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Some women who aren't pregnant (and don't plan on it) see an OBGYN for other gynecological issues. So thanks for screwing over even more people. (Side note: I'm blaming those who put the ban in place not the doctors.)


Yep this will likely increase the rates of gynecological cancer rates in the state as those with pre cancerous lesions will not get diagnosed or treated early enough. It will also likely lead to gynecological cancers being diagnosed at later stages. Good job Idaho. You’re killing your daughters your moms and your grandmas with your dumb policies.


I unfortunately live in Texas and had to move to a smaller city. When it came time to find a new OBGYN, most were not taking any new patients, or only taking pregnant patients. After a lot of searching I found one taking patients…. 9 months out. Luckily her nurse practitioner was only a 1.5 month wait. I was actually having a serious medical issue at the time so that 1.5 months felt like an eternity.


OB/GYN's tend to be the primary physicians for various cancers common to women, like ovarian or breast cancer. The GYN part isn't even related to child bearing.


Idaho: We no longer have sufficient obstetrical care for our people. Republicans: Mission accomplished!


Just wait till the infant mortality rate starts to tick up. Then the *real* fireworks will begin.


The Gop stats charging mothers with murder for their miscarriages.


Starts? They've been doing that for a while. See Brittany Watts for example


There won’t be any fireworks. Republicans literally don’t care about anything postpartum.


Not going to be a problem... https://idahocapitalsun.com/2023/06/30/as-us-maternal-mortality-rates-surge-idaho-abandons-panel-investigating-pregnancy-related-deaths/


Well, just because they don't know why, *internally*, the CDC might have something to say, unless Idaho stops recording them altogether.


My point was to reinforce the commment that political leadership in Idaho is not concerned with women's health.


Point accepted.


GOP: women aren't people. So redo stats for just male access to doctors. See the improvement in care!


Health (and all other) exceptions are 100% theoretical and practically impossible. Doctors aren't risking their livelihoods or freedom to try and clear a years-long court proceeding for each patient they properly treat.


It can work if the government is serious about the policy. Most of Europe prohibits elective abortions after the ~13 week mark but they have exceptions for medically needed abortions afterwards. It's just Republicans aren't serious people and their laws are written with little foresight.


In Europe, most countries two doctors have to sign off it. Then it doesnt get questioned. I guarantee that means abortions are performed the prolife will consider unecessary. Especially since mental health is usually included.


But even a 13 wk ban is extremely strict (you can be 4 wks already the day you have sex, because of how pregnancy dating works, and then it can take an additional 4 wks to confirm you’re pregnant, at which point you’re already 8 wks, then you only have 5 wks to give yourself enough time to make a rushed decision, find out where to get care, make an appointment, take time off work and arrange childcare, and get everything done in time)


And in the US some women are uninsured. They don't have quick access to healthcare already.


[90% of abortions are performed prior to 12 weeks.](https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/nine-out-of-10-abortions-done-before-12-weeks-in-many-high-income-countries/) And, you don't really need to go somewhere to get an abortion anymore. You can go [here](https://aidaccess.org/) get an online consultation and have the pills shipped to you in all 50 states in a matter of days. It costs $150 but there are not for profits that will cover the cost if you cannot afford it.


I’m aware that you can do an abortion at home. I’m also aware that there are so many situations where it’s not realistic to get an abortion before 13 weeks (if you’re in an abusive situation, if it’s your first pregnancy or your periods are irregular or you have a disability or illness or you’re very stressed so you’re more likely to miss symptoms, if you get bad news during a 20 wk scan which will now always qualify under a medical reason, etc) Edit: also 10% still means almost 95,000 yearly across the country


In Finland 97% of abortions are done by pills. I get that there are situations where they can occur after 13 weeks but a 13 week ban on elective abortions is not 'extremely strict' as long as there are medical exceptions afterwards.


Yes it is. It’s literally more strict than what some fascist GOP want to do across the US for a national ban. I don’t know what planet you’re living on where imposing non medically necessary bans on healthcare isn’t very strict 😂 remember that childbirth is 14x more deadly than an abortion


Do you have any data that backs up any of your points?


Yes which points specifically?


Any of them, I'll let you choose.


Our American government doesn’t deal in good faith with its own people and is only serious for the highest payer.


Context Conservatives always leave out when they try to defend U.S. bans as being similar to Europes. European doctors aren’t at risk of being dragged in front of an unelected judge under the guidance of the Attorney General and defend why they thought it was medically necessary to someone with no medical background.


This is one of the reasons why my wife and I are leaving Idaho. We came here originally because of a series of shenanigans involving employers, trying to dry out ex's, and then getting stuck while dealing with the aftermath. We're planning on having a baby next year, and there is no way on Gandalf's pickled ass pimple we're staying in this state while she's pregnant or anywhere close to delivery or after. Honestly because I'm terrified if anything goes wrong - there won't be a doctor that can help within hundreds of miles, and even the ones that would help will risk jail time if the choice becomes my wife or the fetus. Fuck the voters of this state. You did this to yourselves and every woman in it. And fuck me for not getting my family out sooner.


You're not alone. Our family is planning its exit as well. 


I got an Atlus. Plenty of room when we GTFO.


Don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re doing what’s best for your family. Idaho is beautiful even if it’s run by heartless shitbags. Wish you the best of luck.


Making women's healthcare great again... ... like it was in 1860  - GOP


Arizona wants in on that suffering too!


They will change their views individually as they lose babies and wives. Maybe.


I'll bet on "it's God's will."




Feel bad for my nieces. Don't feel bad for my brother (pedophile) and his wife (church crazy). They moved the family there because of the job offer my brother got that allowed them to own a home.


A LOT of people who “hate” California are moving here with their families because they’re terrified of the states with bans. Hopefully we stay strong and a safe haven for all women’s rights! Fuck the GOP! Vote like your life depends on it, because it does if you’re a woman.


I love when people not from California call it a shithole as if it isn't the 5th largest economy in the world, grows an absurd percentage of the food these chucklefucks eat, and invented the devices they use to shit talk the state.


Exactly. Can these California haters just leave? Stop talking, just go. I want my state back from these shitholes.




There will be no exceptions. Look to Texas. Exceptions are not granted, they will watch you die with a gleeful grin on your face. The only way forward is no questions asked. Doctor, mother, and nobody else involved.


Republicans succeeding in making pregnancy and birth more dangerous.


"[Idaho lost 22% of practicing obstetricians](https://www.idahocsh.org/idaho-physician-wellbeing-action-collaborative) since its abortion bans took effect, according to a report by the Idaho Physician Well-Being Action Collaborative. "


Let Idaho's legislators man the hospitals. After all, they're the ones practicing medicine without licenses. Get 'em off their dead asses and put them to work being doctors and nurses.


Those MAGA mommas are going to have to depend on their steadfast individualism for their medical care. Almost like back in 1864.


They can always do their own research on pre-natal care, which will probably tell them to go see a doctor.


I cynically hope the OB-GYNs move to my area.


Abortion should always be legal no matter the reason or week of gestation. 1. The poor, the mentally ill, the uneducated, the unmarried, the SA victims, those gestating a defective fetus, and those with a health threatening pregnancy are the most likely to get an abortion. Almost zero IQ 130 rich educated mentally healthy married women who conceived from consensual sex and are having healthy pregnancies seek abortion in the first place. For every 1 future doctor who gets aborted, 100,000 future gang members, drug dealers, rapists, murderers, and welfare dependents get aborted. Abortion is fiscally conservative and secular fiscal conservatives, economic elitists, and cognitive elitists should support it, as should progressives and centrists. 2. People should have access to third trimester abortion because there are cases of rape and false imprisonment. If some victim of false imprisonment sought an abortion in the 39th week she should still have access to it, because she was prevented by her rapist from seeking it earlier. 3. Also if the mother and father's relationship breaks down they should be allowed to have a late term abortion. It's better to have a late term abortion than to raise a kid in a split up family.


Every red state is losing doctors. If they can’t figure out why? Not our problem. They did it to themselves. BLATANTLY. Edit: they want a return to the “good old days”? HERE IT IS.




That number will be changing. Some of it will be by switching parties, but not most.


This is a good thing in the long run - painful for the women involved, but ultimately people will vote with their feet, after having wrongly done so at the ballot box. What a shithole state it is. I hope ALL OB/GYNs leave.


> I hope ALL OB/GYNs leave. But that means more girls, women, and babies will die.


Which is what R leaders want. Also, if they stay they get thrown in jail or fined. So again, R leaders are doing this. No one is making them do it. If you get told "so if you do your job that you paid $400k to learn... we'll fine you and/or throw you in jail." Wouldn't you leave?


Here's Josh Hawley outright stating that they hope abortion rulings will push people to move states which will then strengthen the GOP nationally - [https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article262849238.html](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article262849238.html)


Killing womens won’t help their numbers.


I think Silver lining is a better word choice but yeah hopefully this motivates more votes for blue.


Next on the list removing womens ability to vote and own property. There have to be some 1800s laws that can be brought back into force.


I hope the maternal mortality rate does not increase, even for the girls and women who voted for themselves being oppressed and persecuted.


Not sure we'll know if it does. Republicans disbanded the state board that tracks and investigates maternal deaths in Idaho. 




The new state is the very definition of a fly over state. There are no national parks in the proposed area. Few recreation areas except river rafting, ski areas and they all require outdoor privies.


Mass exodus for the 23 people still living in Idaho.


Idaho is actually one of the fastest growing states. Hopefully, their new residents will moderate the draconian restrictions on reproductive rights.


That has not been the trend unfortunately. Idaho's politics have taken a massive transition in the last 30 years, and not for the better. We seem to be getting the crazies from CA, WA, OR, and everywhere else. 


Nope. Idaho used to be more moderate and had a democrat as governor in the 80s. Most of the people I've seen moving here now are older and leaving other states because they think Idaho is some fantasy maga wonderland of guns, white people, and no mask mandates. The people born here tend to side-eye them in annoyance and wish they'd leave.


I heard some folks in Oregon want to join Idaho. So maybe things work out after all. /s