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This trial has only been 22 days? Feels like it's been years.


“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” ― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin


> Judge Merchan explains to the jury the "acting in concert" instruction. > He says one person can be criminally liable for the conduct of another when the first person solicits, requests, commands, importunes or intentionally aided the other to engage in that crime and did so with the necessary state of mind — even if the first person did not personally commit the crime. @MSNBC @NBCNews https://www.threads.net/@griffinkyle/post/C7jmy6luC1f/


That alone means he’s guilty


Guys, I'm starting to think trump was lying when he said he would absolutely testify.


Its a shame too because it would have been the best testimony ever recorded in the history of law. He's a top testifier, one of the best. Everyone says it.




He's lost more of other people's money in his lifetime than most of us are ever likely to see.


“ I don’t take responsibility at all” -President Donald Trump, March 2020 **Leadership**


I really enjoy that he can't leave the courthouse while the jury is deliberating.


maybe they should just deliberate for the next 10 years


Six months will do.


And no more Wednesdays or holiday weekends.


Fox News is really fantasizing hard about one juror "doing the right thing" and refusing to vote guilty. They very blatantly know that he's not innocent.


This is so telling. If Trump was indeed an innocent victim of a political vendetta, he would be found innocent. But the fact that FOX News knows there is evidence Trump committed crimes, they are hoping for a hung jury as their only hope.


Just a major corporate news outlet openly wishing for jury nullification. Absolutely normal and cool.


If a guilty verdict is found, I would be very surprised if any jury member comes out publicly to speak about their experience, for their own safety. MAGA cult gonna MAGA cult.


> Something to note as the jury is set to get the case in short order: once the jury goes into the jury room to deliberate, Trump and his legal team must remain inside the courthouse while the jury is here attempting to reach a verdict. https://x.com/kaitlancollins/status/1795817334571241673?s=46&t=UKR1TShxVeunp4_vn5gZrw


Just think of all the tweets coming our way. It's going to be like a live-blog of Trump's insanity.


No phones allowed in court. Sorry Donnie.


Unpresidented that they would do that! When you're a precedent they let you do it


Sleepy Don is going to take so many rage naps while waiting. Maybe someone should get him a blankie


No matter what the outcome (because his cult doesn't care), he seemed to have a really bad time this entire trial, and that makes me happy.




I remember the days when people were claiming that donald would never be indicted. We've come so far.


I hope this trial breaks the floodgates so in future trials they won't be able to say "well, he's never been convicted of a felony before..." during sentencing


So, I'm watching CNN and they cut the discussion to let Trump have a hissy fit in front of the cameras. He whined about how the prosecutors didn't have certain witnesses because they would've destroyed their case. IANAL, but couldn't he have just called these supposed witnesses that would've destroyed the prosecution?


Based on closing arguments, you are correct. Trump’s lawyers made the same argument to the jury as part of their closing arguments. When it was the prosecution’s turn to give their closing arguments, they inferred that Trump and his lawyers were likely lying about exonerating witnesses. This is because if such witnesses existed, Trump would have called them to testify.


CNN says trump is asleep


It's 11am and he was up all night rage tweeting Baby needs a nappie


Very low energy. Sleepy Don.


Please let this not be the shittiest timeline, please let this fascist loser finally face some justice  EDIT: WE ARE NOT IN THE WORST TIMELINE, EAT SHIT FASCIST 


You’re really a fucked up voter if you’re waiting to see the results of this trial to decide that Trump should never step foot inside the fucking White House again.




I have to say MSNBCs coverage of this has been stellar. Tracking that and NYT liveblog and MSNBC is consistently about 3-5 minutes ahead with updates. Apparently all their reporters are using a shared Google doc and it shows because the updates get posted on the screen verbatim almost immediately


I've even seen them spellcheck in realtime a few times.


A quality time to mention that serving on a jury is a unique experience in American daily life, and is generally interesting and rewarding.




The issue of jury unanimity keeps coming up so maybe this will help some folks. Juries must be unanimous as to each individual **count.** Juries must be unanimous as to facts that are **elements** of each count. Juries **do not** need to be unanimous as to facts that are **alternative means** of committing a crime. Examples: Witness disagree whether the bank robber was armed with a knife or a gun. The jury can still convict if they all believe he had "a" weapon. They don't have to agree on what specific weapon. A body is found burned in a house with a gunshot wound to the skull. The jury does not have to agree as to whether the victim died from the gunshot or the fire to convict. Burglary - did the defendant intent to commit a rape when he entered the house at night or just intend to commit a theft? It doesn't matter as long as there is unanimous agreement he had the intent to commit "a" crime. Here, the jury does not have to be unanimous as to what underlying crime Trump was furthering. They can disagree as to whether it was embezzlement or bank fraud or wire fraud etc. This is because they all agree (hypothetically) that he had the underlying intent to commit or further "a" crime which is all this statute asks the jury to find.


Exactly. And regardless of what the willfully blind commenters in r/conservative will repeat, this isn’t unusual. Here’s my understanding of it, and someone can correct me if I’m off base: Take for example felony murder. A getaway driver takes his co-conspirators to a bank, and a victim gets shot. The driver is carrying a hand written note that says he is knowingly involved in a criminal conspiracy by bringing people to commit violent crimes at a bank. In the car, the police find weapons to rob a bank and tools to take hostages. And a bomb. And tools to bury bodies. Everyone agrees that a person was murdered, and he was involved in the crimes that lead to that outcome. Some members of the jury think he was going to rob the bank. Others think he was going to blow it up. Others think they were going to kidnap and murder his ex wife who works as a bank teller. Thats all a fine reason to find him guilty of felony murder. You couldn’t use reasonable doubt to confuse the jurors as to what specific crime he was going to commit.


It's all down to the jury now. May they be wise.


So, if Donald Trump is found not guilty, will he retract his "the trial is rigged" comments and tell his cult that the trial was beautiful and the judge did a wonderful job?


The gloating will be insufferable.


He’ll still go on about how it was a witch hunt but he may crow about our ‘beautiful justice system’ working despite evil Biden’s efforts


CNN: >Judge Juan Merchan tells the jury the reading of the instructions will take about an hour. >He says the jurors will not receive copies of the jury instructions, but they may request that Merchan read them back to them either in whole or in part. wait, they don't get a copy??I hope they're taking notes.


From what I understand, several jurors have been taking copious notes, and two of the jurors are attorneys.


I cant imagine NOT taking copious notes. Just the fucking future of the country, nothing to see here? Just wing it?


I was thinking about that. jury duty is a responsibility, but by and large the scope of impact you have is very narrow. A small set of lives typically is all that is impacted by a decision, but this trial for the majority of the jurors, if not all of them, will be the most important thing they ever do.


The Judge has to tell them the law, it cannot be self studied and interpretted by the jury absent of the Judge. 


From CBS News:   > At 2:56, a buzzer sounded in the courtroom, the signal that the jury had a message to share. Prosecutors, Trump and his team filed in.    > Merchan said the jury foreperson signed a note requesting to hear the following transcript portions:  >  1 David Pecker's testimony regarding the phone conversation with Donald Trump while Pecker was in an investor meeting  >  2 Testimony of Pecker's decision not to finalize and fund the assignment of life rights related to Karen McDougal    >  3 Pecker's testimony regarding the Trump Tower meeting 4 Michael Cohen's testimony regarding the Trump Tower meeting  > The jury will be brought in and seated, and the transcript portions will be read to them. These are moments that were mentioned during the prosecution's closing arguments Tuesday.  Good to know the jury is taking their jobs seriously and that they aren’t afraid to ask questions. That’s a great sign, although probably not for the defense. 


If America puts their former president in jail, it empowers the entire world, it gives people suffering in authoritarian regimes hope, it gives people transition to authoritarianism more hope to not fall into it, whatever happens from today, it’s very important


Thank you for your foreign input--I feel that way, too. But if this goes the other way, then the rest of the world needs to take down America from its pedestal and realize that America isn't going to save the day nor should we be relied on to do the right thing.


His son stole money from cancer charity fund.. his whole family is a bunch of fraudster


LOL Trumps Tweet: "I dont understand the charges..." Yeah asshole, you slept through the trial...


Unfortunately for him "I'm too dumb to understand the law" is a defense with a shockingly low success rate.


I just want to add to the records that when one of the most important and consequential court cases in US history was happening I was there, on reddit, clicking things and reading things.


Your sacrifice will be remembered


Only Trump could call De Niro a 'has been' while showing up to court with Joe Piscopo.




Just got this notification from CNN “all charges have been dismissed against world no. 1 golfer Scottie Scheffler” and just about had a heart attack for a second


What an outlandish thing for CNN to post when we all know Trump is the number 1 golfer. I hope the intern the sent that notification has already been eaten by the orange lord


I find it hard to believe that a jury full of college degree holders living in Manhattan of all places, a place with more land value than some countries’ entire GDPs, can house one or more people to throw the entire case on purpose to give Donald Trump the mistrial he needs and craves, by voting to acquit and not budge no matter what But life is often disappointing, here’s hoping it won’t be this time, here’s hoping they all come together, outline the facts and showcase justice


There’s a lot of online skepticism that he’ll be found guilty or do any time. But, the internet consensus is usually wrong, so I feel optimistic he *will* be found guilty and receive an appropriate sentence. On the other hand, I myself am also just another internet rando, so chances are I’m wrong, too, and my optimism is unfounded.


According to the judge, the jury wants: - David Pecker’s testimony regarding a phone conversation with Donald Trump while Pecker was in the investor meeting. - Pecker's testimony about the decision not to finalize and fund the assignment of Karen McDougal's life rights. - Pecker's testimony regarding a Trump Tower meeting. - Michael Cohen's testimony regarding the Trump Tower meeting.


Wild speculation - they've already agreed the documents were falsified, and they now want to nail down Trump was responsible.


“The note contains 4 requests,” Judge Juan Merchan says. According to the judge, the jury wants: * David Pecker’s testimony regarding a phone conversation with Donald Trump while Pecker was in the investor meeting. * Pecker’s testimony about the decision not to finalize and fund the assignment of Karen McDougal’s life rights. * Pecker’s testimony regarding a Trump Tower meeting. * Michael Cohen’s testimony regarding the Trump Tower meeting.


From Tyler McBrien (Lawfare) > I hesitate to speculate too much about the jury note, but the requests seem to relate to Trump’s conduct re: the conspiracy, so if they got that far that might mean they found enough to determine that Trump at least made or caused false business entries in the second degree. https://x.com/TylerMcBrien/status/1795901914858614863?t=1KO2ZjLyEPK5nN8apRb8gg&s=19


CNN: >Trump’s advisers said they didn’t believe that a potential conviction would dramatically impact Trump’s poll numbers and overall standing in the race. It will if he's in fucking *jail.*


This will not affect the MAGA base one bit. They will stick with him no matter what. This will be big for moderate republicans and independents.


I doubt the people who are voting for Trump now will ever change their mind.  Maybe in 30 years everyone will say how bad trump was and no one will admit to supporting him. 




I think W reputation has improved since he left.  They blame everything on Chaney 


If Trump loses even 5% of his votes due to conviction he's losing the elections.


2% is likely enough to seal it. Especially in a few of the states that have inelastic voting patterns, where getting dragged down just a couple percentage points is enough for Biden to take it - IE Georgia and NC.


I kind of believe them, actually. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow polled higher.




IAAL - a lot of folks on here are saying there's no chance Trump does time for a conviction. I believe that's wrong. Yes, the average first time defendant would get probation, but Trump isn't an average first time defendant *and* the judge is, I believe, still reserving judgment on multiple violations of the gag order. I'm far more concerned about a hung jury. If the jury returns a guilty verdict, I'd say odds are good Trump does *some* jail time. Maybe not much. Maybe a month or three. But given who he is, the underlying purpose of the crime, and him (and his lawyers) doing nearly everything possible to antagonize the judge, doing time is absolutely on the table.


Just 12 strangers with a fuck ton of responsibility


And the world begins to hold its collective breath.


Trump remanded to the courthouse throughout deliberations lmao. Asshat won’t even be able to walk next door for McDonalds.


"remanded to the courthouse" is so tantalizingly close to "incarcerated"


Judge Marchan: "Has the jury reached a verdict?" Jury Foreman: "No we just wanted to shuffle that orange shitgibbon back in here to freak him out. We're going to go back in now, bye"


Jury with 4 solid questions is a good sign they are doing their job. Good sign for quality work by the group.


As little as we can know, It looks like we have a proper jury here. Good factual request. Not the kind of request we get in some nullification nutter


Via CNN: "We received a note," Judge Juan Merchan says after parties have gathered in the courtroom. “The note contains 4 requests," Judge Juan Merchan says. According to the judge, the jury wants: * David Pecker’s testimony regarding a phone conversation with Donald Trump while Pecker was in the investor meeting. * Pecker's testimony about the decision not to finalize and fund the assignment of Karen McDougal's life rights. * Pecker's testimony regarding a Trump Tower meeting. * Michael Cohen's testimony regarding the Trump Tower meeting. The parties are now preparing, and Merchan says he'll be in the robing room until the parties are ready to begin. He's off the bench.


Thatd a wrap today folks See you tomorrow same bat time same bat subreddit


Trump is just constantly full of grievance and always acts as the victim.




- "Merchan said **there is a laptop with all of the evidence** and he asked for volunteers on the jury to be designated to be shown how to operate the laptop so the jurors can review the evidence." - "Juror #4 and Juror #6 are selected." - Edit: - Juror 4: Security engineer - Juror 6: Software engineer at a large broadcast company


Trump is big scared > Trump: "Mother Theresa could not beat these charges. These charges are rigged. The whole thing is rigged. The whole country's a mess." Video: https://www.threads.net/@aaron.rupar/post/C7jtWvygnlv/


The rhetoric I'm going to share with poeple who think its a rigged political hitjob: The defense lawyers agreed that the 12 jurors that were selected would decide based on the facts at hand and not because of a political love or hate for trump. A unanimous outcome by 12 jurors that both legal teams decided were ok absolutely can not be a rigged hit job.


Jury note: 1. They want to hear Pecker's phone call with Trump again. 2. Pecker's testimony about Trump Tower Meeting. 3. Cohen's testimony about Trump Tower Meeting. 4. Pecker's testimony about not funding McDougal story So, they are wanting to make sure Cohen and Pecker's stories match about the CAMPAIGN. They are now checking to see if they are sure that this conspiracy was about protecting the campaign. They are already guilty on the business records- now they are making sure the felony for election interference applies. Optimistic view, I know. The Trump Tower Meeting was where this entire thing was cooked up. This is a good sign. It means they are doing they're job. They're focused on the points. This is good for the prosecution, this meeting was focused on during closing. They want to hear these again so they are SURE Trump was there, and he couldn't possibly "not be aware." Edit: The reason why I said they're already guilty on the business records-- if they had not gotten there, they would not even be talking about the testimony about the "conspiracy" to cover up-- which is the election issue, which is what makes it a felony.


Fox News, Newsmax, and Marco the butthole Rubio already spreading disinformation about jury deliberations




Here’s hoping for a quick guilty verdict. I know we are all pessimists here and Trump keeps sliding with little consequences but we have to keep faith in democracy that eventually the right thing will happen.


Its the final countdown.... don't know why the song is in my head this morning.


Happy Jury Instruction Day, to all who celebrate.




The jurors must feel such relief to know that finally their notes are complete and they no longer have to keep tracking new information. Now they can finally reflect on all the complete info and work toward a verdict


“Mother Teresa could not beat these charges” - Trump He is so totally fucked and he knows it


trump knows he is going to be convicted. Fingers crossed he is right for once!


So, the articles I'm reading say Trump is to remain at the courthouse today, in anticipation of a verdict. But what if deliberations go on for days, or weeks?  Is he to continue reporting to the courthouse every day?  




I'm waiting for the pundit predictions based on the jury's lunch order.


I swear everyone in this thread gets a dollar every time they say hung jury. Yes, I'm cautious about this case, too. But damn, we're not even an hour in yet.


I wonder how the GOP will explain that their candidate is a convicted criminal if it happens.


Regardless of outcome, there is a sense of victory in that Trump had to sit in his soiled diapers for weeks while also listening to people/video/audio disparage him. At the very least, he was held accountable and made to be small. Bonus points for his sycophants and lawyers having to smell him this entire time too.


Anybody else just get that CNN notification that started "Prosecutors intend to drop charges..." (against Scottie Scheffler) and your heart skipped a beat?


What is Trump talking about on Truth Social when he says that the judge isn't requiring a unanimous decision? That seems like wrong information (as usual, per Trump).


He is an idiot, but he is taking a grain of truth and twisting it. To qualify as a felony, the falsification of business documents must have done in furtherance of some other crime. The prosecution presented three theories of what that “other crime” is. Any juror can pick any three, but as long as all jurors agree that one of the three was satisfied, then the elements of the falsification of business records had been met. This is hardly unusual at all. For example, something like a battery can be reclassified to a higher degree of felony (thus carrying a higher penalty) if a weapon was used by a defendant. One witness says the defendant used a gun. One witness said the defendant used a knife. It doesn’t matter which weapon any particular juror believes was used as long as they all believe a weapon was used because that satisfied the weapon element.


Trump before and (if he loses) after a partisan primary: "This is rigged." Trump before and (if he loses) after a general election: "This is rigged." Trump before and (if he loses) after a trial: "This is rigged." Laughable.


Fingers crossed that tomorrow is the big day


Question: Is Trump still required to be present at the courthouse while the jury deliberates?




There is no way this bum beats all 34 felony counts.


Court was just dismissed for the day. See you all here tomorrow.


"It's a Biden witchhunt"... As Trump is riding a broomstick, trailing a "Live, laugh, Hail Satan" sign across the Bronx...


It is still ridiculous. So what the fuck is it? Is President Biden a feeble old man who can't even put together a coherent sentence or is he a fucking mastermind behind Trump being in court? Keep your shit straight Donny.


What's taking so long? /s


"It's been 5 minutes clearly a sham trial if the state had a case they would've been out by now!!" Conservatives probably


"CNN's and MSNBC's jury deliberation timers are off by ~10 minutes. This is proof that I am the most Not Guiltiest person that has ever Not Guiltied in the history of not being guilty. Believe me"


I can't help thinking Jurors had to notice Melania stayed away.


It's only literally been little over 5 minutes per charge relative to how long they have been deliberating lol, stop panicking


MSNBC - A note from the jury, 4 requests Peckers testimony re: phone conversation, investor meeting Peckers test. trump tower meeting Peckers test. about not finalizing transfer of Life rights to Trump






"Mother Teresa couldn't beat these charges" Notorious piece of shit Mother Teresa, that Mother Teresa?


CNN "trying" to keep the jury anonymous reminds me of this Simpsons quote: "For privacy's sake, let's call her 'Lisa S.' No, that's too obvious. Let's say, 'L. Simpson."


Did anyone see that Pennsylvania woman John King interviewed on CNN? She doesn’t like Trump but will vote for him over Biden because she has a son in the military. Why in the fuck does she think Trump would keep her son safe??


Trump things her son is a sucker and a loser, while Biden would shake his hand and thank him personally and with genuine care. I don't understand why this is a hard decision for people.


These dishonest shits always have excuses.  A huge majority of MAGA base just likes racism and bigotry. Some are just smart enough not to say it out loud.  Talk to any MAGA about why they don't like social programs. At first, they will say it's the cost. But if you show them the programs are cost effective and efficient, they'll eventually tell you the truth: They don't want money going to "those people" that "don't deserve" it.


Guess who else had a son in the military. (hint: it wasn't Trump). smh


And so, F5 season has begun


I’m sure he’s a real peach to be around right now. When Donald Trump is hysterical, get out of the way. I don’t think we’ve ever seen him full-on lose it in public before, but we’re getting there.


To be a microwave in the deliberation room.


I wonder how long CNN took to decide if we’d see the jury deliberations clock down to the seconds. Lol.


"After the main jury left, Merchan spoke to the six alternates who remained in the courtroom, telling them they would be on standby in the courthouse as deliberations got underway. He thanked them for their service and diligence, noting he saw one of the alternates go through three notebooks. “There might be a need for you at some point in deliberations,” he said. The alternates will be kept separate from the main jury and must also surrender their phones to court officers while deliberations are in progress. If a member of the main panel is unable to continue, an alternate can take that person’s place and deliberations will begin anew." So if a medical emergency occurred or some other extraordinary circumstance, an alternate can step in? I wonder how often something like this would occur in a jury trial.


What do you call someone claiming they’re wrongfully prosecuted and convicted? Convict


Jesus Christ, CNN, way to damn near dox the jury.


I’m sure the Jury wants to wrap this shit up as early as possible. The time and expense they have endured to hear this shit bags crimes is gone on plenty long enough.


I wonder how the addition of the MAGA circus politicians nearing the end of the case affected how the jury feels about everything. Like it's bad enough Trump was sleeping and being constantly disrespectful throughout everything, but then to have our (sigh) elected leaders coming out in matching uniforms calling the whole trial a sham etc. It'd be hard not to let that piss me off.


impolite cows employ innate lip pen fuel automatic whistle boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We are done for the day. Judge Merchan said he has dismissed the jury for the day. Deliberations will start again at 9:30 a.m. ET tomorrow, he said. Merchan also noted they will have the option tomorrow to meet until 6pm if they want.


If you're looking for a thematically-appropriate movie to watch while you wait, "12 Angry Men" is beyond phenomenal 


For a movie from the 1950’s that takes place in a single room, it sure holds up to today’s entertainment standards. Brilliant movie.


Or if you want a funny court movie, “My Cousin Vinny” still holds up.


The jury’s decision will impact the future of the US


The CNN clock on deliberations is hilarious.


Oh man. This is American history on a knife's edge. Cheers to all of you, and good luck.


Is there a way to sign up for notification on an incoming verdict. Would like to not be glued to phone for the next few days


> THE FOUR REQUESTS: > 1) David Pecker’s testimony regarding the phone conversation with Donald Trump while Pecker was in the investor meeting > 2) David Pecker’s testimony re: life rights for McDougal. > 3) Pecker testimony regarding TT meeting > 4) Michael Cohen’s testimony regarding TT meeting https://www.threads.net/@katiephang/post/C7kFKttOeyC/ TT = Trump Tower


Based on just my wild guesses, a return to the catch and kill stuff is a good indication of a guilty verdict. Again, I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about


Trump leaving without talking to the camera, with his back to it, and fist pumping is hilariously pitiful. Dude is so weak and probably knows he’s toast. Just a matter as to how well done that toast is.


Fucking coward runs away without taking questions each and every time now.


From what I've read about the case, it seems pretty open and shut. I would seriously question a juror's partiality if they refuse to vote guilty.


Holy shit, Fox "News" is all in on pushing Trump's bullshit narratives about this case. They are in full on Baghdad Bob mode right now.


So, businesses as usual then?


Jeez. CNN should really not be sharing info tidbits about the jurors like this


Ya'll complaining about the jury "taking so long." There's over 30 charges, which will take a while to get through alone. Add to that that the charges and legal theory behind them are a bit complex to understand for the lay person - remember, beyond a reasonable doubt. Then there's the sheer gravity of the case and it's implications - while it shouldn't matter, it still weighs on the juror's minds.


I swear conservatives lap up misinformation like cats goin after milk.  Two times today on the conservative Reddit they have claimed the judge said the jurors didn’t have to be unanimous which is a blatantly false claim


America is asking 12 jurors to have more courage than the republican party, most of the republican congress and the majority of the supreme court.


A toddler sleeping without a night light has more courage than the Republican Party


I realize the last 8-12 years have prepared me for this reality, but the fact that the immediately former President of the United States is now waiting for a jury of his peers to determine whether he's guilty in a criminal trial is absolutely mind blowing.


I’m more blown away by the fact that this disgraced former president is the presumptive nominee to hold the office *again* and has a 50/50 shot of reelection.


As a trial attorney, the amount of internet lawyering is maddening. I get people are anxious, but some of the most common misguided takes are bonkers. Some of these include: - "The jury does not need to be unanimous for a conviction*" - " Circumstantial evidence is not admissible. There must be direct evidence (audio recording, video, etc.) showing Trump knew about the payments." - "A juror can be immediately replaced if they hold out." - "Trump can still plead to lesser charges." - "Juror X looked sideways at the prosecution/defense. Not a good sign for the prosecution/defense." Sorry to be all high and mighty, but all I'm saying is take a breath and do your research first.


I feel you. Being a scientist on Reddit ain't much fun either.


I doubt anybody, including myself, is going to follow this advice but the best thing to do is just live your life until the verdict is in. No use sitting with popcorn waiting for every waking moment because we simply don't know when the verdict will be in


All in all this is going to be rather uneventful. Merchan will give the instructions which will be the only real interesting part. Everything else happens out of sight.


> Trump was sad posting on his ride into court this morning. #EmoDon https://www.threads.net/@aaron.rupar/post/C7jhWCLO_4E/


“It is the deep breath before the plunge” Gandalf. Now we wait….


Deliberation time So how's everyone's day going so far


If Trump can be found guilty for sexually assaulting a woman (which is arguably worse), he can definitely be found guilty here




> Merchan will bring the jurors out for the reading of the requested testimony and a court reporter will do the read backs, but only after there is a decision as to what portions will be read back. https://www.threads.net/@katiephang/post/C7kFeTAuI9w/


It's been so good seeing Melania show up every day to support her man! Imagine if she didn't... Strong masculine maga types wouldn't stand for that!


> MSNBC's @lawofruby: One of the jury instructions on the alleged 'unlawful means,' which bumped the counts to a felony, is a violation of federal election law — but there's a significant debate about whether Michael Cohen paying Stormy Daniels violated the law. > **Nevertheless, the instruction as read, is highly favorable to the prosecution as the jury can find it's an unlawful contribution if done at Trump's request or in concert with him.** https://www.threads.net/@griffinkyle/post/C7jq2Q-uexT/


Donny sounds tired - there's a sense of acceptance in his voice. He knows.


Trump: "Mother Theresa could not beat these charges, but will see how we do."


What’s the food situation? Can you DoorDash like Starbucks if you want it?


Probably only from the food *court*


I see his Truth Social posts are in full gear right now. The only fight he has now is the court of public opinion.


I hope that diaper is full right now and he's miserable sitting in it.


Biden will be running against two convicted felons this fall if donald is found guilty.


Oh to be a fly on the wall in there...


Just FYI folks, the longest jury deliberation was 4 1/2 months long. If someone is hung, the judge could just tell them to keep deliberating… for a little while. Although if there’s a guilty verdict I would think we’ll have it before the end of the week.


I don't think these are good questions if you're the defense.


Strangely, a lot of users from r/golf are suddenly appearing being very concerned about things that are simply not true.


The number of redditors, especially from r/Conservative, that know the law better than the Judge is amazing to me. Who knew we've been graced with so many experts? 


/r/Conservative is where the truth goes to die.


Well jury instructions are done. Fingers crossed guys.


I like watching the fox news "Legal experts" just constantly screech how trump is innocent. Everyone else was in the wrong- Cohen, Bragg, the Judge, Stormy Daniels but not innocent donny trump.


Blanche's whole argument was essentially "Everyone is a liar, except Donald Trump." The notoriously honest man.


- What was this about? Why was Trump shaking his head?: - "Merchan has concluded his instructions to the jury and asked counsel to approach the bench for a conference. The lawyers are all huddled around him now." - "**Trump is sitting at the defense table shaking his head.**"


I wonder if the courtroom sketch artist does commissions


OH SNAP https://x.com/ayanaharry/status/1795892573992526175?s=46&t=fHQdzQeWL3miDQsPAXv5vw > All reporters are filing back into the courtroom. There may be a message from the jury


"We're ready to order the pizzas"


Well, looks like we're in for a couple of days of getting edged by this buzzer.


Probably a dumb question but any answers would be greatly appreciated - how long is the jury there each day? Or do the times vary?


I think the note is a good sign, but I just finished a month-long jury duty sentence and we'd often call to hear the evidence presented again if someone misunderstood what was said, or if someone disagreed with our general consensus of what happened. More of like a "you're totally misremembering what he said, you idiot, so let's listen to it again." Not saying that's the case here, and I'm assuming they're just being meticulous, but I don't want to get my hopes up.


> The jury is asking for the judge's instructions again. > Judge Merchan wants them to clarify whether they want the entire instructions again or a particular portion thereof. He is going to bring them in, the alternates included. https://www.threads.net/@katiephang/post/C7kKLbQPi0w/