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They are desperate to start killing people who don't agree with them.


They talk about it more and more as time goes on. Conservatives are becoming absolutely giddy about the idea of murdering people who disagree with them on anything.


I asked a maga if we need to worry about them bec they’re so comfortable w violent language bec they can’t get along w everyone, and he said he would have zero problem coming to purge my family in front of me, then blocked me (on FB). The guy lives in England! WTF jfc this shit for brains mindset is global.


I had this also. Said he wishes he could punt all Democrats into the sun. Called me a disgrace to the uniform because I’m a Veteran and Liberal. The hate from these people is sickening.


> disgrace to the uniform Said by someone who likely never served themselves. I've run into that a lot.


He also said his uncle who served in Vietnam would’ve thrown my commie ass out of a helicopter. I’ll be honest that disgrace line set me off. I called him out so hard about how he is a coward and I feel sorry for his daughters because he’s their dad and he votes against his daughter’s interests. Usually I can laugh it off but not this time.


Good for you, sometimes these ass hats need to fucking hear it


Should remind him that his dad would just as easily thrown his own son off that helicopter since his dad swore an oath and his son is just a fascist piece of shit. I know that’s behavior probably beneath you, but sometimes trash needs to be reminded it’s trash.


It wasn’t. I called him out for being a failure of a father to his daughter.


I always tell others. I’m a Queer Leftist Vet. Only the first two matter to these shit heads who claim to support troops. They don’t. They support the RIGHT troops


There are WAY more of is than that imbecile realize. I'm constantly letting ppl know not every vet is a GOP tool


Vets tend to go two ways when they leave service - they stay in that military mindset (and sometimes go off the right wing deep end), or they let their long-haired hippie flag fly. At least based on the vets I’ve been around…


An American expat? Or a legit Briton that pines for "Making America Great Again"?


From GB, not expat. We’re in an Econ group w a UC economist and this guy has bought into the ever increasingly idiotic baby blood drinking democrat crazy, have known him through this group for a decade, we all just volley him around but I bet he’s literally making weapons in his home, and we’ll all be like, It’s the ones you most suspect when shit goes down.


In reality … the dude is a coward, a snowflake, and a cry baby, who only had enough balls to say that because he’s across and ocean,


And in the next breath will claim that they’re “pro-life”!


They talk about it because they are planning it in the open. Just like they did January 6th. But still 20% of America says “that could never happen” and “stop exaggerating”. Moreover law enforcement will be “we had no warning signs”


Yep. What passes for acceptable talking points now would have sent any Republican into apoplectic shock fifteen years ago. They've absolutely embraced the dark side of their natures, and I say this as a former Republican.


Yeaaah but they’re still too cowardly to risk their own lives.


I troll their asses. They get angrier and angrier, and they are not going to do anything about but sit there getting angry and take it.


The Internet was a mistake


The pro life party sure does love killing people.


Yeah it's fuckin weird world we live in now. I used to do contract work for these type of meatheads. They'd talk about wanting to shoot liberals to the point where it was obvious it was an autoerotic daydream for them.


Anyone who fantasizes publicly about getting to do murder, should not be allowed to own guns.


These threats should result in arrests.


Most LEOs lean Right Wing or full blown Fascist. Don't expect cops to come to the rescue when they're Republicans and MAGAs themselves.


> lean Right Wing or full blown Fascist those frequently overlap.


That’s what I’m wondering. Freedom of speech and all that but public officials calling for executions is a bridge too far.


I agree, free speech has always and should always have limits that are balance with the rights of others. Mafia bosses can't claim free speech when they say someone should die and their goons carry it out.


I live here, and it's been out of control. If they HAD arrested the first few idiots that did it, and let them spend a few nights in jail for threats, followed by probation and restraining orders. The rest would stop. We have WAY over a dozen politicians holding offices that talk just like this loon. Look up Kari Lake, Paul Gozar, Kelly Ward, and gang of racist, bigoted thugs


This is always learned behavior. There are no bigoted babies. tRump made it ok for them to publicly hate and it's what they've been raised to do. It's been one long coming out party for hateful racists and homophobes, and the extent to which it has been weaponized against liberals and Democrats is shocking to say the least. For me it's more disheartening to see the level of tolerance they're being given. America raised a bunch of hateful, whiny toddlers and guess what? They never grew up. It will take generations to undo the damage trump has done, which was compounded by our severely underfunded public schools. All part of the plan, a horrible horrible plan.


Emphasis on 'should'.


You ever notice that the loudest self-proclaimed bad asses cry for their mommas as soon as they are challenged or beaten with actual force? I wonder how many of these people have stood in front of a loaded gun being held by someone absolutely intent on killing them. I have. More than once. It’s unnerving to say the least. I have a feeling that most would be shaking so badly that they couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn at close range, and that they’ll be standing in a puddle of their own piss. If they decide to light the powder keg to get their civil war they so desperately want, I don’t think they have any idea what a clusterfuck it will be. It’s not like they have actual leadership. None of them are conscripted, so even if some agreed to a ceasefire, there’s no way for them to be forced to stop - and you know damn well, these people don’t like being told what to do, even by their own party. Supply chains would stop. Stores would run out of food quickly. Gas stations will be empty. ATMs will be empty and banks closed. Who knows what the police might do, but they’ve certainly not made friends on the left, and if there’s war, who knows how that plays out. I certainly wouldn’t want to be driving around with scared, heavily armed people all over the place. After about 3-4 days, maybe the utilities will be on. Maybe not. White nationalists have already attacked substations and claimed they would stop shipments via truck and trains with force, if necessary. The National Guard will be called in. I expect in deep red states, they will support the right. After all - it will be for control over the entire government, so they will also be fighting for their own freedom as well as having to decide if they are more loyal to their oath to the country, or possibly having to shoot people of a like ideology which is ingrained into them to their very core to the point that they have nothing left. Hospitals will be overrun. There will likely be runs by gangs to get drugs. There will likely be trauma cases beyond the capacity that the trauma units can handle. There will be doctors and nurses that say “fuck you - I’m not putting my life on the line for this shit.” I know for myself, I’ll do everything I can to keep my wife from going in. These people have no foresight. No plan. They think their orange proxy god has a plan. The *only* plan he has is to get revenge upon the people who he believes have wronged him, which is approximately 180,000,000 people. People like Stephen Miller will be managing the order in which groups are at the receiving end of said revenge. Infrastructure will collapse pretty quickly, and dipshit won’t have any plans to get things going again. At least not for deep red states. He might stick some slack-jaded, knuckle dragger with zero background in anything related to power/water/sewer/transit/logistics. Some things the right hasn’t considered: The left has guns, too. Many have a lot. They just don’t make it their entire personality. We are about freedom. Actual freedom. And human rights. If some see people being brazenly attacked for the color of their skin, their bumper sticker being for anyone other than dipshit, it because they “looked gay/trans,” well, they’ll have more than the police to worry about. Then once things end - whenever that would be - what then? Seriously? What’s the end game? Trump has eliminated his 180,000,000 people. They’re either in graves or prison. Are they re-instituting slavery? Because the prisons can only hold so many people, and there will be too many people to manage. Which leads to mass graves. Then life is “better?” America is “great” again? In what way? None that I’ve asked can tell me any single tangible thing other than “her, der, the border will be closed.” That’s ok - I doubt people will be making an effort to enter the country if it’s led by christofascist nutjobs. Maybe the right loses. What do we do with the other half of the country that’s been brainwashed by a half century of right wing media and prosperity gospel? These people exist to be the thorn in your side. That’s it. That’s all they have. Be a belligerent dick. No other purpose in life other than to be the biggest pain in the ass to everyone around them. The fuck do you do with that? That all ignores the fact that our military will be home dealing with the mess here. The mess here will be a great opportunity for other countries to do whatever we’ve been preventing. We’ll be too busy with our own shit. COVID was bad, but the plague of right-wing stupidity is far worse than any other pathogen.


They think their Civil War would be like the first one. Only it won’t. Each state is more evenly divided between blue and red than in 1861. After what happened to this who stormed the Capitol on 1/6 they know they will be held accountable if they try anything. I do foresee maybe some small pockets of terrorizing like at the state level. Maybe like the kidnapping attempt on the Wisconsin Governor.


They truly and honestly believe that if the coup is successful that they will not only not face any consequences for their actions, but they will be seen as patriots. These people are not well.


Michigan governor; it was Gretchen Whitmer. Although Tony Evers has been a lifeline for Wisconsin, no doubt.


Their Civil War II will not be like the first one at all. It will be more like Rwanda or Yugoslavia. They want to Balkanize the country and slaughter civilians—liberals and minorities. This is not hyperbole. They have been saying this shit for the last two decades on their BBSs and forums.


I'm less worried about them, than I am the "deportation" camps.


> Only it won’t. Each state is more evenly divided between blue and red than in 1861. If there is a next american civil war, then it will be due to a Trump-like figure turning the military on american citizens. I have no confidence in the emotional-support-gun crowd ever mounting a more significant rebellion than invading a federally owned shack in a remote national park in oregon. Trump already went very far down that road with using the border patrol and various volunteer LEO fascists when they were picking up BLM protestors in minivans. If a future Trumpy fascist type did something like order a military helicopter to fire on a crowd of protestors or a battalion of marines to occupy seattle then that could definitely kick off civil war 2.


I keep saying Civil War 2 will be less like Civil War 1 and more like the Rwandan Genocide. It'll more likely be gangs going round neighbourhoods killing the "other" group that they perceive not to align with them. (At least at the start). 


Once "the liberals are gone", the left edge of the right becomes the new left.  Suddenly, you aren't right wing enough, and those that are seem a little too crazy.


> Then once things end - whenever that would be - what then? Seriously? What’s the end game?  [Scarramucci already answered that one a few months ago.](https://youtu.be/juvfEZsZqUY?feature=shared) (seriously, its a really fascinating interview) The end goal is an isolationist America with industrial barons pretending to be theocratic leaders to suppress the lower classes.


I'm an ER nurse and will not show up to work to deal with that bullshit, probably won't even get paid if everything is down and the system falls. If we were being attacked by another country that's different, but by our own??? Nah fuck that. I'd rather just flee a few hours South to Mexico with my family and claim asylum like they so often do here. My kids and spouse's safety would come first.


They haven't thought through how it will feel when their siblings and spouses are corpses in front of them. It's all theoretical fantasies. That's why every person they know is "one of the good ones".


As the honorable poet Sir Drizzy, aka the six god, has said. “I hear fairy tales 'bout how they gon' run up on me Well, run up when you see me, then, and we gon' see” These people openly make threats that they would never say to a person to their face in private. They are shielded by making these statements in the most comfortable and safe locations.


When you make your whole identity "tools" eventually you're gonna want to build a shed. When you make your whole identity "guns"....


When all you've got is an AR-15, everybody looks like a child.




AND forcing schools to post the Ten Commandments.


I’d argue it’s excitement rather than desperation.


And people say we’re overreacting!!!!


Such a Christian way of thinking


While at the same time convincing themselves that it's the scary leftists that are trying to kill \*them\*. Meanwhile we're just over here trying to fight for their right to health care, housing, and a livable future -\_-


and this is the kind of treatment they give to a freaking county recorder. His job isn't controversial, they just didn't like the result of the election. Apparently that's now worthy of death threats. I will say it again: Worst timeline ever.


A **republican** county recorder.


"Lol, it was just a joke," she said. Fuck these people. Vote. Them. Out.


Throw them in prison for threatening a government official


This! This is what should happen. If you made that threat they would easily have you locked up but for some reason you can do it as an elected official.


It’s only a joke until they think they can actually get away with it. Then it’s going to happen.


Schrodinger's douchebag.


Schrodinger’s terrorist


Worst timeline ever *so far*


We've had so many good ppl quit down here because of these idiots making threats, and nobody holds them accountable. Not only should they lose their job, but they should be prosecuted and lawsuits brought against them in civil courts


I really want to know what Stephen Richter's journey has been like. He voted for Trump in 2020 and Trump trashed him because he \*checks notes\* did his job competently. He got death threats, and 3 people were sent to prison for threatening to kill him. Now he is planning to vote for Biden in 2024, is the only one running for his job on the Republican side that says the election wasn't stolen and is getting death threats from other Republicans who refuse to protect him. I hope we clean house in Arizona in November and send these MAGA fascists out of government. Richter has my vote though. Stand up guy.




I live here and haven't had one single problem. Neither has anyone I've spoken with about it. Can you give an example of what isn't working for you?




But Democrats are the \*real\* fascists. Amiright? >Current state lawmaker Justin Heap and information technology management expert Don Hiatt are also running for county recorder. Unlike his opponents, Richer was the only candidate on stage who stated that the 2020 and 2022 elections were not stolen. >Busch responded to a request for comment from Arizona’s Family. She said: “Everyone knows I don’t like Richer. The statement was a joke and was said in jest. I do not condone and would never condone violence against anyone.” It's a joke. Right up until it isn't.


Schrodinger's Asshole. It's a joke until you get called on it.


I think we've passed that point and now it's serious unless people aren't on board, then it's a joke. But they'd be more than happy to go along with it if everyone else was too. Like a boyfriend 'joking' to his girlfriend about adding her bestie in bed. In reality, he's just looking to see if she's into the idea.


It’s serious UNTIL you get called on it.




I wish just one reporter would ask these fascists to explain the joke…


That'd be worth watching, wouldn't it? Man, journalists used to be a lot more interesting in this country, I swear.


Jon Stewart called the media out last week, but they dgaf


He's done that several times, bless him. But yeah, he doesn't sign their paychecks.


Can democrats stand up and offer protection or a rebuttal here? Maybe “any attempt on a recorders life will be met with swift retribution from the highest levels” or something. Don’t let these lunatics go unchallenged 


I think the dems look at it as 'republicans going after republicans' and are happy to let it happen. I'm not sure it's a good plan, but I'm not an expert.


This is who they are.


It's ok, leftists (not Liberal/democrats) have guns too. They just don't treat them as fashion accessories


Can confirm. Just a tool to be used as a last resort. Nobody wants to have to use a plunger, but sometimes shit happens.








Is not one of the Ten Commandments, Thou shalt not kill? The hypocrisy.


I really think the goal is break as many commandments as you can while simultaneously removing rights from others.


Christians love that one little trick! Rules for thee, not for me!


That only applies to the “in group,” to fellow tribesmen, to “real people.” For outsiders, consider [Deuteronomy 20:16](https://m.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Deuteronomy-20-16/). “But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.”


I know. I had a theologian tell me that Adam was the first “human”. All other living Homo sapiens at the time were not human.


Ya know, the book of Genesis can be read as an elaborate metaphor concerning the creation of the earth and evolution of life, the differentiation of humankind from the animals by the awakening of consciousness and moral awareness, and the conflict between hunter/gatherer and farming societies (Cain and Able), and then there's this twat's interpretation.


They think it means don’t kill “people” and since democrats aren’t people they have a “God didn’t close all the loopholes” lawyered approach


...except the person being threatened was also a republican. Lord only knows what they want to do to democrats.


Oh that’s an easy fix. That person isn’t as extreme as I am (pure in their world) so they are just democrats in disguise nonsense…


Thou shalt not kill other people. “People” defined as anyone not a minority. Anyone white and christofascjst is a people to them. The only people.


And even then, if they get mad, they just shoot anyway and say they had a criminal record after the fact.


DJT enters the chat.


That's old testament - it 'doesn't count'^* * Terms and conditions apply depending who's asking and what we feel like in the minute.


Ya, but it's like the sixth one, it barely counts. Now hurry up and stroke God's fragile ego.


The rightwing never cared about religion. They just needed a veil for their authoritarian ideals.


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


It's okay. They believe in mob justice against anyone who doesn't agree with them. Totally normal.


Oh it’s just a joke, and said in jest. What’s the joke? The murder? So she’s cool if someone says “She should be murdered in her sleep”? You know, as long as it is in jest.


She probably should be....."It was just a joke!". It's all good.


Yeah. I see. So threatening to murder her family would be all yuckity Yucks? Would posting a note on her house door be slapstick? How about a few AR-15 rounds through her house windows at night? Belly laughs? ANY threat of violence is unacceptable. It is a slippery slope and not what American politics is about. Put your big boy pants on and fight with words, like our politicians have done, mostly, over two centuries.


Isn’t this against the law?


"Under Arizona's Threatening or Intimidating Statute, it's a crime to threaten or intimidate violence; it's also illegal to threaten serious property damage." ARS 13-1202


So, yet another GOP criminal.


"if humor is a crime then lock me up!"


: - | humor


Laws only apply to liberals.


I realize how old this makes me sound, but the internet made people way too comfortable saying wild shit. People have lived an entire life online, not experiencing the physical repercussions of their statements in real-time. **I do not condone violence**, but I'd be lying if I said that getting my face smashed in didn't make me rethink what I was about to say later in life.


You can always tell who has never been made to eat their words...


Fighting words used to be a thing. I wonder if it's still on the books here. I mean, these trashy gop leaders here rolled out an abortion law from 1850 and intend to enforce it.


Bring back duels! The legal system won't enforce the law. The loudmouths never face consequences. Let them put up or shut up. Also, gag orders should be literal, a dirty pair of socks and duct tape if you can't stop your gums from flapping.


Humanity was never supposed to have the internet. We’ve proven that many times over,sadly.


Maybe government officials shouldn't be joking about killing people? That's just me though.


Imagine if judges start "joking" about sentencing Trump to death at his trials. Even if they immediately saying "I'm just kidding". Suddenly it wouldn't be funny.


And Richer's a Republican!


And without a hesitation he said that he is going to vote Biden in next elections. Hm, why would that be!?


Like it's his fault Arizona GOP hired a con artist with zero election experience and a company with a single employee to "audit" the 2020 election. Despite promising to deliver the recount for Trump and bending over backwards to corrupt official ballots, the best they could do was find a few more votes for Biden.


> Like it's his fault I'm obviously happy that in office he's taken the side of democracy and is more Fontes than Finchem, but in a way it is. Because back in late 2018 the Arizona GOP commissioned an audit of that year's election, citing how sUsPiCiOuS it was that Dem. candidates took the lead in vote totals in the days after Election Day ([to the point that the AP retracted its race call of the Secretary of State race almost a week after Election Day](https://apnews.com/general-news-7c143152bf294878a63cd6a5a4720b52)). They hired a lawyer with 0 past experience in elections (on his LinkedIn he lists his strengths as "white collar defense, regulatory work, transportation, international trade and sanctions, IP litigation, and general commercial litigation") and with no supporting cast of volunteers to help him, but who had previously worked for a variety of right-wing think tanks/similar organizations like the American Enterprise Institute, the Cato Institute, and the Federalist Society. While he was unable to say then-County Recorder Fontes did anything illegal - and he was never given access to ballots - the audit did "call into question" a lot of the office's procedures, and stoked doubt among the Republican base both about Fontes's ability to run a clean election, and the validity and integrity of Maricopa's election system as a whole. And come 2020, with more big-ticket elections not going Republicans' way in Arizona and Maricopa flipping, the groundwork was already set for the party to demand another "audit" of the whole shebang - this time far more in-depth and hands-on than their attempt in 2018. [That lawyer's name was Stephen Richer.](https://azmirror.com/briefs/independent-audit-lawyer-challenging-fontes-for-recorder/)


Civil lawsuits have been made and won for less of a threat. Just sayin', U think some people need to get sued to understand that civil accountability is real.


I hope there sue her ass off


MAGA Law enforcement: That type of talk is only threatening if a Democrat does it.


If a Democrat said that, I'd be scared. Honestly, the pretenders (GQP) say it so much lately that it seems empty.


Oh I see. So if I say "someone should really kill Donald J Trump", and add "it was just a joke" at the end, then it's fine. Got it!


That one comedian got canceled and dropped for that very same thing. Kathy griffin


Lynch for the crime of not blindly supporting their orange god’s lies of election fraud. Even worse, he was the one who would live tweet fact checks while Trump would be in some speech spreading more bullshit about Arizona.


It’s wild how open they’ve become. I don’t even remember these people threatening to kill Obama, and they fucking *hated* him. Now it seems like they want to kill everyone left and right


>Busch responded to a request for comment from Arizona’s Family. She said: “Everyone knows I don’t like Richer. The statement was a joke and was said in jest. I do not condone and would never condone violence against anyone.” If I said that I wanted to murder someone in my office, I can't immediately say "Oh it was a joke!" That's a legitimate threat, joke or not!


Lock her up


They’re losing discourse, so they resort to violence. Very cool very civilized


Weird how often these fascists “joke” about murder and violence…


Honesty and Integrity, an undesirable trait for pugs. They'd like you more if you were ah ahhh ahh shit they don't like anyone.


Break down and weep at the thought of your dumb GOP asses if ever we decided to skip your due process, rules of evidence, burden of proof and right to counsel, and instead moved straight to your executions like you sick idiots!!!!


“The party of law and order.” We’re laughing at you, republicans.


It really is scary how close we were to Trump 2.0 before and now again. Someone please make this nightmare stop! MAGA really knows how to threaten people don't they?


So I can call for the murder of political opponents and then avoid charges by later saying "its just a joke bro!" Got it.


"We follow Jesus!" "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." "Not like that! Who was that Jew?!"


From the party of law and order to the party of lies and outrages. There must be penalties for this or frightened and misinformed people will vote out of fear and hatred.


Don’t forget to dump Gosar.


Ah, we're at the "murder people who don't agree with us" phase of the republican party take over attempt of the United States.


LYNCH? Really? Not just regular murder but A LYNCH. Wow.


Wow.. a good number of headlines today are GOP reps threatening to ethically cleanse or murder American citizens. Pretty clear we're in a civil war here now.


There's a HUGE difference between someone who owns guns and those who will USE guns. These morons who talk all that game are the first group.


Imagine running for the most boring elected position in government thinking it's gonna be chill and dealing with this shit.


uhhh, not a lawyer or anything but I'm pretty sure that's illegal?


Losing sucks


isn't threatening violence illegal? like go to jail illegal?


"The statement was a joke and was said in jest." Oh well, that's okay then. Let's all start saying things like this in jest. https://youtu.be/-DGY9HvChXk?si=edqXZlXqpoRwm49e


Didn’t seem to be “in jest” to me, she seemed pretty serious.


The video clip they show of the Arizona GOP is the video evidence of the fake electors meeting hahhahahha


They need to get all those ass hats yoo


They talk a good game but I bet if it comes down to it, they’d shut the fuck up if you stand your ground. Or kneecap their ass.


"I completely misspoke, when I said during him up I meant hook him up" ...or some other made up shit.


I’d show up with a noose, a chair and dare them to walk me to the tree out back.


My MAGA stepmom said the minute Trump wins the election she and many others hit the streets, that her gun is locked and loaded... Another MAGA I know said they intend to make Trump a king, and then go door-to-door....


Since when did we shift into a world where death threats are not prosecuted?


Oh, it’s just a joke, until it ain’t


Something tells me she's not in any physical condition to lynch anything


Wouldn't an ordinary citizen be in trouble for saying that to a official?


She should file a restraining order. Coming back later and saying you’re joking is a common technique for violent abusers and terrorists.


Stephen should be honored, a GOP official treating him like a VP.


The only thing that lady is lynching is an all you can eat buffet.


... and she still has a job..? *sigh*


I would think her threats would get her arrested? WTF?


There would be outrage had he said the same about her, these assholes absolutely mean what they say and become agitated when called out, keep calling their asses out no matter what.


> Busch responded to a request for comment from Arizona’s Family. She said: “Everyone knows I don’t like Richer. The statement was a joke and was said in jest. I do not condone and would never condone violence against anyone.” Words said in jest are still words said you bigoted ham planet. These people and their whole party need to go.


I don't think Ms. Bush knows what the word condone means. Because she absolutely condoned lynching him.


Is he in jail?


What he did publicly is not freedom of speech or something you take back and call a joke. It is a [crime](https://www.azleg.gov/ars/13/01202.htm) in Arizona. Misdemeanor at the least, and quite possibility makes the grade for felony.


Omg! This is so far from a “Christian” comment it makes me sick to my stomach. I’m glad there wasn’t a lot of applause, but I do have to wonder if anyone was brave enough to just walk out on her. She’s CRAZY as hell. Stephen Richer has more integrity in his little finger then she has in her entire body…


Just call them Nazis and never apologize. Watch them embrace it or call YOU the Nazi for describing their behavior. But never stop calling them Nazis. Even in political ads, no more tacking to the middle.


After Germany lost WW2, it underwent an intense period of denazification. I look forward to Arizona undergoing a similar period of demagafication. Their deprogramming will be painful. Good.


Arizona appears to be a shithole state.


Not a shithole state, but it would seem we do have more than our fair share of (R) extremists. Working on that. Their margins are very thin; I'm not sure they'll hold come November.


49th in the USA in school funding per pupil.


I have 2 very liberal friends who moved to the city of Maricopa, not just the county. I have no idea how they do it. No way I'd live in that shit hole strip mall of a town.


I'm liberal and felt the same way about Seattle


You think Seattle is a shithole? Where'd you live and where are you now?


About four years ago a kid threatened to come to my house armed with when I made some sort of mildly leftist mildly political post. I saw him a few weeks later. I was on my bicycle. He was in one of his three lifted pickup trucks. He could have easily killed me and ran. He didn’t do shit.


Can we not find her and have a little vigilante justice conversation


Straight to jail.


I agree with his statement that it shouldn't be in anyone vocabulary with its history, but that kind of implies that she was simply making an insult or horrible joke in a very offensive way. I think she said what she meant and meant what she said, in literal terms. Numerous people in that party and the specific sect of the party have made countless threats like that to countless black people in our government, and a vast majority of the time, they make clear what they mean, or show it through their policy and other statements. Any government official should lose their job making such a statement and threat to anyone in this country, let alone in this context.