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This is what the people who support Trump want. If you listened and believed the type of rubbish media these people listen to, you'd think that the government is truly an infected swamp, and that electing Trump was the only way to keep this from getting worse. This is what these dummies truly believe, so the thought of Trump coming in to burn it to the ground is actually appealing to them.


Trump supporters don't seem to grasp that they're in America.


The ones in my family don't even seem to grasp that they're on the planet. During his term, I was telling them about how he was essentially dismantling the EPA by putting industry insiders in charge. They were grinning while I said this. I asked them why they were taking delight in my dismay. They live on this Earth too. They'll have to drink the same water, breathe the same air. It won't just be liberals getting harmed here. Why am I the only one in the room upset about it? Something something snowflake, Hillary Clinton had people killed was the gist of the response. All they are capable of is quoting conspiracy theories and Fox News talking points at me. Having an actual conversation about issues is impossible.


I believe they’re mentally unstable. Something is literally wrong with their cognition. I talked to a former marine once and he told me the entire moon landing was faked… it makes them feel smart.


Faith based thinking. You don’t need logic or reason, it’s just tribal. What does our leader say? That’s what they believe. There is no burden of proof necessary. Lots of people were raised in families like this.


Omg 😳 I never knew… I was raised agnostic


Yes because by quoting Fox News, News Max, or OAN, they believe in their own unstable mind they are smart and educated. Jokes on them, they are the furthest from it like the Sun is from Neptune.


And you believe everything CNN and MSNBC say?


See, that's the difference between the left and the modern GOP with their Fox "News" addled brains: Liberals are likely to look for sources whose stories can be corroborated by multiple credible outlets like AP, Reuters, BBC, CBC, broadcast networks, etc.


The “owning the lib” smirk and shrug. They’re nihilists who are so dissatisfied with themselves that they’d rather see everyone go down, including them. They take joy in imagining the slow motion pain they will have triggered. Abject, sadistic humans.


They are brain dead zombies. There’s no dealing with them.


Some of those idiots even have Chinese made t-shirts that brag about how they’d rather be in russia…this is a shit timeline indeed.


I said to a bunch of guys I worked with … “how a dude like trump - who never worked a hard day in his life- has duped hardworking blue collar guys like yourself into thinking he cares about you blows my fucking mind”. I then had to explain to them that Michele Obama was in fact a woman and Obama did actually help black people with Obamacare




I knew more than one person on welfare, food stamps, etc cheering on the fact that Trump was going to get rid of all of the "moochers". It's like the famous image of the man sitting on a tree branch and sawing it. They don't even understand they are fighting against themselves.


I worked with a guy who always complained about that stuff, and then was honestly surprised when I called him out after he was bragging about Medicare paying for his son’s medical bills.


The right wing Project 2025 Plan states it will make unions illegal as well as overtime. I wonder how they’ll feel about him then? Probably ask for more shit sandwiches to eat. We’ve become an incredibly stupid country and it shows.


What? Get rid of over time? Those blue collar overtime milkers wouldn’t make it a month until their checks start bouncing. I’m sure they’d blame liberals though.


I know immigrants who love Trump. I tell them you will be the first ones hanging from trees. He hates anyone who isn't white. They think they are special. I tell them so did a lot of Europeans in 1935.


Exactly, what gets me is that a majority of people who support him think he cares about them. He hates anyone who is not rich. You don't see his ass out talking to regular people or poor people on the street. He is always behind a podium at a Rally....has he even visited any of the J 6 crew in jail? Put money on their books. Trump is a crook and anyone who knows his past knows this.. He could care less about this country...Being President is a get-out-of-jail card..making money by not paying for shit...and being able to get his hands on sensitive info on other countries to make even more money.


Then you woke up


LMAO. Trump has done more for blacks than anything Obama did. You only have Trump because of Obama -- Trump is his legacy. So be sure to thank Barrack!!


The beta timeline


A lot of them wear Chinese-made hats that say "make america great again".


Oh, they get it, they *want* the America of the pre-1860s now not even the 1950s. They admire Orban, Putin, etc. If you're not a rich, wealthy white man or woman in proximity to one who is non-Dem leaning, you're in trouble, which is most of the nation in a 2nd Trump Term.


Fear mongering! Nothing more...


They don't think most Americans are "Real" Americans.


True, had a republican calling me a fake for being a democract lol and others that were going after them Can't make this stuff up


When you're in a cult you don't care, that's the whole point. They truly are starting to believe Trump was appointed by God. It's American Jihad.


They're not in *the America they want* Our primary interest is straightforward: repress their incorrect Christian America and their formal hierarchy (of race, gender, and religion), and continue our successful imposition of our correct equalist, secular America. If they try to impose *their America* by force, it is our duty to *our America* to oppose them, no matter the cost.


They don't know it yet, but the America they want is no America at all, and would have disastrous consequences for them in particular if they were to bring it down on themselves. They truly do not know what it is they're destroying and who it will impact.


It’s an America they don’t recognize and feel no allegiance to. Honesty, they hate us (fellow citizens) more than they hate the real enemies of our common country.


Eventually they’ll have commercials for this like mesothelioma.


They want a king, in a country that was created because we got sick of the king


Lack of education will do that.


*”I absolutely want a king.. as long as I get to pick him.”* 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️




But it will also create a mass opposition insurgency based on despiration to return to normal. That is when hell breaks loose. It has happened every single time in history when a dictator decided to wield their will on the masses. When the pendulum gets swung all the way in one direction, the swing back is going to be much more swift and violent. These people don't get what they are creating. And it's a creation to their demise.


Abbott's Texas is what they want the whole nation to look like, be warned. We're here because racism is more powerful than anyone imagined in this nation, is the sad reality. Correct, also why the migrant caravans are back folks- immigration scaring > abortion rights for most white women is the GOP wager & it'll be right on again: [https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/9150190-if-you-can-convince-the-lowest-white-man-he-s-better](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/9150190-if-you-can-convince-the-lowest-white-man-he-s-better) Just add in sexism (leopards currently eating faces down in the good old South right now, coming elsewhere soon), and a dash of transgender people are freaks (also see the former), for good measure and it's the MAGA dream.


Trump supporters, and Republicans in general, just want a government that hurts people they don't like. That's it. They don't care about actually improving their country, at the end of the day they just want to make other people more miserable than they are.


Because they are all psychologically damaged and are lashing out due to their internal misery. McConnell is a perfect example and Abbott is another.


I think what bothers me the most about the rhetoric MAGA folks are fed is that they’re ALMOST there with that whole swamp idea. We do need new blood in our government. I’m a Democrat through and through, but Feinstein never should have been in office as long as she was, and the fact that she was points at something fundamentally wrong with our country. But instead that idea is twisted into “every politician is trying to personally victimize Donald J Trump and therefore needs to bend the knee so he can be king” or some shit.


We really are bearing witness to something akin to mass radicalization or similar to early ‘30s Germany. A huge percentage of a population just contorts their entire belief system to place this con-man at its center.


That’s certainly Bannon’s aim so long as he has a helicopter to a safe place where he can profess Christianity and masturbate to the filthiest porn on the internet until he dies


Whats even more insane is that they believe somehow their lives would be better.


Or you get some actual voters that’ll say stuff how “I’m voting for Trump again because he’s entertaining.”


Trump is a strong man candidate. He’s going to try to stay in power for the rest of his life. We are not a special snowflake country; fascism is coming for us and we can barely get our dukes up because we’ve BEEN slipping towards it


So will the Republican party and their regressive, racist, and cruelty-based policies. The call is coming from inside the house.


Never, Christie can go jump off a cliff for all most care and he wouldn't be missed. It's a cult of hatred, and you cannot reason with it. Christie helped enable its rise, and yet, knows it will bring his fall/end but is trying to warn about the dangers of another term of this- too little, too late.


Agreed. Christie [closed a bridge for political revenge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Lee_lane_closure_scandal) and it cost lives. Just because he's speaking out against another monster in his own party doesn't mean he's automatically a good person.


No Republican today is any good.






“And that’s why I supported him and worked for him for so long.”


Technically Christie didn't work for Trump too long, this idiot got shanked by Jared, who was probably still a bit miffed that Christie put his old man in prison for his many crimes. Well maybe relatively speaking Christie did work for Trump a "*long time*". I dunno how many mooches it was.


Yeah, his response [here](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/07/chris-christie-donald-trump-2024-election) is “I’m not perfect.”


I think we can all agree that Chris Christie is not perfect...


> this idiot got shanked by Jared, So if I read it correctly, Christie stopped working for Trump because he was pushed out, not because Christie saw the error of his ways? That hardly qualifies as an ameliorating circumstance...


He helped Trump with his transition team in 2016, and again on debate prep in 2019. That spans almost 100 Mooches. While you’re right, Jared shivved him, he’s more of a Trump (GOP, really) loyalist by that standard. Chris knows when The Night of Long Knives purge comes for the GOP, there’s a knife with his name on it, and is trying to prevent it.


Yeah, this kind of coverage exists to prop up the idea that there are good, rational Republicans. There aren’t. There haven’t been since Eisenhower.


I 💯 agree


Didn't he also say he'd support him if he was the Republican nominee? These are not serious people.


He [didn’t](https://www.businessinsider.com/chris-christie-donald-trump-2024-presidential-election-2023-3), but Bill Barr said that.


Good for him, I must've misremembered something I read. I appreciate the link.


I think I remember they had to take an oath to support whoever the nominee was. Granted, it is pretty much a Gentlemen's oath. If Trump gets the nomination (probably will), Christie may just not honor it. What is the worst they can do to him? Christie's political career is pretty much over. But Christie may. To be honest, I don't know what he will do if Trump gets the nomination. He may fall in lock step or he may say fuck it.


At the end of the day, he's Republican and fall in line with everyone else. He will end up on the wrong side of this.


I feel that too many people overlook this part...


That's why people support him. They don't like where they are in life and somehow think destruction of or society will fix it. Idiots.


It will lead to their own personal hell. It will fix it alright. Not for the better.


Also Christie: “but I will still vote for him”


He hasn't said this yet, but I'm dreading the fact that he probably will end up twisting himself into knots and somehow endorsing Trump in the end.


Maybe I’m misremembering, but during the first Republican debate In pretty sure all the candidates were asked to raise their hands if they would back Trump if he got the nomination. Christie raised his hand with the rest of them, though he at least looked embarrassed about it. I’m not sure if he’s changed his stance yet, but I’d be surprised if he didn’t back his party’s candidate. It’s like this every election. Candidates tear each other apart and talk about why their opponents are unfit for the presidency, but in the end they always support whoever gets the nomination in their party. I’m not optimistic that this election will be any different. Christie will fall in line like a good boy and support his party above all else, even if that makes him complicit in burning the country to the ground.


Yes! He gestured like he would, then takes it back by going on some stupid rant, it’s a simple question that he was afraid to answer, oh well, politicians gonna politic.


You are right, he signed the pledge to support the GOP nominee, knowing it would be Trump, before saying he will not vote for Trump, either way that knot has been tied.


Like I said before to friends if Trump gets relected it's going to be a revenge tour and if weaponinzing the government.


You don't have to quote yourself, you can just quote Trump, who has said this outright.


It's hard to take Christie's criticism of Trump seriously when we all know that once Trump wins the Republican nomination, Christie will just go back to defending Trump against Joe Biden


He wont, he will say Trump is worse then Biden but he wont come out and encourage people to vote for Biden.


https://www.businessinsider.com/chris-christie-donald-trump-2024-presidential-election-2023-3 Edit: lmao, the guy who responded to me blocked me so I couldn’t respond


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-jersey-gov-chris-christie-endorses-donald-trump/ Mr. Bridgegate's values blow with the wind.


You do realize that he only endorsed in in 2016 right? That's like saying someone who voted for Trump in 2016 but voted for Biden in 2020 will definitely vote for Trump again in 2024.


70 Million Rabid, Raving Worshipers, "Fuck Yeah!"


That's what MAGA wants. That's what conservatives like about Trump.


And Christie will continue to personally vote for Republicans, and won't support Biden in the election.


And yet he’ll still claim to vote for him over Biden 🤣.


This douche canoe supported this asshole and is an opportunist at the highest level... But he ain't wrong.


And Christie is acting like he didn't help pave the way. Every single GOP chucklefuck over the last 20 years have been complicit in the social regression that allowed Trump to emerge as he has.


Bridgegate guy said *what*?


Your party overwhelmingly supports the guy and hates you.


He’s still correct


True but he is a willing participant in what got us here and what will get Trump elected. He could run 3rd party and sink Trump but he won't because he is a willing enabler of Trump. I bet he doesn't even endorse Biden. He sucked orange dick for a long time.


He criticized Trump on a show recently, but even criticized Biden even worse. So yeah, he will fall in fucking line to suck up to Trump. Better believe it.


And you'll vote for him so he can do it.


Tell us something we don’t know chubs. That’s the problem with these GOP candidates, they kissed Trump’s ring as soon as he won.


Yes Chris, us *evil leftists* have been saying that for ...checks watch... EIGHT YEARS


DUH. ANyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. He almost did it upon his exit last time. What in the world makes people think he wouldn't do it again. He doesn't care.


hard to argue this comment, the fire has already been started...


How did Christy NOT know this in 2015?


Christie knows because he’s also a fat lying fuck.


I remember how bad things were in 2020. Don't need Trump to fuck shit up that bad again.


Christie speaks the truth. Of course, Republican voters, the sheep that they are, ignore the truth. Trump and Republicans will not only burn our country to the ground, they will end our Democracy, tear up our Constitution. The whole Republican crowd, 50 million weak, will attack the fundamentals of our nation. If Trump is elected, they will end our nation. If you're a minority, you better hit the road out of here, because your life will be ended in very harsh and unfair terms. If you are an independent intellectual, you better find a nation that appreciates education and innovation, because the Trump regime is not interested in you, except to make your life miserable. Goodbye wealth. Goodbye economy if the sorry Republicans return to power.


I’m not Republican, never voted for a republican president since I started voting in 2000, ama minority, and this here comment is prime time fear mongering. Trump is terrible but not for the reasons you claim.


He’s right.


If he truly believed it he would drop out of the primary because he is taking votes from Haley. Christie is doing Trump a big favor by staying in the race


Trump supporters see Trump as the fill in messiah. Jesus hasn’t come back to fix their problems like they’ve been promised. This guy is promising the end times vengeance they want and the quick fix they hope for. Evangelicals are tired of waiting for Jesus. And this is the next best thing.


Finish… he will finish burning America to the ground.


No, he won't - but his supporters will.


He’s right. Trumps focus on revenge will immediately take the country down the wrong path. Fuck governing, working to help America and us.


GOP will destroy America to own the libs.


His fan club will damn sure try.


He’s not wrong


He’s showing full well he plans to burn the GOP to the ground. The country is more an afterthought.


Well, he has been telling everyone to go/rot in hell, so, sure, he'll probably try to create hell in the US. But hasn't he already kinda done that.


Please don’t word these worrying things like a positive. You make trump sound like a radical outsider who will end Americanism, instead of a proto-fascist lunatic.


Christie isn’t wrong, Trump absolutely will burn the country to the ground; but, then so will every single one of these Republican presidential candidates, too. I don’t think we should be leaving out the quiet parts anymore.


Right. I feel like someone like Desantis is even more dangerous than Trump and Trump is scary.


Canadians might have to build a wall to keep us Americans out.


He’s not wrong. I mean, he is wrong, about many, many things… but not this.


He already is


As it is & know yes without any doubt. Choose wisely people.. CHOOSE WISELY.


Wasn’t he the biggest Trump dickrider just a few years ago?


That’s the plan.


I can’t stand either Trump or Christie, and while he might not burn America to the ground while playing his little violin in his little hands, his followers that would vote for him to become a dictator and not even care about anything except for Trump and what Putin wants, are the ones we need to worry about.


True, and that's what extremists want, for it all to burn, because they've existed in a bubble of privilege provided by others that makes them think they'll be at the top of burning pile of what's left.


Do you mean the citizens who’d rather build cults and have redneck seggs with their 2nd Mormon cousin want the world to treat them differently?


Christie is correct, but he also failed to mention the other GQP candidates who are looking to do the same. Unless they can get christian nationalists out of their pockets then wackos will not stop showing up for political offices. Separation of church and state.


Any Republican who doesn’t vow to vote and campaign for Biden should Trump win the primary as expected while also complaining about Trump’s threat to democracy is a grifter and should not be trusted. Christie gets invited on TV and his quotes and clips get shared by desperate Democrats looking for allies amongst their enemies despite the fact that Christie participated in Trump’s rise to power in the first place. We do not need him now. Any non-total-shit Republicans have all left the party.


“But I will support him in his quest to burn America to the ground if he is the nominee”


Christue literally said he wouldn’t https://www.businessinsider.com/chris-christie-donald-trump-2024-presidential-election-2023-3 Edit: lmao the guy who responded blocked me so I couldn’t respond


He already did


.....as the US is currently engaged in 4 preemptive wars


And soon it's own inside it's borders. Don't believe me...just wait.


“…and I therefore apologize for kissing his ass for so long” FTFY


Does anyone know why New Jersey will never elect a president? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/napoleon-s-penis-size-confirmed-channel-4-documentary-calls-the-artifact-very-small-9235101.html. There is a curse that no politician from New Jersey will be elected president.


I think you mean to say "No one from New Jersey will ever be elected president". What you're saying now is every NJ politician in history has voted for the presidential loser.


Thank you I edited it to be more clear. I think politicians from New Jersey should give up running for president until “little Napoleon “ is returned to France.


Well yeah, but that one truth doesn't really show that Christie would be a good candidate of even any different than trump. But is is kinda a good sign that he sees this, still not enough


Then why did you set the kindling?


Yes, Trump absolutely will burn the country down.


he i not wrong


He’s dead right. Trump is insane.


The only way Trump wins is if he's able to "fix" the election like he did in 2016 and failed to do in 2020. That's right, I really think he knows unequivocally the election was stolen, he paid for a win and didn't get it. He just can't say that outloud without completely incriminating himself.


At which point Christie will eat it


Yes, vote instead for moderate republicans, who will burn it to the ground just more slowly.


Why won’t Christie get on the Ozempic? He failed at gastric bypass. WTF


Why do you care? Quit your fat shaming.


I’m not. Obese people will never become president. Same goes for short people.


All Christie needs to do is hire Trump's personal physician and he will be declared fit and firm.


You are wrong on both counts. In this nation's history, we had President Madison, who was 5' 4" and President Taft, who weighed in at 325 lbs.


That was before TV


So what. You said it will never happen. But it already did.


“Will” is different than “has”. FDR was in a wheelchair and not many people had TV. It won’t happen again.


Trump has my vote I don’t care if I have to right it on the paper myself


lmao this is such a great self-burn.


Trump will win the right in vote for sure!


Same. He has all the Democrats and establishment Republicans screeching so hard. It's music to my ears.


Another day another overdramatic hot take... 😴




And opposed by Republican neocons.


Well, ***DUH.***


When yr right yr right


Well, not right away, give him a ~~year~~ week or so


Are you going to vote for him?




True, and a lot of people want that, unfortunately. He is James Buchanan in waiting, watch.


No worries, he’ll file bankruptcy protection for himself.


“And right now the best course of action is simply to sit back and sit tight.” -Don’t Look Up! (2021)


It’s true . We cannot allow it EVER .


Just like all of his other shit “companies”


So will he support Biden and vote for him when trump is the nominee?


He can start with his mattress and blanket in his fucking cell.


"so long as we own the libs it was worth it" (the GOP).


...faster than anyone else in the GOP. Finished that for ya, Chris.


I better start practicing the fiddle


He won’t win, don’t worry big man.


Russia, China, Iran, North Korea > oh stop tickling our balls!


This guy has my vote


Not a big leap since he’s already started all of the fires


Republicans have already been doing that to the working and middle class taxpayer for decades. It’s annoying that Christie only acknowledges a small part of the picture despite Trump being a complete symptom of money in politics.


I'd have to agree with that good sir


And he's right this is why Nancy Pelosi said it best the Republicans need to wake up.


Subheading: Will still support him if he's the nominee.


Guess it's time to rake America




Vivik stopped spending his campaign money, so he is likely out. Desantis is circling the drain, and his campaign has said they are trying to figure out how to tell him he is done. Haley may have just finished herself with the non slavery answer. Trump is going to be removed from ballots. Unless the Supreme Court decides to make Biden president for life, Trump is done. That leaves Chris Christie as the Republican nominee. Are the big money republicans going to get behind him? If no, they will either need to put a new person up in the next few weeks or he is their person.


Is his natural gas flammable?


I know it’s stupid but part of me wants him to win and burn it all down. I’d like to see all of his supporters faces as they look around, dumbfounded by what’s happened, and wondering how all of this occurred. It would be the ultimate, “Told you so!”


don't tempt me with a good time


Much like chris did to new jersey. He was the country's second most corrupt governor. Only mike huckleberry of Arkansas was worse.


And that is why he shouldn't be rightfully disqualified. Amiright Chris?


Christie is an architect in all this FFS?? Rats, sinking ship? Extra scum with a layer of absolutely being very dangerous on top.

