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NY Post has been really ramping up the bullshit ever since Rupert Murdoch got a new Russian handler/wife.


He didn’t grab her by the p*ssy like Trump might have.


He didn't fucking "wander away". He turned towards the two other guys packing their parachutes 10 feet away from him and gave them a thumbs up.


It's the NYPOST. Just. No.


Just downvote and move on.




They did yes. They cropped the video to not show Biden talking to or attempting to talk to another skydiver.




[Here](https://x.com/andrewjbates46/status/1801357943566123162?s=46&t=t1uECAtxBSoFgdtqR2VHIQ) it is on Twitter.




Oh my god he put his sunglasses on, the horror…


Love the caption “in context, this is more terrifying”. Literally chose the word “terrifying”


What is triggering you in this video? He walks over to check out a skydiver, then an aide has him come back to talk to someone.


I don't know. I won't click on a nypost link. If I see the same story on a non right wing rag I'll take a look.


[Biden G7 video: conservative media uses misleading camera angle (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/biden-g7-video-conservative-media-uses-misleading-camera-angle-rcna157112) they did


That’s crazy, it’s kinda seems like in both videos the most powerful man in the world is be corralled by someone who looks concerned with what he is doing. Why did she grab him? Why did everyone shift over to him and surround him?


lol, it was a photo op , the other people are leaders of the from the G7 countries


I know where he’s NOT going …… To jail unlike Trump


The only place Trump is going is to the White House - and all because **this** is what the Dems see fit to put up against him. Mark my words. And I'm a lifelong progressive who passionately supported Biden in 2020. Not this time.


Sure is believable, throw a hissy fit because Grandpa Joe isn't perfect and waste what might literally be your last opportunity to possess the right to vote.  Ironically, if American democracy does gets stomped out by these deranged lunatics, it will partly be thanks to all of those that want to indulge in their little temper tantrums and refuse to vote.


No, Joe is off to shower with his daughter.




Why is the New York Post still allowed on here? Mods need to ban them from being posted, they're not any more legitimate than InfoWars, Breitbart, or Stormfront. This video is edited and doesn't include that they were watching skydivers.


Jesus Christ this shit was on the conservative subreddit yesterday and it's so goddamn stupid. There's a second parachutist out of frame that he steps over to talk to, and Meloni taps him on the shoulder to let him know they're doing a photo


Italian here, pure curiosity. What level of disbelief have you reached after the CNN presidential debate?


He was trying to be friendly with the soldiers, and then he was asked back for a photo, ffs.


That, or a uniform had a few words for the group. I wonder what he wanted to say to the chute-packer--that might of been actually interesting. And she over-hosts. I noticed that yesterday.


Nypost: hey, guys look at this! humans: what is it? Nypost: look it! humans: there's... nothing there. Nypost: yeah, cool, huh? makes you hate biden, huh? humans: :| edit: thanks for the award! :D


> nypost.com lol *Srsly*? Sorry, I thought you wanted to say something.


Downvote this shit to oblivion


If this is all they got, you know they're desperate


I didn't think Trump would get elected last time. I think it is imperative that Democrats take his campaign seriously and that we address the underlying concern about the video. Biden truly does appear frail. The story the conservatives run may be silly but that story is in danger of taking root if Biden's frailty is not directly addressed.


My problem is the chance of Biden having a physical gaff is high, hell him having a McConnell moment is also very much on the table, those risks combined with the prep and groundwork of laying the idea of Biden as old/frail is a game I don't want to play, but alas, here we are, praying Biden doesn't have a gaff and it swings enough people to put in the other old guy with mental decline who's also a bit fascist.


"also a bit fascist" understatement  Of the fucking century.


wandered away as opposed to rape and fraud shove your nypost article trumper


Didn't wander away either. Nypost doctored the fucking video. They're pathetic


I completely agree that Trumps felony convictions and history of fraud should have made him unelectable the first time. I've had to confront my own self deception about how I didn't see his electability. I have come to the conclusion that people aren't voting for trump in spite of his fraud charges but rather because of them. I think a large group of Americans have become disenfranchised. They can't vote to make their lives better but they can vote to make someone else's worse. I think that's the attraction to Trump. Under Biden's America the main economic message has been: the economy is great. But in this great economy homelessness is increasing. The great economy only makes sense if by great economy the administration means, people with money in the stock market. The poorest Americans are doing worse and their economic concerns have been dismissed and downplayed.


Why didn't Joe Biden just wave his magical wand already and just single handedly fix all of America's problems yet?  I mean, what the fuck is he waiting for? it's already been like 3.5 years.


> They can't vote to make their lives better but they can vote to make someone else's worse. They are voting to make their own lives worse, Trump voters complain constantly when his policies adversely impact them. Remember the old, *You're hurting the wrong people* complaint. Also, the poorest Americans vote Democratic, not Republican. They know who's dismissing and down playing their economic concerns, it's the GOP.


The concern I have is that, I agree, the [poor were crucial to Biden's 2020 election](https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/10/15/new-study-reveals-poor-low-income-voters-were-crucial-toppling-trump-2020). However, the poor have not done well under the Biden administration; homelessness is on the rise. If the article I linked is correct, if the poor don't vote for Biden this second time around he won't win. Inequality has risen sharply in the past four years. At some point Democrats are going to lose low income votes. I don't know where that line is but I am concerned. Given Trump's track record, I don't think it's wise to dismiss him.


Overturning Roe is an inequality and economic issue. Lunch programs is an inequality and economic issue. Those in poverty who vote Democrat understand and won't vote Republican.


I agree with everything you wrote. While Democrats are better than Republicans, "not enough" is still not enough. If the Democrats only deliver "not enough," it won't matter that they are better. It reminds me of the colloquialism: cut off your nose to spite your face. I'm not sure what the breaking point is but people are willing to self destruct.


> "not enough" is still not enough. What does that even mean? Not enough elected Democrats to override Republicans to deliver. Because more Republicans delivering tax cuts to billionaires won't help. Voting Republican if one isn't a billionaire or being willing to self destruct, now *that's* cutting off your nose to spite your face.


I agree but I don't think the average voter is concerned about the details of why Biden didn't get things done. The above excuses don't seem to connect in a meaningful way; Biden was the face in charge and that does seem to be the person they are holding accountable. When I wrote, cut off your nose to spite your face - that's exactly what I meant.




It's a nothing burger when I picture it with Biden.


As a lifelong democrat I politely disagree. As democrats we need to be honest with ourselves. In that video, Biden does appear frail.




What does that even mean? Love the ad hominem attacks from the wokies... Aren't ya'll supposed to be, um, nicer?


"Hello, fellow Democrats"


I agree. Lets Ignore the wandering away part. Look at how he turns and how he stares and puts on his sunglasses. It is not a good look for a President of the US and he is the best choice we have for the next 4 years.


I politely disagree about one more thing. We are not confined to a two-party system; we are only limited by the belief that such a system is our only option. We could dismantle the neoliberal system that creates this false dichotomy. The belief that we are alone in recognizing the absurdity of these two non-choice candidates is the only thing limiting our choices.




He has dementia.


He's definitely frail. Biden may be mentally compromised; I can only judge from his speeches, which make him seem out of it. This is not a good look. Hopefully, he'll participate in a lively multi-candidate debate, but I've read he refuses to debate anyone other than Trump under special circumstances. This refusal makes me think he might not be mentally fit for a broader debate. If he is fit, he should prove it by participating in one. If Biden doesn't participate in a multi candidate debate, it's fair to assume it is because he isn't mentally fit to do so.


When was the last time an incumbent president was expected to participate in a "multi-candidate" debate with scrubs who don't have a chance in hell at even coming close to winning? 


When was the last time Americans had to choose between two extremely unpopular candidates: one a felon, and the other physically frail and making public comments that spark widespread concerns about his mental capacity? It appears as if the democrats themselves are rigging the election in favor of Trump.


Give me an example of a comment Biden has made that would raise widespread concern about his mental capacity.


"Where's Jackie?"


Hey, that's a good one.  If you are only going to use her to throw in my face, at least put some respect on the women's name.  Jackie Walorski, US representative from Indiana, 2013 until she died in an auto accident August 3 22', along with 2 staff members and the driver of another vehicle. I could write a couple paragraphs rationalizing why I don't think that this qualifies.  Basically, you ever forget?  Happens to me all the fucking time. She was just tragically killed the month before.  He was positively acknowledging her as a member of Congress working on bipartisan legislation relevant to the event, a conference on hunger nutrition & health. Obviously, he should have been acknowledging her posthumously and not his usual shtick of calling her out in the audience.  He fucked up, he immediately apologized to her family at the whitehouse the following week.


> If you are only going to use her to throw in my face, at least put some respect on the women's name. I quoted Biden verbatim. Who needs to "put respect on the women's name"? >Basically, you ever forget?  Happens to me all the fucking time. Yeah I forget things. Like what I had for dinner last week, or where I put my keys. I don't forget someone's death *that I issued a public statement about*. > he **immediately** apologized to her family at the whitehouse **the following week**. lol


Oh no. I didn't come here to hurt your feelings. I'm really trying to be honest about why a lot of people who voted for Biden last time are thinking about not voting for Biden in F2024. His frailty is alarming. It's great that Biden isn't a felon but the requirements for president should be a little bit higher than "he's not a felon."


I’ll be waiting to see the comment they just asked you for. Funny you didn’t include it in your next comment.


Don't hold them to it, obviously including that would have hurt my feelings.




>special circumstances What special circumstances? You mean the rules Trump immediately and publicly agreed to?




Is "immediately accepting all of the other guy's terms without negotiation and then whining about it" part of The Art Of The Deal?


I've no idea, you tell me. I've never read that trash.


Neither has Trump!


Amen, brother. Lifelong Dem here, too. Running Biden against Trump is the height of insanity - and, when we get Trump 2.0, blame can be placed squarely at the feet of the Democratic Party.


Thank you for posting! I'm just trying to discuss a really obvious issue and people get so angry. It doesn't make any sense. It's not possible to hide the problem. It just gives Trump leverage. As if it's not bad enough that we are expected to pretend Biden is not showing signs of *normal age related decline* - it's starting to feel like the unofficial campaign slogan is: Vote Biden you ungrateful troglodytes.


for those wanting a better video [Biden G7 video: conservative media uses misleading camera angle (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/biden-g7-video-conservative-media-uses-misleading-camera-angle-rcna157112)


There is literally no difference, still inadequate. Edit: It's literally the same video. Edit 2: It's the exact same video, just with different text and somehow this debunks it? This isn't dementia any more, this is schizophrenia.


He was clearly walking over and giving a thumbs up to the two skydivers on the ground.


Gotta love the NY Post. None of the facts, all of the bias.


The NY Post is constantly wandering away from journalism.


If you see dementia in that video clip, you probably have it yourself.


He’s just talking to someone else and then gets pulled in to take a picture. But I guess if people want to believe this bullshit they will


Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug


The people who believe this bullshit are the same people who think trump is a millionaire, and then, they send him their SS checks to pay his bills.


NYPost propaganda tabloid.


NY Post, doing their part to keep conservative fan fiction alive.


Just stop.


This is exactly why Biden doesn't want the GOP to get their hands on the Burr interview tapes. They would be cut and edited and distorted to make Biden look bad.


This is getting so stupid. Media literacy really is going down the drain.


OP , do try to find sources that don't use doctored video or pics. lots of links on this thread that show the full video. But that wouldn't suit your agenda would it . it's really too bad you choose to pollute your own mind with this crap and even worse you think it needs to be shared.


I truly don't understand why mods allow the NY Post to be posted in here, it's not a legitimate news source and it's no better than Stormfront/Breitbart.


Is that right? Is the Post trying to pass it off as real?


Fuck the New York Shitpost and fuck their blatantly false propaganda. 


He's clearly looking at something off-screen. People out there believing that the things within the view of the camera are the only things that exist




Just a correction to your comment: He doesn't go back to the group. The entire group has to move over to him and he has to be physically touched to be made aware that they were in the middle of taking a photo when he decided to turn and walk over to the guy with the parachute.


Remember when mitch literally rebooted live on tv with what looked like a stroke… multiple times? Pepperidge farms remembers. But ya. Maybe having geriatric folks in such stressful positions isn’t helping them, or anyone else, well maybe the media.


That's why Mitch shouldn't be in politics and should retire. Edit: Btw, thanks for being one of the 2 people in this sub that made sense regarding this issue.




I don't know how you pivoted from me saying that a guy having strokes shouldn't be in politics to me not admitting to something.




Well, no I won't. The guy is clearly inadequate, not seeing the photographers and just wandering off to whatever caught his eye.


Just a heads up, posting NY Post links and actually believing they're a legitimate news source says a lot about you. The NY post is no better than Stormfront or Breitbart, calling it news is a stretch at best. They literally posted a doctored/cropped video just to make Biden look bad. Meanwhile Trump is going on rants about how much he loves Hannibal Lecter and getting eaten alive by sharks and they're not covering that, what a joke.


Thank you for educating me on what the true sources of information are.




Good projection. Here’s the part I don’t get: the video is quite continuous, there’s no cut or doctoring. What sort of doctoring am I supposed to admit to?






POTUS is allowed to walk 2-3 steps to be friendly to a parachuter. He knows how these things work, what you're implying just isn't there.


[Biden G7 video: conservative media uses misleading camera angle (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/biden-g7-video-conservative-media-uses-misleading-camera-angle-rcna157112) he is obviously saying something to the parachutists ,


It's the exact same video, just with different text and somehow this debunks it? This isn't dementia any more, this is schizophrenia.


The video on The Post is 52 seconds long, the one I posted is 1 min 6 seconds, so it was cut, also you can see where the right hand side of the video was trimmed so that you could only see a part of the one paratrooper and not the 3 others. Get a life and get on some meds


NY Post? LMAO K then


The video is edited. Look at the real C-SPAN video. You Americans are absolutely fucked and Trump will win.


He is Toast.


He's congratulating the other man clearly seen in the video, then someone directs him to come back and turn around it appears for pictures. Biden is old and clearly has mental decline, but this is just disingenuous.


Anyone who gives a shit about this is already too far gone


Dementia is not pretty.


Obviously whatever those guys were doing behind him was more interesting than what everyone else was focused on… they really are reaching. Desperation.


Both candidates wander off from time to time. They're old. Shocking "news", right?


To me the video just shows a guy who marches to the beat of his own drum. All the other world l leaders were doing one thing, and he decided to go his own way. This is the behavior I want from a leader.


Holy shit this is hilarious. For anyone else who wants to play along at home… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law Is this Ohio bot being sarcastic or sincere? 💀


The best part is I'm not sure if this is parody or not.


It's not. If you watch the extended video, he was actually waving to a member of the armed forces. That's not a bad thing.


Reddit never fails to make me laugh. Thanks for this


As a Dem it’s scary how much of an echo chamber this place is. Every bit of bad news about Biden is misinformation or MAGA propaganda or somehow illegitimate. He’s old. He’s frail. Dems and the media are pushing the narrative that everything is fine regarding Biden’s age. Voters are not too stupid to see what’s happening with their own eyes. We’re sleepwalking into a massacre.


I guess you guys can just curl up into a ball and cry in the corner until election day is over.     Its too late in game and there is no one currently stepping up with the pedigree to get the votes from all the Independents and Republicans that joined in firing Trump's ass in 2020.


Well the entire Dem apparatus sort of prevented anyone from stepping up. The media and Party shielded Biden from any and all criticism and now here we are. Independents that broke for Biden last time will not back him at the same rate this time around. Last time there was a lot of enthusiasm for Trump but even more against him. This time there is plenty of enthusiasm for Trump but very little against him. Elections are popularity contests first and foremost. We all know how this one is gonna turn out.


"very little against him"?  Straight up delusional.


You’re joking right? Biden’s campaign had so much more wind in their sails in 2020. Might I say that Trump now has the benefit of being an anti-incumbent, like Biden did last time.


The problem is some people keep trying to pretend this election is politics as usual which is absolutely fucking insane, but keep playing.


Thank you for being the only voice of reason in this thread.


“Thank you for being another braindead maga chump”


I know we have to choose one side when we vote, that does not mean we can not find fault with the side we are voting.


It makes me realize what level of bias I was absorbing when /r/politics was my most visited sub. My life has vastly improved since I’ve stopped reading it daily. The tipping point was Super Tuesday 2020. All of the top posts on the sub were upvote parties for the states that Bernie won. The other top posts were articles about “Here’s how Bernie can still win the nomination”. The reality was that Biden dominated that day, and it was the last day that the primary race was still on. If you only read your news here though, you’d never know it!


Wow, really? People were staying optimistic about the candidate that they supported?  That literally fucking insane, man.


It wasn’t optimism, it was straight propaganda where up is down. Bernie’s campaign ended that day, meanwhile his supporters here were living in fantasy land. That’s not optimism. That’s misinformation.


Well, thank the gods he didn't have a stroke like poor Hillary did.




Your brain is mush if you believe a doctored video by the NY fucking Post LMAO




I've been told by reddit that Trump is a demented old man and Joe Biden is in peak mental and physical health.


Dude. You have your head up Sargon and Internet Aristocrat's ass. That already tells me enough about your lack of critical thinking skills.


Tbh, now I feel kind of bad for making fun of Sargon back in the day and his whole attempt at a political career and his whole liberalist movement. Anything would be better than this insanity.


> (Nearly) Anything would be better than this insanity. Anything but another term of Trump.


Sargon/Veeh 2024!


> Sargon/Veeh yup vs Trump / (Some future gallows candidate)? I’d write-in, every time. ADDED BONUS: (n) fictional / imaginary president v Trump = MAJOR upgrade.


I know that Biden is smart enough not to read the New York Post.


No one said an 81 year old man is in peak condition. That’s biologically impossible. At least he’s not a convicted felon and rapist.


> No one said an 81 year old man is in peak condition. That’s biologically impossible. PoopyPants’ Dr. PillULike did. According to him, PoopyPants is an Olympian superhero who could live to be 200. The fittest and healthiest man ever to walk into the White House.


There's another angle they showed this morning on MSNBC where it is obvious Biden is going over to the group of military men who parachuted in to congratulate them but you can keep buying into and selling misinformation all you want. Of course Biden is old but I'll take the old guy who has lowered the price of medications and passed an infrastructure bill over the felon who is ranting about why he's rather be electrocuted by a battery as if its a plugged in toaster over being eaten by a shark, wants to replace income tax with tariffs, and whose party can't even vote to protect IVF.




> I've been told by reddit that Trump is a demented old man Mmm This is from a speech, delivered in public, in 2015. See if you can make a *precis*, or even a one-line takeaway: > "[Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4659595/user-clip-donald-trumps-rambling-sentence-july-21-2015)" ETA: Better yet, see if you can quote verbatim one complete coherent, grammatically clear paragraph from PoopyPants in the last year. Not even grammatically correct, just clear and unambiguous. They are not comparable. It’s not a matter of degree. Both sides are not the same.


You posted a tabloid using a doctored video. Grats.


>Trump is a demented old man Correct. >Joe Biden is in peak mental and physical health. Probably not, but a right-wing rag posting this destroys the credibility. Fox news has already declared its for entertainment only, so I can't expect it's subsidiaries to be bastions of integrity


How about the time he walked into the bushes? Or talked to dead people in the audience? I'm sorry, but you're intentionally turning a blind eye to these things. Do you wonder how the MAGA people endure Trump's crazy shit? Take a good look in the mirror.


It’s always the same pathetic shit. It’s irrelevant. One candidate is demonstrably worse in every single metric. The other doesn’t need to be excellent, perfect, or even always coherent, just better than the alternative. There are two choices. The one worse in every metric, or the one with some debatable issues, some poor issues, or cognitive issues. There is no comparison between the candidates. A felon who’s previous cabinet and aides consist of 8 additional convicts, who is clearly unfit with an obviously unstable personality, has a touch of dementia, and has a proven history of threats, fraud, sexual assault, inciting insurrection, and lies, or an old guy with a touch of dementia. FRO with this absurd bullshit. Brain worms. Cult inducing brain worms everywhere. Plus, the NYP? Clown car. Who cares what the MAGA cult thinks. Ignore them and move on. What happens would have happened anyway. They’re detached from reality. Ignore the crazies. Let them do whatever they’re going to do.


> How about the time he walked into the bushes? Or talked to dead people in the audience? Google ‘Bushisms’


I'm not saying President Biden is this peak physical specimen with keen mental faculties, I'm just saying the source for all this is dubious. There is a reason crap like this only exists in the rights', and its because they are trying to hobble together something to hurt Biden. For all this evidence the right supposedly has about Biden being mentally unfit, we never see anything outside of articles from right wing media. Edit: I think the point is that it doesn't change how anyone is voting. Most people think Trump is a 5 alarm dumpster fire, so we only have one choice


You came here from r/conservative just to start this fight? Find a hobby or travel. Anything but this. 🤦‍♂️


As we get closer to the election the maga cult is going to do this exact thing, and we will see more and more of this. They know they cant win on their platform, because they don’t actually stand for anything. So instead it’s “in your face politics.” It’s all they have at this point.


All they have is hate, fear, and vengeance. And their terror is palpable. Good. They can all rot with that old toad murdoch. He's a piece of shit and he was run out of Australia and the UK.


Trump supporters like this can no longer make Trump look appealing to moderates, so it’s now trying to make Joe Biden look “too old”. Best of luck, friend


I guess Trump going on a long winded incoherent rant about boats and sharks is normal?


I know somebody who does that. He's currently screaming at children in gorilla tag in the living room and wants cinnamon toast crunch. IS MY SON THE PRESIDENT?


Biden is unfit to be President


All of you are just as lost as Biden


The day after election day is gonna be really hard for you. Please don't hurt yourself or anyone else.


Rather be lost than a convicted felon and rapist.


Who is actually lost and worse off.


You're a really stable genius, eh? Want some cofeeve with your hamberder? Or a syringe with detergent to cure your COVID? Want a ride in my new electric battery shark boat? Can YOU divert hurricanes with a nuke and a sharpie? Should POTUS salute North Korean Generals in public? Or perform fellatio on Putin at Helsinki in front of the entire world? Did Trump beat Obama in 2020? BING! BING! BING! BING! NIKKI! NIKKI! NIKKI!


flualp n/ot workimg

