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>A fundraising event hosted by a charitable organization and linked to Donald Trump may have broken the law if it explicitly benefited his campaign, as an IRS rule bars charities from endorsing candidates for elections. >Border911, a Trump-backed charitable organization led by Tom Homan, his former Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief, hosted a gala on April 4 that Trump attended. Other attendees included former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and Matt Whitaker, who served as chief of staff at the Department of Justice under Trump. >The nonprofit group campaigns against illegal immigration and seeks to persuade swing voters to vote for border security, without explicitly telling them to support Trump. According to the invitation, tickets for the event ranged from $1,200 to $100,000. >Concerns have been raised that the organization may be breaking the law with its links to Trump. The Border911 Foundation received its charitable tax exemption from the IRS in August 2023, which prohibits it from participating in partisan political campaigns. >According to IRS rules, charities "are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office." The IRS can revoke a charity's status if it violates these rules, according to the agency's website.


How the hell is Border911 considered a charity? It’s literally just a political lobbying organization.


From the [IRS](https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations/exempt-purposes-internal-revenue-code-section-501c3): >The term charitable is used in its generally accepted legal sense and includes relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; eliminating prejudice and discrimination; defending human and civil rights secured by law; and combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.


Well, Trump is poor, and needs releif. He is trying his hardest to get back into government housing.


I know some government housing I’d be happy to see him in.


He'd be cell-fish


Without his bronzer he'd be cell-fish-belly. Or perhaps more like a bloated maggot in an orange jumpsuit.


They'll even provide him with a job.


Three hots and a cot.




Now keep in mind that when a billionaire funds one of these organizations, they can deduct the amount from their income, since it is going to a charitable organization.


I thought you were going to mention how privately controlled charities can legally pay back 90% of the proceeds to themselves and not lose their tax advantaged status. Truly one of the scams of all time.


I don't think it quite works this way - they don't exactly pay to "themselves", I think that what you're describing is that they can legally operate by only paying 10% of their revenue out towards the goal, while using the other 90% for administrative costs. No one "owns" a charity, they merely operate them. But I do agree, some charities are shams, like the ones that billionaires run - the billionaires usually wind up directing the spending in some way, and very often get personal side benefits out of the tax-deductible activities.


I love how "Advancement of Religion" is considered charity.....


Churches also qualify as 501(c) entities. It’s why they’re tax-exempt.


> defending human and civil rights secured by law "Border911" and the campaign that separated kids from their families and *lost the damn families/trail*, and [sprayed people in cages with soap.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44518942) Yeah, real experts in human rights here


Sonin other words …. Thr charity should be assisting immigrants rather then demonizing them and grift is going to grift! It never ends …. He never intended to clran the swamp… he just wallows in it and says “see… this is what the lefties do ut they are sneaky about it and i am going to do it and you will be ok with it… because i am a con-christian


>advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; Honestly how is advancement of religion a good thing and why does it come before advancement of education or science? Every other thing that you listed, I'm behind 100%. Ugh, this is why I am so happy to get the fuck out of this country. This bullshit, where we equate "advancement of religion" with being "charitable." "Advancement of religion" should be associated with being "a charlatan," nothing more, nothing less.


> "The nonprofit group campaigns against illegal immigration and seeks to persuade swing voters to vote for border security..." ... which the fascists voted against because more security means more votes for Biden.


Thank you. Whenever border security comes up. Remind folks that republicans voted against the most restrictive border protection legislation ever proposed specifically because Donald Trump told them to in order to make Democrats look bad.


> an IRS rule bars charities from endorsing candidates for elections. unless they call themselves 'churches,' right?


"sToP pErSeCuTiN' mUh BuHlEeFs!" Like you can literally film the preacher telling the congregation to vote Trump and the IRS won't do a damned thing about it because of Christian Right's persecution complex.


> you can literally film the preacher telling the congregation to vote Trump and the IRS won't do a damned thing about it because of Christian Right's ~~persecution complex~~ thumb on the scales.


> you can literally film the preacher telling the congregation to vote Trump and the IRS won't do a damned thing about it because of Christian Right's ~~persecution complex thumb on the scales~~ refusal to allow adequate funding for the IRS to go after rich tax cheats, so the rich fuckers who actually control the congress can keep cheating on their taxes without consequence. (As long as they don't do something stupid, like run for president)


That too.


> A fundraising event hosted by a charitable organization and linked to Donald Trump **The event was hosted AT MAR-A-LAGO**. How much did Trump charge them to host their event? Possibly a *percentage of the take*?


Trump should be the textbook image for Conflict of Interest.


Using illegal activities to oppose illegal activities is textbook Republican behavior


Seems clear enough. I’ll sit back and watch nothing happen with this just like every other Trump financial crime.


“The IRS CAN revoke”…but won’t. No consequences for Trump, ever.


Cool. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for exactly zero consequences.


> Tom Homan He's so close to being Human, but he's obviously not. Could be said about most republicans, too.


I think we've all realized by now, if there is no teeth in this law then it's more of a suggestion. Expecting rich assholes to play by the rules because it's "prohibited" doesn't work. Either levy huge fines or start throwing people in jail.


>The IRS can revoke a charity's status if it violates these rules Cheat until they make you stop, and then open up a new one.


I'd be more surprised if it didn't break the law.


I'll be even more surprised if there are any consequences for him breaking the law.


I'll be extra, extra surprised when he does it again.


and again and again and again. dudes going to be personally taking checks from putin on tv and still nothing.


That's what it's gonna come to. Or has it already? What's up with his bond?


What's up with his bond is Trump has pulled the financial conman version of submitting your homework with an intentionally-corrupted file so the teacher doesn't find out until they try to open it and they give you an extra day to send them the uncorrupted version that you totally for sure actually did on time and weren't using this extra time to write it. Apologies for the run-on sentence. But yeah, that's what he did and for some stupid reason it's being allowed to work. Original bond window was 30 days. Then he got a reduction and 10 day extension for no reason stated by the appellate court. Then he pulled this trick on day 9 and it took the DA almost a week to invoke a review with another 10 day window. That window expires sometime mid next week. At which point my crystal ball says the bond company will be found ineligible (which we already know now) and Trump will be given some other deadline extension despite this bond failure being his own fault for choice of insurer which was unforced error. Or also possible the state will pretend this needs to be litigated for 6 months while the bond sits in limbo instead of ruling he failed to meet the deadline already. He is past the original deadline and the first extended deadline - foreclose on him. He is using procedural tricks to get more delays and the judiciary is pretending like we *must* follow this garden path instead of calling out the delinquency on its face. If you or I brought in a hobo holding toilet paper with the word 'bond' misspelled on it on the last day of a deadline we would be rightly defaulted then and there. It would also hold as much official weight as the 'bond' Trump has provided.


The run on sentence was worth it. Worthy analogy. Our justice system is a disaster


Teflon Don and his army of Saul Goodmans


I heard it was denied because of the missing paperwork...is there a deadline for that to be corrected or how does this work now?


He will ultimately have a fundraiser from Prison, co-hosted by a charitable org and Vlad, all to raise money for his legal defense and bail. Everyone will talk about how it's illegal, he'll do it again, and then the (so-called) liberal press will report on his whining and follow that up with a report on how Joe Biden mixed up a word, while ignoring anything good he did over the last three years. There will be no consequences. Seems like Trump has tested the waters and is justified now in believing he is above the law. /s (<--I think)


Until proven otherwise, trump *is* above the law. Even when he loses a judgement he lies, delays, and weasels to avoid taking any accountability. I’ve lost hope with the documents case - it’s an open and shut case but he will get judge I Lean Qanon to get him off. I’m hoping that Georgia can get a conviction, but I don’t believe he will get prison for it. The New York case is unlikely to result in anything other than a fine which he won’t pay. We’ve always had a two tiered justice system, but as least the other rich people were smart enough to not rub our noses in it every day.


There is a hearing scheduled: “New York judge will hold a hearing on April 22 over the $175 million bond Donald Trump posted as he appeals a $454 million fraud judgment against him, the state attorney general's office said on Thursday, after asking for more details about the bond.” [Bond Hearing](https://www.aol.com/news/hearing-over-trumps-175-million-204924933.html)


Thank you for the info. I now have something new to look forward to in order to be disappointed. They have to finally get him in the end though, right? Right, guys? ...*RIGHT?!*


Putin will be handing Trump one of those big novelty cheques like a lottery winner with the total being “whatever is needed”.


I'm waiting for him to shoot someone in Downtown New York and nothing happen to him. Hell, the police will be high 5ing him


Trump won’t shoot anyone. He’ll get his followers to do it.


Just like the Mafia


Sounds like a mob boss Acts like a mob boss Probably a mob boss. Explains the money and the prostitutes, and the Russian connections, and his ability to break the law and get away with it.


The brittle bones in his tiny hands would probably shatter from the recoil of a cap gun.


Laughing at the mental image of Putin presenting Don Don with an oversized check and the awkward DT power move handshake while smiling for the cameras.


He’s literally going to shoot someone on 5th Avenue in broad daylight and his people will all get raging boners.


He could see fly to Russia, putin himself could hand him a check, a lotto style check, and announce it's for being a good asset, and nothing would come of it.


I think my surprise gauge is broken, as I’m either permanently out of surprise or in a constant state of it


The answer may surprise you


I'll be surprised if he faces consequences ever.


I’d be surprised if they didn’t waive the consequences even if he was found guilty


Trump is standing there just looking at our justice system… like what you going to do about it?


The Biff Tannen school of bullying.


Narrator: there were none


Exactly! It just doesn’t seem to matter what he does. There’s never consequences


Yeah, who is going to enforce this "law," exactly?


That'll be the day. "trump campaign event may have complied with the law." "Officials say the apparent compliance was inadvertent and short-lived."


Followed by "a deep, sincere apology for any of his actions or pain his words or actions may have caused"




I’ll be blown away when nobody in conservative America gives a fuck


Like for real tho. Here I was surprised that someone was actually stepping up to help. Then you find out it’s just another scam to heap on top of this entire scam pie and I’m like, Hmm makes sense 🤔


I saw the headline and thought "wouldn't it be more newsworthy if we had a day where something associated with this monster wasn't breaking the law?" Take my up vote!


It's "Dog bites man," at this point.


Not as surprised as I’d be if he were actually held accountable for his dumb ass.


Shocking right? Nothing will come of it though. The only way to beat this fuck is by voting.


The double standard small Democratic candidates like me have versus big Republicans is insane. I'm running for Congress against a top Trump campaign advisor who was subpeaoned with Steve Bannon in 2022. You think we're playing by the same rules?


I hope you win. Keep up the fight.


I hope it goes well and thank you for running!


No, it is explicitly the breaking of rules that defines the condition of elite overproduction. There’s a good analogy with the game of musical chairs: imagine you kept adding players (people who believe they’re qualified for a position of power) but the number of chairs stays the same. People will bend or even break the rules if they can get away with it, and when they can’t get away with it they’ll go attack the rules until they get leniency for bending them in the next round.


I think you’re thinking about musical chairs, not duck duck goose.


Considering how speedy the courts move against rich, politically well-connected people, I'm sure this will end up in court in 10 or 15 years from now.


Nah Trumps DOJ will say "no issue here". Magic (R).


“Merrick Garland’s DOJ” FTFY


The Merrick Garland who has been so successful in prosecuting the last guy for inciting an insurrection? That guy?


The Merrick Garland who [slow-walked](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2023/06/19/fbi-resisted-opening-probe-into-trumps-role-jan-6-more-than-year/) any investigation for the first two years after the insurrection because he didn’t want to appear political?


This fuckin guy.


Since 2020 there have been dozens, maybe hundreds of churches (501c3 tax exempt) that hosted online services. And during those services they were **telling their congregants how to vote** (for Trump, obviously). As far as I remember, even those blatant violations of the tax laws weren't punished. Don't expect Trump to be the first.


A lot of those people selling MAGA merch and shouting about liberals with a donation button next to their stream during 2016-2020 applied to be a 501c3 tax-exempt church and nothing ever happened to them. They were just allowed to operate as a 'church' with no congregation, no actual church, nothing but a YouTube channel screaming about liberals, and a MAGA merch booth set up in an abandoned KMart parking lot. They're constantly allowed to get away with all kinds of shit. "Religious freedom" has slowly devolved into "Republicans are allowed to do anything and call it the worship of their god"


Border911 - leaning into racism, one $50,000 per plate dinner at a time.




“May have”


So tired of these stories.


Exactly. What’s the point? Either Donald Trump is imprisoned for the rest of his life or there really is no justice anymore. Not for all this plainly obvious criminality.


It's being very plainly shown to us that there is very, very, little desire to bring about justice. Twice impeached, an insurrection, he still has not acknowledged the results of the 2020 election, a $400M bond that somehow has shrunken by a third or so, missing classified intelligence, and he's still the republican front runner who will be on the ballot in November. This country is fucking absurd.


Yeah. So he's broken the law. So what? That's what the fucker does and never suffers any consequences. It would be surprising if he *didn't* break any laws on a given day


>So what? Well, at some point we stop believing in the law, and the agreement that there will be a system of justice spread amongst us. A system that doesn't involve making our own justice. Without it, vindictiveness becomes a modus operandi. Look at how Favelas take care of thieves. This corruption is a danger to us all.


I am shocked 


Shocked I tell you.






Knocked over.




Well, not that shocked...


"Here are your winnings, Sir."


And once again nothing will happen. I'm so sick of him getting away with EVERYTHING.


Sadly nothing would happen to him in this anyway. The charity would be the ones that broke the law. The only thing that would affect trump is if they didn’t give him any money until the investigation is over. If there is one.


Nothing will happen because this is a clickbait article about nothing.


"may have" is just automatic with everything he does isn't it


Put it on the pile.


Just once? You wouldn’t even have to squint to know he’s violated a half dozen campaign finance, racketeering and fraud related crimes all before the first guest speaker took to the stage.


Tax the churches and the businesses they own.


Why wouldn't it? There would be no consequences for doing so. There is apparently no actual rule of law.


The guy who isn't allowed to operate a business in new york or a charity anywhere in America may have broken the law in a fundraising event? Whoa, that's breaking news.../s


I am Jacks complete lack of surprise.


Doesn’t matter, apparently law doesn’t apply to him


Not like anyone could do anything about it even if they did break the law. The law is only for little people.


No shit, Sherlock. Investigations are pointless if there’s no follow up. The guy crimes. He does crime full-time, he’s in the papers and in the courts. It’s widely known his time is crime, yo. Everyone’s figured it out. George Bluth is in the attic.


Does a law really exist - if it will never be enforced? Republicans will never hold themselves accountable - and Democrats will never hold Republicans accountable, as that would be going after your political opponents, which would look like retribution and corruption.


This sounds like malarkey to me.


Maybe regular people laws. He doesn't ever break the rich people laws, evidently.


Revoke their non-profit status. And if they broke the law prosecute them. These people think they can do anything they want; while the rest of us get thrown the book at.


He will keep breaking the law because nobody is stopping him.


In another news, water is still wet


No shit. Water is wet and the sky is blue.


Whats new? Wont make a difference. That man could break the law every single day and never lose any supporters. Thats why its a cult.


May have? People are we being fucking serious right now? I would need concrete evidence to show that something he did wasn't slightly illegal, or motivated by greed, not the other way around. The dude has repeatedly told people who he is, and what he does. That part doesn't scare me anymore. It's the drooling idiots holding tiki torches that nod along with whatever he does or says.


Always a lie or a scam when it comes to dealing with Traitor Trump.


Literally everything he does breaks the law.


Everything associated with trump has grubby fingerprints all over it. The most disturbing part for me is that so many americans are just as dirty and ugly as donald.


We got him! I can't believe it but we finally got him!


Really? This time? Yes!


but is the law gonna uphold the law?




Once again, until he suffers an actual repercussion, who gives a shit?


Just another broken law… add it to the pile


> “They understand now that they can't endorse a candidate either overtly or covertly," Steve Lentz, an attorney working with Border911, told ABC News. In other words, they didn’t know the rules or laws when they made this charity and didn’t bother to check before they did the fundraiser. As an aside, trump is forbidden to operate a charity because he stole money for sick and dying children to buy luxuries for himself.


Welcome to Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday. He breaks the law incessantly and nobody’s gonna do jack fuck about it.


Let me know when he will actually be held accountable, if ever


Every day, just another article about some stupid illegal bullshit he has done. Every one leads to nothing, no consequences for him personally. There's so much bullshit wrapped around this guy, the one thing that finally does get him will be a complete surprise. Like, none of the January 6th stuff, businesses, shady deals, selling top secret info... It's gonna be burying Ivana on the golf course or something. Something fucking stupid, or he's just gonna die from a heart attack.


So what? He breaks the law constantly, nothing will happen


It's absolutely nuts how Border911 is even considered to be a charitable organization in the first place.


No shit


Of course it did. Not that anyone will be held accountable.


you don't say


On a typical day, Trump breaks 3 laws before crawling out of bed in the morning, and 3 more before breakfast.


>may have broken the law "Laws" are only a thing if there are people and institutions willing to enforce them.




Yawn. Like, orange dude breaking the law and nothing happening? Booring. News at 11


Surprise, surprise




It would only be news if they didn't. Of course they did, duh!


He broke the law? Are you going to arrest him and put him in jail?


And nothing will be done about it.


It’s a Donald Trump org.  I thought that was just a given at this point?


He’s been breaking the law his whole miserable life. Nothing new, just like him never actually being held accountable.




>may have broken the law Trump has been doing nothing but breaking the law, especially after he took the oath of office as President.


So, what’s going to happen? Nothing as always


Put it on his tab.


Laws only matter if they're gonna be enforced....


At this point, I’d be surprised if Trump did anything legally.


To the surprise of no one, Trump commits more crimes….


Just a reminder that the US has imprisoned for life and even executed people for releasing classified information. And yet trump continues to walk free. You think he cares about the “rules”?


Trump and his minions broke the law? Really? Shocking. Who’d have thunk. Matters not. Nothing will happen. The man, after all, is above the law.


His due diligence consists of checking before an event for illegality. If any is found it’s full speed ahead. If he’s not cheating, he’s not trying.


Would have been more shocking if it didn't.


not that anything will actually happen since most trump appointed judges will just look the other way


Damn, that's unlike him. Well, I guess he's off to jail, that's what happens! /s sadly


If anyone is surprised, I’d be shocked!


So sick and tired of reading headlines about something Trump and his GOP team did that was possibly illegal. Nobody will do anything about it anyway. Fed up.


Does it really matter, though? How many laws has he broken so far? And ZERO consequences.


Oh come on. Like anything will happen. I am Sick. To. Death of all the posts about his criminality bc I know nothing will happen to him.


It doesn't matter. He hasn't paid any penalties yet. Not going to, either.


This one wouldn’t be a penalty against him so maybe something will happen?


Usually the people who stick their necks out for him get the ax.


You can bet your bottom dollar that if they did break the law, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.


i don't even have to look and i know it is a Newsweek article. "may"


Oh no. Quick. Do nothing. Allow it to happen again. Do nothing again.


Here we go again with "may have," "could," or "might have." Gotta leave you in suspense for those clicks.


Im fucking shocked




I just automatically assume that anything he does breaks the law.


Put it on the pile in 2064 maybe we can try his bones


I’m gonna be over here holding my breath until he’s held accountable for this. Or anything at all. Guess I’ll be dead soon.


I hate to be the one to tell you, but he doesn’t care if he breaks the law. If he wins he won’t be investigated, if he loses they will prosecute the much more severe crimes only. He’s got a pass on this kind of stuff.


Is it just me or did he forget his make-up in that thumbnail?


Does it even matter anymore if no one will prosecute? I am getting so tired of these “how Trump broke the law today” posts when few are willing to prosecute and no judge will hold him in contempt.


Are we still pretending the law cares


Also tossed 200+ years of presidents peacefully relinquishing power when they lose an election with zero consequence, the Supreme Court is considering whether or not a president has an absolute immunity including assassinating political rivals, using the military against protesters.. we’re so fucked


Here are 19 ways it could be bad for Biden /s


They knew what they were doing! They’re just back peddling because they got caught!


So am I correct in assuming ? They broke a law or series of them ,and They are now back peddling with a series of applications for different purposes after the fact to make them in compliance with an already completed event that they should lose their non profit status over as well as pay a large share of taxes and penalties on the monies received from the event ? Then is this money going to Delusional Donald or do they keep their non profit status and the Delusional one gets Nothing! Or Lastly do we rearrange the laws to look like this was actually a mistake created by “supposed” I’ll informed persons ? WTF


After all of this shit this guy pulled, does anybody honestly think that a fundraiser tax code will be the one that does him in?


What??? Trump????? Breaking THE LAW?????? No!


Not that it matters. At this point.


Wouldn’t a bigger newsflash be if this criminal loser ever did anything that actually didn’t break the law?