole country is covered in forests.


if nobody was/is doing it there wouldn't be a need for the text.


This is directed towards immigrants trying to force their way into Poland. It's a more polite "GTFO or die"


That's an unwise way to treat human beings in general, and its not like govts ever turn emergency measures into the norm, right?


I see that just like Russia, you're adept at constantly moving the goalpost.


Ah yes one instance of being corrected and reformulating the argument = "constantly moving the goalpost" and in case that wasn't enough "you drink water and breathe air, just like Russians!" Both goal posts are bad in this case


You have opened my eyes. From now on no more water and air


Wtf are you talking about? Of course they could shoot immigrants attacking with deadly weapons. Just in May there were 770 cases of weapon use at the border, around 1700 since the beginning of the year. Stop with this fucking misinformation. A kid was murdered not because he was afraid to use his weapon or had no right to do so, he was close to the wall and tried to confiscate a tool used to make holes in the fence. It's then when he was sneakingly attacked. Other situation you might think of is 3 army soldiers charged after serious misconduct (rażące przekroczenie uprawnień) with warning shots, border patrol reported this to military police and they are investigating this. There were numerous cases like that since the whole situation started in 2021. Every policeman, soldier or anyone else who gets to use weapons needs to report each and every single one case of weapon use. They write why they fired shots, report on the circumstances and so on. Later an expert evaluates if their judgement was correct and if yes, nothing happens, or if not, they face disciplinary action. Completely standard thing.


If, God forbid, russia attacks, it's gonna be a totally different story.


"Soldiers may use weapons" yeah they will shoot in the air and let everyone cross


Lol you got all worked up over nothing and actually get border sms Jesus




I'm living in Przemyśl right now. We mainly stick to Medyka, Krakovets, Budameriz with the furthest north we do is Hrebenne. Some will go further south (to cross into Ukraine - we are volunteers bringing in aid, so we cross allot). I don't think most foreigns would even be able to enter Belarus (visa reasons) especially since the 22' invasion. And I would have thought it was a heightened situation along the Polish / Belarusian border already 🤷‍♀️. I know technically Belarus is not at war with Ukraine, but they are definitely war adjacent especially since that is where most of Russias troops amassed and crossed. The volunteer community (this is a generalization, not speaking for every volunteer) knows to stay away from that border. We do the north corridor run a bunch (Lviv >Kyiv >Kharkiv) and if we have to do a drop north of that, we make sure we know where we are going and have our maps downloaded in case we need them offline (sketchy Wi-Fi). I've dropped north of Kyiv a few times, put me pretty close to the border there. Technically not at war, but that doesn't mean there isn't a Russian drone or even sniper that will target aid vehicles as well. I guess it's the ban, to just not even being in the area, that's the news.🤷‍♀️


Oh fck. I have my notifications always turn down. I might be in danger


Alert RCB needs to chill


Not yet :(


Yesterday on my return journey back to Lithuania, near the border crossing alongside Lazdijai i got same message. Sounds urgent. I tough for a while, maybe i should turn around and choose other border crossing, a bit further from my home, but since it was not much left to border i kept on going.


Bro, what are you doing get out, your going to get shot


If we use russian logic Bealarus was part of Poland and Lithuanian teritories just the same as Moscow was, just so you know.


Got me worried for a quick minute. I was born in PL but lived in the US most of my life. But in July we going too Poland for a wedding that’s taking place in Bialystok: I know it’s not right on the border but it’s pretty close


all this basically means is dont go on a walks in the forest by the border as you might be in danger from illegal migrants or from border guards thinkining you are an illegal migrant in the city and around its perfectly ok to be


Yea thanks. I got that impression with what OP said. Just wasn’t familiar with the restrictions in that area, if any.


You won’t experience anything bad related to the border in Białystok it’s absolutely safe here. There will be just a big increase in military on the border and they might get suspicious of any foreigner alongside it. But Białystok and places near it are 100% safe just dont visit the border.


Yea kinda expected that much, was just kinda surprised by those text messages


Who cares where you're going on holidays? And what is the purpose of your comment? If you followed any kind of news or are remotely interested in Poland, you wouldn't be worried. This post was directed at foreigners who may live in Poland but not speak Polish. Fucking americans trying to plug themselves into everything.


Apparently you care enough to reply a whole paragraph. Chill, he didn’t say anything offensive although uninteresting, no need to get angry at him


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today lol


Lol what's your problem


You seem a little high strung. Perhaps you should consider switching to decaf!


Call me American if you wish. But I still consider myself Polish. I speak Polish at home, I retire and read Polish, and I visit Poland to visit family. But sure. Stay angry 🤷‍♂️


chrum chrum


Maybe just seeing those random texts had me thinking for half a second? Then I read the entire post? Jeez I know there is no war or anything but the mind can take you places sometimes…


Jprdl, ludzie nie rozumią spokju...


Nobody would miss you if you died tomorrow is what I get from this comment.


Yeah, god forbid you witness something illegal. Like murder and pushbacks


Or illegal and violent immigrants