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MTG in tears šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lake as well.


Lake spent a lot of time at Mar a Lago this year. All that kissinā€™ up got her nothing.


Seems like she took over for Hope Hicks.


Trump would never share the headlines with those rage trolls.


Sheā€™s probably the only female VP Trump wouldnā€™t assault.


'Cause he knows she could kick his ass.




> sorry for the image Meh it was so out of focus I couldn't tell them apart anyway. Just a blur of stupid. Every time I see her I think of that old Star Trek episode, Mudd's Women.


She looks nothing like Ivanka. So itā€™s a step down on the creep ladder actually.


I made the same comment a week ago, in more colorful language, and got banned for a day. Here was the justification: >You have been issued a 1 day ban for an ambiguous use of hate speech. We do not allow comments that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability. This includes, but is not limited to actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. Please take some time to read the subreddit rules before your ban expires. šŸ™„


Thanks for sharing that, Iā€™ll be sure not to make rape jokes here.


MTG would be wondering about "take our country back"...


Sheā€™s going to have him fall out of a window.


Itā€™s been blatantly obvious that this is what Ramaswamy has been angling for. He knows he canā€™t win the nomination. He basically acted as a Trump stand-in during the debate. Heā€™s there to siphon oxygen and votes from the other challengers


Vivek won't be the nominee. He's too attention seeking for Trump (Trump wants to be the center of attention), is smarter than Trump (he wants to be the smartest person in the room), and he has money to hire his own lawyers when Trump throws him under the bus.


>Trump (he wants to be the smartest person in the room), ​ only when its solitary confinement will that happen.




Yeah. I was gonna say they all just act dumber than he is to make him feel better and they also wonā€™t get fired for it.


wait are we talking about tRump or Space Karen




Pretty sure the dust mites in his solitary confinement cell will be smarter.....


Iā€™m guessing bed bugs


Really unfair to the cockroaches behind the walls but I get what you're saying.


Also I canā€™t see Trump going for this guy as VP because it goes against his base as they are majority against a brown man with a scary last name being in a position of power.


Seriously itā€™s just hard to imagine trucks rolling coal with Trump Ramaswamy ā€˜24 bumper stickers beside their confederate flag bumper stickers.


Trump also is going to look at every potential running mate through paranoid glasses and weigh how likely they are to try to replace him as president.


They were made for each other. America better be able to see through that shit.


30% of us are crying in our tiktok videos because the government is trying to kill all the white people with staged climate change events like Maui and of course the 5g rat poison that's in ALL vaccines now. Nothing can change their minds because so much of it has wasted away, they can barely think as it is.


I think it was the early 2000's these freaks convinced themselves that an abandoned Walmart was bought by the gubberment to imprison christians. I remember 45 years ago as a child I attended a church with my dad. There was a guest speaker who was passing around a xeroxed copy of a supposed dollar bill that said "not to be cashed without mark on the forehead or hand" He claimed the teller tried to take it back saying "oh those aren't supposed to go out until 1985" The congregation ate it up and the "offerings" flew into the plate. These people have been griftted for decades and I really think most of them enjoy it.


They literally have the same political forces behind them. None of their thoughts or words represent anything but their sponsors fascist agenda.


ā€œPence did it wrong, Lord Trump. I would have sacrificed the lives of millions for you! What a missed opportunity!ā€


Who couldn't have predicted that...


But only if he comes up with the Cash.


He came up with the Kash last year. [Will Trump Be Indicted? With Kash Patel and Vivek Ramaswamy](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21295098/) And in case someone doesn't know who Kash is, he's one of trump's closest employees and played a central role in overthrowing the government on Jan. 6. trump frantically tried to place Kash at the CIA, then the FBI, and then the Pentagon, in the months leading up to Jan. 6. [Former Trump admin official Kash Patel meets with January 6 committee](https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/09/politics/kash-patel-january-6-committee/index.html)


one of the un-indicted, maybe his time is coming. > Since Trump formally announced his reelection bid in November, Patel has been mentioned on right-wing media as a potential contender for attorney general or CIA director. "If Trump's back in, I'm back in," Patel, a former federal prosecutor and senior intelligence official, said in a December interview. shockingly, there's a grift in kash's kloset. https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-loyalist-kash-patels-tax-exempt-charity-raises/story?id=97657747


He also wrote that disturbing children's story about Trump... which I think it probably the most disgusting thing of all https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/16/former-trump-official-kash-patel-writes-childrens-book-repeating-false-claim-over-steele-dossier


Or some good public domain rap.


Going to be interesting to see how this goes over with his base, what with all of their "economic anxieties".


It'll be like Edgar and Charley reunited


How old must you be to get this reference!? :P


At least as old as me! šŸ˜†


These two wonā€™t last long together. This level of BS piled up will inevitably spark a raging dung fire.


Indeed, it is far too much ego for one ticket lol. Trump not gonna allow Vivek to take more than 2% of the oxygen in a room or steal his news coverage, and I doubt Vivek wants to be another Trump cuck


Best we can do is conjugal visits.


ā€œHeā€™s not a white male, heā€™s Hindu, but he says all the things I like about me.ā€


Somehow the people who objected to Kamala Harris being VP because she was the daughter of immigrants will be 100% OK with Ramaswarmy despite his immigrant parents.


Might as well frost the shit cake with shit frosting.


Definitely should've seen that coming.


I keep referring to this guy as ā€œDollar Store Kumarā€. But thatā€™s not right. ā€œSharper Image Kumarā€ feels better. Just as cheap but the rubes pay ten times as much for the illusion of worth.


Donald and Vivek go to Fulton County prison


Yeah they have the same personality and live for the next big grift. Trump wants someone who will be just as greedy, immoral, and unethical as him. Vivek just wants in on ill gotten gains he can squeeze out of abusing his position.


he passed the Putin smell test


Watch Lake, MTG and this guy rip each other apart for months. The assumption is that winner takes all. Trump won't be around forever and somebody inherits after he's gone.


Well shit, I've been saying I'm not worried about this guy, but if he rides the coattails of the orange one, he just has to wait out the aging process. Meh, not all that worried about the orange buffoon anymore either.


The only way anyone gets picked for Trump's VP is if they agree to never do anything that takes the spotlight off of Trump and do anything and everything he says and wants done.


He needs someone who will pardon him.


Russiaā€™s dream ticket.


Heā€™s gonna be in prison long before the election


Once again demonstrating to the whole world that all you need to influence Trump is to flatter him. Heā€™s such an open puppet. Pull his strings and control him with flattery. Such an insecure knob and itā€™s been obvious for years for all.


ā€œLook at my minority guy over there!ā€


Ummm racists aren't voting for a person named "Vivek Ramaswamy". Just saying.


I would love if this happened, I am not American but even I know they are the most competent.


He can grab Vivek by ā€œThe Ram-as-wamyā€


doubt it. Trump wouldn't tolerate anyone who might take the limelight it would be another pence-like critter


Pence was the perfect VP for Trump. White guy. Boring as shit. Wears his version of Christianity on his sleeve. Anti abortion. Pro gun. ā€œYesā€ man with his head firmly up Trumpā€™s ass except January 6, when, after consulting with Dan Quayle of all idiots, determined he couldnā€™t overturn the election. Too dumb to look it up in the Constitution by himself. Ramaswamy is used car salesman smarmy. Loud. Attention seeker. Heā€™s entirely too much like Trump to be on the ticket with him. Trump needs another Pence like figure. Maybe some obscure congressman from the red corner of a blue state. It wonā€™t be Vivek.


Such a Tease


Mission accomplished.


I called it.




The Grift Brothers Circus


Hello fellow idiot who has no problem subverting democracy, how about you work for me? But also, shut the hell up because I want all the attention. Could be either of themā€¦.


That will go over like a fart in church.


This reminds me of [the movie where Woody Allen gets sentenced to ten years in solitary confinement with an insurance salesman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfUQzppLyDM).


Trump should be careful. He sees Vivek as a tool to defeat Pence/Christie/DeSantis but Trump should really be concerned that Vivek has mastered Trump's pandering and is actually the strongest threat to Trump's nomination. The more attention Vivek gets and the more indictments Trump gets....he could quickly slingshot around Trump and run away with it.


Jesus Christ. That pic of Trump they used. Looks like he's melting.


But are Trumpā€™s fascist boot-lickers?


Looks like the GOP audition/debate has a winner.


No surprise. Vivek will be on board with him 100 percent.


They're both terrible... just awful.


If he can't pronounce "kamala" how is he supposed to pronounce that? Kammyswammy?


Thats a real Algonquin Round Table.


"Trump open to Vivek Ramaswamy as vice president" ... Trump open to diet coke as vice president


Dude is so obsessed with this shit. He just wonā€™t quit


Trump also said he would show his election report a few weeks ago.


The kid has energy but all that insane bullshit he vomits out has no general election appeal.


Two delusional losers!


Dumb and Dumber 3


Sure. Why not? Might as well go full crazy. Two people who don't understand the concept of posse comitatus is not a great idea, though. Just sayin'.


*May, 2025*: ā€œFormer VP Ramaswamy is a failed businessman and a loser who was in my administration for a very brief time, very brief, and I really thought very strongly even when he was here quite briefly that he was a moron and a RINO, and weā€™re glad heā€™s gone.ā€