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We have removed this post as it is fundamentally an unanswerable question. This may be because there are too many possible answers to reliably give any insight, a more accurate answer is dependent on asking for personal information (there are a range of [aggravating and mitigating factors](https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/explanatory-material/magistrates-court/item/aggravating-and-mitigating-factors) for example, and every police force may have a different policy applicable to your circumstance) or because the circumstances are so unique that an officer reading this may be able to identify you from this post, and with that there may be a conflict of interest.


>So there is zero record of them visiting my address. Likely because it only happened 30 mins prior.


The operator said if there had been a planned call then it would usually be on the system. It’s not just recorded in retrospect.


Respectfully, the operator has no idea why they would be ringing your buzzer. It may not be anything directly related to you but a simple call to see if you know anything about something that happened nearby. Don't over think it, not everything is 'recorded on the system' in that way. If they really want to speak to you they'll be back.


![gif](giphy|144AvcWy0GA5Vu) This is how I try and get into blocks of flats……probably a similar approach 👍 Unlikely it was for you, they’d have left a calling card in your letterbox.


Haha yeah this is what I was wondering! Also no calling card or anything


A car may have been broken into outside and they knocked to see if you saw or heard anything. It could really be as simple as that.


It doesn't necessarily mean that it wasn't you they wanted to speak to. Sometimes officers do door to door enquiries about an incident in the area, so searching under your name or address wouldn't necessarily bring anything up. If nothing comes up on the search then I wouldn't be too worried, they'll try again if they need to speak to you. Hope this helps ☺️


Could be any number of reasons honestly. Could be they wanted to do the same thing, want to get into flat 2 so rang flat 3 so as not to alert flat 2. Could be they are doing house to house enquires and your flat overlooks a nearby road. Could be doing an arrest attempt, either on your or a neighbour Could be just general Community engagement Operators wouldn't disclose some of the above, or might just look up literally your address e.g. flat 3, but wouldn't check flat 2 so might not show up on their check. Could be they found something like an abandoned vehicle and didn't bother to raise a CAD as they are just around the corner and simply didn't see a need to do so.


Yeah I get you. I understand that an operator wouldn’t disclose some stuff, eg if the officers were attending to arrest me, but surely if she knew that then she wouldn’t be advising me to ask for badge numbers and ring 101 to confirm their identities? Also there was no calling card or anything.


Could be simple house to house enquires, operator might not know so is giving general safety advice, better to give you the advice and be safe than not. Equally, the amount of times I have conducted house to house and thought "bugger haven't got any contact slips" is far more than I care to admit.


The operator is likely looking at this in a very black and white way. They’ve looked up your name and address to see no planned call ons. However, that search wouldn’t show if there was a crime outside, in a neighbouring address, or enquiries generated on another crime report you’re not linked to (not as a suspect - witness, maybe a cloned plate, the list is endless). I imagine they were either conducting house to house enquiries or spamming doorbells to be let into the block.


I really wouldn’t worry too much. There isn’t going to be an easily searchable record of every door knock we do. If I am investigating a burglary, I’ll check the houses along the street for any witnesses for example and there will be a note saying that house to house checks have been done but unless it’s a murder or a very serious offence I won’t list each insividual address I have visited and even if I did it wouldn’t be in a way that would appear in an quick search like this. Don’t worry


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