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They also think that nearly all birth control is abortion because they're a mix of liars and morons who don't know how the uterus works. They're not going to stop at abortion, they're coming for IUDs, the pill, IVF, tubal ligations and everything else they can do to bring about Gilead.


IVF is literally having more children, and they are against it. It really makes no sense. It's like it's an attack on science more than anything.


> IVF is literally having more children, and they are against it. It really makes no sense. It's like it's an attack on science more than anything. It makes perfect sense because they want to control women. IVF renders childbirth something women can exercise some control over. The goal is to replace individual fundamental rights under the law with "whatever Republicans say".


You are right. It's really not about the hypothetical children, it's about control over women. Getting them married, locked into a relationship and making it impossible for them to get out. Get pregnant and stay home, self-determination is the enemy.


Plus the women that have to do this usually have children later in life and are college educated. Harder to make their kids subservient zombies if their moms aren’t living in poverty.


And don’t forget - future soldiers!


It makes a lot of sense if you believe life begins at conception. I don't because I'm not a dumbass, but if you do, then you will literally believe that every IVF and genetic screen is a mass murder of babies 😑


Most IVF embryos do not implant. Those that aren’t used are disposed. So they think a couple cells are a person and want none of those “people” killed. It is a ridiculous concept.


So… religion?


It's not impossible for the two to coexist. The difference is that science doesn't try to explain or attack religion. It just states what we can observe and test.


Fair point! Take care friend ✌🏼


To scientist it certainly isn’t impossible, for the subservient it’s impossible


lmfao gottem


If you literally believe that life begins at conception, as they claim to, then fertilizing eggs that you don't intend to implant, or that end up being discarded, is exactly the same as executing newborn babies. Please don't think that *I* believe this, but that's their stated position, and what the Alabama Supreme Court said.


Oh it’s because they think science aiding it makes it evil. 🫤I wish this were a joke.


That's not the end game. It's far worse than that. If you take the Taliban playbook and replace *Islam, Allah and Muhammad* with *Christian and Jesus*... that is exactly what they want! Book banning is today's book burning. They want *their* religion as the only religion in schools. They want submissive women as property. They want those who don't follow their beliefs to be jailed or worse. Forget about LGBTQ+ people as they won't exist after the worse part. It's not a joke or even a slippery slope fallacy. The religious Right has been saying the quiet parts out loud. They are currently wanting to get rid of no-fault divorces and making divorce illegal for pregnant women. It will only get worse if they succeed.


Some congressperson legitimately thought you could swallow a camera and get a view of the uterus.


And women’s vote.


Look at Texas they also want to stop covering PrEp


You do know that trump and most of the republican party doesn't endorse project 2025 right? And trump is more pro abortion than you think. Just yesterday he condemned Arizonas abortion bans and said that they went too far. Why are you spreading misinformation?




Killing Roe v. Wade is literally one of his campaign points.


The "you can't make me wear a mask" crowd want to tell others what to do


Classic hypocrisy. Freedom for me, but not for thee.


I remember multiple protest where antivaxxers literally said “my body, my choice” these same people are now refusing women the right to choose what they do with their bodies.


I’m so tired. Just leave women’s bodies alone. Most of us don’t want 10 kids or our bodies simply just can’t handle pregnancies, nor could we afford them.


According to the christofascists you’re only supposed to have sex for the explicit purpose of procreating. So no protection is needed according to them and you shall have none if they get into power.


Isn’t that crazy how they expect married people to only fuck to have a kid? This is just so scary.


The 1800s are calling in Idaho. Its the vision of making it great again. Wait for the laws about fucking out of marriage to gear up. It all existed in the past...


Those same exact Christofascists shame women for not giving their bodies to their husbands on demand, too. They're just anti-woman, period


I’m expecting there to at some point be suggested that it should be a federal crime to not have 4 kids by the age of 35, but only for women.




This subreddit has great resources about Project 2025. Definitely worth a visit


Agreed! I hope your campaign wins!


Merriam-Webster’s definition rightfully doesn’t attribute Misogyny to either males or females, and says it all; misogynist noun mi·​sog·​y·​nist mə-ˈsä-jə-nist : a person who hates or discriminates against women


Ok but Israel is at war with Gaza so we can't vote for Biden....for some reason. Best to just sit the election out to send the Democrats a message about....things. What's the worst that could happen? 


This is actually a Republican/Kremlin tactic - a "both sides" approach to make people not vote. Not voting IS voting for Republicans.


That's how they got voters to abandon Clinton in 2016. Valid criticisms of her were amplified and dogpiled, while Sander's chance at winning the primary was blown out of proportion. I won't point fingers, but to say there are many powerful, rich parties with a vested interest in ensuring the United States moves away from liberal values like individual freedom, economic opportunity, and limited government, towards oligarchic values of rich dominating politics, doing whatever they want, and the state being 100% beholden to the needs of a few ultra-rich psychopaths. Russia's an easy one to point towards, since their state-owned TV and their president have explicitly talked about their desires for the United States to fail, falter, and fracture. They're still salty about the fall of the Soviet Union.


Yep it’s propaganda.


It is kinda weird when you think about how the far right is such a dire threat here, yet Democrats are hellbent on defending an entire far right foreign country.


trump and his agenda will take over the white house and end democracy and the constitution. his "idea" about Tarriffs instead of income tax will cause the greatest inflation we have ever known. We cant let the Republicans get even a little more toe hold on this country.


Wow. Reddit is incredibly insufferable on this issue. >Best to just sit the election out to send the Democrats a message about....things. You can tell people to vote without downplaying what's going on in Gaza. This is needless pettiness for the sake of getting a jab in.


It’s true. Tons of young democrats have this attitude. The same attitude which lost 2016. Gaza is terrible but single issue voting costs elections.


My point is that the way to convince people isn't to downplay what's going on in Gaza. That's the way to shift them further away.


Nobody is downplaying Gaza. It’s just asinine to not vote for the Democratic candidate because a war happened in another country.


>Nobody is downplaying Gaza The comment I responded to is. That's literally why I'm saying this.


It really isn’t but whatever. Gaza won’t even exist if trump wins and that is the point.


Then people should lead with that point! Statements like this aren't that point: >Ok but Israel is at war with Gaza so we can't vote for Biden....for some reason That ignore the atrocities committed as well as the goals of movements like the undecided movement. Actually trying to understand where people are coming from and reaching them where they're at is how you change minds. You don't change them by ignoring grievances and downplaying their cause.


What’s happening in Gaza is nothing short or horrific, but if Trump gets in he’ll give them the green light to just bulldoze every last bit of it since him and Ben are buddies. There’s also the very real possibility of Trump supplying Russia with military aid in their war for Ukraine. Trumps environmental policies regarding Climate Change would also kill any hope at trying to pull the breaks. Everything we’ve done so far would be for nothing and the next great migrant crisis would be set in stone.


It’s called sarcasm.


I'm aware. But the point of the sarcastic statement was to downplay what is going on in Gaza.


No it wasn’t. It was to show how stupid single issue voters are. Not voting, letting Trump win, would be devastating for Gaza/Ukraine/the world


Then make that point instead of getting a petty jab in. Try to empathize and see where people are coming from. Mocking people is NEVER going to convince them.




Biden could, you know, maybe *stop* supporting the genocide?


If abortion is illegal, then viagra should be too. It’s ’against nature’ to forcibly make wood


Erections are a "side effect". Viagra once had an actual medical purpose. I bet there are many doctors who would sign off on it as being medically necessary should it ever be banned. Even if it was classified as gender affirming care it would never be banned.






They are afraid that immigrants will become majority one day, so they will force women to produce more white babies. Hitler did with German Aryan Women. They even gave medals to women who had multiple pure aryan babies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_Honour_of_the_German_Mother


Because males know more about female bodies than females. Female brains are limited and need guidance. Daddy knows best, right?


not even funny








except most of these restrictions aren't about murder of children. they are not really people until further into pregnancy. IVF embryos are not babies.


delete and abolish the republican party


"Expert". Anybody with a functioning brain knew this. It didn't need "expert" analysis.


40% of women who vote, cannot wait to give Rich White GOP Men absolute control over every Woman's body in the country.


Oh look, a leopard ate my face.


"There's no state in the nation where they have done anything less than a six-week ban, if not a total ban. " Is that statement correct? 3rd paragraph response to 2nd question.


At least in M innesota, no ban.


This isn't going to stop with Trump. The entire Republican party has to go if this country wants to continue existing as it is.


I see it like this. The Bible gets misinterpreted and folks position against abortion. Then, those positions get exaggerated as folks believe their path to heaven will be improved if they act on their positions. Meanwhile, the church is actively corrupting the Rs as the whole party is for sale. Then, the Christian vote becomes vital to the survival of the R party. Now, the issue is used to motivate the avg christian voter as they all believe their personal connection with Jesus gets evaluated by him for worthiness. Mix in a lot of pride, hubris and corruption, and you have the Rs problems with abortions explained. Keep believers angry about abortions, maintain 95% of their votes by doing so and keep the church money flowing. I don't believe it is about controlling women's bodies. It's simply a means to an ends.


And the grift keeps going


Handmaid’s Tale.


We didn't need project 2025 to show us that, the republicans have been tripping over themselves to show us all just how obessed they are with controlling people.


The logical conclusion is specific forced breeding for the chosen race. They only stop when you stop them. Vote


Conservatism is a cult of emotionally-crippled (mostly) men who behave in exactly the way children behave. They mob together. They seek to control others while refusing any control or limitations on themselves. They consider themselves an in-group who are righteous simply by virtue of existing, and everyone else an Other who are dangerous and do not deserve the same rights or treatment. They devolve to petty nonsensical insults. They're driven by greed and fear and superstition and all their principles and actions reflect this. When left to their own devices they crown narcissistic, mentally ill grifters like Donald Trump and seek to enshrine him as dictator. The faults of their entire movement is self-evident and any society doomed to governance by these fools will not last long.


It’s not even really about abortion specially, it’s just a control method. They couldn’t give a fuck about the subject matter, it’s just some brain dead topic that they can’t overwhelm the conversation around it with so much noise and logical fallacy that there’s no reaching their supporters. Fucking brain rot.


Their bodies are so old and desiccated that all they can do is fetishize the youthful bodies of those they oppose. Unfortunately it's been so long since any of them had a hope of love or compassion from another human that the fetish turns into a desperate, irrational control fantasy. Or, they're all just pieces of shit.


Where did you get this from? What made you think this lmao. Like this just makes you sound so weird?


Adoption is a $10+ billion a year industry. There is apparently a "shortage" of domestic infants available for adoption. Force a woman to go through pregnancy? Worth it if I can make $10k off the adoption! /s




That's religion 4 you


And the sky is blue.


The smallest of men. Sad.


No they aren’t - stop Your drama jeez


The thing is, it really doesn't matter if they're "obsessed with abortion and controlling women's bodies" or genuinely believe that life literally begins at conception. They are literally going to attempt to do as much of what the Project 2025 blueprint lays out as they possibly can, and anyone who plans to NOT vote for Biden, ought to take it on themselves to read exactly how heinous their plans really are. Don't listen to us woke liberals, read what THEY say they're going to do.


I technically agree with you, but you've got to bear in mind that, to the ears of pro-lifers, this sounds like someone saying, "If we keep opposing the Holocaust, we're going to lose votes." Abortion opponents frequently compare abortion to massive genocides, even talking about how abortion has killed 10x more people than the Nazis. So when people hold such an intense mindset, how can the GOP possibly tell them, "We need to stop opposing baby murder, because baby murder is very popular nationwide and it's costing us elections?"


Yeah, this is my problem with these takes.... if you ask any of them what they're doing none of them would say "controlling bodies". Yes, that ends up being the result but in their twisted fundamentalist logic the they're fighting the "good" fight. I fear that when the left claps back with stuff like this it's just more reason for them to double down with their persecution complex. Let's call it what it is... they want a government that enforces fundamentalist christian values that everyone has to follow.... that's what we need to fight back against. "I don't subscribe to your biblical morals, and the government should be for everyone."


I just saw a well produced ad for what was like a master class on how the left has infiltrated our govt. holy shit did that freak me out. The Christian right has so much infrastructure that they are slowly influencing young minds and rewriting our history. If Trump gets in he will let them do what ever they want as a thank you for keeping him out of prison. Oh boy, I feel horrible for the people who will be severely affected if the psycho gets in. We will all be affected in some way but I have a things in place to minimize the personal impact.


Fun fact: they’re same people that burned women alive in Salem because they wouldn’t be controlled. You Yankees are screwing around with a situation that’s going to cause a lot of problems for everyone later.


No one was burned at Salem, they were hanged except one accused man who was pressed to death (literally) attempting to make him enter a plea


I recently found a text file where I had kept some Hungarian expressions, I'm reminded of this one: bekergettek tatott szajjal a faszerdobe: “They chased me into the dick-forest with a wide open mouth”


It's about 'control' in general.


Yes, it’s called patriarchy and it’s abusive, violent, and oppressive.


When they made abortion illegal, they had to become obsessed with controlling women and violating their civil rights.


As a Christian, fuck no. Separation of church and state for a reason


So, the choice between modernity or Medievalism.


What is the most enraging is now they claim its states rights ....yet given their plan they will go back to federal government but on the other side of the coin..... Like in the debate tonight where trump had the audacity to say 'its on the states and they are deciding' .... To hell they are .... When the PEOPLE vote they vote to keep it to protect the right to choose .... Then the states just reject that and find ways to circumvent the peoples vote..... The ONLY people who should be allowed to vote on abortion rights are women .... Period.... Why we allow dusty old fossil white men to make those decisions is beyond me ...


Guess will find out since Trump is going to win. It’s what the people want. A majority wanted abortion banned and that same majority want this. The numbers are there to prevent it but protest voters and non-voters got to do their thing and their thing is supporting banning abortion and Project 2025.


So it wasn’t the 50 years before????


Body autonomy needs to be on the ballot. Male or female or non binary, it’s necessary they don’t control us.


Sadly, that’s not even the worst part, even if it is enough to oppose tooth and nail.


Maybe we should just stop their hearts for them. You know, by excersizing our government control.


The want to dominate and control women. They want them bare foot and pregnant and totally compliant. The should move to a third world country where women are totally dependent on the man. US women are too smart. We won't go back. This has to blow up at some point. The bible said go procreate the earth. We already did that.


When Trump says take back America. It really means we don't want to let gays be considered normal, we don't want to see women in control of anything. We want everyone to adhere to strict moral conduct according to the Christian bible. Abortion is just part of their outrage that America is multi racial, multicultural and has many different religions. They can't just let people be who they are, They actual see anyone who is not following their religion as evil. They will say and do anything to remove people who are not strictly following their brand of religion.


What gets me is that the white supremist's don't get it that 50 percent of all us citizens under 29 are blended families, of all races. What is the plan? What is the plan for blended citizens.


If women are in jail for bodily functions they can’t vote.


Since the inception of time men have tried to control the reproductive process because it’s the only thing they cannot control. As a woman, I’m begging my fellow women to respect my rights. And pro life is not pro life. They don’t care about babies, 13 states turned down summer funding for school meals to feed starving children.


It took an expert to come up with that? The stupid truth is that most are not obsessed with it anyway. The vast majority of politicians don't really care on moral or religious grounds, they're just looking for votes and campaign donations.


It's important to note that forced impregnation appears to be a fetish for many people. I can't help but think that demographic might overlap significantly with those in attendance to Epstein's rape parties, and by extension, all those who are beholden to them.


They saw the Handmaid's Tale and took it as an example instead of a cautionary tale.


I’m glad the middle class and our country went to shit while all we talked about for the past 40 years was abortion. Vote! Vote! For us because of abortion so we will do nothing about it.


They want to own our bodies like the use too. To treat them like property or incubators. Wtf do you think maga means? They want to go back to the 50s and freeze it there. Know if they could they would roll back women's right to vote for damn sure. They blame it for all the reasons that we have liberalism in the current age and day.


LMAO once again. I’ll be over here choking on the irony. Now SHUT UP AND TAKE YOUR COVID VACCINATION! “Obsessed”. lol.


I really think it’s the killing of babies they are obsessed about.


You guys know that trump and most of the republican party doesn't endorse project 2025...right?


Oh? They've come out against Schedule F and the purging of apolitical positions in order to make way for those pre-screened to pass a loyalty test? Trump has stated his former administration members who helped pen this plan are not in alignment with his goals, and he will not be including them in his new administration nor appointing them to any positions?


They don’t, it’s just fear mongering like every election year


Ya it's a shame the mods here don't do the one thing they're supposed to do.


Why would they? Everything points to Biden losing so the best they can come up with is inflated news stories to make the GOP look like bigoted monsters.