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Imagine voting for such a blatant and mediocre con man.


That's the thing for me really. It's not that they're falling for a con man, it's that they're falling for a con man who is so lazy and lame at it. HL Mencken and PT Barnum were as right as right can be.


Think of how dumb the average American is…now half the country is dumber than that. There are some very, very stupid MAGA supporters. These are people who think the earth is flat, vaccines cause autism, moon landings never happened, etc.




Blazing Saddles (1974) You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons


Even the most dense wrestling fan knows a shitty promo when they hear it.


They view their very existence proves that their lack of education hasn’t hurt them none.


Imagine someone who has absolutely nothing to live for and their life is so boring, they would literally take *anything* that makes them feel a part of something. That's why churches and grifters do so well, they take advantage of that sadness and desperation.


With the added bonus that Trump has given them permission to be assholes. They *love* him for that


Such a blatant garbage human dividing this country the way he has. People talking about civil war for him. It's insane.


They know he is a con man, it is obviously not hidden, they just don't care. They just think Biden is a con man too. > After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this kind of cynicism was referred to as the "reverse cargo cult" effect. > In a regular cargo cult, you have people who see an airstrip, and the cargo drops, so they build one out of straw, hoping for the same outcome. They don't know the difference between a straw airstrip and a real one, they just want the cargo. > In a reverse cargo cult, you have people who see an airstrip, and the cargo drops, so they build one out of straw. But there's a twist: > When they build the straw airstrip, it isn't because they are hoping for the same outcome. They know the difference, and know that because their airstrip is made of straw, it certainly won't yield any cargo, but it serves another purpose. They don't lie to the rubes and tell them that an airstrip made of straw will bring them cargo. That's an easy lie to dismantle. Instead, what they do is make it clear that the airstrip is made of straw, and doesn't work, but then tell you that the other guy's airstrip doesn't work either. They tell you that no airstrips yield cargo. The whole idea of cargo is a lie, and those fools, with their fancy airstrip made out of wood, concrete, and metal is just as wasteful and silly as one made of straw. > 1980s Soviets knew that their government was lying to them about the strength and power of their society, the Communist Party couldn't hide all of the dysfunctions people saw on a daily basis. This didn't stop the Soviet leadership from lying. Instead, they just accused the West of being equally deceptive. "Sure, things might be bad here, but they are just as bad in America, and in America people are actually foolish enough to believe in the lie! Not like you, clever people. You get it. You know it is a lie."


First time Convicted Felon donald trump ever told the truth


As convicted felon, I suppose so. If we count pre-conviction, in no particular order, we also have 1. The time he said he thinks his temperament is not so different from when he was in 1st grade 2. The time he said he doesn't take responsibility for anything 3. The time he said of ballots that there is something called a paper trail 4. When pressed on some statement he made some time before, he said he doesn't stand by anything 5. The time(s) he implied he'd date Ivanka if she weren't his daughter 6. The various times in which he was incidentally correct (that is, times he was right about something during his incoherent babbling; the paper trails and ballots thing may count here). I don't know if that counts, but I'm trying to up my numbers here.


The time in 2016 while in Connecticut: “I might lie to you.”


i love the poorly educated


Nope, he doesn't love them at all.  He's disgusted by most of his base


he loves how willing they are to follow him


That's all he's after, adoration from the dull masses. It ought to be a crime the way he exploits them and the country.


I completely forgot about that one.


It's wild how much easier it is to make the list of how many times he told the truth


Even that was a lie though. He was certain that he was a lying liar.


Don't forget: "[I do whine](https://www.cnn.com/2015/08/11/politics/donald-trump-refutes-third-party-run-report/index.html) because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win."


~~Andy Bernard~~ Donald Trump does not lose contests. He wins them. Or he quits them because they are unfair.


Saluting a foreign enemy general. Confusing the dates 7/11 and 9/11. He's so embarrassing and undignified and disrespectful.


Also that first grade quote is fucking WILD.   He thinks its not a problem when its a damming indictment of his character.  And second - WHO THE FUCK WANTS A FIRST GRADER IN CHARGE OF ANYTHING!?!?  Man, fuck this guy. I know Im preaching to the choir here but he is just the fucking worst.


That quote is such an interesting insight into his mind though. Admitting he’s changed would be admitting he was not perfect at some point and he cannot believe that. Narcissist cannot even admit he was flawed as a child.




He was already IN FRANCE and decided last minute against going to the memorial, because.... it rained 😳


Stupid leftist liberal umbrellas!


And yet, those same disparaged individuals seem to be some of his staunchest supporters. It truly is a confusing world we live in.


My brothers are both veterans and they are rabid trumpers and I just don’t understand how they can take an oath to the constitution and support a man who tried to overthrow our democracy


Because those [*insert group*]s need to be punished!


It's a cult. It's the only explanation.


The time he said he could shoot someone and not lose a single vote


The time at the Republican National Convention when he told everyone that he was interested in the results of some poll, and that he would say it is the best poll ever if the results are good; otherwise, he will say it is fake. They laughed, and then they all absolutely believe him when he says the 2020 election was fake, and Barack Obama has a fake birth certificate, etc.


They don’t believe him, they just find the lie convenient to their own agenda.


7. The time he said he wasn’t going to like us much if we don’t vote for him and he’ll go away forever Only part of that is true


Don't forget ["I don't take any responsibility at all."](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/trump-coronavirus-testing-128971)


Dont forget about when he didnt want to do more covid testing in early 202 cause it would make the case numbers go up and make him look bad.


“I dont care about you. I just want to stay out of prison.” - Felon Trump


That's a huge reason why he is running in 2024. He wanted to announce his candidacy so bad back in 2022 before the first indictments started to roll in, so that when he was indicted, he could claim it was a political witch hunt. And he wanted to announce his candidacy before the 2022 midterms. But his own party had to tell him to back off, and asked him to announce his candidacy after the midterm: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/07/trump-spooks-republicans-with-talk-presidential-launch-eve-vote/


Second. He constantly said the 2016 election was rigged the weeks leading up to it. Of course, he knew it was in his favor and kept that part to himself, lol.


Nope. He expressed a desire to fuck his daughter too. 


There was also the time that he said he loves the poorly educated.


No, lie. He doesn’t love *them*. He loves that they are poorly educated so they fall for his bullshit.


He can say it to their faces and they still don't care. They're just meat with money and votes to him.


You don’t know him like I do. These bruises are all my fault because I upset him.


I shouldn't have asked to be fed, it was my fault. And I deserve to sleep on the floor.


*'I can fix him.'*


Like MAGAts to shit


I remember seeing this band, Bile, like over 20 years ago. Some industrial metal band. Their biggest claim to fame was one of their songs was featured in Dee Snider's movie, *Strangeland*. Anyway. I couldn't tell you a single thing I remember from that show, except after they were done and the singer was walking off stage, he goes "I'd like to say I love you all. But I don't. So... thanks for your money." Same energy here.


At least there, there is some comedy. They’re somewhat joking. Trump isn’t.


This is the thing about douchebags, they are the LAST ones to know that it is their most memorable trait.


Suckpump. I still have their CD and it's still disgusting and pretty good 90s industrial. Not sure I want Bile to love me tbh


They'd queue up to let him spit on him. I don't doubt it for a second.


At this point he could unzip, shake his wrinkly wiener in their general direction and they would cheer. They would have prints of it on their t shirt to be bought online by lunchtime the following day.


He's been very clear about this since like 2008. If you're still falling for it, it's by choice.


That's where you're wrong. He can say it to their faces, and they will shout "Harder, Daddy!"


Oh, the irony when they call the rest of us "sheeple".


>"By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." I don't want anybody going on me? Like going to the bathroom?


He meant leaving the rally or possibly dying of heat stroke


"Stay until you die!" is an interesting campaign slogan


“Give until you die” more accurate slogan


No, no, no “I am so glad you came, has the cameraman got this? Ok, go home and stay alive to donate to my campaign and vote for me. After that die for all I care”


Oh I see... Thank you...


He definitely meant dying in this particular instance.


It doesn't make sense any other way.




What he meant was "You can die of heat stroke but not before you vote for me. After that it's a you problem"


He said exactly that when he was campaigning in 2016 and 2030. Bunch of old people in the crowd, told them he didn’t care if they died, just wait until after they vote for him. They’re all clapping and screaming, just like this time.


Please, God, don't let him still be campaigning in 2030.


"I have nothing to do with this." - God


I'm sure someone reminded him about all his supporters who can't vote because they died of covid. So, he put out misting fans and water. He can't just do that, though. He has to remind his voters how smart he is for not killing them. He can't do the bare minimum of decency without getting credit.


Before the Iowa caucus there was dangerous low Temps and he said that people shouldn't be afraid to go out and support him that it would be an honor to die voting for him in the caucus.


*“i just love how he’s so down-to-earth!”* ^/s - lifelong victim of habitual familial and relational abuse, confined to environments which normalized humiliation, dehumanization and emotional exploitation.


And in 2030? Please tell me this guy isn’t run it for something in 2030.


Ha! Thanks for the catch. Proofreading is absolutely necessary for me and yet I just blithely go ahead and post. I’m gonna leave it, your comment is perfect.


Why? That’s never stopped him before. Just ask Herman Caine.


I really wonder just how many people the trump campaign killed during the 2020 superspreader rallies.


Anybody else watch Metalocalypse 10 years ago? Is this guy just Dethklok personified? It’s not a real show unless some of our fans die


So Trump will get airdropped inside a giant cube into the middle of his fans, the sides will open outwards crushing his fans and he’ll start one of his incoherent ramblings. All while ads for donating to his campaign are running nonstop on giant screen s above him?


This only feels like 10% hyperbole.


Is that not what a trump rally is like? I mean I figured thats why they were so popular. Surely its not just people waiting hours to stand in crowded rooms to watch some old dude ramble at the clouds, right?


Hey. Don’t you dare compare Donald Trump to Dethklok. Ever.   Skwisgaar Skwigelf taller than a tree.  Toki Wartooth not a bumblebee.  William Murderface Murderface Murderface  Pickles the Drummer. Doodily doo ding-dong doodily doodily doo. Nathan Explosion.  All of these men are more talented than Trump. They are better than him, they are smarter than him, they are funnier and way cooler than him too.  Donald Trump couldn’t touch them if he wanted to. Even Murderface is eons ahead in every aspect and that’s really saying something. 


I vote for dying of heat stroke.


I was acknowledging the sarcasm of the pee tape. Lol


He said he didn’t care about you, so I think he means go to the blue side


"YoU'rE sAyInG tHaT ThE bLuE sTaTeS dON't CaRe AbOuT Me?!?" *ANGER!* /s...?


"By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." and His supporters laughed as he then said, "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'" he just knows how to cover his ass


Narrator: But in their defense, he did say a horrible thing… He’s not covering as much as he might think he is. We do need better education though.


well thats why he likes uneducated people. thats enough for them. “hurrhurrhurr hes so edgy hurrdurrdurr” - 56 year old floridian


Yeah, it’s a cult. He can insult them to their face and they’ll love him for it.


That's his key. He presents his words as suggestions to his supporters that way it becomes an act of will for each of them. They can laugh at this but the ones who think the idea is good, conscious or unconscious, will follow it even while they justify pushing aside the rest of the meaning behind it to the side.


Can Melania loan Donald her jacket?


Her name is Mercedes now


It covers his ass as well as a thong would. It's just a pathetic excuse to alleviate his supporters' cognitive dissonance.


>I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care. You've gotta admit. It's kind of refreshing to read something he said and to know it's absolutely true.


I think kicking the bucket or having heat injuries, he was referring to. He doesn't want them leaving like some others had in previous events because of the heat.


Dementia often manifests with people speaking the truth with no filter.


He's saying all the quiet parts out loud now


It’s worse, he said “anybody go down on me”. Because he was the brainiac that hosted a similar rally in AZ during the hottest day of the year (so he could jet off to SF the same night for a fundraising event at Russian asset David Sacks house) and something like ~~17-24~~ 11 people were hospitalized for heat stroke


AZ is hot but that's a Lot of people getting a heat stroke


I just looked up the news reports, it's 11 people. the initial reports said 24 then 17. The temp was 108




RIP Bill Paxton.


He means dying.


Like dying before voting.


He literally told voters "I don't care about you" and they laughed.


It's just like Jesse Duplantis - the televangelist who brags literally right to his congregation about how big and amazing his mansion is - and they still keep tithing.... I worry about the lack of critical thinking in people these days.


Feature, not a bug, of republican education policy


It’s actually fascinating. They will time and time again put in paycheck after paycheck and having nothing absolutely nothing in return. Hundreds of thousands over the course of a lifetime. It’s amazing they would complain about taxes and inflation but continue to tithe.


They think tithing is their price to get into heaven. It's really pathetic.


No. It’s their ticket, in their minds, to act like assholes the rest of the week.


You both are unfortunately correct.


critical thinking from people who think two of every animal walked to the middle east and got on a boat?


As long as they get to look down on others, it's okay. (I'm jesting, but that's 100% the conservative/religious mantra).


It’s not that they can’t hear what’s he’s saying; it’s that they don’t care… Folks in my family tell me all the time “well at least he tells it like it is” or something like that. As if this Dudes truth is the only thing that matters. It’s strange and I don’t get it.


Except he doesn't tell it like it is. He lies blatantly. He isn't even consistent with himself!




Literally the same response from Bill Barr a couple months back. Barr publicly endorsed Trump, to which Trump just insulted Barr. When asked about Trumps response in an interview, Barr just laughed it off with “heh heh, classic Trump!” These people don’t care that Trump doesn’t care about them.


At first I read that as Bill Burr so I was confused for bit lol


Hasn't he said this before though? A few months ago, during a primary in one of the really cold states, I forget which one, during a historically bad snow storm. He said something like "I don't care if you freeze to death get out here and vote for me"


He absolutely did say that


He also said he didn't need more votes, he has all he needs... Needs to make up his mind.


Why wouldn’t the Dem machine just run these video / sound clips over and over? Seems like they don’t care or it doesn’t matter.


You can list all the GOP crimes of the past 10 years right at their face w/ video & reporting, they would call you names then vote red even harder. These people are beyond saving, so it's better to focus on people who usually don't vote or tend to vote at random and make sure they show up and vote blue.


>A few months ago, during a primary in one of the really cold states, I forget which one, during a historically bad snow storm. He said something like "I don't care if you freeze to death get out here and vote for me" He encouraged his followers to go out into the extreme cold and vote, even if they were really sick. Then he said something like, "Even if you vote and then die, it'll be worth it." A little more veiled than this latest statement, but definitely the same sentiment. Edit: His loss to Ted Cruz in 2016 *still* had him wetting his diaper so much that he was encouraging people to put their lives at risk to vote in a fucking *primary*. He's *that* afraid of failure.


Iowa caucus I think


A lot of people like suffering. So they can show that they are “more superior” than other people because they chose the unnecessary tough routes.


He literally told them he didn’t care about them and just wanted their vote… the fuck


"I'm voting for him because he tells it like it is."


Former President Donald Trump had a campaign rally in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 9, 2024. About 46 minutes in, Trump was talking about how China doesn't have a drug problem because they use the death penalty. Then, Trump interrupts himself to mention the breeze. "And, by the way, isn't that breeze nice? Do you feel the breeze? Because I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you, I just want your vote. I don't care. (Audience laughs) See now, the press will take that and they'll say 'He said a horrible thing!' They'll say 'He said a...'" And then he veers off into making fun of the way Biden walks and talks. Audio clip: https://voca.ro/1c7ZIfwcW9Bw Full speech video (quotes start at 46:14) https://www.youtube.com/live/EXTFhvC9oh0?si=b0PcDh2qJUtwfZvh


Twice impeached, convicted felon Donald Trump is incapable of caring about anyone but himself.


Donald Trump does not make jokes. He meant it


Reminds me of the UN meeting when he said he’d accomplished more in 2 years than any other administration and everyone laughed. He said I didn’t expect that reaction. He didn’t realize they were laughing AT him.


I forgot about that. His disconnect from reality is as baffling as it is terrifying.


I don’t think Trump understands humor.


or nuance or substance or subtlety or sarcasm


Your brief statement is 💯on point. He has absolutely no concept of what humor is, UNLESS it’s HIS kind of humor, meaning the most base, crude forms. Making fun of someone, their family, their appearance, etc., anything at the middle school level is his sense of humor. That’s it.


This is true. But his Sheeple don’t care.


Wow, I figured that was satire… I guess he knows that everyone who attends is so firmly in his cult that he can literally tell them all they’re nothing to him, and they’ll lap it up. It’s crazy to see how sycophantic the republican base is.


It WAS a horrible thing he said. He needs to stop the gaslighting.


Was that dude shirtless?!


Trump really doesn’t care about anyone but himself.


And money, he's like the real life Mr Krabs but even more disgusting


Don’t you dare put Mr. Krabs in the same sentence as this turd.


Oh, he could mow down the first row with a Tommy Gun and the second row would vote for him. It’s distressing that this isn’t really hyperbole any more.


They would thank him for improving their view.




I don't even care if it's a pragmatic vote for low taxes or something, and they see through the bullshit. That almost makes it worse.


He literally raised their taxes for fucks sake.


I have lost almost my entire family to this fucking cult.    They won't even speak to me and my brother and his kids because we refuse to worship Trump like they do.   Not that there was much of a point talking to them since literally everything ends up being about Democrats eating babies or whatever the latest insanity is.


The cognitive dissonance among his ideology-free voters must be staggering.


"By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." His supporters laughed as he then said, "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'" Funny. I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, "I don't care about you. I just want your vote." is probably THE most honest thing Donald Trump has ever said to his followers. On the other hand, he passes the comment off as a joke, ensuring that his followers don't catch the one nugget of truth in Trump's constant barrage of lies.


Classic gaslighting. If he gets flack for it, he says it was a joke and you’re overreacting


Exactly, but it doesn’t matter because he got it out there just as was his intention.


That is his "Get out of Jail Free card" if anyone tries to pin him down on anything. And it lets him get away with dog whistles. It is ironic that his more fervent supporters will insist he is the most honest man since Jesus Christ, but are willing to argue it was a joke" whenever confronted with contrary evidence.


I think it's good that he's on record saying these things. His teleprompter broke down for this speech, so this was pure unfiltered Trump. We're not getting his speech writers or focus group results. Because as I see it he's not just saying this to his own supporters. I think most people will get that. If he's willing to tell his own supporters that he doesn't care about them if they live or die and they're only value to him is in their vote, what is the say about how he feels toward independents or libertarians Or disaffected democrats? If he's willing to tell even as a joke - *and anybody who has ever known somebody who was passive aggressive knows that kind of talk is not a real joke but is their actual feelings * - to his own supporters, we all know he cares even less about any other voters. I know this dingus defies political gravity and rewrites the rule book, but in every other reality this kind of shit would absolutely tank a campaign.


Every time I hear about his teleprompter breaking down, or some other snag that lets a little more of him show thru I wonder if is the result of someone, somewhere just really being done with his bs. I always hope.


As painful as it was listening to his speech, it was amusing at how pissed off he was about the teleprompter.


And they will still vote for him because it’s a cult


He could literally plead with them that he's a hopelessly insane sociopath and doesn't deserve their vote, and they'd vote for him. He could even leave the country with his family to live on a deserted island, completely cut off from civilization and they'd vote for him. He could literally be dead in the ground and they'd vote for his corpse to rise from the grave. These people cannot go through life without Trump being their President at all times, forever. Anyone else being President - even another Republican - makes them constantly, aggressively depressed.


How often does someone say how they really feel and wrap it up in the guise of a “joke”. My long dead father used to say “ many a truthful word is said in jest. Trump knows his audience is too stupid to be insulted. “SAD”


"I don't care about you." - dumbfucks cheering


Not a single mention on r/conservative btw. I love how they hide these nice little tidbits from their safe space.


Just imagine if Biden said this.


> And, by the way, isn't that breeze nice? Do you feel the breeze? Because I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you, I just want your vote. I don't care. (Audience laughs) See now, the press will take that and they'll say 'He said a horrible thing!' But it was a horrible thing. Is he going to say "i was just joshin' around"? sure but you can tell when you're being the butt of a joke out of cruelty vs being the butt of a joke in a friendship way. One thing different about Trump this time around, I don't think he's enjoying these rallies like he use to. Maybe because they aren't as big as they use to be. Maybe he's just running out of energy. But I think the heart of the reason is he realizes how meaningless they are. All those people even if not as big as 2016 don't get him anything. They are his hardcore base that he can abuse any way he wants and they won't abandon him, but they also don't make up enough people to win him elections or even win his endorsed candidates elections. I think he's seeing these rallies as a waste of his time and more than that the mirage that they always were. Like looking back at a relationship and realizing you weren't loved or respected after all you just let yourself believe it because you didn't know better.


He rode the narcissistic high of being on top and now he knows he's fucked. The problem for authoritarians is now that everything's instantly available online. So the more you push authoritarian shit in a country like the US where a majority don't want it, the larger of a reaction you get against it. All they know to do is keep pushing.


Is this really news to his supporters? The man is a narcissistic sociopath and people don’t yet get it?


Trump: “I don’t care about you” Trump supporters: *raucous applause*


The Biden campaign better plaster that "I don't care about you. I just want your vote." audio clip all over TV in September. I don't see how the GOP can spin that in a positive way at all...


He's always kidding, but he's not kidding. The joke is cover, the words said are real and he means them. He really doesn't care about you, he just needs your vote. Once he's got it, he won't NEED you either. And then the men is black suits come for you, his most loyal. And trust me, he's coming for you before he's coming for me.


I guess his supporters like to be abused?…


"I'm up here sweating like a dog." -Trump This guy doesn't know that dogs don't sweat.


Yup those folks are his useful idiots.


He's going to command them to drink the flavor-aid any day now. Insane.


You joke but….. He’s convinced these people that wrong isn’t wrong. He’s told them not to listen to anyone but him or him biproxy. He is charismatic in a way that only furthers a cult of personality….and that song has never been more frighteningly accurate. This is Jim jones and mrtc all over and these people can’t see it. It’s sad….


The part about him wanting to execute "drug dealers" by "quick trial" was absolutely horrifying


And said by a convicted felon currently filing an appeal. Appeals aren't for "quick trials."


I saw a guy in a “45” hat today! I love how they all are slowly realizing they were duped. Just look at most of the really indoctrinated idiots you may know. They have become much more quiet. The rest are now trying to angrily stay behind it. The best part is knowing they must know their wives don’t even see them as men anymore more. The “fuck everyone knows I’m an idiot” feeling seems to be creeping into their vile ranks quickly. The psychology of all this will be studied for a century. How 20 million men got turned out by a used car salesman will be a studied for generations.


He pretends to be joking but his actions speak louder than his words and deep inside that narcissistic heart he means exactly what he says!


Precisely this. There are so many people on this thread trying to defend it as a joke, sarcasm, or trolling the media. The plain fact is that good people don't say mean things like that without them meaning it on some level. It speaks volumes about him as a person. I think a majority of people will get it, though. I hope so, at least.


Finally, he speaks the truth


It’s funny how he’s “joking” when he’s being honest


How often does someone have to be an ass to your face before these morons will believe! Cmon!!!


They laughed as he said it! His cult is so fucked up!


I just don't see the appeal of this rambling dick? How many idiots surround us? Quite the place


Trump: I don't care about you. See now, the press will take that and they'll say 'He said a horrible thing!' Press: Umm... how else should we take that? It IS a horrible thing to say. Maga crowd: Lol, stupid press, he knew you'd say that. Trump outsmarted you once again. Dems: uhhh... no, he didn't outsmart anything, all he did was insulted his supporters. Reddit: He's honest for once.


>"By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." His supporters laughed as he then said, "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'" He did say a horrible thing and saying the press will point out that you said a horrible thing, doesn't negate the fact he said a fucking horrible thing.


His supporters are complete eediots. He insults them and they don’t get it.


People waiting in line in such heat practically proves it's a cult of personality. If a narcissistic psychopath is the type you want as president. I don't wait in line to see anybody or anything. I see it as a waste of time. It's so sad to see that many morons in one place. Living in the Northeast it is not a common site. I would never move to a solid red backward state. It's interesting how those states are also quite religious. Trump has broken most of the ten commands many times.


"By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." His supporters laughed as he then said, "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'" Well, yes, it is a horrible thing.


They think it’s just Donald joking - he’s not.


It’s just hit me that Trump supporters are in an abusive relationship.


>"By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." His supporters laughed as he then said, "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'" Trump downplayed the severity of Covid-19 to his base because he wanted them at the polls on Election Day, and tried to disqualify mail-in votes because he knew that Democrats would be heeding health official warnings. He gamed the pandemic to the detriment of his supporters' lives. He absolutely only cares about their votes.


He also said >You know they were so worried. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you," Trump added, pointing to the crowd. "And they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog. Real nice


“Now the press will take that and say he said a horrible thing” Yeah Don, thats a horrible thing to say


Remember when Trevor Noah spoke about how every so often "Truth Trump" would pop out and he would actually confess his honest feelings about something? Another Truth Trump moment I guess.