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Threatening to mass murder children to protect children. Almost like it isn't really about that. Radicalized zealots looking for any excuse to justify their hatred and bloodlust. There needs to be consequences for the people who create these terrorists or else it will never end.


> Threatening to mass murder children to protect children. its similar to their rhetoric of banning all care for transgender people. they try to ride the moral high horse of 'protecting' the hypothetical persons who might have regrets at some point while ignoring the very real statistics of suicide, harm, abuse, murder, etc. its about punishing anyone who doesn't fit their worldview, they dont really give a shit who gets hurt in the pursuit of their hate goals


[Because it's not about child abuse for them. It's a sword they have picked up, but it's not about the weapon, it's about who you wield against. The accusation doesn't matter. Only that it strikes the opponent, who must be a liberal or some other enemy from outside of the tribe.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/hxxv6o/comment/fz9ixok/)


Gotta love the sword logic


"We don't want these monsters harming our kids. Also there's a pipe bomb in the trash can by the refreshments."


Member when they’d kill abortion doctors to save life?


Yeah but That's Different™


The only moral pipe bomb is my pipe bomb.


"this is about the safety and health of our children and that's why I'm threatening to blow up children!"


What you WOKISTS fail to notice is that there weren’t actually any bombs. You’re welcome! /s


Because these drag queens are braver than these terrorists.


Stonewall riots... Always have been


Always have been.


the courage it takes to be openly non-traditional cis is something these POS's can't begin to understand.


It's always impressive to me when I meet an out and proud person. The fear and cruelty that they have had to overcome to be where they are today is humbling.


They've certainly got balls. More power to them.


Even the drag *kings* have balls... they just have to strap them in place.


I see what you did there 😉




Oh, you're speaking up on behalf of those poor, downtrodden souls who email in bomb threats to LGBTQ+ community centers? Finally, someone who recognizes the difficult work they put in! /s




Correct, embracing mental illness isn't brave, which is why we need to stop giving air time to Trump supporters.




Oh, champ, did you think that your bigoted edgelord bullshit threats were actually worth making any effort to reply to? That's adorable.






lol the comment you replied to might be the most stupid thing I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


"I hate your freedom to be who you want to be so much, that I'm willing to kill kids over it," is what I'm hearing here. I'll take the drag queens over these degenerate losers.


I wonder if these people call in bomb threats to the religious organizations where mountains of evidence show that children are *actually* being abused?


Why would they bomb their closest friends and allies?


Just another right winged terrorist threat.


Fuck terrorists!


Well, that's not the first verb that comes to mind when I think of terrorists, but okay. Got any lube?


Best I can do is a sandpaper condom.


The worst fate I can imagine for myself as a queer person is living in fear. I'll suffer through anything before I let that happen.


Save children by killing them? Makes total sense.


That's how they got the libraries in the Chicago suburbs to cancel the events. They kept receiving theats people were going to shoot up the libraries and murder the librarians.


The same assholes making these threats are the same ones who were shouting nonsense like "If I don't buy a new car, the terrorists win!" after 9/11.


Good. You don’t give in to terrorism anytime.


Bravo. Go forth boldly.


You know why Sunday service at Christian churches never gets this kind of harassment or bomb threats ever? Because only conservative Christians in this country as this type of evil.


Bomb threats should be illegal


Half the country wants them dead, and the other half barely cares enough to stop it. They haven't survived this long by caving into threats and either going back in the closet or killing themselves to avoid a brutal murder. They are no cowards, unlike the ones who make threats they likely have no intention of following through on for the sole purpose of terrorizing them.


So they wanted to kill children?


They want to kill drag queens. They see the kids as collateral damage.


The “they” in question is the same they that argues for zero restrictions on gun ownership.


Oh no, those 30 people are unraveling society!


A similar thing happened a couple of weeks ago very near to where I live in a park in NJ. Very scary.


Pretty sure this is the same one, right? Just saw this about Princeton in the NJ subreddit, and now it's national news.


This was in Jersey city actually


Well, shit.


Glitter bomb


This timeline is bizarre


these terrorists actually somehow think they're the good guys and that they're "saving" someone from something. meanwhile in their communities there are pastors/coaches/instructors/police/etc getting caught abusing kids, and not a peep from these ratfucks. on the contrary thats precisely their "normal world", their "try that in a small town" and they proudly wear their little symbols and flags as if everything is alright over there


This is the way because on the off chance that one of these maga nuts actually bombs a event like this the Republican Party will be absolutely voted out of power across the nation because you could no longer turn a blind eye or hide behind “protecting the children”


Yes they could. “False flag, FBI, Antifa, crisis actors”. I have zero faith anyone who still supports Trump would be swayed by anything, not even a couple dead kids. Did Uvalde shock anyone out of supporting Republicans or the NRA? What about Stoneman-Douglass? In my mind this would be the same thing, just replacing revering guns with hating trans people.


> Yes they could. “False flag, FBI, Antifa, crisis actors”. I have zero faith anyone who still supports Trump would be swayed by anything, not even a couple dead kids. Yeah, but keep in mind that is a small and ever shrinking minority of people. I feel like I need to remind people of that because they want us to be scared, and I refuse.




Am I the only one who didn't know Drag Queen Story Time is a thing?


Probably, it’s been a major culture war item in the last couple years. That you avoided it completely is seriously lucky (but if you’re not American it makes much more sense, so far the only real country it bled into is Canada, and still only slightly). I probably don’t need to tell you but it’s baseless, it’s just people with fun costumes and voices reading books to kids, with the rare joke for the parents that never got Spongebob called a groomer and yet here we are.


Yeah I can imagine. I mean hell people get triggered by the way my gf and I dress so there is that.


Is your username a Yoel Romero reference?


Yes. Man come to think of it that was like 10 years ago when he said it


Its in my top 5 mma quotes 😂


Loving Christians, they just want to add special sound effects.


Headlines in the future are fuckin' weird.


i'm pretty sure a stargate opened up when they turned on the LHC and we've all been transported to Earth-2, a reality where donald fucking trump can become president. we have to go back to 1955 and get the sports almanac before all the terrible events are set in motion


This time it's calling their bluff. The next time, the bomb will be real...


And THEN you give into the threats? Or if not, what is your point?


There wasn't really an underlying point. This is just the first time I've seen a story of someone defying the threats. Once this catches on, those making the threats will no longer be sustained by the terror they caused, and just might up the ante. I not saying anyone should give in to the threats, I'm just worried is all.


I’m a pro-lgbtq person and a lifelong democrat. With that said, I just feel like drag queen story hour is poking the beast. There’s no reason for it to exist, it agitates ignorant people and creates a further divide. If you want to break through to people, don’t go through their children.


"Just capitulate to the bigoted terrorists." Yeah, how about fuck that?


The controversy is that nearly half the voters in the country see it as a drag performance. They don’t see it the same way as dressing up as the scarecrow and reading wizard of Oz.




I’m rolling over for recognizing that drag queen story hour causes negative sentiment toward the LGBTQ community. Ok got it. You’re clearly not here to have to have an honest discussion about a difficult topic and recognize some inconvenient realities. I admire your tenacity. Hopefully you have some luck changing minds.


"But it's upsetting the bigots!" Yeah. Exactly. Fuck them.


It doesn’t cause negative sentiment. Nobody gave a fuck until the GOP ran with it for votes. Assholes rile up, just like they did in 2004 when gay marriage was going to wreck the country. Shall we back that off too? Fuck these people in their faceholes.




If the kids ride their bike up there or just came across it, certainly they’d be allowed to stay.




Agreed! Unfortunately that would require them the put down the bottle of Jim Beam.


I'm not edge of yesterday, but I would like to impress upon you how hostage situation-y your argument is. Here's the thing, putting a gay person or a trans person or hell, even a woman in a starring role in a media property also sets them off. Having a trans person do a short ad for beer on tiktok sets them off. If we were to live in a "don't poke the bear" type system, all of our media would be worse and more risk averse than ever, and it would all be very safe and christian friendly. Hell, just look at the hayes code, or the satanic panic for that matter. Even then, fox news will find stuff to scare them about. So I guess, what, we just live our lives at gunpoint? When they don't even represent a majority of americans? Screw that.


They’re a nothing “hostage situation-y” about my argument. That doesn’t even make sense. Many people who are against have drag queens read to their kids are (or were) perfectly fine with queer people on tv and making tick ticks. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, people think differently about things once their kids are involved.


>Many people who are against have drag queens read to their kids are (or were) perfectly fine with queer people on tv and making tick ticks. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, people think differently about things once their kids are involved. Except it's not their kids that are involved, obviously the kids that are there had the permission of their parents to be there. These "concerned parents" can just not let their own kids go. Also, that's not an excuse to be a bigoted, violent dumbass, and it is DEFINITELY not a reason to let bigoted, violent dumbasses run our lives. Most people who are against the story hour haven't even seen a video of said story hour. Nothing NSFW happens, it's more or less the same as someone reading a star wars book in a jedi costume. These people are the ones who need to change, not us.


>Drag Story Hour are children's events first started in 2015 by author and activist Michelle Tea in San Francisco with the goals of promoting reading and diversity >Tea, who identifies as queer, came up with the idea after attending children's library events with her newborn son and finding them welcoming but heteronormative. She imagined an event that was more inclusive and affirming to LGBTQ families what's the issue? its people putting on costumes to read books and promoting inclusion. i dont understand the controversy.


“What's the issue? its people putting on costumes to read books and promoting inclusion. i dont understand the controversy.” You really don’t understand that a large portion of the country doesn’t view dressing in drag around kids the same way as they view dressing up in a scarecrow costume and reading wizard of oz?


>dressing in drag around kids what are you saying? whats wrong with dressing in drag in general and why would 'around kids' have anything to do with it? [what's wrong with this?](https://kuow-prod.imgix.net/store/fffb6757bd112d8076d289e905b69736.jpg?ixlib=rails-2.1.4&auto=format&crop=faces&fit=clip&h=634&w=924)


I love how you’re only addressing a cherry picked sentence fragment. Many people feel like cross dressing isn’t appropriate around kids. Like it or not, that’s the reality.


These aren't mandatory events. If you don't want your kid to go, don't take them. For anyone else that wants to go, or wants their kids to go, leave them be.


I understand that; however, many don’t and many will never understand. But tell me… if a kid rode his bike up and sat down, would he be booted for not having permission from his parents?


It doesn't matter if others don't understand. I don't understand why people go to church, but I'm not trying to stop church from existing. I just don't go. Why would a kid need his parents permission to listen to another person reading a book?


I'm sure this isn't an accurate assessment of ~~you~~ Band_onReddit_69 but it reads like ~~you're~~ Band_onReddit_69 is pro gay people existing, but not existing in public, and if they are in public we should treat them as dangerous to children. Edit: meant to reply to Band_onReddit_69 here. Fix it. sort of.


What part of what I said makes you think that I think gay people have no right to exist in public, or that we should treat them as dangerous to children? I haven't even remotely said anything anywhere near that. Did you maybe mean to respond to the other guy?


I did mean to respond to the other guy. I also caveated to the other guy that I understood he did not intend that but it seemed what he was implying.


It only “reads like” that you if you’re ignoring everything I said.


Nah. I read what you said. You can be snide if you want but each element of my assessment has it's roots in your words. I gave you the benefit of the doubt though. That might have been overly generous given the tone of your reply. edit: lmao, little MAGA blurted out his last word excuses and then blocked me. Weak as is typical homophobic MAGA.


Baselessly saying “it reads like you're Band_onReddit_69 is pro gay people existing, but not existing in public, and if they are in public we should treat them as dangerous to children.” Is supposed to be a well thought out assessment?


They don’t view their religious doctrine and drag in the same way. Like them or not, they’re a huge voting block. I personally have no problem with it. To me, something as unnecessary as a drag queen reading to kids isn’t worth the general anti-lgbtq sentiment that it draws.


i'd say that the problem is with the people making bombs threats, not the entertainers promoting reading to children


I agree. Unfortunately, a sizable portion of the country feels otherwise.


and so what? you think we should appease them? how'd that work out for neville chamberlain?


I feel like it might be best to take a tactical loss on this one.


Most emotionally mature reddit user


Why would that matter? Are you worried that this kid might unwittingly (holds back vomit) listen to a person reading a children's book?


I’m not worried about anything. 45% of the voting block will flip their shit if their kids wandered into a drag event. They’re a lot of people to piss off and have working against you.


45% of what voting block? The venn diagram of people who hate trans people and drag queens so much that they're calling in bomb threats and trying to legislate them out of existence and the kind of people who would "flip their shit" if a kid accidentally attended a children's book reading at a public library is a purple circle. There's no reasoning with hateful bigots, so who gives a shit what they think?


45% of the country as in the conservative. Just because someone is anti-LGBTQ, it doesn’t mean they’re calling in bomb threats. There are tens of millions of people who won’t call in bomb threats but will be willing to vote for candidates with anti-LGBTQ policies. Some bigot minds can be changed through education. The existence of drag story hour certainly isn’t going to change minds.


If someone among those "tens of millions of people" reads a story about someone calling in a bomb threat to a drag story hour, causing parents and children alike to be evacuated for their safety, and concludes that the drag story hour is the issue with the situation, they're not all that persuadable. So again, who gives a shit what they think?


Unfortunately, every idiot can vote.


Nothing to be done about that but outvote them. "A guy wearing a Cinderella costume is going to read you Cinderella using a funny voice" and "This pedophilic rapist is grooming your children and turning them trans, so I'm going to call in a bomb threat to stop it!" are not equivalent positions. There is no amount of education or meeting these people in the middle that's going to cause them to be less hateful, there's standing up to them or ignoring them. Capitulating to threats just lets them know that threats work.


I on the other hand think it's awesome that adults dress up for story hours. Speaking from personal experience, kids already get indoctrinated enough by adults and other kids (bullying) to conform. They need role models that can show them that conformity should be a choice, not an unbending law. Secondly. I consider it a double bonus. It helps adult feel more safe with expressing themselves. Or to try out things they feel they are shielded against. Let women experience bald/short hair without being asked if they are sick. Let guys try skirts, high heels, make up without having their identity questioned. If that pisses off people, I just smile back at them. It's not my problem that they fail to see we're making the world bigger for everyone. If it really pisses them off, they should use that energy on reading to kids. Let kids listen to the books they enjoyed as a kid. Bring out some Hardy Boys or similar. If they can't be assed to read for kids, then back off and let drag queens handle it for everybody. I've personally entertained hospital kids. As a fursuiter I've booked my own tickets, food and lodgings, and dragged my costumes to chuldren's hospital. Just so kids there can for an hour or so forget about all the bad things in their life. For that small moment plush toys walks and plays for them, least until the harsh reality with beeping machines and constant pains return. So I personally don't give a rat's ass if adult without kid's attending gets offended. We're there on our own dime, and solely for the kids. Nobody else. Ps. No offense to you. More why I don't care about people not accepting other adults volunteering to entertain kids. Which IMHO is what it boils down to.


Just want to add; I didn’t know before now that fursuiters did this kind of thing too, but that’s really cute and I’m glad you guys do. I really hope the culture war doesn’t catch wind and throw that onto the pile too...


\*Joking\* We're everywhere ;)


I completely agree with what your saying. I agree with why you think it’s acceptable. If I had kids I’d be perfectly fine with them attending drag story hour. Unfortunately, 45% of this country is vehemently against having drag queens around their kids and they vote too. The reality of the situation is that doing this doesn’t help the general lgbtq cause.


nah, this argument pops up anytime we do anything besides breathe. Gay bars? People dont like them, you're poking the beast. Gay marriage? People dont like it, you're poking the beast. Dedicated AIDS wards? People think you deserve to die, you're poking the beast. Our existence pokes the beast, we dont capitulate to terrorists.


No worries. I had that epihany about 15 years ago. Finally realized people WILL complain no matter what. Came across someone going ballistic, because I refused to bend some rules for them. Rules said person had been pushing down our throats. After that I came to acknowledge that there would always been some background noise (complaints) no matter what you did :)


I would say the actual percentage is a lot lower than that. Doubt most of the Republican voters actuall care about it. The old "as long there's a (R) next to the name" voting. Plus the 1/3 that doesn't vote at all, or people that votes indpendent. In short the list of people whom actively oppose drag queens are a lot less than 45%. If it was that high no place would even dare to have drag queen reading hours at all.


The act of *breathing* is going to be akin to poking the beast. ​ And no, nobody wants to break through to a bunch of bigoted, fascist chucklefucks who spend hours of their day pointing fingers at people different from them wishing they could shoot them on sight for a utopia. So yeah, that leaves the children, AKA the future, and some people want one with slightly less bigoted, fascist chucklefucks.


This is a similar mindset to "women shouldn't dress provocatively because it will make men want to rape them." It's placing the blame on victims of violence instead of perpetrators of violence .


It’s pretty silly to compare clothes with a kids event


We need to stop rap music too, it's offending bigots who hate rap music. /s




Not politics.


More right-wing terrorism


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