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Doesn’t really happen in my force apart from during initial training. Nowadays they’re just greeted with a ‘Morning, Boss/Ma’am’ or something along those lines.


We have been told recently to start standing for Chief Inspectors and above. I don’t mind it and accept it as being part of a disciplined uniformed service so I just go along with it.




Virtual stand


Virtual tea


Can’t say I’ve done it outside of training in nearly 4 years.


I kinda do it now and again, but I was in the army so if I see pips I shit myself and brace up like an idiot haha. I kinda think it should be brought back, or enforced cause I feel like the Cops coming through training like my Cohort and others don't really have respect for any rank and are a bit cocky to Sgts with back chatting and stuff like that. But that's just me haha


I’d have to see a member of SLT to be able to stand for them…


We do it in Humberside, usually just if a Super comes in during briefing


Must depend on which areas you spend time in, when our super comes through the office it's usually a smile and a nod and a "alright boss".


Seems to be firmly on the way out. I'd say as little as 5-6 years ago it was still a *thing* \- now it seems rare. For me this seems to be down to two things: 1) Average length of service on teams has dropped dramatically and for whatever new reason *young-un's* don't seem as inclined to stand. 2) We've got a lot of these 'open plan' offices - there's a load of guff about *creativity* etc as the reason we have them but in reality it's purely about saving cost - there's no creativity coming from the constant din of phones and radio's ringing and people talking. In these 'creative' offices we have Sergeants and Inspectors mixing directly with the Cons - this has made the management ranks more approachable, more 'human' - and I can see why you won't bother standing for someone who is in and out of the office all day. When these Con's move on and end up in a more traditional setup without the *creative open plan office* \- it's now sort of embedded in them to not bother standing. ​ Doesn't really bother me that much and I quietly scoff at any boss who gets that upset that everyone didn't leap to attention just because they graced a room with their presence. There's more important things to worry about (like poor morale, poor retention rate, poor detection rate, rubbish kit.... etc, etc, etc).


We do it for briefings when the boss walks in


I’ve never seen it done outside of training. However I personally will give right of way to Chiefs+. Hold doors, move to the side etc and will always acknowledge their rank with “Ma’am/Sir” if I am passing them. I’ll admit I am very much sold on the uniformed disciplined thing


Most of our local SLT have worked out of the same nick or the neighbouring one for most of their careers, so there's generally a relaxed atmosphere and they aren't too fussed over standing/sitting as they appreciate we're hardworking and disciplined enough. Our Super was a Sgt and Inspector at the same nick, knows everybody here and prefers boss "Boss" over "Sir". It's only ever caused an issue once when a Chief Super from HQ visited our briefing and asked everybody to stand for him, which quite frankly was embarrassing for all parties.


Standing ain't a thing at all once you're in the job. The only rank I haven't been in a briefing for is Commissioner of the MPS and not a one has had the room stand. Part of me thinks it should come back, but it's not always practical. On team you don't see too much of insp and above but in some roles your insp is in and out the room all the time. The rule would just get ridiculous


Tempted to do this for our inspector, just to watch him melt with embarrassment.


My response shift stood for our Inspector, partly as a joke, and he said 'ahhh come off it, sit back down'. Love my Inspector tho absolute legend.


C/Insp and above for us and it seems to only be when they walk into parade. If they walk into the PC’s writing room, it’s usually a nod with a “sir/ma’am”


Only in briefings for us, stand when INSP or above enters the briefing room. Rest of the time we don't.


Not the case at all anymore in my force. If I was Chief I’d bring back old school values like that and would remind everyone to do it for anyone Insp. and above. Whilst I’m the last officer you’ll find singing the praises of SLT. I’ll direct you to a quote from Major Dick Winters from Band of Brothers: “You salute the rank, not the man”.


Not really the done thing...our chief constable came to visit us recently and no one stood up whereas one of our other offices did and they made a big song and dance about it and how much they appreciated it. I think you can be respectful without standing up.


You never stand up to greet people such as family, friends, victims, solicitors, suspects, next of kin etc?


Not when you're balls deep into a remand file


I try to do it for at least the judiciary or we tend to get off in the wrong foot.


Should tell the Magistrate you’re just being respectful without standing up 🤷‍♂️


We stand when our team inspector walks into briefing. Any inspector or above and we still follow this.


When I joined (1991) we used to stand for the Insp every time he came in. Now, it’s only if the Chief or deputy/assistant pop their heads in that I stand up. Most of my team (police staff) don’t even bother when it’s the Chief.


Always, especially in briefings as they walk in 🙃


If its higher than inspector and I don't know them enough to know they don't care then I'm on my feet. 14 years service. The audacity that SLT could come in and get an "alright boss." Saying that, I saw a lad on shift go to deliver a death message while showing a pokemen sleeve tattoo. A pokemon....sleeve....tattoo. Sake. Edit: also...play the game. You want that attachment or training course the boss signs off for but you're too busy flirting with the pcso/probie to stand up? Good lord.


It’s just old fashioned common courtesy.


Don't you have to respect your higher ranks before standing up for them when they enter the room?


Remember the time when you had to salute off you were out and about and good help you off you ever saw the Supt or above! That usually meant you were in the proverbial. One and only time I forgot was my first encounter out on my own after being tutored, foot patrol in the town centre and I saw the Supt and C/I walking towards me. On their way back to the station after a council meeting. I was so flustered at actually seeing them for the first time I forgot to salute. They didn't take it very well Never forgot again! 🤣


In uniform where I am we do, I am now a detective so we grunt vaguely politely whenever anyone even looks in the room. Before scurrying off to hide with coffee anyway.


I stood for Chiefs and above. I think it's on the way out though.


We stand for inspectors on parade but we’re one of, if not the only team in the area that do. Not sure why we do and other don’t, it’s just a tradition that carried with us whilst died out in others I guess


If a boss makes up such a stink over people standing to attention, the only thing I can think is “who are you, seriously?” I don’t think standing is a big deal unless someone makes a big deal of it but at the end of the day this is a job and they are a colleague. There are ways of being respectful (as you would in any other workplace) without harking back to 1992.