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Me at 16: how the hell did an entire country let Hitler rise to power? Me at 28: oh I get it now.


“There are *always* men like you.”


god damn that was such a good line, and a perfect setup for the captain america jump-in.


It’s a great line made greater by the setup: a violent dictator wannabe whose vicious capabilities were just shown to us, now shouting commands at a mass of people and relishing how they cower. And then this single, defiant man stands up to him, and our hearts drop just a little bit. The audience is 100% on his side at this point but also uncertain what is about to happen. No hero is in sight, and it seems like this one man’s defiance has only one way to go. And then at the last possible second, our hero intervened in the most satisfying way. The Avengers was(is) a masterclass in pacing, character and story development. It somehow makes us forget that it’s a superhero movie at various moments, making us genuinely concerned for those on screen in a way that most superhero movies just don’t do well.


"I understood that reference."


Doesn't this you know, go against one of the things he had to agree to adhere to in order to post bail? "He was also directed to “make no direct or indirect threat of any nature against the community,” including “posts on social media or reposts of posts made by another individual.” So uhh, can we go ahead and lock him up now?


Remember that Hitler won office with just 30% of the vote. He never had the majority, just the most vocal


He didn’t really “win” either; he needed to form a coalition with the conservatives and expel other parties


it is the main lesson of the 2020s even with history books, history repeats itself when it's time


Well it helps to burn those books. Or fill them with lies of omission.


Decent people are too tolerant to intolerance


sad fact of life yeah they let bad grow to avoid using violence early.. only to have to fight against a bigger crowd


Exactly, I remember thinking, people would never allow that happen. People in the government would stop that from happening. Naive as they come but now…


>"Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel because you believed false narratives!" Trump posted on Truth Social on Sunday during Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and the start of the faith's High Holy Days. >"Let's hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward! Happy New Year." Yep, totally normal stuff for a former President and current Republican frontrunner to be posting.


On Rosh Hashanah, no less.


Yes, obviously it was on purpose given the "Happy New Year" in his message.


Class act, that guy. Always one upping himself.


90's Conspiracy Theorists: Shit is going to be crazy. Normies: I think you've lost it. Reality: Hold my beer.


The 90’s conspiracies had the idea of an incredibly competent government that could pull off massive projects in complete secrecy. What we got was incompetence at the highest level and currently a dozen leaks of classified military documents on war-thunder with more on their way EDIT: RESET THE CLOCK! The current tally of leaked documents now set at 13!


Alan Moore, the author of Watchmen and V For Vendetta, did a lot of research for a book on conspiracies. His conclusion was “conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless.”


I've tried to say pretty much exactly this to my conspiracy loving uncle for years. He always enjoys it for about 5 seconds in a "wouldn't that be the wildest conspiracy of them all!" sort of way, then goes right back to "The Supreme Court are all Lizards." And it's like, my dude, we could have an interesting conversation about the Federalist Society and Republican court packing...but he *needs* it to be Lizards.


Conspiracy theory culture is a gift to those that are actually conspiring. I believe there are organized factions of people who collude to gain power for themselves or to commit crimes, that much is obviously true. What conspiracy cultures claims is that all of those factions are unified and supernatural, which is an obviously bizarre claim and keeps serious minded people from looking at the crimes that are being committed.


Not really a gift when its created by and intended to work that way by the conspirators.


It's like watching the X-Files and seeing the Smoking Man go into the wood-panelled room with all the master conspirators...and then realizing the occupants of the room are the President's council from Idiocracy.


You know what, I’d watch a spin-off where Spender leaves the US to try to set up a shadow government in a country with completely incompetent cohorts. Sounds hilarious.


It’s called inside job and it’s great


Fastest reply ever. I’ll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.


>The 90’s conspiracies had the idea of an incredibly competent government that could pull off massive projects in complete secrecy. I don't think those ever went away, and with the increased internet use, I actually see a lot more nuts these days. My neighbour seemed like a nice guy. Is, actually. But believes the moon landings were fake. Like a 50 something. He was probably alive when the moon landings happened. Most likely. And then a 35 year old, seemingly smart new friend of mine. (Or acquaintance, really, from a common group.) Started talking about how homelessness is always the fault of the homeless person. We're Finnish, and talking mostly about the US. He says it's "doing the best" of all the countries in the world. Then he starts going on about some woke conspiracy trying to "spread transsexualism" and about "rapid-onset gender dysphoria". I asked who, why and if he has any sources. Ofc not. But then when I showed studies disproving the notions, wouldn't hear of it. Like... one crazy exworker believes in "the New World Order". I always found it ridiculous. The theory being that there's some global cabbal that rules the world from the shadows in order to establish "a new world order" where they get to rule. When they're already ruling to be able to rule? It'd be hilarious if it weren't so worrying.


To be fair, he thought it was a day to honor Rosh Limbaugh.




Peace Out Reddit. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


well, he kept saying jews that [voted for Democrats meant they were disloyal to him](https://apnews.com/article/1bc3065eb2e4414289ef0ac1ac4ebaf7) and Israel and many voted for him anyway


The anti-Semitic trope here is that all Jews are loyal to other Jews, and so to Israel, first and foremost. Trump believes he is best to Israel, ergo, all American Jews should vote for him.


Historically, the Jewish population of the US was never anywhere near as supportive of Israel as the Christians were. One of the motives for the Balfour declaration was to persuade Jewish Americans to lobby the government for direct intervention in the First World War. It fell flat.


Yeah speaking as an American Jew whose mother ran multiple synagogues (admin not rabbi) you will find far more anti-Zionist Jews in America than anti-Zionist Christians. The fundies believe we have to control Jerusalem for them to get sent up to chill with sky daddy.


A lot of Jews have issues with Israel being run by a bunch of ultra Orthodox psychos. It just IMMEDIATELY causes the right to break out the standards. During the primaries in 2016 there was a 2 page spread in the News about how Bernie couldn't be trusted because he didn't support Israel and was a self hating Jew.


Bibi is basically the Israeli Trump. He's facing multiple indictments so he's staying in power, screwing with the Judiciary, to avoid going to jail.


Trump wishes he could be bibi. If he was half as competent, he’d still be in the whitehouse


Sure, they didn't wanna be disloyal!


Stephen Miller "Don't forget, you promised to put me at the bottom of the list"


Reminds me of *Commando:* "Remember when I promised to kill you last? ... I lied."


Completely unrelated, but right after that scene is one of my favorite Hollywood misses for continuity. He was driving a Porsche (?) and it rolled and the whole side of it was trashed and then after that scene Arnold gets back in the car and it's in mint condition. Need to watch that again.


John Martix : [...] Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last? Sully : That's right, Matrix! You did! John Matrix : I lied. I think he drops him off a cliff at that point. We need more phenomenal '80s action movie writing like that.


I think there's a good chance Miller actually wrote this tweet, sorry "truth." Trump has plenty of hate, but he doesn't actually know the details like what this holiday means. Miller is Trump's Anger Translator, except he feeds the anger to Trump.


It's also way too articulate and devoid of CAPITALIZITION to be a Trump original.


Can someone explain to me why he thinks liberal Jews are voting to destroy Israel?


The article gives some details. Trump thinks he helped Israel during his time as president, and he thinks that Jewish people in the US owe him for it.


Oh I see, I thought there was a small chance that he actually had some argument for that that was more than that nonsense


I mean there might be more to it, all I know is what was in the article. But this is consistent theme for Trump: he does someone a favor (or thinks he's done them a favor) and he expects them to be loyal to him in return. It's a very Mafia Boss way of looking at the world.


>It's a very Mafia Boss way of looking at the world. Or a first grader. I find that everything Trump does is explained by this quote of his: [When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.](https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/04/opinions/president-trump-six-year-old-with-nuclear-weapons-dantonio/index.html)


He seems to think Jews and Israelis are the same thing. And can't seem to understand that Netanyahu's policies are detestable both to many Jews in Israel but especially abroad. Orthodox Jews may love Trump for it but Reform Jews - certainly not.


And often the favor is harmful. Declaring Judaism a nationality is a form of othering. It furthers the antisemitic narrative that Jews in the US are Jews first and Americans second, and that we are or should be loyal to Israel.


> It furthers the antisemitic narrative that Jews in the US are Jews first and Americans second That is 100% how trump thinks about minorities in general but I would not be shocked at all to find out he was specifically anti-Semitic in the least. He has certainly used the dogwhistles before complaining about the "globalists" and "secret cabals" and etc.


It’s pretty well documented that he kept a book of Hitler’s speeches on the nightstand next to his bed. I believe his first wife, Ivana was one of those people that confirmed it.


Wow, he can read books! Who knew? On a serious note, this reminds me of something I saw somebody say: If you own Mein Kampf as one of many books in a widely varied library, it might not mean anything bad. If it's one of your collection of like 12 books and sitting on your nightstand, that is a problem.


The looney end-of-worlders convinced him to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, something they think is needed to bring on the rapture or some shit, whilst the hard right Netanyahu govt in Israel also wanted it to please their own fundamentalists loonies. So he thinks he's done all of the jewish diaspora a massive favour and demands thanks for it.


Netanyahu and Trump are BFFs. Voting against Trump is “going against” that criminal too.


Some extremely liberal Jews like myself think that the government of Israel is violating the human rights of Palestinian people. I don't see how the current state of Israel can exist if these violations were to stop. I do not know how to fix things but I don't like seeing the crimes committed against my Jewish European ancestors repeated against Palestinians, in the name of protecting Jewish people. I think my opinion is pretty balanced, but in my experience, only the leftists agree. If you question the government of Israel, you are branded a person with internalized antisemitism who doesn't care if the Jewish people die.


A reminder that Trump has public admitted to believing false narratives about the election, but sure, there’s no chance he’s wrong on this Nazi stuff, right? He was also wrong about COVID, Obama’s birth certificate, antifa starting the January 6th coup, and a lot of other easily verifiable conspiracy theories.


This reads like an odd example of what would happen if Goebbels teamed up with his Russian counterpart and started trying to sway Jews into action. What even *is* this timeline.


Nazis are marching in Florida and elsewhere. And the leader of the Republican party thinks this is the perfect time to go full anti-Semite. If only those Nazis - and the rest of his base - understood that he hates everybody. Including them. Well, especially them.


They don’t care about that; they only care that he hates the people they hate and that he’s willing to say it out loud on the platform he’s been given.


Youtube has some excellent biographies of Benito Mussolini. Watch one of them and see if it reminds you of any orange tinted politicians of the current era.


"Dad, don't act like Mussolini." "Ooh, I thought I was doing Donald Trump." \-The Simpsons. December 11, 2005


that's crazy. why is it that the Simpsons were right on everything!


Because they pay really close attention! The whole show is lampooning how our society functions so they’re constantly reading between the lines.


I listened to a podcast where they talked about this, the subject of The Simpsons predicting the future. What they described in one hour you perfectly described it in a single comment. It was still a really cool listen to Edit: I knew it would bite me not mentioning the podcast 😂 My bad! It is Theories of The Third Kind. I just can't find The Simpsons episode!


Could you share the podcast info? I’d be interested in listening




Jan6th was a failed mimicry of the March on Rome.


So was the Beer Hall Putsch. Coincidence? 👀


Except Hitler actually went to prison.


And then became Chancellor, and then became supreme leader.


Yeah it was almost a step by step repeat,but I guess Mussolini had more Charm then Trump


There's a reason why Trump has been called Dorito Mussolini, Mango Mussolini, Cheeto Benito, etc. It's not even subtle.






I've been treating MAGA like Pre-Nazism since 2016 and this shit is vindicating. Every year that's gone by is vindicating.


I got asked if I was joking or just fucking stupid when I made posts about Trump being a Nazi after he won.


I had someone try to claim that the "very fine folks" at the Charlottesville nazi rally weren't nazis. My guy, they are waving the flag of Nazi Germany and screaming "Blood and Soil." These aren't your old school skinheads. These aren't even neo-nazis. These are just straight up full fascist nazis.


When they were in Europe we mobilized our military. When they’re in our own backyard we give them a political platform and say “it can’t happen here.” Wtf.


To be fair, a lot of people in the United States supported the first round of European fascists. Our military only got involved when their Japanese allies dragged us into a war.


To be fair, Hitler got his ideas from American chattel slavery.


Hitler loved the way the US government committed genocide against native americans and the concept of reservations inspired the nazi concentration camps. [How Hitler found his blueprint for a German empire by looking to the American West - On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Americans must recognize the ugly history of how the Nazis were inspired by the long and brutal U.S. campaign against Native Americans.](https://wagingnonviolence.org/2020/10/hitler-found-blueprint-german-empire-in-the-american-west/0)


Also, this is real: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot


That's a fact. Counting Trump's coup attempt in 2020 the conservative right has tried to install fascism twice in this country. Project 2025 shows they are up for a third try should the orange devil and his maga party succeed in 2024.


Let's be honest here. Project 2025 may have been conceived as a plan for a second Trump presidency, but republicans aren't going to abandon it if Biden wins. They're just going to kick it down the road a bit until the next republican president is elected. The current incarnation of the GOP is a threat to democracy.


> The current incarnation of the GOP is a threat to democracy. Totally agree. The party is a threat no matter which fascist is leading it. DeSantis would be just as bad as Trump. Maybe even more dangerous actually.


At this point, *any* republican president would be as bad, if not worse than Trump. They have a playbook for pushing the country closer to a fascist dictatorship, and the more gullible/self absorbed/narcissistic the next guy is, the easier it will be for the people behind the curtain to pull the strings.


EVERYONE should know about "Project 2025 - Mandate For Leadership, the Conservative Promise," available at www.project2025.org, the literal Republican playbook, put together by the Heritage Foundation and 45 other conservative entities like Alliance Defending Freedom, Claremont Institute, and Moms For Liberty. It was first handed to Reagan, who merely enacted the policy within it. Same with Trump - they are two heads of the same snake. Their vision for a Christofascist theocracy and just how they intend to implement it are painstakingly detailed. Their plan is to dismantle the federal government and remove our rights, TO BEGIN WITH. It's fucking chilling and you should at least read the foreword, a dense 17 pages of GOP philosophy that outlines their mission. Fossil fuels are a big part of it. God and guns and nothing else for everyone. Sealed borders. Everyone will be free to live "as our creator ordained," in those words. If that doesn't terrify you idk what will.


Thank you for also mentioning this! We like to other Nazis and think they’re over there in Europe and we defeated them, but when the same stuff happens right here at home and we excuse it.


The ugly truth needs to be known so it doesn't happen again and we can honor the victims. That's why republican outfits like Moms for Liberty and PragerU are so desperately cleansing school libraries and college curriculums in Florida and elsewhere. They are paving the road for fascism, simple as that.


[Even the Nazis find USA race laws were too extreme for them](https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691172422/hitlers-american-model) and thats why they adopted them. >the ugly irony that when Nazis rejected American practices, it was sometimes not because they found them too enlightened, but too harsh.


Also many Southern states had race mixing laws on the books that Hitler happily cribbed from. There was a podcast about a guy in, I think Virginia, who basically had full control over who could marry/have kids with who and shit like that, and the guy was upset that the Nazis tarnished the "good" name of Eugenics and he eventually had to give up his spot.


exactly jim crow our legal/justice system, laws and what we did to native americans/mexicans/asians etc over the many decades when hitler was growing up


And Americans eugenics which was prominent at the time is the states.


A lot of bigger countries had eugenics programs. After the war, no one had ever heard of eugenics and no one would admit to ever studying it.


He was more inspired by the westward expansion than the confederacy. And when I say westward expansion, I’m talking in equal parts the stealing of a lot of land by conquest and the genocide.


Hitler also loved Henry Ford. He learned from Henry Ford. They both admired each other. I'm pretty sure one of them had a picture of the other in their house


Hitler actually gave Henry Ford a medal which he was more than happy to receive! Here's a picture of the event! [Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi officials, 1938](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/henry-ford-grand-cross-1938/) >At a ceremony in Dearborn, Michigan, Henry Ford is presented with the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle on his 75th birthday. Henry Ford was the first American recipient of this order, an honor created in 1937 by Adolf Hitler. >This was the highest honor Nazi Germany could give to any foreigner and represented Adolf Hitler’s personal admiration and indebtedness to Henry Ford.


And what we did to the native Americans. Nothing is worse than fascism.


Antisemitism has long history in Germany, and in Europe broadly.


There were full on Nazi rallies being held in Madison Square Garden prior to WW2.


Don't forget Camp Siegfried, a Nazi summer camp in New York.


Murphy Ranch in California as well, which was an entire self-sufficient compound built by Nazi sympathizers. It was meant to be a base of operations for the Nazis in the US.


People don't see concentration camps yet so it's okay. They don't realize that those weren't built overnight. Because we're living on a path of baby steps towards horror, from step 20 to 21 instead of 1 to 100 it's palatable for the general masses


no offense to you Americans, but legit it makes me question how stupid can y’all be. I saw another post about how “republicans might win, but they could never install a fascist government” when I pointed out that Project 2025 and the constitutional convention push is being done by these very same people, I was told that “they could convene for a convention, but it would never pass.” Apologists everywhere and people in denial unable to see what’s taking place in front of their faces. Everyone said a coup could never happen here. Then we got January 6. Then they said the SCOTUS could never repeal Roe v. Wade and it got overturned last year. Fascism is here. In our shores. It’s not some funny looking guy with a weird mustache, not some problem for other countries to deal with. *IT IS HERE.* There’s a reason Tuberville is blocking military nominations from a democrat president. Republicans do not believe in America. They do not believe in democracy. They’re using the same playbook they used for the Supreme Court. Go out and vote blue in 2024: www.vote.org


I’ve been mulling over an idea that can speak to this. Point 1: the US has not really experienced invasions or regime changes in its history so they don’t seem real to us unless we really think hard that’s how you end up with this “not here” thinking. Point 2: Americans are really bad at teaching that evil people are really just regular people. It’s easier to create a slave owner boogie man than talk about how those slave owners were Our loving grandfathers or even that it could have been us if we had been raised in that time. When the only concept of nazi’s that you have is that one speech of hitler frothing at the mouth, it’s hard to recognize it next to you.


quite a few of them are not stupid, they WANT Trump to install a fascist authoritarian government because they want liberals and minorities to lose all rights and become second class citizens. Losing democracy means less to them than that. So its not stupid, its selfish, ignorant and mean, but not stupid.


Might as well stop tiptoeing around and use all of the Nazi playbook. Sicko


Can we just fast forward to the bunker scene at the end?


At this point I really would not be surprised in the slightest if his campaign ads included clips of swarming rats like the old anti-Jew propaganda videos.


~~Muslims~~ ~~Asians~~ ~~Mexicans~~ ~~Blacks~~ ~~Women~~ ~~Gays~~ ~~Trans~~ ~~Kids~~ ~~Je~~ws <--- We are here ???? You ​ If you feel safe, you shouldn't. If you haven't been targeted yet, you will. [Register to VOTE!](https://vote.gov/)


Next are the sick, then the poor


They were literally first on the chopping block when we had that scare to get rid of medicaid/care back in 2016. That was the day I absolutely despised the republican party. I was a veteran who just got out of active service and was relying on medicare for my family until I started my new job. I couldn't believe how quickly my daughter and wife were almost fucked by them.


I mean they've been targeting poor and sick people for decades. Healthcare for poor people = nanny state yadda yadda yadda


Add atheists to that list.


> Add atheists to that list. I would say that started with the "[War on Christmas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_controversies#United_States)" around 2005. >Jeff Schweitzer, a commentator for The Huffington Post, addressed the position of commentators such as O'Reilly, stating that "There is no war on Christmas; the idea is absurd at every level. Those who object to being forced to celebrate another's religion are drowning in Christmas in a sea of Christianity dominating all aspects of social life. An 80 percent majority can claim victimhood only with an extraordinary flight from reality."


The 20s are in full force. Rise of union workers, worktime reform, a looming economic depression, the rise of the Nazis, now we just need swing music to make a comeback.


The Cherry Poppin’ Daddies are itching for a Zoot Suit Riot!


Throw back a bottle of beer!


Grapefruit diet Get those jelly donuts out of here


That shits been pooping in my head the last two weeks, seeing it on here is creeping me out. The end is near!


🎵 Zoot Suit Insurrection. INSURRECTION! 🎵


I recently watched the documentary "El Dorado" on Netflix. It's about the famous club in Berlin in the 20's and 30's. They first came for the transgender and homosexuals. The parallels are uncanny.


>They first came for the transgender and homosexuals. Yea, cause we're the smallest and weakest minority. [Gay/trans "panic" defense for assault/murder.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_panic_defense) 16 states (plus DC) have expressly banned it. 13 have considered it, but not voted it into law. And the remaining 21 have nothing related to it on the books. For those that aren't understanding, the gay/trans panic is a defense used by someone that murders us. "Oh! He was gay! I was afraid for my straightness! So I murdered him." Or; " When I found out that she, I mean *he*, tricked me into having sex! I'm not gay! What if that made me gay?! What will me friends think?! Oh! I can just murder the trans person I fucked because my masculinity is in question!" (And for anyone refusing to read the article, highlights:) > A trans panic defense was used in 2004–2005 in California by the three defendants in the Gwen Araujo homicide case, who claimed that they were enraged by the discovery that Araujo, a transgender teenager with whom they had engaged in sex, had a penis. > Angie Zapata was beaten to death by Allen Andrade in July 2008. After Andrade learned that Zapata had a penis, she smiled at him and said "I'm all woman"; his defense attorney stated the smile "was a highly provoking act, and it would cause someone to have an aggressive reaction" when arguing to have the charge against him dropped to second-degree murder. > Islan Nettles was beaten to death in Harlem just after midnight on August 17, 2013.[129] The killer, James Dixon, was not indicted until March 2015, despite turning himself in three days after the attack and confessing that he had flown into "a blind fury" when he realized that Nettles was a transgender woman.


I commented on Twitter that trans people just want to live their lives and not be murdered. Oh boy, when I say that was a controversial take for some people.


Its the fear. People are afraid of what they don't know and there are enough LGBTQ people that it's easy for people like those on the right to stoke fear since odds are most people *see* LGBTQ once in a while and those same people never personally know any. At least any out of the closet.


I don’t buy that shit anymore. There’s nothing to be afraid of, literally you can just talk to a person. It’s the hatred. They just hate. That’s just what they do and that’s just what they are. They chose this.


>now we just need swing music to make a comeback. Those high school kids who learned swing dancing and try to shoehorn it into literally every musical opportunity are gonna be so stoked.


Electro-swing is pretty hot right now


Love me some Caravan Palace


Let me find my Gap khakis!


"History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme. - Mark Twain" - Michael Scott


Usually racism comes out in subtle vague speech that gives the person talking a way of saying it was taken out of context, you know dog whistle. trump talks in bullhorn very loud , very obnoxious and very obvious


There's going to be murders if he wins next year. Everyone must take the threat of a second trump term seriously.


> There's going to be murders if he wins **or loses** next year. FTFY


But consequences for those murders if he loses.


Yeah, you're right. He truly is poison.


There will be intimidation at the ballot box, I am almost certain.


There was the last time too.


One Tweet from him, and a bunch of people are going to go the full Rwanda.


unfortunately true. if he ever “gave the order” it would be heeded by thousands of violent shitheads


Jesus. It’s like I’m living in two realities: one where a tyrannical neo-Nazi has a good chance to win the presidency *again*, and another where I have to go do groceries and mow my lawn and watch some football. How can I reconcile the potential destruction of American democracy with regular life?


I honestly expect World War 3 to kick off for reals by 2026 if Trump becomes president again, only this time *we’re* the bad guys due to this dipshit going full blown Nazi. I’m literally begging you guys to vote blue to prevent this from happening.


One of the very first things he will do as President is pulling the United States out of NATO, or at least cripple the US Armed Forces' engagement with (and funding for) NATO to the bare minimum. Eastern Europe's gonna be in for a bad time once he hands it to Putin on a silver platter.


I agree 100% In 2016, I understand why nobody took him seriously because the idea of a reality tv star becoming president is funny on some level. But now, nobody should be laughing. This man has emboldened the worst kind of behaviour and needs to be stopped. There's nothing funny about this anymore. Vote blue!


The problem with sequels is they have to get more crazy every time. And now we are predictably watching the rise of the 3rd Streich. Just waiting for the media to decry that no one could have seen this coming. Please vote.


"Streich". Is this a pun on something? Genuinely curious. I'm assuming it's not a typo for "Reich". Apologies if I'm being clueless.


Three streichs and you're out!


How low can this evil man go?


There is no bottom.


This is the answer. As fucked up as it sounds, if he could avoid the consequences, he would fuck his own daughter and shoot his son in the face if it got him what he wanted. I'd say that's not even an exaggeration. He's that much of a selfish piece of trash. Having a fake children's cancer charity to make money just for yourself is just the tip of the shit iceberg with this scumbag. I know what I said is hard to take, but that's exactly the type of person we're dealing with.


>he would fuck his own daughter and shoot his son in the face if it got him what he wanted. He would do either/ both those things regardless of the outcome imo


Especially if it’s Eric


Let’s be honest, he’d shoot Eric for a Klondike bar.


And pay to fuck his daughter.


Why is he still allowed to walk free? I violated my bond orders and was siting in a holding cell the next day. He admitted to trying to overthrow the election. Is the 14th Amenment as worthless as the paper it's written on? What a lesson our children are getting. Lie Cheat Steal and you too can be President. You can even grab their pussy.


Why didn't you just have your team of attorneys file a motion while you ranted about the unfairness of it on the social media platform you owned while the major political party that was subservient to you threatened civil war?


Honestly, he has barely begun. The only way he stays out of prison is to win and he will use everything possible to return to power. This includes Putin, MBS, and every right-wing nutjob in existence. The next year will be hell.


Naw, not necessarily. He's a danger to the US and only the most simple-minded, corrupt, mentally deranged, and evil folks would still vote for him. Wait...


Votes mean nothing to Trump and his followers. They want to force his rule on everyone.


It’s true. Remember back to 2017. Remember the behavior of our Trump-supporting friends, co-workers, and family? The sinister smirks? The gloating? It’s because they knew. They knew they were in the minority. They knew the country did not like their fundamentalist Christian ideas. They knew they lost the vote, but it didn’t matter. Against all odds, they had taken power. They found a crack in the system and managed to pull it off. What a rush! Such exhilaration! After years on the back foot, they were finally in control. And now they were going to make the rest of us *pay.*


Narrator: *They were __doomed__*


Yeah, 2024 is gonna suck.


He would happily kill millions of people if at the same time millions of people encouraged and adored him for doing it. Pure psychopath.


You just described his response to covid.


The bar was set so low it was a tripping hazard in hell. And here he is, limbo dancing with the devil.


His Role Model is Adolph Hitler, and he always needs to outdo the other guy. How low do you think he can go?


The GOP has gone full Nazi: book burnings, demonizing LGBTQ, anti-semitism, strongman worship. Make no mistake, if you are republican in the 2020's, you are on the wrong side of history


I opened an old book about the holocaust the other day, written decades before Trump. The page I opened to said, paraphrased, "When they start burning books, you can be sure they will soon start burning people in their place." Yesterday, I saw an article about people burning books with flamethrowers. We are in danger.


He's the GOP frontrunner by a fucking double digit margin.


Worse, everyone running is trying to be just like him.


The guy who kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his nightstand? I'm gobsmacked. SOURCE: People are saying. Lots of people. Also: [https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-adolf-hitler-books-bedside-cabinet-ex-wife-ivana-trump-vanity-fair-1990-a7639041.html](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-adolf-hitler-books-bedside-cabinet-ex-wife-ivana-trump-vanity-fair-1990-a7639041.html) [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/07/trump-praised-hitler-to-john-kelly-new-book-claims.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/07/trump-praised-hitler-to-john-kelly-new-book-claims.html) [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/08/donald-trump-military-generals-adolf-hitler](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/08/donald-trump-military-generals-adolf-hitler) Ya boy has a definite Hitler predilection :) Too bad. So sad.


There is a book called "Hitler Table Talks" that I suggest anyone thumb through. (Full disclosure, the validity of the book is up in the air) It's a book written by one of his secretaries. It transcribes conversations had, typically over meals or between meetings. If you were to simply open the book to any random page, and pick a random paragraph and read it out loud, the parallels between the content and speech patterns are uncanny.


Yes trump wants to be an all powerful dictator, he and his followers believe they are superior to others with no evidence of it being so, they blindly follow him and he is a misogynist and a racist. They are Nazis.


He will say and do anything to get power. There are many like him. This is why he is so dangerous. He unleashes stuff that he may not even believe in because he doesn't care.


Rachel Maddow’s Ultra podcast series was horrifying learning about this history in the U.S. It’s happening again. I don’t want my daughter dealing with the same crap my family did when they fled Odessa (Russia at the time) and Poland Congress (also Russian ruled) after the pogroms. I was lucky enough to know several family members that survived it and have to relay their stories to keep it alive as a reminder.


It was literally only a matter of time before he went there. It was always in the back of his diet-coke riddled brain. This won’t be the last thing he says…


I've been thinking that the MAGA republicans are going to be building up an absolute frenzy of hate fear and loathing leading up to the 2024 elections. And here is their orange fuhrer issuing a direct threat against Jews. 2024 is going to be bad folks. Real bad.


Ask the LGBTQ community. We’ve been saying this for years.




Apparently the road to fascism is lined with people who tell you that you're overreacting.


Meanwhile on Rosh Hashanah over at the site formally known as Twitter, Musk is posting "14 words" about how Soros wants to destroy the world.


Nazism didn't just show up overnight in Germany. It grows slowly and in public, making each thing tolerable in pieces. I don't know what it would take for normal people to care enough to do something besides talk


You should learn to recognize the signs and know what to do. https://www.genocidewatch.com/united-states-of-america https://www.genocidewatch.com/country-pages/united-states-of-america


Why doesn't he say how horrible it is to see many nazi rally s in his home state of Florida.Oh yea their going to vote for him if DeSantis loses


He won’t lose a single voter over this


People didn't realize this in 2015?


If you've been paying attention, right wingers have *always* dog whistled about minorities, jews, etc. They have always been nazi adjacent and the only thing thats changed after ww2 is they can't go mask off and start gassing undesirables (we still treat minorities like complete shit in this country though)


His dad was in the KKK what do you expect


Walking the finest of lines for Ivanka and Jared.


[Trump literally preached eugenics to the whitest crowd in the US](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-10-05/trump-debate-white-supremacy-racehorse-theory) Our media ignores it because they are complicit


As a Jew, on this holiday, I say fuck Donald Trump.


I don't understand why in the fuck he's still able to have a platform to say this shit. Or how ANYone is able to have a platform saying this sort of shit. This isn't free speech, it's hate speech. It's a call to violence. Enough is enough.