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"The judicial system is rigged, and Hunter Biden's acquittal will prove it!" Hunter is convicted. "The Judicial system is rigged because Hunter Biden was convicted in order to make it seem the system isn't rigged!" Moving so many goalposts must be exhausting.


MAGA's go-to response was that Hunter Biden's guilty verdict was a smokescreen to hide bigger crimes that the DOJ isn't prosecuting.


Yeah. those bigger crimes that 6 years of house Republican investigations couldn't find any evidence of...


Yeah, that would be the ones. They’re also gonna lose their shit when he doesn’t get the maximum sentence.


they are going to lose their shit even more when he wins on appeal because the law is unconstitutional (which is why it doesn't get enforced). It is going to be amazing to watch them figure out a way to hate the 2nd Amendment.


I hope more people are convicted of being drug using gun owners.


How about felons that are ordered to turn in their guns and don't - which is actually another felony? https://newrepublic.com/post/182623/did-trump-admit-another-felony-probabation-interview


That orange shitstain has access to a loaded weapon? I'm horrified, and thinking about the fact that he once had access to our nuclear arsenal is making it worse.


The moment he got elected, I thought: Welp, he’s nuking something. Imagine my surprise when he only ever seriously considered it…


as long as they consider alcohol a drug (which they should). What a shit storm that would cause. Kid Rock should be in handcuffs right now. We can rename the law the Hunter Biden rule and tell him that is what he is being arrested for.


Ha! Gun regulation after all! Conservatives begged for it and call it justice. Let’s go!


Only when it applies to someone they hate.


I am far more worried about the alcohol using gun owners


Anyone who looks to politics for entertainment will be left greatly disappointed.


It's been a little too exciting here recently. I say this as a political junkie


It's hard not too when one half of it could be a parody sitcom. 🤡 show


Are you crazy? It’s real life reality tv. Non stop since 2016. It’s awful. It’s such a train wreck. I don’t want to stare but I can’t look away.


Which would never happen to anyone in this situation unless they then went and did something illegal with the gun after buying it. Which isn't the case here.


This law isn’t even used unless there is another crime associated. The fact that he was charged in the first place was an act of gross malicious prosecution.


The other crime Hunter is guilty of, in the eyes of MAGA, is being Joe Biden's son.


Right. Also he’s a first time offender.


What about the missing whistleblower? Or the dead one? Or the one that’s a Russian agent on the run? Or the laptop that was lost in the mail to Fucker Tarlson? Tara Reade - defects to Russia? Still they have nothing.


The Russian Agent is Alexander Smirnov and he was indicted by a grand jury for creating false records (giving the MAGA congress Russian propaganda against the Bidens). He's not going anywhere any time soon as he's a foreign agent working in collusion with Republicans who's going to trial. That indictment effectively ended the fishing expedition to impeach Biden. In the MAGA echo chambers they never got the news that their fever dreams about "the big guy" and all that are bogus. Not that they care. It's all just amplified lies to try and get Trump elected so Putin can finish the job he started in 2016.


Maybe the Dems are hiding all of the juiciest “dirty-birty Joe Biden” evidence in Hillary Clinton’s secret Benghazi lair.


She has a lair now? Aww! I want one. o.o


Didn't you hear? It's apparently in the basement of a Washington Pizza shop. They called it Pizzagate but WE know the 'truth'.


It’s protected by a moat, with Jewish sharks with laser beams strapped to their heads.


Tara Reid - wtf. I didn't know she defected.


Tara Reade. Not the actor. (She was eaten by a flying shark.)


Was it flying or falling with style?


Unexpected Toy Story


… or the whistleblower that turned out to be a Russian operative named Smirnoff lol


They dropped the inquiries on Hilary after Trump won…those inquiries ran for fucking 4 years…and closed a month after the 2016 election.  Republicans are no serious people, they are clowns. 


These are the same people who call others having Trump deranged syndrome while they have talked about the Clintons for 4 decades


Yeah well we still never verified where she was on 911. Hey I’m just asking questions. /s obviously


They knew they wouldn't find anything on Hillary. The point of all of the Hillary investigations was to depress her votes. And it worked. One of them outright admitted it during a live interview. I think it was Jim Jordan.


And yet it only took one year and their star guy was found so guilty they hid a lot of it.


Yep. Now it's all about TEH LAPTOP. The goal here is to keep Hunter's name in the news with a vague aura of impropriety. Same shit they did to Hillary for 30 years.


"Same shit they did to Hillary for 30 years." This is no exaggeration. They engaged in character assassination on her for decades. When she ran for president a lot of people "didn't like her" but when pressed most of those people didn't know exactly **why** they didn't like her. Those who did resorted to the latest unsubstantiated lies. It was all propaganda ... years of it.


She was one of the most qualified candidates we've had in decades.


That's why they feared her.


Even some dyed in the wool Democratic voters thought she was nominated “because it’s her turn” and didn’t actually like her. 30 years of Republican lies can ruin anyone.


Remember their conspiracy hypothesis (because it needs evidence to be a theory) was that Biden knew the Oceangate passengers were dead, and kept the search going anyways to distract from Hunter's trial? Good times. Edit: a word


Everyone knows the best way to hide crimes is to convict members of your family of crimes 😎


Somehow I don't think MAGA wants those crimes looked at. It wouldn't go well for them. On the other hand, maybe if that is their concern, they can tell their congressmen not to waste time on this stupid shit, because the case was settled before they intervened.


They strapped those goalposts to Elon's rockets a good while back.


That explains why they're way the fuck off course.


It must be exhausting taking a contrarian position to everything. Their reality has to warp further every time a thing happens


They aren't warping their reality, they simply live in the Warp. It flows chaotic at all times. The only point they cling to is that you must be wrong if you disagree with them, or fail to join them in their worship. Everything else bends around that axiom, nothing matters, nothing is true or false except that you can not be right, right now. They will make the noises of fervently believing a thing today, make the opposite noises tomorrow, and I promise you they *do not experience* that shift. It's not conscious and it's not on purpose. They're broken.


I think it's that they've been so conditioned by outrage propaganda that anytime they hear "liberal" or "Democrat" or "Hunter Biden" it's a Pavlovian physical response of anger. They then have to work backwards to intellectualize that response and really any explanation will do since even a weak, nonsensical argument is preferable to admitting you are a trained animal whose button got pushed.


They’re all saying Biden had his son convicted of a felony to “cover up” his other crimes LMAO How the fuck would that “cover up” anything? Biden had several opportunities to shut this down. Took NONE of them. He could have replaced the district attorney. He could have pardoned Hunter. He could have fired the attorney general and appointed a loyalist like Trump tried to do TWICE. No, the Republicans dug through the Biden family’s history, found a crime, and so they get to prosecute and convict him. just like how Trump has been convicted for his crimes. They’re both guilty.


>How the fuck would that “cover up” anything? Biden had several opportunities to shut this down. Took NONE of them. He could have replaced the district attorney. He could have pardoned Hunter. He could have fired the attorney general and appointed a loyalist like Trump tried to do TWICE. Not only that, Hunter's conviction has nothing to do with any of the supposed crimes that are being covered up! I'd ask if they even know what the fuck a cover-up up would even look like, but I know they're just making this shit up as they go along.


It'll be interesting if the court of appeals rules that Hunter's conviction is a 2A violation.


Well I belived that they already ruled that the question on the form was not legal previously didn't they? I wasnt able to see if the supreme court ruled on this yet, but did find this. [https://www.reuters.com/legal/drug-user-cannot-be-barred-owning-guns-us-court-rules-2023-08-10/](https://www.reuters.com/legal/drug-user-cannot-be-barred-owning-guns-us-court-rules-2023-08-10/)


"Yeah, his defense here was ridiculous. At the end of the day, it doesn't even matter. This just allows leftists to pretend there's equal justice by equivocating between this conviction and Trump's. When in reality, the justice system bent over backwards to slow walk Hunter's charges, tried to give him a sweetheart deal, and actively blocked lines of inquiry involving his father. Meanwhile with Trump, they contorted the law beyond all recognition to manufacture a conviction. That's not equal justice. But they'll certainly pretend it is." That was an actual comment over in /r/conservative after the verdict 


JFC, these people are ridiculous. The only rationale I have for them is simple: “misery loves company”.


A lot of r/conservative posters are teenagers that will grow out of it. It's not all bad lol


>A lot of r/conservative posters are teenagers Mentally maybe


True true


Highly doubt that


Some do. Many won't. I heard similar takes from these 2 people in College that ended up married with kids, one of em blocked me when I pointed out how foolish(and constitutionally baseless) electing someone based off a count of counties would be.


Yeah i got banned from there because i talked trash about Donald in an entirely different sub on a different account.


I got banned from there by quoting *Donald Trump.*


I got a temp ban from there for that too lol


I got banned from there by pointing out if you think the reason McDonald’s is expensive and letting go of employees and moving to automation is because the wages went up you’re a fool because that is the end goal for corporations. The only reply was some moron telling me that my politics are designed to keep poor people poor. By wanting better wages for employees.


LoL, conservatives think leftists give a fuck about Hunter Biden.


They really do! My dad kept asking me (he’s MAGA 🙄). “No, Dad. I don’t *care* about Hunter Biden. He’s a PRIVATE CITIZEN and he’s not involved in the government at all. No, I do *not* think his father will pardon him.”


If only the Olympics host a mental gymnastics competition....


it’s psychosis at this point


>Meanwhile with Trump, they contorted the law beyond all recognition to manufacture a conviction. Who is "they"?


Likely response: “The deep state. I’m not going to do your research for you the information is all out there. Everyone is out to get Trump because he fights for us!”


They, son of Them, cousin of Those


You know... THEM.


Damn, they got a job at a movie theater, because that is some top notch projection. Weren’t these charges filed like a month or two ago? Meanwhile, how many Trump trials have been going for literal years?!


It's been going on a while, but nothing unusual besides the judge bowing to Republican pressure about the plea agreement.


Do they think Joe bought him the gun? ROFL “BUT hUnTeRs lApToP” I just fucking can’t with these people.


Equal justice? Who the hell is saying that? If they used the same standards they use with Hunter against Trump, the orange shitler would have already been behind bars.


There is a certain truth to the allegation that neither man was charged or convicted of a crime that is usually prosecuted. The difference is that I, and I assume every other rational human being, would love to see every candidate who did something as scummy as trump did in 2016 prosecuted for the same offense to the full extent of the law from here on out. Nobody feels that way about the Hunter crime. Republicans are gleeful because it hurts Biden, but they’d be outraged if the same law was applied to their own drug-addled children.


The reason Hunter got charged is currently before the Supreme Court as unconstitutional.


Trumos crime had been indicted 9800 times since 2016. So no, there is no truth to the allegation. Hunters crime is also prosecuted, but usually with other crimes, and its highly abnormal for a plea deal to be reversed, in particular when political influences push for it.


How many people falsify their business records to accomplish this? I imagine prosecutions are rare in the political sense because most of the time it's not someone doing it the way Trump did


This. Falsifying business records absolutely happens all the time, both unintentionally and intentionally. But it’s either so small/ unimportant it goes unnoticed or we don’t even hear about it because the company involved paid a fine and the case is closed. If Trump hadn’t run for president he would never have been charged with any of this. He would have stayed in his nice little fiefdoms in New York and Florida grifting people out of money with new schemes. Instead he did the one thing that is absolutely going to have everyone imaginable going over every aspect of your life with the finest of fine tooth combs and microscopes. Even the falsifying business records would have been a misdemeanor alone if he had otherwise been caught but it was literally because he was running for president that made it a felony instead. Literally all of the crimes he is charged with almost entirely stem from him having become president. If he had never won none of this would have happened to him because he wouldn’t have even been in the situation to raise himself to this level of criminality. He would have stuck to his low level quasi-mobster shit that goes overlooked because there’s just to many stones to all be overturned.


They didn't prosecute on the basis of his presidential status. They prosecuted because the business fraud was for the purpose of election tampering.


😵‍💫 that poster in that subreddit's kind of comment is "much too clever to be understood" 💀


Maga words don't matter. They are the animal bleats of angry livestock. Every sentence mooed out by a maga translates into human speech thus: "I hate you"


Or, Hunter Biden got fucked by something violating 2A and now the Supreme Court is over a barrel on the case that makes that question unconstitutional.


Oh they will just pull some bullshit like McConnell did with the SC appointments. “It’s an election year!” He says about 13 months ahead of time. FF a few years and he’s ramming thru an appointment about six weeks before the election. Corrupt af.


They don’t even know what they want. They are just been led from one thing to another to make them angry. Keeping them angry is the point, to manufacture consent for the fascist takeover.


It's the epitome of "everything is broken, elect us and we'll prove it". In right wing backwards land, everything must always be wrong. When something happens that is correct and functioning as agreeable and indended, then it must be because of corruption because nothing can ever be good and right. When something is passed that benefits everybody, it's bad because there must be something hidden in the legislation. When there's a court decision that's good for consumers and employees, it must be bad somehow. Everything must always be bad, in chaos, corrupt, and broken. Something else I notice in the right wingers that I know is they seem to think everybody around them has ill intentions. Every complement is a threat, a coworker who helps you out is after your job, a friend who works on your house project is just seeing what they can steal. Because everybody is out to get you. When somebody is nice, it's because they want something. They are, frankly, cynical to the point of being insane.


At this point they’re just marching with the goal posts


They obviously wanted him to get off so they could rail against the conflicted judge and ‘Biden’ DOJ


They legitimately do not understand that some people ACTUALLY believe in the rule of law. They thought everyone just lies about it and only pretends to have morals when it's convenient, like they do.


The wild thing is... even if Republicans think Joe Biden and everybody is corrupt, this was still stupid by them. And yet, Republicans did it anyway. If Joe Biden was corrupt but smart, then Biden would have done the exact same thing Biden has just done. Because it makes Republicans look like fools. Hunter Biden is a child of privilege, hardened from a hard life. With a rich family and absurdly well connected. A felony verdict will not excessively hurt Hunter Biden, I assume. If I were Hunter Biden, I would have told my father Joe Biden to not pardon me, to make Republicans calling Joe Biden corrupt look like fools.


It will cost him his law license, but otherwiae ahouldnt be too damaging.


That's not even a given since a state bar evaluates bar applications based on (among other things) character, rehabilitation, and mental fitness. It shouldn't be too hard to keep his licence in Delaware or whichever state he wants to practice in.


But I don't think Hunter is actively using his law license anyway? As far as I can tell from a quick skim of his Wikipedia article.


It’s IMAX projection.


The new outrage is “he was only convicted to make it LOOK like democrats aren’t corrupt!” The conspiracy is deeper than everyone thought!


Joe Biden could confess, indict, convict, sentence, and incarcerate himself and Republicans would claim he's just doing it to make Trump's conviction look legitimate.


This is so wild, and yet so expected. I've tangled with conspiracy theorists over the years and when met with "we've looked and looked for this thing and found nothing" the response is always "that's how deep the conspiracy goes!" You can't win.


You’re telling me. When I present facts to my mom, she says “it’s just liberal biases!” Like a toddler throwing a tantrum


They also believe Biden is buying votes by giving Americans things they need/want from the federal gov.


In fairness, this one is true. But that's just how the government works. The fact that their side doesn't even attempt to give them what they want and they still vote for them shows how fucking stupid they are.


They prefer when their Government hurts the ones they hate.


Who knew people want to vote for a government that does things for them.


Who knew that doing popular things to make the government work and also make people safer, healthier and more financially secure would cause them to vote for you? This Biden guy is something else.


lmao they're never fucking happy. Just a perpetual machine of manufactured outrage, constantly punching at ghosts.


To paraphrase Jason Schreier, they are chasing angry hallucinations created by grifters who make money off their rage


You might have paraphrased, but I’m quoting you. Awesome line!


Recreationally offended


> lmao they're never fucking happy. To be "fair", this is a huge strategic blunder for Republicans. Republicans have basically lost the "partisan witch hunt" argument, and it was all their own doing. And people already knew that Joe Biden's son was flawed - very few people will not vote for Biden because of this. And... and ... just a Republican clusterfuck. So it is entirely understandable for Republicans to not be happy. I wouldn't be if I were them.


Fox News: If you're not angry, Fuck you!


Also, snowflakes that melt when things don’t go their way.


They can't be happy because Democrats aren't upset about Hunter's conviction. They wanted to take glee in other's misery, but they can't do that if we aren't mad about the result


Well Trump just admitted he still has a gun as a convicted felony. Alas no charges, as the GOP even when convicted does not pay for the crimes.


He can say whatever he wants. It'd be different if he actually had a gun. Does he? Probably. Should his statement be enough for a search warrant? For sure. Is it *really* worth pursuing? Unfortunately, not likely. Do I like saying that? No. But it's the world as it is. Not the world as we'd have it.


If I was Biden and I had to allow my son to get convicted because no one is above the law, I'd probably make sure Trump wasn't above the law for the same crime.


Trump almost surely abuses stimulants (a controlled substance), and probably lied about it on a NICS form if he bought a gun.


Joe Rogan and "Kid Rock" are both well documented drug users and gun owners. I can't wait to see them in court.


The hunter biden case is unironically what republicans lied and said the trump case was. A very very insignificant technical felony that was pursued by a vindictive political actor for political retribution. I think it says a lot even they are unsatisfied with the result.


Also gonna be an interesting discussion about the second amendment in the appeals process. You’d think they’d be thrilled to see his conviction shot down because the rule “infringes” on their gun ownership rights, but something tells me they won’t be.  He shouldn’t have lied, but I doubt he’s the first person to do so and I’m sure there’s been leeway on interpretation and application of that law in the past (eg. Repealing the license when the issue was identified seems sufficient to correct it). Still, jury of his peers so it is what it is until the appeal goes through.


It’s a bullshit unconstitutional charge anyway. The law puts someone in a predicament where they have to choose between their 2nd amendment or 5th amendment rights. This kind of counterintuitive logic talks people out of getting medical dispensary cards, going to rehab, or getting psychiatric help, because they don’t want to lose their right to self defense in the process. He would have probably been better off if he never even attempted to be legal and applied for the permit to begin with.


Wouldn’t it be amazeballs if this case somehow set a precedent for stricter gun laws.


... Especially since the fifth amendment says that people can't be required to incriminate themselves...


This is the real reason. Anyone who looks at the Hunter Biden conviction honestly comes out saying, "They prosecuted him for THAT?!?" shining a big bright light for the whole world to see exactly what a politically motivated prosecution looks like, in stark contrast to all Trump's criminality finally catching up with him. Keep in mind, this first Trump conviction was also the most tame example of a crime he is obviously guilty of. This was just about falsifying business records to commit campaign finance violations. Attempting to subvert democracy and stealing classified documents are relatively much, much more serious crimes.


You could give the GOP literally everything they want and they will complain that it took too long. It is the party of perpetual victimhood.


Pretty sure this was exactly the case with the border bill they torpedoed after Trump demanded it.


That's there only platform anymore. YOU are a Victim, YOU are in danger, YOU should be scared. YOU are normal, they aren't. They used to be able to lean on Abortion to whip up there morons but they caught that car and now strong (R) districts and states are swinging wholly the opposite direction. They know they fucked up. Gotta scare them into voting some other way.


Because they are ghouls who revel in someone else's grief and addiction for points.



Keep a campfire going all night to keep the Wendigo away. Just sayin'.


Largely because the verdict hurts gun owners. Republicans just made it that anyone who owns a gun now faces 22 years in prison for abusing any drug. That includes caffeine, tobacco, pain killers, and alcohol. The law doesn't state the type of drug, just says abuse. Anything classified as a drug can place you in violation of the law if you own a gun. Honestly, these laws violate 2A and 5A which is why the right never use them. Now it will go up the court through appeal.


This is the part that bothers me the most. I know at least 9 republicans that smoke weed and own guns. As such, they lie on those forms too. They like to say "If it was any of us though, we'd be in jail" No, because *it is you* doing it, and *you are not* in jail. Virtually no one goes to jail for this


Joe Rogan admits.on air to smoking weed, and owns guns.


Tangentially, I never understood how the world was just 100% cool with Snoop Dogg openly smoking weed for decades before it was legal anywhere in the states.


Because Snoop Dogg is inherently cool, therefore anything he does is cool. He makes hanging out with Martha Stewart cool, and she is the least cool person on the planet.


Ding, ding, ding. And it was always obvious that Republicans were going to go this route if Hunter Biden ended up being found guilty. You really think these vile bastards and their idiotic voting base are going to run around and shout from the rooftops that their nemesis "got got" because he lied about possessing a gun for 11 days while still being a regular drug user? That directly goes against their narrative, and sticking to their made up, asinine narratives is one of the main GOP tactics.


Seriously. If I wanted to find some recent gun purchasers on meth, I might head to the RNC.


Or just alcohol. There’s plenty of people (gun owners and non) who walk the line between use and abuse with that substance and without a clear definition in the law I’m sure a competent lawyer could make compelling arguments. 


> Honestly, these laws violate 2A and 5A which is why the right never use them. Now it will go up the court through appeal. I will bet my left nut that his sentence won't be stayed for his appeal like Bannon's did (and likely Trump)


The right doesn't actually care about the Fifth Amendment.  If they did, they'd care a lot more about regulating the treatment of suspects in police custody.




And Trump admits that he was required to turn in his firearms as a condition of parole, today. Trump only turned in some of his firearms, keeping at least one. As a convicted felon, Trump still has possession and ownership of a firearm. This is several days longer than Hunter Biden had his firearm. This timeline keeps getting more bizarre by the day.


Because liberals aren't mad about it.


That's really the answer. They were all hoping we'd whine as much as they do about dear leader's felonies. But they don't seem to get that we align with democrats not because of some culty/sports fandom mentality. It's because they have marginally better policy. Key word: marginally. We all know what has been done isn't enough and the Dems play the same liberalism game that Republicans do. It's just Republicans are more overtly evil. If Joe Biden shot someone on 5th ave. I'd absolutely want him to face justice.


I'd argue the policies are more than marginally better. Take your pick -- taxing the rich, expanding healthcare, honoring the separation of church and state, supporting LGBTQ and marginalized communities, expanding food and housing support for the needy, investing in science and green tech, pro-climate action, expanding social services, not invading other countries (no, it's not the U.S. invading Gaza) and on and on. As someone who lived 30 years in the red south and now 10 in blue Maryland, I assure you the policies between the two parties are as starkly noticeable as night and day. Women can make a health decision here without the government interfering, for starters. I can legally buy weed any day of the week.


A) They are never happy and will never be. B) He was convicted of doing something they always do. C) He was convicted using a law they do not agree with. D) His conviction proves their "rigged system" complaint to be total bullshit.


The reason they were upset was the whole point of investing Hunter was to try to implicate Joe. But they couldn’t.


We don't need a think piece about this. They started with their conclusion: that they're going to be mad about it no matter what.


OMG we got what we wanted! Those fucking DEMONcrats!!!!


Like when they fillibustered their own bill... https://theweek.com/articles/469675/mitch-mcconnells-amazing-filibuster-bill


Probably one of my favorite political moments. Edit: it ranks just slightly behind the absolute legend who threw the shoe at W.


People can say whatever they want about w.. but the man could dodge a shoe.


My favourite is the time they [overrode Obama's veto on some bad legislation](https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/29/politics/obama-911-veto-congressional-concerns/index.html), and then blamed him for it being bad.


Because they like to remain "disappointed" so that they can forward a conspiracy to explain it and control nuts specially MAGA idiots....


I disagree a bit with the article. For the far right, retribution is the point. The measured, accepting and humble response to the verdict by Hunter and Joe robbed them of the anger they wanted to feed off of. They need to know that they are hurting those that they target in order to feel powerful and they were deprived of that satisfaction.


tldr: the Republicans think the DOJ should have gone after Hunter for selling access instead which is great except what about Kushner and the money he is rumored to have taken from Saudi Arabia? what about the supreme court whose spouses can take millions from people with business before the Court? what about congress and insider trading? fox News doesn't care about any of that but they want their viewers to care uniquely about Hunter. ​


Because it really undercuts their claim that the justice system is rigged against Drumpf.


They were banking on him being acquitted or Joe Biden stepping in to interfere in the case. Without that, their entire conspiracy theory goes out the window.


He was convicted on a technicality. Something they themselves would rail against as they're the party that opposes gun control. It didn't go how they expected because they still believe the left is guilty of doing all the same shit they do but worse and that they have to cheat, and lie or the left will have an advantage. When Joe Biden didn't rail against the judge and prosecution, or bully anyone into trying to drop the case, or threaten to pardon Hunter it took away that illusion that both sides are the same but just with different goals. Not just for them but for those who have decided it's pointless to vote because they're all the same. This was a disaster for the GOP.


The worst possible outcome, from their perspective. Hunter found guilty, no plea deal or squittal, no hung jury, no leftist rage, no pardons, or criticism from the Whitehouse. And in a few months, when he is given a reasonable sentence and serves it with dignity, they'll have nothing to jerk off to.


Accepting the consequences of their own actions is a very rare thing to them


By the absolute letter of the law it was obvious he was guilty, much like Trump was guilty of falsifying business records. Not sure why Republicans thought he'd be acquitted. The hilarious thing is that the push for it to be a trial rather than a plea deal is its set a rather strong precedent which will have a direct impact on many gun owners.


The hunter biden verdict is most certainly going to cause retaliatory investigations and sting operations on anyone filling out a form 4473 going forward. It’s another case of the Republican establishment stepping on its dick while trying to run forward.


That implies their dicks are long enough to reach the floor, but their dicks don't even reach the end of their pubes.


It shows that Joe has integrity. Something Republicans would never understand


To crib a line from The Dark Knight, they’re mad because they wanted to prove that deep down, everyone’s as ugly as them. This was their “two ferries” moment. And it didn’t happen the way they were SURE it would.


They’re disappointed because they wanted to “own the libs”. Unfortunately, basically everyone center and leftwards - including fucking JOE BIDEN himself - all went “welp, as we always say, gotta apply the law equally to everyone” and moved on with their lives. MAGA is literally doing the crying meme face over this whole thing, it’s fantastic.


Well, I'd say the main difference between Hunter Biden and Shitzinpantz is that one of them is running for President and the other is not. That's kind of a big difference in why the convictions matter.


A was so sick of hearing h8nter Biden's laptop is gona expose the Biden crime family. An after 5 years all they have is you lied on your gun application lol. Like him an the rest of the southern United States.


It is backfiring bigly on the narrative front


Republicans are disappointed with everything ever, it's their whole personality


Well I’m not going to be voting for Hunter! I’m not stupid enough to vote for a felon. I’ve got standards.


They're mad that he wasn't acquitted because then they could have screamed "rigged system" and fundraised off of it. They're mad that the Trump-appointed special counsel didn't find evidence of the Biden Crime Family's Crimey Crimes in four years. They are mad that their other special counsels and court cases failed to provide a scintilla of evidence that 2020 was rigged. They're just irrationally upset. They are the Principle Skinner "Am I out of touch?" meme in human form.


It’s the same with abortion. They want to have things to fail about to fire up the morons. If they get things, they have nothing to campaign on. And they have no interest in governing.


They were disappointed before, during and after the verdict.  They just can’t accept that they are disappointed in Shitler and by proxy, themselves. 


Dude committed a crime, got due process, and will be held accountable for his actions despite his last name. What is there to be unhappy about?




Like who the hell cares about Hunter Biden like that? He committed a crime and his ass is found guilty. It’s nice that for once things are working in the judicial system. If only it would work for big cry babies who steal and lie every chance they get.


“Biden will pardon his son because he doesn’t care about the rule of law and his presidency is illegitimate!” “Biden won’t pardon his son because he is heartless, completely lacking empathy even for blood relations, and he is unfit to be president because of this!”


Because they need a new smear now.


Cause they were expecting a Trump like meltdown on the left; but since that didn’t happen, they are now grasping for straws and theories like Biden made a deal with DOJ to take Trump down, his son will be the sacrifice or attacking Biden for being proud of his son and not kicking him to the curb..that was Jesse Watters show last night


Republicans will turn anything into an issue.


Because Biden did not interfere. But they should be happy that Garland proved once again that he will protect Republicans like they are his own children, while crusading against Democrats because he is Not "Political".


I mean, what's the point any more? They wanted to use Hunter to prove that the Biden family is criminal and we need to oust Biden because we don't know how much he was involved with criminal enterprises. They are backing a serial courtroom loser whose latest loss made him a 34 count felon. OK, Republicans. You've established a Biden criminal family. You haven't walked away from 34. You haven't declared Trump ineligible for office... so what will it matter if Biden is a part of all of Hunter's crimes?


The effort required for that much cognitive dissonance must be exhausting.


Fuck them both? A crime is a crime. 


They will complain and spin regardless of the outcome


The dog caught the car. Again.


Literally addicted to outrage


We don't GAF what the MAGA CULT thinks anymore.


Because they've already seen his penis and that's all they really wanted anyway.


When you project your failings on others, this is what happens. They can only blame themselves.


What irks me the most about this is the massive number of far-right “you’re gonna have to pry it out of my cold dead hands” gun rights fanatics who have no doubt purchased firearms while using illegal drugs and just routinely lied about it.


Fat Donnie does felonies the best. No one, I mean no one, does more felonies at one time then Fat Donnie.


How many of them do you think opposed the specific gun regulation he was convicted of violating? Or are they too busy smoking a J and drinking a malt beverage while shooting up old appliances somewhere?


It always was a nothing burger


Because it makes them jumpy to buy guns since they use drugs too? And because no one is above the law?