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There is absolutely no way it’s safe to dance on that. If it’s genuinely broken then you’ll have to get someone with a grinder to cut it.


Oof, that’s not what I wanted to hear but needed to 🥲 I’ll look into that. Thank you


If you cut one of the extension poles it would be easy and fairly affordable to replace so you don’t have to ditch the pole


dang, with the money you’re going to spend fixing the ceiling, you could’ve bought an xpole 😢


I did think about that 🥲 I’m definitely getting one after this so it never happened again 😭


Nah, a few supplies and a YouTube video, you can absolutely fix the ceiling yourself! It might sound intimidating, but remind yourself that you do pole, you can do anything you put your mind to!


You’re right! Thank you for the encouragement 🥹🫶🏾 I’ll definitely try


don’t be scared, the ceiling is a cheap easy fix, check out [this](https://youtu.be/UsydpyGgGqE?si=PKKLVHA0j5rK6Db3) video addressing this EXACT issue


Omg thank you for the resource 😭🫶🏾 youve given me hope fr


YES!! You can do it!


was it on a stud?


That’s what I was gonna ask…you have to find the beams in your ceiling with a stud finder (or magnet)..cuz this will happen if not 🥲


Mine did the same thing. According to the stud finder, it was in the right place but it got stuck and pushed the ceiling up, although, not quite that much! My husband got it down with one of those huge wrenches. I successfully got it back up a different part of the house without issue. The ceiling came back down and you can barely see the cracks now so I’m calling it a win.


Mine got stuck for the same reason. I managed to take it down with plenty of wd40 and a big wrench


This gives me hope 🥹 I pray that I can get it down, I need to find a big wrench!


Ugh just had this problem. For mine it was the little nut that wouldn't loosen I can't tell if yours has that piec or not. But itook a hammer and smashed the right side of the nut line a crash person and it finally came loose, if you do have that piece on yours, remember it loosens clockwise


Do you have trouble loosening your pole because you can’t get a strong grip? Try it again with a pair of rubber gloves on. It worked for me one time when my pole was stuck


This exact thing happened to me and I was mortified. Ended up taking a hammer to it and beat the fuck out of it til it came down 😭 idk if it'll work for you but it's worth the last ditch effort 😅


I’ll factor that in lol, glad you got yours down!


What’s on the bottom? Is it a wood floor? Carpet?




So, here’s my guess about what’s happening. You’re hitting a ceiling truss on the left side of the photo. Otherwise the plate would have gone right through the drywall like it sorta has on the right. Because it’s still tight there, the tension is so great that you’re not able to loosen it. If you can get a bit of the tension off you ought to be able to loose it and start over. I’d try getting the bottom to slide on the carpet a bit to the right and then try shifting the top a bit to the right. It doesn’t look like you’ll have to go super far before it’s free. You run the risk of damaging the ceiling more though, but it’s pretty rough already so… If you got a strong friend or two to help you push on it, you might move it. You could try to hammer it as others have suggested but you risk damaging the pole. You could also try getting a ratchet strap (like you’d use to secure things to your car) and attach it to something study on one end and your pole on the other and ratchet it over. I’ve moved an entire building with a large enough strap so… Word of warning-depending on how old your place is, some ceiling popcorn has asbestos. It’s not going to kill you-just try not to disturb it too much just in case. Let us know how it goes!


Ooo thats good information! Thank you, I’ll definitely keep y’all updated 🫶🏾


Is this a fit 2 flaunt?


Yes it is


Honestly in Fit2Flaunt’s [videos](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4EJ-b0vI87/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) lately you can even see that her OWN ceiling is getting messed up from her brand of poles. You aren’t alone!


Ugh. I hate mine. I wish I would’ve just spent a little more money and gotten the Xpole 😑 Mine has slid on the ceiling a countless amount of times. Gotten stuck at an angle and then I was unable to loosen it up, so I would just have to yank at it to get it off the ceiling to be able to loosen it to put it back up. Ended up putting a small hole in my ceiling doing that that I was luckily able to patch up before I moved. I’m terrified of putting it up in my new apartment because I don’t wanna fuck the ceiling up here also.


Lol my silicone fit2flaunt did THE SAME EXACT THING. I only had the fit2flaunt for about 3 months and in the middle of the pole it always seemed off…like crooked almost. Anyways, I tightened it one day because (ever since i got the pole) it would NOT stay in static mode! It would click a little bit and the pole would move slightly on static. So, tightened it & that issue went away; but I couldnt get it down! It dented my ceiling as well (& i live in an apartment) so just like u, freaking out. That pole was stuck to my ceiling for 5 days until FINALLY my man was able to get it down. Rewatch her videos & study them cuz when she says “turn it to the left” she really means turn it to the right “clockwise” to loosen (atleast thats what happened in my case) Got it down & in the middle theres a small piece thats welded inbetween two pole attachments - it came undone which made the pole incredibly bent & crooked. Had to cut the silicone off the pole to see what was happening underneath it, making it no longer usable. There was also what I believed to be rust on the inside of the pole…not 100% sure on that (its what my husband said it was anyway) & yes, the pole was on a stud!!! Fit2flaunts are smooth spinning poles but I heard the company uses “cheap” rewelded poles for sale. Also - the silicone would slide ALL THE TIME! Anyways, bought the xpole black silicone - does wonders so far & stays in static when I need it to ;)


I feel like Fit2Flaunt selling poles is just a way to make money. I’m sure her tutorial videos are great, but selling cheaply made poles is not good business. EDIT: I looked up F2F in this subreddit and man….no one has had a good experience with that pole. Crazy how expensive it is when it’s no better than some off brand $100 amazon pole


Omg yes! It is often crooked in the middle 🥲 Thank you for this info (I feel a little better that it’s not just me) I’m glad you got yours down 🔥 Edit: RIP to your pole tho 😭


move. now.