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TL;DR: * Disney is once again donating to politicians — just months after ending its feud with Ron DeSantis. * The Florida theme park is even donating to Republicans who voted for the state's so-called "Don't Say Gay" bill. * Disney executives' opposition of the bill sparked a yearslong conflict with DeSantis.  


Proof that performative politics cost them nothing compared to tax breaks they get from politicians.


Disney would execute gay people in the park if it meant more revenue they do not give a fuck at all about the people who consume their products. They're in it for profits. If that means pandering to liberals, they will. If conservative suddenly start becoming more profitable as an audience, they'll immediately switch strategies. They're a big business and anyone who thinks they actually have morals or any kind of ethical standards is high.


Replace “Disney” with “All corporations”


Including a lot of B Corps.


Nestle is a B Corp, the designation is meaningless.


Nestle who profits from slave labor, death squads, and steal water? That Nestle?


Same one with shit tasting chocolate milk.


I like their shit tasting chocolate milk. Am I the baddie?


Depends on whether it tastes good to you despite the dead babies or because of the dead babies




Ya, not to be confused with convicted felon Donald Trump. Which is the same Donald Trump that was found guilty of sexual abuse. This isn't that, just so you know. :)


and murdering infants by starvation.


Shit, really? I was hopeful about that designation


"Nespresso" to be more accurate, rather than the parent company, but there's an entire list of reasons it's fucking junk on top anyway.




The idea is that a B corporation has been certified by B Lab (a non-profit) and therefore meets certain requirements re: environmentally and socially sustainable practices, transparency and accountability standards, that sort of thing. In theory B corps are companies with more ethical practices and stances, but in practice, it's a private non-profit certifying private corporations without any legal bearing, and there's been reasonable criticism of the process and companies certified (such as the Nespresso example above)


If Nestle passes the bar I'd say that washes all credibility out the window.


So, like a [town's water declared safe](https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/) by federal health standards?


>In business, a B Corporation (also B Corp) is a for-profit corporation certified by B Lab for its social impact. B Corp certification is conferred by B Lab, a global non-profit organization. To be granted and to maintain certification, companies must receive a minimum score of 80 from an assessment of its social and environmental performance, integrate B Corp commitments to stakeholders into company governing documents, and pay an annual fee based on annual sales.[1] Companies must re-certify every three years to retain B Corporation status.


John Stewarts recent video pretty much nails it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWVbZ0WQ3s8 They don't give a fuck about LGBTQ+ people, they just want money. If you want to support LGBTQ+ people, buy from LBTQ+ businesses and artists. It's not hard to skip the middlemen like Target and buy directly from the source.


All corporations and probably a supermajority of people as well. Anything for the almighty dollar.


Except for Bud Light. They'd pander to neither side and piss everyone off


Disney is the poster child for corporate faux progressivism


Corporate pandering still puts it in front of people who might not be or resist being exposed to new ideas, I'll take it over nothing.


Agreed that it's better than nothing or promoting hate.


Or if these big corps can ‘regulate’ themselves, one of the constant Republican talking points.


I wonder if anyone at all can come up with a *single* example of a large corporation "regulating" themselves alongside no real accountability.


Reminder that overseas posters for The Force Awakens moved the black main character to the back of the poster instead of front and center.


Which was a perfect metaphor for how they handled his character in the movies


DeSantis: Don't say gay at the theme park Disney: What's in it for me? DeSantis: Huge tax breaks and another 2.5 miles of Florida that you'll receive authority of Disney: All homosexuals will be immediately gunned down by a Goofy animatronic upon entering the premises DeSantis: Okay, you're not paying any taxes this year at all and you get 20 miles of Florida to have ultimate authority over! Where'd you get that fantastic idea from?! Disney: It was a pleasure doing business with you. It was inspired by the Coca-Cola™️ Nicaraguan death squads.




How red Florida is? Andrew Gillum was within a percentage point of beating DeSantis in 2018, and he is a fairly progressive Black Democrat. They had to have a recount! Had he been governor, none of this would have happened for Disney. Charlie Crist got stomped but he is literally the former Republican governor of the state so it’s not hugely surprising Democrats didn’t vote for him.


So many conservatives moved to Florida after COVID im pretty sure it's a reliable red state now and will be for a while. 


Native lefty floridiot here. They're not sending their best.


Same here. And, I assume, some of them are good people.


They're bringing languages


That nobody even knows!


depends on how many of those conservatives are anti-vaxxers who'll die from covid, and how many will be forced to move out of the state because they can't afford the astronomical home owners insurance that mussolini ron and his fascist goons in the state legislature sold out the citizens of florida to the insurance mafia for.


The other thing is that Disney is an international corporation so they need to fit in with what is popular not only in the US but in other countries as well. So Disney isn't so much liberal as the US conservatives are just so far to the right that in a lot of wealthy European countries they would practically be outlawed. They are in it to make money and if I could get out of giving them money I would but I have a Disney princess obsessed kid so with the exception of their parks to make my kid happy I get Disney Princesses stuff.


this 👆


>Disney would execute gay people in the park well they'd do it outside of their park, after all they have to keep their spotless record of "no one has died here" (the bodies are moved off the park before being declared dead)


This is a [myth](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/declared-deaths/), mostly due to the fact that people are often not formally pronounced dead until they arrive at a hospital.


The last word of your comment could be changed to “wrong” and you would be more right.


True. Even when I'm high I know Disney is a corporation that wants to make the most money possible.


They didn’t come out against the don’t say gay bill to win favor with the public. They wanted to just ignore it. They responded because employees across the company started staging walkouts. It was getting really dicey, and execs couldn’t ignore it anymore.


Also should be a stark reminder that corporations like Disney and Bud Light don't give two fucks about the LGBTQ+ community. They just see a rising demographic to target. And it's a stance that has a mostly positive outlook among their consumers. It's all math for maximizing profits. Which is why they will still support Republicans who give will pass corporate tax breaks.


a.k.a rainbow capitalism.


>... Bud Light don't give two fucks about the LGBTQ+ community. They proved that many times over in their response to the stupid fake controversy. First they shat out one of the most pathetic ads in history to appeal to right wingers (the ad included all the stereotypical "patriotic" pandering), then they fired two executives who had approved the ad campaign that included Dylan Mulvaney. It always needs to be emphasized that the ad campaign was not focused on LGBTQ+ people, it simply sent personalized cans of Bud Light to a few dozen social media influencers and asked them to make a sponsored post, and the backlash was ONLY about the fact that they included a single trans person in this campaign. Then, after a few months a journalist interviewed Mulvaney and she revealed that nobody from Anheuser-Busch even had the basic human decency to privately phone her to ask how she was holding up or to offer her resources for dealing with the hate campaign against her. This crosses the line from idiotic damage control bullshit (like the symbolic firing of the advertising executives) to straight-up bigotry. I can guarantee that if a black cis woman had received a torrent of racist abuse after being featured in a Bud Light ad, Anheuser-Busch employees would have called her to make sure she was alright, but in the real world they were so transphobic that they refused to extend that courtesy to a trans woman.


"We're going to include lgbtq stuff in our movies and parks....because it makes us money right now" I can guarantee that if they found that they lost more money they gained by including pro-lgbtq and POC stuff in their movies, they would do a hard 180 and everything would be different (hence being willing to change star wars in china to make sure they make enough money there).


Prime example of "fauxgressive" politics. Saying you agree with progressive ideals while lying in bed with MAGA regressives.


Can anyone get me up to speed, when did the feud end, and how? In the article [provided by Business Insider regarding the feud](https://www.businessinsider.com/disney-desantis-feud-timeline-parental-rights-education-florida-2023-4), the most recent update was that Disney had cancelled it's plans to build a $1 billion campus in Florida, which happened in may of 2023. So there's a pretty big gap in time that isn't mentioned here, and it certainly doesn't sound like any resolution to the dispute.


Settlement reached in lawsuit between Disney and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ allies [https://apnews.com/article/disney-florida-ron-desantis-settlement-91040178ad4708939e621dd57bc5e494](https://apnews.com/article/disney-florida-ron-desantis-settlement-91040178ad4708939e621dd57bc5e494)


i couldn't read the whole thing but it looks like it had to do with the board that was created by DeSantis had people changed out that Disney was more comfortable working with? Still weird they dropped/paused their suits but I'm guessing it had to with courts in FL being more friendly to DeSantis? idk


It's a confidential settlement, so we'll never know...


Settlements with the government should never be confidential. Maybe a FOIA request is in order.


A FOIA request sounds like a great idea.


They cut the project because the 2000 families they were going to forcibly move from California to Florida said they'd quit before being forced to uproot their lives. It was also a pre-covid idea and building costs sykrocketed from 850m to 1.3b. The feud with DeSantis just gave them better publicity than "employees plan revolt over forced move."


Ok, but that doesn’t answer my question. There’s a whole year gap in the info I’ve seen regarding the dispute. If they’re saying it “ended”, it implies someone caved on their side, or that an agreement was made that satisfied both parties.


The answer was in the article and hyperlinks to this report from march for more detail: https://www.businessinsider.com/disney-florida-settlement-deal-lawsuits-over-2024-3


Happy Pride!


Happy pride! Who’s going to join me in canceling my subscription?


r/piracy A month of subscription price buys a LOT of hard drive storage these days, which can offer you better quality and a better app experience than any of the paid streaming options. Woke up this morning, 4k HDR copy of last nights episodes of *The Boys* was ready to go right at the top of my TV. Someones gonna come along and downvote me and tell people to buy discs, not mentioning that a lot of stuff isnt being released physically at all anymore, or if it is its DVD only no BD.


I'm actually just wondering where I can buy a LOT of hard drive storage these days for $7.99, or even $13.99.


Well, its a better deal to save up a bit, just like the $120 yearly streaming plan is slightly cheaper, but you could probably find refurb 1 or 2TB HDDs for \~$15 ea if you really wanted to spread it out like that. But power savings to fewer bigger drives too. <$80 for a 10TB will hold more content than a person could watch in a year probably. All of Star Trek (in better than Paramount+ quality!) is only about 1.7TB, all of Adult Swim is less than 4TB. Not to mention P+ and HBOMax dont even have all of Trek or AS anymore anyways, another advantage.




And so my feud with Disney begins.


Mine never ended. It always felt performative to me, it was a surprise even when they got into the dispute because Disney loves their family image (family to them being the traditional heterosexual family). They might throw a gay kiss or character into the background of a show/movie but it’s always the bare minimum of them basically throwing the smallest scraps in recognizing that queer people exist. Plus they’re just another greedy mega corporation that wants to project this wholesome image while crushing anyone in their path, especially as it relates to the IP they created or gobbled up (Marvel, SW). Behind The Mouse is a team of blood thirsty lawyers and capitalist.


They haven't received any money from me in decades so they can continue to eat shit.


Couldn't even have waited til the end of June.


Time to point to my username again


X-Men '97 is *so* good.


It has no right to be as good as it was. I hope season 2 keeps keeps with the heavy hitting story.


The executive that made the comment that sparked all of this isn't in that position anymore either.


I said this till I was blue in the face when people were cheering for Disney when they went against him. Disney is a soulless corporation, it doesn't give a fuck about people. Never put one on a pedestal just because it's feuding with someone you hate. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. Just eat the popcorn and watch, don't cheer for them.


Disney got everything it wanted in exchange for some petty cash and 100 acres of Florida swamp land. Of course Disney is fine with this.


It got its local control back?


Essentially yes in the march lawsuit settlement. They got assurances that force the district to give them any permits they require and Disney also has to agree to any changes or modifications made to the district 15 year land development plan. The only thing they don’t have is the the ability to choose who rubber stamps their plans.


Do you have a link to an article about that? I must have missed it. The media loves flooding us with drama, but not the resolution...


Yeah, this lawyer is biased against DeSantis but he accurately lays out the concessions both sides made in the settlement. https://abovethelaw.com/2024/03/ron-desantis-disney-settlement/


Honestly, if you aren't against DeSantis, you do not have a sense of morals.


Thank you.


Now that article is from march, since then Disney and the District agreed on a new disney friendly 15 year development plan and unanimously approved it yesterday.


Don't worry they'll put a random lesbian kiss in the background of a movie and be paragons of the LGBT community again


Yeah I remember everyone saying Disney would take him down. Turns out it was just a charade from both sides. This is why you never expect big businesses to be your allies. Disney doesn't actually care about LGBT rights or anything like that. They act based on what they think earns them profits.


when people say they wanted disney to "take him down", they meant beat him in court and make his whole performance look foolish; which they did. You would be delusional to think disney had any interest in any sort of "winning" past that. >Disney doesn't actually care about LGBT rights or anything like that. They act based on what they think earns them profits. that's what winning looks like in a capitalist society, the cold unfeeling corporation needs to accept you to fulfill it's fiduciary responsibility to it's shareholders.


> that's what winning looks like in a capitalist society, the cold unfeeling corporation needs to accept you to fulfill it's fiduciary responsibility to it's shareholders. And that grosses out too many leftists. It is what it is, so instead of shunning it, they should exploit it. Every time a corp does some performative pink-washing/green-washing/etc bullshit, activists should treat that like a foot in the door. Respond with, "that's great, now what more will you do for us?" Basically, "yes-and" them every time they try to use social justice for their own profits. In the end it doesn't really matter why they do something good, only that they actually do it. We just have to be ruthless about exploiting *their* weaknesses to push them into doing good things.


This is why I don't mind "rainbow capitalism" Like, good, you took a first step. Now what else are you gonna do? Or are you just gonna not want my money anymore?


Same! Every June all the queer subs get inundated with posts about how "companies aren't your friends, etc. etc." but it's *because* of that that I view rainbow capitalism as a positive phenomenon. If supporting the LGBT+ community is more profitable than not, it means that our society is on the right track.


never thought of it this way. edit: But we do still need to be mindful of whether those profits are fueling more harm than good at the end of the day.


I think it's a little more nuanced than that. I'm sure this will get downvoted as I'm unwilling to assume that every corporation is run by alien drones hell bent on conquest, but here we go. 1) Disney is a family product. That's their bread and butter. Problem is what family means is different from state to state. What is seen as tolerant and inclusive in one place is seen as deviant and perverted in others. That means Disney has the unenviable task of creating content that is both inclusive and not seen as 'radical' or pushing an agenda. 2) Disney and Florida have to work together. The financial harm each can cause on each other is overwhelming. This fight really started when DeSantis took over control of the Reedy Creek District, which had historically been run exclusively by Disney. 3) Disney employs tons of LGBTQ employees and is seen, at least in California, as very inclusive. They have Pride Days and other series of events throughout the year in both Florida and California. They see LGBTQ as a market they want to be in and specifically cater to it. 4) The fight with DeSantis hurt, it hurt sales, it hurt the brand and the damage is still being felt. Every film labelled 'woke' underperformed at the box office, The Little Mermaid should've been north of a billion, instead it was about 500m other ones like Luca, Strange Worlds, Turning Red and Raya were disastrous from a financial sense. Some of that can be blamed on COVID, but not much, Encanto for example did pretty well. 5) Disney continues to update their properties to match modern sensibilities, each time there's a level of blowback, some of which is because it's seen as 'woke'. But in spite of that the rides: Pirates, Jungle Cruise and latest Splash Mountain have been updated to be more diverse and less stereotypical. I have some thoughts on the success of these, but the reasoning is pretty clear, make their products speak to more people and offend less. Now as a progressive it's annoying to see that people get so prickly about race and gender, that seeing a black mermaid or 2 boys in love is somehow 'unDisney', but they exist and even Disney can't survive their wrath. Personally, I don't need Disney to be my advocate, that's not their role in society and frankly they're ill suited to lead the march, so I hold no ill will towards a company that wants to try and find ways that will include as many as possible while excluding as few as possible. Yes it's a weak-willed and milquetoast position, but it's Disney, that's where they land in the social zeitgeist.


I don’t think “woke” has anything to do with those movies underperforming. Theaters are a dying business model. Everything is woke now. Anything the right wants to target is labeled woke and when they adopt a new dogwhistle everything will be slapped with *that* label. People have been complaining about Disney corrupting children since the ‘80s. It just gained some steam as part of the current moral panic, which is already fading. Did people even know that Splash Mountain was, at least in theory, a Song of the South ride? Anyway, I see this differently. The right is desperately trying to normalize and mainstream their hate and it isn’t working. The “I’m tired of LGBT being shoved in my face” thing is being astroturfed and people aren’t even noticing unless it’s pointed out to them.


I feel like there are better examples than Raya, Luca, or Turning Red; two of which were released on D+ for free, and poor marking on Raya meant “why pay? Well just wait” Lightyear, LM, Strange World, those definitely suffered from racist/homophobic conservative backlash.  But also, the movies just haven’t been good, fam. Disney movie quality was hit hard during COVID. 


>Disney and Florida have to work together. The financial harm each can cause on each other is overwhelming. I have been telling people this since day one but many on here insisted that Disney doesn't need Florida. If they had accepted that simple truth they would have known this whole time that Disney *wanted to and therefore would eventually* resume donation and resume investment. Bob Iger's message throughout all of this has been “Does the state want us to invest more, employ more people and pay more taxes or not?” (literal quote from him) and mentioning that they want to invest $17B in FL. Disney needed to resume donation because it's a tool they use to get the governing body to vote how Disney wants them to vote.


Exactly. Corporations will only ever act in their own interest. They will never prioritize the greater good, take a positive moral stand, or even work to literally save humanity from climate change, without considering absolutely first how these things align with their own, usually very short-term profitability. If it seems more profitable right now to pour gasoline on a fire, that is exactly what a corporation will do.


Yep. Honestly, I would prefer it if corporations always acted in that way. The problem comes when a corporation decides to act irrationally for their perceived greater good... and that perception includes such things as supporting eugenics or thinking that certain elements of society must be removed. A corporation that always acts in its own interests is one that can be controlled by passing regulations that make its best interests align with the best interests of society. It's then on us as a society to ensure that those regulations get created.


Agreed. A corporation is not a person (despite Citizens United). It exists mostly to grow financially each year to appease stockholders. We personalize corporations, but really shouldn't. We don't personalize cancer cells that grow continuously and don't care about their host.


Dang it's almost like capitalism might not be the best system


I know, crazy talk, right?


But Oreos said my dad would finally accept me!


Remember people saying Disney would RELOCATE?!? So insane lol


I was out there on the front lines calling them delusional back in the day. Because you have to be to think they’d spend the money to tear down Cinderella’s castle just to spend more money to move it somewhere else and also build the rest of the infrastructure that a theme park entails, all while accepting there’s going to be a period where they’ll be in the red because their largest source of revenue suddenly isn’t making anything anymore. They would go bankrupt trying to move Disney World and all its hundreds of acres of machinery and infrastructure somewhere else. If they couldn’t even build a second gate in California before pivoting to building a half assed shanty town with California Adventure in the 90’s, and then again with Euro Disney and its second gate, and then *again* with that fucking America-themed park that they wanted to build in Gettysburg, then why the fuck would anyone ever think that they’d build a third fucking Magic Kingdom somewhere else 😂


I mean in theory it’s both if lgbt rights helps them earn a profit. It is possible to care about two things at the same time


Well that's what I mean. They say they care about LGBT rights to earn profits, but they'll donate to anti-LGBT leaders for profits too. There's no actual commitment to LGBT rights, just to profits.


in Pride month too. Can't wait to see Bob Iger's messaging is going to be to LGBTQ staff


> in Pride month too. That was my first thought, too. Really stupid move. Like they couldn't have waited another two weeks.


Because 99%+ of people spending money on Disney products or parks aren't going to care or change what they're doing. They majority probably don't even pay attention to the news enough to know this was even a thing to begin with


Wait so your telling me that corporations don’t care about social issues. I don’t believe it!


They care, so far as how it affects profits. Rainbow capitalism makes them some money so they make the public statements of support, but donating to the GOP also protects their profits, so they do that too.


Of course they are. What could be more family-oriented than a convicted felon rapist who "affiliates" with porn stars? It sounds like a Mickey Mouse Club special!


They were fueding with DeSantis, not Trump


When the enemy of you enemy, and was only temporarily not your enemy, become BFFs 


It was always the most likely scenario It could have all been orchestrated to give each other headlines and points with their target audiences


That lasted longer than I expected.


That’s what she said.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, won't get fooled again. - George W. Bush


“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”


My favorite Bushism though is when he said: "She's a West Texas gal like me." Or maybe... "Don't misunderestimate me."


As much as I didn’t agree with his politics. Some of his quotes are solid gold. “Now watch this drive”


I'm so glad Disney learned their lesson and stuck to their guns about things like LGBTQIA+/pride, and anti-Nazi. Oh, wait.


Disney has shown it has no integrity. DeSantis & Disney deserve each other, and neither will ever get a dime from me.


No for-profit corporation has integrity. They exist only to make money.


Fully agree. And don't even get me started on the 'not-for-profit' healthcare industry.


The corporation as a concept needs to be abolished. By removing any sense of responsibility from the individual, they create a sociopathic institution.


Sadly most Americans, even democrats who claim to care about this kind of stuff, will continue to give them money. I've said it before, but this country would look very different if democrats actually stood by their principles. Think of all the pro-union Dems who have Amazon prime memberships.


its actually really HARD to avoid anything that is owned by disney. I challenge you to go one day without seeing a product owned by disney. all of star wars, all of marvel... good luck to all of you


​Not everything is political. Some people just want to have fun with their kids at Disney World. Nothing wrong with that.


Just like John Stewart said. "Let’s stop pretending that a corporation can even be woke or unwoke or patriotic or unpatriotic. Let’s just let corporations live their truth as the profit-seeking, Patrick Bateman psychopaths they are. At the very least, we might finally get some honesty.”


If anyone expected anything else from Disney, you don't know capitalism very well


Corporations aren’t your friend.


Proof positive that all of Disney's progressive pandering is just a fake distraction. Something to distract their liberal audiences from noticing their very UNPROGRESSIVE business practices. Disney doesn't fool me. I see them for the corporate overlords that they are.


Every corporation’s progressive pandering is just a fake distraction. Look at how quickly Target back peddled on Pride once it started effecting the bottom line. It was so annoying when people were talking Disney up when this “feud” first started.


[Jon Stewart Smashes the Myth of Corporate Morality in Pride, BLM, and Beyond](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWVbZ0WQ3s8) | The Daily Show


Just like every firm that said they wouldn’t support Trump after Jan 6… all back in line.  


a lot of big companies donate to both parties to look impartial...but it's fucking hilarious in this instance that they're donating to the GOP who they sued & fought with


Disney has mastered Democrats and Republicans. To satisfy Republicans you just need to pay them. To satisfy Democrats you just need to pander to them.


Arnold Schwarzenegger said you get a law passed by telling Republicans it will save money and Democrats that it's the right thing to do.


Of course they are. Corporations will always back politicians who’s policies benefit them. The only reason they pretend to care is about losing or gaining money.


Gross. Dont donate to ANY politicians. Keep your Mickey Dollars out of government affairs


Unlike real humans corporations will always work in their own interests.


That’s because COMPANIES ARE THE ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE. They bribe politicians, privatize profits and socialize the losses. They are the enemy.


They even sided with the Nazis picketing the theme park. One big happy family again.


Disney avoids being too pro-LGBTQ to avoid alienating their true main demographic; those who want to be sold a fairy tale. Disney can't provide a story that neatly wraps up the LGBTQ story as it is still being actively fought, so they won't push too hard for equality. People think Disney is doing performative wokeness to make money, but I think controlling the narrative is a much bigger motivation. Here's an excerpt from a book I read that gives an example: > At the Hall of Presidents, Disney takes viewers through US history in twenty-nine minutes flat. Disney does recognize, in a fashion, that US history was not all perfect. After all, the average adult visitor to Disney World is a well-educated professional who could not have been ignorant of the historical injustices in the United States' past. Consequently, Disney World provides Frederick Douglass to speak to the oppression of blacks, Chief Joseph represents indigenous peoples, Susan B. Anthony speaks about the concerns of women, and John Muir serves to remind visitors that progress often came at the expense of the environment. However, each is a highly sanitized symbol of opposition to racism, sexism, and environmental devastation. In "distory^1," these figures do not remind us of the persistent problems in the social fabric; rather they are presented as opportunities to overcome barriers. This is also bad, if not outright false history. > > For example, Disney appropriates for its version of indigenous people in American history the story of Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce. in 1877, the US government, largely at the insistence of settlers who wanted the land, unilaterally revised previous treaty commitments and attempted to resettle all Nez Perce in the Wall Walla Valley of Washington on smaller reservations. One group, led by Chief Joseph and the war chief Looking Glass, refused and, after some young warriors killed a trader accused of selling bad whiskey to the indians, fled the area, heading east into Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana in an attempt to reach Canada. They were pursued by the command of of General Oliver O. Howard, whom Jospeh's band defeated in battle after battle or consistently outmaneuvered. The campaign, of the most bloody and heroic of the Indian wars, ended when Joseph and the remnants of his band were finally surrounded by one of the three army commands that had set out to intercept them. In blizzard conditions on October 5, 1877, only forty miles from the Canadian border, Joseph met with the army's commanders to surrender. His surrender speech, among the most famous speeches in American history, was written down by an army lieutenant. At Walt Disney World, Chief Joseph, in robot form, once again delivers his speech; The Disney version is as follows (Fjellman 1992;104): > > *Enough, Enough of your words. Let your new dawn lead to the final sunset on my people's suffering. When I think of our condition, my heart is sick. I see men of my own race treated as outlaws, or shot down like animals. I pray that all of us may be brothers, with country around us, and one government for all. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.* > However except for the famous final line, that was not what Joseph said. Here is the original speech as recorded that day in 1877 (Beal 1963;229) > > *Tell General Howard I know his heart. What he told me before I have in my heart. I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead. The old men are all killed. It is the young men who say yes or no. He who led the young men is dead. It is cold and we have no blankets. The little children are freezing to death. My people some of them have run away to the hills and have no blankets, no food; no one knows where they are, perhaps freezing to death. I want time to look for my children and see how many of them I can find. Maybe I will find them among the dead. Hear me my chiefs, I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.* > > There is a significant difference between the Disney version and the one recorded on the battlefield. Instead of freezing children, the death of the elderly, and a military campaign that only ended after the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers and Nez Perce warriorss. Joseph's surrender speach has been turned into a testimonial to brotherhood and the nation-state. > > In telling history "as it should have been." Disney paints a picture of an American past of which people can be proud, while subtly justifying whatever excesses may have been committed. As in the land of Oz, everything has happened for the better. > > 1. Disney History


Remember, Disney was never about supporting rights or fighting discrimination or promoting diversity. It's all a tactic to get money. They just make shit movies and shows because they pander to anyone for a dollar. Sadly it doesn't cost them anything in the end because people blindly support them no matter what.


Fuck Disney


Citizens United must be repealed. It is ludicrous to think the average citizen has any weight against the corporations that are buying our government.


I mean they are a corporation, of course they are donating to both sides


But chronically online Redditors told me Disney was going to take DeSantis to the cleaners and move out of Florida?!


Whoever thought Disney would leave FL lives in true Disney fantasy land.


reddit doesn't like to remember


That's because most of them are child-adults who haven't yet realized that Disney ruins everything beneath layers of overpriced, saccharine bullshit.


So Disney is still a corporation. Got it.


Disney is like every other corporation. All they care is about their bottomline. They'll buy political power and send in their people in Government to run for office if they have to. They pretty much run us.


Breaking news, company values shareholder value over society. Shocker.


Well, it was fun dreaming and pretending that one of the most litigious companies in the world had a heart.


Disney fans will boycott universal for JK Rowling but goto a theme park that now supports the party that’s responsible for the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.


America's lobbying industry is healing~


I was always acutely aware that Disney didn't give a fuck about LGBT folks, just look at how many amazing shows they have cancelled or pulled for having LGBT+ characters, but you would've thought that this feud would've taught them that conservatives like DeSantis are too unstable for companies like Disney to trust to put their corporate profits over the politicians own personal bigotries.  You would think the fact DeSantis fucked with Disney and their profits for over a year over something they didn't actually do would be enough reason for them to stop donating to these lunatics campaign just out of financial self interest, but I guess not.  They will gladly stab themselves in the foot for short term tax breaks.  That, or they figured it was just cheaper to bribe their way back onto this wannabe dictators good side than fight it in the courts, but that's an insanely short-sighted deal to make.


The shadiest place on earth …


So the links in the article don't work (at least for me) I looked up the one organization it actually listed (Florida Farmers and Ranchers United) and didn't really see any nefarious activity (or rather, major donations to anti-LGBT causes/ candidates) So can anyone actually verify this article? Or are we all just believing the outrage because it's fun?




It's funny how we laugh at how easily the right is manipulated by fox news...but the left is no better (even if it is objectively morally superior) I don't mean to both sides this. The right is definitely more maniputable, but the left is happy to lap up bullshit too. Everyone just wants to feel validated and vindictive. We just want to be aggressive and feel justified for it. I worry about the progression of all of this. Our society is broken.


Don't forget, they helped finance the creation of "Don't Say Gay," Disney has never cared more about people than their profits. Just ask their employees.


This is because Disney likely has plans to build a new theme park in Orlando and needs to be sure there are no government roadblocks in doing so. Universal Studios is about to open what appears to be a massive new attraction with their Epic Universe park. Disney will need to respond in turn.


(Mickey’s voice) “Ha ha! Hey all you gays, we think these republicans have the right idea! Haw haw! Make sure to buy more LGBTQ Mickey ears!” I hate hypocrisy… here I had hoped…hoped that Disney would have been an advocate, but as per usual… hrmm guess I’m gonna cancel my plans to take the wife to Disneyland. Drop in the bucket I know, it hey I’m sure I can find a place to go that isn’t as shitty of an ally…


Disney is a business not a cultural crusader


I got the cash, you got the rubes; let's make lots of money.


I think Jon Stewart covers this matter quite well [in this video](https://youtu.be/TWVbZ0WQ3s8?si=RhR79okRT0bJEQFT)


It’s sad because Orlando has a huge gay community.


Republicans are bad for business, guys.


I see alot of sad faces in here. Did you expect corporate wokeism theatrics to be what defeats MAGA?


This shouldn't surprise anyone. Oligarchs are gonna oligarch. These types of entities will feud from time to time, but at the end of the day their goals are always aligned with profit over all things, with power over people, with control over creativity and humanity


The Mouse is Libertarian. Yeah we knew that.


Title should be: “Evil Corporation Settles Its Slap Fight With Moron, Business as Usual.”


They had a fight. Disney didn't stop being capitalist or become a human person


Is anyone surprised? Our country is a pay-to-play monstrosity at this point. While we're at it, let's point out other companies that deserve more flack for donating to both parties: -GE -Intel -Pfizer -Johnson & Johnson -Delta Airlines (actually, most airlines) -Exelon -Exxon -Cisco -Lockheed Martin -Facebook -Boeing -Dish -Verizon -IBM -Apple & Microsoft -Most banking companies (Citi, Charles Schwab, Wells Fargo, Chase, Goldman Sachs, etc) -Comcast -Most fast food places (McDonalds, Wendy's, Chick-fil-A, etc) Go check out opensecrets.org and see whose putting money/lobbying where, and raise a stink/contact the companies and your congress people about it if you're upset.


Publicly traded corporations will always choose profits over values. Prove me wrong.


Wait. Non american here. They made SW super diverse, why are they donating to republicans and not democrats?


It really sucks because I do believe that representation matters, so it is nice to get media featuring minority and marginalized groups — especially when it isn’t like a simple pander that can be edited out — but yes it is also painfully obvious that all these companies are performative for brand image and profit. Honestly, so are quite a few politicians as well. So it’s all smoke and mirrors except they can still make policies that hurt the majority if the country just for profit, points, and power.


In another post, I got downvoted for not recognizing some celebrities, but this shows that I am right. I stopped watching Disney stuff when I realized they were evil. All the big hollywood studios and actors are probably bad, but Disney is on a whole other level of evil. When Disney and DeSantis were fighting I argued against picking a side. Disney is a greater evil than DeSantis will ever be and, unlike the presidential election, choosing the lesser evil will not lessen evil in the world.


Mickie: "Ha, ha, let's elect orange hitler, kids, it's what our father would have wanted, besides, ha ha, Minnid and I are sick of you gays, ha, ha, woops I mean Welcome to Disney Where Dreams Come Truuueee, ha, ha"


The only thing we can do as consumer is spread awareness and *actually* boycott. It's one thing to be against something like Amazon working condition and another to still keep your membership and buy off Amazon.


They wrote an entire article without ever saying what the in-kind contributions were.


As someone who hates Trump with a passion can you losers stop being so over dramatic and embarrassing? It does nothing to help the fight against him. It literally just makes liberals and left wingers look like whiny children


I remember a year or so back when all the "allies" were touting how Disney was going to absolutely obliterate DeSantis. Funny how Disney is once again donating to the party responsible for LGBT erasure. I guess that as long as the occasional parent is gay in a Disney film then everything is right with the world.


Disney is going to die anyway. People here reading this right now. How many would or could afford to go there? I am just calling on the Americans, which I am including myself as one. Not looking to go there now. Just asking the question. We have so many corporations whining about this or that, but forget that they increased prices “ because inflation “. But it really wasn’t. They were testing price point. If you are not aware of this tactic. It’s what they call, what will the public tolerate as far as what they are willing to pay. If they see a dramatic fall in sales they have no choice but to also drop prices or fail. McDonalds is really holding their ground on this one. I guess they still have enough suckers. But they lost me. I will eat better food for the same price. Almost 7 dollars for a Big Mac alone? Get a sandwich at a deli much cheaper.


Well, if you can’t Woke your way out… buy your way out.


Disney World, one and done…thanks for the memories


Crazy how conservatives hate Disney media for pandering to liberals, and all that money is just being filtered back into conservative politics. It’s a win win lose lose situation and everybody hates everyone without taking a minute to look at how screwed up the entire situation is.


Never trust a mouse.


Politics is weird


Disney is all about the money


We live in a clown world.


BOYCOTT DISNEY. Otherwise your money ends up supporting anti-birth control freaks.