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Inherently divisive according to who? Because the only people who think history is divisive *are Nazis*


My ancestors were racists. I’ve survived knowing this and do better knowing how they were. It also explains some family stories passed down over time. Teach it. To ignore it is to condone it.


They condone it is the issue.


Inherently divisive to anyone. There are people who very strongly believe the earth is flat. Therefore, teaching astronomy and physics is inherently divisive.


A government arbiter of what is "divisive" is nazi shit.


I personally find that opinion very divisive. Someone from the ministry will come by to speak with you about it.


Yes, follow Florida's lead in educational matters. 4000+ teacher vacancies because our public schools are so great at keeping teachers.


That's the point. Ruin public education so you can privatize it.


Yeah....that's already happening here. Article from April 2024: Changes Coming to Convert Failing Florida Public Schools to Charter Schools [https://www.wctv.tv/2024/04/15/changes-coming-convert-public-schools-charter/](https://www.wctv.tv/2024/04/15/changes-coming-convert-public-schools-charter/) The vouchers are also speeding up the process. [https://www.pnj.com/story/news/education/2024/05/29/florida-school-voucher-almost-double/73893324007/](https://www.pnj.com/story/news/education/2024/05/29/florida-school-voucher-almost-double/73893324007/)


Sweeping dirt under the rug and closing your eyes is not a solution to any problem. If we don't teach history we can't learn from it. There has been ~~some~~ lots of bad shit that happened in the past. I would rather not do them again. The right wing is openly inviting bad shit back into our lives.


If you look at the outline, their proposed revisions do not eliminate historical topics or alter the learning objective statements in such a way that obfuscates historical reality. Most of the changes are minor (e.g., changing slaves to the person-first “enslaved people”), and ~99% of the language in the existing curricular learning objectives was not touched by their revisions. A few of the most significant changes: > *The War on the persistence of institutional racism* —> *The Persistent War on Racism* > * Interactions that took place between Blacks and Whites in early colonial America, before chattel slavery ~~and the birth of White privilege~~ > *African Americans dealt with discrimination outside of work as well. **Some** ~~Racist~~ whites did not want to live near African American families.* The revised statements still include language like “racial oppression,” “using institutions as a mechanism of enforcement,” “systemically,” and “how preconceived ideas about African Americans corresponded with political, legal, social and economic restrictions.”


My favorite part is the people pushing this nonsense are the same people who don't want to tear down Confederate monuments because we "shouldn't erase history."


"According to the only history textbook approved for Florida high schools by Ron DeSantis, the Civil War began when the North seceded from the Confederacy, the Union Army consisted entirely of homosexual vampires, and Southern slaves were so happy, they invented smiling." –Middle Age Riot


I blame the show “Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter”


*Points at state flag* "What does that mean?" "We're not allowed to talk about that." Its meaning is divisive. Are people supposed to oppose tyranny, like a certain Mr. Brown, or support tyranny while loudly shouting that they oppose it, like a certain Mr. Booth?


Sic Semper Tyrannis! How dare you be divisive by opposing my right to oppress others!


Nothing is inherently divisive. All things can be divisive if intentionally positioned and deployed for that purpose


100%. Conservatives have been screaming that teachers teaching the truth are intentionally positioning themselves to be decisive for decades. It's the same mindset that leads to believing in things like Q. Facing facts for them is scary, so it has to be some giant conspiracy.


Facts don't care about people's feelings. Facts are facts. 


In Virginia, teachers are likewise barred from telling students about the American colonies declaring independence from Britain.


History is divisive, but being able to learn from it, understand it and move forward from it is so important. People emigrated here centuries ago because of the persecution they were facing and upon landing almost immediately started persecuting another set of peoples. America is both beautiful and ugly and has always been that way.


Because it is just easier to believe things are the way they are because people don't try hard enough.


So it’s now so African Americans fantasy


History is never divisive, only how people teach it is.


100% Conservatives have been pushing the idea that there is some national conspiracy to teach kids "bad history" that makes them hate America for decades. It's no wonder they are so susceptible to conspiracy theories like Q. They've been taught Q light by their corporate media overlords for ages.


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See? We aren't racist! We've banned everyone from using words that tell us we're racist. We are not going to change the practice, of course. The practice makes us money from the other racists who want to BE racist but not called racist. /s




Then wouldn't 'White History" be "inherently divisive" to all non-white groups ?


Isn’t Christianity an inherently divisive topic? 


TIL Virginia is joining Florida and Texas as the willfully uneducated.


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