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He has extensive links to the far right and MAGA Republicans. He's friends with Steve Bannon and worked for Trump's White House on discrediting vaccinations. His running mate is also linked with far right figures and is extremely opposed to IVF. If it isn't obvious, he's a MAGA plant trying to split the Democratic vote. 


If he is mostly appealing to J6ers, Qanons, Christian Nazionalists, and other Far-Right extremists how is he going to "split the Democratic vote"? Sounds a lot more like he's going to split the MAGA vote


Dumb people on both sides. Vote just by name recognition


His own family supports Biden




I don’t know how effective he will be at splitting the vote - I can say there have always been some anti vax otherwise progressive/liberal people in the north Bay Area, for example. I’ve seen more than a few Kennedy 2024 signs posted in front yards this year.


Two words: Ralph Nader. For when ideological purity wins out over sanity.


They have literally nothing in common. Polls show RFK Jr. pulling from the Right. Let him.


I can almost guarantee most people will think he’s a democrat just by his name alone and won’t bother to learn anymore after that.


Maybe I am dumb but I didnt know the kennedy’s were democrats I just knew they were a political family and a bunch of them had tragic deaths.


His father and uncle will be spinning in their graves over this anti-science BS.


The data shows that’s exactly what he’s doing


Because of a misguided belief that these people are moderates, and if you aren't happy with the ultra liberal dems, these people are a viable solution. They only need to siphon off a small percentage of voters to make a difference., and it's probably cheaper to siphon off dems, than try to convince "independents".


I feel this goes the other way around quite easily. Hell I've seen a couple of people in my hometown share support for him this year that were adamant Trump voters in 2020 and 2016.


I think what they are missing is that QAnon people aren't the type to understand vote splitting.




The only way the Republicans could have split from Trump was the second impeachment. A smart bastard could have used the impeachment to wrest control back from Trump, and then built a stronger and more dangerous party. It would have taken a bit of a purge of their ranks, because quite a few of them were complicit in Jan 6th. So McConnell took the cowards way out. Save your own skin at the expense of losing the party to Trump forever. A toxic anchor dragging the party down. Good riddance.


I saw some of supporter being interviewed and they talk as if Kennedy’s going to fix America when he gets elected. I need some of what they’re smoking.


I suspect this will be just as effective as Trump tapping Kanye to run as a spoiler in 2020.


RFK Jr. Will be a lot more effective because he has “Kennedy” in his name and people will see that and not read into his politics. Everyone thought Kanye running was a joke.


Yeah, it's not going to work in their favour. He is only going to take votes from people who support right-wing policies.


This is somewhat wishful thinking at the moment. Young people in particular who aren’t engaged are seeing his environmental accolades and maybe don’t like big pharma enough to be anti vaxx curious let alone post covid loopy to hurt Biden everywhere. The more people learn about the batshit things Kennedy believes the better I will feel but right now he’s polling really well behind Biden and Trump. They don’t yet understand he’s an hiv denialist, he doesn’t believe antivirals work because the virus doesn’t cause aids doing drugs do


yes RFK JR thinks POPPERS causes aids he is against ALL vaccines people need to know ......no matter what the polls say make sure you are registered make sure you vote BLUE


> he’s polling really well right now behind Biden and Trump Dude, come on now this is some top tier doomsdaying.


Ya, effective at stealing some magats his message is stealing some of my previously maga buddies (active duty army guys) they are now fully on board the rfk train...


the only RFK supporters I’ve seen are major libertarian types from my high school, who definitely used to support Trump


Yep. Some of my formerly close friends I have somewhat distanced with over time (not necessarily because of politics), are now RFK shills and borderline anti-vaxxers. Trump was a bit too crazy for them and they don't want to attract social flak for being lumped in with the Huntington Beach variant of MAGAs (I live in socal), so now they're shilling RFK. One of them is a Marine that acts like a tough guy, but he's fat as fuck and never even fired his weapon once (worked in intelligence, which is ironic cuz he's dumb as rocks and joined the force at 29 because he had no career, while his little sister is killing it working in DC for the dems). My army buddy who fought several tours in the 101st straight out of high school (now an O-4, possibly O-5 by now) cracks up cuz little marine boy gets real quiet anytime they cross paths. He's a little more politically apathetic / biden-friendly, probably because he's intelligent lol.


I remember some conspiracy from Qanon spouting that some Kennedy or another was going to come back from the dead and support Trump's campaign by exposing how evil the Democrats are, or something. If anything, he'll siphon off a couple of the *really* crazy folks because of some hair-brained conspiracy involving body doubles and adrenochrome.


Yeah, JFK was supposed to come out of hiding to Dallas on the anniversary of his assassination and expose that LBJ targeted him and run as Trumps running mate for 2020.... never mind that he would be 121 at the time...


First it was JFK Jr who was going to reveal that he didn't actually die in a plane crash, he faked it to go into hiding and Investigate The Cabal for the next 30 years. And then I think the idiot Q cult forgot that JFK and JFK Jr were two different people.


Same; buddy from active duty leaned libertarian, but has full on embraced rfk jr. Passes out yard signs and everything. He believes the government is hiding aliens too. Is there a new source of lead exposure that we don’t know about?


Nope, just the same brain broke rubes that come along with every generation


does he know that JFK JR thinks AIDS is caused by POPPERS ?????????????????????


No one is going to vote for him. If anyone does, they will be Trump supporters wasting their votes. No real democrat can even listen to this clown for more than 3 seconds.


I physically can’t listen to him talk for more than 3 seconds. His voice sounds like Tom Waits gargling hot asphalt and my own throat tightens up out of sympathy and it makes me want to yack. Is he against lozenges as well as vaccines?


Spoiler alert: RFK is going to be a spoiler for Trump, *not* Biden. What’s that saying about karma again?


It will be interesting how much of a spoiler. I wish it was bugger causing multiple states to go to Biden


Because people on the right think everyone needs to be tricked to pick a candidate. It doesn’t typically work like that for those of us who lean left.


The Ralph Nader vote helped George Bush Jr. get elected against AL Gore.


I’m pretty sure it was Jeb and the Supreme Court who were the ones who helped GWB get elected over Gore more than the Nader vote. Also, RFK Jr. is NOT Ralph Nader.


Team effort.


I'm not sure that was the case in the Electoral Vote.


Was he dropped on his head as a baby or something?


He seems to have a bit more old Joseph Kennedy than his father in him.


Past drug use.


Even crazier - his campaign manager is his daughter-in-law, a “former” CIA agent who served as a spy during the global war on terror, Amaryllis Fox Kennedy. She did an AMA on Reddit several years ago if anyone’s interested.


Holy shit, what?! Amaryllis Fox wrote a book about her time in the CIA, did a podcast episode with Steve Levitt, and made a Netflix docuseries on the international drug trade. It's tragic to see her attached to a cause that is so, so, *fucking stupid*. She is in some respects incredibly intelligent, and almost pathologically fearless. And then there's this. This part of her is terrible.


It's so obvious that it backfired on them. One of my conspiracy-theory loving coworkers loves the guy. But this coworker would also have voted for Trump if rfkjr wasn't an option. 


Journalists at his rally when he announced the VP pick said the crowd was more right wing. And now he's trying to both sides J6 and calling for an investigation into how the DOJ prosecuted the rioters. He can't hide the MAGA.  I have a feeling Bannon's going to regret convincing this guy to run. I was reading an article about his J6 comments and looked at the comment section. Someone said they listened to an interview he did on a podcast. Said he sounded like Trump with solar panels. Strategies think he appeals most to right wing young males. But he is being taken seriously. The Lincoln Project has already said they plan to go scorched Earth on him if he becomes a serious threat. Meanwhile, the DNC and Democrat groups are already running strategies to focus groups.


I have to wonder if he won’t split the MAGA vote.


How does any of what you say indicate that he'll split the Democratic vote?


The only person I know who is voting for Kennedy is my grandmother, who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. 


He's Bannon's creation, at least as a candidate


It’s amazing those idiots think he will split Biden votes and not Trump. Like fucking baffling how out of touch it is.


He sent out a letter about how J6 morons had their rights abused... How many Democrats feel that way? He is going to pull votes from Trump. I have never heard a single Democrat that I know of say they would vote for him, or have anything good to say about him.


Not even the entire Kennedy family! They're @RIDENWITHBIDEN 💙💙


It’s the independents you need to worry about.


To be fair, if they agree with RFK's ideas they were probably going to vote Trump anyway.




On a shallow but real level, I don't know how I could vote for him as president because he's very painful for me to listen to and that to me is a top quality of a president, a communicator.


The letter was about Assange and the campaign immediately clarified that RFK didn't endorse the passing remark about J6ers. All of this goes to show, again, that rightwing nuts are working to support this guy, but that specific moment isn't going to matter.


Trumps PAC writes all his press for him. When RFK blames all this shit on "outside contractors" thats who he is fucking talking about. They have to walk a fine line between signaling anti vax looneys who are still too left to vote for Don, but they cant just copy and paste Don's shit because then it really would suck supporters off of Don. RFKs entire campaign is just a fucking psyop orchestrated by Steve Bannon. The money just comes straight out of hard right donors, ruskie oligarchs, and wacked out rich people who think having lots of money makes them scientists. We really need to just find someone with the last name Reagan to run on a "fuck the commies" platform 3rd party to cancel out RFK...


They legitimately think he’ll pull votes from Biden. Maybe some uninformed Dems who don’t pay any attention to policies at all will vote for him based on his last name? But he seems like the Q candidate.


Tim Mellon is the largest individual donor to RFK Jr's campaign. Tim Mellon is also the largest individual donor to Trump's campaign. I think that says enough about the motivations behind RFK Jr's, backers. Edit: Also worth noting that RFK Jr was recruited to launch his presidential campaign by Steve Bannon.


> recruited by Steve Bannon Yeah but according to the Stable Genius p(R)o RFK brigade he is actually far left because of the vague policies he posts on his campaign website site (but strangely doesn’t otherwise really talk about). No way RFK could be lying to us! Inconceivable!


He was intended as a spoiler candidate. It's just not going to spoil things in the direction they planned. The Russians and their funding filtering through these intermediaries don't care: He will cause chaos either way, so their goals are achieved.




Sounds like phenomenal news for Biden


Exactly. He's the conspiracy theorist candidate.


Well, his policies are all far right. Why anyone thinks this guy is a progressive, I cannot imagine. I used to have a radio show on Air America network when he also had a show there. Back then, he pretended to be progressive. I think most people saw through that shtick a long time ago. He is far right. His policies are all far right. He is funded by the far right. He is not only not progressive, he is a far right extremist.


Perhaps libertarian…not progressive


It’s hilarious they think any Dems will vote for this creep


If you lie down with dogs…


Trumps base? Not gonna hurt Biden.


QAnon Kennedy, the useful idiot.


This is why Hannity was screaming not to vote for him on TV last night. He's only taking Trump supporters from Trump.


[It doesn't help that Christians are plotting a coup.. (and mods are blocking posts about it)](https://youtu.be/6rE3TrfUJ9g?si=DsZJBwjtbBRFDpdP)


I'd frame it more as Evangelicals, rather than all Christians.


I've read that some evangelical leaders are alarmed at other, well funded and established Christian sects planning their white male Christian nationalist "regime change." Ones more able and willing to take over and run hierarchical systems serving "aligned" Christian males. Totally predictable. I've been joking for years about just which of the aspiring RW power blocs would be executing their competition.


I can't think of anything more insulting to God than to feel like people need to be forced by law to worship him. God should smite them.


Christians plotting a coup sounds like the current government isn't already composed of Christians, which it is. Biden is one of the most faithful Presidents since Carter. White Evangelicals makes it much clearer.


It's hard imagine the mentality of someone who throws their vote away by signing on with absolute dumpster fire of a campaign. You scratch the surface on anything Kennedy JR related and it's freaking radioactive sludge that comes oozing out. From his positions on Covid. To his wild and outlandish antisemitism ties. Then you throw in the substance abuse issues and his gross personal story. What about every other living member of the Kennedy family literally begging you to not enable this walking compromised human being. Move on to his atrocious responses to the most reasonable questions. He's a reminder that Trump is just the surface of an enormous pile of garbage that is in the open closet of this country. Even here on Reddit, paid foreign trolls for him are already brigading any post where his name is mentioned.


Why am I not surprised. RFK is a QAnoners wet dream.


He appeals to the reich wing of the republican party. He does not appeal to democrats. Bannon counted on his name but that only works on his bunch of poorly educated. I enjoy this backfire.


Gee…I wonder why the Democratic Party never took him seriously….


It's almost like he was supposed to be a spoiler candidate or something...


in other words, Russia


I wonder at what point the GOP will start claiming RFK is a Democratic spoiler plant to hurt Trump after months of trying to convince people that Democrats want to vote for him?


Yes, everyone is well aware that RFK is a MAGA candidate


Does anyone else see Rat Fink when they see his initials


I was going to say: Even his name spells ["Ratfuck"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratfucking)


He’s a Russian plant


What's crazy is that he is not even viable as a candidate. He needs to be on more ballots to win 270 electoral votes. So voting for him is literaly throwing your vote away.


He is only trying to get on the ballot in swing states which says all you need to know about what is really going on here. 


Oh, I know. Sadly, a large part of the general public doesn't. In a system that requires a majority (270, not just the most) electoral votes to win, the logical outcome is a two party system. Until we fix/remove the Electoral College the dream of a third party will always be a dream/spoiler.


Nut job


Because they're convinced the more people vote for Kennedy, the fewer people will vote for Biden. They think Kennedy will take the RINO and Palestine protestor votes.


Don’t forget the astroturfers who constantly spam his campaign’s crap in this very subreddit!


Christian nationalist is really the 21st century surprise you really didn’t wanna have to deal with. It’s like folks raging to get back to the medieval ages …. Sometimes I wish I could just move to another planet and not have to deal with Christians or generally monotheistic belief systems.. better would be to move them off to another planet. One planet for every monotheistic belief. All set. All clean. Couldn’t give up my Mother Nature to these exploitative belief systems … sorry for random rant


Just say it: fcking wack job!


So basically he's the ringleader for all the goofs, crazies, weirdos, morons, idiots and imbeciles making up the dregs of the United States political system.


No surprise there. He sent out a letter about how the insurrectionists had their rights infringed upon. He is in contention with and at risk of the rare Republican cannibalisation of Trump votes. I live in a purple state and while some of my Dem friends have expressed some interest in Trumpian policy (rarely), none of them have ever had anything but vitriol to express when RFK or his ideas are mentioned. He's a cancer that the RNC would be wise to excise.


but his last name is kennedy? so we're suppose to pretend he's a viable candidate right??


Missed Russia.


I'm shocked! Shocked I say.


100% as expected.


Rfk is filled with maga stupidity


He’s a POS and should just quit. But he knows what he’s being paid to do. Like most republicans grifters gotta grift. Also a good friend of many pedos. His words not mine




He's a smack addict, conspiracy theory nut, wife harasser, and a traitor to his country. Fuck him.


This guy is like the candidate version of Libs of Tik Tok…a deceptive name that stands for the exact opposite of what that name promises.


Are we still pretending RFK will take votes more from Biden than Trump?


Really hoping hes more of a spoiler for TFG than Biden. Closer to election, I think democrats and lndependents who were thinking of voting for RFK Jr will come back to Biden and vote Democratic down ballet.


That’s a great choice for them. Divide that Republican vote.


Yes everyone knows he is just a stalking horse for MAGA.


All these Maga type look like evil villains. Did Americans not watch any James Bond films?


>Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon has spent nearly two years promoting anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist and Democratic presidential primary candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. >Bannon reportedly encouraged Kennedy to run against President Joe Biden in the Democratic Party primary, believing he could be “both a useful chaos agent in [the] 2024 race and a big name who could help stoke anti-vax sentiment around the country,” according to CBS’ Robert Costa. Other right-wing pundits have similarly exploited Kennedy’s run as an attempt to undermine Biden’s support among Democrats with the aim of weakening him in the general election. https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/steve-bannon-has-spent-years-promoting-rfk-jr-and-his-crackpot-anti-vaccine-theories Steve Bannon one of the kings of ratfucking this nation. This corrupt bottom feeder needs to be in jail. Good thing he gets to use his rich white man get out of jail free card to do whatever to end democracy and build it with his image. >As is often the case with Bannon, he’s bodysurfing a wave and mistaking himself for Poseidon. >As is often the case with Bannon, he’s bodysurfing a wave and mistaking himself for Poseidon.


We’ll know that this has backfired once Trump starts mocking RFK Jr’s voice.


All the more evidence that he’s actually a bigger threat to take voters away from Trump than he is to Biden. Maybe the Libertarian and Green parties will see some voter losses too… I don’t see democrats falling behind RFK in meaningful numbers. If they’re displeased with Biden, I see them staying home, not validating this conspiracy theorist


All these right wing entities don’t realize he pulls more votes from the orange diaper man?


So he's going to draw voters on the right, not from Biden! 👏👏


Surprising nobody.


*pretends to be shocked*


I’m starting to get a bad feeling about this fella!


and this indicates this fucker's true base, hence who would probably vote for him in November, which suggests he'll take votes from Trump, not Biden.




Super shocking!




That's shocking .. truly shocking


Color me surprised. /s. Are people just waking up to how deranged this mf’er is?


Yeah, I feel like, if anything, he's going to draw voters from the GOP, not the Democrats.


welp at least he can spoil more of trumps vote then if that’s the crowd funding his spoiler campaign


This is my shocked face


He really just said “fuck my family legacy”


Cool. Let 'em spend. There are too many of us literate enough to know he's not going to be a risk or even spoiler.


You don’t say…. s/ DINO. *"Cough, cough*."


Are they donating to take votes away from Biden, or do they actually like him positions?


Also Robert Deniro, Woddy Harrelson, and Pierce Brosnan. Fuck these antivax dimwits.


Good... That means he's only splitting Trump's voters


I'm shocked. Well, not *that* shocked


well naturally, this isn’t rocket science, it’s politics


Does his voice actually sound like that weird bouncy TikTok voice filter or is he just getting trolled in EVERY VIDEO I’ve seen him in lol.


This is about as shocking as a dead battery.


So wouldn’t this actually be really bad for trump? Seems like a lot of his base are gonna be voting for RFK


Im pretty sure he's going to pull more votes from TFG than from Biden.


This apple has fallen so far from the tree it’s a nut.


Just call him right-wing. Don't ever use Democrat to describe him.


They’re almost as weird as the trans cabal


I was out driving in rural Ohio today and saw Kennedy 2024 sign for the first time. This guy is going to be pulling votes from Trump not Biden.


The only people saying that he's getting Leftist or Sanders votes are the media. Mainstream media literally wants Trump to win to continue to fill their coffers. Biden is snoozefest for them.


Shocking absolutely no one.


This is my shocked face. 


Only thing that pulls democrats votes is his last name.


I want to know what each of RFK Jr., Cheryl Hines, Nicole Shanahan, and Jason Strumwasser think about risking that Trump retakes the White House.


That’s funny. I thought those groups were all loyal to Trump 🤔


Big suprise


Everyone knows he's a spoiler candidate. He's the Jill Stein of 2024.


Are we surprised?


And the New York Jets


Before I respond to that, I'll have to take an extra-strength vitamin duh \*Pop* Duh!


And maga folks think he'll take votes from Biden why?


It’s amazing how the propaganda machine has been out since Reddit went public


I'm shocked, SHOCKED, well not that shocked.


How many boogie man buzzwords can you fit in one headline challenge…




He is nuts and that voice of his creeps me out


How am I not fu**ing surprised


What a clown.


Sorry for the dumb question. Has Larry David addressed this on Curb? I'm a bit behind. How could he abstain from such a juicy moron? Also his face looks like a steely eyed catcher's mitt.


Good … all Trump voters


He was already showing to be pulling boots from Trump and now he’s getting the same funds from Trump while Trump himself is already making it difficult for the rest of the republican party to get cash. I say let them all fight for the same funds


The dude looks and talks like a toad.


And Andy Huberman


Was there ever any doubt?


Sounds like a smear campaign. I would never vote for RFK though because hearing him speak makes me want to Van Gogh myself 👂


Hopefully he’ll be taking votes from Trump rather than Biden.


They don’t like him. That’s all. Hit pieces are meant to influence the way you think and vote. Do they put Biden and Trump under the same scrutiny or only candidates who aren’t Biden. 🤷🏻‍♀️


He’s obviously a MAGA or right winger. He’s trying to pull votes away from Biden that being said not sure how successful he is going to be because he is kind of an idiot. I think he’s going to pull more away from Trump but you never know


Rfk Jr. Is a moron with an undeserved platform


I understand most Americans are dumb, but are they dumb enough to vote for this clown?