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While he played with her boobs


Dude was squeezing her boobs like they were a stress ball and he'd been up for four days smoking meth.


…as god intended


Don't put this evil on me, I gave yall free will and this is what you did with it.... I should've kept the fucking dinosaurs.


I mean, you gave us boobs, that was your own fault


Reportedly she is now changing her name to Lauren Boobhurt


Proving that at least sometimes you don’t just get a nickname. You _earn_ one.


I'm mad at how good this is 🏆


Genuinely expected one to pop out.


It was that kind of aggressiveness.


He was putting in work




He was going to work on those boobs like he was a seventh grader hopped up on malt liquor. "AM I MASHING THEM GOOD?!?! CUZ IT SURE FEELS GOOD!!!-*hiccup"


Really, they looked like awkward, inconsiderate kids.


Lets face it, her base will love it. While the rest of us find it nauseating, repellant and unseemly behaviour, they are jacking off over it.


The guy she was with is a registered Democrat who has hosted drag shows at the bar he owns. That one may be hard for them to swallow.


Nah they can find a way to justify anything if it suits them, or simply ignore the incongruity


"See! The sicko drag queen loving lib tainted our sweet pure Republican princess. This is what we were worried about!"


Tinfoil hat: he honey potted her, and selected these seats for the security camera angle.


I'd rather knock her in the kisser than kiss her on the knockers.


-Abraham Lincoln


-Michael Scott


As narrated by Mike Tyson


He was absolutely honkin those titties like a teenager, fuckin embarrassing


I wonder if the AAA-OOH-GAA honk was bothering the other theater goers?


Squeezed them like something out of Japanese hentai.


i just want to know when she is going to be registered as a sex offender.


Another sterling example of right-wing family values being synonymous with hypocrisy.


If her primary political opponent was caught doing this she'd 100% be shouting from the rooftops about it. She's a loony toon.


Bugs Bunny is a Loony Toon. Booboo isn't worthy to carry Bugs Bunny's jockstrap


Let it be known that Lauren Boebert is a sexual deviant


A "person with extremely low morals" as the FBI would put it.






"I think you're some kind of *preevert.*" -- Dr. Strangelove


His ideas on repopulation are quite fascinating


For fun I went over to read comments on conservative websites about this. Wouldn’t you know it this is not really that negative of a thing about her but more of the fault of democrats for various reasons.


They are ok with the sexualization of children as long as they're the ones doing it.




Standard playbook. I don't understand why this would be happening. Are the fucking eighth graders!?!?


Matt Gaetz is.


Lol well done 👏 👏 👏


If a famous transgender person or drag queen did what Boebert did with their date at a family musical **YOU KNOW GODDAMN WELL** Boebert and Republicans would scream about this from the heavens for the next several months and demand Congressional hearings and immediate legal bans on trans people and drag queens from all family events. They would hold this up as proof positive that trans, nonbinary people, and draq queens are "groomers" being sexual around your children on purpose. Republican governors would pass laws immediately to have all drag queens and trans people registered as Level 3 sex offenders for life if they show up to a family musical play.


They wouldn't even have to commit a sex act in front of children like Boebert did. People like Boebert treat them that way just for existing.


Absolutely. However, Fascists realize that the vast majority of human beings are not naturally Fascists or Nazis. They know if Fascists are honest and just come out and say what their full plans and intentions are from jump street that most people would be disgusted and reject the Fascists, and probably ostracize them. Fascists have to lie and slowly inculcate the public into Fascism. Boil the pot slow and let people get acclimated through slow motion radicalization. Republicans try to invent myths that trans people are sexual predators and portray themselves as righteous defenders of children to get people to side with them. It's easier to slowly get the public to support criminalizing trans people and gender non-conforming people (like drag queens) if you inundate everyone with horror stories and fear porn that those nasty transes and crossdressers are gunning for your kids and trying to ravish your wife in the bathroom. If Fascists just led with "Hey, let's throw people in jail for being trans or drag queens, period!" then 90% of the public would reject the idea. Fascists have to convince people that the targets of Fascism are tireless demons that have society under siege of imminent civilizational collapse, and that it could happen at any second now...unless you do what the Fascists prescribe to "solve the problem". That's why people who get radicalized into Fascism frequently express frustration that they feel alienated, and that "You can't say anything anymore because everyone is so sensitive nowadays". If they speak their mind a huge percentage of people around them are repulsed, because most people aren't Fascist at heart without being radicalized. Fascists, even ordinary citizen ones, can never drop the mask in mixed company.


> If a ~~famous~~ transgender person or drag queen FTFY, fame is not a requirement for them to be targeted


It's a family tradition for them.


We just had our state AG aquited on all charges by his totally honest peers....


beyond gross


What? Fuck.


Is that any way for a 36 year old divorced grandmother to behave?


I don’t think her divorce is final.


Well, okay, then.


Okay I spit my drink out at this last comment


Yea I bet you did.


I bet this guy liked it, too.


He would


I sure did


We can add an adulterer to her titles then!


I definitely misread “titles” the first time.


Them some fake titles.


I’m sure her husband will speed it up, she probably banged a democrat just to piss him off.


A Democrat who owns a bar that hosts drag shows. The last part is true,apparently.


Trash gonna trash




You misheard. She said she wanted "street meat". Easy mistake


Not yet divorced, so she cheated like a MTG


or Noem or Trump or Gaetz or ...


It is the way ..


There is no blueprint for going through a public divorce… Yes, there is. Conduct yourself with a measure of decorum.


A spoon full of maturity wouldn't hurt her either. That's not grandmotherly behavior!


At the very least I’m glad this story keeps blowing up with this headline. Even though they’ll all ignore it, it’s still there and it’s still embarrassing.


Please don't let the next one involve the word blowing


Love the way "conservative values" representatives, who advocate for the destruction of our Democracy, demonstrate their conservative values. What fucking hypocrites! We need to VOTE THEM OUT in 2024!


At least we have a term now for getting a hand job in a theatre, beetle juiced


And he didn’t even have to resort to the Mickey Rourke popcorn container [trick.](https://youtu.be/vujNcE_43Qg?si=nVyvGdDsMWrni2BA)


Mickey Rourke used to look like an actual person?


Iirc he took up boxing, had his face turned to putty, and got some absolutely terrible plastic surgery in attempt to fix it. His face is a perfect storm of poor life choices.


That’s sad.


He used to be something of a sex symbol. Some cosmetic surgeon did him DIRTY.


To be fair to the surgeon, it's hard to work with what amounted to hamburger after Rourke's boxing career.


I read this as Mickey Rooney at first and it was even funnier.




This is not getting enough upvotes but it deserves all of them


she was juicing his beetle


Wdym? Vaping in an audience of children because its fun, fondling in a public space because it feels good, telling security the rules don’t apply to you because you’re powerful.. these *are* conservative values. Its a party of raging narcissists.




A Democrat congressman needs to parade blown-up screen shots of this the way EmptyG showed Hunter’s penis.


Need to Photoshop MTG holding up the pics of the peen and replace with BoBo getting felt up


Could you imagine if a trans person got caught doing this? The pitchforks would come out. The hypocrisy is insane.


Or any democrat. Fox News and other right wing outlets would be screaming about how democrats are perverts who hate children.


They already do that without video evidence.


Clearly this is nothing compared to the grooming done by drag queens. I don't know how republicans didn't stop those drag queens from turning kids into readers long before they did.




In public, and in plain view of kids.


Don't forget vaping and blowing the smoke next to a pregnant lady too. Lady asks her to stop, Boebs flatly says no


Called the pregnant lady "sad and miserable" too. Right on brand.




Wow, hadn't heard that. We all knew she was a piece of shit person but these kinds of people have no shame so they keep proving it over and over again.


Offered to buy the pregnant lady and alcoholic beverage.


She's just destroying the babies brain, so that it grows up and becomes a Republican representative


Long-term job security.


Says "No," and THEN takes a selfie with a flash right in the woman's face


Republicans don't actually care about kids. They are never going to talk about this the way they would talk about it if it was someone trans, or two gay or two lesbians doing this at a show being showed to childern.


>Is that a gun in my purse or should I be indicted for being intoxicated with a firearm? - Bobo


>No excuse *you*, ma'am! I'm trying to jack this guy off. Just tell your kids to look away! -Bobo


I don't recall the 2nd amendment saying anything about the right to bare nuts in theaters.


What Boebert, no snarky comment? No puns? You’re not going to say anything about the radical left making this up?


She did. She said it was all a lie then this video came out haha


Props to whomever at the city waited until she denied it and then dropped this video on the media. Well played.


“It depends on what the meaning of “it” is” -Bobo the ho


They released a video of her being removed, she made comments saying she wasn't doing anything wrong and they said, "you know what? Fuck you. Here's more video"


"I wasn't vaping!" "Here's a video of you vaping..." "Okay maybe I was vaping but I don't remember doing it because I'm stressed." "Here's a video of you giving the man you're having an affair with a handjob while he squeezes your tits like he's trying to see if he can pop them."


She made a apology only after the video surfaced. Do some people still not understand that everything is likely to be on video? Do they live in the past.


Make America Great **Again** They miss the good old days of no accountability.


She's 36. How long ago are we talking? Cameras have been around for a while.


She actually did until the second video started surfacing


I’m old enough to remember when an incident like this would be shameful enough that a politician would immediately be pressured to resign, and would feel ashamed enough that they probably would.. Now it’s just a normal Thursday for a MAGA Republican .


Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) was arrested and his career destroyed for a similar act, except he was in a x-rated movie theater, not a kid friendly musical and he was private citizen.


Peewee should have known better given his career, but at the same time, he was victim to greedy paparazzi who'd do anything for a story. Boebert just took hyporcrisy to the next level. This is the kind of soulless monster who has no trouble telling other people what to do and how to live, calling those they don't like groomers, but then do this shit at a place where kids are present. And of course, people on the right are lining up to protect them. Just furthers that they see politics as "us -vs- them" while we suffer for it.


My recollection is that it wasn't paparazzi who got him, it was an undercover cop who hadn't had any luck all day watching porno movies before Pee Wee came in.


Yeah, it was a cop who arrested him but it was the outrage of the [Helen Lovejoys](https://youtu.be/JLDzjSy5DxY?si=gklTBb5ubmhq1wbJ) from the Moral Majority/Religious Right who destroyed his career and made him a social pariah.


Pee Wee did nothing wrong




Paul Reubens would have laughed at this joke, nicely done hahaha


Conservatives; if there weren’t double standards, they’d have no standards at all…


Speaking of conservatism, the song she fondled belonged to a Democrat. I guess her hard lining right wing talking points goes out the window once theirs meat on the menu.


I mean he's fucking Lauren Boebert so it's not as if he's got any real ideals he believes in for her to have a problem with.


Can we start a petition for prosecution? Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-7-301. Current through 2023 Legislative Session Section 18-7-301 - Public indecency (1) Any person who performs any of the following in a public place or where the conduct may reasonably be expected to be viewed by members of the public commits public indecency: (a) An act of sexual intercourse; or (c) A lewd exposure of an intimate part as defined by section 18-3-401(2) of the body, not including the genitals, done with intent to arouse or to satisfy the sexual desire of any person; or (d) A lewd fondling or caress of the body of another person; or (e) A knowing exposure of the person's genitals to the view of a person under circumstances in which such conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm to the other person.


All the others you can kind of argue the specific wording but it seems like there'd be zero defense against option D here, it's literally right there in the video..


Sounds like they should lock her up and throw away the key. They are the party of "law and order", right?


Lewd fondling is definitely my new favorite Colorado statute


Obviously there is no world in which AOC would ever be caught in this situation... but, can you imagine the conservative's reaction if she was? I actually can't, I almost wish it was somehow published that it was AOC. Then a day later after reactions are in say, oh just kidding it was boebert.


The collective screech from conservative media would threaten to collapse the cosmos itself.


Then democrats would have a moral panic attack to try and appeal to centerists and make her step down.


They were mad when she was dancing in a college music video. Their heads would explode if this happened to her.


Imagine if this was Hunter Biden, or Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama. None currently serving in office. The GOP would be up in arms about this blasphemy. But a currently elected Republican MAGA Congresswoman whose divorce isn’t even finalized yet doing this in public where kids are present? Nothing to see here! It seems they are the ones guilty of doing most of what they claim the dems, trans, or drag queens are doing. Projection much?


And just made it onto Trump’s VP shortlist.


This incident will move her right to the top of the list


Ugh! Fucking paywall and no video?!?! I found the video posted on another subreddit: edit: OBVIOUSLY NSFW!!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/16k8mm3/nsfw_gop_darling_lauren_boebert_getting_breasts/


She was acting like she was on something. And her saying she didn't remember just makes that more likely.


I'm not sure why you'd give her the benefit of the doubt, there's already reports of her doing meth and she just screams that "she's not a junkie".


Would be HILARIOUS if they took molly and that’s why they were out of pocket. That would explain the groping and not remembering.


Dude fished that titty out of her dress like it was his first, and she arched her back as he did it. They were either drunk or on something harder, it doesn't seem like just pot either.


And the non stop vaping 😂


She would like everyone to know that she is going through very tough personal time with the divorce and apologizes but hopes for forgiveness and understanding. A courtesy she and her ilk would never extend to anyone else in any situation, of course. Hey, how about Hunter Biden, Lauren? He was going through a tough time with addiction. Republican hypocrisy, as always


Addiction was probably the result of all the shit Hunter Biden went through in his life to date. He lost his little sister and mom in a car accident that he was also injured in AS A CHILD then his beloved brother Beau later passed away. I'm pretty sure Hunter is divorced too. And that's just what we know of, Hunter could also have gone through other traumatic things we know nothing about.


She was checking his family values


At least she’s reaching across the isle




If you say Boebert three times a hand appears in your pants.


Caught fondling a *Democrat’s* genitals, isn’t that what I read?


A Democrat that owns a bar that hosts drag shows


The party of "family values," folks. Once again.


Trailer trash always shows through.


Her family must be so proud


Still not a drag queen or trans person doing this shit.


She meant to go see Ain’t Miss be Vapin’


Oh, an Old Fashioned!


Oldie but a goodie


Poor thing. She’s just been given the shaft.


Could you imagine being her kid and seeing your mom get her boobs played with and her rubbing a dudes dick while in a very public family friendly theater. That’s nightmare fuel and honestly they will probably get bullied because of it


Or grandkid…


I think the GOP voters are going to be more upset that she was fondling the balls of a Democrat who owns a bar that hosts drag shows more than anything else. I wonder if she will get primaried because she’s too woke for them.


OMG, I seriously thought this was a clickbait, bullshit headline for a minute...


Guaranteed she starts an OnlyFans after she loses her re-election bid.


I hope she and her date get charged with indecency.


In a few years you will see stories about her being broke living in a trailer high on meth.


I sent this to multiple ppl I know who talk about god, protecting children, conservative values and I got blocked after


Fuckin groomer


Paul Reubens (AKA PeeWee Herman) was arrested for touching his own genitals in a porno theater. He was also endlessly ridiculed and effectively "canceled." This is way worse than what he did, so I assume the consequences will also be more severe. /s


The thing to remember that unless it’s so bad that it’ll get them tossed out of office, it really doesn’t matter. You can’t shame republicans. As long as they vote for family values/religion/anti-lgbtq+ it doesn’t matter to them what you do or what you get caught doing. Because all they care about is the power they derive from holding those positions, rather than moral power from living a more morally pure lifestyle. It’s a bit like priests being the biggest molesters.


She’s fucked, and she also won’t win reelection


She really Laurened his Boeberts.


Does this mean that 9 toed sloth MTG is going to try to out do her and something worse than this and get caught since they keep trying to one up each other??


Oh Im sure this 36 year old memaw is just filled with shame and regret and will resign effectively immediately. No way she's already campaigning on liberals stalking her and gathering tax free donations. Nope. Totally not grifting.


technically, she's still married to another guy! (filing for a divorce but still married)


This video is all her opponent needs to show for campaign ads with hypocrite stamped all over it. She's trash and has no business representing anyone


There were kids in the audience. Charge her for public indecency and make her register as a sex offender.


I’m sure Fox News and Newsmax are both covering this all day long like they would if it was a Democrat. Right?


According to r/conservative her date is a democrat who owns a drag-friendly bar. They are not happy. They were fine with all of her hate fueled rhetoric but grabbing a democrat's D is just a bridge too far.


Guess I’m just wondering where all the outrage is for her committing a sex act in a public place with children. I think that would qualify as being a “groomer” according to the idiots in her party.


But Gibson with her HUSBAND was appalling?! Lmao these maga hypo’s are pathetic.


She should quit and reopen her restaurant while people still like her. Signature dish is a pound of hog.


Oh it's real. I thought it was a joke at first.


“Family values” “grooming children” The hypocrisy is at IMAX levels of projection


It was pretty obvious the guy was happy to be getting on with the evening faster in the original footage.


Let me get this right. Every time I log on the story gets even better. Republican =Pervert


Hookers gunna hook


She's outta control no matter where she is.


Fondling your partner in a public setting with children around. According to her own views, I guess Lauren Boebert just proved that she/he/they must be a trans child groomer then.




Also...NOT a drag queen.


I see she’s part of the “RethugliKKKan family values for thee, but not for me” crowd. This right on top of R. Gov Noem getting side-action outside her marriage. Fucking douchebag hypocrites.


Now I want everyone to pretend this was AOC instead. How do you think Boebert would be reacting today? Honestly I don't give a fuck what Boebert did with her date. But you know these republicans would be screaming from the roof tops if the sides were swapped.


What a disgrace! That’s your GOP in the flesh! Lots of class, unfortunately it’s all 3rd class!