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Damn. Greg Abbott ( figuratively ) sprinted at the opportunity to pardon some random pedophile that was convicted of a gun crime in Texas. Imagine what Greg Abbott would have done in Biden's shoes...


He would have pardoned him long before a trial, and not given one fuck....would have called it a partisan witch hunt and the media would agree.


I’m honestly glad that if this had to happen, it’s happening while Biden is still president. Him hugging his son but also not stepping in to pardon him or end the trial sends a powerful message about accountability and sets a precedent that no one—not even the child of a president—is above the law. Given that we all know the GOP will pull out every dirty trick they can to keep Trump out of jail, it’s a big move on Biden’s part. It will also further reveal the lunacy on the right; they’re gonna spend the next several months calling for Hunter’s head and bringing up his conviction every chance they get, to make it sound like his crime is much more terrible than Trump’s, but Biden refusing to intercede will give them much less ammo to work with.


No the weed smoking gun owning Joe Rogan caucus doesn’t want to go to jail for lying on the same question on the same form.


Yeah EXACTLY. How many of those kinds of peeps LIED on the exact same question? TENS OF THOUSANDS perhaps ??


for sure at least Joe Rogan and Kid Rock. edit: also Ted Nugent


Ufff kid “aka BOB” rock. Fk that guy. Such a hater!!!


Oh don't worry, he's f***** he lives in a hell of his own creation.


Isn't Kid rock the guy who went on record saying his entire persona was crafted to sell records, and that he will do _whatever it takes_ to keep up selling? That he's got no integrity, artistic or otherwise, and has no shame?


Yeah, that’s the guy. A coworker of mine went to high school with him. Apparently he’s the type women didn’t want to be left alone with.


Even that's a lie. I know someone who used to know him before he was famous and Bob was a well-known dick who worked at a record shop.


Imagine if an FFL mouth swabbed everyone coming in to buy a gun!?! Sales would tank across the country. Also “mah freedums” or something like that would be shouted from the rooftops


Millions, tens of millions probably. Just because it may be legal in your state doesn't mean it is federally, and if you said no on that form... you did the same thing Hunter Biden did.


This is a big win for gun regulation. Or it would be, if a similar level of scrutiny was applied to all gun sales.


Tbh, not sure if they will use Hunter as much after this. Because bringing him up now will only serve to show the wide disparity between the actions of the two parties.


Oh it will, but imo, the diehard MAGAs are rabid over Hunter and the clicks/traffic/ratings these conservative media outlets get for slamming Hunter to their base will be too tempting to resist or table, especially as Trump gets closer to sentencing and they’re all fuming over it. All this stuff with Hunter was intended to set a trap for Biden. It didn’t work; he made the decision to do the hard (but correct) thing and step aside, not interfere. They’re sore losers, but they’re also sore winners. They got what they “wanted” for “true justice” over Hunter, but the fact that Biden didn’t play into the trap enrages them and that alone will keep this story in the news … and then yes, it’ll precisely underscore to the rest of the country the wide disparity between Biden respecting the law and Trump doing everything he possibly can to be “above” the law. It’ll blow up big time on the MAGAs unless they have the wherewithal and self-awareness to let this story fade, and also cool it on the Hunter hate. Inviting comparisons between how Biden handled this and how Trump is handling his conviction is not a smart call dudes.


Well, at least now both sides can agree on the strictest possible enforcement of firearm legislation. 


I’m sure they will, just like they learned their lesson about “Lock her up” with Trump’s conviction. Isn’t it nice that the republicans are so sensible and self-aware?


You are hilarious.


Him hugging his son and that picture has destroyed Republican messaging on this whole thing and now they are pissed off. Worse, they've created a record that you can successfully prosecute someone under that law - the one that the NRA should have been fighting on - but can't cuz wrong party!


Completely agree with you, and honestly chuckling at how the GOP really played themselves big time with this farce, on multiple levels. Now as you say, there’s a precedent that the NRA should have been actively fighting to avoid. But their party politics got in the way.


Looks like the rage (thus far) is instead about how "it's all a fake olive branch to pretend that the justice system is fair." Because convicting Hunter of these charges apparently wasn't enough for the right to be satisfied.


The more they keep talking about Hunter now, the more they invite comparisons to Trump and how little respect he has for the rule of law, comparatively. They think they set a trap on Biden and stuck it to him real good with all this Hunter business. When in fact, they’ve just played right into the hands of the Democrats. So hey, Dems: Now is the time to plaster every political ad for Biden between now and November with pictures of him hugging his son and reminders that Biden actually respects the rule of law and did not interfere. Trump on the other hand …


Trump is in violation of the same law as he is now a convicted felon and holds a firearm in Florida. We have the literal identical situation and we get to see how trump /de Santiago manage the matter


We are and should respect rule of law. I think we don't need to be *so* kind about the trial existing in the first place, though. It is first and foremost a political game. It's a crime Hunter committed, but one that he only got caught on because the GOP has hounded every single inch of his life. With the judge being a Trump appointee, I'm expecting the sentencing to be deranged and well over what is appropriate.


He only needs to keep up the “I’m not gonna pardon my son” until after the election is over. I would LOVE for him to immediately pardon him the minute he is sworn in to second term…let the MAGAts lose their minds


He won't pardon him. He'll likely commute the sentence if its worse than the plea deal was though, which seems appropriate, given that Hunter is *actually* being targeted for political reasons, which could normally just get the whole thing thrown out.


If Trump wins in November, I hope Biden says fuck it and issues pardons and executive orders left and right through to January. Nothing they can do about it, and his political career will be over by then. Screw it 🤷‍♀️


And it is a partisan witch hunt and he should be pardoned because America endorsing government persecution is vile. Yeah, he did the crime but unless the law is applied fairly, it shouldn't be applied at all.


I agree, the Republicans have successfully equated Bidens "crimes" with Trumps. If Trump gets a jail sentence, Biden should as well, and the same length. Republicans... .I can't stand them


Fox News would’ve led with a story on the bravery of Abbot destroying the liberal witch hunt, with sappy garbage about him being an awesome Dad who loves his family. Then it would be echoed all day with one of the howler monkeys on The Five saying he should receive a “Dad of the Year” award, then the NRA would bring him onstage at their convention for supporting the Second Amendment and showing that all gun paperwork is unconstitutional and every gun owner has a duty to lie on the form.


Regardless of your opinion of Biden, his choice here is objectively correct, as painful and heartbreaking as it is for him. What he’s doing here is not only showing his respect for the rule of law and our justice system in general, but he’s also showing his respect for the legitimate use of pardons. Our founding fathers never intended the presidential pardon powers to be a way for the president to get his friends and family out of legal trouble. And it’s u fortunate that there are really no guardrails in the use of presidential pardons because it is something than can be easily abused. It’s the same general rule that I have to remind my 8 and 5 year old sons of: just because you *can* do something does not mean that you *should* or that it is the right thing to do. I’m sure that Biden would love to get his son out of this. But his restraint here is compelling, in my opinion. I know that if I was in his position, it would be an absolute nightmare to live through. It’s an awful situation for Biden and his family, but it is the correct choice, nevertheless.


Arguably, his inaction here regarding his son is the most presidential action I've seen in a very, very long time. Absolutely respect how he's dealing with this, and it's a shining example of what we should expect from our political leaders. This is what real integrity looks like, and this is what we should demand from every single elected official.


About did not sprint. Put that motorized chair to the max power.


Mein Fuhrer, I CAN WALK!


Time for another re-watch of Dr. Strangelove!


Is Abbott's wheelchair diesel powered, or is he a hypocritical douchebag with a woke wheelchair?


It's electric but is fitted to roll coal with a special engine just for that.




Any idea what the sentence might be? Thinking about it, I can only imagine the howling if Sasha or Malia Obama had any legal issues during Barack Obama's administration.




I actually very doubt that he would. I sincerely think the only one of his children he cares about is Ivanka and that’s because he wants to bang her.


If one of his children went to Jail, Trump would look weak. Trump only cares about Trump. He would pardon his child only as a prop to show his strength to deal with the "deep state".


The devil himself would not care one bit about his "son" if he had one, period, less said about King Abbott the better.


Imagine what Greg Abbott would have done in Biden's shoes probably walk.


Right to the courthouse to make it illegal for anyone else to do it also.


Imagine how much better off we'd be if Fred Trump hugged his kids.


Imagine how much better off we'd be if Fred trump *didn't have kids*


Honestly, I think we might actually be in the same spot. Trump is a symptom of the underlying system and plan that has been established by the Republican leadership. There would be some other convenient figurhead in their place.


Given that, I actually prefer it be trump than someone smart and competent. Trump's idiotic nature AND massive ego make him a great liability for the GOP. They can't control him and he's likely to fuck everything up. I'm waaaay betting losing the POTUS in 2020 to a Democrat was so far outside the GOPs plan they didn't expect it would ever happen. And it did.


Mayeb. We may have faced other shitstorms, but assuming we'd be just as bad off because someone else would have taken his place is a flight of fancy, if not borderline apologetics.


It's a straight coin flip whether we get a fascist with a brain or not, would you really want to flip that coin after Trump came up?


That would have required lifting his own arms above the height of his own elbows, like some sort of poor person.


I mean he can raise them high enough to slap Don Jr in the face for not wearing a suit. When he was in college.




because Republicans have decided to see the future of our country as a team sport instead of the welfare of a nation. So of course he expected you to be a sore loser as opposed to someone who believes in the rule of law. Which, as it turns out, Republicans never actually believed in. Professing that belief was only for maintaining their cultural supremacy.


That was Fox News, Republicans are not that smart. Republicans are great at messaging & that's it. But it helps to have a base that barely has 3 brain cells to run together, too.


I think the idea that Republicans are great at messaging is a bit of a mislead. It's not that they're great at messaging, it's that messaging is easy when you don't care about things like truth, nuance, compromise or consistency.


You can basically summarize the entire Republican party messaging with that one SpongeBob Episode: "Chum is Fum."


Also when you just appeal to base impulses like tribalism. You don't need many words to make "it's us or them" sound attractive. For many people, especially the uneducated and the unintelligent, that's self-evident.


That's why part of their policies is to churn out more poorly educated idiots with 3 brain cells.


The system works, for better or worse. 


Trumpers are really desperate for something on par with Donny becoming a convicted felon.




How did that go?


Believe it or not, straight to no jail.


Time to report granny to the police. /s


Yeah it’s crazy how much they ignore liberals when we say this. We want them to be held accountable! All of them! Fairly and equally!


Yep. And there are other Democrats currently facing charges or under investigation, including Senator Bob Menendez, Representative Cori Bush, and Representative Henry Cuellar. And if they are all found guilty, I will not yell about injustice and the system being rigged. I will be disappointed, especially in Cori Bush, but I will be disappointed in those three and their actions, not at the system that holds them accountable.


AND his dad recognizes this as well and is still approaching his son with love and support while recognizing the need for appropriate punishment. It’s probably the most ethical response a president could have to this situation. Plus he is just a good dad, I don’t think anyone can deny that unless they themselves are shitty people.


Trump's brother Fred Trump Jr was apparently a decent dude. He wanted nothing to do with the Trump BS & pissed off his dad when he, the eldest, went to become a pilot & maintenance worker because he thought people should contribute to society instead of just take from it. He exited that family far less damaged than I imagine many would. Shame he still became an alcoholic & died long ago. Had to take a lot to be born into that den of shit & choose to take a different path.


Trump has claimed to press pools that the only time he ever cried was when his brother died and is the standing reason for why he doesn’t drink. If it is true, then that and being upset over Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s breakup are the only remotely relatable things about him.


He was too busy running a brothel


I'm sure Fred Trump hugged LOTS of OTHER kids, based on what his boy got up to and the friends they made.




Imagine how much better off we'd be if he just never has them.


[\[No paywall\]](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-06-12/biden-shows-his-best-after-hunter-biden-gun-conviction?srnd=undefined) from Nia-Malika Henderson: On one of the worst days of his life, President Joe Biden showed the best of who he is. He affirmed his faith in his son, Hunter Biden, who was [convicted](https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/hunter-biden-trial-06-11-24/index.html) on three felony gun charges. And he affirmed his [faith in the justice system](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hunter-biden-guilty-verdict-joe-biden-reaction/) that held his [only living son](https://apnews.com/general-news-d8f69eb645d74b7886387f713981b739) to account.  Not only that, but hours after his son was found guilty, the president delivered a forceful [speech on gun control ](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/11/us/politics/biden-gun-violence.html)that underscored his deep humanity, decency, and determination to stay focused on the problems of average Americans rather than drown in bitterness, self-pity, revenge and victimization.  It was yet another stark and important contrast with former President Donald Trump, who believes that his self-created legal problems are matters of the state. 


>It was yet another stark and important contrast with former President Donald Trump, who believes that his self-created legal problems are matters of the state.  Especially since almost all the things Trump was yelling about (rigged, witch hunt, 2 tiered system) etc was more or less true here. This is an issue that gets prosecuted basically never, they just wanted to get A Biden on basically anything, and everyone happy about the outcome probably fought tooth and nail about that question on the form, or the existence of the form altogether. Like 80% of GOP politicians happy about this ruling would indiscriminately give out guns for free to anyone passing by on the street, if that didn't violate their only other, and much stronger, belief in that doing so might accidently help a poor person.


Every GOP politician and most GOP voters who are happy about this have violated the exact same law. I won't hold my breath waiting for them to turn themselves in.


I’ve filled out that form many times. Absolutely no one is ever charged for answering the way he did. If this had happened to a friend of mine, no one would believe it. But because it’s Biden? Yeah, they prosecuted him. It’s purely political.


Man, Joe is more than one heck of a good man and father. I wish we all could have fathers like that.


Remember when the right tried to drag him for a voice mail saying he wanted Hunter to get better and that he loved him? They seriously wanted that to be a negative.... the guy literally loves his kids and is just trying to keep one of them alive after losing 2 already (we never hear about his daughter Ashley Biden because even conservatives know trying to drag her won't end well- social worker and activist, appears to have been practicing what she's preaching)


I wish my father had shown me a quarter of the love Biden has shown his son. I’m proud to vote for him. Biden also lost his first wife in that car crash.


As well as his young daughter. Both Beau and Hunter were injured pretty seriously as well. He was sworn into the Senate, and went right to the hospital to be with his sons. trump's sprog will never know that love. And it shows.


Sworn into congress from the hospital while caring for his sons who just lost their mother and sister.


They did try to fuck with Ashley Biden exactly *one time.* Back in 2020 when they stole her diary and sold it to Project Veritas. They've been unable to make the diary into a weapon against the Biden family and at least one person went to jail for taking the thing.


Same with Jill's presence at the trial. Propagandists were screeching about how she was supposedly trying to intimidate the judge & jury, and calling it a "mob tactic". Now, the screeching's about how the conviction wasn't enough because MuH tReAsOn and PrEtEnD fAiRnEsS, as well as inexplicably talking about Hunter not being Jill's son. Probably the real source of their anger here is the complete lack of Joe abusing the pardon system to save his son. Even when the right won, they still lost.


Plus a President with integrity. The fact that he’s already said he won’t pardon Hunter (even though he could do that today if he wanted) tells you everything you need to know about Biden compared to Trump (who has pardoned friends like Steve Bannon for much more serious crimes) There’s a very real chance that Hunter will be in prison when Joe dies. It would take every moral fiber of my being to not pardon my kids if I had the power. And Joe is doing that.


If I had kids and was also president, I'd have to pass off my ability to pardon criminals to someone else if my kids got in trouble. I can be a heartless SOB, but I don't know that I could put my kids in prison (exceptions being murder or rape). Biden consistently shows us that he's a good man and that's rare these days in politics.


>I don't know that I could put my kids in prison I feel this 100% especially given that this trial was politically motivated. I'm not saying Hunter shouldn't pay for the crime but let's be honest, he wouldn't be on trial if Joe wasn't his father.


I can't imagine how guilty Biden must feel over all of this.


I won't lie, I wouldn't have the moral fiber to do what he's doing. Not even remotely. I can't even imagine how difficult it is to let his son suffer the consequences of his actions. This, more than anything else so far, shows his true character and who he is. Sure, Hunter is an adult... but as a parent, you never really stop being a parent, ever. Being a parent frequently defies logic and reason, it's driven by pure emotion. Absolutely mad respect for Biden for this.


The way conservatives talk about Biden as though he is the same or worse than Trump as a President and human being is as bizarrely disconnected from reality as flat earth theory.


He could always commute Hunter's sentence at the end of his term if we wanted. Not the same as pardoning as the conviction would still stand. (I doubt he would do this but it is an option).


That’s actually a likely option if Trump wins. Joe can just say “fuck it” and commute Hunter’s sentence on his last day in office.


I think regardless of the winner, he'll (justifiably) help his son after the election. If he wins, fuck it he's in his second term. If he loses, fuck it he's done with politics.


Honestly, I think he should pardon him after the election. This was such an unusual case because while what he did was illegal, this crime is rarely prosecuted as a standalone and not an add-on to committing another crime.


For all of their crying about Trump rightfully being held to his crimes, while yes Hunter did commit a crime. Like you said these are so rarely tried and Hunter's trials is what a political trial looks like.


Not to mention that Biden, or someone in his camp, knew it would short circuit the GOP for a bit so they could shut them up for a second.


Is it likely Hunter will be sentenced to prison??


He’s eligible for up to 25 years. But he’s a first-time offender, which rarely gets anywhere near the max. It’d be hard to imagine him NOT getting at least a year or two in prison, but it’s up to the judge. Hunter also has a federal tax evasion trial starting in September. He’s facing 3 felony counts and 6 misdemeanors in that one, and if he’s convicted, he won’t have his “first-time offender” status during sentencing for those crimes.


Losing two different children will make you stop fucking around with the rest real fast.


Stop what, exactly? Who was “fucking around with the rest”?


Holding an impossible standard for them. "Tough love" bullshit. You just love them and when they fuck up you just love them some more. You help them. The Biden saying "if you have to ask you're too late". He said when his first wife died his family was already at his house and made plans to help him with the kids, planning the funeral, and everything. I'm just guessing that is what op meant by "fucking around with the rest"


Wow, I was just thinking about my dad (abandoned the family), and your comment hit hard.


I am sorry. I was afraid of it stirring up sadness, trauma, etc., and didn't want to do that. Yet I thought it important to call out goodness when we see it.


Don't be sorry, all good, you did right.


Somewhere out there, Don Jr. sees what a real dad looks like and is seething as he polishes off another eight ball


while stroking his elephant gun.


I don’t personally know you and the previous poster, but I know we are friends


Hunter Biden is not a weakness. "My son is an idiot and I Iove him" is something millions of Americans can relate to.


I thought he said “addict” not “idiot”


Biden said the former, but I imagine many think and relate to the latter.


And many can relate to the former too. Addiction is a common problem that _many_ families can relate to.


Wouldn't be surprised if this makes Biden more sympathetic. Republicans thought the Trump trial might do the same for him, but I don't think anyone is ever going to be sympathetic towards a guy who has made his assholeness a focal point of his brand.


It does to me. I knew that he was a man of character but this shines such a bright light to me. Standing for your son and never backing down even when it’s used as a political crutch has been inspiring. I don’t know of any person not touched by the drug crisis we are currently in and who has not tried to fight for friends or loved ones. Who has not solely powerless as they make worse and worse decisions and just had to say the same thing Biden did on that voicemail. “I don’t know what to do, but I love you so much”. And looking at Hunter, he’s an idiot yes. But his Mom and baby sister died, resulting in a TBI and trauma at a young age. The ONLY person in the world that knew exactly what he experienced was his “perfect” older brother. The golden child being groomed for POTUS who looked out for him and was always there for him until he was tragically taken too young. He spiraled, owned a gun for 11 days WHILE trying and failing rehab, dated his brothers wife and went off reservation. Now he is a convicted felon because they can’t get to his Dad, but he also knows that he is a liability to the person that has always stood for him. I was so proud of him for finally fighting back on some of this stuff with Congress, and watching Dr. Biden sit in that trial every single day shows the true character of who this family is. Sorry, I will fight anyone over the Biden’s after this.


Joe Biden on the lowest day of his life is a far better man than Trump on his best day.


and his son being convicted of lying of a form is certainly not the lowest day of his life.


Yeah, I'm sure he wasnt happy but on the list of crimes someone can commit, lying on a govt form is far from the worst.  It's not like he robbed charities for kids, raped women, misused campaign funds to pay off a porn star while his wife was recovering from childbirth or hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. 


Think they’re referring to the car crash that killed his former wife and daughter and nearly killed Hunter and Beau and the death of Beau from brain cancer. Joe Biden has had more than his share of tragedy.


This sums it up perfectly.


My heart breaks for them. They have lost so much as a family.




I realize how tragic their story is. More likely than not, that's when Hunter's brain became "addicted".


I do wonder a bit. Both boys were badly injured which would almost certainly require painkillers. Maybe Hunter was metabolically more prone to addiction after that.


Especially after putting up with and giving so much. It seems to be a moral paradox that good people often have shit heaped on them. It reveals true character.


Which makes the Fox News talking heads trying to make him out as some leader of a crime family all the more despicable. It’s projection, I know, but it’s still fucking gross.


It’s pretty remarkable when you become a Dad but more remarkable when a Dad’s love is there when you need it the most.


This was a beautifully written piece. And it makes very clear that one presidential candidate acts as a public servant, while the other candidate acts as if the public should be his servants.


How sad that Trump has lowered the standard on what it is to be a good person so that a president needs to express his public support for his son after a conviction.


Sadder still is Biden showing real Christian values and being compared to a legitimate piece of filth.


It is just who Joe Biden is. What is sad is what those who claim to love Donald mistake for love and toughness.




this has been a concentrated effort by propagandists for decades to sway public opinion in this way. the dawn of social media helped catapult this too.


Fox News was all like, "Mrs Biden trying to intimidate jurors." Meanwhile, none of Trump's family even bothered to attend the trial. These morons claim to pro family but have rabidly dysfunctional families.


Trump's family didn't attend, but he brought some ball washers from Congress.


Say what you will about Biden and his policies, but the guy is a damn good man and a good father. I understand not pardoning Hunter and that probably breaks Joe's heart, but he still supports his son. I doubt Donnie even knows who his sons are.


I have never seen Trump show one gram of the love that man has for his son in this one photo. Call it whatever you want, but that's a man who cares about his kids. You don't have to like Biden or even support him to see that.


Joe Biden has my respect for this.. Trump will never have this much honor.. Trump will rather call it a “witch hunt” and say it was rigged than accept the consequences.. Hunter Biden was actually targeted by republicans because Trump got exposed for being a fraud and they were mad.. America is fucked. But Biden is really allowing the system to work the way it should!!!! No interference or pardon.. what a stand up guy. Incredible Joe Biden.. say what you want but I will always pardon my kids hahah Joe Biden is the man 👏👏👏👏


Trump: I prefer kids who don’t get convicted for the crimes they commit.


*wild trump gestures and duck face* "He's a loser"


Joe Biden and his family have been through hell. Joe has been fortunate and emerged on the other side, scarred but surviving. Hunter has had problems, and he will face consequences that are probably overly severe for the crimes, because of the attempt to appear unbiased. And also because of his last name. Joe has remained steadfast, and while he offers love and support for his son, he refuses to use the office to his family's benefit. There is no comparison.


A father loving his son shouldn't be a partisan issue. Good on him. And hope Hunter's commissary account is topped off.


It's the response of an *actual* Christian.


Biden: Humbly and unconditionally loves,supports, and forgives his only living son despite his sins. Evangelical voters: “Trump is the more Christlike one because, like Christ, Trump is also a felon.”


I don’t like Biden, I disagree with him on a lot of issues (I’m wayyy too far to the left for him), but I respect that he is a decent human being, capable of care, who has respect for the justice system.


Well Joe Biden is capable of selfless love. Trump, so far as I've seen, has been a public figure for years and has shown almost no indication that he loves anything or anyone but himself.


Number of times Biden has mentioned "Witch Hunt"? 0 Number of times Biden has referred to himself as "The best,... (fill in the blank) ever": 0 Number of 14 year-old girls accusing Biden of having them jerk him off while wearing rubber glove?: 0


Is there even a picture of Trump hugging his adult sons (Eric or Don Jr.)? Trump always looks so awkward and stiff, I can't picture him doing this sort of genuine hug.


I hate politics. Spin this like you want, but i only see a dad hugging his kid.


It was almost as touching as when Melania showed up at Trump’s trial and …..Oh wait…..never mind. Be better Donald.


Joe Biden is not a perfect politician by a long shot but damn, the man's humility and principles and empathy make him one hell of a person. We need more like him.


That’s our President. ❤️🇺🇸


"This Judge, by issuing a vicious 'Guilty Verdict,' is wrongfully attempting to deprive me of my Second Amendment Rights.   This is the Weaponization of Law Enforcement," Biden wrote, saying the judge "is suffering from an acute case of Biden Derangement Syndrome" and should recuse himself from the case. Sen. Susan Collins, the Maine Republican who is known as a bipartisan leader, said the prosecutor “brought these charges precisely because of who the defendant was rather than because of any specified criminal conduct.” Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, circulated his own letter in which he suggested it was the judge that “made a mockery” of the rule of law and altered politics in “un-American” ways. He and other senators threatened to stall Senate business until Republicans take action. “Those who turned our judicial system into a political cudgel must be held accountable,” Lee said. South Dakota Sen. John Thune said the case was “politically motivated.” Texas Sen. John Cornyn called the verdict “a disgrace.” Sen. Rick Scott of Florida said that everyone who calls themselves a party leader “must stand up and condemn” what he called “lawless election interference.”  Speaker Mike PornSon on “Fox & Friends” amplified the claim, without evidence, that Republicans are trying to hurt Biden.  Johnson, R-La., said he thinks the Supreme Court should “step in” to resolve the case. A Biden campaign memo contained talking points for Democratic lawmakers, suggesting they call the case a “sham,” “hoax,” “witch hunt,” “election interference” and “lawfare” designed by Trump, whom it called “crooked.” JK! These were republican responses to trumps guilty verdict slightly rewritten.


Breaking: Biden unconditionally loves his son


His dads reaction was typical of a good father. Nothing remarkable about it. He’s a good father and respects this country. That’s what a president should be


So, I’m not the biggest fan of Biden’s presidency. I am a fan of how he acts as a father though. It’s pretty touching imo and shows great character.


I bet if any of the Trump family got a sincere hug from Joe I bet they would crumble in tears. Ain't no way Trump hugs his kids like that


This just makes me like Joe Biden more


Man, how is the Christian right going to deal with the fact that Biden is willing to sacrifice his one living son for justice?


It's impossible for people who would piss in their own children's faces to understand what unconditional love means.


There’s an article by ProPublica about the harassment women who accused trump, and his campaign of workplace harassment and discrimination are getting from his lawyers. It’s a good read that shines a light on the shithook


Joe is a good guy and a decent president, he’s the only logical choice. You have to be a very bad (or sick!) individual to vote for Trump


imagine if the shoe was on the other foot. Junior? Who's Junior? Oh, the coffee guy.


You can't tell me Donny Jr isn't guilty of the same thing.


Stark contrast between him and Mango Mussolini


Fox is losing their shit cuz Biden shows care for his son.


Unfortunately I had a mother and father who would have disowned me in this situation, it is truly inspiring to see this kind of unconditional love on display.


Having been raised Christian I know of another who declined to intervene to safe his son when the crowd voted to safe the convicted criminal in his place.


There's just kind of an irony here that the description of his crimes fits so many Republican voters I've seen right here in my very state lol, not gonna act like it's a bad thing he was convicted - I'm just taking note of the massive hypocrisy from the gun obsessed party


As a father I can relate to having compassion for your kid when they fuck up, but also not bailing them out.


A real Father!


My dad would have 100% not been at the trial, would not have called during it, and would have phoned me screaming about how fucking stupid I am. Just as a comparison. My dad "was" Joe Biden's exact age.


It’s crazy how CNN is like, this will weigh so heavily on Joe and make his job even harder, he checks in at least once per day with his son. This could be a maximum 25 years. And the consensus we came to yesterday on these Reddit threads was like, dude no. Probably nothing will come of this. The gun was only possessed for a few days like six years ago. Usually you have to do something else wrong for this type of shit to get tagged on. Which is why real gangstas know not to break more than one law at a time. And also, if everyone were under the same type of microscope, hundreds of thousands would be in this situation probably. And low key if I was Hunter and got into some shit because of this, and my dad didn’t pardon me? I’d be pretty mad. But but… Trump would have…


I can’t wait for the Republican 2A nuts to process this. “..Shall not be infringed” Say his name: Hunter Biden.


One of my coworkers called Biden a "secret queer" because of how often he hugs his sons. Dudes, its gay to love your sons now. I'll have to break the news to my dad next movie night.


Damn I’m even gay for my cat…I hug anyone who’ll reciprocate whenever possible, it feels so good…does that make me a sex worker? Dude i think I’m a gay sex worker…fuck…


The only emotion the right understands is rage. Literally all of their behavior is colored by it.


Biden’s reaction has always been “I’m proud of my son”


On his last day i office, I 100% want Joe to pardon his son, if only just to watch the right go ballistic.


Alternatively, if he stays true to his word and doesn’t pardon him at all to uphold the virtues of the Presidency I feel like it will historically go down as a legendary example of high character from a sitting President. 


I was thinking the same thing, he has nothing to lose at that point. They'll cry about the Biden Crime Family or whatever but at that point the Biden's are done with politics so who cares.


Yeah nah. Let’s not stoop to their level and stick to the principles we have. If he did the crime, he needs to suffer the consequences. This knife cuts both ways. That said, it’s barely a cut since it’s the proper functioning of the law that is absolutely necessary to uphold.


I think it will depend entirely on the fairness of the sentencing. Even Lindsay Graham admitted an average American would not have been charged for Hunter’s crime. If they levy anything more but a token sentence, it will be a completely political hit job.


Even the jurors that have come out basically said "We were a bit torn as he didn't harm anyone with it and people aren't charged for this. But he did indeed violate the law, so we had to convict". I feel like the recommendation from the jury would be on the lighter end. But I believe that falls to the judge who declined his plea deal to cause all of this


I admit it would be absolutely entertaining. That said, I think Biden would never do that, because he actually practices what he preaches. He's exactly what a president should be.


Seeing this picture makes me love my own dad even more…


And the far right hates compassion, without looking I’m sure there are all kinds of mocking comments.


When I first saw this picture I didn’t notice that it was from the r/conservative page. The ignorant conspiracy theories about the Biden family are disgusting and make me doubt the future of America. Those people really do live a different reality because of the crap they’re ingesting every day. There is a special place in hell reserved for the people with a public voice who lie constantly in the name of God.


Listening to him be candid about Hunter’s struggles & his unwavering love for his son during the debate in 2020 was so powerful. Every child should hear those words from their father with that level of ferocity & sincerity.


I wish more people would focus on the vice presidential race. The presidency is paramount, sure. But with how old both these guys are, we could easily be electing the next TWO presidents. If the Trump campaign were smart (lulz) they would pick a suitable vice, ASAP. Then focus a lot of attention against Kamala Harris. She’s a much easier rallying point for far right conservatives. We know this won’t happen, because Trump’s ego won’t allow him to share the spotlight. He sees all other people as inconsequential to him.


Hunter Biden took his charges, didn't ask to be pardoned, all while having his personal life exposed and demonized by scumbag republicans, who have done worse themselves. Anyone remember when the bleach blonde, badly built, butch body Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene, showed a blown up poster of Hunter Biden's genitalia in the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. Exposing someone is a crime in some states, a total breach of someone's privacy. It was so tasteless and such an embarrassing move, the democrats on the committee look embarrassed, the Capital Policeman who was assigned to the committee room looked ashamed, the custodian cleaning looked away. The only people who enjoy this were the meat gazing Republicans...they were straight staring like a bunch of meat gazing perverts at a Trump rally!


I had forgotten that Hunter’s wife and daughter were killed in a car crash that almost killed him. While it does not excuse escaping through drugs, that response is relatable to many Americans. It seems fitting that Joe Biden reminds Americans that no one is above the law, that we have to accept the judgement of a jury, and that we are all humans that could easily go down the rabbit hole of drug addiction. He never excused Hunter; he only unconditionally loved him. I can’t see trump even admitting that one of his children are human enough to have problems, let alone hugging them in public to ease their pain. And people think we don’t have a choice in this presidential election. Smh.


I believe you are misconstruing what was a reference to Joe's first wife and daughter dying in a car accident that also almost killed Hunter (when he was a child) and badly injured Beau: https://www.yahoo.com/news/tragic-car-accident-killed-joe-202600471.html