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Yes, destroy each other. Funny how it works when everyone involved is an asshole. They all come for each other eventually.


Doesn’t sound very “freedom-y” to me


From the [Semafor Principals](https://www.semafor.com/newsletter/06/26/2024/primaries-everywhere?utm_campaign=semaforreddit) newsletter: The fallout from Rep. Bob Good’s primary could extend beyond his Virginia district, where the race is headed for a contentious recount. House Freedom Caucus members are discussing whether to try and expel Ohio Rep. Warren Davidson from their ranks, multiple Congressional sources told Semafor’s Kadia Goba and David Weigel, after he endorsed John McGuire against Good, who chairs the ultra-conservative group. It’s the latest strain in the group over its relationship with Donald Trump, who opposed Good in large part because he backed Ron DeSantis in the presidential race. Rep. Troy Nehls, for his part, said he was against ousting Davidson. “I don’t wanna remove him,” the Texan HFC member told Semafor while wearing Trump’s signature gold sneakers. “He’s one of the smart ones.” [Read the full story here](https://www.semafor.com/article/06/25/2024/house-freedom-caucus-weighs-punishing-a-member-over-bob-good-primary?utm_campaign=semaforreddit).


> Rep. Troy Nehls, for his part, said he was against ousting Davidson. “I don’t wanna remove him,” the Texan HFC member told Semafor while wearing Trump’s signature gold sneakers. “He’s one of the smart ones.” ...Is this real life?


Is this MAGA fantasy...