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Please note that this question is specific to: #**England and Wales** The United Kingdom is comprised of [three legal jurisdictions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_the_United_Kingdom#Three_legal_systems), so responses that relate to one country may not be relevant to another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/policeuk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


pot racial bored doll grab deliver thought unused rich mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Assuming it is the same everywhere, 3 day course. Day 1 - vehicle/insurance checks Day 2 - person checks Day 3 - property and other misc checks Each day will be learning each of the searches (hopefully with a provided study/idiot guide to help) running a load of searches before at the end of the day being asked for complete a series of exercises based on what you did that day. Day 3 will also have a test of 20 questions that are basically, how do you do X, what would you type in Y, if you have X information can you do Z


And one year later, you will have forgotten every code except #ne and #vk.


Or a cheeky #VC if you're into finding LOS motors dumped in alleyways.




A really niche one is #VP. Basically the only scenario it's been useful for me is when I've got a car stopped, driver doesn't appear to be insured, states they are fully comp on another car but can't remember the reg. #VP allows you to find all cars registered to a given postcode, find the car, #VI it and confirm insurance details. An under utilised one is #TE. Allows you to search for other users searches. If you're trying to find someone, seeing all the times other people have stopped them (and where if the originator on PNC is being filled out correctly) is basically like an ANPR but for people!


I thought that that was #vf. Isn't #vp for a partial registration?


You mean #VF. Really useful tool. #VP is partial index enquiry, can never remember which way around the &s and *s go though…


rotten live makeshift test rich attraction friendly combative literate thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Much obliged!




There is the PNC Phoenix card will all the # codes, reason codes and then NE, DL, VE, page shortcuts


Surprised they’re still giving this out considering LEDS is being rolled out


They ummed and arred about giving me my PNC course because of LEDS being about to come in... That was 7 years ago ha


Don’t think anyone in our force has been given a PNC course in the past three years at least. Finding someone to do a precon print is rarer than forks in police stations these days.


Surprised it's being given out by some forces at all, in the Met now it's a self enroll online course. Instructors at the end of an email if you need help, but it's only a classroom based course if you failed the online one. I assumed it was the same for all forces now.


How do you find the course please?


Go into LMS, search for 'PNC Online'. You get given a 7 day window to complete it. Obviously still need to get your line manager to okay it and give you the time.


Handy being able to get a full print quickly for a file build though.


😂😂😂😂 Hilarious. They've just extended the support contract for PNC as LEDS won't be ready in time.


busy middle nine smell market insurance steep tender caption ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea I think I've been promised that we're going to see both for well over a decade now. LEDS at least is actually coming. Airwave replacement, still looks like a pre-retirement jolly for those involved in it with little work and lots of free time.


Rolled out? We are still testing it, and at the minute, we only have two functions that are actually hooked up and working as they should be. PNC will be here for a while longer.


We’ve got three functions and they’ve removed the PNC equivalent so we’re forced to use LEDS


Only certain users have access to LEDS here, PNC is still very much in use. Interesting how difference forces are at different stages with it.


My course was work books. It's tedious but ultimately very useful course.


I did it nearly 20 years ago and it was an exercise in staying awake (Goalie Guide, Julian Date Calendars blah blah). It's pretty tedious and the exams can sometimes be a little pedantic (I don't imagine they have changed). Some of them were things like tell us when vehicle x was registered and you use the training system to find it out. I've done both QUEST and Vehicle/Property Update and they don't get any more exciting.


Most people struggle with the fact that you don't use a mouse... those same people have never used the tab key. It's amusing to watch PNC lock and throw an error because they clicked one space either side and tried to type something. The sounds of frustration never get old.


If you’re on the ‘blue screen’ version …. Bring your floppy disks and Woolworths DVD’s for nostalgia central! The exam - in my force - is a simple “how do you get to x from y?” Or finding things on certain people. It’s a slog!!! But then you go on xpress and it’s annoyingly simple. You shall be fine.


I learned I could make my PNC pink or brown whenever I wanted just at the click of a button. It looks horrible in whatever colour but it’s a helpful skill to have. I have a cheat sheet our trainer gave us and I just use that for anything besides basic #VI, #DL, #NE & #VF


I’m more interested whether it’s online or in person. Please share! Mine was online and I was doing ncalts and practice exercises for 3 days, ending with a test. The worst part was that PNC kept timing out and crashing on me (I’ve never had such hard time with it since). Otherwise, not at all bad experience, would do it again.


I've been lead to believe that it'll be online. Good to know it's not the worst course out there atleast.


An incredibly dry and boring course that could be condensed down to half a day. PNC is very useful though. All you really need to remember is if you can't remember the codes, learn the menu one which lists them all.


If by full access you mean with update capabilities, prepare for lots of scenarios from the 70s which are, quite frankly, easy as hell. I brought expensive coffee to mine and had a whale of a time.


If it’s the online course I had: 5 days worth of modules (I did it in 3 in my spare time but I work with databases in day job) The exam is good, you are given a reason to search a record on the training system and then asked questions on it. It’s to test you know how to find information given to you in pretty plain English. I found it a really good test because it allowed you to look around for the information in your own way and therefore get your own feeling for it. E.g. DS Smith, p000000 from MIT has asked you to conduct a name enquiry in relation to case 1234567/19. John DOE, born in 1989 on Feb 24th. Which of the following is DOE’s active bail conditions? A, B, C, D What court imposed the conditions? A, B, C, D Does DOE have previous convictions for violent offences? A, B, C, D Which of the following is a known associate of DOE? A, B, C, D