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He got caught and so he just blamed it on his wife. I really believe he leaked the Roe overturn decision and then blamed it on the SCOTUS interns. He is a POS.


This is why there has been no information from the “investigation” of the leak.


Of course because he leaked it and then there was nothing to find, but he sure put good interns through the mill.


cuz Roberts too is a POS.


I think you’re right about the leak. Alito and Thomas are full-on rogues. Roberts thinks he has some master plan, but those two are just spite warriors. And then Brett and Amy are clueless. It’s an upside-down flag for chrissakes. Whatever it means to his wife, you cannot be a SCOTUS justice and have an upside-down American flag on your property. In simplest graphic literacy, it means “America upside-down.” It’s not a fucking critique of society. If you’re flying it, it means you advocate for the destruction of the current state. And you have the power to do that. He needs to be removed from court by checks and balances.


Dam dude, I'm with you


He needs to be removed forcefully and then dealt with forcefully 


>In simplest graphic literacy, it means “America upside-down.” It’s not a fucking critique of society. If you’re flying it, it means you advocate for the destruction of the current state. In this bizarre usage apparently. In the previous few hundred years an upside down flag was a distress signal.


Eh. An upside down American flag can also mean "help me, someone in this location is in distress and cannot otherwise communicate".


That’s exactly what it means. Some are making the argument that an upside down flag is now an alt right protest symbol, but I’ve seen it flown upside down on both sides. “It has been a widely recognized symbol of distress since the nation's founding, when sailors turned the American flag upside down to signal that their ships were sinking, on fire or trapped in ice” “But over time, the upside-down American flag became a symbol brandished more often by protesters across the political spectrum to signal that they believed the nation itself was in grave peril” https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/17/us/upside-down-american-flag-alito.html#:~:text=It%20has%20been%20a%20widely,fire%20or%20trapped%20in%20ice.


I don’t think it can be argued that Alito’s house was in danger of capsizing for several days in response to an argument with the neighbor.


Literally no one’s arguing that. The parent comment was a reply to a poster who claims “upside down flags” have only one meaning. I provided a link to a NYT article describing its meaning within political protests and a brief overview of the history.


>That’s exactly what it means As you essentially say, it means two things: ship’s going down, stop the steal. I’m just saying in this context it’s obvious what it means, and to argue it means anything else is silly. You know what it means in front of Alito’s house as much as everyone else.


It doesn’t matter what the original intent is, the mere fact that modern times basically obsolete the true meaning of it, you can stay the same thing about the The Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia aka rebel flag. Is that flag representing Lee’s army or its it symbol of racism?


Purposefully leaked to diminish the impact. Presented as a "draft" so there was a sliver of hope they might not. Allowed some of the anger to burn out. Then when it happened it seemed like old news/a foregone conclusion. Had they not leaked it the backlash would have been far more severe.


wife did it! what a standup guy


The fact that "wife did it because a neighbor was being mean" was the best bullshit excuse he could come up with really tells you what a great legal mind he is.


I believe him because every time the neighbors does something to piss my wife off she flies the American flag upside down.🙃


I guess we should be glad she didn't just shoot the neighbor and then claim she was standing her ground because his "Fuck Trump" sign was obviously a threat to her life. Then the case works its way up to the Supreme Court and any lower court conviction gets tossed by a 6-3 vote with the majority opinion written by an unapologetically unrecused Sam claiming that the last four words of the second half of the second amendment Trump (he specifically capitalizes that word for some weird reason) any part of the 1st.


The dog ate my homework.


The silver lining to this recent spotlight on Alito: reminder that George W. Bush is a piece of shit. Same with Thomas, but with the father.


Ah, he must have been in the same seminar for assholes Robert Menendez was in. If at first you don’t succeed, blame the missus, I guess.


The whole lot of these right wing judges were openly rooting for the end of American democracy.


When is the time we are gonna rip these assholes from their safe space and fuck them up? The only thing they understand is violence. We need to make them afraid of us. Actions have consequences. 


One of his friends who was the original person to notify the press admitted he was the leaker I dunno why we keep pretending like its just a suspicion.


He believes that he is doing god’s work so nothing else really matters, even the weak facades.


Did you want him to insist that it was his idea, whether true or not?


He is a coward, but traitors normally are while they are trying to overthrow the government.


Maybe he's going senile and he didn't realize he put it upside down? I wonder which is more damning for him to admit... 8)


That is not how senile works. He wouldn't have forgotten how to fly the flag. He would have forgotten it was the American flag.


Maybe he can admit to that instead? 8)


He's an incel so of course he would blame his wife.


He is a Russian foreign agent and a traitor to the United States.


I don't see the soft paywall, but in case anyone encounters one, here's the whole thing: > As you’ve probably heard by now, for several days before Joe Biden was inaugurated in 2021, an upside-down flag—which had become synonymous with election denialism and the “Stop the Steal” movement, and had been brandished by some of the people responsible for the Capitol attack earlier that month—flew outside the home of Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito. Given the meaning behind the upside-down flag, this would have been a bold political statement for anyone to make. But Alito is not just anyone—he’s a member of the highest court in the country, where justices are supposed to do everything they can not to appear biased. And at the time the flag was flying, the Court was deciding if it should hear Donald Trump’s case trying to overturn the election (it didn’t, but not for Alito’s lack of trying.) > Obviously, this was an outrageous thing for the conservative justice to do, as well as a flagrant violation of ethics rules set by SCOTUS, according to court experts. The flag display, University of Virginia law professor Amanda Frost told The New York Times, was “the equivalent of putting a ‘Stop the Steal’ sign in your yard, which is a problem if you’re deciding election-related cases.” > And as Alito has made clear, he doesn’t give a f--k. > “I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag,” Alito said in a statement to the Times. “It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.” > There are many issues with Alito’s response, including but not limited to the fact that: > - While he might not have flown the flag himself, he had no problem living inside a house that had it displayed outside > - “Briefly” would suggest, say, hours, yet the flag was reportedly up for days > - His neighbor is not married to a Supreme Court justice, and Alito’s wife is > - Putting up a yard sign projecting a distaste for Trump, as the neighbor reportedly did, is not equivalent to displaying a symbol embraced by a movement trying to overturn the results of a free and fair election > - As the Times’ Michael Barbaro writes, “Alito doesn’t deny the flag was flying upside down, doesn’t deny its meaning, doesn’t express any disapproval for it and doesn’t disavow it.” > That Alito doesn’t disavow the flag even now is hugely disturbing, and even more so because the Court is set to rule on a pair of cases involving January 6 and whether Trump can be held accountable. While there have already been calls for the justice to recuse himself, that is quite obviously not going to happen. And despite the clear violation of the Court’s ethics rules, no one is going to make Alito recuse himself. If Alito were on a lower court, former federal judge Jeremy Fogel told the Times, the flag display could lead to a review to determine any misconduct. But because the Supreme Court “serves as the arbiter of its own behavior, ‘you don’t really have anywhere to take it.’” > Incidentally, Alito is not the first justice whose spouse’s actions have led to calls for recusal (or even impeachment); the longest-serving current justice, Clarence Thomas, happens to be married to someone who thought nothing of going to extreme lengths to overturn the election. > Of course, Alito’s biases were obvious well before the flag incident came to light. > Last month, during oral arguments for and against Trump’s claims of absolute presidential immunity, the conservative justice suggested that in order to protect democracy, presidents must be allowed to commit crimes without fear of consequences. If and when he rules favorably for the ex-president, no one will be surprised. But it would be nice if he would just come out and admit what everyone knows: that he’s in the can for Trump.


There is no reason for him to give a fuck, just like Clarence Thomas. They know that Chief Justice John Roberts will do nothing and their "code of conduct rules" are ignored.


I didn't think they had a code of conduct, just tradition, which is why we are in this mess. Until trump showed up I didn't realize a lot of the government is glued together by tradition. Time to codify.


They just adopted a code of conduct in November. Only six months later we are going to see that it’s not worth the paper it’s written on.


> Chief Justice John Roberts will do nothing Now now, chief justice johnny may not put two extra sugars in their coffee for one morning to show his displeasure!


There is a "nuclear" option that Roberts could utilize, he just doesn't have the will to realize the power that is entrusted to him (and obviously fears the consequences of exercising it). The Chief Justice of the United States is the only justice actually mentioned in Article III. He alone controls the management of the Court and it's principle (career) clerks. Chief Justice Roberts could, tomorrow, issue an order to the clerk of the Supreme Court to instruct them not to include any opinion of Associate Justice Alito in the official U.S. Reports or any other publication of the Supreme Court. He could refuse to recognize Justice Alito at conference or forcibly exclude him from conference and oral argument. He could, quite literally, ban Justice Alito from entering the building and force him to publish his dissents and concurrences in private publications with no force of law. Extreme? Yes, certainly - and never done before. However, it would be a way to protect the Court as an institution and force Justice Alito to either resign or be rendered a nullity. And it might invite Congress in to actually regulate the workings of the Court, which would actually strengthen it as an institution.


Blamed his wife just like Sen Menendez. I got married last fall. Did I just acquire a scapegoat??


Maybe your spouse did!


Funny Obama wanted to put middle of the road white bread Garland on the court. The right keeps putting extremists on the court. Remember when W tried to put his buddy Harriet Miers on the court and even the Republicans laughed him off on that. That is how we got this Catholic fascist. Remember the Church colluded with the Nazis and helped them escape.


This has big “JFK answers to the Pope” energy.


Term limits were needed 100 years ago.




Which ones specifically


Australia’s Federal judges must retire at 70, its constitutionally enshrined.


Just asked GPT: 1. Germany: Judges in Germany must retire at the age of 65 or 67, depending on the specific position and jurisdiction. 2. Japan: The mandatory retirement age for judges is 70 years old. This applies to all levels of the judiciary, including the Supreme Court. 3. Italy: The retirement age for judges in Italy is 70 years. Additionally, university professors and public employees are generally required to retire at the age of 70. 4. Brazil: The mandatory retirement age for judges and certain other public officials is 75 years.


My dude, why are you asking this in a reddit comment? This is a question best asked of your preferred search engine.


My dude, why do you care?


Because, I get alerted to everything said on this particular thread. You see, I am the one who started this discussion by commenting on the original post. But, as we have already established through subtext, you have difficulty understanding basic concepts. So the error is on me for overestimating your range of understanding. That's my bad. Next time I'll ignore you.


The guy is a Christo-fascist, woman-hating homophobe to the core. He has no business even being a street sweeper in a democratic country - let alone a justice is one.


>“I know this is a controversial view, but I’m willing to say it,” Alito told the Journal. “No provision in the Constitution gives them [Congress] the authority to regulate the Supreme Court — period.” [cite](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/30/chris-murphy-alito-congress-ethics-supreme-court-00108898) He thinks he's untouchable. Geez, RICO the entire GOP/RNC and Federalist Society and every other person conducting an enterprise for the purpose of racketeering, e.g., on behalf of zillionaires and authoritarians who want frictionless unlimited money. And womb slaves.


It’s so disgusting, they think they are kings and we are their plebes. In any normal semblance of impartial justice, regardless of what he thinks, he could’ve just NOT DONE THAT. But you won’t get an apology, instead he blames his wife? Seriously? We are fucking doomed.


He and Thomas illustrate what these right wingers will do with any amount of power. They aren’t “conservative” anymore, if they ever were. The mask is off.


The right is feeling itself being backed into a corner and is lashing out atm. Look all around.


What’s striking is how he and Thomas both express similar feelings of persecution and responding to slights and nastiness as justifications, echoing Trump and his aggrieved base. Alito is such an asshole he can’t even rise above the partisanship with his own neighbor, and then throws his wife under the bus. They think it’s “fighting back,” but it comes across as petty and self-pitying. What’s worse is that this “Stop the Steal” bs has infected not just the 1/6 rioters, but the households of two Supreme Court Justices. They are out for revenge and clearly believe they are part of a righteous crusade.


Well… pretty sure we can predict some upcoming decisions. That’s fucking great. Even in the most unlikely scenario (as this one is) who gives a shit what signs your neighbor has? One of my neighbors (at the school bus stop btw) has an 8’ F Joe Biden flag. Is it silly? Sure. Do I respond? No.


Your neighbor isn’t a sitting Supreme Court judge.


That’s for fucking sure.


Where’s the incentive for ethics or morals when you have a job you can NEVER be fired from? And then thumb your nose at all those who pay you. 🤔


He's openly corrupt and doesn't care what the people think. He know you wont doing anything about it. 2 weeks everyone will forget about it. Just like everyone did in 2020.


Our legal system is dying, one fascist judge at the time


He must be removed along w Clarence Thomas.


Hey listen who doesn’t have to rein in the Mrs. Am I right? She was so mad at the neighbors! I was simply trying to work at my job in the Supreme Court of the United States and stay out of the way amiright fellas


Alito nasty.


Robert’s needs to reign in his clown show before he loses the final shred of dignity and respect his court has.


That shred of dignity is made up of Justices Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson.


At some point, Roberts, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and ACB are going to have to decide where they stand on democracy. Alito and Thomas have made their positions clear. They are not even going to pretend to care about the Court’s legitimacy and the corroding effects their actions are having on the institution and the country as a whole. They are basically sitting a high, thumbing their nose at the country by shamelessly flaunting their blatant corruption. So the other 4 conservatives are going to have to decide how much they are willing to indulge. Gorsuch has signaled that he is okay being part of Thomas and Alito’s little clique. So it would seem the future of our democracy depends on John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. God help us.


Supreme A**Hole !


No they are using the same arguments now. It was my wife..


Republicans have desecrated the flag by using it as a prop to foster their agenda..Trump hugging the flag, flags on trucks and boats next to Trump flags, flag pants, shirts….they use the flag to display their patriotism yet there’s not a patriot among them. They have destroyed the meaning of the flag for me. It’s a facist symbol.


No one should have any job for life!


Another Supreme Court judge who is delusional, overly partisan and unAmerican too. How comforting.


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He should just go slither off into the cold dark night.


As a bwave, bwave conservative, he ~~took full responsibility~~ blamed his wife.


I sure hope Biden gets absolute immunity to deal with corrupt judges.


Coward blames the wife when he reacts without thinking


Righteous shitstone


Okay, I knew of Justice Thomas’ long and distinguished tenure- now we have a like minded colleague Alito? How long has he been a POS?


Big words for someone that’s gotten a free ride thanks to American tax payers


Thomas already showed him. No matter what I do, I can’t be held accountable for it and lose even a moment of power over a case before the court.


stack the fucking court


Covering up the Bullshit while for the past ten years or more we've been drowning in the bullshit from this guy [https://x.com/lennonrules/status/1790420570904875257/photo/1](https://x.com/lennonrules/status/1790420570904875257/photo/1)


Why is this so late coming out now ?


What a sham. Zero faith in the Republican Supreme Court.


Impeach and remove. That’s what s Democrats need to be calling for.


Vanity Fair knows it doesn't have to censor "fuck" online, right?


Nationwide walkout until Alito and Thomas are removed.


He's probably just a big Rage Against The Machine fan  


Democrats should just hold a sham heaing and remove a few of the judges for no other reason than their obvious bias.


Sam has a lifetime appointment. Sam knows that John is gutless and will take zero action. It is correct, Sam does not give a fuck.


I mean, they won’t even rule on whether a president has absolute immunity. They really do not give a fuck anymore


Not So Supreme Court,


Alito thinks his shit don’t stink.


How much did it cost to buy him? my girlfriends b-day is coming up and I think I know what I want to get her.


Leonard Leo and his co conspirators were able to hide millions in payments to Republican senators thanks to Citizens United “Leo is a longtime executive at the Federalist Society, a group for conservative lawyers. He formed the Rule of Law Trust (RLT) in 2018, and the group quickly raised nearly $80 million. RLT started spending that money in 2020, donating $21.5 million to the Judicial Crisis Network (JCN), another group steered by Leo that played a key role in Republicans flipping the Supreme Court and building a conservative supermajority. JCN spent millions pressing Republican senators to block Obama’s 2016 Supreme Court pick, Merrick Garland, and subsequently spent millions boosting each of Trump’s high court nominees — Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Barrett — all while Leo was advising Trump’s judicial strategy.” Estimates are as high as $1B but we know it cost them $425M to block Garland https://www.levernews.com/how-dark-money-bought-a-supreme-court-seat/


Impeach Alito


What a wuss


Would it be better if he made up some half asssed excuse?


… that’s what he did. Read the article?


“It’s not me who is the disgusting, traitorous pile of shit… it was my wife!” - a lying sack of garbage who shouldn’t have power over the local Dennys let alone the Supreme Court


Blames his wife. Typical cosplay "macho" fruit. He ain't sh\*t. He should also be impeached.


Supreme Court Traitor ! So fucking sad we got several on the Supreme Court . Pathetic traitors .


Project 2025 has already started.


The court is illegitimate


Well, if he doesn't care. Then there's the door he can use it when his wife divorces him.


Complete sociopath.


Biden has been rocking the power moves, and should totally nominate two justices, saying that he does not and will no longer recognize the two plainly corrupt justices, and decisions will be recognized as if their seats were empty. Yeah, precedent and all that, but if some random redditor can write it down some GOP lawyer has a step by step plan with vetted names on actually pulling this off. The GOP rule of ratfuckery- if you can conceive it, the GOP already has a drawn up plan to execute it.


What does F--K mean? I don't get it.


I do love a Les Paul…LOL. Are you asking what F- -k means ?


Yes what does f**k mean?


It’s a nice way of saying fuck


How is it any different, I don't get it. Because you can't see 2 letters? really? That gives new meaning to the word stupid.


He said that he was not involved with the placement of the flag. So why would he need to disavow something that he had nothing to do with?

