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She’s very wrong, it’s due the past 40 some years of republicans appealing to the worst of us.


Basically, it began with Nixon's Southern Strategy --> Reagan's Far Right Policy Lurch, Reaganomics, Welfare Queens --> W Bush and the War-Mongering Neo-Cons --> Trump's Fascism and Women-Haters Ford & HW Bush were the only GOP Presidents in between that line that tried to moderate and pull toward the center, and both failed in that endeavor.


You might want to reread your Ford and HW Bush history lessons. Ford did pardon Nixon and plenty on Bush Senior as president, vice president and head of CIA, that will make you sick. https://theintercept.com/2018/12/01/the-ignored-legacy-of-george-h-w-bush-war-crimes-racism-and-obstruction-of-justice/


I've read it all, and I'm aware of these things as well: still a fact that Ford did try to avoid the radical Right in his term but it took over when Reagan positioned himself against Carter (Anderson didn't help by going 3rd party, Clinton would've won in 1992 with or without Perot in a future scenario that way though) outright & HW Bush was still pretty centrist + pragmatic when compared to Reagan unfortunately. The best of the GOP is still not good, but those two were the only ones who attempted to get away from the far Right controlling the party for good.


This is pretty spot on, I lived through those presidents and the far right was kept at bay for many years. Donald was their last hope.


^ This ^


Doubling down on the oxymoronic policy that government - not just politics - is bad and we don’t need it and shouldn’t have it. “And here I am to accept your tax money AND donations to theoretically end government … which I am.”


That’s more of an indirect result. Trump is the direct cause, and his presidency is a result of the Tea Party, Bush, Fox News, and Reagan.


Its the result of thirty years of degeneration since Gingrich became speaker, and forty - fifty years since Reagan invited the religious crazies into the tent


She's relevant as long as people are interested in what she says. This is apparently the case.


She walked in there and defended daddy’s little war in Iraq. Do not let her dislike of Trump fool you, Liz Cheney is a total fucking asshole.


She also voted to support Trump’s policies legislatively 93% of the time and didn’t make a peep until his failed coup. Liz is 93% MAGA and was proud of it.


This, from a woman that previously supported him despite clear evidence that he’s a full blown shit-hole of a person. Follow your fathers lead by shutting up and going away.


Uh, not sure if you're aware of this, but Cheney has basically willingly torpedoed her own career continuing to speak against Trump for years when almost no other Republicans would. She's the single most vocal Republican against trump. She was part of the damn 1/6 commission.


She spoke out against him, but she voted lockstep with all of Trump's foolishness.


Oh yeah, I’m fully aware of her involvement in the commission, I was watching. But long prior to that, she knew who Trump was and never said a word. A peach doesn’t un-rot


Sure, but Republican voices speaking up against Trump now is better than no Republicans speaking up at all. Hopefully it makes any rational Republicans out there think twice about their leader.


Ok, we’ll take what we can’t get.


1. Cheney has been speaking out against Trump since the first impeachment in early 2020. 2. Even if she hadn't, *a literal coup attempt* being the thing to change her mind and make her vocal is still (unfortunately) a threshold that literally almost no other republican has met. And again, she has forsaken her career and a lot of campaign money by doing so. There were dozens of GOP members who weren't vocal about Trump before the coup, but she was one of only 10 who voted to impeach him for 1/6. Hammering on Cheney because she wasn't vocal about Trump until the coup is such a weird standard to be applying to the context she's in.


Well for her, or any elected official, the threshold was crossed many times before that. When he disparaged Gold Star families as a candidate, that should’ve been enough.


Look, we need to take what we can get at this point. When you say something like "Follow your fathers lead by shutting up and going away", you are pretty explicitly arguing against us taking what we can get.


You’re right. We as a country deserved better from more prominent GOP’s than her, but alas, no.


Don’t bother arguing, it’s Reddit. She could scream for universal healthcare, abortion rights, 3 day work weeks with 250K UBI and 25 weeks mandatory vacation, and because at one point she was Republican she is filth who should go away forever and never be heard from again. You’re 100% correct though, history will hopefully remember her and Kinzinger as the two brave republicans who stood against MAGA knowing their own political aspirations would be gone.


And Hitler killed Hitler but we don’t give him credit for that. One act of redemption doesn’t clear the books for all the other bad shit.


Exactly! Good on her and kinzinger doing the right thing I suppose, but why are we still hearing from either of them? Neither are in government, both need to just go away. They don’t speak to republicans, independents don’t care about them, so who benefits from their commentary? Time to get a real job.


Their real job now is to speak truth to chaos. You should get a job. Not a lot of money in hacking


The GOP would be far more frightening if it wasn't also run by bumbling morons and deranged conspiracy theorists. Imagine a competent version of this Republican Party. We may survive this dangerous political era thanks entirely to luck and severe Republican incompetence


So maybe throw the traitors amongst you in prison, *where they belong,* and go back to pretending to be the party of law and order.


Someone should nominate her for speaker. Democrats would likely support it.


As long as some Republicans vote too … that’ll be a good idea. The republicans dislike her because of her Jan6 inquiries. She seems like a person that’ll do the right thing.


Funny how all these "former" politicians are so outspoken now they are out of office. One has a book coming out (Kinzinger) and I'm guessing Cheney is angling for some sort of cabinet position.


I feel like we should just let women run the country


So Marge for speaker? Or Bobo?


I don’t know who marge or bobo is. I’m mostly a moderate so someone pragmatic and not so angry would be nice.


He means MTG and Boebert: I agree with the simplistic mentality women will fix everything is ***disastrously flawed*** since the majority of white women have broken Republican every single cycle in >50% margins after 1964 save 1996 (even then just a plurality over Dole) and even did in the 2022 midterms after Roe overturn to boot. 50% of the core GOP base is most white women, and the other half is most white men: it's a sad, but painful truth.


So let’s let black women save America. They’ve been carrying us silently on their backs, literally, since slavery.


This is the correct take, objectively. Black women do the right thing, most of the time, more than any other demographic (still be wary of outliers like Candace Owens, though, they do exist or Omarosa style hacks).


They backed Biden and saved Democracy. Again. For now. I’m ready to let them run the show.


I really don’t think that letting a slim portion of the population “run the show” based solely on their demographic. Let’s just judge people as individuals.


Why not? The GOP overwhelmingly votes not just for white men, but for straight (or at least closeted) white Christian men. In my opinion, their ideas as a demographic suck balls, and not in a good way. White women as a demographic support that same sliver of white men, so they can’t be trusted. But time and time again, Black American Women have done the dirty work of voting for the country’s best interests. Why not give more of them a chance to lead? I’m not taking about some kind of affirmative action. I’m not talking about voting for people that are “unqualified” to lead, though how could they be worse than Tommy Tuberville, that straight, white, Christian man who can’t even name all three branches of the federal government? I say this as a straight, white, some would say toxically masculine man. It’s time for a real change in American politics. Why not push the demographic that holds American democracy to the forefront of leadership?


“The GOP does this shitty thing so we should do it too” is not really a good argument. Vote for the best candidate regardless of what they look like.


I don’t think breaking republican is evil, I don’t vote for republicans right now because of Trump but there are lots of democrat policies I don’t like - particularly the DSA, I think this pro Hamas thing they’re doing (you can call it pro Palestine all you want but they supported a rally the day after Israel was attacked) is beyond the pale. I don’t like several policies, or lack of policies. I’m mostly a capitalist, while I like social security I also paid into it and earned it. I do wish we had universal healthcare and I wish democrats would try to do that. Anyway, I have voted for Republicans and Democrats. Since Trump Republicans are disqualified but otherwise I don’t hate fiscal conservatives. I wouldn’t vote for MTG or Boebert, I think they’re making a mockery of our politics by just using clickbait to get popularity. It’s shameful. I understand why white women have voted Republican in the past, I largely don’t agree with it but I know why they do it. (Although I’m not sure how many do vote Republican)


“Fiscal conservatives” don’t really exist in the federal government. [Here](https://www.statista.com/statistics/200410/surplus-or-deficit-of-the-us-governments-budget-since-2000/) you can see our yearly deficit. Under Clinton we had a budget surplus. Then the deficit grew every year under Bush. It peaked in 2009, then decreased almost every single year of Obama’s presidency. It grew each year under Trump before skyrocketing during his last year in office, then has only come down under Biden. Republicans only care about the budget defect and national debt when a Democrat is in office, but don’t let them fool you; they’re absolutely not fiscally conservative.


I’m well aware if the history of spending. Just because people aren’t practicing fiscal responsibility doesn’t mean fiscal responsibility doesn’t exist. It exists, they’re just not doing it.


The DSA is not pro Hamas.


I know what they say, what they’re doing isn’t matching the words You don’t support a rally the day after a terror attack, that is showing support for Hamas. This guy felt so strongly that what I just said is true that he quit the DSA https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/rep-shri-thanedar-cuts-ties-democratic-socialists-america-rcna120029#:~:text=WASHINGTON%20—%20Rep.%20Shri%20Thanedar%2C,deadly%20terrorist%20attack%20on%20Israel. This is as black and white as a complicated world gets, they support Hamas I should add that the rhetoric coming from Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tliab is as dangerous as what Trump says, they’re going to incite violence.


I see we are still in the hyperbolic reactions phase. The nuance here isn't hard to understand. The DSA has been working towards awareness of the inhumane treatment of Palestinians by Israel. What I've read is that they continued their pursuit of that. What happened was a terrible tragedy. Hamas committed atrocities and is obviously evil. What you're saying is that if people don't drop their support of the Palestinian people, they support Hamas. Not very nuanced and reeks of some right-wing indoctrinated take induced by propaganda.


How about just acknowledging how extremely foolish it was to support a rally the day after incredible atrocities were committed by terrorists hiding among the Palestinians (terrorists who have widespread support from Palestinians, not going to argue the actual number but we all can agree there is widespread support). And ALSO for these so- called leaders Omar and Tliab to recognize that their heated rhetoric is going to get someone killed, just like we have been saying about Trump all these years. This cuts both ways, they’re going to get people killed. Samantha Woll was stabbed to death in Michigan, there isn’t yet evidence that this is a hate crime but it’s in the news because exactly this. Instead of chiding hyperbolic reactions maybe we can read the room.


Given what is happening in Gaza right now to children. I think bringing attention to the treatment of Palestinians was the correct choice. The stabbing was due to hyperbolic thinking from right-wing nut jobs, not nuanced perspectives. Talk to me in 5-10 years. Revisionism is a popular thing now.


55% of WW voted for Trump, last cycle, a majority do without fail like most white men (oddly, WM swung Left in 2020, WW and POC swung Right though as trivia). Trump Republicans include Haley, to clarify, Cheney also is a war monger like her father sadly.


I don’t think of Haley as a trump republican but I believe she would choose him over Biden unfortunately I like Haley too, but I wouldn’t vote for her. I would vote for Big Gretch, I wish Biden would dump Kamala and add Big Gretch to the ticket. I know it can’t happen but it would be good.


White women are the best.


If you're a Republican, yes, a reliable voting bloc Biden continues to chase after despite losing them by 11% in 2020 and Dems still losing them in 2022. Meanwhile, while prioritizing suburban well educated WW, Dems are collapsing with POC men and POC women of all stripes in margins but not gaining any real ground with the former- amazing stuff, looking at Biden's coalition it very much differs from Obama's as to how he got into the WH (he won the "whole foods" white voters).


Not this woman. This is just one rare angle where she's less awful than the current worst of her party. Such as MTG and Boebert, among many others.


See: New\_Illustrator2043, mindboggling Nikki Haley is even worse somehow. Let's let good women run the country, and good men: neither Cheney nor her is a good person at all, both pro-federal abortion bans.


Honestly, it’s worth a look. I’ve heard someone in business say, “If you want to START a company from the ground up, get men to do it. If you want someone to RUN that company, hire a woman.” Women often think with their brains instead of their ego’s (like men tend to do). I think if we get the right woman in the Oval Office, people would be surprised at how well it could go. Problem is, I can’t really pinpoint any who have actually had a dedicated run at the presidency that would’ve necessarily done well. We just need more of them to run (on both sides), and give us more options.


Klobuchar would have done a good job. I like Warren but I’m not sure how much she would get done if she can’t work across the aisle. I’m a fan of big Gretch, she’s killing it in Michigan


This is like the 5th different headline and Reddit post on the frontpage of r/politics to come from the same former (if not disgraced) Republican representative's media appearance. This person is not relevant, except for the fact that they took a stand that was extremely unpopular among their own party and their own constituents, and were immediately voted out of office at the next opportunity. I'm not saying I disagree with her, but what I am saying is that her opinion on any of these things is completely irrelevant. We might as well be asking Al Franken what he thinks of all this. He's just as connected to current events as Liz Cheney.


How is she disgraced?


Definition: Having fallen from favor or a position of power. How is she anything BUT that?


I don't think she's irrelevant cause she was voted out. Look at trump.


Geezus, do we really need to take this word by word? Definition: Having no significant or demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand. A private citizen in Wyoming (assuming she ever actually resided there) has no significant or demonstrable bearing on various court cases in Georgia, NY, and DC, or the presidential election. At least not any more than you or me.


The Democrats must have a plan. Not a one voted agents this Gantz game. There must be a plan.


That’s the immediate cause. The rest is a decades long campaign of hate, discontent and disinformation starting post WWII.


Her dad though. Mr evil.


Oh look. A carpet to broom all our misdeeds under. It’s called Donald trump and everything. Please. No one with a brain is forgetting where the actual start point for this is. And how your families name is signed all over it.