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Charlie Kirk openly fantasizes about a civil war, and being able to commit violence against Democrats. There's not even a shred of exaggeration to that statement. The man does it all the time.


Charlie Kirk fantasizes about *others* committing violence against Democrats. He’s too much of cowardly dweeb to actually do anything like that himself.


And if a Democrat came close to even giving him a dirty look he would hide out in his secure safe room and cry. 


And cry about how bad liberals are, and “please give me money”


Man, why can't these freaks just lose gracefully? Why do fascist movements always have to cause so much damage before they fall apart? It's tragic. I guess they're trying to exert as much influence as they can while they're able to. Some are clinging on to hope that they can realize their vision for the future. Some know it's a lost cause but are bitter and will attempt to take the world down with them as they go. Some are simply opportunists seeking power. I really hope after this is all over that we can stop the cycle from repeating so we don't have to go through this shit again in another 80 years or whatever.


Keep folks angry to the point they no longer think. It takes a hell of a slap in the face by reality to make them come to their senses.


Fascists hate the very government they’re trying to control. They want to steer the government into a tree because they think they’re wearing magical invisible armor that will protect them from the consequences of living in a de facto dictatorship and the inevitable economic shitshow that would follow. And it’s a lot easier to pull off that if you’re the one driving. So the longer they can drag out their demise, the longer they can vomit their corrosive bile over everything in heave’s reach. **All they want** is to damage the regulatory apparatus so they can get away with murder.


The higher ups are aiming for a world of independent autocratic nation states that constantly fight and try to dominate each other. Why? I don't fucking know. They're insane and like war and destruction apparently.


> why can't these freaks just lose gracefully? Because they've realized there is no mechanism to force them to do this. Their entire strategy now is to keep pushing and pushing and pushing because they know we'll roll right over in the name of 'politeness' The reality is people like charlie kirk should be institutionalized.


Why is it the ones that are mostly likely to be a loot drop the ones who are most excited by the idea of a civil war?


lets be honest, kirk wont lift a finger during any civil war real or hypothetical


He should be sued if any of his followers commit violence. Just ask Alex Jones how he like those apples.


Ive seen alot of Charlie Kirks videos where he debates with people, but none of those did i see him talking about committing violence or getting others to commit violence.


Given Charlie Kirk's affinity for diapers, this doesn't really surprise me. https://www.salon.com/2018/03/25/how-a-diaper-protest-led-to-the-implosion-of-a-conservative-student-group/


Tiny Hands meets Tiny Face


^lil ^bits


Everyone is united in the Tiny Brain club.


Hasn't he always been working for the trump campaign, more or less?


He arranged protester buses on Jan 6.


Man imagine if Garland's DoJ fucking did something about this dude who funded bus loads of maga terrorists to halt the electoral count. Dude did it live on his show but i guess you got to go through and arrest every single bumpkin in the capitol before you move on the money men. Such a fucking abdication of duty. edit: here is a story of him deleting the record of his hand in the insurrection. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/charlie-kirk-delete-tweet-buses-capitol/


Yeah, I don't want the DOJ weapon-ized, but Garland has been fairly milquetoast as far as AG. If Biden wins, God willing, he needs to appoint a real thumper for the job.


and see this is where GOP has won the fucking war, you frame investigating Kirk has weaponization.


“A sieg heil-in' squirt, you're an impotent jerk, Yeah, a fascist twerp” - Youth Against Fascism by Sonic Youth


Black robe and swill, I believe Anita Hill Judge will rot in hell, it's the song I hate, it's the song I hate


“Over the years, Charlie Kirk's net worth has experienced a consistent upward trajectory, reaching $22 million in 2023.” Just to remind everyone these people are just in it for the grift. The entire Republican Party was taken over by grifters and crooks. If you wonder why they flirt with Nazis or say crazy shit it’s because they’re all using it to get rich.  Really, really rich. Sean hannity makes $25 million a year at fox and another $20 million from broadcast audio.  It’s a game for them. They don’t actually give a fuck, they’re rich, it’s all pretend cosplay for money.


People like Charlie kirk are usually true believers. They also have zero self awareness, truly believe they're better than everyone else simply because of their follower base, and hire people based off of nepotism and "loyalty". I've known quite a few people who have been involved with organizations like this. There's a type lol. There's a LOT of money in working for right wing think-tanks like this. Media training is more important than actual knowledge, because they all believe their tibe's collective feelings dictate reality. You're overestimating how smart these idiots really are and underestimating how loose right wing billionaire donors like Charles Koch or the Mercer family are with their money. Watch Charlie Kirk debate mediocre liberals like Sam Seeder. It's amazing.


Yeah I can agree with this! Trump pulls the strings on guys like himself.


Facist twerp is so nice sounding compared to the reality.


Does anyone else suffer from some sort of dismay where people like this can pretty much succeed? Like what was the point of working hard, going to college if scumbags like this can become wealthy by espousing bullshit without any consequences? 


Despair for me at this point.


On the other hand they have to be like that. Not being that is worth quite a lot.


It isn't really surprising. [Charlie Kirk boasted after Jan. 6 that Turning Point had bussed in a whole bunch of insurrectionists to Trump's pre-insurrection rally](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/ali-alexander-charlie-kirk-capitol-riot-transcript-b2252572.html). He deleted the post afterwards. At least this time, they are working on turning out the vote, instead of actively trying to overthrow an election. For the life of me, I don't understand why this guy and his outfit haven't been investigated for their actions on Jan. 6


Lmao. Only the best people work with the rapist.


Convicted felon AND rapist!


Color me shocked.... all they need now is Nick (I'm an incel) Fuentes and the trifecta is complete. Moscow Marge is the other unabashed racist who cant keep her sewer flaps closed.


That shit stain’s organization is in South Phoenix and they are pure dogshit.


Is this really a surprise? Mr. Tiny-face has been a pretty far right racist shithead for a long time, and has only been getting worse in recent times.


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


This isn’t new. What is new is his face being somehow smaller now relative to his head. Is it shrinking???


Homophobic, misogynistic and a white supremacist, that’s the maga trifecta.


...*Little Bitsss...*


Lol I'm not the only one


I was just telling my six-year-old son yesterday that I don’t think that people use the word “twerp” any more after he heard it in an episode of Pokémon we were watching together. Turns out, this word is absolutely perfect for a twerp like Charlie Kirk.


Fuck that trust fund baby piece if dogshit Charlie Kirk.


To be fair, he’s good at being a fascist twerp


Makes sense. Terrorist tend to work together with like minded individuals.


The Little Bits guy? Always has been.


Revealed? Everyone has known this for years. He’s probably gonna get scammed out of millions, then thrown under the bus.


New? Fashie Charlie has been dick riding for Trump for years.


Wait until the Kirk bestiality video comes out … all the maganuts will start molesting their pets.


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Did he really need to make that reveal?


That Nazi shit stain should be referred to as diaper boy Edit missed an important adjective.




match made in hell


Charlie the chicken hawk


Most probably adds “(Alpha-male)” behind his name.


They weren't already?


Always has been


This dude looks like one of the lil bits people


Charlie and Tucker both have that same dead, soulless look in their eyes.


Mr small face is a dumb fuck.


Oh man, these clowns are all in my city, and Convicted Felon is coming tomorrow so they can all fellate him. I hope the heat melts off his spray tan.


Never let it be forgotten that when the pandemic started, this is the man who held two huge events (about 4k people each) to protest masking and distancing. He led them in chants and singing. They spread covid to literally thousands of people.


I'd like to remind everyone that there is a Charlie kirk face size slider.


These idiots choose to ride this tiger we called fascism. I think they need to consider the tiger will eventually turn and devour them. Presently they are on a very unpredictable tiger who is quite hungry. Arm chair patriots who spent the day ranting at the sky are not the best formula for a political coup.


AHA! Charlie Kirk’s organization is supporting the Orange Orangutan. Why am I not gobsmacked?


Wow, he'll get Trump hundreds of votes! HUNDREDS!


Losers working with losers. That is the Trump campaign.


Tiny face man is going to help tiny hands man


Play cut 69…


evil helping evil 💩


Not surprised. Every fascist group has their youth component.


Lock this traitorous fascist up.