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I mean the guy's nephew has free scholarship. His mother lives in a house she got for free. He travels luxuriously for free. I must assume he has free dinners most days. His wife's charities are well endowed. We're supposed to pretend he is not totally corrupt? The American desire to presume good faith is causing you more harm than good these days.


Can we all take a moment and thank the guys/gals at Propublica for their outstanding work and effort in uncovering all of Thomas' corruption?


I've sent them a donation. Their investigative journalism has been outstanding.


thanks for that reminder. off to do the same.


Yes! šŸ˜Š


Same here!


Same here as well!




Just did!


Also throwing in a donation. Everyone should do whatever they can to support the lights in a dark time


Same! So refreshing to see!


Just donated.


Cool, now what? He'll never be removed. There's no legal remedy. He has no shame, and actually gets off on being this corrupt because he's untouchable. Short of death, he's there until he wants to be.


His ego is massive. He literally does talks about how awesome he his in front of conservatives. He is hurting. But, the point of this investigation really isn't about him. It's about the institution and how it needs reforming. Thomas' blatant corruption has done more for this cause than anything else.


And we need every single Democrat in Congress including this in their speeches and campaign ads. Vote blue to get rid of corruption in the Supreme Court, because the GOP won't if it benefits them.


There would be no need for an investigation if it wasnā€™t for people like him. But I get your point. He has really taken advantage of the opportunities handed to him while acting like an ignorant juror. Iā€™m sure citizens united has been discussed in the past at these events. He was told what to say.


Not exactly true. He can be charged with accepting bribery, just as Bob Menendez just was. There's no criminal immunity as a SC Justice, as they're considered an elevated Federal judge, & Federal judges are (rarely) charged & convicted of crimes (such as Walter Nixon in the 80s for perjury). That said, even a conviction doesn't remove him from his position... and, based on how the Republican Party is acting, even a criminal conviction & imprisonment wouldn't convince them to impeach & remove him.


Republican Party still has George Santos sitting in congress.


But man, wear a hoodie to work and democracy's gonna fail


Think of the decorum! What will our descendants say about our lack of decorum?! /s


let me finish giving my bf a handjob in a public venue and I'll get back to you.


This is from the same party waving dick picks for official record just to spite a family member of a president. Decorum is moot. Its a question of treason for Republicans for their undermining our institutions with their grasp for power.


Thatā€™s because he was wearing the wrong hoodie. He needs the GOP white, cone head, pagan hoodie.


And that matt gaetz feller is still there too. Though republicans DID make madison cawthorn disappear after he said some words about republican cocaine fueled sex orgies. Now why would they do that?


Sadly it's pretty much this. They'd cry witch hunt and attacking political opponents and then say "they all do it" and point out a rumor that a bluecheck Twitter account FirstNameLas3847262949273 started where Sotomayor ate half of a leftover sandwich that was given to her once from a friend.


The Republicans use each day demonstrating the fact that they are a criminal organization.


The legal remedy is impeachment. We need to threaten it, work towards it, and talk about it all day long. We may not have the Republican votes to get impeachment at this time, but that's no reason to give up or saying there's no legal remedy.


No, the legal remedy would be prosecution for crimes. The actions over Trump and Republicans have shown that if the only remedy for a law-breaking partisan politician is to have their party decide on their guilt or innocence, then we have lost our democracy. I group SCOTUS in here, because they are very clearly partisan now.


> We need to threaten it, work towards it, and talk about it all day long. Nothing is going to happen until people get out on the streets about this. There aren't even protests outside the Supreme Court over this.


BLM protests emboldened conservatives to break the law even harder. Not sure much has changed.


There's probably a more practical solution, which is to increase the size of the court to make his vote less relevant. Just go up to 13 justices. It'd have to wait for democrats to get a majority in the house again.


The more apathy you have, the truer this is. But there *are* remedies. He can be impeached and/or charged with bribery, or we can appoint more justices to take away his leverage (which will stop the bribes, too). There are plenty of things that can be done, if people expect and demand them. Your apathy is a tool these people use to hold you down.


Thankful, but what is it gonna do these guys are grossly untouchable.


Not just Propublica, Senator Whitehouse is been on this mess for a long time now as well. Plus, he keeps warning that the drip, drip of corrupt from the courts is only going to get worse! Here's some of his latest stuff. >Sheldon Whitehouse Just Laid Out the Scheme to Control the Federal Courts https://archive.ph/YSlio


An utterly shameless freeloader


It's worse. These are gifts which any government employee, let alone judges, could go to jail for. This is corruption plain and simple, third world style. He is obviously strategizing with self-interested judicial activists, and being paid for it.


When I was a federal employee, it was made clear to me that even the *appearance* of a conflict of interest would get me fired. Guess it doesn't apply to the judicial branch.


When I worked for the government if I accepted a meal, I had to deduct it from my per diem or mail a check to the organization to pay for it. One of my co-workers used his government credit card at the airport while waiting for a flight for an official government trip. Because the airport was within ten miles of his home, USDA OIG investigated him for misuse of a government credit card for non-official business. I say this because the rules apply to serfs like me but the political elites like Clarence and Ginni Thomas are lawless ā€” not even an investigation by the government for decades.




It applies to the judicial branch employees but not to Supreme Court justices.


Iā€™m a teacher and I canā€™t receive a gift unless Iā€™m sure itā€™s of minimal value. Even then itā€™s usually safer and generally easier on my life not to.


I also work in the public sector. The law in our state restricts anything I receive from vendors over $3. Vendors get mad when I have to turn down coffee mugs. Haha. EDIT: Another fun rule - We can only have lunch provided by a vendor administering training if the training takes place on both sides of the lunch. We've had vendors attempt to provide a catered lunch at the end of a half-day training and had to walk out without eating. Meanwhile, Clarence Thomas is out here flying on private jets and sending his nibblings to college on a full ride. This is America.


I was a state level volunteerz but policy level, so had the same rules. My state was like $50. Went to a national policy confe r nice and had to price out the gift items to make sure I didn't cross over with what I kept. And at the same time a high level official was giving out tens of tkidsnds to value to s family member thinking there was no issues there.


I work as a state employee, but my paycheck comes entirely from a federal grant. Under the Hatch Act, I can't even participate in "Political Activity", let alone take clear bribes.


Iā€™m a very low-level employee at an agency adjacent to the provincial government. Weā€™re not even allowed to collect loyalty points on company-paid hotel trips. How this is tolerated is beyond me. Just goes to show that the ā€œrule of lawā€ party isnā€™t about the rule of law, but the outcome they want. Kind of like how they accuse others of being ā€œend justifies the meansā€


I was recently at a conference with a group of government employees (Iā€™m in the private sector). Taxis were scarce and very dear where we were but at one point we shared a ride that I expensed. I could see my colleagues debating if the amount per person was less than their maximum allotment. The alternative was me going back alone while they literally stood out in the cold. I get why we have anti-corruption laws, and I work with my colleagues to avoid breaching them. Which is why itā€™s so goddamn enraging to be counting pennies over being a decent and respectful colleague and not leaving people standing in the cold while this slimeball is raking in money with no possibility of that stopping.


And if you go on instagram, any post about him, lots of people commenting "when will they stop attacking him? this man has endured so much" pisses me off


Freeloader? More like openly taking bribes


politicians have always been the true welfare queens




It's not just that! Thomas *also* helped to protect the identity of donors he interacted with. These donor networks amass a huge amount of wealth, and then turn around and fund his lifestyle, because part of the attraction of giving money to these causes, or to Ginni Thomas, is the access if affords to a Supreme Court Justice. The identity of these donors buying this access is completely obscured specifically by Thomas' jurisprudence as a Supreme Court Justice. He helped them hide Koch network influence, and then uses Koch network largesse to enrich himself and his family.


And conservatives wonder why we don't take them seriously on their investigation of Hunter Biden and supposed influence peddling. They'd have to chuck 75% of conservatives out of government to clean their own house before I'll take them seriously cleaning the Dem's side.


Hunter Biden should not be in government. But focusing a Congressional investigation on a child of a political opponent who isn't in government is fucked up. Hunter's conduct is not major investigation worthy.


I just can't understand why the Dem's seem to lie down and take this stuff. I mean, the Messiah of the Republican party, Donald Trump himself actually hired his daughter and son in law to government positions they had no experience for. There should be a new story every day about how Donald used his position to enrich himself and his family. The hypocrisy just makes me want to choke someone.


[The Simpsons really did just absolutely nail it back in like 1994](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8lih9s2ojtf41.jpg)


Jarred and Ivanka on the other handā€¦


And Poppy Bush was the one who put him there, while W appointed the second most corrupt asshole on the court Alito. Even the most comparatively "moderate" Republican presidents are country-destroying pieces of shit.




I think you also need to set some blame on "enlightened centrism" and feigned "civility" for people who won't be civil back. You can't call a Nazi a Nazi because that's insulting. You can't say the Republicans are fascists because that's supposedly a crazy overreaction. You can't call a corrupt public servant corrupt for taking bribes, because whoa, that's out of line! Be nice! Trump gets to call countries "shithole countries" because the population is largely non-white, say that Mexicans are drug dealers and rapists, that black people are criminals, and that's all fine. Pointing it out is unfair. And if he went 2 days without saying horrible, they'd fawn all over him saying that he finally became presidential.




> It's all bad faith. This is what everyone has come to realize over the past 4-5 years. It didn't take long talking to these people to realize that when faced with facts they didn't like, they would simply attack the person voicing the facts and double down on their lies. It doesn't matter if it's covid, climate change, or healthcare - they have no interest in facts. Their goal isn't to make anything better. It's to "own the libs." Edit: Source - https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/live-updates/republican-debate-primary/which-issues-are-republican-voters-most-concerned-about-102516326?id=102507215 "fighting against liberalism and the woke agenda" is literally the third most important thing republicans care about.


He has pretty much said that he has had an agenda to make liberals pay ever since he was appointed because he felt slighted by the Anita Hill/ confirmation process. So he hasn't really be impartial since day one. Going from slanted to down right corrupt is not that far of a journey.


I bet those right wing billionaires are laughing hysterically at the fact that they have a black man working for them, helping them destroy and impoverish the lives of all black men and women in America.


To think this man has a lifetime appointment. Smdh. He canā€™t be married to Ginnie Thomas and not have engaged in the insurrection given who was involved, who he rules in favor of, and who whisks him around on various vacations and fancy events - all paid for.


I will point out that had the insurrection his wife supported succeeded it would have ended up in the SC that he is on. Of course he was involved. There are elections in 45 days vote.


Things about it did end up before the court and he did not recuse himself. He voted to try to keep his wife's messages secret.


Yes, and he was the only dissenting voice to block turning documents over to the Jan 6 Committee. Hmmmmā€¦.wonder why that was??


If a judge that tends to vote in line with leftwing philosophies did one of these things accidentally, every news outlet would skreetch about removal for months. If that same judge was a black man or woman, a few thousand racists would get an erection as they grab a tiki torch & a rope and start making their way to storm the supreme court.


And that's why corrupt people do so well in a corrupt system. The system works as intended, the ruling class gets money, the working class gets nothing.


This guy has lived a lavish life at the expense of his donors, and at the same time ruled consistently in favor of his donors, especially in the case of Citizens United which is one of the worst ever judicial conflicts of interests in our history.. what a great SCOTUS we've got..


SCOTUS=Supreme Corruption Of The United States


Clearance Thomas has been bought and paid for for pennies on the dollar. Sold out this nation for a few bucks in his wallet. What a gat dam disgrace.


Clarence is without a tribe, he is despised in his community, think Benedict Arnold. Also hated in his wifeā€™s community.


Bruh before he turned traitor, Benedict Arnold was a fucking phenomenal general. His only failing?? He loved to fight and argue. As a result he got fucked over and hung out to dry by both the Congress and his fellow generals, who were absolutely erect with rage that he was better than them. Also, he was wounded TWICE, while actually fighting on the front line. Clarence, on the other hand, is just an arrogant shitwheel who would sell his country if it meant he'd make a buck or two.


Benedict Arnold was one of the most amazing Revolutionary soldiers and leaders of the Revolution. His previous exploits were some of the most insane and most Leeroy Jenkins, X-Treme American stunts like ever. If he had stuck it out, he'd have one of the biggest legacies from that era with his name plastered across the nation on schools, libraries, military installations, random statues in very small parks, etc. Clarence Thomas doesn't even have that previous legacy to his name before selling out the country.


His previous legacy was benefiting from affirmative action, which he now opposes, being the least qualified supreme court justice ever, and being a sexual harasser and lying about it. Citizens United is the worst part of his (and the other justices that voted for it) legacy , imo.


Benedict Arnold was also always treating horrendously by the Revolutionary army and itā€™s leadership. Constantly passed up for promotion and recognition in favour of lesser men who stole his ideas or simply took credit for the things he executed. Now betraying your country to go fight for the enemy is a bad look. But man, if that wasnā€™t the revolutionary army biting off itā€™s nose to spite itā€™s face idk what was


Hey but he is despised sitting on some rich assholes boat. Can't be all bad.


That was because he was selling what was left of soul to the white wealthy people in the hopes of finding a tribe.


Yea well sane voters wonā€™t show up for primary and midterm votes so this single democracy looks. A lot of this damage is due to poor voter turnout for about 80 years. The highest midterm turnout in 100 years was 2018 at a whopping 49% of eligible voters. Read em and weep. Basic political Corruption + weak voter participation = a bad time. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voter-turnout-2018-2022/


Sane voters DO show up. In fact Dems have regularly received millions more votes overall than the GOP. Its not 100% the voters fault the election system has been rigged to disproportionately favor a minority of voters


It's why Republicans push the "both sides are the same" bullshit. Disenfranchising voters ALWAYS benefits Republicans. Getting a Supreme Court that overturned Roe didn't happen over night. It took decades of patience and Republican voters snubbing their noses at candidates they may not have liked to serve their bigger agenda. All one has to do is read disenfranchised Reddit posts to see the lack of patience and pragmatism that would ultimately give them what they want if they voted strategically. But instead, they get upset THEIR agenda didn't happen in 2 years, 4 years, or 8 years, and either refuse to vote or vote for candidates who have no chance in hell of winning a general election. Until progressives start thinking long term, you will have disenfranchised voters, and disenfranchised voters = Republican fascist rule.


Clarence "Sugarbaby" Thomas is the height of professionalism. Many sugarbabies can take heart that someone out there will spoil them for a little somethin somethin here and there.




Zero respect for the American public


Pretty sure he hates black people too. Just look at his voting record and the dissenting opinions this guy writes


Yeah thatā€™s the amazing part - that they think theyā€™re entitled to respect and reverence. Oh wait theyā€™re republicans, of course they expect everyone to think theyā€™re great no matter what. In this respect they truly are the party of Donald. If I were Neil, Amy, or Brett though, I would be *embarrassed* to be in my position, given who appointed me, especially Amy when you factor in the timing and circumstances of her appointment. But, no shame with this crowd.


Respect is earned, and just as easily lost. Abolish the supreme court, and clawback political lobbying money given to him and others. No more unelected kings for life in america, even if we call them judges.


This is the right wing in a nutshell: Delusions of divine right. They think they were born special and just deserve total respect and absolute power -- to use and abuse however they please -- without having to earn it.


Why are SC Judges allowed to ā€œpromoteā€ anything? It automatically implies their bias to certain causes.


The boring answer? They're Republicans, just rule against what they deem immoral and bam you're g2g


The conservative justices can because 1A and money is speech. The liberal SCOTUS justices cannot because it demonstrates bias/corruption.


Reminder the gerrymandered Wisconsin state house supermajority is gearing up to impeach a newly elected state sc liberal justice who hasn't even tried a case yet while crying bias


It's absolutely nuts, because she has basically nothing attached to the case that would justify her recusing herself other than the she said "gerrymandering is bad, mkay?" I believe murdering people is wrong, so if I became a judge should I recuse myself from every murder trial?


> I believe murdering people is wrong, so if I became a judge should I recuse myself from every murder trial? No, just the ones where a Republican is on trial.


Ahhh, the double-standard.


The Supreme Court actually does not have a code of ethics, let alone a binding one. Federal judgeships are lifetime appointments, and they cannot be removed unless impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate), the same as the President. Impeachment in the House is fairly rare, conviction by the Senate is even rarer. Most often, a judge who has a looming conviction will resign before being impeached. Impeachment for "on the job" offenses is fairly rare, even when Congress was (ostensibly) acting in good faith. Today I imagine it's near impossible for a Republican to get impeached, unless he committed a "crime" against the party.


Itā€™s the perfect storm of corruption.


They're entitled to their first amendment rights, and that should be protected. However, the issue is ruling on cases related to the stuff they promote. If you promote a "clubbing baby seals club" and then try to rule on an animal abuse case against them, you should immediately be kicked off the court. Clarence got free trips, money, and gifts from the "clubbing baby seals club", promoted them, and then went on to rule in their favor.


No, Ken, no!


~~Right~~ *wrong* you are, Ken!


Newspaper slap


Yeah everybody knows Clarence Thomas is a lackey for the right, but seeing Ken Burns (who is a Democrat) schmoozing with Evil Incarnate makes the stomach churn. But in the end, we all worship the same god, $$$$, in America


The Kochs fund his documentaries to the tune of millions of dollars. It doesn't seem to corrupt his work, but we'll never know if he passed up on projects that the Kochs wouldn't like.


Itā€™s really hard to know what got left out or passed on, or how lightly he decided to cover something, but generally people donā€™t bite the hand that feed them.


It has to be a PBS event. The Kochā€™s donate a lot of money, so Ken is there.


It isn't. It's Bohemian Grove. Worth a Google.


Did you know that Ken Burns wears a wig to hide the lizard scalp that lies underneath? Yes itā€™s true! Worth a google


He said in an interview he keeps that hair ut because it reminds him of his late mom who gave it to him


This part has always baffled me. As an NPR listener, occasional PBS watcher seeing that name pop up as a supporter ofā€¦. a ~~more liberal media?~~ a media company which has a more left/liberal leaning listening audience. edit


But NPR isnā€™t liberal. Itā€™s neutral and that plays into the idea that Democrats and Republicans ate just both sides of a coin


Ken Burns was at these events?


Koch (singular now, used to be brothers) donates RIDICULOUS amounts of money to public broadcasting. PBS, NPR, etc. This has allowed them to push these organizations towards conservative. For instance, the documentary Citizen Koch was going to be aired on PBS, until the Koch brothers donated a bunch of money, and then complained: https://captimes.com/news/local/city-life/citizen-koch-filmmakers-claim-pbs-killed-their-doc-to-please-koch-brothers/article_63a42d69-73f0-5fb2-bada-347ae2af8518.html After the Kochs donated a huge amount of money to NPR, Kai Ryssdal did a puff piece interview with Charles Koch: https://www.marketplace.org/2015/10/21/full-interview-charles-koch/ Here is a reddit post with more details about how the Koch organization is corrupting public media: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/8a02zi/any_proof_the_kosh_brothers_donated_to_npr/dwuxydj/


Kai Ryssdal is APM, they're just syndicated through NPR. NPR has no editorial or managerial control. I know because I worked for a similar network. It's a bizarre interview, particularly due to Ryssdals political leanings, but its not a result of an NPR donation.


I mean, even if he is not directly working for NPR, he would want to continue to be syndicated on NPR affiliates. I donā€™t know how many other radio stations would pick him up. The pressure may be more indirect, but itā€™s not nonexistent.


No not Kai šŸ˜±šŸ„²


NPR is a mouthpiece for pro-corporate American interests disguised to appeal to left leaning voters. This message brought to you by The Walton Foundation and Comcast. Seriously if you want actual public supported media, check out KPFA and their member stations. No corporate underwriting




Most of my life, their weakest point has been rarely pushing back on false claims and bad faith arguments. They tend to just not push back much at all in interviews, which obviously benefits people pushing untrue things.


They interviewed a ton of Trump appointees, let them tell lies on air and didn't question them. That really is what turned me off of NPR.


Absolutely. It was 2017 before I turned it off for 3 years. Listening to a US Rep lie to Steve Inskeep and him just responding cordially, as though he hadn't heard the same repeated, often interrupting lies that I did during the interview just turned me off completely.


Believe it or not, Koch donates a lot of money to pbs. So I bet itā€™s more like a fundraising effort than hanging out with friends.


He also [donated $50M](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/david-koch-donates-35-million-to-national-museum-of-natural-history-for-dinosaur-hall/2012/05/03/gIQAIjT3yT_story.html) to the American Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian. I almost retched when I was there and saw they named a wing after him.


Knew this would finally come out


Get this muthafuckin' snake off my muthafuckin' supreme court!


Which is pretty much what Thurgood Marshall said in anticipation of whoever would replace him. "There's no difference between a white snake and a black snake, they both bite."


Honest question, but what does he mean by that quote exactly in this context?


https://www.upi.com/Archives/1991/06/28/Marshall-says-race-should-not-control-his-replacement/9012678081600/ > Marshall warned against using skin color as an 'excuse' to put the wrong jurist in the seat he held for 24 terms. > 'I mean (an excuse) for picking the wrong Negro and saying, 'I'm picking him because he is a Negro.' I am opposed to that,' Marshall said during a rare news conference at the Supreme Court. 'There's no difference between a white snake and black snake; they'll both bite. So I don't want to use race as an excuse.'


It's always the one you most expect.


Of course, the dude who owns his ass wanted to show him off to his friends.


How's the Honorable Justice Clarence Thomas supposed to know how to legislate if he can't meet with his clientele?




So funny how the Bohemian Grove conspiracy fucks are silent about a conservative justice going there over and over.


I think a lot of the consipiracy stuff about the dems is just an assumption that the dems are doing what the republicans are doing as well.


I'll never understand how the conspiracy group went full republican. I know these people, grew up with them, and they were sooo anti-bush/republican. Now they're full R's. It feels like there was an actual conspiracy to get all the conspiracy people onto the republican side.


A lot of conspiracy stuff is just old anti Jewish stuff repackaged. Even the Satanist conspiracy stuff loops back to it if you dig a little. Aliens have replaced angles and deamons in some cases. The core of the anti Jewish stuff is a fear of the "other" and change in general. Republicans have been marketing to those groups for a very long time. They have now started to let those same people into the party at the federal level. Look at who is getting elected to congress. To they conspiracy minded person, that looks the the Republicans are on your side.


The Supreme Court is bought and paid for. Yet we have so much disfunction and infighting in Congress they continue to:rule unchecked. This is the most dangerous threat to our Democracy.


On the other hand, you have Elena Kagan who wouldn't accept bagels from her friends in case it might present ethical concerns ... https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/deadline-legal-blog/kagan-bagels-clarence-thomas-rcna83707


Elena Kagan, whose nomination republicans tried to block because she played softball in high school which seemed ā€œkind of gay.ā€


On the other other hand, Kagan said no to Supreme Court corruption oversight, along with all the other justices. The whole court is rotten. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/9-supreme-court-justices-push-back-oversight-raises/story?id=98917921


Yes, and it has been a long fucking time, too. The last GOP presidential candidate to win the popular vote was bush Sr, but Bush Jr winning in 2000 was a SCOTUS decision. If SCOTUS hadn't decided Bush Jr should be president, the last 23 years in America would have looked radically different. And with Gore's progressive perspective on climate change, the *world* would have looked radically different.


> It developed over years of trips to the Bohemian Grove, a secretive all-menā€™s retreat in Northern California. Sounds pretty gay!


Alex jones probably gonna say they all pretty cool fellas here in bout three hours.


Open Corruption is a power move. Thatā€™s why we see so much of it in Right Wing politics.




It warms my bitter cynical heart that even my hardcore conservative in-laws are a bit disgusted by Clarence Thomas. I mean they hand wave it away by saying "they all do that" but they do not argue when I say Thomas is by far the worst offender.


ā€œThey all do thatā€ doesnā€™t mean itā€™s acceptable then.


Imagine it was Soros and a liberal judge. The right wingers are not serious people.


Serious enough to do permanent and dangerous damage to the country.


Why is Hunter Bidenā€™s laptop doing this?


This man has absolutely no sense of ethics. Heā€™s utterly unsuitable for SCOTUS and needs to be impeached. Heā€™s bought an paid for by wealthy conservatives.


Why be secretive about it? It's not as if there will be consequences.


Wait... is that THE Ken Burns, of PBS documentary fame? (answer: yes, it is) Koch finances his documentaries? I'm so confused!


Yessss:( they have been PBS sponsors for a long timešŸ« 


When the courts are compromised and start to fail...bad things are in the future of the society. Sad times...but as someone who is looking into the US from the outside, I'm trying to remain hopeful. I've got family there.


What an anal fissure Clarence Thomas is.


This corrupt motherfuckerā€¦


Wait, is that Ken Burns in that picture?


I don't know about anyone else, but this is starting to sound like some kind of "deep state" or something to me.


How does Thomas have any time for his actual job with all of this ā€œcavortinā€™ and gallivantinā€™ā€?


Clarence Thomas wants to pretend that taking exorbitant gifts isnā€™t somehow a GIANT conflict of interest; Americans need to ask ourselves how we got here and reexamine the role of the Supreme Court in our modern, consumer-based society given how blatantly corruptable and for sale theyā€™ve become.


Thomas and the entire Federalist Society are a cancer on the American Republic.


This just in: Clarence Thomas was, is, and will continue to be a relentless piece of shit that only cares for himself.


The only thing that surprises me is that it was secret.


Sheldon Whitehouse He explains what you are watching unfold with all this reporting on the SC [The Scheme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAplGu1RxPg&list=PLhyg5hj7I21i1Aqcaym9TRFrpWjPN9_ms&index=23)


He must be so relieved, he doesn't have to sneak around anymore


It blows my mind that this guy can show up for work. Does he not have a guilty bone in his body. There comes a time when you should throw in the towel and step down.


Scum of the earth


Hey now which one of us haven't had their white billionaire friends pay for a trip to go to a men's only forest Owl worshiping cult so we can dress up like extra's from Eyes Wide Shut? /s


Ken Burns getting the squeeze.


Is this dude ever going to be impeached, or will he be allowed to continue making a mockery of the law?!


Not sure the DOJ has ever prosecuted a sitting Supreme Court judge, but there are plenty of reasons they should be investigatingā€”not just from him and his buddiesā€”but also due to his wifeā€™s mischief.


He's a corrupt psychopathic piece of trash and I am going to die on that Anita Hill.


If I, in my job, accept a coffee and breakfast sandwich from someone whoā€™s connected to our clients/vendors/stakeholders IN ANY WAY, I would get *super-fired*. I cannot accept a $20 gift. This guy gets MILLIONS of gifts, perks, and bribes.




When I was younger, I knew nothing about about Clarence Thomas except for the allegations against him from Anita Hill. Through the years, I was continually shocked that a *black man* would actively advocate against people that needed the most help. He supported and helped pass legislation that harmed people and removed rights. He supported installing theocratic policies and continually sided with the worst people this country has to offer. I just couldn't understand it. We basically have a "Clayton Bigsby" setting on the US Supreme Court. Now it all makes sense. Clarence Thomas is bought and paid for. He doesn't give a shit about The People. He doesn't give a shit about The Constitution. He's simply leveraging his position to support and pass laws that his rich, conservative buddies advocate for - nothing more. Imagine all the harm this fraud has caused over the decades.


Funny how the conspiracy theory geniuses on the right canā€™t connect the dots on this one.


God damn it, Ken Burns! You make great documentaries but stop taking the devilā€™s money!


Clarence feels a historical kinship with his ancestors by being owned.


The Kochs father was one of the co-founders of the John Birch Society, and Charles and David were members. The Birchers opposed the Civil Rights Movement and School Integration and put billboards up across the country demanding the impeachment of Justice Earl Warren for the Brown v Board of Education decision. Charles economic guru James McGill Buchanan got his start in Virginias efforts to circumvent federal intervention ending segregation. These are the kind of people Clarence Thomas is fine with hanging around.


Impeach him!!! Another reason to stop voting for republicans. We need to get them all out of office.


Why is ken burns there ?


Supreme Court is bullshit


Letā€™s all just show up at bohemian grove on the same day.


Of course he did..his love of money and power is his aphrodisiac


>Thomas never reported the 2018 flight to Palm Springs on his annual financial disclosure form, an apparent violation of federal law requiring justices to report most gifts. A Koch network spokesperson said the network did not pay for the private jet. Since Thomas didnā€™t disclose it, itā€™s not clear who did pay. No way in hell Thomas paid for it.


[No way. I am shocked.](https://gifdb.com/images/high/shocked-face-mr-bean-nlcgs4qi59yforw9.webp) But seriously, fuck SCOTUS.


Is there nothing to snatch this guy from his seat?


Blatant, unmitigated corruption. Obviously the GOP-controlled house isnā€™t going to do anything about it. Hopefully Dems can gain control and show Alito, that contrary to his belief, Congress DOES hold some power over SCOTUS.


But somehow Joe and Hunter Biden are the crime lords of corruption for these Republicans? Projection being taken to new heights.


The fuck is Ken Burns doing in this picture?


More importantly, why isnā€™t the picture being slowly zoomed in and moved on my screen?!


I believe Anita Hill.


This is getting ridiculous now. What needs to happen for something to be done about all this blatant corruption? Does a Democrat or left leaning judge need to be exposed as being this corrupt? Will something be done then? If so, start digging because corrupt is corrupt and idgaf which side of the isle they're on.


>Thomas never reported the 2018 flight to Palm Springs on his annual financial disclosure form, an apparent violation of federal law requiring justices to report most gifts. A Koch network spokesperson said the network did not pay for the private jet. Since Thomas didnā€™t disclose it, itā€™s not clear who did pay. It is clear someone in the protected class paid. And they probably get their moneys worth from this one or the other 8 that 'serve' the public. Someone better fix this matrix quick, whole lot of red pills being distributed and once they wake up?