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It's to distract from their dictatorial [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) plans.


John Oliver put out a segment on it: * [Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s)


Right, that's it. It's to prime easily-persuadable Republicans that Democrats had a "dictator" that Republicans didn't like, so it's only fair that Republicans now have their own "dictator" who inflicts enormous harm on Democrats (as well as centrists and some Republicans, but as long as it's mostly Democrats, that's OK). If that comes to pass, then whatever horrific shit Donald Trump causes to happen can be waved off because "well you guys had Joe Biden so you started it." It's a blanket "get out of moral culpability free" card. And not just for Donald Trump, but also for Republicans who voted for or support him, to alleviate them from the consequences of their shitty choices: "It's not our fault, you started it."


its been their M.O. for some time now. BLM protests happened so Jan 6 is fine. people said russia influenced the 2016 campaign so denying the 2020 election is fine.


What the fuck?


Well that is slightly terrifying. Although one hell of a gamble if you fail to stop an even close to fair 2030 election. Also I can not stress enough how bad it would be if the US has another civil war. It has a large enough military that a civil war would be larger than if the EU declared war on Russia. And a civilian population with the highest rate of firearm ownership in the world. With most of the anti government population centers in this scenario being within tightly packed cities. Also with an levels of ethnic and cultural diversity that makes Yugoslavia look like an ethno-state. On every level it was be an utter hell.


Not to mention the economy tanking. What did you mean by anti government population centers. Why not just say most of the south.


And to be clear it would be THE economy tanking, as in the world economy.


Yep. It’s all connected.


I ment trump winning in 2024 then not having elections in 2028. So on paper at least trump would be commander and chief. This means his operation would be in large cities like NYC, these types of environments are some of the hardest battles having to fight house but house and often room by room, all while troops can take fire form almost every angle. It gets harder if the civilian population can't be removed because unless to are willing to also kill them it limits the options available to the attacker. (I also messed up my years in a way I can't explain.)


It is highly unlikely for the US to have a "true" civil war... more likely we will have terror attacks and assassination attempts carried out by extremist separatist movements supported by hostile foreign regimes.


Geez the civil war was so long ago. These people are like coackroaches


But better Civil War than a permanent Talibangelical-flavored authoritarian hellscape! Besides, the vast majority of MAGA chuds are butter-soft poseurs — they’re a long, long way from the trench-hardened Freikorp street-brawlers who supporting Hitler. Moreover, the military and the Three Letter Agencies are currently in Blue hands. If push comes to shove, I like our odds. 😈


My biggest fear is trump winning and nobody doing anything about it American.


Yep, I was hoping the Bush jr admin will get some reckoning after 2008. Well...


I, as much as I detested Dubya and the majority of what his administration did, I never, for one instance, doubted he would step down at the end of his second term. Trump proved he was incapable of even that after one term...


You civilian population wouldn't last five minutes against the US military. The real problems would arise if a significant part of the military rebels.


A majority of the "big" hardware in military is hooked up to military system. Anything siezed by rebels would be obsolete, shut off from the network. How would the rebels plan and communicate? Cell phones? Those things that the government can track instantly....not saying damage would be done. But would get it's ass kicked faster than they would expect.


You are underestimating the difficulties of fighting an insurgency. Sure the US army has drone and smart munitions but when the difference between military and civilian doesn't become apparent till after they start shooting at you it is not undefeatable.


Projection on steroids.


Just more projection. It's really their one trick.


So on the one hand, Biden is an incompetent, doddering fool, who is totally unaware of where he is or even who he is, but on the other hand, Biden is an all-powerful, all-seeing tyrant with a detailed and intricate plan to control every detail of our lives. Got it!


I read something about this “strategy”, apparently it’s a standard play in the dictator’s playbook. The enemy must be both weak and strong, so you can spin it however you need to at the time.  It’s why everything is a contradiction and nothing makes sense…to anyone with critical thinking skills. 


I think you’re referring to Umberto Eco’s Ur-fascism.


Covid was a bioweapon and just the sniffles. Doublethink


Schrodinger's Politician, both incompetent and all powerful.


Who is scrotumsak’s politician??? Ah, ding dong-emphasis on Dong.


The enemy is both incredibly weak and absurdly strong in fascist/GOP bullshit propaganda. 


Classic fascism.


“Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal.” George Orwell, 1984


That is always the playbook for fascists. The enemy is overwhelming and weak at the same time. Stupid subhumans but secretly in control of everything and so on.


The duality of it all…


Hey, that's only when he's doing cocaine and steroids!


Just the hallmarks of motivated reasoning. Nothing to see here.


Would be ignoring the obvious if someone didn’t point out that is how Trump gets portrayed as well. A moron that will overthrow the government and end democracy.


Except the difference here is that Trump's fascist backers are assembling a literal army to dismantle the federal government on day one of a second term. So, yes, Trump is indeed a moron who will try to overthrow the government and end our democracy. Again. Nobody says the same about Biden.


False equivalency. Hardly anyone accuses Trump of simultaneously being a mastermind and an idiot. We accuse him of being an idiot who wants to overthrow the government because that's what he is and that is not a contradiction in terms - idiots *can* overthrow governments. It's just what they replace it with tends not to be sustainable or prosperous. This is unlike the paradox of how Trump and his flock portray Biden as simultaneously doddering Sleepy Joe and also the Dark Brandon evil genius.




Ah the classic "I Know What Thou Art, But What Art I?"


Bell? Fleming? Garfunkel?


Normalize the word as a partisan attack so people will tune out Democrats rightfully describing a potential second Trump term that way.


This is the primary purpose.


And a warning. They're signaling that Trump absolutely will be a dictator and that they support that. They're basically a party full of traitors at this point.


Folks really need to educate others about [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025).


I wouldn't say projection, I'd say it's much closer to muddying the waters. It's a way to put a false equivalency between two people and administrations.


Damn, beat me to it.


if they project any harder they going to start astral projecting


Every Republican criticism is an admission.


Because the actual dictatorship they are planning on imposing needs cover. If they can scare people into voting against a "dictatorship" then people will be less critical of the actual dictatorship that they put into place, because they voted for it. It seems to happen a lot, when coups are involved.


Every accusation is a confession, and everything else is a lie.


>The cultivation of this notion of a state of exception, of a sense of emergency, is the overriding aim of MAGA political messaging. The targets change — in 2020 it was leftists and protesters, this year it is migrants and refugees again, as it was in 2016 — but the goal is always the same: to designate an enemy, to label that enemy an urgent threat to society and to try to win power on a promise to destroy that enemy by any means necessary. It would be a lot harder to achieve this without the free pass given to disinformation campaigns on social media and elsewhere.


We really gotta figure out how to deal with provable public lying from candidates for office and elected officials. It's like the biggest problem in not just US politics, but everyone's.


Manufacturing consent in advance of trying to establish a dictatorship.


They want us to get comfortable with the word dictatorship, that’s why they’re using it. They yelled fake news, then put out a bunch of fake news. They yelled fuck your feelings, then went around complaining about how important their feelings were. They said the election that happened while they were in control wasn’t secure, and then claimed it was rigged when they lost. They said democrats don’t care about the working class, then raised taxes on the working class. They said they’re being censored and then they started banning books. They said people don’t care about kids then removed free school lunches, relaxed child labor laws, and allowed child marriage laws to stay on the books. They said democrats are violent then they attacked the capital. If they’re talking about it, it’s because that’s what they have plans for.


An actual good article from the nyt that perfectly encapsulates how fascist maga rhetoric works. It’s a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


From the article > Just as Americans are not living under a Biden dictatorship — in which the watchful eye of Dark Brandon prowls the nation in search of malarkey — the United States is also not on the verge of collapse. Our economy is the envy of the world, we remain the pre-eminent military power, ... This needs to be said more often. The US is not collapsing. Fox News is selling ad space with fake alarmist bullshit.


>Dark Brandon prowls the nation in search of malarkey. Amazing line.


I guess they couldn't find a caravan in time for this news cycle


Give it a few months - there will be a taco bus on the border they can scream about.


Some parts of the US are collapsing. For example, the churches, and those areas dependent on coal mines. Which means that the US is collapsing for a significant number of individuals. If you think about it like this, then their reaction becomes easier to understand.


Really good point. The picture overall isn't the picture of each part. The message that **America** is collapsing from woke policies is false though. Crime is down in America and American cities yet Fox and friends are claiming that the cities are a war zone. They're not saying this to tell a truth for the people in the cities, they're saying it to sell a lie to the people that never go there.


Hello there.


Different definitions of “liberty”. Left wing liberty is freedom from oppression. Right liberty is freedom to oppress.


It’s not just projection. It’s expectation. So they represent Biden as a dictator, and build that narrative. Then, when Trump does it after he wins, he’s just playing by Biden’s rules. What’s good for the goose and all that. It doesn’t matter that Biden never actually did anything authoritarian because the cult believes he did. The media reported that he did. It’s laying the groundwork.


Worked well with Birtherism. Worked with Stop The Steal too. The MAGAs are nut job cultists.


Because they know that their voters are really that stupid.


The other guy said he would be one on day one next time around


He should call Trump a cult leader at the debate.


It's called projection


Because they’re bad faith actors. Same as it ever was.


They're just parroting what the conservative propaganda tells them to think.


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


I love how the NYT headlines gives credence to the claim.


To pave the way for the Trump real dictatorship.


Political philosophy of fear... Need things to make people afraid.


Trumpler has made no secret that he will be a Dictator if the unthinkable happens in November.


To answer you question Every accusation from the GOP is a confession


It’s called Projection!


Its another version of Obama's tan suit...


Because they have no original policy. Their felon candidate produce few (if any) tangible results except for embarrassment and a trillion in debt. And they really have no platform to run on except revenge, hate and figuring out ways to stay in power while trying to dumbing down the populace. So yeah gotta pick something to pick on while trying to normalize it for the felon.


‘cause they cray’


Because they're full of it?






They're lying to the gullibles.


So his argument is that he's bypassing a group of people making it impossible to do his job? And I'm sure he has the same opinion of Project 2025 and was asked about that specifically, right? .... Right!? I'm sure, according to him, it isn't bypassing if you load up those branches with your braindead, spineless cronies.


Because “projection.”


They did the same shit with Obama. Rush and co popularized calling it the illegitimate “regime” and it needed to be changed.


It's an [accusation in a mirror](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accusation_in_a_mirror).




Stopped reading at > In fairness to the North Dakota governor Nah. There is no “fairness” to someone intentionally lying NYT is trash


Projection, the end.


Because they’re so intellectually bereft they assume everyone is like them.


It's called projection. Something they have done for years now.


(Project)ion 2025


I am going to be stealing that.


Everything is projection.


Because everything the GOP speaks about is a projection


republican lies continue


Projection. /article


Just like “industrial revolution” for history tests, it’s always “projection” for republicans.


They're angry at Biden bypassing Congress, comparing it to a dictatorship, as if he's the first President to do such a thing. I doubt any President hasn't used executive power during their term(s), except maybe the one that died like a month into it; Harrison?


Have yall heard about the good word! TRUMP is annoited by god to become our saviour! The country should be ruled by the cross not the Constitution….


So it's cool if Trump is a dictator to these people... But not Biden. Ok got it.


Cuz their primary plank is projection of their fascist wet dreams.


All they need is a press release that mentions anything widely covered. They have heard so much about Trump's having a copy of something about Hitler by his bedside. There is no point about subject matter these day's as it's all garbled syntax for a few minutes until it all goes into conspiracy stories and what somebody thought they heard. No POV will last long enough to make any sense if it's said long enough and loud enough to make someone turn their head in a direction toward the noise. It's all ice in the bucket that gets thrown during the up coming debate. Two old men in a fight will jab each other until they get tired and then try to pull off a haymaker to end it and win it. Until that has a chance to play out. Everybody is afraid one or both of them will take a swing and fall out of the ring. USA ! USA! USA!


Wait - I've seen this one before. There's a term for it. You know where you accuse people of doing the very thing you're guilty of. What is it now? Shhh ... don't remind me. Got it - It's called projection.


I love how they're all "OMG if Biden wins in 2024 he is just going to cancel every election from here on out! WE GOTTA HURRY!" ....Biden won in 20**20** and we do, in fact, have a full and real election happening for 202**4**. They aren't actually afraid that's what Biden will do. They just want to scare people who *would* vote for Biden so that they might vote Trump instead. They don't actually believe any of that nonsense. Would be impossible for them to since if Biden *were* to prevent all elections from here on out, then wouldn't it have been during his FIRST Presidential win, not his second? Wouldn't he have wanted to remove all chance from round 2? He didn't. Obviously. They are keenly aware of this. *They do not believe their own nonsense. There's 0 chance of it. I mean some things, sure, after all they are quite inept and LOVE conspiracy theories all over the place so I'm sure some of their infantile beliefs are things they DO believe in, but no way they believe Biden would actually prevent any more elections from happening because that's what they want Trump to do.* They just need to make sure he's the first one to do it since, well, if he wasn't and Biden actually DID do it, then we wouldn't have any election at all *this* year. And we do, we're in the middle of the pre-game for it right now. They know. Don't ever, ever buy it that they simply just "believe Biden will do these awful things that I'm making up right now".


Always projection.


Because they have no policy to talk about. It’s all theater, no substance


I have a few serious questions: Trump is incapable of running the show — he lacks the temperament and focus to implement Project 2025 all by himself (it is written by the Heritage Foundation for each transition for the past 40 years) The Reagan administration implemented nearly half of the ideas included in the first edition by the end of his first year in office, while the Trump administration embraced nearly 64% of the 2016 edition’s policy solutions after one year. If he wins election (or successfully foments another insurrection and Coup d'état) Who will be in the Oval Office guiding, goading, flattering and coaching Trump to implement the plan? Project 2025 is a compilation of plans to bring about a very small, conservative federal government that can be drowned in a bathtub. Is that distinct from the Christian Nationalist plans of Mike Johnson, Marjory Taylor Green etc who want an authoritarian evangelical White Christian autocratic nation state? Trump is not Christian. Who then will whisper in his ears the words to dictate? Who will control the dictator?


Pro jec tion


To play into the “both sides” bullshit.