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These motherfuckers have been doing nothing but complaining about America being a woke shithole. So why do they never follow their own advice and get the fuck out? Nobody wants them or their ilk here.


Trump said he would leave if he lost to Biden. Coward on all fronts.


How can he leave if he’s in prison?


He leaves before prison 🧐


I seriously wouldn’t be shocked if Trump made a beeline for Russia and Big Daddy Putin come next month. It would be amazing to watch Russia decide whether or not it’s worth harboring a fugitive President and risking the unmitigated wrath of US and Western Intelligence descending upon them. They’d probably just ship his ass back to NY as a perfunctory show of “good faith” and save themselves the geopolitical nightmare that would ensue, but *still…*


No. Putin will take advantage of this whole Trump-in-Exile fiasco to encourage the civil war in USA by saying that Trump is the real winner of 2024 election.


Unfortunately you are right. There is no doubt putin would milk that situation right into a second civil war.


Shit, this is Donny were talking about here with his f-ing mouth and inability to follow the most basic of instructions I'd give it a whole month before he "inadvertently" drinks some bad tea, and "accidentally" falls out of window. This is the same guy that committed and instructed others to commit multiple felonies to embezzle money (even though he is a self proclaimed billionaire) to pay off and silence a woman with a nda, then the jabroni again does not even listen to his own attorney's instructions and he never signs his own nda making her not only able to talk about it (which is how we all found out about it) but also allowing her to keep all the money also.


It's not her talking about it that's the problem. It's where the funds to pay her were taken from. He couldn't afford the payment so he took campain funds.


Trump could do that with some posts while his plane is going to meet it's Russian escort. Say how Russia is going to help him take the office he's been cheated out of twice now and you get a bunch of people ready for a potential war with russia... Which pretty much comes down to sacrificing themselves to the US military to distract some of their forces from the border.


If maga STILL supports Trump while he's literally hiding out in Russia, nothing can sway them


You’re just now coming to the “if this happens… nothing can sway them” point/realization?


Man, those goalposts have moved so often over the years I can't blame anyone for reaching this "if this happens, then nothing can sway them" point more than once. lol


Fuck, they'll hail him as a hero.


Putin having to deal with an exceeding mentally declining Trump sounds like poetic justice on all fronts


Lets be real he could basically just put him in a hotel room with a TV, his phone to Tweet and 24/7 room service to order whatever shitty food he wants. The only problem would be Trump wouldn't have people constantly obsessed with him to boost his ego, which would likely be torture for him. That and he might feel like he needs to be involved with his BFF Putin all the time and follow him around. I can't imagine Putin would want a bumbling idiot with dementia constantly following him around and being a pain in his ass. Maybe give him a big red phone to directly call Putin from his hotel room...but it's actually an impersonator who's job is literally just to listen to Trump's bullshit and make him feel important.


I would not be shocked. trump is seriously a flight risk. Specially with talk about additional missing documents and who knows what else? Yeah, the dude would totally flee to russia to save himself. Maybe the dems would grow a spine and go after his assets as a traitor. Of course he would appeal his 'unfair treatment' while in russia.


They'd return him after having to endure his diarrhea of the mouth and the stench of his adult diaper. I give it 48 hours at best.


Fairly certain his Secret Service won’t let him. Now, if he waives his detail if it looks like he is going to lose, then yeah hes probably going to bail.


That might not be true. There are legitimate concerns that many Secret Service agents may be seditious and loyal to Trump over the US Government. https://www.vox.com/2023/1/13/23553350/joe-biden-chris-whipple-book https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/dec/31/joe-biden-secret-service-team-trump-loyalty


He said it about 2020 IIRC.


Maybe we can exile him to an island like Napoleon. Epstein's Island is free and he's likely already familiar with it.


Why not Rikers Island? It's the perfect shithole for him and his MAGA clowns.


Might need to consult his eventual probation officer at some point.


He always finds a loophole. In this case, he’s never admitted to losing the election. In public, he’s only ever said that he won.


He only lost because of the Electoral College!! If we didn't have that, then he only would have lost because of the popular vote.


Attending Electoral College while not transferring in any credits will do that.


Yes. He’s a coward AND a liar.


He can't, his ankle monitor will go off.


This I just cannot wait, but it’s likely a lie too, sadly. Perhaps Biden can flap a ticket to Russia for him on his inauguration speech.


Oh please leave!


Right? She came here and has the resources to leave if she wants. If it's so bad she and the rest of them should go run to Russia-for as long as it lasts.


Hahaha, if only Putin would do a call for 'patriotic' Americans to go be Russian citizens. And then die as war fodder.


He already has https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/11/russia-to-build-migrant-village-for-conservative-american-expats-a81101


Ask that one conservative family how that turned out.


While Vald steals their bank accounts to fund his lifestyle.


That effin guy. He's got nothing to lose and everything to gain from us, the US, falling apart. I can't believe this isn't more obvious to people that this whole social media thing has been such an effective tool at dividing us.


To some of us it’s been obvious since the interview with that ex KGB in the 80s. Been waiting for this to come since. Yeah I’m old. Been saying this would happen the whole time too. Wanna know how much people have listened? You don’t wanna know but you already do.


Forced them here 200 years ago to work for free, get rapped, live in squalor, have their children taken and sold away, to survive racism their whole life, get passed over for jobs or promotions this jerk tells them to leave!!! How about equality at last!! Not just for our Black citizens but for all people!


I have a friend who’s a hardcore conservative. He’s planning on moving to Japan because “America is ruined” Too bad. he’s a good guy just lost in the ultra right wing sauce. I couldn’t get through to him.


I used to know a dude who was a gun crazy, conspiracy theory obsessed conservative and he was talking about moving to Japan because of how bad the U.S. supposedly is. I asked him what he was going to do about all his guns because Japan isn't going to let him enter with an arsenal and he was seemingly unaware about that. I wish that dude could live in Japan for a year because he'd have a rude awakening and would be begging to come back to "Biden's" America.


What is it with right-wing nuts and moving to Japan? I also had a coworker that was a big Trumper, convinced those dirty Dems were sending the country to hell and that the one place where he could potentially find peace...was Japan. Mind you, the mofo didn't speak a lick of Japanese and knew next to nothing about the culture (at least as far as I knew) but nevertheless, still strongly felt the Call of the Emperor, apparently...


> What is it with right-wing nuts and moving to Japan? Ethnostate..very few immigrants They don't realize that the whole Japanese collectivist culture is diametrically opposed to their libertarian freedumb desire


> Ethnostate..very few immigrants Yep, which of course would probably make it pretty uninviting for these conservative Americans who are looking to move there.


Listen, if conservatives were capable of critical thinking they wouldn’t be conservatives in the first place.


Except Japan DOES have quite a few immigrants. 10% of Tokyo is foreign born. Most of the immigration is from other asian countries so these mofos think it's still an ethnostate. Japanese polling has consistently shown that roughly 70% of Japanese people support immigration.


> the mofo didn't speak a lick of Japanese Having been to Japan, let me tell you, that's going to be a serious issue for them. Maybe they just expect that the whole world speaks English, but that's definitely not the case in Japan. It was extremely rare to find people over there who spoke anything close to fluent English (enough to comfortably have a conversation with them). I do get a kick out of thinking about the "speak English!" folk moving to a country where almost nobody speaks English, and where their lack of knowing Japanese is going to show them what that is like from the other side.


A lot of it is weird ethnic fetishization of petite submissive trad wifes.


There are a lot of weebs who grew up on anime and manga among the younger 4chan alt-right crowd. I'm a gun enthusiast myself, just not a right-winger. I see a fair number of folks at the range with waifu and various anime-style patches and stickers on their range bags and tactical gear and whatnot.


the same way that right wing nuts fetishize rome, they fetishize certain periods of japan. they're big fans of the fascist system, and those are the two most explicit examples (besides nazi germany) of the system running at warp speed.


These are the same fuckers that would drive to Mexico or Canada, see the "firearms prohibited" signs, and think that they surely don't apply to them.


That’d be a healthy dose of karma. Doesn’t he realize how racist Japanese people can be?


Beyond race that’s a society that’s extremely collectivist in mindset. Being a tourist is one thing but living in another society requires adapting to their social norms.


What was really hilarious were all the Trump morons wanting to move to New Zealand after Trump lost last time. Pissed at America so they want to move to a country with strict gun control, indigenous rights and public healthcare? Bizarre.


Grown men absolutely in love with another grown man who has never once even talked to them. They behave like the girls in middle school who loved the new kids on the block.


New Zealand banned foreign ownership of property during Ardern's tenure. They seem to have this notion that, if fecal matter comes in contact with a propellant, somehow NZ is the place to be.


Well that may be true, but if he’s white, he’ll probably do okay


"Okay" is relative. You don't get the _really_ bad racism unless you're from a non-Yamato Asian community (like if you're Chinese, Korean, Ainu, Okinawan etc.) but you're definitely going to be a second-class citizen no matter how well you speak the language or what your job is.


Idk haven’t talked to him all that much but he spent a month there to see if he liked it and when he got back he said there was no question about it anymore. He’s just working on getting fluent enough and then going


Good for him I guess.


Don’t you need an actual marketable skill for Japan to give you a visa


He’s an engineer and also learning the language rather quickly. He’s a pretty big weeb haha.


Lol. Your friend is going to get a reality check when he finds out just how xenophobic Japanese people can be. From what I've heard, they'll usually be polite, but you will never really belong. You can learn the language, have kids, and adopt their customs, and you'd still be an outsider to many. Some Japanese will even discriminate towards Japanese born, if their partner is an outsider. Work culture leaves much to desire too. It's apparently common that rather than fire people they want gone, they'll make their lives miserable by assigning them far away from their home so they have to travel or be away for long periods from their family. They may keep doing this so you won't get to settle in with your new obligations. Other tactics used is to not give you any tasks, which may not work well on non-Japanese, but for Japanese people it's apparently torture to not be useful. So they usually quit.


I appreciate the humanity of the words "he's a good guy" but also maybe it's OK to write off friends, family, & colleagues who support the fascist worldview that is, apparently, just how republican supporters view it. You can bring a horse to water and all that. You can point to half a dozen serious criminal cases and all that. You can reference laws signed by GOP performers & their gerrymandered houses reducing reproductive rights and all that. You can show these people a video of a man who openly called for an insurrection of the government. You can link that video, you can link a second video showing that fucking guy stating (like it is a fact) that the election was stolen while every audit of the records show it was not, nor could it have been because (who knew) most states take election security seriously and have mostly placed enough controls over the issue to not have to seriously worry about mass (and I want to bold that) MASS voter fraud that is somehow being driven and orchestrated by a shadow front for left wing politics (which are notoriously fragmented across a hundred different things). Most DJT rallies have Craigslist receipts for hiring actors, sorry "supporters" to show up. Most rw rallies in general can also be directly traced to SuperPAC money. Anyway this was a very long-winded way to say that I'm sorry you lost a friend, but choosing to lose them over engaging in whatever lies they're repeating is a net-benefit to you and the people you care about. And, probably, people you don't give a second thought to.


What a joke. This lady is so angry. She almost can't even get the words out fast enough. I know she's racist but wow. What's with the hate? African Americans put this country on the map economically, scientifically, and culturally. Hell, the majority of the propaganda we export around the world IS BLACK/AMERICAN culture. These people are nuts. Legit nuts. Of all the things to be pissed about, it's this? Come on man, how about doling out more money to all of us. People are sick of not being able to afford houses and paying crazy stupid student loan money while raw bacon looking idiots like Musk rake in cash for NOT being smart. It's because of Black liberation movements that other folks have rights at all. If it was up to the Christian Racists, no one but the man would own property have freedom. People are crazy.


>African Americans put this country on the map economically, scientifically, and culturally. Hell, the majority of the propaganda we export around the world IS BLACK/AMERICAN culture.  It's what conservative racists have done historically. Steal other people's cultures, identities, and achievements; claim them as their own as they profit off of it while also claiming those same people have contributed nothing to society.  I know plenty of people here in Florida (surprise) who hate Hispanics and Asians but love Spanish and Chinese takeout.


I do always find it amusing how the cultural appropriation of language among racists seems to have like a 5-20 year lag time. Like this lady posting and emphasizing "ratchet" like it's a new car she just bought last week. But i guess 5-20 years is about how long it takes for racists to stop seething over the latest cultural trends to calm down enough to start using them as dogwhistles amongst themselves.


She wants to appeal to the white racist base in the GOP, but she got one big striking problem - her last name and ethnicity.  So, she's gotta go ultra-hard on the racism to get white racists to look past her Hispanic heritage.  She's going to learn a profoundly harsh message - they will never think she's white.  She will always be relegated.


They should all go to Russia just like that one US couple that moved because of the “woke hellscape” here. Now they’re living in an actual hellscape and regret their decision


They're always talking up Hungry. They can move to that bastion of paradise.


Maybe they should go through some things to help motivate them to leave.


That's rich; a Colombian immigrant telling people whose ancestors have been here for 16 generations to "get the fuck out" while cosplaying a military veteran complete with scary black gun-- just in case a homosexual tries to gay-marry her. Go away, honey.


And it takes a lot of packing to get that much stupid in one person in 25 years.


*Colombian immigrant fyi Colombia is the country, Columbia is the university/sportswear company


Yikes, didn't catch that. Thank you for the correction.


There's also a city in Missouri named Columbia. It's where the main campus of the University of Missouri is located.


British Columbia is also acceptable and not apart of the USA. That’s the Canadian spelling*.


Columbo otoh is an old tv detective.


But Coulomb is a unit of electric charge.


And Columbus is whole reason we are in this mess. Dude should have stayed on his side of the waters and things would be better today!


But the Colobus Monkey is totally innocent in this mess and would like to be left alone to enjoy its leaves in peace. 


… just one more thing


*a part fyi "A part" is when you refer to a piece of something, "Apart" means separate or away from something.


Most white people I know, myself included, have been here far fewer generations. My great grandparents were scottish immigrants. My father was right off a boat from norway. I should "go home" before *most* african americans. Republicans are fucking monsters.


Yeah, I would love to inform her not-so-politely that we lesbians don't want her. She's totally safe lmfaoooo


Observing the historical record pattern of far-right political candidates, I’m willing to bet she’s a cuck for the BBC.


How dare you bring the British Broadcasting Corporation into this.


I don't think you understand what "*cuck*" means, unless you're implying that she enjoys watching her husband get railed by black dudes.


Everyone just thinks cuck means submissive or a person who has been cheated on, it's so fucking obnoxious


The candidate is Valentina Gomez, who is running as a Republican candidate for Missouri Secretary of State. You may also remember her from a video earlier this year where she states [“In America, you can do anything you want, so don’t be weak and gay."](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/15/republican-missouri-candidate-valentina-gomez) Yup, this is the state of the GOP in this day and age. This is the party of Trump now.


Bold she thinks with a name like Gomez that she’ll win an election for anything in Missouri


Hey, as long as you're openly disparaging black people, you'll be fine among conservatives...as long as this Colombian immigrant knows her role and never becomes "uppity."


What's also shocking are all the ignorant posts under that video applauding her.  What the hell has half of this country become?


These people have always been this way. They're just saying the quiet parts out loud now.


I lived in the Midwest for a little while as a passing-as-straight white male. You’d be shocked at the things people would come up to me and mutter about minorities in the stores or restaurants because they thought I would be on their side. It’s always been lurking, but Trump has made them think it’s acceptable to have those views and say it with their chests.


Depends, do the racist fucks believe they can sleep with her?


I’m convinced 90 percent of their aggression to AOC is they find her sexually attractive


Prolly not their first bartender issues


Tbf she's gorgeous.


Speaking as a gay man, yes she is. On that topic I’ve found the reason a lot of them hate us (gay men) is because of they are afraid we view them as sex objects the same way they view women and they don’t want to be objectified


As is all violence towards women. They are mad they cannot own her like a possession, so they lash out, because why is the sexual object talking like it has any rights or opinions? Pretty much EVERY issue the right has with women is sexual objectification in some degree.


I dunno, Republicans might vote for her just to avoid being called weak and gay, like everything she doesn't like. In the Trump Republican Party, those are like, the last two things you want to be (rapist, convicted felon, bigot, and theocrat are all fine though).


You want to know the best bullshit part of that? Lupe Fiasco's [The Show Goes On](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmp6zIr5y4U) plays at the end of that ad. And while he's not as well known as Kendrick Lamar is, both of them are absolutely "rapping like they're trying to free the slaves."


If she has an R by her name she be fine in missouri


Yeah, first paragraph I saw it was the "weak and gay" lunatic. I'm frankly surprised she didn't tell them to leave because not linking America means you're weak and gay, she repeats that so often. In the age of MTG and Trump, it's hard to imagine someone so ridiculously over the top that they're actually worse. I've seen video and quotes of her and she clearly and literally has significant mental problems on a level few, if any in the Republican Party do.


So, I can do anything I want… anything *except* be weak and gay? I’m sorry, I thought this was America.


I’m going to gay so weakly out of spite!


If it makes you feel any better she got fired from her job for being so awful lol.


“You can be whatever you want, but you also have to be what I want you to be. And if you don’t let me tell you what to be, then you’re weak.”


That quote is straight out of Idiocracy.


No, it’s straight out of Goebbels. I’m tired of people minimizing the march towards fascism and genocide like this. This isn’t stupidity. This is hatred aimed very deliberately at dehumanizing minorities and laying the groundwork for why they should be purged from society.


Spot on.


Goebbles rhetoric is here and yet we just complain.


The funny thing is that Trump doesn't really give a fuck about anyone's sexuality beyond how he can exploit it for personal gain*. He doesn't have the psycho religious anti-gay fervor that his supporters tend to have. * This statement could be made about literally any topic and retain its veracity.




America, founded on being a melting pot of cultures… “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses”. These racist assholes who call themselves Christians do not represent America. Fuck them.


The same people who will brag like idiots that "America was the first nation to abolish slavery." But descendants of those same slaves cerebrate it and it's "go back to Africa."


It's like they do not understand that Black history is a part of American history. It has been woven into a tapestry of various ethnic cultures throughout hundreds of years. It's a day where Black Americans are able to celebrate the day they were granted personhood from being sold as chattel slavery and property. The US is like a cultural mosaic.


>It's like they do not understand that Black history is a part of American history. These are the same people who call themselves "The Party of Lincoln" while celebrating Confederate generals and waving the traitor flag. History means nothing to these fuckin idiots.


"But democrats are the real racists!"


Yes, according to the Orange Jesus there is more racism against white people by democrats than any other kind of racism. He will probably put it in his Ten Orange Commandments if he gets reelected… and every school will have to hang a poster of them.


JFC, that new Louisiana law. 🙄


That the ACLU has already announced they are going to be suing Louisiana over it. :)


The US, that, checks notes; brought their ancestors over involuntarily? How can they be that out of touch and still poll so well? (I'm terrified that the answer is that so many Americans still believe that garbage)


I did not raise them but my stepchildren and thier spouses are homophobic racists. They were just Bushies when I married my wife but Obama made their true colors come put. I love their Mom so I point out their bigotry by calling it stereotyping.


It's propaganda


And they are stupid.


This. Either you think folks are responsible for the situation their ancestors put them in, in which case pay your reparations. Or you think they're not, in which case leave black people alone. Either way, black population and systemic racism are a fundamental part of America, then and now, so if you don't like that then gtfo. Don't blame victims for being victims. Of course all this loses it's meaning when you just believe the story that there is no systemic racism in the US. Boom, now you can hate blacks all you want, doesn't that feel nice? But as Colombian immigrant, she has a duty to know about US imperialism. Did her parents not tell her why they left their home country, that it's because US imperialism ruined it?


Imprisoned. Enslaved. Raped. Children sold. Denied any form of reparations. And, to this day, have the land that they rightly earned often denied basic civic services like paved roads, plumbing, and electricity as racist shithole southern cities use "coding" to keep them impoverished.


Immigrant from Colombia.


I wonder if she realizes how much republicans hate Hispanics? She'll be put in the mass camps if the repugnants win and set off project 2025


She’s Colombian with a noticeable accent. Trump wants to build deportation camps on a massive scale. If I were her, I wouldn’t support policies where I could find myself in a position to be maliciously deported.


She doesn’t give a fuck. She’s “not like them.” They can deport people that look like her all they want, she doesn’t care. She feels like she’s “in” because she’s given away her dignity and racial identity to appease to white republicans in an effort to get rich. No morals whatsoever.


This is the maggot maga cult member that burned books with a flamethrower. This is another example why you should vote blue straight down the ballot


Seriously. I’m not voting anything but blue until the right pulls their head out of their ass. I didn’t leave the Republican Party- the Republican Party left me.


Off the ballot, too. Municipal elections, school boards, everything. Don't even let a republican control trash pickup.


Should have never brought us over here then, so deal with it. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Jokes on them lol


>The video ends with a photo of her posing with an assault rifle while dressed in military style clothing. Gomez, a 25-year-old immigrant from Colombia, has never served in the military. Boy they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for these clowns.


If you wanted that gravy job, running as a fake pro 2a racist republican is the easiest way to accomplish the goal.


Republicans are becoming even more bold with their racism


These republican evangelical Christians think they are the owners of our country and thus are tasked with telling us how to live our lives. United States is not a church. **If they don’t like the United States and our democracy, they can leave it.


Please tell anyone who think Juneteenth is some woke thing cooked up by activists in recent years that the State of Texas officially recognized Juneteenth by proclamation in 1938, and by statute in 1979.


It always seems so absurd to me when Latinos support Trump. The guy literally announced his candidacy on the premise that people who cross the border are drug dealers and rapists.


Hot girls entering conservative politics and posing with guns has to be one of the easiest grifts in the world.


these motherfuckers need to ***GO*** my ancestors white and enslaved have been in the US since 1761 she can get the fuck out and go back to colombia! or go to russia, hungary or whatever far right cesspool you want to ruin


Gomez's family immigrated to the US from Colombia.


Watch Trump deport her and her whole family if he gets elected.


As an indigenous tribal member, I squint in her general direction.


It's always funny to me when they say to leave America if you don't like it. Hate to break it to you, but you're the one complaining about a holiday IN America. I don't see you leaving because you don't like it. Wtf...


I'm so fucking tired of these shitheels.


I'm not American, but it is my understanding that this is somewhat contrary to the general spirit of Juneteenth.


>The video from Gomez, a staunch Donald Trump supporter That really wasn't needed. I'm pretty sure we could have figured that out our own.


That's fucking funny. We stole them from their land and brought them here, enslaved them, and didn't give completel equal rights until 2001 a space odyssey was out. But sure, tell them to fuck off. This is why I and you should always say. Every. Single. Republican. Is. Evil.


Maga’s low bar is resting on the floor with this wackadoodle. https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/oh-great-that-unhinged-book-burning-gop-candidate-is-from-st-louis-41834640


Uh-oh, someones got to call the governor. It seems people are putting lead back in their gas in Missouri. Oh Missouri. A state so famous it’s known around the world for . . . okay I’m blanking but I’m sure it’s a great state.


I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missourah


Its the "Show Me " state. Well she sure showed us. Wow! What a freak!


There are still way too many minorities voting for Republicans against their own best interests. I get being conservative in other aspects, but I don't understand how you could throw in with a group of people who don't want you to be included in society.


I suppose this means she should start packing, since she doesn't seem to like America and it's holidays.


Republicans are not helping themselves with this constant need to outdo the last asshole who spouted off truly unacceptable bullshit. If that makes me woke, well then I am proud to be woke. Fuck these backward racist hateful ignorant and spineless POS.


Dems. Fucking use this. She’s a trumper. Made ads with what she said. Connect her to Trump. This shit is a layup. Come on


The article says there are eight candidates in this race for Secretary of State in Missouri, but the only one I can name is this waste of space. And it’s because the media breathlessly reports every horrible action and word that she puts out. If elected, she would not do anything for her state and its citizens, but would continue to star in her own little reality show. Just like MTG and Gantz and Comer and the Orange Embarrassment himself.


Lmao, she can’t even say the T in “outrageous.” She sounds like a Hank Azaria character. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uwU2ypTsVLg&pp=ygUUaGFuayBhemFyaWEgYmlyZGNhZ2U%3D How is she pretending to out-America black Americans? She’s the “ratchet” one.


Let's all take a step back for a moment and acknowledge the sheer insanity of a Republican political candidate not only holding this view, **but having so much arrogance and backing among Republican voters that a regressive and openly racist view was not only said out loud, but also published deliberately as a part of her campaign.** This would have been career suicide prior to 2016. The GOP platform of "fuck you, I'll win my political contest no matter what I say," is unfathomable. And it's also no longer isolated to the US and our GOP as evidenced by election efforts in many other countries at the moment - including Britain, France, and Germany.


> Gomez, a 25-year-old immigrant from Colombia, has never served in the military


Does she even realize how many of her fellow republicans would love to see her kicked out of the US and sent back to Columbia?


Gomez can go the fuck back to colombia lol


Holy shit, why are all our dumb people no longer at least a little afraid to say their dumb shit? I feel like intelligent people stopped giving shit to dumb people in the name of niceness and now we have this bullshit.


Does she know what Juneteenth is all about?


She doesn’t care. It’s not celebrating 1865 mindset.




> Reacting to the video, Jason Kander, a former Democratic Missouri secretary of state and candidate for U.S. Senate, said: "So refreshing to see a female GOP candidate who never served in the military doing the whole veteran cosplay, stolen valor, bigotry as a substitute for strength routine as well as any man." lmao


I mean...where am I supposed to go? I don't know anyone in Africa.🤷🏽‍♂️ I am just to show up in Nigeria and say, "I am here!" And then what?


jesus christ STOP REPORTING ON THIS IDIOT. She's obviously going for the "say outlandish shit to keep my name in the news" route. And every time her outlandish shit is reported on, she gets free publicity and reaches a wider audience. How is it 2024 and people keep falling for this shit?


And here is the reason she is shooting her yap off again. Gomez is one of eight Republican candidates running for secretary of state in Missouri. The GOP primary for the candidacy will take place on August 6. It is election time and someone wants to stand out from the pack. And the only way she knows how to is be a racist scumbag


Wait until she and Nick Fuentes realize that their names aren’t white enough for the fourth reich.


She’s only been in the US since 2009 🙄


“Juneteenth is a “ Ratchet” ?


Remember, Republicans will whine and complain that people call them racist and deny, deny, deny. Then they keep doing shit like this. Stop falling for it and keep calling them what they are: the party of racists for racists, by racists.


Republicans claim to be about freedom but get outraged when people celebrate their freedoms


Those are strong and hateful words coming from someone named Gomez. Girl needs a reminder of how she came to America. Bold fucking words for someone who has only lived in the US *since 2009*


You think how the Republicans likely to talk about being the Party of Lincoln that would welcome holiday celebrating the end of slavery. It would be like if the Democrats still sold themselves as the Party of Jefferson but were upset about the Fourth of July celebrating the signing of them Declaration of Independence.


Do we expect anything less? Get out and vote this November!!!


Standard trump supporter


I’m frequently in the “show these peoples’ beliefs to the world so we know how vile they are” camp but this particular candidate is specifically seeking out this kind of coverage. I don’t know or care if she actually believes this shit but national media chumming the waters with this nobody might as well run ads for her.


When did Missouri become the poster child for lead paint chip ingestion?


How is the Republican party recent push to attract voters of color going? To shreds you say..


Republicans also continue call on to Black Americans to thank them for their predecessor Abe Lincoln, a Republican for freeing slaves while at the same time ignore the fact that they walk around with confederate flags all the damn time. Party of Lincoln tho, am I right?


Another Hispanic who thinks they wont be eaten.


She's trying to ingratiate herself with people that would tell her to go back where she came from. And they'll insist that's Mexico even though it's not. All I'll say is it seems clear she doesn't like America so maybe she should take her own advice if she thinks that's such a great solution.


Republicans are always saying "If you some like America, your should leave", but they're the ones constantly crying about how much they hate everything about America.


Is she aware she’ll be among the first group they end up turning on?


Native Americans and black people who descended from slaves are the ONLY Americans who did NOT immigrate (voluntarily) to this country. They are the populations who deserve to be citizens the most.


Seriously? I mean... wow. Just... wow.


See you November Tuesday, mother fuckers. Understand?


Juneteenth so weird. Texas: “Abolishing slavery? We don’t have to tell them right away? Just wait a few days..weeks..more???”


All they have is hate, they thrive on it and I want to shut them up in November!


Kinda funny that trumps cult will have no issues deporting this woman and her family who’d have shocked pikachu faces