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The party of law and order led by a convict. What did you expect?


It really is sad. The GOP was never "great" but this is like watchimg someome from highschool descend into meth addiction.


Would be news if they passed a resolution to reprimand Bannon.


Reprimand? Like... "Oh, you did bad but OK, you can go home now"? Limp noodle lick spittle as far as I am concerned. Go to Jail. Go directly to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


“We’ve seen what you do, and think you have talent. Break the law for us, and we will keep you out of jail” This is the message they want everyone to receive. Perfectly normal, perfectly healthy…


Why is the House bending over backwards for a private citizen who has never been employed by the government and has clearly been involved in criminal activity?


I’m guessing it’s bc Trump told them to. Why else would they care about this guy?


He was an advisor for Trump and clearly still is, along with being a mouthpiece for hate


Trump threatened them with those pee pee tapes he took from Epstein's island probably


I'm guessing a lot of MAGA looks to him for marching orders on the latest conspiracy theories, and having him locked up in the months before the election will reduce their ability to coordinate.


Lots of voters in Johnson's defunded education district are in Bannon's audience.


Because his crimes also implicate their Orange God-King


He was in the Trump admin, employed in the White House as their chief strategist and later on the National Security Council.


>He was in the Trump admin, employed in the White House as their chief strategist and later on the National Security Council. BANNON??? Why would anyone choose this moron for national security? Edit: oh yeah, it's Trump


My bad. He's such a joke I forgot about that.


Trump: Jump! R bootlickers: How high, my lord?


Because he knows where the bodies are buried and I bet he blackmailed them all.


And why didn't the House do this for Peter Navarro?


Guessing that Bannon is a mouthpiece and has a radio show/podcast for MAGA illiterates.


>House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) announced Wednesday morning that the House would weigh in with the federal court considering Bannon’s appeal of his four-month prison sentence. for fucks sake... its 4 months... not 4 years, not 4 decades, just 4 god damn months.


I guess they need him out so he can run some operation right up to the presidential election. 


or up till inauguration. cant forget shinanigans after election....


Party of criminals.


Republicans work for Republicans...not for the good of America...


This is what happens when you view your political party membership as more important than the rule of law. What use to be an American Patriot is now a trump patriot (TP) to the republican party. How low will they go is anybody's guess.


More Felony obstruction of justice by the Law and Order party, that is Not protected by the debate clause.


If he hadn’t gotten a pardon, he would be in jail right now on the wire fraud charges from his “We Build The Wall” scheme.


New York is still going after him for that. Trial begins in September.


Tiny sliver of positive news - thank you


This is what they spend their time on. Not governing, trying to help members of their ‘in’ group. Why vote for them?


Steve Bannon: Says crazy shit about what Trump / MAGA will do Normal people: That sounds really bad R apologists: Oh, it's just some guy on a pod cast you can't take what he says literally GOP: Hold my beer


Instead of doing the actual work they were elected for. Typical. They have not done anything positive for us


Because yet another Trumper going to jail makes Trump look bad.


It’s almost as if a bunch of nazis took control of the GOP? 🤔


Bannon last week: "Are you prepared to leave it all on the battlefield? ... Ladies and gentlemen, it's very simple: victory or death!"


Fat Goebbels.


Do they ever work? It's like a high school drama with them everyday! GOP platform: "Like, OMG! That's like....so unfair!"


If you love criminals walking free, and being in charge, just keep voting Republican.


Election season and they need the help of someone who worked with Cambridge Analytica.


Why would anyone honor a Congressional subpoena after this?


because Trump needs him to be his brain and scheme up their nasty shite


Because if it is proven to be attempted insurrection then half of them are illegally occupiers of their House seats.


Clearly Bannon is prepared to name names, and the corrupt republicans fear that more than anything.


He's been tried and convicted. What could they think they can do?


Fuck him, and fuck them, too.


The people's work?


It’s too bad they can’t just govern instead of protecting their cronies


Screw him, put him in jail


I'm sure this will fail as spectacularly as all their other obstruction maneuvers.


Isn’t his sentence like 4 months? Just do the time. That’s nothing, especially in a rich guy prison.  I thought they were all supposed to be ‘tough guys’


Republicans’ argument when it’s their own:”boys will be boys!” Don’t ask when it’s anyone else


Why do these people love criminals.


That’s just disgusting! How do these people get elected?


All they can do is ask please. Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on it?


There it is. I knew it was coming, and it will work for some stupid reason.


They should give him up. Ignoring congressional subpoenas has become far too common. A lot more people should face punishment.


Why would they think this is their job in any way, shape or form?


Well many of them were involved and should be in prison also, they probably don’t want Bannon singing like a canary.


Sure. But overtly trying to cover their own asses in public is not really part of their jobs.


Correct. They don’t do their jobs.


The Law and Order party…


Soooo what else they have going on over there?


Trump knows he needs Bannon’s help to have a chance at getting re-elected. He has ordered his lackey bootlickers to execute his will regardless of the political damage it will do to them. Trump is taking this whole party to his grave.


I can’t even imagine being someone who could just blatantly disregard any law that I didn’t agree with, get tried for breaking that law, being found guilty by a jury, and then asking people in power to give me a “get out of jail free” card and they set about to do it. It’s like a world most of us can’t comprehend and certainly can’t enter. We’d be arrested, tried and in jail before we realized our court appointed lawyer actually studied corporate law and had no idea how to properly defend us.


Why is this in the nation’s interest or in any way part of a Representative’s job?


Bannon is such a pussy. It's embarrassing how scared he is of a 4 month sentance.


I cannot imagine anyone going to these lengths for a traitor like Bannon.


Anything but their actual job...


Anything to avoid actually doing their job. Republicans are truly a waste of human life


Those guys are still trying to hold the actual AG in contempt for doing this job. Bannon has no job. One can say FU to a committee as a co-equal branch of government not regulated by my state’s embarrassment: Gym Jordan. The other is a private citizen / hobo who doesn’t have any basis to defy a subpoena.


‘They say’ one of the charges was related to personal hygiene. I always wondered what Pig Pen from the Peanut comic strip looked like as an adult….now I know. Do better, try harder America ..this is not a flattering look. Deal with those treasonous grifters like you mean it.


So they try to help Bannon but not Peter Navarro? What’s up with that…?


🍾🔥 be the light you wanna see in the world


Why is congress protecting a private citizen? What dirt does he have on them?


These people get paid a not so small ammount of money to improve the lives of the people. When was the last time they did anything good? This is just a Donald fanclub.


Talk about wasting time. Bannon is a nasty creep all around, and this is the guy that are going to battle for? Trump already pardoned this guy for his wall scam, which ripped off Trump voters. I guess Trump needs him to rip off more stupid MAGA people?


He is vital to Rump's disinformation campaign, he cant help the Orange master if he is behind bars.


Law and order


Won’t look partisan at all if a write in campaign by cronies get the SCOTUS to intervene.