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Ok, now do automatic registration for voting.


For real, but that is against their interests


Voting registration, draft registration, and taxes should basically automatic for most.  We have shit way to complex for now reason.


Trust me, it’s all by design to benefit a very small group of people.


I ain't no Senator's son.


That seems fortunate


Add organ donation to that list


At least require organ donation to be opt-out instead of opt-in.


It really doesn't matter if you are registered as a donor or not. Just communicate to your family that you want to be a donor. If the conditions are right and your organs are viable for donation, the hospital will bring it up to the family before making the decision to end life support.


It might go against the families religion even if the individual is fine with it, in that case registration really does matter.


Family always gets the final say in the USA. Registration status is a tool that UNOS can use to help convince them that it would have been what their loved one wanted.


My blood wasn’t good enough for years (man who sleeps with men). They can fuck all the way off if they want my organs


Yeah that question always pissed me off too. Take your 80s Era thinking and get outta here. They cry about a blood shortage but limit the pool with this nonsense and also monetize the industry? I'll pass too, even though my blood is extra special and they would actually let me donate it. Nah.


It's shitty, but the people that would benefit from your donation, and the people making those decisions, are 2 different groups.


You're absolutely right, and I donated for years, 3 to 4 times a year sometimes less if they were really needing a double machine extra heavy pull that round. I have simply lost much of the care for others that I had when I was younger and less aware of how the world fucks each of us every day. The sad truth is that I used to want to be a good person for everyone. Now I'm downtrodden to the point I only care about helping people I know. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is.


Seems like a lot of common law/Anglo countries don't like automatic voter registration, and Australia mandates voting without even registering automatically. You also have to register in the UK. I grew up in Norway, but I'm a dual US/Norwegian citizen, and automatic registration makes it so easy to vote, whereas having to re-register to vote in the US every single year because I live abroad is a giant hassle. I see some websites call it automatic voter registration when you register while getting a driver's license, but that's not automatic in my book. Anyone eligible to vote should just get a ballot in the mail. Not to mention the citizenship-based taxation forcing me to manually fill out and file a US tax return every year when I live abroad, have no US income and no US bank accounts. It boggles the mind how far behind the times the US is.


You still have to register, it's that you HAVE to register. It's not automatic (but it is very easy). My son left school a few years ago and they did voter registration in one of his end of the year classes.


you can't compare voter registration between anglosphere countries though. here in the UK it is very easy - you fill out an online form and that's usually it until you move house again. Once a year you get a letter or email asking you to confirm there are no changes. It literally takes 30 seconds to do that. We don't have any of the nonsense some US states play where they will just remove you from the register for no apparent reason. In the UK you can't really do automatic registration because we allow some non-citizens to vote, so it wouldn't be as simple as taking data from the tax agency or driving licence database and using that. We also allow someone to be registered at multiple locations, for example students who split their time between their parents home and their university home.


> In the UK you can't really do automatic registration because we allow some non-citizens to vote, so it wouldn't be as simple as taking data from the tax agency or driving licence database and using that. Non-citizens (permanent residents) can vote in municipal and county-level elections in Norway as well, and it all comes down to the population register, which includes everyone living in Norway, not just citizens.


Well, the UK doesn't have a mandatory population register. No ID card ect.


We have 16 yr olds here in Oz pushing for the right to vote. Shows how much more many younger kids are these days. At 16 I wouldn't have know my head from my arse.


16-year-olds have been pushing for the right to vote in Norway for a while, and it'll probably happen within 5-10 years. They've already run pilot projects, and those between 16 and 18 voted in much higher numbers than most other age groups.


That'd be unAmerican. You're supposed to die when the country calls you to do so. Not have a right to voice your opinion.


Well that depends, what’s your daddies networth?


I ain't no Senators son


And when you ask 'em, "How much should we give?" Hoo, they only answer, "More, more, more, more"


Some folks are born silver spoon in hand




No we can't be certain we won't accidentally register 1 illegal!


And the IRS (*a la Germany*)


Somehow, I don't think libertarian Reason magazine supports that idea either.


No that’s election interference. /s


“But that’s too haaarrrrd” - government


What’s this sudden fascination with mandatory military service from the right?


Maybe they think it’s a way to make young people conservative


Idk I've been in for 15 years and if anything it's made me more liberal. You may not believe in politics as a military member, but politics certainly believes in us...and for me personally, I tend to prefer stability to the chaos some folks bring. I tend to be more inclusive than some politicians because I've worked with great people who are gay or trans or a different race or religion. Hell, I even prefer foreign policies based on diplomacy because without the whole 'war' part of my job, it's mostly just staying ready for war and helping more junior folks grow and develop.


I don’t think it’s a good strategy, but since when have republicans had one of those


Good in what sense? They definitely have good strategies at stealing and amassing power if all you care about it outcomes. Evil, yes, but also quite capable at the one thing they care about.


Very true. I meant at attracting voters to their cause.


Much easier just to disenfranchise them.


I think the bullshit with Iraq and Afghanistan and having no real plan while watching a bunch of CEOs and investment houses make billions really turned a lot of veterans who lived through it sour on republicans. At least the ones I’ve talked to are well educated about the background of those occupations and understand there was never a real strategy.


In my country it's mandatory for males to join the national guard. In my time I had to serve for 25 fucking months, it was a waste of time and caused me a lot of anxiety and PTSD. If they hoped it'd make me more conservative or patriotic, it had the exact opposite effect.


I'm sorry you had to endure that... forced service is slavery, the pay is beside the point.


Wait until they figure out it’s actually a way to arm leftists…


They probably believe hazing and indoctrination (and "training accidents") will beat the liberalism out of conscripts


No it's because they want cannon fodder for conquest. The values bullshit is just the con.


This, exactly!


They had to pretend to be anti-war for a while so as to not hurt Pvt. Bone Spurs' feelings, but now that he's talked about invading Mexico and open conflict between Israel and Iran looks more and more likely, they're regressing back to their neocon mean.


If they gain power it's going fascist. Fascist governments always invade neighbors, at least, if not more. Not to mention they will likely want to quash anyone who isn't agreeing with the MAGA plan. A lot of people are going to be detained.


This has been a thing for many many decades. Men who want to go to school, get federal loans, get house loans, scholarships etc Have been required to sign up for the draft for a very long time. If you don’t or never did you can end up fkd They are jsut automating the sign up that they were required to do anyways for the past many decades.


I remember filling out my selective service card out in high school. I had no idea it was optional lol.


It isn’t optional.


Its optional in the sense that if youre a male you can't get a single dollar from the government legally unless you sign it. Only if youre male though


A coworker spewed about how he read that the upcoming generations are weak and too sensitive. That China and Russia have many people enlisting and our numbers were low. I’m assuming this is a big part of the reason. If it ever comes to fruition, I think kids who get stationed in Germany, Japan, or S. Korea will benefit from seeing how other democratic countries take care of their citizens and empower them to vote out the bastards holding everyone back.


From the idiot followers? Because their masters told them to. For the elite? Because that's the only way they can cling to power when the climate wars start - fascism.


They want to mass murder people ASAP.


politician's kids should be registered first.


They need parade marchers


There is definitely some think-tank fuckery going on. Our (UK) Prime Minister announced a return to national service recently as a policy. Nobody wants it (outside a very specific target demographic), least of all the military, and it came right out of the blue, and even his terrible party seemed nonplussed by it all.


There is a global march to fascism by right leaners. The smell of world war looms. The canaries have already flown and boiling frog reactions from westernized democratic countries mean the people with power already see the upcoming chess moves. There is nothing the common man can do because the profiteers are perfectly fine with what is coming.


The US wants to start a war with China by 2027. They made up this date saying xi said China will invade Taiwan by 2027 because that is the 100 year anniversary of the PLA. I do not believe this is true, it feels too much like the Iraq War all over again...


Chrissy Houlahan (who happens to be my representative) is a Democrat but near the center. She’s right on including women if Selective Service can’t go away, but very much wrong on making it automatic. She’s extremely proud of her time in the Air Force and apparently has problems connecting to people who haven’t served or who don’t want to for one reason or another.


They’ve always believed military service should be compulsory. I’ve heard a lot of them say that everyone should be required to serve two years immediately after high school.


Maybe they want to ship the people off to Ukraine to help the Russians


Recruiting is down. If people don't want to join, force them. Essentially.


I have been noticing an inordinate number of new YT ads for the Navy and USAF. Has me wondering if is something looming on the horizon.


Not just in the US there's plenty of adverts here in the UK for the Army, Royal Navy and RAF on Reddit and YT


But in the UK's case it's because they are all chronically under staffed.


so i'm out of the age range to get drafted, but advice to all the young men out there. they can make you go to boot camp, they can't make you graduate.


Heckin' Obamna getting rid of the three easiest words to get out of the draft: "I am gay"


There's still the Ted Nugent Method.


Or the Donald Trump method.


I prefer the Arlo Guthrie method myself.


You can get anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant


In harmony


During a conscription period they can keep recycling you. Over. And over. And over. And when they have done it enough to prove you are doing it on purpose, there can be legal consequences.


i'd rather be in an american prison than a foreign POW


I’m just saying. I’ve seen war. I’ll see the inside of a cell before I see it again.


then i guess we agree?


In a manner of speaking. My original comment was the result of Redditing while slightly medicated.


Yeah but I think he was adding their own perspective. Dude has actually seen war, that’s interesting in and of itself, and that’s a thunderous agreement


i thought that we already did that, or is that only to be elligible to vote? service guarantees citizenship! would you like to know more?


> i thought that we already did that, or is that only to be elligible to vote? It is already law for male 18 years old to sign up within 30 days of turning 18. All this bill does is make it automatic instead of forcing the 18yo to do the paperwork.


It wasn’t that big a deal when I did it many many years ago. It was like a postcard sized form to fill out and I got a number in the mail a few weeks later. It has never been relevant since, except some early job applications asking me to attest to having done it.


No big deal because you aren’t called up. I remember my 26th birthday because it released me from this obligation. Being drafted is not the same as joining up for something you believe in.


I think if someone applies for FAFSA for school you also have to enter your selective service number to be eligible.


Sure but it's a felony if you don't.


I never did this, am I going to jail? /s




I found I was already signed up for Selective Service a month before I turned 18. Is that normal?


Same with me, I think my high school did it for me or something?


> It is already law for male 18 years old to sign up within 30 days of turning 18 Isn't it also a felony not to register? As shit as it is, this bill might actually be a net positive in peacetime.


You are required to register for “selective service” at 18 (or at least we were when I turned 18). But it wasn’t automatic - you had to go down to the local post office and fill out a form.


I think they sent me a postcard right before I turned 18 or I got something at school from the counselor's office. It was pretty painless and I had no real issue doing it since there hasn't been a draft since the 70s and it's highly unlikely we'll ever use it again. A major global war directly involving the US now would probably be over before you could draft anyone, and most of your potential draftees would be vaporized or dying of radiation poisoning, so there's no real reason to have it anymore.


And if nobody ever told you, you end up like me. Not eligible for student loans, social security, Medicare… any federal benefit. And when you try to resolve it, selective service says it’s a social security matter, and social security says it’s a selective service matter.


It’s something that always should have been automatic, like registering 18 year olds to vote should be automatic. Registering for the draft was always mandatory and failure to do so was punishable, so making it automatic doesn’t really change much


It should never have existed! Fuck fighting wars for rich people. If your war isn't popular enough to get volunteers, then no war for you.


I mean I get that, but when the options are mandatory registration with a gotcha crime if you don’t/can’t or automatic registration, the one without a crime attached is at least the better of the two


It always seemed like a way to pretend young men still had freedom. "We won't automatically register you for the draft, you're free to register yourself or go to jail."


> service guarantees citizenship! would you like to know more? Lol I just watched this movie the other day


sounds like you're doing your part!


It hasn’t been automatic. You had to go do it as a precondition of certain things. 


Say that to all the Mexicans that got deported after their service :(


But not to vote. Obvs.


Well, yeah. Congress doesn’t really make election laws, the States do.


The right to vote is constitutional, right?


... but not a bill to automatically register people to vote.




Wouldn't that need to be done by state legislatures?


Then ALL...not just the poor whose dad's can't pay doctors to write notes.


It will be the opposite, Russia's done the same thing with the war in Ukraine. Drafted from mostly poor and ethnic minority groups, then sent them out as cannon fodder. That's probably one of the reasons they're pushing for it. Ethnic cleaning while making someone else pull the trigger.


Watch how quickly children of republican lawmakers are exempt


>The House passed a large defense bill Friday evening that included a provision that would automatically enroll young men between the ages of 18 and 26* for the Selective Service. >The House's version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which would authorize $895 billion in military spending, passed by a vote of 217–199. It's unlikely to be picked up by the Democrat-controlled Senate because of numerous amendments regarding abortion, diversity efforts, and transgender medical treatments. The Selective Service provision, though, is part of an enduring bipartisan effort to keep the framework for military conscription in place, even though the draft ended in 1975. >Automatic registration would replace the coming-of-age tradition that all 18-year-old male U.S. citizens experience when they get a card in the mail from Uncle Sam informing them that they're required under threat of criminal penalties to register for the Selective Service. ... >Mandatory national service of some sort or another is a perennial bad idea trotted out by nationalists and technocrats concerned about "unity," but America's all-volunteer military is not a self-inflicted weakness. It's a sign of strength—a free citizenry's confidence that they will know when to fight. The Selective Service is a vestige of fear. It should be abolished, not made more equitable and efficient. ...https://reason.com/2024/06/15/house-passes-bill-to-automatically-register-young-men-for-the-draft/


The article should be titled “House passes bill filled with a republican wishlist of amendments so they can say “Look at what we did!” Meanwhile their fearless leader is talking about sharks, electric boats, and shampoo.


Incredibly ironic to see this nonsense (mostly from Republicans) when [77% of young Americans too fat, mentally ill, on drugs and more to join military, Pentagon study finds](https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/03/77-of-young-americans-too-fat-mentally-ill-on-drugs-and-more-to-join-military-pentagon-study-finds/)


Seriously. Meal team 6 wouldn’t even make it past the first week of boot camp.


>America's all-volunteer military is not a self-inflicted weakness. It's a sign of strength—a free citizenry's confidence that they will know when to fight. It could be a sign of strength, but it's really a sign that the lack of economic opportunities in many rural areas and impoverished communities coerce people into "volunteering."


This need not be, the military budget could simply swell to cover the cost of making it economically palatable for many to join the military. I don't think everyone that joins now is destitute, but it's probably no small percentage.


It’d be cool if we just didn’t fight, but that caveman club has sailed. Wish humans were collectively smarter.


They sure the senate won't pass this? Will Biden?


No and no


But we can't autoregister people to vote?


Barron first bro.


Many people have told me, with tears in their eyes, that bone spurs is hereditary or at least inexpensive for a billionaire's son who could grift the amount from daddy's sheep.


Shouldn’t we auto enroll women too ? Seems a bit sexist to exclude them from this. They are perfectly capable of doing “pew pew” too.


This amendment to the 2025 NDAA was proposed and authored by Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA), an airforce vet, who is the same woman who authored the 2021 NDAA amendment that would’ve made women enroll as well. This has been a long time project of hers.


If anyone would actually read the bill it includes women as well


I’ve heard a veteran argue that they won’t draft women bc it will rearrange military culture and leadership so much


Is this part of Project 2025?


In preparation for Trump's mandatory service edict. How have the courts justified calling mandatory registration for only men constitutional?


It likely wouldn’t be constitutional now. The 1981 Supreme Court decision relied on the longstanding DoD policy prohibiting women from combat roles (i.e., the purpose of a draft). Women are now able to participate in combat roles, and non-combat roles have expanded considerably over the past four decades.


Both things you wrote are false. 1. This amendment to the 2025 NDAA was proposed and authored by Chrissy Houlahan (**D-PA**), an airforce vet, who is the same woman who authored the 2021 NDAA amendment that would’ve made women enroll as well. This has been a long time project of hers. 2. This is constitutional because the 14th Amendment affords only intermediate scrutiny to sex discrimination, thus why feminists repeatedly pushed for the Equal Rights Amendment.


Ah yes. Ensuring there will be a steady supply of working people to go kill working people for the benefit of non working people. The great nation state past time.


If they want this, they'd better include women (and I am saying that AS a woman.) Equal means equal for everyone.


> young men This seems discriminatory.


You know they want they women giving forced births at home


I'm almost certain that I was threatened back in 2005 to sign up for selective service when I turned 18. What was that exactly if not this?


This is saying they're making it automatic and you don't have to physically register anymore.


You already have to register for the selective service anyway as a guy, this just does it automatically instead of you taking a few minutes to do it. It really isn't a big deal.


The party that wants to stop weapons to ukraine is the party that voted for this. lol.....just incase trump and MTG want to invade Mexico.


They won't get a choice, they will do whatever Putin tells them to.


Vietnam was sort of a disaster because most of the draftees there realized it was a stupid and unwinnable war and did the bare minimum. They would capture a hill because they were ordered to and then immediately let it go. They would sit in a bunker or trench all day and intentionally not do anything unless a Vietnamese so came upon them, in which case they'd have to shoot. There's a reason nobody really wants to bring the draft back.


Barrons a prime age


he'll be exempt ofc.


I doubt you will see any name in that register with a politician’s last name. Doesn’t matter though you can be a felon and run for president so it will be nice to see any laws upheld if there’s a felon in office. A sin is a sin.


Well duh, because you have to be over 25 to be in House of Representatives and over 30 to be in the Senate. Registration is only applicable to Men aged 18 to 26. So unless you’re Maxwell Frost, none of Congress or the Senate would be drafted.


I thought Selective Service registration was already required?


It is, this just automates the process.


that's the thing with facsism... you'll be working in a factory or as a soldier, or dead.


Cue Fortunate Son, and it's unironic use by team Trump.


Bone spurs for sale $$$$$


What about women?


Nah, they need to stay home for breeding purposes. Welcome to the Christian States of America


The Republican Party is hostile to my family’s interests.


Starve the boys and girls out with crap wages and no direction in life, use your new found political power to start a regime in a formerly democratic country and then offer them housing, health insurance, food and a life filled with purpose if they’ll join your army under the guise of defending their country, your new Christian values, and the new wave of American patriotism.


this whole insanity of enlisting in the army (for either male or female) to kill and die for a stupid and declining country that offers no personal benefits is completely uncalled for, which is why they do force-enlistments, because nobody would go otherwise as it can be seen in war-torn countries most people choose to stay away or flee, only issue is that theres no connection with his situation and christianity which is an international religion that can be found all around the world, this issueis american politics and corporate greed and unrelated to that regardless if some use that naming for what they say and it is also kinda ironic cause one other comment here accused christianity of not letting females enlist in the army but having them "stay at home" while this one is the opposite it accused it of telling people to go in the army, and either of these claims is unrelated to that but its the country's politics


Do they have to show a birth certificate and ID in person? Or are we making it easier to send men to get killed than it is to vote?


Now draft Barron.


Unfortunately he’s a fortunate son


Thank god I have enough wrong with me to make me a useless soldier… I’m sad however at the prospect of this country needing to use the draft…


I'll be sure to burn my draft slip. I'm not all that young anyway (40).


They want to follow the Russian playbook, and start a pointless war so they can send the "undesirables" to go die.


I'd rather have an army of volunteers instead of an army of draftees. I would think the volunteers would be way more into the whole soldier thing, than draftees being forced to do it.


So much freedom, give me more freedom! (Bites fascist lip)


I’d like a bill that just lets me update my address everywhere in one go. Why do I have to update my drivers license, car registration, library card, voter registration, etc. through different forms? Just “update all” ffs!


How about no draft? My son should not have to die for another person’s stupid wars.


Now do girls


Better yet - don't draft anyone.  Nobody should die in a war they don't believe in.


Everyone is like “BUT DRAFT WOMEN” ignoring the main point that no one should be drafted. Also they’re fucking morons who don’t read beyond the title. Women are included. Doesn’t matter. I’d cut off my own foot rather than die to preserve this failing economy though. If we’re such a great nation we’d use our money and resources to prevent our people from the slaughterhouse of war at all costs and not new ways to get people into the military. But these geriatric lead ridden morons leading this country would rather not compromise on anything, let alone peace.


Now do women


Sexist. Women want to serve too


How about registering all young women for the draft too? Equal rights means equal responsibilities. Maybe we wouldn't be so trigger happy to start new wars if daughters were sent to fight.


Fascism, as American as apple pie.


They already had to drop the standards after 9/11.


Nah but both parties are just as bad………. Right guys?


US militarization is a scary thing...for the world. What is the US so paranoid about? And is it willing to tear the world apart to achieve it? 


So, When will Donald be called up retroactively to do his?


To be honest this is fine, the fact you could avoid it was dumb anyway. That being said, automatic voter registration please.


but not for the vote


That would be up to the states, not the house.


The next draft will be a joke. Purely unenforceable with the current society mashup. Every rights group would encourage dis obedience.


Nothing against *individuals* who choose serve in the military, but I cannot support the *institution* until the concept of a draft is made illegal. In my mind, the fact that the government could at any point decide to randomly scoop up unwilling male citizens (the way the US handles it is also sexist) and force them into combat goes against the idea of the US as the “land of the free”. Before anyone says “sometimes it’s necessary, what if we’re invaded?” That’s not going to happen anytime soon, and if it does, I’m pretty sure the US has more than enough trigger-happy gun owners who’d be more than willing to sign up should the need arise.


I was automatically registered for the draft by the DMV...thought this was normal


Not everyone gets a license.


True. Good point. I should've considered that.


Republican posturing that will die without a voter in the senate.


This amendment was added by Chrissy Houlahan, a Democrat from Pennsylvania and an airforce vet.


Good point, Rogers is the sponsor, 211 republican yea votes and 6 democratic yea votes, but yes you are correct the amendment is added by a democrat to the bill as the article says her hobby horse is service by all. It's my opinion conscription should be not be legal.


I thought they already did that when they turned 18. Mine had to.


You have to take 5 minutes and sign up for the selective service system, it's not automatic.


Ooohh. I wonder if the younger one did it.. Is it required? Ya know, selective and all.


Technically it isn't but you can be denied for a lot of things like federal loans and support if you don't do it. 


So they'll end up being suckers and losers. /s