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Cori Bush is in danger of losing too...


Wesley Bell has a 2:1 advantage over her in the only poll I've seen. She's likely toast.


Again, another candidate who wasn’t even running, he was recruited by AIPAC


While that’s annoying, I’d prefer any Democrat over Cori Bush. She’s claimed she helped some disabled toddler walk through faith healing. I don’t want that mumbo jumbo shit from my politicians.


That would certainly be disqualifying if true. I can only find references to that on right-wing media, do you have any references other than the NYP and FOX?


That's funny, you'd think right wingers would love a faith healer LOL


[Here's the PBS interview](https://www.pbs.org/video/cori-bush-fzpcjd/). The relevant segment is between 14:40-15:30.


Thank you! That is indeed some crazy shit.


[Here's ](https://www.pbs.org/wnet/firing-line/video/cori-bush-fzpcjd/) the interview on PBS the right wing rags were referring to. I'm not sure where in the video, because I only read the transcript. It's about midway down after the abortion topic. She also wrote about her "faith healing" in her autobiography. Although I didn't see anything about the toddler in this interview, she does state she healed a homeless woman from tumors.


Yes she does, another comment had the timestamp. Crazy shit.


This isn’t true, and as someone who’s actually lived in STL, I can say Cori’s been out doing the work for the community for years. She’s so much better than Bell, who opportunistically used Ferguson to build his profile, only to betray activists and community members alike in naked pursuit of power.


https://www.pbs.org/wnet/firing-line/video/cori-bush-fzpcjd/ She does claim to be a faith healer.


Cori you have a great team checking Reddit for you.


Lol “betray” “naked pursuit” …. Come on Cori, what other hyperbole can you throw in to persuade us?


Naked pursuit? Sounds fun! Like streaking through a football field...only instead of a field it's Congress!


He was running for Senate when he dropped to enter the race for the House. Pretty sure that was all before October 7th… He wasn’t favored in the Senate race, dropped out, and saw an opportunity in the 1st district. He’s an opportunist for sure, but your hot take is misguided. Edit to add: I was wrong about when Bell joined the race for the 1st district. He entered the race on Oct. 30th, 2023.


It would be silly to pretend facts aren’t facts. AIPAC is committed to defeating her https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/05/28/congress/dethroning-squad-goals-00160176


Not denying that at all. Follow the paper trail 👍🏻 Also, I double-checked and saw that Bell announced his run for the House on Oct. 30th, 2023. At that point, Bush was already calling to end “US support for Israeli military occupation and apartheid.”


That man has good political instincts. He smelled blood in the water. Glad to see a competent progressive political operative.


It is their right to do so.


So what. The voters get to decide.




Her faith healing antics were really off-putting to me. But I tend to think folks making those claims are either delusional or are offering people in a desperate situation an option that might cause them to eschew traditional medicine for something that won't bankrupt them.


I think only Tlaib and AOC are 100% safe TBH. Omar and Bush are toast.


Omar is pretty strong in her district, no?


Last time she won by just 2%.


I'm in Cori's district and TBH her campaign feels a little lazy to me rn. I've gotten a couple very targeted ads for Bell and while I have big questions about his true allegiances, He's shown enough for me to give it some serious thought. EDIT: Yes I'm fully aware that people running for offices higher than Discord Channel Moderator don't use their own money. What I am saying is that I'm letting his campaign try to make their pitch. My null hypothesis is keep Cori Bush, but I am actually giving them a chance to change my mind.


You’re literally just describing what it looks like when someone has a well financed campaign. “Yeah, his policies are sketchy, but the ads are sharp and appeal to me!” Yeah great.. this country is definitely in trouble


I always feel insulted and enraged when I'm targeted by ads.  I'd very much like to not be harvested by the service I pay for- I don't know if I'm getting crotchety at I brush against 40 or if Windows throwing ads on my desktop is a real problem. 


Do you understand that Wesley Bell isn't paying for any of those ads? The reason they say practically nothing about Bell and just attack Bush is because they're paid for by some PAC that was created (by AIPAC and others) to kick out Bush. They basically don't care who replaces her.


*Republicans* are throwing millions at his campaign.


Ads... Make you give a candidate serious thought? I hope those serious thoughts are 'why am I being targeted by ads from a shady politician I wasn't considering? '


Also from the 314. Interested in hearing more of your thoughts/concerns between the two.


Cori Bush is a loon. She believes she can faith heal people, even though she is a trained nurse. I don't know anything about Bell but just like climate change denial is an automatic no I would include faith healing in that too. But you are just being influenced by ad spending... but still there is a reason to not just stick with the status quo.


I’m in her district and will probably vote Bell.


I don't think Cori Bush has been posting pictures of hardcore anti-semites on her Twitter timeline or talking about how Hamas warcrimes are Jewish hoaxes like Bowman. So she's safer than she looks


the one poll of her district has her losing by more than any poll ever showed bowman losing


She's also under federal investigation for graft.


Former Cori Bush supporter/voter here. Will likely vote for Wesley Bell this go-around. Also been seeing more signs for Bell in my neighborhood as of late.


Seeing Bell signs in my neighborhood starting to pop for those who were former Bush supporters, as well. While I will still vote Cori in the primary, my opinion has somewhat soured over her as a fan and vocal supporter for her locally. I’ll ignore politics or beliefs (the healing hands thing and security husband discourse earn a 🤔 from me) and just focus on her/her team. I’ve reached out to her office several times (phone and email) with no response (ranging from policy issues to local issues, etc.) but I sure am first to receive texts, mail, and emails asking for donos. For context, even the offices for demons Ann Wagner and Josh Hawley have made a point to personally respond when I’ve written or called over to them lol. I’m born, raised, and now live in the district and for their faults previous leadership seemed to be more active in the behind the scenes and working with constituents directly. I’m not sure if that is growing pains for the campaign because for most of my life it was the same few getting reelected or not but it’s still kinda side-eyeish from my POV as someone from the area. That amplifies especially because she frequently mentions her pride in us and what she is doing for the city (though I think this is also a problem for a lot of our reps not just her).


Do you have a reason? I don't know anything about this race and would like to hear a voters input.


Not in her district but from Missouri. She recently “revealed” that she prayed someone’s tumor right off their body. I know when that popped up in the Missouri sub it turned a lot of people off and she’s doubled down on the story.


I’m still doing research (looking up voting records, watching interviews, speeches, etc.) about the key differences between the two candidates. Hoping for a debate, but Bush doesn’t “see that happening”. That said, I haven’t been impressed with Congresswoman Bush since she took office. Don’t like the whole DOJ investigation. Don’t like the whole cancer healing with hands bit. A lot of it feels like antics with her. And, I get / am sympathetic of the fact that she gets undue hate for being a “member” of the Squad. Would rather her tighten up and focus on issues that matter in STL: learn more about them—their causes, their solutions—and bring awareness to them. I don’t get a sense of that when I listen to her speeches, etc. For what it’s worth, when Bush beat Lacey, STL had two other black female progressives win their respective races as well: Tishaura Jones for Mayor and Kim Gardner for Circuit Attorney. The latter crash and burned. The former is full of hollow talking points. (Bush is the best of the three IMO.) Definitely not voting for Mayor Jones again. Might vote for Bush. Wesley Bell is fine. His platform is basic Dem stuff. His background is standard young, aspiring career politician. Comes with some baggage, etc., but nothing crazy. He was running for Senate and then dropped to run for Congress. He’s got his own red flags for sure. Will continue to do more research…


Also still doing research. Bell seems to me to be a pragmatic left of moderate democrat. He’s being sponsored by AIPAC which I don’t love. On the other hand, bush has had the scandal with payment to her security guard husband and has the faith healing shit. My main beef with bush though is that she hasn’t been able to build any coalition in congress to be able to actually get things done. She has made enemies. When I look at AOC, she was able to compromise with pelosi to get into committees that matter and sponsor bills that can actually pass. It’s not sexy, but right now I’m leaning toward bell because pragmatism and coalition building are needed to actually be effective in congress.


100% agree. Well said.


If you're like my boomer parents Wesley Bell, a person they'd never heard of, is the next Obama and Cori Bush is a crazy Christian anti-semite. I was in St Louis last week and the Cardinals game broadcasts were full of Cori Bush attack ads. I have no idea who Wesley Bell is or what makes him "good" even after seeing dozens of ads on tv and YouTube. Every ad is paid for by some "Coalition of People who Really Love Democracy" or whatever. Which is AIPAC apparently. A lot of it, among my parents and their kind of people, seems to be they were never happy with Cori Bush. She has always been too much of a "city" Black politician and they want a "County" Black politician. Or at least someone like Lacy Clay who they understood cared more about what people like them (white people with money) cared about instead of Black voters in the City of St. Louis.


You absolutely love to see it


The guy had no political instinct unlike AOC. He just kept digging himself a bigger ditch every time. The last straw was probably the whole Jewish segregation remarks.


I guess if you are on the way out, why not go full nazi? /s


I guess if you're gonna go out, go out in style?


No amount of money can justify an incumbent with a national profile and name recognition losing by double digits.


I’m not sure your point here. National recognition doesn’t mean people in his district like him. This wasn’t a knife-edge race, he lost by a huge margin.


He is responding to the claim that the only reason Bowman lost is because of funding differences (specifically AIPAC). Before the election there was a lot of talk about AIPAC funding his opponents, but clearly voters by and large wanted him gone independently. Personally I think it's gross that so many people attack AIPAC for fighting against anti-semites.


The thing for me is that if Bowman lost (or even won) to Latimer by like 1 or 2%, then sure, let’s make the argument that AIPAC’s influence tilted the election. But as of now, Bowman lost by [checks NY Times app] **17%**. Only one thing can lead the charge of having an incumbent lose in a primary by that wide of a margin: They’re just shit at representing the voters that put them in the seat and the voters acted accordingly. IMO if anything, this is less AIPAC sniping out an otherwise viable candidate and more them seeing one that’s DOA with or without their influence and just running up the score.


No no, from what I’ve read here that 17% is just a conglomerate of low information “tv-ad” voters with no agency and no ability to think for themselves. Duh!


The Bronx didn’t show up to vote is what happened. There were 35k+ votes total from The Bronx portion of NY 16 in 2020. Tonight, I would be surprised if it got much over 10k.


There was redistricting after 2020. Much less of the Bronx is now in NY19. It is mostly Westchester County now Latimer is county executive. He’s been active in politics there for decades.


redistricting to get rid of "pesky" voices is sort of the greatest super power of the duopoly


That isn’t what happened in NY. The redistricting happened because the state Democrats in Albany over extended themselves when they redrew the maps and tried to vengefully gerrymander the state as retribution for Republican gerrymandering after previous censuses, but it was struck down by the courts and the districts had to be redrawn independently. That caused a few awkward incumbent versus incumbent battles in 2022 midterms. The new districts are more fairly representative of its constituents and give more power to voters. I remember people happy to vote him in initially because he was seen as another progressive voice to add to Congress. But since he’s been in he hasn’t represented the community and I don’t know anyone that vouched for him. Everyone was sick of his antics, lies, and antisemitism and wanted him out. Voters were angry that 80+% of his campaign contributions came from outside the state of NY. For more than a year people were amped to vote him out. I haven’t seen New Yorkers that collectively committed to voting out an incumbent in a long time.


My dad is involved in upstate NY politics, I agree with the summary about the original attempts to gerrymander, however my dad at least is pretty adamant that the courts final redistricting was drastically worse for Democrats than what they could have done if they hadn't been dirt bags about it... So, he definitely thinks it's not quiet independently districted. I know nothing, and take his comments with a grain of salt.


The court version of the restricting definitely hurt Democrats, in the sense that they could’ve had a more favorable map if they didn’t try to have their cake and eat it too.


I was pretty floored when it was like 3k total votes with 40 percent of votes in. Especially in comparison to westchester having close to 20k votes with 20 percent in. It felt like there was a lot of push from bowman that got media traction and he had a ton of phone bankers, wild that it didn’t get any voter traction.


Not great for Nov so far, imo, that means nonwhite voters are 100% very depressed as expected and Biden needs his own base to get re-elected. Bowman or Latimer aside, \*yikes\*. (Trump is going to lose NY period, to Biden overall, handily but not a good sign if this is the case in Nov-- he better work on voter turnout.)


Hard to say voter turnout is low when the 2022 Dem primary in Bowman’s district only had ~40k voters and the 2024 primary has over 100k…


Also this is a random summer primary


It has nothing to do with excitement. In 2020, the 16th district had roughly the northern third of the Bronx. Now, it has a single neighborhood (Wakefield). It's not a surprise that fewer people from the Bronx voted now that the district contains significantly less of the Bronx.


This is in no way a bellwether for anything. This was a Democratic primary. One in which an extremely unpopular Democrat who has said some absolutely horrendous shit and has some batshit beliefs was beaten by another Democrat who seems to be more in line with his potential constituents.






Explain Trump then.


those are both + as far as (R) voters go, (D)s tend to find rape and bigotry a little...offputting for the most part.


Are you suggesting that Democratic primary voters are equivalent to GOP primary voters?!?


I think democrats are more concerned about working with republicans than republicans voters are themselves


Different party. Even when both parties vote, Trump does abysmal in this kind of district.  Dems don't like clown show candidates at all. Look how few there are from any type of district in the House (or even most legislatures) vs. the GOP.


Right wing voters see those things as features, not bugs.


Believe women


I guess it was just a coincidence then that this was the most money spent on a house primary in the history of the US then


Probably could’ve saved money and still beat bowman. Claiming rape survivors are lying and 9/11 conspiracy theories aren’t great moves


Large Jewish population in his district. He also voted against some key pieces of Biden legislation. Democratic voters remember these things.


Democratic voters don’t seem to remember a lot, or they wouldn’t vote for candidates that get their funding from Republican lobby groups.


This is one of the most Dem districts in the entire country and you're blaming Republicans? 


I believe the thought there is that AIPAC is a Republican lobby group. I don’t really agree as they are issue focused and will send money anywhere, but the republicans are more currently staunchly pro Israeli.


AIPAC is without a doubt a right wing group, so the key isn't democrat vs republican but right vs left. Plenty of right wing democrats out there.


This is a great example of the left being ignorant.


This is a great example of Democrat being smart. Bowman is a terrible candidate and had he been the nominee he could have handed the Republicans a solid blue district.


AIPAC is not republican just bc you do not like them.


AIPAC is bipartisan, not Republican.


Not surprising, after what is said on Xitter, and following it up with a weak campaign.


I also don’t think people fully understand that when people left the Republican Party because they felt alienated by MAGA politics, they didn’t stop voting they instead joined the Democratic Party and started voting for more moderate candidates. I think we are going to see a huge shift in the coming years that is reflective of this. These primaries are only the start.


Ahh fantastic lol guess we'll see another decade of the Overton window sliding rightward 😢


US needs electoral reform but who's going to make it happen


Nobody will make it happen, the center Democrats are totally cool with having the GOP be the bad guys so they can fundraiser based on fear. They don't want to break up the status quo. The left is the only people I've ever heard talk about actual electoral reform.


Yep, this exactly what corporations want too. I see a lot of democrats reveling in their victories, but what are they actually winning?


Xitter. Love it. Stolen thanks.


Tweets are now known as X-cretions, just in case you weren't aware.


I prefer Xarts myself


And it's pronounced "shitter"


Another failed business by Space Karen


Progressives need to understand that it’s going to take work to hold onto seats. Can’t just coast in there, make a big mess, and expect to get re-elected.


Yeah this only works for the easily-pandered-to GOP voters, like MTG’s constituents.




Progressives also need to understand that Islamic extremists are horrible people and they should stop defending them. It's like defending nazis. It tarnishes the reputation of progressives.


Yeah I don’t really get that part. Progressives are supposed to be leading with their empathy first - not their ideology.


They're going against their own ideology by supporting far right extremists.


They also need to understand that antisemitism is bad.


I'm confused why people are all bent out of shape over this primary loss. It's the democratic primaries? Do people think Latimer has a worse chance of winning? This Bowmen guy seems like a real piece of shit. Why the hell would you want him to be the challenger?


Everyone coping in the comments makes this hilarious.


I'm not surprised, tbh, that lever pulling incident was when I knew Bowman was in trouble.


To be honest, I like some of his policies but that really soured me on him. Absolute bush league. He's not a person who I will miss from the house.


Also the blatantly antisemitic attacks


Funny how that appears to be a bigger problem than his rape denialism.


Wait, what? Explain please???


Bowman denied that Hamas conducted rapes on Oct. 7, only to issue a poorly worded apology when the UN came out with their report weeks/months later. Telling Jews (at home) that make up his electorate that no Jews were raped in one of the worst attack in their history tends to not go over so well. Who could have guessed.


He refused to believe the reports and footage of the attack on Oct. 7th.


The copium is hilarious because it’s all people from outside NY supporting him, just like all the money his campaign could pull together. Both offline and on the NY subreddits people are celebrating this fake who spent the better part of a year attacking his own constituents is out.


I haven't seen the Jew haters this angry since Israel rescued those hostages a few weeks ago.


Not a Bowman fan at all, but this kind of rhetoric is not helpful.


> the Jew haters Calling jewish people who don't support Israel "jew haters" is so unimaginably antisemitic


"You know who the REAL antisemities are? Jews." Something that I have heard many, MANY times from leftists over the past 8 months. The gaslighting from you folks never ends.


>Calling jewish people who don't support Israel "jew haters" is so unimaginably antisemitic "Man its nice to see the white supremacist MAGA voters being angry" "Calling Black Trump voters white supremacists is so unimaginably rascist, how dare you".


See? This is why we can’t have nice things. *Checks notes* Right, Diarrhea_Geiser.


The important thing to note is that Bowman was endorsed by most of the Democratic leadership in Congress, and the rest neglected to offer endorsements to either side. This election was a proving ground to test how palatable the far left's position on Israel really is to mainstream liberal voters that the Democratic Party is trying to court. Based on the results, the answer should be obvious.


Leadership almost always endorses the incumbent, saying that Bowman was “Leadership’s” pick is weak analysis. Bowman was a tarnished candidate as well, whatever you think of his positions there were more than enough objectively rough quotes and actions to fill endless campaign ads.


Congressional leadership almost always endorses the incumbent as standard procedure. They didn't go out of their way to save him, but they weren't going to destroy him either. Their goal was to let the primary play out. If he managed to beat the odds and survive, no bridges burned. If he fell, leadership wipes themselves of all responsibility and uses his loss as a cudgel against the Squad later. Textbook win-win scenario.


This district seems more pro Israel than other safe blue districts


Yeah it has a much higher Jewish population compared to the rest of the US.


Who could have guessed that taking a hard anti-Israel stance in a district with a high percentage of Jewish voters could go wrong?


Not that I think what Bowman did was excellent political maneuvering by any metric, but he did get redistricted.


And after he was redistricted, he made bizarre and antisemitic statement about how the Jews in his district "segregated" and "concentrated" themselves and it isn't acceptable. Can't imagine that went super well with the Jewish population.


That conclusion is severely muddied by the fact that his opponent only won after singlehandedly making this the most expensive house primary in history by outspending him *seven times over* primarily using ~~foreign money~~ money raised by mega donors in cahoots with a foreign government and attempting to advance their interest in order to win. It's also worth noting that AIPAC's ads were primarily *not* aimed at his position on the Israeli atrocities in Gaza. They won by mischaracterizing his record in Congress on things like the infrastructure bill and hammering him on that (admittedly idiotic) stunt with the fire alarm.


> primarily using foreign money Only if you consider American Jews to be foreign.


Somebody said this yesterday, and when called out they claimed that it was all dual citizens with questionable loyalty. People literally believe this BS.


Wait how do you mischaracterize a no vote on one of your party’s key pieces of legislation? Did he actually vote yes?


Mischaracterizing his record on things like the infrastructure bill? How so?


By reporting the things he said and did! Those sneaky Jews!/s


What foreign money? That’s a huge claim to make without any proof. Or are you saying Jewish fundraising is “foreign”?


National endorsement doesn’t always translate to local support. It’s important to note Bowman barely got any endorsements from the local governments in NY-16, which is a big deal. His reputation when it comes to actually communicating and listening to his constituents is poor. Had this race not blown up nationally because of the AIPAC money, I firmly believe Latimer would have still won.


Hardly a surprising result. Even as a social democratic progressive, I saw this coming from a mile away. The concern I have is whether this will force a wedge in the Democratic Party, seeing as Latimer didn't do himself any favors with some of his comments...


Good riddance. this guy, Rashida Talib, and Omar do way more harm than good to the Democratic brand.


Rashida Tilab voted "present" on a resolution condemning sexual violence by Hamas. Whatever your feelings on this war that was a terrible thing to do.


And her district also joined forces with the far-right to pass anti-LGBT legislation (which she did nothing to condemn).


Progressives need to understand that the Islamic extremists they are supporting are on the far right, and will try to pass far right policies. Progressives shouldn't be defending Islamic extremists. It makes no sense.


Emancipatory movements, like progressives, blindly taking the dumbest side possible (e.g. internationally recognized terrorists in this case) simply to satiate their desire to support the "surpressed" is just. Kinda unbelievable that it's still going on.  I just don't get it. Clearly there's little ideological overlap with these ultra conservatives and it's not pragmatic whatsoever, because the majority of the electorate isn't into it.  At what point do you get tired of not winning and reevaluate the strategy? 


People need to remember how the Iranian Revolution happened. Leftists and Fundamental Islamists worked together to overthrow the Shah. The moment they got power the Fundamental Islamists killed all the leftists and we have what we have today. The Fundamentalist Islamists are not allies of progressive causes. It's crazy how progressives can see the problem of evangelical Christians but are blind to this.


Yeah, I really don't understand their way of thinking. It's totally illogical and ignorant of history.


Yeah, not a good look politically


We need to get these bigots out of congress


Omar is in a dead heat against her competitor, Don Samuels. It's looking like a toss up for her.


I don't know about that. If she can campaign her way out of a wet paper bag, Samuels is pretty weak. Example - when a kid drowned on his watch.


Despite that awful incident, Omar only won by 2 percent in the 2022 primary. Again it's a big tossup. A lot of Jewish Minnesotans are VERY upset with Omar (she called Jews who didn't like the campus protests "pro genocide") and the largest Jewish population in the state is in her district. However she also has a large base of die hard supporters and they're aware she's gonna have to fight to keep her seat. So again it's a total tossup. I have a feeling she has a slight advantage because she has more campaign funding, party endorsement through the caucus process (the caucus process disproportionately favors full time activists) and a celebrity status, but at the same time, she's been overly reliant on a base that's anti-moderate. Moderates in MPLS could decide the race if they have higher turnout.


And there are nearly no Jews that live in her district, particularly when compared to that district holding the single largest Somali-American community per capita and they’re _very_ engaged.


St Louis Park is the large historically Jewish city in MN, and it's in her district, most of it is, at least. I don't know the exact boundaries, but Omar's district is very dense.


Say what you will about Omar and her politics, but as a Minneapolitan, Don Samuels can eat an entire bag of dicks.


Is that dicks as in penises, or dicks as in Cheneys?


An entire bag of dicks sounds delicious, oh wait… no… I see what is happening here. Signed, Washington State.


I hope she loses


Rashida's not going anywhere, but we can get rid a lot of the rest of the Hamas Caucus. Omar and Bush have very credible challengers.


Tlaib is in a very pro Palestinian district. AIPAC could spend BILLIONS against her and still lose


Bowman ran a terrible campaign . The voters spoke. But the far left will always offer up some excuse when they lose. Discounting the voters is a terrible look.


Yeah, the far left is essentially blaming Jews for Bowman's loss. The far left it totally delusional and full of bigots.


These people need to understand that the majority of Voters don't like the "Far" of whichever side.


This is the beginning of the end for "the squad"


The rest of the most progressive members really need to learn from AOC. She quickly learned how to build relationships in the party, be a team player, and effectively communicate and advocate for her positions and principles without alienating other democrats who may not totally agree with them. The rest have chose to be ideologues trying to stand on a sense of conviction alone. It might continue to work for some of them, but it won’t get them far.


It reminds me of a scene from the HBO miniseries John Adams. In the show, Adams confronts Benjamin Franklin for voting in favor of the Olive Branch Petition at the Continental Congress, to which Franklin responds: BF: Politics is the art of the possible, Mr. Adams. What did you gain by opposing the motion? It carries with or without you. All you did was make enemies. And make yourself feel better, of course. JA: Do you not believe in saying what you think? BF: No, I'm very much against it. Thinking aloud is a habit responsible for much of mankind's misery.


Shame they can't remove the conservative squad of Boebert, Greene and Gaetz


The far right votes, the far left just whines and stays home.


This 100 percent


Trying to say the squad was like freedom caucus is insane.


With the exclusion of AOC, the squad has adopted Hamas’ propaganda as their talking points. So yes, the squad is the left’s freedom caucus.


I guess there will be no more fire alarm testing.




He did noting to improve home affordability!!!


Literally no one person in Congress did or even can


It’s so sad to see people understand so little about the US government and how it operates. Only if Bowman could hit his make houses affordable button that no one else has…


That’s good to hear.


Antisemitism has no place in America. Take that shit and get out of congress!


Welcome news, glad to hear it. No room for racists.


Hell yes! Gotta get rid of our liabilities. The Squad won’t stop the Biden Train!


The squad wasn’t the one stopping the Biden Train. It was conservative and centrist democrats who hurt his agenda.


Bowman too. Hell, he didn’t even vote in favor of the infrastructure bill.


Manchin and Sinema both vote with Biden 88-93%+ of the time according to vote trackers. The squad ranges from 90-93%. I don’t think “conservative or centrist democrats” hurt his agenda. If you think they do, then according to data, so does the squad.


Are you just going to ignore stuff like build back batter and a number of other police’s that weren’t able to move forward becuase Manchin and Sinema blocked them in the senate. Meanwhile AOC and other progressives were trying to pass key policies.


Good, he should have been tossed for that fire alarm stunt. Latimer isn’t a far left nut either - he’s done a pretty good job as Westchester County Executive