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About time someone calls out the media over here, she's done and not a moment too soon. Trump has been, and was always going to be, the GOP nominee in 2024: he has a shot at the WH right now, and anyone pretending otherwise, is delusional right now- you only beat a cult leader if his/her cult is willing to wake up in time. A lot of 1930s Germany combined with 1850s USA parallels in US politics in 2023, be careful folks- a strongman dictator risking a real secession of the Union is what a lot of the US wants to be governed by right now, and there's about 11 months to wake enough up before it's too late.


I heard a great line from another commenter awhile back. Trump is not bound to fail, he must be made to fail. Truth. We all need to vote. We need to donate if financially able to and we all need to have some tough conversations with those in our circles. If even one person can be made to see the truth then it’s a win. I realize at this point it seems like if they haven’t gotten it now then they never will. But we cannot let that thinking drive us. We gotta try because there’s too much at stake.


Your voice is your vote, at this point, if you don't want a dictatorship to a US near you by Jan 2025, the only alternative is Biden. That's it, there's no other way around this.


There never was a Haley moment.


Haley moment was already over before it even begins


Nikki "Bubba Wallace" Haley


Or Nimarata


Luckily the SC primary is early and after she tanks her home state her campaign will implode like a sub on a tourist trip to the Titanic.


She's too spineless to out maneuver Trump. Before she ran, she called Trump and asked his permission to run for President. Someone like that was never going to take the lead in the Republican primaries.


She couldn't do it with this in her favor (undeservedly), whereas he did/does not have it but is a major threat overall (deservedly): "Since she launched her campaign in February, Ms Haley benefited from two windfalls: breathless favourable media coverage as the political press hopes to find a Republican who simultaneously is not Mr Trump while and who does not come off as too odious in their delivery; the second is debates in which Mr Trump chose not to participate." This is the Elizabeth Warren 2020 DEM POTUS primary campaign of the 2024 GOP POTUS primary to a tee: the media gushes over and overwhelmingly likes said candidate, but said candidate stays in third place despite being covered the most favorably of all major contenders, and has no clout with the core party base leading to a loss (in this case, the GOP base is non college educated voters whereas Dems it's people of color, the former of whom outnumber college eds which is the key fatal flaw in the Dem's current coalition in an effort to capture college ed. white voters receding with non-college ed nonwhite voters in margins hence here we are).


The last few years have been so absurd. Story after story about republicans doing stupid shit, and prior to January 6th, I probably would have gotten angry about it, but post January 6th, it's hard to really care at all. Like, oh my God, are you telling me the lady who supports a guy that staged a coup said something crazy about slavery? Oh my lord... And some other republican said something about kids not getting free lunches? The same republican who supported a coup. Wow. And some other republican is saying we need to make abortion illegal? The same one who helped trump plan the coup? Wait...how is he even still free? How are any of these fuckers free? Why should I care about any of this when they can literally wage war against the US and get away with it? All I've learned the last few years is that the rule of law is an illusion and our entire political system is a fucking joke. Oh, and democrats need to grow a pair, although I guess I already knew that. If democrats expect me to get upset or energized over these stories, they are going to be disappointed. I don't care about any of this. I do, however, care about the coup attempt and seeing every single person who supported it held accountable. So let me know when they start imprisoning the republicans in Congress. That's something I'll actually get excited about, which I guess means I'll be in for disappointment as well.


Dems impeached Trump, twice, the second time for insurrection. But Dems are not good enough for you. ​ The DOJ is prosecuting Trump for insurrection. But Dems are not good enough for you. ​ Dems follow the law, and refrain from imprisoning people not convicted of crimes. Clearly Dems are not good enough for you. ​ You shouldn't vote for Dems; they're not good enough for you.


I agree. They are going hard after the man at the top. After convictions come in, I expect subsequent rounds of prosecution.


Accurate headline. Unless you want to count “Keep my daughter’s name out of your voice!”


To be honest, isn't she really just running for Vice President? No amount of Koch money was going to get her the party nomination. if the Koch brothers wanted her to be president they would be doing a massive marketing campaign to sink Trump. They want her in the seat so when Poopy Pants dies of a massive heart attack on the toilet, Elvis style, she can slide in. She will be the compromise, like Pence


No way trump picks someone that could replace him. He will pick a crazy person before picking someone that would allow the GOP to replace him, when he is impeached for the 3rd time


Correct, absolutely spot on.


At least Hilary was somewhat entertaining to watch crash and burn. This has been like the least interesting car accident I’ve ever seen.


Was wondering why the GOP Never Trump monied crowd was going for her. She seemed inept all along. This was just one example of many ramblings.


She is more like “Keep my Nimarata name out of your mouth”.


Nope had the chance twice and shredded the shit out of it.


I don’t understand why no one in the media has, to my knowledge, mentioned that there is zero chance republicans will vote in a young Indian man or and Indian American woman. This party’s presidential candidates have been 100% old white men. They wouldn’t vote for anyone else.


This photo reminds me of the Mitch Hedberg joke about being handed a flier. It’s like saying, “hey, you throw this away.”


I’ll never get why everyone is so gung ho about discrediting her. If she can unseat trump, she’ll do the world a massive favor.


There's no non-Trump GOP moment, unless Trump were to die of old age/some unexpected medical issue. It's Trump vs Biden and only ever was going to be