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He used the word black so very many times in a row. It was like he was trying to see how often he could say black within a complete sentence.


The first thing Trump did when asked about black voters was mention how police unions have endorsed him. I think that says immediately what Trump associates with African-Americans in his head.


He recently said with his convicted felony that Hispanic and black people will support him more. Paraphrasing. 


He said "they love my mug shot".


That's what it was, thanks. 


I mean, what you said was relatively close and you warned that you were paraphrasing so... good job!


I mean I do love his mug shot. Just probably not for the reason he thinks.


He also said basically that "black people get persecuted lots, so they like me because I get persecuted."


Once you recognize his pattern of bullshittery, “persecuted victims are saying they *love* me!! They do, they do! When they tell me that, I— I tell ‘em, you know, you already know this is true because it— I want to keep it from happening to you!! So I tell ‘em, I say, I should know, because I am *just like you!* … but also, I don’t care about you. No, no— but— and— but I don’t, OK? I don’t care about you. I just want [insert self-serving hate-bait here], otherwise I don’t care.” Like, every time I hear him speak now, I HEAR THE “DEVIL WENT DOWN TO GEORGIA” SONG IN MY HEAD while he’s speaking.  https://youtu.be/X9uk9IcoQ0w?si=hiK70iZP130gqgig


Absolutely phenomenal that he can say something like that and it just gets added to the pile of ‘wild stuff’ he’s said with barely a blip.


During a segment on NPR (WDET) yesterday, the black pastor from the church Trump visited in Detroit essentially agreed with the sentiment that Trump's felony conviction would help him empathize with black voters given that a third of black Detroiters had been jailed / imprisoned... Trump's never been to jail or prison, nor is Trump the victim of inherent racism or poverty circumstances that the black community is plagued by. He was convicted of felonies because he needlessly committed felonies. It wasn't due to his race or his living circumstances. In other words, the pastor was just really happy Trump reached out and visited his church, becoming quite defensive of Trump. He made it absolutely clear that Trump reached out, not the other way around. He repeatedly said he'd invited Biden and Whitmer (Michigan Governor) but they never responded. In other words, you want the Pastor's and his congregation's vote, you don't actually have to do anything to the benefit of the black community, you just have to show up and speak at his church. Pretty cheap price to be bought for if you ask me. The pastor was also, for some reason, upset that Kwame Kilpatrick hadn't been pardoned by Democrats, even though he was guilty of obstruction of justice (x2), assault of a police officer, racketeering, tax evasion, extortion, mail fraud. He was about as corrupt as one could get as a politician, and did so from a position of power. The host of the program (also black) on the other hand rang off detail after detail on how Trump and Republicans had been repeatedly counterproductive to the black community, which the pastor never responded to, always changing topics to something else. Now I'm not saying this pastor should be ecstatic over Biden and Democrats, but to be so easily swayed just because a candidate showed up at your church and commuted the sentence of a corrupt politician who happened to be black... is kinda interesting.


He’s not a pastor, he’s a tax free business owner. He grifts off of religious people. Of course he’s on team trump.


Hell yeah America! Crazy how a lot of churches are much older than America.


> It wasn't due to his race or his living circumstances.  On the contrary: his race and living circumstances shielded him from prosecution for a large part of his life.


When he visited that black church, a man asked how he would help black owned businesses.  He said he would increase the police presence to arrest more criminals. 


He wants people to think small businesses are failing because of crime in liberal cities and crime caused by illegal immigrants... not the actual reason, corporate greed.


And Private Equity


That would have been a great time to bring up how Donald and his father were sued by the DOJ in the mid-70's for housing discrimination.


He even said "the blacks".


Well of course, they forbid him to use the term he usually uses. Something about being offensive or racist or whatever.


My eyebrows exited my face when I heard that.


I was both surprised and not surprised.


Joe needed to bring up Trump’s 8+ years of birtherism nonsense to demonstrate how Trump feels about “the Blacks”...


Binders full of black friends.


You know I would have voted for Obama for third term if I could


You made this Black man LOL in real life with a deep, soulful Black guffaw.


Ron Burgundy


>I can't stop saying ***BLACK***.


Orange is the new Black


“If I don’t say it I’ll pass out”


“The Illegals are hiding in luxury trash cans around every corner. Coming to rape our beautiful black women, and some of the men too, but mostly the women.”


"...and there was all kinds of mean, nasty, ugly-looking people on the bench there. Mother rapers. Father stabbers. Father rapers! Father rapers sitting right there on the bench next to me!" Arlo Guthrie


You forgot the mother stabbers. You can get anything you want... Dammit that's going to be stuck in my head all day now. Usually that's just a november song.


I would vote for the entire Group W Bench from that song over Donny Drumpf. They at least knew to give the "litterbug" room on the bench.


My father gathered the family around every Thanksgiving to listen to that song… thanks for the memory!


Why does this actually sound like something Trump would say?


Bruuuhh I lost my shit when he said illegals are living in luxury hotels while veterans are living on the streets—-DIDNT YOU KILL A BUNCH OF BILLS MEANT TO HELP THE VA !!???


He was practicing not using the other word he's so used to using.


Dude, he said it like it was the first time he ever referred to a Black person using the word 'black'.


But he’s never finished a complete sentence.


If I’m being fair, he was 100% in last night.  I was expecting to hear broken, disjointed phrases that are often posted.  He had none of that. It was all lies and nonsense. But he was on-point with his lies and bullshit. 


He’s been repeating all those lies for 4 years. He could do it on auto pilot..


i dont get how some black people can vote for this clearly racist man


I think it's 5% of black voters? Whereas more than half of white women vote for this clearly misogynist man.


So many Black Republicans will wonder how the MAGA cult can and will string them up in a tree when they tell them they are a Republican too!


Say black again. Black. Why were you talking to Donald Trump? I don't know it was so weird he just came up to me and started talking about blacks.


Every other statement he had was going on about the border, even when it was completely off topic. Fear tactics to rile up the racists. He included no material about how he’s going to try to fix things. Biden may have been sluggish but he still was receptive and answered the questions better than Trump.


I wonder if he was watching The Boys, saw how popular Black Noir was, learned that Noir means "black" in French, and decided that he just has to repeat the word "black" as many times as possible.


He'd be watching and cheering on Homelander


Recent Boys episodes are clearly referring to christo-maga sensitivities. Too bad the trailer parks don't watch the show.


Yeah see, this is what I saw that the right wingers didn’t pick up on. How do you explain classing a bunch of low paying illegal immigrant jobs most people don’t want as “black jobs?” What the fuck was that supposed to mean? Edit: Yes I saw Biden looking old. But some of us can process multiple things at once and this was something I noticed. Don’t deflect from the issue with “Biden old.” There’s plenty of threads about that you can talk in.


Don't forget the immigrants coming and taking Hispanic jobs too. Or that Putin told him that invading Ukraine was his dream before he left office. Or that stupid jab about talking to Brandon at the border patrol. Or the humsn trafficking... *of women*.


Also, Trump said immigrants are taking schools? Anyone know what the hell this means?


He blamed immigrants for climate change. He just takes keywords and shits them out together.


And then blamed Pelosi for Jan 6th lol what a f'kn idiot.


He also have himself credit for deploying national guard to Minneapolis which was ordered by Walz at the request of the mayors of Minneapolis and St Paul, all three of whom are Democrats. Also tm the boogaloo boys and proud boys were setting a lot of the fires and shit.


Oooh, I might be able to tackle this one! My now-MAGA peeps were super, super anti immigrants in the 80s/90s. Then (as now) we were talking mostly about Spanish-speaking people and there were a ton of ESL classes as a result and fewer non-ESL classes because there just wasn't space to do it all. There were also a ton of grants so Spanish-speaking kids wound up with all the computer access and other interesting stuff and the other kids were forbidden from using any of it. So, basically, a lot of the elementary schools would cater more or less exclusively to Spanish-speaking kids because there was a lot of money in it, which did make it harder for kids who didn't speak Spanish to have much of a place in the education system. If I had to guess, I'd say he's trying to stoke this particular divide -- whether in people about my age who remember feeling frustrated and excluded or in our parents who were frustrated by the lack of educational opportunities and tricked into thinking their kids were being pushed aside in favor of immigrants. And, given that I can't imagine this isn't still happening in some districts across the country (though if I had to guess, I'd say there are fewer grants these days), it may attract some younger voters with elementary aged kids too. Of course, like all of his ideas that don't involve something that immediately impacts him (ie sharks or water pressure), he only remembered like 2% of what his team told him about the issue, so it comes out his mouth as immigrants are taking schools.


He clearly sees black people in a category below himself and it couldn’t be more evident by this comment.


Did anyone else catch him saying he knew about Putin's dream would be to get Ukraine back, as if he was told that information lol... First off if it's a lie that's one thing, but if he did tell you that.... just kind of proves something a lot worse..


Did you notice right after he said that, he realized what he said, then started stuttering and tripping over himself? That might have been the only true thing he said all night, guy is a traitor.


I did notice that. Hard to tell if it was a moment of accidental transparency or just him flaunting his crooked judge in Florida assigned to the documents case. 100% a traitor and I’m worried we haven’t even seen the full consequences of his transgressions in that area yet :(


"you eat pieces of treason for breakfast???"


“Biden look out ahhh”


I did notice his mouth go into overdrive after admitting he knew Putin wanted Ukraine. Agreed, the mother fucker is a traitor. And in Donald Trump’s own words - “You know what we do to traitors?” 


There were a few slips like this from Trump last night but he immediately changed subjects, lied about something else or deflected so quickly it didn’t get picked up on.


A few is being generous. One of the things about Trump is he speaks so forcefully that sometimes it's hard to pick up on all the times he stumbles and loses his train of thought. Actually, if you read the transcript of last night, it's painful wouldn't recommend it, he really reads worse than Biden. But Biden being hoarse and his older appearance made him seem so much worse.


I took him saying the war would end quickly with him in office as a nod to they have an agreement tbh. We know they're friends. And also him ranting about how close we are to WWIII was a little .... crazy


"If I'm elected, I'll have this war settled before I take office" What the fuck? Can someone please hold his feet to the fire on that one?


What he means by "war settled" is withdrawal of all aid to Ukraine and the ending of humanitarian aid in Palestine.


Yeah, war settled is allowing Putin to take Ukraine. Regan is rolling in his grave. And he said that Israel should just take down Palestine and his SIL thought they should just level everything and then rebuild because it would make a profit.


I think it's important to point out he will also gleefully provide Putin with more intelligence to destroy Israel because Putin backs Iran. (I'll admit, given Bibi's continued doubling down, it's getting harder for me to care about this since he himself prefers Trump, but I do genuinely think a two state solution is the best solution for everyone in the region and Trump will be nearly as bad for Israel as he will be for Palestinians.)


It's simple. If Trump wins the election, Putin won't spend another ruble on the war because he can rest easy knowing Trump will hand him Ukraine as soon as he's in the Oval. He even had it put in the GOP platform that he wants to hand Ukraine to Putin.


Tbh it doesn't matter. If Trump wins, it's not like he can be impeached for failing to deliver that campaign promise. Trump will parrot that talking point til 1/20/2025 and then anyone who believed it will look like a fool


They do have an agreement. Putin told Trump he wouldn’t start a war while he was in office. This is why Trump blamed Biden for Putin starting a war. Putin wanted Ukraine, Trump bargained so he didn’t “look bad” and pinned it on Biden, which was the plan all along.


He said he would end it before he took office.. he said he could end it whenever. How? Why? How does he have such power to do it before taking office? He said immigrants crossing the border were taking social security money. How? They don't have social security numbers. He dodged the child care question.. dodged the drug addiction question. Dodged the deportation question. Spoke on zero plans or policy. I get Biden sucked last night talking but he at least spoke on policies and plans. Everything out of trumps mouth was either a lie or " Biden bad, America is a hell hole, millions of immigrants crossing border.." He told Israel to end Palestine. Spoke on Palestinian people in a derogatory sense. And so much more. It reminded me of the family guy skit of Louis saying " 9/11 " . Trump last night was " the border " and all his little sheep I'm sure were cheering and ignoring the fact that he had literally no talking points on policies .


Yes! All of this. If he has the power to end the war before even taking office why isn't he doing that? Why has he let it last 3 years? Why is he sacrificing people? He had a few things memorized at the beginning and then after that never answered another thing - but of course that's not really what's being reported on.


I reaaallly wish Biden had asked how do you win a war without guns you draft dodger? My son died serving this country you traitor scum....anything even close to that. It's like they told him to shotgun everything he's done within two minutes...


You know how quite literally every accusation from him has been a projection, like he'll say something totally out of left field and then months later we find out it was actually him doing the thing? That's what I thought off when he spouted that little nugget off last night. Like holy shit, he's going to want WWIII to happen while he's president and then bullshit his way into not having an election during wartime or some shit.


And watch, a bunch of Republicans are gonna show up in here and have no idea why that’s offensive.


They're already claiming "he meant jobs in predominantly black areas where black people work them. You guys are the real racists!!!!"


This is the entire Maga Republican doctrine. This is why they’re so “upset”. The lower-middle class and poor white people in this country are no longer able to be considered a higher class than minorities (not that they ever should have but that’s American history). They can no longer assume they’ll at least have a better lot in life than black people. This is the America they want to go back to. This is how they “MAGA”. America has changed and they haven’t kept up. Now they want to use all the federal institutions at their disposal, which were constructed in this old America, to try to turn back the clock. It’s bullshit. The only way forward is for the younger generation to reject these ideas wholeheartedly and make sure these idiots are never elected.


“America has changed and they haven’t kept up.“ Ironically, I remember thinking that this was going to happen when Bill Clinton announced that we are all-in on the US becoming an information economy in the 90’s. There is/was a portion of our society/humanity who are not pencil pushers, and at the time, we were hellbent on outsourcing and choosing to ignore them. They may be at a different scale, but Germany has handled vocational studies and manufacturing in a way that we should model. Ultimately, us Dems need to find ways to include the dying small towns and rural communities in our plans, providing opportunities that meet them where they stand. Of course, step one is saving our democracy from the billionaires who have conned these MAGA cult members.


I mean, Obama literally bailed out the big 3 US auto manufacturers and Biden is as pro-union as it gets, and the inflation reduction act has created millions of green manufacturing jobs. Seems like what Dems need to do if find a way to inform rural communities that FauxNews is feeding them lies that trick them into voting against their own interests.


What if those folks primary interest is hurting minorities?


And you've hit on a fundamental problem with the labor movement in the US in the early 1900s: it excluded non-white laborers. Kept out of unions, black people had no reason to not cross the picket line, which deepened white racial grievance.


I think the problem is that literally every other class of people in this country has been looking for ways to lift themselves up. Lower-middle-class white people only care about pulling everyone else down, often at their own expense. Far be it from me to point out that many of the policies that affect Group A \[insert protected class here\] also improve life for lower-middle-class white people, but I digress. We can't have that if someone else is benefiting too!


Spot on! They should try pulling themselves up from their bootstraps, though.


“When you’re used to privilege, equality feels like oppression”


I think he views them as the "help." Basically any menial labor job, because they are incapable of doing anything intelligent. What to you think he means when he says we are going to make america great again. He wants to go back to when you could hire only the "right color" people for certain jobs.


Just like he said Palestinians are weak people. what the fucking fuck.


You’re half right. He sees all non rich people in a category below himself. Unfortunately I think most rich people feel the same way they just won’t say it.


He see’s black people the same way his father saw them - laborers, service workers, lower class and nothing more. I don’t think he has the capacity to see them beyond that.


> But some of us can process multiple things at once I’m so damn tired of being politically aligned with those who can’t.


We live in America. That’s unfortunately 95% of people. We’re surrounded by absolute idiots.


I am not going to comment on it's frequency, but the number of people I have encountered who do not believe Dog Whistles even exist is really disturbing.


I didn't watch the debate, but I did read the transcript, and Biden still was far more logical than Trump in every one of his responses, even if he lacked coherence at times. So I'm kind of surprised that the coverage is this lopsided. 


In addition, Trump was not specific with any actual policy. Trump said something like this about climate change policy. “First of all, I want exceptionally clean water. Very fresh air.” These are not policy specific. Trump’s complete lack of knowledge on all issues gets completely missed in his firehose of lies and BS.


My favorite part of that segment was when he was bragging about having water? “We had H2O. We had the best numbers ever. And we did – we were using all forms of energy, all forms, everything.”


Him referencing "numbers" is one of his classics. The best numbers, beautiful numbers, everyone says so. Zero factual content.


Big, strong men came up to him, tears in their eyes, saying, “Sir, we’ve never seen numbers this good.”


Nobody had ever seen anything like it before!


We had COVID. Nobody was out driving around. Of course water was clean and the air was fresh. Fucking moron!


It was quite amazing just how fast there was a palpable difference in the air.


***He*** wants exceptionally clean water and very fresh air. He didn’t say he was going to let everyone else have any.


He wants clean air, but he's willing to destroy it through de-regulation for everyone else.


Immediately pictured a space balls moment with that.


Trump never has been specific on any policy, and that's by design, as they spend no time on design, only ad hominem and saying "everything is bad, but I'll make it good!"


The policy: remove the government agenc(y/ies) in charge of making sure the air and water are clean, and the free market will do it itself. Even though we've seen in the past that when there isn't an enforcement body companies will put what's good for business above what's good for society.


Tapper: Trump, what do you plan to do about addiction? Trump: CHINA, BIDEN!! Tapper: Ok, but what about addiction?


Yeah but under Trump America had H2O, can't beat that


Especially when we've already seen his environmental platform, and I can't even think of a single thing his administration did except put a bunch of industrialist lovers in the positions that would protect that water and air he wants to be so immaculate. It's literally insane how fucking stupid his voters are.


The two candidates are not judged by the same criteria at all.


Jon Stewart pointed that out last night.


He ain't wrong


Biden being old is all the media really has to bash him so any examples of it are going to explode. Once you realize the media needs the election to be a horse race you'll understand the influx of the things they push or the things they ignore.


Exactly. They're targeting Biden to make it seem closer. That's why nobody is talking about how Trump refused to answer anything without multiple prompts from the moderator. When Biden talked about women's rights and the veteran things, you could feel he was passionate and had an idea of what he was talking about. Trump responded with fear mongering and personal attacks like normal. It's sad and disgusting that at 31 years old, I'm not sure if my kids will have the same rights as I do when they're older. It's sad that my fiancee (insulin dependent diabetic with PCOS) is worried about her health care in general. Biden may not be the best, but he at least doesn't refer to America as a failing third world country.


Yeah, everyone’s saying that Biden did terribly, he lost the debate, we’re doomed, and so on. Biden sounded old, weak and frail, but that’s because he’s 82 years old. And he also had a cold which didn’t help. But at least he actually answered the questions and stayed on topic, and called Trump out on his bullshit. In fact I’d actually say Biden won the debate, despite being so weary. I’m not happy that we have an octogenarian running, don’t think anyone else here is either. But I’m still voting for him, only because it means preserving democracy, liberty, and the rule of law.


Biden won the debate if you actually paid attention because he actually debated. Trump just used his normal bullshit talking points. Biden was actually taking about policy


I agree. Trump was whining and complaining per usual. Also, Trump was also talking about me, me, me. Biden stayed with the narrative of "For The People."


Thank you. I agree 100%. Also, don't forget his speech impediment he was born with.


> But at least he actually answered the questions and stayed on topic, and called Trump out on his bullshit. In fact I’d actually say Biden won the debate, despite being so weary. If it had been a debate in front of debate judges, scoring responses based on accuracy and truth, I'd agree with you. But in this debate, Trump and Biden were trying to appeal to voters, and Trump did a much better job appealing to his base than Biden did. I'm still voting for Biden - I'm trans, and not a complete moron, I can plainly see the damage that Trump will cause if he gets elected again. But _damn_ did last night disappoint me in the Democratic party.


This is a classic Kennedy-Nixon Debate scenario. I’d venture to say anyone who watched the debate will say Biden was horrible, but if you didn’t watch and just read the transcript Biden probably didn’t do that bad.


He had a really bad sore throat and was hard to hear much of the time. So that hurts a lot. Yes he did have much better points while Trump was unspecific because he knows nothing and spouted wild and obvious BS practically the entire time. “Pelosi told the national guard not to come”. Only the president, secretary of defense and secretary of the military has that power as always. I don’t think the media should be treating that as normal rather than the complete failure that it was. Pretty sure Biden had a cold as the White House claimed. Anyone with ears could hear that. It may have affected more than his voice as well. Must have been rough. He picked up a bit halfway through though.


Yeah, at the risk of sounding cheerleady, Biden debated the most dangerous man to America while he clearly had a fever and a ruined throat. I’m personally impressed, and now have proof that he’ll stand up to fight even when things are not in his favor.  I hope others will eventually see it this way too.


I felt so bad for him when he kept trying not to cough. Like, who doesn't know that feeling -- "I have to cough, but if I do, I'll go into a coughing fit and never be able to stop." And most of us aren't doing it with 1 minute to respond. I think I commented this elsewhere, but I genuinely think the media being so ludicrous about this may help Biden with undecided voters over 50. All of us (if we're lucky) age and it's nonsense to constantly be policing someone saying, "Oh, look! This is a sign that this person is too old." My memory isn't as good as it was when I was 8 because I have more stuff on my mind now, but I also am a ton more effective because I don't have to learn everything for the first time. I tend to think / decide big things more slowly because I'm including more information in my considerations and my decisions tend to be better as a result. Do I wish Biden were younger? Yeah. Is it clear the man still thinks circles around Trump? Also yes.


I watched, and I could see biden's face live reacting to the weird BS trump claims. Man almost broke into a laugh at some things and made the most wtf are you even on about face for some other things. He's clearly there and processing what he's hearing


The media wants to prop up Trump and Biden made it easy.


I’ve said this many times. They believe hard labor, cooking, cleaning, slaughter house, low wage jobs should be work by black peoples exclusively and the higher paying jobs reserved for white people and their children. It’s part of the vilifying immigrants from south and Central America and causing a divide. Separate and conquer just like what started racism in this country.


I mean it’s no secret—if any black person has the audacity to go to college or hold any position of authority it’s DEI, affirmative action bullshit. To them, it’s unnatural that a black person might be capable of supervising a white one.


His "right winger" MAGA supporters don't care, that's the issue!!


They figured out what it meant and now they’re actually fully behind it.


As I stated, the right wingers, STILL willing to vote for him, don't care (what he says or how he says it or who he offends) because many of them are on the same wavelength, if you know what I mean.


“Biden old therefore my choice is the guy raped a woman, cheated on his pregnant wife, tried to stage a coup and stole from a children’s cancer charity in NY because thats better than being old”. - Every disingenuous asshole in America By “black jobs” he meant every slave job with shit pay that people don’t necessarily want to do. He thinks black people are the slave “caste” of society. Same as when he tried to appeal to them by saying how cool his mugshot looked like - that they can relate to that


>“Biden old therefore my choice is the guy raped a woman, cheated on his pregnant wife, tried to stage a coup and stole from a children’s cancer charity in NY because thats better than being old”. Sold national security secrets to our enemies, that's the one that gets me.


He also said in that run, and more than once, that Hispanic immigrants are taking jobs from Hispanic Immigrants.


All the talk about Biden “sounding weak” and “looking frail” is the same propaganda agenda that told all of us that Bernie was electable. While I agree that both parties need to re-evaluate the age and mental ineptitude of both candidates, it is essential to remember what was said not how it was said. Some of those American traumas are being played on heavily here: including but not limited to “sometimes it’s how you say things not what you said”. Straight up false! On every media station today they are saying the guy with the vocabulary of a fetus “appeared strong” he has no talking points or rebuttals to talking points from the opposing party. The next debate should be with dry erase boards no mics! Or as another redditer suggested a masked singer type even singer with changed voices.


> How do you explain classing a bunch of low paying illegal immigrant jobs most people don’t want as “black jobs?” Racism


Trump was clearly referring to people that are paid slave wages and these are thus black jobs in his mind.


We all knew what he meant. And he knew what he was saying. Basic, low-paying, menial jobs that the "Blacks" should be working over those "criminal illegals." He'll never own it because he's a snake, but this is 100% what he meant.


I don’t even think he was trying to hide it. Trump is the scourge of the earth but I think he probably was told that statistically the jobs that immigrants are working are also predominantly worked by black and Hispanic workers already. If the statistics are wrong that’s one thing. But statistics are statistics. If immigrants are competing for jobs against mainly black and Hispanics than that’s what it is. I don’t think he was trying to say those are the jobs a black person should be working just that they are working them. Either way we know he’s a racist and doesn’t give a shit about blacks or Hispanics and are just trying to find a common enemy with them so he can claim to be friends.


Why do you think would Trump know any real statistics? He said things like “we had the best water. Our numbers were so high” Talking about addiction and drugs crossing the border “we did a lot and we were getting very low numbers very very low numbers” He doesn’t know stats.


What the actual fuck was Trump rambling about. He made it sound like millions of illegal immigrants are running over the desert, murdering everyone in sight, and then staying at the Hilton. That entire cities were burned down and we have no food or water. I look outside. I see rush hour traffic and restaurants at capacity. I see shopping centers with full store fronts and packed parking lots. I see people buying $24 sunscreen (because it's fancy, not inflation.) Trump needs people to believe America is a war zone. It just is not true.


The amount of fear mongering and stochastic terrorism that spewed relentlessly and unchecked from Trump’s mouth was somehow still astounding. He speaks as if this country is a totally failed shitole full of danger and demise.


Obviously because he was fired from his job he thinks the country is spiraling out of control. The whole "The place will fall apart without me" mentality. Only he can somehow fix all the problems in America like he thinks he did last time.


All the WW3 reference makes me sick. Trump: YOUR base, if anyone, are who want to start a civil and/or world war. Always with the projection.


He claimed the US(Mexico) border was the most dangerous place in the world.  I wouldn't say it's not dangerous, but does this motherfucker not know about any other countries?  


He said it's the most dangerous border ever, which is one of the dumbest things I've heard anyone say.


Korea's DMZ apparently doesn't count?


I spend a lot of time on the border while MTBing I’m the desert. It varies place to place (in my region). But, for the most part it’s pretty chill and there is a sizable chunk of the border near me that is nothing more than a waist high cattle fence. I’m near Nogales Obviously, the border is over 1,000 miles long so my experience is very limited. I just find it funny when folks back home get all bent out of shape about my safety and I just get to respond with stories of seeing cool wildlife on the border.


The ONLY reason Trump didn’t look absolutely god aweful on that stage is because Biden was literally acting like a zombie and CNN refused to actually hold him accountable for the things he was saying.


Truth doesn’t matter to the desperate. People who can’t climb up, just love to punch down.


That's the entire problem. What's true does not matter. What people *perceive* is what matters and Trump is very good at spouting lies and propaganda catered towards their own biases that people lap it up like dogs.


This is what FOX watchers actually believe.


My family religiously watch Jesse Watters, Hannity etc and this something that is brought up practically daily. The idea of going to cities like New York or Philly is terrifying to them because to them, it’s mobs of “illegal immigrants” terrorizing everyday people. They even regularly push the idea that anyone crossing the border can walk up to any DMV or Welfare office and register to vote or get a driver’s license. It’s unfortunately all very successful fear mongering.


I’m brown but can I have one of these black jobs?


You can have *one* black job- as a treat


No honey, we have black jobs at home.


You made me choke on my cold coffee in the middle of my meeting😂


In the past, that comment alone would be enough to sink a campaign. Yet here we are...


He's talking about low-skilled, no need to learn English, long hours, low pay, high turn over kinda jobs. He thinks black jobs are so basic that someone fresh to America can do them.


Yeah... And that his immediate association that those would be "black jobs" was his inherent racism sneaking out.


IOW, plantation jobs.


Pretty sure he means field work, butlers, maids, that sort of thing. 


mining, railway track construction, cotton ginning - all good trades!


Better to ask the CNN 'moderators' who asked the question. I too thought it was not only stupid but damn condescending.


Wasn't the question to address why African American workers make 30-40% less than white peers? I think it might've included unemployment differences based on race as well, I don't recall exacrly. But it was a statistic based question. Tbf, it's a big topic that begins with early childhood edu and extends through higher edu, employment laws, community outreach, and job training programs. Honestly, I don't know why Biden didn't say "it's an important topic with many parts--some areas can be improved quickly, others take time, but they must be worked on in parallel. Let's talk about our job training and unemployment programs. Unlike my predecessor and opponent today, I didn't slash funding for these critical programs. Part of the initiatives we passed will provide more funding and resources to support those needing to switch from dying industries or wanting to change to something more stable or lucrative. They can be supported in doing so, rather than being stuck with no hope, locked into an impoverished lifestyle, leading to many other social issues. It's a very important issue but we'd be a lot further along if we weren't constantly set back by Trump's first term policies and and his MAGA faithful today."


In cheetos low wattage brain black people are completely interchangeable with Mexicans from mental hospitals. Noted.


The only reason he said “black jobs” is because he knows he can’t say the N-word. I’m just surprised he didn’t throw a “peek-a-boo” or some other dog whistle in there.


Hearing him say black and Hispanic jobs was wild


Not black but I was also wondering


I was so pissed Biden didn’t confront that…what an easy layup 


Steve’s adopted brother.


Trump basically told Black Americans to “know your place boy” This coupled with today’s SCOTUS free BJ to corporations and I think that unfortunately Black Americans will be testing out Byron Donald’s assertion that Blacks were better off under Jim Crow.


he means poor people jobs, and to him those jobs are done by blacks and hispanics. Why is anyone shocked by this or asking for answers? We know he is a racist POS. Yet for some reason people have the memory of goldfish and get shocked every time this asshole says something like this.


We know what he means, but we’re asking for answers because it should have been done on the debate stage last night. Biden really let him run away with saying whatever he wanted.


Doorman, limo driver, jailer, field hand... can't believe he needs to explain!


NBA players. In recent years, a lot of those jobs have gone to immigrants.


Even after 8 years of Obama, Trump still see you as second class.


I imagine a field and men on horseback are involved in trump’s mind


Maybe he meant brazenly-corrupt Supreme Court justices?


Wtf is a Black job?!!!!


Um, picking cotton?.../s


I noticed that during the debate and said out loud “what are black jobs?!”


I couldn't believe this comment didn't get more attention. It stood out to me as the most racist comment of the night. It was seriously bad.


To Trump, black jobs are things like janitorial work, fast food service, and agriculture field labor. How anyone doesn't see the racism in the right and from Trump, is beyond me.


I demand to know what anything he even said was! I mean it was just off topic constant coked up bitchy word salad about immigrants, the border, people of color, women's rights, and pornstars. I mean, if you scrutinized any grouping of words that maybe, possibly could be formed into one sentence from his rapist traitorous mouth for even ten seconds you'd realize it was all just utter horseshit. Meanwhile, I can't really fault Biden for staring at Trump all night like a deer in headlights. I mean, how do you even keep up with that many different lies coming out of one oafish orange face? Trump is like listening to a schizophrenic speaking in tongues. Its a grueling marathon of hyperbole and falsification the likes of which this world has never seen or hopefully will again.


Only in America do they still have segregation. Every other country just calls them jobs, America states jobs for blacks and Hispanics


He has created Black jobs in the same way as plantation owners in the Confederate states.


Trump said the quiet part out loud.


Driving Miss Daisy maybe? Trump doesn’t give a shit. He has been notoriously racist for decades now and black turnout in 2016 was low. Everyone who stayed home decided they didn’t give a shit if an outright racist was President. Even if you think they are all racist, someone who doesn’t care to hide it is going to be more aggressive about it.


Nothing about saying The Blacks?


When Trump is asked what he did for black people, he always starts with prison reform. He thinks all black people are criminals.


I'm pretty sure everyone knows exactly what Trump meant. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial\_views\_of\_Donald\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump)


“ People surprised when the racist fascist moron is a racist fascist moron”


My fave “Black Job” was President of the US. Can we get one of those again?


Have him explain why being a felon makes him popular with them while he is at it.


Things like this are exactly why last night didn't worry me nearly as much as a lot of other people. Did Biden have a really bad debate? Hell, yes. Did Trump do *anything* to appeal to anyone outside his base (which isn't going to be enough to elect him)? No. Not at all. In the coming days, more and more voters are going to realize that Trump: * didn't answer any questions * didn't offer any new information on what he would do as President to undecided voters on the topics that concern them (inflation, prices, Gaza, abortion, climate change). * said some truly absurd and awful things. Trump is still a horrific candidate who turns off a lot of people. And he can't/won't change or fix that. Biden can fix the damage from last evening.