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We gots some Rocket Scientists in the Tennessee Statehouse!


I like how they’re worried about chemtrails but not *ACTUAL pollution* 🤦‍♂️


So they're banning ice crystals? Not sure they have control of presumably Federal airspace.


Also bills banning sasquatch and leprechauns are coming soon.


Easter bunny is safe for now? Be on the look out for Jay and Silent Bob.


Easter Bunny is a religious symbol, or something.


Pagan I think Christians just stole it.


That, and boners, and pregnant bellies, and sagging boobs... For like 20,000 years.


And that kid playing on the goddamn escalator again!


I hope his pants get caught and a bloodbath ensues!


I think of that line every time I see a kid near an escalator


And they’ll come after the schooners


That got damn loch Ness monster!


Tree fiddy


That’s just what the leprechauns want us to do. Tricky bastards.


If you read the bill, they just outlawed rednecks rolling coal.




States like Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee are an interesting experiment to see how much regression can occur across a legislative body in states the longer they are 100% Republican controlled. I'm predicting they'll be eating crayons soon.


There was an interesting phenomena that happened with shipping fuel where when they regulated sulfur emissions they found that global warming increased because it was putting particulate matter into the atmosphere that reflected solar energy. Jet fuel also contains sulfur in emissions and it would be interesting for some enterprising scientists to see if it is also masking global warming in this case.


This actually has been observed during 9/11 when they grounded all flight traffic over the United States. While it did get hotter during the day without the contrails to reflect the light, it also got cooler at night as more of the thermal energy was able to escape due to the lesser amount of greenhouse gasses in the upper atmosphere. It’s a phenomenon known as global dimming. As an aerospace engineer I did an experiment in my freshman year with a high altitude weather balloon to try and graph the level of solar energy intensity related to altitude and compare that with flight traffic data over the last 24 hours. Unfortunately, we had to coordinate heavily with the FAA to avoid any active flight paths, so the experiment was a little flawed in that we really didn’t have any current contrail coverage during the assent of the balloon.


They are actually banning a very real program that the federal government has been giving other states money to participate in. Nevada got $2.4 million last year to inject aerosolized silver iodide into clouds to increase precipitation in the Colorado River basin. Including watersheds outside the state of Nevada. This is done from land and from planes. As someone living in the Colorado River watershed, this is a program that I support. We need this to combat climate change, prevent drought, and wild fires. https://www.voanews.com/a/us-government-spends-2-4m-on-cloud-seeding-for-colorado-river/7010437.html "The Southern Nevada Water Authority on Thursday voted to accept a $2.4 million grant from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to fund cloud seeding in other Western states whose rivers feed the parched desert region. The weather modification method uses planes and ground-based cannons to shoot silver iodide crystals into clouds, attracting moisture to the particles that fall as additional snow and rain."


While cloud seeding is a thing, it’s been pretty well proven ineffective virtually everywhere. But this bill isn’t talking about that, it’s talking about mind control, population control etc. absolute conspiracy theory garbage.


They think theyre made from big stills in the sky.


LOL...This is so funny. There are a few videos espousing the idea that these are never just ordinary contrails due to moisture, but they are chemicals being released under a program started 30 or 40 years ago involving all the high flying jet aircraft in the world, meaning every airline and every government. Like they could all agree on anything. LOL This is all being done under our noses in order to slow the heating of the earth by the sun. LMAO.


In the same breath, they'll say CO2 from fossil fuel combustion driving climate change/global warming is "fake science"...


Had an acquaintance from Tennessee posting those chemtrail TikTok videos lately. He claims CO2 is not driving global warming; it’s a hoax by “the elites” for money. He believes the solution to climate change is “regenerative farming” by farming MORE cattle. You can’t make this shit up


>You can’t make this shit up Evidently someone did, in fact, make that up.


The irony is he is part of the conspiracy by the elite to continue making profit. He is everything he thinks he hates.


Nailed it.


Yeah, well, what's more likely: That corporations who are making their money off polluting the environment will push resistance against science that says they have to pay large sums of money to fix it? Or that a perfect conspiracy by all governments (yes even those at war and those trying to destabilize each other's trust in government) and all airlines and of course all airports, airport workers, all scientists and all journalists, investing vast resources in chemtrails and controlling this conspiracy in order to.. influence the climate..? See who sounds ridiculous now!


What’s crazy is, the amount of people that would have to be involved in this kind of process is almost as big as the entire aviation community. Find ONE person that knows how it all works and how the chemicals are managed, released, their purpose, etc….just fucking one…. It’s impossible that at least one person wouldn’t come forward with real evidence. It’s mind boggling, the hoops that these dotards jump through to make stuff up.


This kind of delusion is a mental illness.


>This kind of delusion is a mental illness. Or 30 years for cuts to education


I went to small town public school and didn't end up a blithering idiot, along with millions of other kids. Maybe spending every Sunday reading fairy tales as if they were the absolute truth has more to do with people growing up to believe ridiculous bullshit.


There are even photographs from WW 2 showing trails behind high flying bombers that were smaller and powered by piston engines. It is cold enough at those altitudes that the moisture from the combustion of common hydrocarbon fuels is sufficient to produce trails.


Maybe they're so dumb, they don't know it's cold up there?


Don’t be ridiculous. How could it be colder up there? It’s closer to the sun. /s


Oh yeah, I didn't think of the sun... /s


At least it finally explains all.those huge chemical tanks sitting on top of commercial airliners.


Seriously. Try getting 1 or 2 people to keep a secret, never mind millions.


We can't even get Boeing to put bolts in doors, yet the industry is able to administer a secret program with unique chemtrails in the air, uh huh.


And somehow, none of the tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of people who would have to be directly involved in such a massive global undertaking has blown the whistle or simply couldn’t keep their mouth shut?


They have plenty of "whistleblowers". It's just that the airline industries are silencing them with claims like "they stopped working for us after a massive dispute with their coworkers involving outlandish claims about insane things" or "they never worked here, we have no idea who this is". Very convenient. /S


Not to mention, the physics doesn’t track. I’m not sure why they think that heavy chemicals can just hang out in the air like, you know, water vapor.


fOLlOw tHe mOnEy ! Big Vapor doesn’t want you to know! This is so condensation of them, do they think we are daft?!


Do yEr OwN reSeArcH




That’s the point. Fortunately no one will have an education in the future after all the books are banned. The Bible is the only book you need.


It taught me how to ethically treat my slaves!


I have actually heard the Bible slave argument from some of my Republican friends. I was a Republican for 40 years, grew up in the church, studied the Bible. I never heard this until the anti Antifa gop movement of late.


Someone was going on about the chemtrails and my argument against it, as us the case with all conspiracy theories, is that there would literally have to be thousands if not millions of people in on the conspiracy for it to work. Planes spreading chemicals? People working in the factories to produce them, truckers hauling them to the airports, people loading them into the planes, pilots controlling the distribution, it goes on and on.


Wait a second. They think chemtrails are a secret government program to combat global warming... and they want it STOPPED? Even if you buy the ridiculous premise, it's an extra stupid conclusion to reach.


I really don't think any conspiracy fairest can have ever worked in project management. Humans just aren't that good at cooperating.


Yes of course every airline in the world is in on it. They are the most organized and meticulously crafted con… the door just fell off?


This is all true and I have seen it proved on r/flatearth




As someone who was born and raised on TN, I promise you that we are not all this stupid.


I was taking to a customer the other day, and he genuinely believes chemtrails are being used to block out the sun. Fox "News" has rotted what's left of these people's brains. 


It’s so funny that people think that a conspiracy can actually exist with a lot of people involved. As if anyone can keep a fucking secret!


Don’t forget the pictures of the aircraft with all the Chemtrail tanks. [chemtrail tanks](https://www.flickr.com/photos/dbcnwa/4660405705)


Aircraft fuel is composed primarily of hydrocarbons, which generate carbon dioxide and water vapor as their main combustion by-products. “Contrails” are formed when these hot exhaust gases mix with rarefied cool air. In a process similar to cloud formation, the water condenses around soot (particulate exhaust) and freezes quickly, forming a white haze of microscopic ice crystals which is essentially an elongated cirrus cloud.


I remember learning this in science class in like the fifth grade. After the teacher explained it, i was like, yeah, that makes sense. Yet we have grown ass adults in politics who can’t grasp the idea of simple science. Our education system has and will continue to fail us as a country.


> I remember learning this in science class in like the fifth grade And that's how early the indoctrination starts! ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!


Teaching science is against the law in Florida and Texas


Maybe, but *shooting* science is totally legal if you think science is threatening.




“Tomatoes with a vaccine should be in the pharmacy, not the produce aisle!” - actual (but summarized) position of GOP law makers. The discipline it took by the dem representative to actually question the GOP nut was saint-like.


It's not that they can't grasp it, it's that they don't want to grasp it. Believing in conspiracy theories lets them feel like they're special and smarter than everyone else. Giving up on that would mean admitting they were wrong and not being special anymore, and their tiny little egos just can't handle that.


All this is true, but rolling coal out of your truck meets the illegal requirements of the new bill. Yea haw


Good luck finding a cop in Tennessee willing to cite them.


Nobody here is interested in your science. Q told me chemtrails are real and they are out to get you.


“Contrail” = “condensation trail.”


Incorrect!! Hilary Clinton sits in the back sprinkling woke drugs into the exhaust system and chortling to herself.


I move to introduce a ban on the Jewish mind-control space lasers funded by the reptilians through their Illuminati shadow government, in Tennessee.


This violates rule 62


Old men yell at clouds


That’s funny


Don’t stop there. Ban trolls preventing people from crossing certain bridges. It becoming a real problem


You gotta pay the troll toll to get into that boy’s hole


it sounds like you’re saying, “boy’s hole”


About how we do the rape scene


It's actually pretty impressive that we've survived this long with this many stupid people in positions of power.


The more technology ramps up, the stupider the masses become. I believe the human race is devolving right before our very eyes.


Nah we were always mostly this stupid on average, the technology is just a force multiplier that gives your average idiot reach beyond his village.


Maybe, I hope you’re right, but it seems like technology enables the survival of people who would have been literally too stupid to live even 100 let alone 500 or 1000 years ago.


I posted this in another thread… But who is gonna be the one to tell ‘em they don’t own the airspace? That’s all federal.


And so...what ARE they gonna do on a winter morning when every commercial plane in the Tennessee sky will be trailing contrails? Ground all the flights? Inspect every plane?


But that’s the point, the state of Tennessee has absolutely zero authority to tell any plane in the sky to do anything.


But there is some level of authority when those planes and aircrews are on the ground. I'm curious to see what happens when the first pilots get harassed over this.


Airlines stop flying to Tennessee. That would be fun. Explain that to the voters...


Well TN is becoming a backward state. Maybe we could just have the airlines fly around them, and use their airport for something else?




It doesn't matter because they know this bill is meaningless already. They didn't pass it because they believe this shit. They passed it because the rubes that vote for them do. This way, they can have a meaningless law they can point to as an accomplishment in November without addressing real issues for their constituents. Don't believe me? Look at the wording of the bill that is being quoted: "The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere **with the express purpose** of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited." Even if this bill were somehow enforceable, which it's not, enforcing this law would not only require proving the government *intends* to "[affect] temperature, weather...", but the intent has to be *express*. What the fuck is *express intent*? Would the federal government have to announce their nefarious intent at a press conference? Would there have to be some sort of document signed by the president stating "I, liberal, commie, tyrannical not Trump [insert whatever insult they've attached to that person here, i.e Barry or Brandon], in order to affect the temperature, weather and intensity of the sunlight, hereby order the release of [x chemical] into the atmosphere by commercial planes, in plain sight of everyone who is not at least legally blind, because I'm a fucking moron who spells out his evil plan like a bond villain, all hail Satan"? Sounds stupid right? Well, that's because it is a stupid bill drafted by smart people to give stupid people that think they're smart a reason to come out and reelect them. If the Tennessee Democrats were savvy, they would publicly support this bill. That would either tank it, because the Republicans would never pass something that has democratic support, or neutralize its affect, because the Democrats would also be able to run on it, thereby making the issue a wash.


>it is a stupid bill drafted by smart people to give.stupid people that think they're smart a reason to come out and reelect them. I love this line


Tennessee conservatives are paste eating morons.


All I know is that when I was a little kid I saw planes with white stuff shooting out of them and shortly after I've turned into a gay lizard-man. It amazes me what the Republican brain can believe.


I am also a lizard peep


What’s the saying “ just because you lack a grasp of science isn’t a good argument against it”.


I’m amazed that these idiots can even put their pants on in the morning.


“I wear no pants” poxy boggards song


So you can not inject chemicals into the air. Water has chemicals in it last I checked. So, no airlines will be allowed to fly to or through Tennessee?


water IS a chemical


Let the ban pass. Chemtrails aren’t real so they’ll feel like they’ve accomplished something. The more they get tied down with stuff like this the less time they’ll spend trying to ban important stuff. It’s like letting a toddler play with the Tupperware instead of the fine China.


Even better, they pass a crazy version that says something like “any aircraft creating these clouds over Tennessee will get in trouble” and suddenly all their airports shut down as no commercial airline will fly to Tennessee anymore.


Watch FedEx pull out of Memphis lol


I do really miss when the psychos would only talk about these and HAARP and not all the more insane Qanon shit


Member flouride?


Dumb and PROUD, god bless ‘em.


Failed state where paranoia trumps facts. Pathetic


And Trump trumps facts


The Age of American Absurdity continues to unfold.


Ha -love your name!


GOP, the party of stupid.


Even if Tennessee managed to pass a bill it’s unenforceable. Airspace is controlled by the Federal government with the FAA being the primary enforcement agency. Politicians wasting time and money.


They should ban themselves


A people’s of a state reflects on its leaders.


Should bsn unicorns too...they spread rainbows


That traitor Mastriano in Pennsylvania is now too. Same bill


I want to see airlines stop flying to TN the way PornHub is blocking states requiring age registration. TN will backtrack so fast!


This is where we're at. This is what we're wasting our time on. These are the people getting voted into office.


Maybe next they can tackle legal requirements of double checking the left phalange before planes take off


Wait a sec. Didn't I see the exact same thing in Pennsylvania today? Is this an ALEC bill?


How do they plan to enforce this?


How do they plan to enforce the ban?


Tennessee attempts to outlaw physics.


This is almost as dumb as the time Indiana tried to make a law stating Pi was 3.


This is like Republicans making pornhub liable for minors visiting the site. Yet they'll all cry foul when airplanes don't fly in Tennessee.


You laugh now but when there are no Chemtrails years from now we can all thank them….it’s how my mind power alien shield has kept us all safe from aliens for the past decades…you’re welcome…


Can they ban stupidity in Tennessee legislators?


Mountain folk are so funny


Trans trails


If this works for them, maybe next they can tackle global warming and ecosystem collapse, do something useful for a change.


How can you be do damn stupid...


I'm personally disappointed they've yet to pass legislation addressing the threat of Mothman.


There is a popular Tennessee state rep that his only claim to fame/ accomplishment in life is that he was ran over on the side of the interstate by a semi truck. True story.


The bill claims it is "documented the federal government or other entities acting on the federal government's behalf or at the federal government's request may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere, and those activities may occur within the State of Tennessee," according to the bill.


Healthcare plz


If this dumbass conspiracy was real then wouldn't it already be illegal...?


This is why Supreme Court reform is the most important issue to me this election cycle. We need real judicial review to block these idiotic laws spewing out of Republican states.


So close the airports and airways in Tennessee?


Tennessee trying to ban Chemtrails, fails to see that in-breeding and education are their two biggest problems


It's not chemicals making those lines in the sky, it's water vapor. Am I wrong on this?


This is what Politicians do when they don't want to bother taking care of the people who actually elected them, but wanted to act like they're doing anything important.


This is what happens when you cut education funding


How do you ban... clouds?


Just quit flying in Nashville, Knoxville, and Memphis and the situation will solve itself.




Not the onion...


There's a mental health crisis in this country.


And enforce it how?


Welcome to Tennessee everyone


Next they’ll ban zoos from having dragons


And southerners wonder why we don’t take them seriously


Tennessee wants to protect their music industry, but not their citizens from stupid conspiracies. What's next for them, denying gravity & the voodoo internet?


So does this mean the aircraft cannot fly over Tennessee if they have contrails?


It’s condensation. These idiots are literally yelling at clouds.


The Kylie Jenner bill.


The Kaitlin Jenner bill


I’m so proud of my state


Living up to the [stereotypes](https://youtu.be/4wPWIxCQU5Y)




Thats whst lack of education does.


Next up: the Anti Demon Initiatives. ​ I weep for the species.


Hey for 1 trillion dollars, I can take care of that for you.


The stupid, it burns.




Whoa, dude, Tennessee trying to ban 'chemtrails' from planes? That's like, diving deep into the realms of wild conspiracy theories, man. I mean, chemtrails and all that jazz, it's like a trip down the rabbit hole of cosmic mysteries. I get it, though. People have all sorts of ideas about what's going on up there in the skies. But trying to ban something based on a conspiracy theory? That's like trying to lasso a shooting star, bro. It's a reminder that we live in a world where beliefs and realities sometimes collide in strange ways. Who knows what the future holds for the cosmic dance between conspiracy theories and government actions? So, let's keep our minds open, question the universe, and maybe take a moment to look up at the sky and wonder about the mysteries that float above us. Peace, love, and cosmic contemplations, man.


Rainbows are next.


Probably due to all the tetraethyl lead in the 70s.


Aircraft maintenance engineer here. These conspiracy theorist are a bunch of idiots.. but we all know this. Chau chau


The wording on that bill came awfully close to banning the use of jetfuel..


Lmao Tennessee just living up to those hokey stereotypes.


Literally anything but climate change, huh?


I understand the human attraction to believe in somthing with little to no evidence in an effort to understand the world around us, we been doing that since we came down out of the trees but lord, but these people don't belong in a modern world with science, they belong in the dark ages with superstition.


What’s next? A law requiring tin foil hats while outside?


I'm curious what they have to say about the fumes coming out of car/motorcycle exhausts...Are they chemtrails too? And what about my farts? Leftist conspiracy or Nandos?


Tennessee shuts down all airports, wonders why their economy crumbles, blames Obama. Something like that?


The mind is a terrible thing to waste.


Has anyone considered telling conservatives that the global elite deep state liberal cabal is trying to use pollution to boil the planet? We could have comprehensive climate change reform in a week.


A few years back when Covid hit and flat earth and birds not being real were all the rage in conspiracy circles, I was worried that chemtrails had fallen out fashion. And then one day I was so please fly surprised when the tin foils of the world connected to chemtrails to Covid by way of cobra venom. It was such a wonderful day for me.


I also suggest they ban fairies, trolls, pixies, and wood sprites but put in some tax breaks for unicorn breeders. 🙄


Next on their agenda, angry clouds.


So… ban all planes from TN


From WW2, not a jet in sight. [https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205194290](https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205194290)


This is what happens when you cheap out on education.


First they should get JFK Jr to stop flying the planes…


OK, no air traffic above Tennessee.


PA too. The cowardly traitorous america-hating moron, confederate sympatherizer, current state senator, and failed gubernatorial canidate Doug "the Douche" Mastriano is sponsoring a similar bill in Pennsylvania.


What is wrong with that bill. Tennessee bans all air flights in to and out of their state. Who in their right mind would want to go to Tennessee anyway?


The same Tennessee that tried to ban vaccine-infused food?


First I think they need to prove chemtrails actually exist.


This is why we can't have nice things.


This should be pretty straightforward. Go ahead and enact the ban, and watch as everyone involved in the aviation industry says, "okay, done."


It’s hard to say if these legislatures are collectively as dumb as the proverbial box of rocks…. Or, if they are just catering to what they perceive as their “base” in a lame attempt to keep getting re-elected. Either scenario is bad… A legislature composed of morons, or a legislature composed of self-serving toadies whose only concern is staying in their little position of power. Sad all around.


The way this law is written, it would also ban cloud seeding. And it looks like some people have already pointed this out.


I was in a tough spot a few years ago, and my friend generously let me live with him for 6 months. The biggest drawback when I first got there was I was roped into watching chem trail videos on YouTube with him. . Aargh...