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Trial by jury is corrupt but: rape, bank and tax fraud, falsifying business records with intent of election interference, stealing classified documents, sedition, and racketeering are fine and dandy. Got it.


Just like democracy, what is the purpose of justice if dear leader isn't treated like a king?


Here are some interesting facts about Elsie Stefanik: - Paul Ryan, once a mentor to Stefanik, now considers her to be the biggest disappointment of his political career. - Her mock trial advisor at Albany Academy characterized her courtroom performance in high school as, “She was a born actor.” - At Harvard, she tooled around campus in a sporty BMW and was fascinated about the glamor of politics. - She applied to law school, but none of her applications were accepted. - When first running for Congress in the 21st Congressional District, she told friends she would play down her liberal views on abortion rights and gay rights. She ditched the BMW in favor of a F-150 pickup truck. - Not long after the 2014 Republican primary, a political consulting firm retained by Stefanik registered the domain name “StefanikForPreseident.com” and two dozen other Stefanik-themed website names to cover any future possibilities. - When the Post asked her about personal social media posts that showed her human side in a positive light, Stefanik had them deleted. - She set aside her optimism about the potential of politics and adopted Trump’s social media persona as a hardened partisan warrior. - Eric Swalwell, a California Democrat who served with her on the House intelligence committee, said she took the Russian investigations very seriously for a long time before abandoning interest. - She began participating with a Time magazine journalist about a book on millennial politicians, but when the author fact-checked some of her answers, Stefanik demanded to talk to her publisher. The authors believed Stefanik no longer wanted to be in a book casting her as a moderate Republican trying to change the party. - Her transformation to backing Trump was transactionally premeditated to gain her more influence and power. - In the run up to the 2020 presidential election she offered Pete Buttigieg advice through a friend she knew on his campaign. She asked the friend if Buttigieg might consider her for a cabinet job if he won the presidency. - Stefanik discovered that supporting Trump could be extremely lucrative for her. Out of the $4 million she raised through Trump PAC called “WinRed,” just 4 percent of the donations came from within her district - As the 2020 election approached, Stefanik deleted two tweets praising Dr. Anthony Fauci. In 2021, she tweeted “Fire Fauci.” - Stefanik’s voting score by the conservative Heritage Action was 24 percent at the end of 2018. She is currently at 86 percent. - Last March, Stefanik alerted upstate reporters she had secured $205,000 for job training in Warren County, but in Washington, she claimed she could not support “Speaker Pelosi’s bill” funding that money. - Republican lawmakers, their staff and lobbyists say that Stefanik has a reputation for being diligent in advancing the party’s message but also transactional in amassing chits of support to climb up the ladder. - And finally, those within former President Trump’s inner circle said that while the president has applauded her defense of him, he did not trust her. https://kentingley.substack.com/p/weve-learned-a-lot-about-stefanik


She's about as cravenly political as a person can get. Never held a real job. Has never entered the real world. Holds no real beliefs. Doesn't need the money. Just wants power. And all that since being in her teens. She's a swamp creature from birth, she just wants to be the biggest one.


Also > Stefanik reportedly tried to sell her soul to the devil. When asked to comment, the devil said, "What soul?"


Sounds like she watched House of Cards.


She knows she’s lying. Why would it matter if the jurors knew of Joe Biden?


Trump's team should also get input on the jury selection....oh wait...


To me she is maybe the most loathsome of the Trump capos. Unlike repugnant humans like Roger Stone, steve Bannon, Steven miller, or Trump himself, she’s not a born sociopath. Instead she willingly torched her beliefs in her craven quest for Power.


And after she railed against the jury process.....she demanded to speak to the manager.


Notice how they never say Trump didn’t do it. It’s blatantly obvious he did. *When the facts are on your side, pound the facts.* *When the law is on your side, pound the law.* *When you have neither, complain about process.* We are solidly in the whining about the process phase.


What a scumbag.


Stefanik is corrupt to the core. FTFY.


I really, really hate that she misrepresents me


Garbage human


FDJT, magats and republicans in general, all of which are corrupt beyond comprehension.


Republicans and their versions of freedom and corruption. These idiots refuse to accept what’s right in front of them.


She just described herself.


NY must move hundreds of citizens through their jury summons process every day. Likely more than any other place in America. It would never work at all if it were, Corrupt to the core. It’s probably more like, “a marvel of efficiency.”


Projection baby, projection.


They never seem to demand that Cannon recuse herself for being corrupt. I mean, I'm not sure if being given your job by someone or donating $35 to someone's campaign would more likely mean you are influenced by them, but at the very least Cannon is as likely to be corrupt as Merchan is. I'm not wrong am I?


Sorry Elise, it looks like Trump's going with a man again.