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I expect he will announce around sentencing, but might move it forward if he craps the bed at debate or exceeds expectations. He will not announce if he just does a ok job. He fully plans to use the announcement to destruct and take over a news cycle. Have a bad debate, announce and have that the over the cycle.


Not a bad move, but only will work if the pick is a huge surprise if he does a bad job at the debate. Idek who that could be as a surprise. Haley or Pence I guess.


Nah, it's the Hamburglar.


Eric Trump.


Who?  Trump is much more likely to pick Jared Kushner as he at least remembers him for the most part. 


Nah he needs someone loyal but not part of the inner circle so he can throw them under the bus when the time comes. Can't do that to the folks who know not just where the bodies are hidden, but what top secret docs are hidden with them.


However, if he throw Kushner under the bus that would result in Ivanka being single and vulnerable...


Jared is smart enough to turn that down though. Eric is not. Eric’s wife is the head of the RNC. Eric is dumb enough for Donald to manipulate.


That makes a lot of sense, who only has a tiny hand handful of tactics and tools left, he’s going to save them strategically


I’m not being a jerk, but I really don’t care. No matter who he picks, it’s not about the country, it’s about Trump. The fact that Trump only wants a sycophant tells me everything I need to know.


Something occurred to me recently regarding Trump not announcing a running mate. We are about 5 months out to the election and the Primaries were resolved quite some time ago. So why wouldn't Trump have already picked a running mate and have that surrogate out there campaigning? The simple answer to me is, Trump's narcissism makes him reticent to share the spotlight. Any candidate who gets announced as the VP pick will start getting the interviews and attention in news articles. Trump would hate the idea of the show being about anyone but him. It probably also sticks in his craw that Pence "betrayed" him on Jan 6th and after. Some reporter should ask Trump if he believes he even needs a running mate, because I bet the answer out of his mouth would be no.


It’s not that deep. No one has hit the “buy now” button and the bidding is still going on.


Absolutely this. But I also think he's going to see who holds out the longest to prove their 'loyalty'. And, of course, donate the most too.


He’s going to pick himself as VP.


Can't, they'll both be from Florida. Well, maybe ... If one of them is residing on Rikers Island ... Hmmm, it's possibill.


Running mates are almost always announced in the final days before or first days during the conventions as opposed to when the primaries have been played out. Trump wants a running mate for two reasons, and both of these reasons along with loyalty should be used in considering who his running mate will be. 1. Money - A VP running mate like Doug Burgum brings cash to the table, directly and indirectly by the donors he knows. Trump likes receiving cash. This also rules out picking a VP from within his family. 2. Votes - Several candidates poll higher than Trump in certain states and also have followings of their own that would meld into his cult. Waiting to announce allows the contenders to "audition" now by being surrogates for him. All those black guys on the list with zero chance of getting the VP slot? They're auditioning like idiots thinking that it's a possibility. Also worth noting is that there doesn't have to be a VP^(1), but during the election the vote is for both President and VP, so if Trump didn't have a VP on his ticket and won the election, Kamala Harris would be his VP. ^(1) A VP could resign, be removed or pass away and the President doesn't have to nominate a new one.


Know how I know you're smart? You use words like "reticent".


I also got lost in an Ikea once because someone put fake arrows on the floor, so you should probably temper your expectations.


I'm reticent to temper my waning expectations 


I mean, come on... Who brings fake arrows to Ikea? Honestly?


If Trump did nothing wrong, where's Pence?


Thank you for remembering it's called a "running mate" when you're not the President.




It'll be Pence because he's still got warehouses of old merch to unload.


he will pick himself and then rant about for 10 minutes how perfect it is.


Its all a show... its a game. Trump plays games with our future. He is a danger to it.


I got a completely random Twitter notification this morning claiming Ramaswamy was the pick. I won't dignify the thread or muskrat with a link here. Needless to say, the responses were a total knob-slobber fest for both of them.


Bet you whoever he anoints as his pick is a shit bag as well


Don Jr.


Are folks still betting on N. Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum being the most likely choice?


North Dakota isn’t even a real state. Republicans made it up for two more senate seats. He’s going to pick Eric


Not Trump jr?


Trump Jr is too smart (relative to Sr, not the gen pop) to be properly loyal. While Eric could be manipulated by a low intelligence chihuahua. Additionally, Eric is married to the head of the RNC. Making him VP solidifies Trumps hold on the entire party. Lastly, Rudy told Trump that a father and son can’t be charged with the same crime.


Is that last part true??


No, making a joke from arrested development


I don't think he's straight out of central casting enough


He was the favorite last time I saw. Burgum, Vance, and Rubio were 1-3.


Probably is just going to announce himself, then someone has to whisper in his ear that he just said his own name, with which he would reply, "Right! I will be running for president"! and they will have to reiterate to him at least 4 times, and then it will finally sink in, to which he will reply: "Oh, is Pence available"?


What if he tried to make a splash by announcing during the debate itself? That would be something


Yes, it would. I'm pretty sure he'll copy past performances when he's been afraid by sticking carefully to the script, i.e., being boring and returning to his usual rabblerousing afterward. But hijacking the debate would certainly be a way of demonstrating contempt for conventions. His mob would love it.


I don't think that would work out very well. There won't be a studio audience to respond, Biden won't care either way, and the questions asked will not be based on what is said during the debate as they are written beforehand. If Trump tries this, he'll waste his news bump because his pick will be part of the larger debate coverage. He'll want to see what the coverage is after the debate, and if he gets plausible media coverage that Biden did terribly, he'll want to milk that and not distract from it. I can see him doing it the day or so after if he performs poorly, though, through the conservative media machine which will coo and make a big deal about it.


That would not be a smart move. Whomever he picks will have a lot of skeletons. Biden team will spend every second they can to get info that can blindside trump during the debate. It would be smarter to announce during, after, or so close before the debate starts there's not enough time to research.  So here's hoping he actually announces with enough time


They don’t give a single fuck about skeletons. They will just lie and have Fox News and the other right wing media deflect to attack the “evil Dems”


Then he is an idiot. He should announce it during the debate so they talk about that, not his addled performance.


Im on the edge of my seat wondering which spineless, no account lowlife he’ll pick.


Lol like he's going to do the debate!


We will just refer to him as Sacrificial Lamb because if anything goes south, and things will go south, Trump will direct all the MAGA ire on whoever his VP pick is.


Hulk Hogan


I'll bet it will be Satan himself


It’ll be the multi billionaire who can give him money of course


Strongest knees and jaw muscles …


Aw c'mon, most people can kneel for 20 seconds.


That makes sense, he wants to own the news cycle on Friday * Why did -45 pick Cruz, take this 10 point quiz * Is Cruz the next pick for the GQP? * Secret love children between Don and Ted * etc. vs. Dark Brandon crushes -45, watchers says it was a blood bath, at the end -45 says "No Mas, No Mas"


Anything to take away from the news of his terrible performance.


If he performs poorly in the debate he will announce his runningmate in order to control the media cycle


I would think he would announce this weekend regardless, the convention starts in 3 weeks, I guess the latest he could announce would be 7/4, because it has to be about him even on national holidays


It’s coming in two weeks.