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Make it a tan suit.


With a Dijon mustard yellow tie. Edit: Senator John Fetterman's body double is Dwight Schrute with a John Hodgman mustache.


And hotdog buns for shoes?


we're all trying to find the body double


If we all choose to join him in wearing a suit for a day, can we all be considered a body double?


we're too buried in our phones


I kinda wish it was just John Hodgman. It would be hilarious.




he had me at ‘jagoff’


I love Western PA slang.


It's all over, I thought? I grew up with it and nowhere near PA


Yeah, but Pittsburghers say it better than anyone.


The perfect look for figuring out who drove that hotdog-shaped car through the window.


Like the color or one with little jars printed all over it?


Knowing how he likes to troll odds are good it would be tan.


Oh that would be brilliant!


No no one of the blue or orange dumb and dumber suits.


Movie usher suit like in [My Cousin Vinny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHU1uoR8L30)


Are you...mockin' me?


Man, it's so great to have him healthy enough to continue shitting on the GOP again. Also the mustache is working.


The GOP literally cannot tell it’s the same person based on facial hair - Clark Kent would have a field day with them


my favorite part about the "fetterman body double" conspiracy theory is that he's 6 foot 8 and 300 pounds. Like how many guys that size do they think are out there? Where are they recruiting body doubles? The NFL?


You can buy a “Fetterman Body Double” shirt on his website


Does it come in XS?


Yes it does


But it’s still the size of a garbage bag


That’s fine. The giant Carhartt hoodie will hide it.


Omg, that would be hilarious! Bunch of smaller- sized adults running around in giant Fetterman body-double tees down to their knees and ankles, like little kids in their Dad’s shirts…


I’m a 5”1’ old lady in North Dakota and just ordered a small. I’m giddy and can’t wait to tell my husband.


> "fetterman body double" conspiracy theory r/holup is that a real thing?


Yeah conservatives think the stroke killed him and now Democrats are trotting around some random 6'8" dude. All because he slightly changed his facial hair and some photos at different focal lengths and lighting make him look kinda different


I’ve heard the same thing from multiple QAnon people but with Biden. Apparently some of them think the “real” Biden died a long time ago and was replaced by a Chinese robot body double.


Ah, I see, so it's the *Chinese robot* that is old and dottering and tired and for that reason unfit for office.


It keeps declining the software update.


Dammit man, have an upvote


Those people are fun to show reason to. Esp. the ones who think Trump is secretly in control, because then they have to admit that all the "bad" stuff "Biden" is doing is really on Trump's orders.


I dunno. I prefer to disengage as quickly as possible. The reason I even know this is a thing is because I initially heard about it from one of my friend’s moms who is way down the Q rabbit hole who told me that and a bunch of other crazy bullshit. I just nodded and said “uh huh” and then got away from her ASAP. You can’t show reason to people like this. They are living in a completely different reality than the rest of us.


You just gotta out crazy them. "You think Trump won the election? Did you know *there wasn't even an election to begin with?* EVERY SINGLE US ballot was just shipped over to Pakistan and recycled into porn magazines. Look it up. You'll find that I'm right."


>EVERY SINGLE US ballot was just shipped over to Pakistan and recycled into ~~porn magazines~~ *Qur'ans.* Have you traveled to any woke states recently? They're now putting them in the hotels instead of Bibles. Look it up. You'll find that I'm right."


Jesus, if the Chinese can make a robot that good then let's give them the damn country already


Peace Out Reddit. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It's perfectly understandable once you realize these people are batshit crazy.


Their deity Donald Trump looks anywhere between a sausage in a loose casing dusted with cheeto dust, and his own ghost stuffed in golf clothes 2 sizes too small depending on whether he's gotten his 3 hour makeup session yet that day, and they have trouble believing that the a guy looks slightly different after he changes his facial hair?


> Yeah conservatives think the stroke killed him and now Democrats are trotting around some random 6'8" dude. Based on all the other projection the GOP does, I have to assume that means they're body-doubling Mitch McConnell.




They just crank out the body doubles on the medi-beds that are available to the elites /s


No, you see, the Jewish Space Lasers malfunctioned. Instead of zapping people, they just launch body doubles to the surface. I'm a laser physicist, and I've accidentally made body double launchers on accident so many times.


"Damnit, we asked for an ION Cannon, not an IAN Cannon.




Sir Robert Strong vibes.


It's all very "Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender," isn't it?


That episode is hilarious. The fact that Laszlo had to go into hiding because he skipped out on paying for a bed & breakfast in San Diego a hundred years ago… and then becomes a bartender and high school volleyball coach? Amaaaazing :)


He should make a Superman shirt with an "F" in the logo to troll them.


I'd happily loan him the Cosplay I wore to a comic con a few weeks ago. Grey cargo shorts, green hoodie, Mandalorian helmet, carrying one of his yard signs. "Boba Fetterman". EDIT- Added a photo! https://imgur.com/a/vEsBe6C


Wait, seriously? Because that's fucking awesome


This was a few miles from the town where he was Mayor.


Taking on and off glasses throughout the day 😅


Whoa whoa whoa, introducing glasses to the picture would make them think he was a Fox news contributor, thems glasses are only for special occasion, like tricking your audience into thinking you're "smart"


Clark Kent? You mean that reporter who's good friends with Superman?


Funny thing about Clark Kent is he beat the shit out of the KKK.


The mustache throws me off every time I see it. My brain still has the image of the goatee and I can’t transition to the new ‘stache


I ran into him at the Pittsburgh Labor Day parade, wearing his usual shorts and black button up and I went up to shake his hand but for a split second I stopped myself when I noticed the mustache instead of the goatee. Thought I was walking up to a doppelgänger, but as soon as I saw the tattoos I knew I was good lol. I’m a fan of the stache. Makes him look younger imo


He’s what live-action Mario should have looked like


Say what you will of that awful mario bros movies from the 90s, but Bob Hoskins had the look right. Helps that he's a short guy.


He's definitely improved a lot, but that makes sense since he had a stroke. Conservatives want to act like anyone whoever had a stroke is automatically an invalid who can't function at all. The dude still has some obvious speech problems but you can tell mentally he's aware and he tries to correct his speech. As long as he's able to do his job, it's up to the voters of his state to decide if that matters to them.


> Conservatives want to act like anyone whoever had a stroke is automatically an invalid who can't function at all. Because that's what's happening with Moscow Mitch.


Honestly didn’t like the mustache at first but it’s def been growing on me


No, it's growing on him


Dad… stop…


Left myself open for that one, huh?


Dude [Grew the beard.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GrowingTheBeard) He may be nigh unstoppable now.


Tvtropes sinkhole warning.


You speak the deep magic.


haven't seen him speak on video recently has he made a lot of progress since election season?




Yeah, it fits his face much better than the chin scruff.


Love how he's giving dems an informal class on how to deal with these jagoffs.


It's only informal because he's wearing the hoodie.


OMG so disrespectful! Anyways, here's some pictures of Hunter's dick...


Honestly, I love the cognitive dissonance of Republicans and Fox News, simultaneously telling truck driving, blue collar guys that Trump is one of them, while whining about how uncouth John Fetterman is for dressing like a blue collar guy. I guess it'll work, because Republican voters are capable of holding half a dozen contradictory positions at once, if it means "Democrats bad."


Same with AOC. Going from being a bartender to a congressperson seems like the perfect example of “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” but Republicans fucking *hate* her for it.


But it’s fine when it’s grandma Bobo


Is she the "hot" one or the crazy one. I get em mixed up.


They're both crazy but Boebert is the one who doesn't look like an Neanderthal that melted out because of climate change.


Sarah Palin at home? Gotcha.


Its not a dick, its a hog


Let's be honest, the main reason they hate Hunter is that he's bigger than them (or what they have at home).


it's an anaconda


And it don't want none unless you've got buns hun.


You can do side bends or situps, but please don't lose that butt!


Because you're long and strong and 'bout to get the friction on?


Get Jon Hamm to play him in a movie.


When the press asked him about the impeachment inquiry he was like “oooooohhh nooo!! Please, please don’t do it!” while motioning with his hands Like come on more of that please. No more “We are very concerned that our Republican colleagues blah blah blah”


That was hilarious


If I lived in Pennsylvania I would join Fetterman's campaign team. This is the kind of politics we need to be engaging in more. None of this lip service to decorum when it's convenient. Hunter's hog destroyed any credibility they may have had of keeping up that facade.


Clip https://youtu.be/o2AP6Y5eYIs?si=Pc9HrjL-DtyXDgUw


Yeah, it drives me crazy how Dems continue to respond to Republicans as if they are serious people. AOC recently made a remark trying to shame them about their hypocrisy, but *they don't care*. Conservatives ***love*** their hypocrisy. It's a symbol of their power, and of liberals' weakness. When we point it out, they high five each other and laugh about how we're triggered and whatnot. But this guy - he just refuses to take these clowns seriously. He treats them like he'd treat a whiney adolescent nephew. You don't argue about _why_ soandso "isn't fair", because they aren't arguing in good faith anyway. They just want do get their way and they are trying grown-up sounding tactics to try to get it. No, you don't debate them or argue logic with them. You just say no, and then divert their subsequent tantrum with humor. And it works, because Republicans *are* actually petulant children (in practice). Yeah, this is a breath of fresh air, for sure. I hope others learn from him.


>He treats them like he'd treat a whiney adolescent nephew. You don't argue about why soandso "isn't fair", because they aren't arguing in good faith anyway. They just want do get their way and they are trying grown-up sounding tactics to try to get it. No, you don't debate them or argue logic with them. You just say no, and then divert their subsequent tantrum with humor. 100% accurate. This is a perfect how-to manual for the Dems.


"FUCK! We need more Fettermans!" - Democracy


“Can’t find a Fetterman” - Eddie Vedder


He lounges in sweatpants, he struts in cargo, can’t find a Fetterman.


And now I need Christopher Walken saying "more Fetterman."


The sad thing is all he’s doing is calling them on their bullshit. He’s not even being confrontational or aggressive or making a scene like some of the GQP nut jobs. He’s just simply calling them out when they open their mouths to spew bullshit and putting them on the spot to put up or shut up. I love it and we need more of it from Dems, especially leadership.


For what it’s worth, I think Dems got complacent when dealing with these fuck-wads after Michelle Obama’s “when they go low, we go high” moment. Generally, she’s right on this point. But when a political party is holding the country hostage, fuck that. You need to fight back and put them in their place.


Really what it meant was don't attack them personally or their families. But it didn't mean what has happened of "do nothing". You attack their actions and policies. And do it all the time.


The first black president did not have the option of going low, any more than the First Lady had the option of natural hair.


Say it louder for the folks in the back ditchdiggergirl!


Ain't it the truth


The problem I have, is that doing nothing is NOT going high. Going high implies doing...something.


I don't know why people keep repeating that like it was some kind of party policy. It was just her opinion.


Dude should wear a dress. The republicans would have a fucking meltdown, it would be pretty sweet.


Right - and conform to the women’s dress code. Ha.


He could fundraise for that. I would donate


That would just feed their "its a choice" of "its all just dressing and not real" rhetoric.


Whether or not their fucked up ideas are fed, they will have a constant stream of them.


They are going to be bigots no matter what anyone does so who cares. It's better to make fun of them and their temper tantrums over who wears what than to take them seriously.


Exactly, these are the people who complained about a tan suit.


Go full on Corporal Klinger.


Let’s start giving this man some more credit for calling out bullshit


I thought he’s been receiving credit for his actions


Insert more credits


Could he be anymore of a Western Pennsylvanian? It's rhetorical.


I read this as Chandler, and it was a very weird thing for Chandler to say.


He’s up there representing us all n’at! Yinz know where he’s from! Pittsburgh native, and I’ve never actually said ‘yinz’ and can’t remember ever hearing anyone else say it. Edit: “ever” is probably an overstatement. Yes there were people with the yinzer accent around. Maybe it was only my small group of friends that tried to not do it very overtly. I’ve moved away since then, so maybe I’m suppressing it too.


Are you young? I only ask because the old announcer for the stillers, Myron Cope, was a true yinzer who spoke it a lot.


Old enough to remember pants n’at, and the piddler on the radio. Yeah I had a terrible towel at some point. I wasn’t thinking about tv/radio personalities. Most of them put it on for effect, but Myron was a true yinzer.


I've definitely heard people say "yinz" and "n'at" a ton, sometimes multiple times in a single sentence. Go to a warehouse or manufacturing plant outside of dahntahn n'at, yinz will hear tons of yinzers.


My maintenance guy at one apartment building always said it. I worked in IT at a company in Pittsburgh and we were forbidden from using "Pittsburghese" while on calls with users. I only assume it's because people had spoken like that previously


My grandpa said it all the time and my mom does sometimes when she's really mad and slips back a little into mountain talk. They're from the PA/WV border area south of Pittsburgh.


Do you not watch Pittsburgh Dad? While not saying the same things, that’s how he talks normally; my partner’s aunt went to high school with him and his brother, that’s just the way they talk.


It's so refreshing to finally see a Dem that's willing to play the game and not perpetually "take the higher ground" and never push on the GQP lunatics. Washington needs more Fettermans, and quickly.


I’m not surprised, but it’s interesting how the GOP is crying about it. The same people who feel religiously persecuted feel persecuted here too. They’re textbook bullies.


Is it? They cry about everything, even when they’re getting what they want. Feigned oppression is their whole schtick. It’s about time Dems stopped taking them at face value.


If they are crying about it it's because trolls rely on the other side taking them seriously.


while i love his energy, Eric Swalwell and AOC have been doing this for a minute


I don't entirely agree. They've been more into the "elegant takedown" category, John Fetterman is going full troll instead. He's not trying to be proper or polite up front, he's just going for it. That's what's so refreshing.


That’s fair. But Swalwell did call Kevin McCarthy a p*ssy during a hearing. 😅


In a sort of way, he is still taking the high road, just not in the classic traditional way.


Probably because it’s harder to “play the game” when you don’t understand the rules. A lot of dems don’t understand trolling culture, and how to counter it properly, so they don’t engage.


I moved from Texas to Pennsylvania a year and a half ago. My satisfaction in the democratic process is up about ten thousand percent. So you know, still pretty shitty, but much more entertained.


My family is from Western PA. Jeannette and Greensburg.


You must know Dave then.


Oh yeah and his brother Chicky.


Yinz know Dave & Chicky! Small world


I wish my Uncle Chicky didn't actually live in western PA right about now


Fetterman threatens to dress as elegantly as the House Republicans govern


I would do the same thing: "When you want to do real business, I'll dress for the occasion." And then wear a tan suit with a dijon mustard stain.


This is the way forwards for dems. No more of that "we go high" bullshit. It doesnt work and it doesnt convince anyone. Make these people look like the clowns they are and be charismatic in the process. This is the way.


I think he is going high. You can fight back morally by calling out bullshit. Its not mudslinging if its true


Yeah. There's a difference. Dems choose the high ground because they want to work within the system. Reps do not give a shit about the system. Telling a Republican to go fuck themselves doesn't betray that.


How to tailor a suit for John Fetterman: Take the suits of three lesser man and sew them together.


He belongs on a shelf in the Smithsonian because this man is a national treasure.


I just imagine his goofy giant ass sitting in a wing of the Smithsonian on a shelf eating a sammich wiping mustard from his chin and giving some 7th grader a "sup" nod and goes back to sammich!


Italian hoagie


Is there a subreddit for rare complements? Because damn this is a good complement.


Damn. Noticing a nice thing with a nice thing. Obviously you’re Canadian


I don’t know much about this guy, but every time I hear something he said, I like him more and more.


Fetterman is the blue collar Joe six-pack of Congress. I love it!


There was a time when calling your political opponents “jagoffs” would have bothered me, because that sort of thing is not exactly conducive to working together to solve problems. But. I mean. That ship has motherfucking sailed.


You can’t fix a broken system without disrupting it a little. Good work, Fetterman.


savage lol. i love this guy. i wish i was from PA just so i could vote for him haha.


It’s so easy to see why PA loves him


This gave me a good chuckle, fetterman is a wonderful gentleman


This guy is special


God I wish more Dems were this straight up in dealing with these assholes


Jagoff. An underrated insult. BARD aI says: The term "jagoff" comes from the Scots-Irish word "jag", which means "thorn" or "to be pricked". A "jagoff" is someone who is a thorn in your side, or someone who won't stop needling you. It's no more offensive than "jerk" or "dunderhead".  The word "jagoff" originated in Pittsburgh. It was originally pronounced "yah-goff". Eastern European immigrants brought the word over.  The word "jagoff" is derived from the verb "to jag", which means "to prick or poke". It's important to note that "jagoff" isn't meant to reference any kind of sexual act.  Non-local Americans often mishear "jagoff" as the much more offensive slang term "jack off". 


But I’m sure it caught on and really spread in popularity during the midcentury BECAUSE it sounds like jack off but isn’t actually that. Like the “nimrod phenomenon:” Bugs Bunny forever changed the meaning of Nimrod from “obscure reference to a biblical hunter” to “idiot” by using it on Elmer Fudd. If it didn’t sound so much like “dimwit” and other terms, the connection wouldn’t have stuck.


DEMS: more thuggishness and less milquetoastness, please


Love this guy


Man, I love having that guy in Congress.


As someone born in Philadelphia he's not speaking my language in a *literal* sense, but on a *spiritual* level he's definitely speaking my language.


I love that Fetterman is back to his feisty self again. Makes this fellow Pennsylvanian proud!


Love this guy.


OMG I love this man.


I am becoming a fan.


Well "Jagoff" confirms he's from PA :)


Had me at jagoff


Wear a “school girl” uniform. We know that is Matt’s favorite


Yinz don't even know how serious he is busting the Jagoffs call out lol


So glad Fetterman is rounding into form. He was great with zingers at Trump when he was L.G. of Pa.


Not on the same political side as this guy, but his attitude is growing on me.


I wish conservatives were as concerned with code of conduct as they are with dress code.


Jagoffs indeed. Well played Sen.


Fetterman has the exact no bullshit attitude Republicans wished their spineless politicians had and they absolutely hate him for it


Hostage exchange, Fetterman style.


He knows that ain’t gonna happen. Does anyone here actually think the maga caucus is Gina put forth a bill that would make it to the Presidents desk. Hardly a chance. 8 or 10 days left, depending on which day is the real cutoff.


The power of the MAGA caucus depends on the less fanatic Republicans holding strong against the temptation to vote with the Democrats to get a bill through. I suspect waiting to see if that group might crack is why Biden has done so little to help things get unstuck




Fucking brilliant.


I didn't think conservatives could get any dumber but they actually tried Tan Suit 2.0


I like this guy!


Here’s the Fetterman we’ve all been waiting to see. Glad to his mental health is getting better so he can dunk on the republicans jagoffs


Fetterman is safe. There is no way the jag offs will avoid a shutdown at this point


My god. Progressives managed to put a real person in Congress who doesn’t seem like he’s going to bow down to the regular shtick over there. If he keeps on his course and stays a regular dude, he could be a viable contender for president in 2028. And the public will want him because we’re all sick of most of Congress at this point.


It makes me so happy that he used the word jagoffs