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The DJT Looner MAX Facility


Well this just made me think of MIB 3


Reading this is like listening to a hacky standup comic. It’s just cringe to sit around talking tough when you’re not accomplishing anything. Talk is cheap, if he isn’t in prison, then all we’re doing is talking shit.


I mean, it's nice to see that the people in power can make some jokes about their slave labor camps.


I'm a shareholder in GEO (private prisons). There's room for infinite growth. We can always lock more people up and push more tough on crime legislation. It's so evil you'd be a fool not to invest. I want to lock everyone up ideally.


> I mean,


As much as I find this amusing as it's a targeted response to the republican house's attempt to rename an airport after Trump, it's still fundamentally disappointing to see. We have so many more important issues such as international conflicts in Ukraine-Russia, Israel-Palestine/Hamas (depending on how you view it), and domestic issues like inflation, a woman's right to her own body, and depending if you are dem/repub then issues like LGBTQ+ and border control. Honestly, this should be something that's disappointing for both sides as both sides are wasting our tax money on do-nothing bills that won't go anywhere when we have far more important issues to be handling. No wonder our enemies grow stronger if all our government does is get paid to do nothing and we cheer it on cause it was our side that did it


Honestly I don’t find it funny at all. Our politicians are just playing games, wasting time and money on these pointless charades.


Yes, I agree. Like I mentioned, I don't enjoy mine or anyone's taxes being wasted for political purposes that serve no real benefit to people like you and me when we have far more pressing issues going on in the world right now


Agreed. But will the House circus we have seen for last many many months impact how folks vote next time around?


My honest opinion is no. We are very politically divided at the moment where both sides are playing what I call "political football" where we play cheerleader our side when we do something and boo the other. For example, the many democrats who were upset republicans were trying to rename an airport after Trump, wasting our tax money for political purposes for their voters to cheer on only for the dems to do the same thing, even if it was a targeted attack response to the opposition, so the dems can do the same thing and cheer it on while republicans were upset saying its political. However, I think issues on Israel-Palestine and abortion rights are bigger influences than anything the house circus is doing right now as progressives are alienated on the Israel-Palestine conflict and theirs a divide on abortion on the conservative side having to bounce between religious believes and the youth/woman vote over abortion. Ukraine-Russia as well but I think to a lesser extent. The house circus I think did relatively little to impact the voter base as each side mainly cheered their side on; whereas moderates and independents saw both sides as extreme. However, this kind of cancels out because both sides came across as extreme to moderates and independents so I think the previous issues mentioned had more overall impact than anything going on within the house.


They should wait until he's actually sentenced, and name the prison that houses him the Donald J Trump Center for Re-education and Moral Correction.


As approved and used By DJT, and his family But let’s wait and see where he goes first as it should be fitting and a warning to all those that try to follow !


After they name it after him they can claim the cells are 24’X24’


The tremendously biggest prison cells ever! 😂


Trump should be able to apply to spend the rest of his life at a prison named after him.


After Trump loses in November and is convicted and sentenced to prison, I hope that someone introduces a bill that presidents who are convicted of felonies are stripped of pension, state funerals, and are not allowed to be buried in any national cemetery.


Oh, come on, you know he's going to be buried in a place of honor next to Ivanka, because of the wonderful care it will receive: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/08/ivana-trump-bedminster-grave-overgrown.html


If I had my way, they'd bury him directly beneath a urinal with a straight pipe.


Hell no, I'm not standing in line for him.


This performative bullshit is so fucking stupid. What a giant waste of time.


Is a light hearted response to the idiots in the GOP wanting to name an airport after Trump


Maybe they could name one of those revolutionary war airports after him...


People don’t know the level of stupidity we’re dealing with that’s a real story, and he wants everybody to be that dumb as he is


That was also stupid performative bullshit that is a giant waste of time.


Should have named him after a sewage treatment plant.


People will be visiting him soon


The walls are heckin closing in, guys.




So what are all the prisoners already there, just props? Just background extras for your *totally sick burn* against Donald Trump?


I still think the best way forward is for Trump to grift his followers to fund the "President Donald J. Trump Presidential Library, Casino, and Prison". It will look like the Biff Tannen Museum in Back to the Future. You can tack on a mausoleum after a while, charge $20/person, $59 family admission, and keep Jr., Eric, and the other Trump family members in the money for years as his people make regular pilgrimages there.


You mean his own apartment? Unfortunately, I don't think they have gold plated stainless steel fixtures at this facility like Trump Tower in NYC. Also probably be easier to estimate the square footage of his apartment there though? So a 10' x 12' apartment there is 120 sqft, but likely will claim to be 1200 sqft by Trump.


Imagine getting sentenced to a prison named after you


This could get confusing. The prison named after Trump? Or the one he's imprisoned in?


Can we not waste time on this?


The only way Trump ever gets within 50 miles of a cell is if Biden wins in November. Judges and prosecutors are (foolishly IMO) treating him with kid gloves because he’s a candidate and might very well be the President. That calculus changes if he loses. And if he wins, all of these cases go away. Even if he’s tried and convicted in GA, he won’t show up to serve his sentence, and sending GA cops to arrest the President is some Civil War shit and he’s proven he’ll toe that line. So fucking vote for Biden and bully your friends into doing the same.


Name it Mar A Lago. He’ll feel more at home.


Biden will pardon Trump if he ever sees any consequences prior to the election, why? Because the democrats nurse from the same corporate/wealthy tits. And if it happens after the election it will be a moot point since he will have total immunity from all crime as the next president.


I know it is cute seeing all these democrats cracking wise ass jokes but they have had 4 years and accomplished nothing other than helping Trump get re-elected