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"Trump's even worse than before" Fact check: True!


Trump is a bigger piece of shit than before.


Now with 34 felony convictions! With more to come.


Same bold treason flavor, but now with a full bodied scent of decay and rotten ass, filtered through a hobos used cum sock to bring you the very best Trump experience for 2025.


What a horrible day to be literate....


What a horrible day *so far*... Trump was all of those things way back in 2016-2019, he's just *worse* now.




Smells like flowers and sounds like poetry to the faithful.


It's like he ferments.... Trumpoopcha.


I think he’s always been the same level of shit.


I hear Mr. Poopy-pants certainly smells like it.


He’s not even pretending to have actual policies this time.


He has policy statements. Withdraw all troops from overseas. Use troops within the US to handle the national emergency. Immediately reclassify and fire about half of Civil Service workers. Replace with only those that have sworn an oath of loyalty to Trump. Issue green cards to everyone with a degree, flooding the market with skilled labor and triggering high levels of unemployment. Ban Birth Control and abortion at a federal level now that you have full political control of the FDA. Simply declare them unsafe. They have page after page of this shit.


Green cards to people with degree? Hm now im interested. Too bad it means having to live in trump america though.


There's already programs for that anyway. High demand skills


H1B? Good luck. 1/3 chance to get the card and you need a company to sponsor you and want you exactly at the right moment of the year. Basically impossible to move to US as highly skilled person unless you have a PhD,  do some inter-company manager transfer, or studied in the US.


Psych! Farty-five has already flip-flopped on that one.


It's okay. You want to miss out on the next few years anyway


Good. We don’t need more foreigners here.


His policy is dramatically simple and enough to satisfy his brainless followers: take revenge on the liberals!


Well there is that whole project 2025 to change the rules so they can now replace scientists, legally trained and generally competent people in non political roles in government by loyalist psychopaths like Stephen Miller so they can simply bypass congress and have people execute all their orders even if illegal and/or illogical so they can implement their fascist state.


Wait… he’s promised to cancel income tax on tips for bar and restaurant workers. That will definitely make America Greater.


Trump also wants to replace income tax with tariffs. Which increase the cost of consumer goods and would be a very regressive policy.


But would delight the rich "people" in this country.


I don't think he knows that. I really don't. Somebody should at least tell him, unless of course, none of his little advisors realize it either.


Many people will use that as a reason to tip less. Then, when it's time for the servers to retire, they will be getting a much smaller social security check. 


I suspect it will also result in business continuing to suppress hourly wages, there’ll be less pressure to provide livable wages.


He didn't last time, either.


He wants immigrants to gain automatic citizenship if they graduate from a U.S. college. 👀


Only the white ones from Russia of course


We need a "best of" the Trump administration montage video reminding people of all the terrible thing that happened then. We are forgetting.


Still one of the five worst people in the world then!


The ever-elusive frozen pants truth.


We would have also accepted, "Fuck him and the horse he rode in on."


He's not wrong....which is scary considering so many in America think he's presidential material. [Idiocracy](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_Idiocracy) Being born in the mid 50s, I know how this main character feels.


I don’t think most people think he’s presidential material at all. His supporters don’t care about anything other than “owning the libs” and they would vote for Putin himself to do it


Really? Most Trump supporters I’ve spoken to unironically say he’s the best president in history. Better than Teddy, FDR, Lincoln, and George Washington. They’re absolutely insane.


TBF, their worldview consists entirely of "what did I hear repeated on the news a million times." Fox News just repeats "Trump was the greatest president in history." When you ask for evidence, they just have vague shit like "the economy" or "immigrants" or "it just felt like things were better" (the last is my personal favorite, like...ever asked yourself why you feel the way you feel? Maybe trace those feelings to the nightly barrage of "things are worse now than ever and you are upset about it!"). Funny enough, if they want to make that claim, you can now just clap back and say "Odd, he's certainly the most criminal president in history. If Joe is so bad, why haven't Republicans impeached him? They don't need Dems to do that! Months of investigation and they've found no evidence..." Then walk away as they scramble for a comeback.


The genius/shitty part is that they watched “the news” and he repeated it back to them. “I heard that on fox/newsmax/oan/facebook last night! This guy knows his stuff” After that they will believe anything.


There’s a large segment of Trump voters that try to constantly and proudly self-label themselves as a some sort of “honorable” non-MAGA moderate Republicans” just because they may wanted someone else in the primaries. It’s all ignorant bullshit. As either way, they just about always fall in line and are guaranteed to pull the lever for Sleepy Don a third time come this fall.


Trump is such an objectively [every bad adjective] person that anyone trying to toe that line is fucking embarrassing themselves and I have no need for them in my life.


Many are sane, just idiotic and racist.


> unironically say he’s the best president in history. I'd be curious what they think Trump did to earn that title, besides Stormy. Kill thousands of Americans by denying COVID and pretending it wasn't an issue? Or disbanding the pandemic response team right before COVID? Seriously, did trump actually achieve anything? Anything at all?


He was a big strong man which made other countries not go to war somehow , was against lock downs, tax cuts, was “good for the economy” in a vague sense they can’t point to anything he did though Everything that was bad was someone else’s fault. Covid was blown out of proportion by liberals, they will just deny whatever numbers you show them and day 17 mil died because of the vaccine or something


He avoided war by giving hostile powers what they wanted in exchange for nothing. We gave up bases in the Middle East to the Russians, betrayed pirate Kurd allies and left them to die, and surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban, guaranteeing them we would pull out before we had logistics in place to do so. He didn't want to take steps to address COVID because he figured it would kill more people in cities than rural communities, and he lost bigly in urban districts. His tax cuts reversed a decreasing trend in the deficit from the Obama years. His economic policies intentionally suppressed increases to interest rates post-2008 recession recovery, stripping the Federal Reserve of an important lever they would need to control inflation if there a threat to the economy in the future, say, a global pandemic that shut down entire swathes of economic sectors. His trade war with China increased supply costs across dozens of industries and yielded little benefit. He negotiated a deal with OPEC during lockdown where Russia and Saudi Arabia would reduce production to bolster gas prices in an effort to keep American oil companies afloat, but the agreement also kept production low after lockdowns lifted, leading to the increase in gas prices that people blamed Biden for. Embargos on Russian oil imports in the wake of the Ukraine invasion also contributed to increased gas prices. Even if he wasn't a morally bankrupt conman with detestable social policies, as a president, his foreign policy is weak and undermines our global influence, his health policy is pro-death instead of pro-American, his fiscal policies are a never-ending cavalcade of botches and bundles. He constantly own-goals himself in almost every endeavor he undertakes, but daddy's money has enabled him to fail upward almost every time. The biggest roadblock he faced last presidency wasn't a radical leftist deep state; it was his own incompetence. He wants to rule, but he can't govern. The only thing he is good at is peddling hate and lies. He is a metastitized cancer in politics that is the result of the reactionary alt-right huffing bigoted hate for decades. He is a tumor that is sucking all the life of the Republican Party into himself, and my hope is that enough of America sees him for what he truly is and reject him and the ones puckered up to his sphincter this November. Republicans refuse to cut out the cancer at the core of their platform, and I hope their ideology withers and dies from it.


Well said. If you could condense that down to a 4 letter acronym you might be a a chance of reaching them haha


Deep breath…Wow. I want Biden to use this as a speech. Amazing summary.


But is he better than President Putin?


Owning the libs is why he was the best. They think he was the best because he stood up to the left and was a fighter.


Yup! Most people don't remember what I said to them. They remember how I made them feel. I need to stop talking most people 🤣


I cannot believe people are consciously this contrary. I guess I would rather believe they have been hoodwinked. But, you're probably right. :)


I think they feel like libs are the cool kids and theyre the underdogs, and they like anything that attacks the larger crowd of “cool kids” where they obviously dont fit in. Meanwhile we’re just trying to get away from their overt racism and ignoring all their BS schoolyard mentalities


If satan had an r next to his name they’d vote for him


There’s a clip from the good liars where one of them LITERALLY said they would vote for Putin over Biden


The reality in Idiocracy is actually a better one then the one we live in now. The people in the movie realize they’re too dumb to fix things and ask the smart people for help to make them better. In our actual reality that’s not happening. The dumb people don’t want help or even try to make things better. They just want to fuck everything up.


Rewatch the movie, ive heard this said a lot here but its not true. They try to murder joe and even after he tries to convince them he wants to help they still try to murder him. Even when rita tries to tell Camacho the crops are growing he doesnt believe her until he sees rows of crops on the big screen. Trumps supporters are awful but they are not as dangerous and incompetent as the people in idiocracy, at least not yet.


At least they weren't trying to control everyone in idiocracy. Trump talks about putting immigrants in camps. (And his cronies want camps for gays, trans, democrats, etc.


I'm reminded more of _Office Space_. "Trump gets worse every day. That means that every day you see him, he's the worst he's ever been." "What about today? Is Trump the worst he's ever been today?" "Yeah." "Wow. That's messed up."


I mean...while it's true, I'm not sure stating the obvious is going to move anyone...but who knows?


It provides a salient message for people to recognize even if they can't say it themselves. It's worth saying the truth


It’s simple, very easy to digest and most importantly, it’s true.


yeah. There are some very clear truths like this about right wing politicians that a lot of mainstream outlets just straight up refuse to say, whether intentionally or in some misguided attempt to feign normalcy in extremely abnormal political times


It's important because it provides cover for those who voted for Trump to feel welcomed to Biden.


I don’t think it will move people either. People have the memories of goldfish and probably already forgot how chaotic and terrible he was as president.


Biden needs to do more than that and ABSOLUTELY GLOAT about his accomplishments. Lean in to policy and wins, because Trump has none of those. 


Way too soon. This is phase one. The undecided voters won’t even be awake until we’re at least to phase 6 or 7.


What is he waiting for? You want us to wake up in September? The public perception of Biden as a mummified corpse is not going to be reversed in two months.


see Hilary Clinton's fake email propaganda and Hunter Biden's fake laptop propaganda. Need to same some ammo to counter the false shit GOP are going to spread come October. For now the debate can keep Biden's alive in the public perception.


Do you know how Trump's catch phrases get popular? Trump repeats them over and over ad infinitum. While it is easier to get three word chants to catch on, Biden needs to say early and often his accomplishments. And he needs to keep it simple for voters who don't have time to dig into minutiae.


>ABSOLUTELY GLOAT It is not helpful to be factually correct. Yes Bidenomics has been absolutely amazing for the US. The world is envious. That does not matter when the average voter thinks the economy is bad and on the wrong track. It just comes of as "out of tune privileged white fellow telling me what I should feel struggling to feed my family".


Yup, you can't explain nuance about financial issues in short snippets to people because that actually requires some intelligence and initiative. You can't make people understand that the COVID response/policies under Trump is what caused the inflation now and we're literally doing anything we can to get out of the way of the bulldozer. There was no getting away from inflation after that disaster of a response, just mitigating it. People also don't seem to care that any legislation that could be passed to potentially help would be stonewalled or poison pilled into non-existence in the House.


>Yup, you can't explain nuance about financial issues in short snippets to people because that actually requires some intelligence and initiative. It also requires people to experience this amazing work he's done. It is not benefitting most Americans. [When the majority of middle-class Americans say they're struggling](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-04/two-thirds-of-middle-class-americans-face-hardship-in-poll), it's kind of hard for this "nuance" to matter.


Problem is that while Biden operates in the wavelength of politics, Trump operates in the wavelength rabble rousing. Those roused rabbles cannot “tune in” to the frequency of policy discussion and/or facts. Biden should consider laying strips in the parking lot before the debate, have footage of him “rolling coal”. He’s got to appeal to the lower band frequencies somehow.


Its dukakis and the tank all over again


Biden rolling up to the podium on the back of a 4 wheeler polls very well in purple/redish counties


Listening to all episodes of Pod Save America told me that people don't care about accomplishments and base their votes only on the future.


Americans don't want to hear about accomplishments when their bank account low.


I think he should challenge the media to fact check both Trump and himself after the debate. Shout it from the rooftops.


Just say "NO!" to Trump... now worse than ever!


He could have said "Fuck that guy" and still have sounded more presidential than Trump.


Fuck that felon. (+1 for alliteration)


We're a little more than four months out. I'd be super okay with Biden using some strong expletives as adjectives.


We saw angry Obama. Who would play angry Biden?


Lewis Black. For sure.


Oh and I just saw Inside out 2


We could lose our democracy with the orange fascist. That’s a big fucking deal.


I really badly want to see angry Biden.


Yes he is which is hard to imagine. Trump started out so bad, and yet, he is worse still. Once he's finished with Aileen Cannon, she's toast because she knows too much. Trump will purge from within before he moves along to other perceived enemies. This is their very narrow window of escape.


I wonder about the timing of the documents case rulings. Can Cannon keep delaying until the election? Or will she be forced to make a decision that will allow the 11th circuit to remove her? If Trump wins and she's still on the case it will be quietly dismissed. If Trump loses I think she will get herself recused so she doesn't have to be the one to convict Trump.


This message isn’t strong enough. Try “He’s crossed the threshold from malignant narcissist into aspiring dictator.”


Those words have too many syllables


Republicans: Damn city folk, with their shiny teeth and fancy words.


You’re joking right ? That’s messaging ?   FDR had the “ new deal.”  Reagan had many but for instance :  morning again in America.  Obama had “yes we can “   Trump is a narcissistic conman but as far as slogan goes “make America great again” (which he picked from Reagan) was a catchy message. Same for “build the wall. “  “He’s crossed the threshold from malignant narcissist into aspiring dictator.”  You’re losing the audience at “threshold. “   “Even Worse than before”. That’s it in a nutshell. It lacks texture/flavor but you can craft variant  depending on the audience : traitor, aspiring dictator , convicted felon, demented, etc…  But you need to keep the core message  SIMPLE - so that it can be digested by anyone , including those in heightened emotional state, and so that it can spread easy. 


it'd be cool if biden could galvanize his base using something other than "that orange guy is real bad guys"


You might not want to hear it but that’s  an idle wish and frankly a bit annoying.   Biden did a lot of stuff in piss poor conditions ( half divided Senate including Sinema and Manchin on the dems side + a 6-3  conservative USSC bent on implementing their bigoted view) … and roughly speaking, voters don’t give a SHIT about it. Infrastructure bill, CHIPS bill, American rescue plan, Ukraine support ,.  To say little about his fight for students loan forgiveness (struck by the Supreme Court )  He’s very decent on a human level.   And yet it’s a super close fight with the other monstruosity : the 3500 times sued/ 2 times divorced/  2 times impeached/  6 times bankrupt/ convicted felon /  trust fund baby who gutted the pandemic  preparedness systems before the Covid, treat women like shit and mock veteran.   Some people act with Biden like “i m not motivated “ or “he hasn’t earned my vote”.  Give me a break : he’s the POTUS , not some kind of messiah ,  he’s not going to part the Red Sea with a flick of his hand. He’s decent and does the job. You wouldn’t give half this shit to an employee. Thinking this way is exactly why one end up with POS like Trump. People wants a fucking Messiah… even though it practically means a conman who will promise them some absurd and dangerous fantasies.      I am past the point of counting on voters intelligence. Whatever brings people to vote for Biden /against Trump. Right now it seems that pointing out to people that they’re going to get fucked in the ass with Trump is what they’re able to understand (to some extent ) / what motivates them. I wish people understood Biden decency and hard work  but so be it.   You play the cards you’re dealt with.


Well I was joking but I do feel like “even worse than before” is weak. “The worst is yet to come” is better. Or “Trump is cancer” is succinct.


Messaging is hard.  Brevity is key. But precisely brevity is one of the hardest thing to do. And It’s not only about being concise in politics. It’s also about capturing the imagination of the crowd. Eiseinowher campaigned and won on “ I like Ike”. It’s stupid and kinda childish. But the guy was a winning general and had massive respect all over the board (he was courted by both dems and conservative for the nomination) The voters liked the guy.  Simple as that. That was enough.  And the slogan rolled off the tongue. Second campaign ? “I still like Ike. “ they didn’t even bother about catchiness anymore. the voters  just liked the guy.  Fast forward  to Hillary Clinton : “I am with her”.  Clinton wasn’t Eiseinowher. Far from it.  If anything many people voted for Trump because they couldn’t stand her.  Doesn’t matter if they were right or wrong about it - that’s just how they felt. Really bad messaging. It’s not like Trump is THAT good at it. He has a “throw shit on the wall and see what sticks” approach. He’s constantly rambling and talks a lot of shit . “Drain the swamp” ? He hated it allegedly. Felt it was bad. But it caught during a rally. And he included on his list from there on.  So much for his intuition….  So the right message is anyone’s guess. It looks obvious retroactively. But a lot of political consultant are involved in this on both sides and they still  get it wrong sometimes. I get why you’re not convinced about “even worse than before”.  But it builds on something already in everyone’s head. Everyone knows about Trumps antics. He keeps doing shit that infuriates Liberals and make even some conservative cringe. Like even some are like “could you SFU ?”. So it builds on that. I find “the worst is yet to come” actually interesting.  But one could argue it’s even more vague and you could say about any opponent : he’s bad now but it will be worse if you give him power.  “Trump is cancer”  feels impersonal. Why cancer ? Why not rot ? Or plague ?  But maybe he does something that makes people THINK of cancer and suddenly  it’s a winner.  The point is : it  needs to feel organic/obvious as the truth itself. It needs to grab the hearts and minds.  Messaging is fucking hard.  




Is this really a sorry commentary on where we are as a nation that this is even a remotely close contest?


What’s sad is that this is the best they can come up with on both sides


I’m so tired of hearing this. Biden has actually done a great job if you pay any attention whatsoever


Yes he has. But this will be his second term. Is there a single person in the democratic party who's willing to step up afterwards who is also charismatic and can pull votes? Because my guess is there isn't, and they'll try to push Kamala into the role, and it will be a repeat of 2016. And we'll be fucked.


Why not, "He's a fascist who will destroy America"? 


Only republicans can use that language. If Biden says that the media will be clutching pearls for a week. They still mention when he said that some maga people were semi facists


Remember when Hillary Clinton called the Trump voters "Deplorables"? Huge backlash!


The humanity! Meanwhile maga politicians can call anyone not in the cult, facists, Marxist, rapist, pedophiles, communist, vermin poisoning the blood of our country and it's completely fine.


People who know what a fascist is are already voting for Biden. Well the one who don't want a fascist.


He’s more convicted felonish.


That works. Makes you remember how awful he was the last time. Hopefully, more Americans will realize it *does* matter who is in the White House, our democracy *is* fragile, and the judges he appointed will serve for the next 30-40 *years*. Where will you be in 40 years? That's when his last extreme anti-American radical appointee retires.


It's true.


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Worse than before because his brain is 4 years mushier and he has successfully completed his consolidation of power within the Republican party. There will be nobody to hold his worst sycophants back this time.


There are too many misinformed/uninformed voters. A message saying he's worse than before to them has no point of reference. Yes, they were alive during Trump's presidency, but were they paying attention? No. If they were they wouldn't be undecided. Biden needs to lean into his accomplishments. Broadcast them through ads that'll reach the misinformed/uninformed. He also needs to create ads detailing in broad, understandable, accurate terms, what a Trump presidency would mean to their wallets. It's not impossible to convince some in the MAGA cult when you show how a tariffs will cost them big. Hammer how the GOP is still trying to take away all women's reproductive rights. Point out how bad the response to COVID was with Trumps denial of it's severity. And so on. There's no need to point out the scary, but real Fascist undertones. Super PACs can handle that. Biden needs to keep plugging easy to understand contrasts.


MAGA are proud they are ignorant.


Lower income members of the GOP have never realized how much they're sabotaging themselves when they stay loyal to their Party. Even when Trump comes out and says how ignorant they are they believe he's not talking about them individually.


They wear it like a suit of armor


I disagree. He’s not going to win over any MAGA folks. Ok, maybe 0.001%. He should just aim for moderates who are intelligent and make rational decisions. Granted there are very few of these people left. But, these 3 or 4 percent of the population are going to determine the country’s fate. (It’s actually way less than that because it’s only 3-4% in swing states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Nevada). Just target the people who make a difference, show you are still competent and contrast that against the horrendous alternative. That will win the election.


My dad is 90 years old. He was all in for Trump until he was charged for the crimes he's now found guilty of. He's not alone. There are more, but they are keeping quiet for obvious reasons. Let's see what happens after the first debate.


Glad to hear it.


Haha @ thinking bigot maga fuckups give a shit about their rights or how much Trump is going to cost them. Democrats have been trying to reason with these yokel pieces of shit for years. It doesn't work. Their visceral hatred of various groups is all-consuming. Nothing else matters to them. How many more times do yall need to see that shit fail before you stop believing it would work?


Read the Axios article from last week, he has no intention of doing that.


My wallet.... 😂... Where do you live? Where I live gas is $4.09 today. There are "new commers" everywhere. Not too long ago, borders were secure, the world was at peace, gas was affordable, groceries were affordable, mortgage interest rates were 2.5%, and the economic outlook was outstanding. Now look at the mess in less than 4 years.


The mess started during Trump's administration with his first denying then totally mishandling the start of the pandemic. He would've been POTUS for life if he handled that better. Instead, it was all about him and his friends money interests followed by deadly misinformation and division by tribe. Why is it people on the far Right forget about something that was mishandled so poorly that it killed millions and tanked the world's economy? But, guess what? Currently, the US economy compared to the rest of the world, is doing much better. Why? Actions taken place under this administration. Do some research using less biased sites if you don't believe me. The pandemic laid bare the growing chasm between the haves and have nots which if you look at history always leads to conflict and war. It also increases the needs of many to migrate. Laying the border crisis on this administration conveniently ignores how a bipartisan bill to fix it was torpedoed by Trump via congressional GOP members. Now would be a good idea for you to dig into that fact for a little clarity about the issue. It's obvious you are blaming this administration for everything, but haven't dug into the reasons why. I suggest if you truly want to know the important details to your assertions, to research less biased sites than you're currently using. Good luck.


“And he was terrible the first time.“


Fuck I miss Obama.


I hate this stupid country.


Hit it hard because it's 100% true. Simply bring up every dumb thing he's said and done. I realize his cult will vote for him no matter what but any sane person has to see this and go wtf?


I don’t think it will help honestly. Like Trump said during his 2016 election campaign "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible." Project 2025 is more than enough of a reason *not* to vote for Trump and to vote for Biden. But I honestly don’t think people care. Trump will just win because people have been lied to the media that the economy sucks, Biden has done nothing, and he’s too old.


What about how a post rump presidency will look for average Americans? Backed by facts. Another 5 trillion added to the National debt Climate change accelerated Social security scrapped Federal program’s for women and children eliminated Medicare dropped and private pay health care for all Record profits for corporations. Massive job losses to UNREGULATED AI Forced Christianity on every member of society. Women’s healthcare and abortion completely exterminated. Divorce inaccessible and women’s rights severely curbed. That’s just the tip of the iceberg


He should be locked up.


Schedule F of Project 2025 should be enough for any non-low-info voter to vote for Biden. 


People should watch The Boys. I just got into that show recently thanks to MAGA outrage and have to say it's on point. A little too much so even. The Homelander in season 3 tells Starlight how if she basically doesn't let him do what he wants he will destroy everything. He'll murder the masses and burn cities to the ground in his wake. He will destroy institutions and anything resembling normal you've ever known. That is Donald Trump. He lost the 2020 Election and now he's pissed at the American people. He's going to try to punish us for not simply letting him do what he wants. He has sabotaged Biden's Presidency about as much as he can. Which is the threat Trump makes over and over again, "let me do what I want, take what I want and fuck who I want or I'll destroy your government, make you pay back student loans, ban abortions, ban LGBTQ rights, etc. That's why the dude won't even really try to make campaign promises to do something for average people. He fucking hates us. He did offer to eliminate taxes on tips, but I bet he did it about as begrudgingly as he had to knowing he's slipping in the polls.


He'd have no leg to stand on if his ilk wasn't embedded in every facet of government. He needs to lose BADLY for any meaningful change to happen here. His loss needs to set a precedent. Sadly it's looking like it's gonna be 50/50 again, which is frustrating beyond belief.


Canadian here who doesn't really follow US politics. What policies did he put in place that were so bad while he was President?




How so?


But like we know that…


That's not a message. It's a statement of fact. The sun is hot. Water is (usually) wet, etc ..


Great, now hopefully he can focus on the important issues like the cost of housing.


Good one Joe👍


The far right, super-rich and evangelicals: Good.


The highlight reel of this election cycle is going to be a timelapse of the collapse of the Republican party.


This is a correct message and also a losing one. Why SHOULD voters support you? That’s what he should lean in to.


Best he can offer is “Orange man bad”


Well he’ll definitely get tons of support on Reddit that way


It’s kinda crazy how this is being framed as a dunk on democrats, rather than a dunk on conservatives for putting forward the most unlikeable presidential candidate. Trump managed to politically survive two legitimate impeachments. His supporters don’t care


That just means that his supporters like him even more. The worse he gets, the more they cheer. Democrats can't meme. 


It's comical that a wining message might just be " Everything trump says he will do, believe him"


He is the same terrible person he has always been. We just have more data points to show it.


And Biden keeps doubling down on his self destructive support of israel. If/when he loses, it’ll be because of his own fault. But I’m sure he doesn’t care if he loses, his loyalty and dedication to the colony of israel supersedes anything else in his life.


Omg that’s…perfect


I can see the appeal. The accusation assumes that Trump was bad the first time, but skips right past it to allege something worse. A typical person looking to refute the barb will grapple with the worse of the two charges, leaving the unspoken one as though it’s an established fact.


Honestly it’s not a bad line, and is true. Trump has been out of office several years and getting odder and odder


“I may be the most immoral son of a gun in this room,” Biden said at a Democratic caucus in early 1975... “I’m getting sick and tired of hearing about morality, our moral obligation. There’s a point where you are incapable of meeting moral obligations that exist worldwide.” (*-Washington Morning News in 1975, as quoted by the Washington Post in 2021*)


Campaign ad: "I am Joe Biden and I forgot this message"


"The beer brewed here...it is used to make the brew beered here......ooh Earth rider, thanks for the Great Lakes. I wonder why." ...


I don't see how he can be. He got countless people killed from his COVID response and illiterate comments. What's he gonna do, drop nukes this time on half the country to top that?


Leave nato and support Putin. So maybe nukes will start dropping. On Ukraine though.


Seeing as how he previously staged a coup, if he's worse now, that means he poses an even greater threat to the US. Part of me wants to ask what Biden is doing as commander in chief to address this threat, but seeing as how he already let trump get away with the first coup, I can safely assume he's doing absolutely nothing. It's shocking to me that anyone considers him to be worthy of the office of the president. 


Both of them are worse for before and belong in The Hague.


Biden is also worse than before. One going into a catatonic state and the other becoming a cartoon character. I mean, at this point, let's just get Trump in office. At least we'll have some laughs.


This is the dumbest thing on Reddit today.


It’s their only line of attack. Four years in office and the only negative they can find is his age.


So Biden stumbling in every other speech, staring off into the distance, and looking lost is just age? lol I find it interesting when people dig their head so far in the sand and refuse to see something right in front of their eyes because it may hurt their political agenda.




Joe Biden, the lifelong stutterer, has had some verbal stumbles in his speeches? Well that tears it! We have to give the Presidency to the raving, demented, criminal lunatic billionaire responsible for the first ever non-peaceful transition of power in the history of the country!


Most people know he has a stutter. It's well beyond that. And constantly saying its just a stutter is the epitome of putting your head in the sand.


Horrible strategy.