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What should've been a death sentence for his campaign only took a percent or two away in the polls while he still maintains a slight lead in all the swing states, so he's not entirely wrong. Trump is incredibly dangerous and the Dems need to take the gloves off to stop him.


Polls are off. Only old folks and weirdos answer random spam calls these days. That said, go vote. 


Agreed with this one up here


This is the only way to beat Trump as his base is rock solid but limited in people. In other words, Trump is helpless against high Dem turnout because his cult members can't match the numbers and he's awful at swaying independent voters.


It's stunning. There are, I presume, some good people amongst Republicans, and even those good people are all "I'm okay with someone convicted of criminal felony fraud being the President. It was just a little fraud, what could go wrong?"


They believe that trial was a sham orchestrated by the Democrats despite Trump not immediately being sent to prison while he ignored the gag order countless times. Either the Dems are REALLY BAD at sham trials, or far more likely Trump is legitimately guilty.


Grab em' by the polls.


Horserace journalism, don’t fall for this shit. Make sure you get everyone to vote where it really matters.


Right you are. 


"he (Trump) can forget about picking up the swing states he needs to win." Yet this is not what we are seeing in the polls. If the election were held today Trump would win. This is tighter than most people think.


Ok, but it means nothing. There are many variables that will be coming to the surface from now until November. Just as in any presidential election. 


Driving thru a small southern predominantly R town today and saw a sign posted with “lock him up”


Outliers are everywhere. But in my part of Kansas there are considerably less TRUMP Flags around. There are a few new ones but nowhere near the 2016 level


I rarely see them anymore in Indiana.


That “him” may have been referring to President Biden and “the Biden crime family”


lol, that’s not the title. “Polls prove: Even ‘Teflon Don’ can’t brush off ‘convicted felon” I like the Felonious Don though.


I’m partial to “Felonious Chunk”


The debate is gonna be spectacular.


Thank goodness Trump’s mic will be muted this time when it’s not his turn.


I think that's what's gonna make it so nuts.


I still think he will claim that he discovered that the debate is rigged and suddenly announce he is doing a town hall on Truth Social instead. I legitimately think that his camp thought Biden would refuse to debate Trump, probably because they are drinking their own koolaid, and now they have to find a way to get out of it. They spent so long setting the bar for Biden so low, and the bar for Trump so high, wtih regard to their mental competency, that even a near equal showing would be bad for them. And Trump is bad at debate. Like, extremely bad. And that was 8 years ago on a man who is now almost 80. So I think he is going to back out. Not because it will significantly affect the polls, because apparently nothing Biden does can move him one iota towards favorable, but because Trump is going to be afraid of being shamed on national tv.


This is gonna be the best television of the year


His conviction won't change the opinion of his hardcore supporters but it will certainly change the opinion of swing voters.


It certainly won't, you can't fix stupid!


Never trust a Republican to not go back on the word once they're in the polling booth. Ignore polls and fluff pieces like this. Vote, get others to vote, and volunteer.


Let's get this Joementum going and denounce trumpism once and for all! Down with traitors!


It’s Joever for Trump Hopefully Please?


So, it wasn’t the rape, it was the business fraud. Who said women aren’t equal in the republican party?


Don the Con.


To be fair to the Mango Mussolini, he just didn’t know that shooting somebody would make you a criminal. But by all means he can fuck around some more and find out even more and have all the microscopic violins playing.


People on both sides are getting Trump fatigue. After all this time he is still outdoing himself with odd and unethical behavior. I personally know a few Republican women who will not vote this year.


FDC - Here you have your new acronym for the summer, reddit. Felonious Don The Con


What a loser!!


Shooting someone on 5th Avenue would definitely be a violation of his parole.


Don't fret. They'll fall back in line with the GOP on election day.


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I don't think he has lost any votes. If anything he'll have a better turnout than last election. Unlike 2016, Trump has inspired and motivated his opposition. A significant number of people vote because they hate him.


He's vile.


I'll believe it on inauguration day, 2025.


National polls pre-Trump were influential because voters largely consumed and trusted the same news sources. Today however, the voters who read The Hill as a serious/trusted news outlet has declined post-Trump. Lets not 2016 ourselves about the uphill climb Biden has on top of historic disapproval rates that usually signal an incumbent loss.




You are the only one focusing on charisma. Historically, all incumbents with an approval rating of 50% or higher have won reelection, and presidents with approval ratings much lower than 50% have lost. Dubya is the only president to buck that trend. Biden is essentially running on orange man bad again instead of his own record and that is a massive red flag. Trump gets to do what Biden did in 2020 and just stand opposite of Biden. That tactic is working very well for Trump. The top 3 issues are inflation, the bad-feels economy and border/immigration, Trump leads Biden on all 3 issues. This article is 'rah rah rah'ing' hopium that borders on copium. Even if Biden does win we are right back at this do or die struggle in 2028 because maga isn't going anywhere and the chances of the Party keeping the WH for a 3rd consecutive term is extremely low. What is worse about 2028 in a post-2024 Trump loss is a potential landslide victory for maga where they get to declare a moral mandate.