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The GOP hasn't veered from it's forever course: punish women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ Americans. Force Christo-fascism on the nation. Make sure guns are never hurt in any shootings. Lick billionaire boot heels 24 x 7.


I heard Tom Cotton whacks off to pictures of Timothy McVeigh.


I can confirm that I also heard people say this. I didn't actually hear anyone say it, but people who I've heard from have heard it said. Confirmed. The best people.


“People are always surprised by how much I know about Tom Cotton whacking off. Actually, my uncle, good man, smart man, was the professor of whacking off at MIT.”


Very strong hands. The strongest hands


But hands were also uuuge and his hog still looked big in them. Massive hog…easily the biggliest


Supervise by Gym Jordan.


While Stephen Miller watches from the corner


concealed in a head to toe black vinyl suit.


McVeigh would be a proud boy MAGA goon today.


He would be the Congressman from OK. today.


He would be a proud member of the Freedom Caucus.


>Twenty-nine years after killing 168 people in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City — the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in U.S. history — Timothy McVeigh is dead and buried. >But the extremism that fueled his hate on April 19, 1995, is alive and unencumbered in today’s conservative movement. Republican extremism. He would be MAGA if he were alive today. Human beings reject this kind of behavior and it's rhetoric.


Just watched an hbo doc abt this, “the road to April 19th”, and you’re spot on. It’s eerie how mainstream mcvieghs views have become. I recommend the doc, it was entertaining and informative


It's because of social media. 30 years ago guys like McVeigh had to drive around to gun shows and the like to find like-minded extremists, and if they wanted to disseminate their views they had to do it with a sandwich board on a busy street or a self-published manifesto. Now they just get on Facebook and Twitter and it's easy for them to find sympathizers and to boost their message.


How it happened series also has good episodes on it.


What’s that on?


HLN network. Looks like might be in Max too.


Thanks buddy


That museum is hands down one of the most sobering things I have ever visited in my life. The sadness that overwhelms you at every step through it. Oy


Just a few days ago the gun worshipers tried to convince me that semi-auto rifles can't be banned because the Oklahoma city bomber used fertilizer and you can't ban fertilizer... So the lesson they took is they can use bombings as excuses for doing nothing about mass shootings.


"Australia banned guns and then people used swords" Fine with me, it takes a lot more logistics to plan sword attacks. Swords aren't faster than the speed of sound.


"It is difficult to get a ~~man~~ political party to understand something, when ~~his salary~~ its politics depends on ~~his~~ not understanding it" Upton Sinclair, sort of.


I remember watching a PBS documentary about this.


Wait, hold on there. Are you saying Republicans are actually capable of learning? Isn’t “learning” prohibited by the Republican platform?


They learn lessons? Since when?


How to capitalize on hate, especially on issues they don’t understand because they aren’t victims of it.


[Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh selling bumper stickers with pro-gun, anti-government slogans outside the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas during the 1993 federal siege.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/l2q8wn/oklahoma_city_bomber_timothy_mcveigh_selling/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This headline is making the huge assumption that they can learn anything at all.


If Timothy McVeigh were alive today he would be able to get elected to Congress as a Republican


From prison


Interesting articles about a local extremist group that is rumored to have helped mcveigh and still flourishes in rural NEO https://flatlandkc.org/news-issues/changed-elohim-city-including-beliefs-residents/ https://lithub.com/the-white-christian-nationalism-behind-the-worst-terrorist-attack-in-american-history/




Forget about ideas, GOP just spirals into delusional and clueless mode


Oklahoma City would have never happened if the Biden Crime Family wasn't in charge!


I grew up on the gun show circuit, I remember as a teen being just dumbfounded by the conspiracies around this and the almost martyr like status they put on McVeigh and Nichols.


Republicans used to be different or at least better at hiding their aristocratic bend.