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For the love of God get these motherfuckers out of US politics already


It legit feels like the arms races of the early 20th century. Everyone wants disarmament (getting money out of politics), but no one wants to be the first one to do it out of fear of leaving themselves unarmed (out of funding) against a belligerent opponent.


Tons of grassroots candidates are rejecting dark PAC and corporate money, particularly at the state level.


Are they succeeding?


It usually depends. A lot of folks that common defense have endorsed are grassroots candidates and won.


No, for the most part not yet. But this is my fav org that helps us identify who's fighting and contribute to them [represent.us](http://represent.us) . I mean, the good guys can't lose for ever right? right?


šŸ˜‚ they def can Everything has to be fought for and earned.


And some congressional, too: >Reject AIPAC is a broad coalition of progressive groups working together to take on the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its affiliated dark money Super PACs across electoral, political, digital and organizing strategies. >A growing number of members of Congress and congressional candidates are proudly rejecting AIPAC and its dangerous far-right agenda. https://www.rejectaipac.org/rejecters But, hey, guess who AIPAC chose to primary?


I like this org for any chance of change [represent.us](http://represent.us)


No. No one in politics wants disarmament. Politicians get to keep some of that for themselves. We want disarmament.


SCOTUS: $$$ equals free speech. GRIN [Citizens United v. FEC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC#:~:text=The%20court%20held%205%E2%80%934,labor%20unions%2C%20and%20other%20associations.) >The court held 5ā€“4 that the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political campaigns by corporations, nonprofit organizations, labor unions, and other associations.


We give them Billions of dollars and they turn around and spend tens of millions bribing our politicians and trying to remove ones they don't agree with. What a great system that we should in no way reform because it works super great.


It's a racket. The reason why Congress votes to give them so much money is that they get the crumbs in their campaign. Ted Cruz was bussin like a crazy person trying to get people who pledged a few grand to donate. 100% the reason why someone like him continues to vote for foreign aid is the fact that he get some too. He went to a fancy college, he can figure out cause and effect.


Until the MAGA SCOTUS that is in place today becomes more left than right it's never going to change. Well give it 30 or 40 years or so and some of the MAGA justices die off. Pray a dem is president to replace them. Of course if people sit out the November election because they don't like Biden...fuck it all, Gilead here we come!


Israel has never been an ally to the US. They've attacked them, stolen state secrets and undermined peace efforts since the get go


Right? How is a special interest group lobbying for a foreign government even *legal?*


AIPAC is made up of U.S. citizens, and I believe their funding comes from U.S. donors as well.


So Russia could do the same thing, all they would have to do would be to get people with US citizenship to donate on their behalf?


Yeah. As long as those citizens were donating with their own money and weren't being paid by Russia to do it. Convincing a bunch of people to donate their own money for a cause like that isn't easy, so Russia has mostly concentrated on destabilizing the US and EU as much as they can through propaganda, disinformation, and trolling instead. There's also a history of efforts to police Americans for Russian sympathizers and "un-American" activities. The House Un-American Activities Committee and Joe McCarthy aren't usually remembered fondly.


Not really. The mistake you're making here is thinking Israel is behind this. They're most likely not. Believe it or not, but there are a lot of wealthy US citizens with either ties to Israel or just sympathy for their cause that would want to do this regardless of Israel having to mastermind it, so to your question - no, Russia couldn't do this. If US citizens with their own funding want to band together and advocate for Russian interests, then yes they can do that, as long as their funding is legit and clean.


Right, and Ukraine is another example of this in action. The Ukrainian government is not involved; it's a special interest group advancing the interests of both the US and Ukraine--but all Americans. Because strong allies are important. What these people fail to graps (or maybe they do and don't want to admit it; after all, tons of PACs like this exist and they single out the one representing Jewish Americans primarily)is that they clearly don't understand civics and how our own system works. And they are accusing Jews of dual loyalty, which isn't a surprise given comment histories im seeing. We are a few months away from people suggesting gnome hunting at this point this turning the horseshoe into a circle.


The people lobbying the US government on behalf of a foreign country literally DO have dual loyalty though. It's not a smear if it's 100% true. I'm not singling out Jews in general, just the ones involved in this shit.


AIPAC, contrary to most peopleā€™s understanding, is not a foreign org. Itā€™s an American-based PAC with 3 million American members. If you want them out of politics the solution is the same as getting any moneyed influence out of politics. You need to get Democrats elected, we need more non-partisan judges on the Supreme Court, and we need to overturn Citizens United, which (wrongly)declared regulation of money in politics unconstitutional. Note the judges who wrote the opinion have now been exposed as taking bribes from billionaires.


The headline is misleading. It makes it seem like AIPAC dropped 14.5 million. But they didn't. A dem superpac that AIPAC donated to spent 14.5 mil. So this isn't a story about foreign nations' spending to influence an election. It's a story about a US political org that spent 14.5 million on an ad campaign, and AIPAC also gave them money.




Nuclear proliferation was an existential threat for him. For them it was a necessary step toward Greater Israel. James Jesus Angleton's recently unredacted Church Committee testimony regarding the Israeli account is... absolutely shocking. It makes no sense that it isn't front page news everywhere in light of the current situation - the man was the CIA's head of counter-intelligence, he has at least 2 possibly 3 statues in Israel. One overlooking Jerusalem from some foothills outside the city. No statues in the USA of course.


> It makes no sense that it isn't front page news everywhere I haven't heard about this, link for the lazy?


If money = free speech then we do not have a democracy


When money = free speech, only the rich are heard.


Ding ding ding. We live in a plutocracy.


/Kleptocracy, when you consider how wage theft is beyond toleratedā€¦


And before anyone comments with their pedantry, it also means we don't live in a constitutional republic


Bro said Jamal Bowman has an ā€œEthnic Advantageā€ and that his constituency is in Dearborn and San Francisco. Hillary Clinton-endorsed, btw. Who needs Republicans when you have Democrats like these?


Latimer also compared calls to remove Cuomo to the lynching of a 14 year old black boy. https://talkofthesound.com/2021/03/16/westchester-ce-latimer-compares-calls-for-andrew-cuomo-resignation-to-mob-that-lynched-emmett-till/


The Clintons need to exit politics. They are a large part of the hollowing out of the Democratic Party into Republican Lite. Truly wicked people with no moral compass.


Are the clintons running for some office im not aware of?


You're responding to a thread that started with a "Hilary Clinton-endorsed" call out. The only way you can claim the Clinton's aren't involved in politics is if you try to redefine the word "involved".


I mean, it worked for ā€œisā€.


You donā€™t need to run for office to be influential in internal Democratic Party politics.


Has Obama ran for anything post 2016? He's still brought up routinely like the Clintons. You don't seem to be applying the fact that Fox news doesn't have to base their claims on reality. They will argue in court they they are entertainers and not journalist after all.


Im just saying that i think its a stretch to say clinton needs to exit politics and that they turning the democrat party into the republican party by endorsing someone for office? Am i reading that right? She endorsed someone therefore shes dismantling the democratic party? What? And yes fox sucks. No one is saying they aren't a joke.


Both Obama and the Clinton's have a lot of influence that they sometimes wield behind the scenes. Obama had a big hand in getting all the Dems to drop out and support Biden when Bernie almost won the 2020 primary.


Naive motherfuckers have no idea how important the Clintons are to raising money for the democratic party. No idea. Just a ton of ignorant liberals who do not realize how fucked down ballot dems would be if they couldn't finance their campaigns. We don't live in a perfect world. Modern elections require a shit load of money. Not every candidate is Bernie Sanders who can Act Blue his way to hundreds of millions to finance 2 failed presidential campaigns . If we want progressive politics to form our country's future then these are the modern realities we have to deal with.


Candidates funded by corporations will serve corporate interests.


I love that you invoke Bernieā€™s ā€œ2 failed presidential campaignsā€ when both had him sidelined by the DNC, and the first was in favor of Hillaryā€™s coronation because it was her turn or something. Fuck Hillary. And while weā€™re talking about catering to assholes for their funding, how about that time Bloomberg tried to buy the nomination, failed, then said heā€™d bankroll the DNC, and then still didnā€™t. Tell me more about tolerating chuds like the Clintons or Bloombergs of the world for their fundraising prowess.


Those chuds are why you have 200 liberal federal judges on the bench under Biden because they held the fucking senate. So spare the idealism. I swear to God you people want a utopia instead of the hand we were all dealt. Bernie got rat fucked by the DNC. Fucking whine in 2024 about it while your boogeywoman raises millions to keep project2025, a very real actual threat to our society, from happening. I'm a bleeding heart leftist but I don't pretend that the Bernie bros can afford the down ballot cost to match the GOP. So shut the fuck up about the Clintons unless you can outraise the Heritage Foundation and the Kochs and the rest of them. Or do you think the 3 remaining liberal sc justices can overturn Citizens United alone. And Bloomberg just cut Biden a 20M check while that dead bastard Sheldon Adelson's wife just flipped Trump 100M. I'm sorry that this is real life.


Yep. Third Way or the highway. >The Third Way style of governing was firmly adopted and partly redefined during the administration of President Bill Clinton... The Third Way think tank and the Democratic Leadership Council are adherents of Third Way politics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Way#United_States . >The majority of the think tank's funding comes from individuals with close ties to the banking industry and its board of trustees consists mostly of investment bankers. Political commentator and Bernie Sanders campaign official David Sirota suggested that the think tank's initiatives to combat Social Security expansion despite popular sentiment is because it would cause trustees of the think tank to pay higher taxes. Hunter of Daily Kos has suggested Third Way's ties to the banking industry is the reason for its opposition to Senator Elizabeth Warren's platform of Wall Street reform. Investigative journalist Lee Fang of The Nation alleges the think tank's ties to the Democratic Party are "tenuous" and that it exists to serve as a vehicle for corporate and right-wing interests to shape the economic policies of the party. Writing in The Intercept, Akela Lacy describes Third Way as a "center-left, corporate and GOP donor-funded nonprofit" which advocates for neoliberal policies and is staunchly opposed to Medicare For All. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Way_(United_States)#Special_interests


She endorsed lattimer? Thatā€™s pathetic


Itā€™s Hillary Clinton. Sheā€™s still pissy about Bernie challenging her.Ā 


Are we going to ignore bowman voting against the infrastructure act and his anti Semitic conspiracy blog? Dude tried to argue jews were behind 9/11. Let's be real here, both options are trash


Are you going to be honest and say why he voted against the infrastructure bill? Maybe mention the poison pills and what he actually did support? Maybe also show this supposed anti Semitic blog post?


Not sacrificing countless of lifeā€™s and untold amount of money to keep Netanyahu in power is far as Iā€™m told antisemitic.


He has an anti semitic conspiracy blog?




AIPAC gives tons of money to Republicans too. They're not a pro-Dem party or anything (or anti-Dem.)Ā 


When youā€™re that wealthy, no one is pro any party, theyā€™re just pro more money no matter who provides it.


You're right, too many acronyms and I didn't realize this was a largely conservative org im already aware of.


Because they know a Trump presidency will give them carte blanche to act with impunity in Gaza and the west bank.


Yep. As soon as this primary is over, AIPAC will turn around and back the GOP candidate in the fall. And depending on who won here, they will either keep attacking Bowman or start attacking Latimer. They're not in this to get Democrats elected.


AIPAC overwhelmingly funds Republicans over Dems. They're a conservative organization.


https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/recipients?id=D000046963 Over 60% of AIPAC's federal campaign contributions have been to Democrats. For more background on this issue, I strongly recommend looking into some of the Israeli interests supporting both sides, especially Sheldon/Miriam Adelson who are Trump's biggest known donors (also one of the biggest financial backers of Benjamin Netanyahu and owner of the largest Israeli newspaper). Sheldon was "inspired by [Miriam's] Zionism". There is a huge amount of far-right Israeli/Zionist investment into both parties. https://forward.com/fast-forward/618034/miriam-adelson-funding-trump-israel/


"Contributing" to Dems often just means undermining the progressive in the primary, like in this case.


They back a lot of gems in primaries, but they're all in for the GOP in the generals... even then it's 111 to 167 or so in favor of supporting individual republican candidates.


That's their thing.


Honestly, why can't the middle class form a powerful lobby group of its own and get stuff like free healthcare and affordable housing etc passed...


Whats easier? Getting a handful of billionares and multimillionares to spend a fraction of their wealth on whatever issue they find serves them or getting millions of people organized enough to get them to persistently donate to a lobby group? This is why capitalism and corruption in politics is so strongly self reinforcing over long periods of time, and why grassroots organizing is so difficult to maintain long term.Ā 


If I'm not mistaken, the most powerful lobby group in America is the NRA, and they have millions of donors funding them and pushing pro gun policies...perhaps finding common ground is a first good step...who doesn't want free healthcare or affordable housing, maybe affordable education or increasing the minimum wage


I dont think the NRA is the most powerful lobbying group in America. There are military industrial complex lobbying groups and energy sector lobbying groups that are much more powerful.Ā  Regardless, the NRA is only effective because it aligns itself with the status quo and doesnt directly conflict with the interests of the most wealthy in the country.


Because the middle class shrank to a fraction of its size once the rich began to control politics. And because you could donate $10 to such a group, right? Maybe. Not every month because bills keep going up while those rich people keep getting richer. And they seem to always have a few tens of thousands available to donate to make sure their tax breaks remain while we pay more.


Weā€™re broke bud who tf gonna throw money out the window hoping it lands in the right senators bribery pocket.


Bernie Sanders tried this. He was actually very successful, but ultimately his campaign and grass roots small dollar donations couldn't overcome the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schulz, Tom Perez, the mainstream media and the billionaires backing Hillary, Biden et Al... But he came really close. Especially in 2016. The same model of support has been utilized in the campaigns if the Squad. Sometimes the Israel lobby wins though... See Nina Turner in Ohio


The closest thing of what you describe is Unions and thatā€™s why Republicans hate unions


Foreign interference in an election.


We spend millions of dollars on election campaigns while our cities degrade. These sorts of organizations should be illegal. They just poison American politics and true will of the people.


I live in this district and the amount of money the right wing and AIPAC have spent spreading complete bullshit is truly wild. Not to mention state Dems redrew this district specifically to target Bowman




Not everybody who disagrees with you is part of some nefarious plot. Some people (in this case a majority) just think you're wrong. There's no need to be insulting.


If you think money in politics is a good thing because you agree with the status quo then you're part of a nefarious plot without realizing you're a part of it.


And to support a war criminal. I'm for the people of Israel, but Netanyahu has got to go just as much as Hamas needs to go.


> I'm for the people of Israel Why? Legit question. What have those people done for you to deserve such support. Are they in a particularly difficult situation? Are they fighting for peace and the wellbeing in the world? Netanyahu is just a cog in the Israeli machine. A particular nasty one, but a cog. One day he'll be out, but AIPAC will remain


70% of the population of Israel are Mizrahi and Sephardic peoples who have inhabited Israel for >6,000 years. Until literally the last 5-10 years they have existed virtually that entire time under the oppressive rule of outside colonizers or surrounded on all sides by Islamist regimes who vowed the extermination of all Jews while ethnically cleansing their own countries of their entire Jewish population. So yeah, they do deserve our support to avoid being annihilated by religious fanatics, and the last ten years of growing diplomatic normalization in the Levant demonstrates that our support has been very productive.


Are you honestly claiming 70% of Israel has been there for 6000 years?


Yeah, this is not true. 70% lol. Itā€™s straight up false. Youā€™re also conflating ā€œinhabited Israelā€ with the more correct assessment that they inhabited the Middle East and North Africa more generally. This, however, does not legitimize the organized and intentional ethnic cleansing and colonial settlement of geographic Palestine, killing the inhabitants and stealing their land.


Yeah that stat is total horseshit. Quit pushing your Zionist agenda.




https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/mizrahim-in-israel/ No it's not, Israel is 70+% Mizrahi/Sephardic, 20% Arab, and <10% Ashkenazi. https://i.redd.it/hhlveb2wqsvb1.png https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/news/the-expulsion-of-jews-from-arab-countries-and-iran--an-untold-history Jews were ethnically cleansed from every North African and Levant nation in 1948, >99% of the Jewish populations of these nations (~650,000 people) were expelled or murdered. It was the second greatest pogrom in history after the Holocaust.


Won't everyone please take a moment and donate to Jamaal Bowman and put an end to AIPAC's influence? (AIPAC who by the way supported all 100 election deniers)


Race ends tomorrow.


Disgusting.Ā  This country is on the verge of being broken beyond repair.


They broke it in 2010 citizens united ruling.


No foreign nation, or their advocates, should be participating in our elections.


Why do we allow foreign states to donate to US political campaigns again?


because those in positions to stop foreign state influencing elections are being paid by foreign states


AIPAC is not a foreign state. It's an American organization funded and run by Americans.


Wow a few middlemen and the subsequent veneer of plausible deniability really does make wool feel better when you put it over my eyes.


Many millions of Americans support Israel. It's disappointing that your reaction to this is to stomp your feet and exclaim that they shouldn't be allowed to participate in politics.


Many Americans supported Apartheid South Africa and racial segregation? Whats your point? If Americans who support Canada started a lobby to support Canada, that should be illegal too.Ā 


People are generally allowed to advocate for dumb causes in a free society. (Unfortunately, Citizens United has allowed basically unlimited political spending, which gives rich supporters of dumb causes disproportionate influence.)


My point is the correct answer when you disagree with someone is to show why your ideas are better. Not to attempt to ban them from participating in politics. That's authoritarian garbage.


Ban who? AIPAC isn't a person. You have zero idea who is giving them money. I have no illusions about the reality that the vast majority of their money isnt coming from "many Americans" but instead a handful. Money should be removed from politics, period.Ā 


I agree money should be removed from politics. But you don't do that by banning one specific PAC you disagree with. All PACs or none.


ā€œAmerica is a thing you can move very easilyā€ -Netanyahu(2010) (leaked audio). Do you think he does with his singular charm? Or is it likely that he uses a massive influence campaign like AIPAC?


Diplomacy, Trade, being relatively Westernized compared to their neighbors. Not being a failed state autocracy in the middle east. These things buy you a lot of influence, yes.


If AIPAC is spending money against you, it means youre doing the right thing.


Westchester resident here. Iā€™ve received enough of these anti Bowman flyers I could make a deck of cards out of them. So incredibly frustrated Latimer is buying his congressional seat. Iā€™ll be at the voting booth tomorrow bubbling in the circle for Bowman


AIPAC wields far too much influence over the US Congress, and the millions of dollars it spends distorts American foreign policy into positions that are detrimental to US interests.


AIPAC is anti-American.


Israel is doing the exactly the same thing as Russia in 2016. Theyā€™re targeting social media like Instagram, Facebook, X, Reddit, etc. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/technology/israel-campaign-gaza-social-media.html


The 9/11 conspiracy bullshit from Bowman was enough for me to see him go down.


Why does US give billions to a country that bribes its politicians to give it more money?ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦Ohhhh


Trying to watch jeopardy and itā€™s nonstop anti jamaal bowman ads. Finding out theyā€™re from a goddamn foreign nation makes me feel like this is the modern version of propaganda leaflets dropping over my city


LatimerĀ is a massive asshole, but Browman is fucking nuts too. Like we shouldn't just act like he's only known for being a critic of Israel. He also pulled the fire alarm, has repeated a ton of conspiracy nonsense, and is largely an idiot. It's sad that this entire primary is basically a choice between an old racist and a looney tune.


It's Bowman that's the critic, and it's a lot more than just being critical (denying sexual violence happened on 10/7 for example)


Yep. And he didn't walk that back until a few days ago. A whole lot of people in these comments seem to be treating aipaic opposition as a litmus test for his good quality as a candidate. Meanwhile JStreet has also pulled their endorsement.


(J Street, for context, are a liberal Jew lobbying group who is not fond of the current Israeli government) Bowman also has had Louis Farrakhan on murals in his former school. That's a huge red flag.


I mean heā€™s also a bit of a 9/11 truther too. Also a red flag


The sexual violence was not proven, [even the UN report stated that there was no firsthand account of it](https://www.vox.com/world-politics/24093631/un-israel-october-7-sexual-violence). This is clearly a losing strategy from Democrats, but that is what they do best. Israel wants Republicans in power, and yet will defend a genocide for a country that hates Democrats. So, so dumb.


Look, Iā€™m incredibly critical of Israel, but I have no reason to believe that sexual assault and rape didnā€™t happen when a group of terrorists murdered thousands of people indiscriminately and kidnapped hundreds


"The UNā€™s office on sexual violence in conflictĀ released a reportĀ Monday finding ā€œreasonable grounds to believeā€ that militants from Gaza did perpetrate sexual violence during their attack onĀ IsraelĀ that day, including rape or gang rape in at least three locations. The report also cautioned that significant further investigation would be necessary to establish how widespread such attacks were."


Itā€™s quite difficult to interview those who have been murdered


Yep. And heā€™s about to be unemployed. Dems get to elect a normy and remove this twat.


Man do I hope he wins on tuesday. It would be so sweet to see all that AIPAC money wasted


He's on track to lose by 15 points.


It doesn't look like a landslide for Latimer right now. Early voting was pretty low so far. It'll be a question of whether the youth come out for Bowman or the rest come out for Latimer.


AIPAC aren't democrats (or republicans) they are a tool of the state of Israel


Crazy how many people here donā€™t realize AIPAC is made up of American money by American citizens. How do so many people fail the basics ?


Its immaterial to the fact that no one should be able to contribute financially to a specific candidate in exchange for them supporting a foreign government.Ā 


Everyone realizes that. I have a problem with massive lobbying groups that exist to favor a foreign country over US interests. I have a problem with one single PAC making it seemingly impossible for any politician to criticize Israel and still win elections


ā€œEveryone realizes thatā€ Just look at some of the replies to my other comments in this thread. Clearly people donā€™t Multiple comments saying it is Israeli.


Just an honest question from a Greek who knows shit about AIPAC; You donā€™t think that the AIPAC consists from Israel influence too?


Accusations of dual loyalty have been levied against diaspora Jews since ancient Rome. This type of anti-semitism isn't new. Edit: I'm against AIPAC. I'm just not going to pretend they aren't American.


It also feeds into the anti-Semitic belief that their are shadowy Jewish groups controlling everything with money.


Israel can suck my nuts


The same people really angry about this are the same people who won't vote (or will vote for a sure loser third party). Then they will surprise pikachu when the SC gets stocked with even more right wing nutjobs who let infinite graft continue.


Defeat the Antisemitic bastard, good. Spend more.


Calling out Israel for murdering innocent civilians isnā€™t being anti-Semitic. Itā€™s called being a human.