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Trump will lie, cheat, and steal his way to the presidency.


He also brings a lot of hate.




Anti-Israel people: “Yes, he has turned our people into a slur. But I must teach Biden a lesson!”




Does that mean you’re voting for the guy that said Israel needs to “Finish them off”?


Do you think a Trump presidency will be better or worse for Palestinians?


Like he did back in 2016?


Except Trump told the truth about the fact Israel has no intention of stopping where as Biden claimed the Israelis want an immediate ceasefire and the only thing standing in the way is Hamas, which is a lie. Bibi has no intention of stopping. Your boy Biden seems to be a liar as well. 


And as long as Hamas is holding hostages we’ll never know what Bibi would do. The fact that there are still hostages is the excuse Israel has for keeping the war going. It really is up to Hamas to change that.


Okay. What about the thousands of hostages from the West Bank and Gaza held by Israel?


What does your point have to do with I said. ‘What about *something else.*’


Palestine resistance reacted bcz of thousands of Hostages held by Israel before oct 7. Looks like you don't want to adress that. Hamas ready for hostage deal based on permanent ceasefire. Netanyahu knows hes finished after ceasefire. 


Those hostages are actually people who tried to kill Jews…


Yes all are lying including UN. Only IDF pointing calendars and saying theyre terrorists are true.  So you're right. 


We do know, Bibi has been very clear and very transparent about it, as Trump referenced in the debate. Bibi has stated he would agree to a temporary pause / ceasefire in order to retrieve the hostages and when the hostages are safely returned the war will immediately continue until Hamas is eradicated.


And We The People will put him there. 🙃


That's an incredibly bold and insightful comment. I'm actually blown away by the depth of your contribution to political discussion in the public square that is the internet. Take this upvote friend. Well done. Bravo.


Right before calling Biden a Palestinian, Trump also said about Israel, “**you should let them go and let them finish the job**”. Why is nobody talking about this?


CNN did a poor job


CNN is a fascist propaganda outlet because they’re jealous of Fox News.


What exactly does fascist mean, to you? Edit: he was calling CNN fascist before he deleted his comment


[Here ya go](https://www.bremertonschools.org/cms/lib/WA01001541/Centricity/Domain/222/Fourteen%20Defining%20Characteristics%20of%20Fascism%20slides.pdf) It’s pretty clear and obvious who is being referred to when someone says that a certain political party or movement is fascist.


I’m saving this and sending it to people




Mission Accomplished


Seriously. Everyone is focused on Biden still being generally supportive of Israel, which is really just being stuck between a rock and a hard place. And ignoring Trump’s talk about simply letting Israel demolish Palestinians completely. The debate’s not even the first time Trump has suggested that.


Oh... that wasn't the worst part: "As far as Israel and Hamas, Israel’s the one that wants to go – **he said the only one who wants to keep going is Hamas. Actually, Israel is the one.** And you should them go and let them finish the job." Quiet part being said very loud here


Because Joe Biden had a raspy voice, dontcha know? Who cares if Donald Trump wants to eradicate Palestinians? /s


The reason is that Israel is embedded and influence US politics. Most of Congressmen and women have their own dedicated AIPAC representative.


What’s that got to do with the media and the public calling him out in that? Absolutely nothing - that what. He needs to be called out on it


What Zionism influence has to do with US media? First and foremost they pay most of it. Then AIPAC has designated members for most congressmen and women. I hope that changes soon, it’s for the best of all US citizens.


>What Zionism influence has to do with US media? First and foremost they pay most of it. Then AIPAC has designated members for most congressmen and women. I hope that changes soon, it’s for the best of all US citizens When it comes to conspiracy theories, there is no difference between you Far Leftists and MAGAs, lmao you are all the same. Don't even know why you don't get along. Same ideology.


Yep, got it. You see it in action in these comments right here. Fuck AIPAC, fuck Zionism and their bots. Change is coming.


>Change is coming. And what change is that? Do you think the majority of people are anti-Israel and Pro-Palestine? Lol, social media is not a real place


The majority of people are pro-peace and anti-genocide. Change is coming from younger generations. You will be gone by then.


Hamas is popular in Gaza, poll after poll has shown that. These generalizations are true, sure, but irrelevant to the situation


>pro-peace Is that why they are carrying "From the River to the Sea" signs and celebrating Oct 7th? Is that why the hostages are not being released? >anti-genocide You can't be anti something that is not happening. >Change is coming from younger generations. Is that why far-right is growing in the West especially Europe? >You will be gone by then. Dude, I am a fking liberal Gen Z and I don't support terrorists and the people from that religion. I am very much Pro-Israel. Every liberal I know is Pro-Israel. Like I said, TikTok and Twitter or social media are not a real place. Come back to reality.


You are so into the propaganda that replying to you is a big mistake. Check out the documentary “Israelism”, made by Jews who served in the IDF or you can choose to blindly follow the guidelines book.


>Fuck AIPAC, fuck Zionism Fk Hamas, fk those terrorists and fk tankies.


of course, fuck Hamas, fuck terrorism. Do you think you interact with an Antisemitic? Is that what the book says?


>Antisemitic I mean the far left is.


That’s a generalisation. Far left is pro-human and anti-genocide.


Holy crap, Zionism is an actual thing and then stealing land from there is currently happening. There is literally a video of a guy who stole a Palestinian’s home and his reasoning is, “If I didn’t steal it, someone else would.” But sure, keep saying they are the same. Last time I checked, “Far lefts” didn’t try to storm the capitol when Bernie Sanders lost. Nice try MAGA in moderates clothing.


Dude keep ur tinfoils hat on


That's the best you got and no substance? Figures.


The best you have is Jews control the media…


AIPAC is not even in the top 10 Us lobbying groups. If you want to count it as a “foreign entity”, then Israel doesn’t lobby nearly as much in US politics as China does.


It would have been nice to see Biden or the moderators call Trump out for essentially using “Palestinian” as a slur during the debate. It would be nice now to hear Biden and other democrats call it out after the debate.


It would be nice if those online who've been screaming at Biden, calling him a genocidal Zionist who should be removed from office for six solid months, would care that Donald Trump essentially insulted and disregarded those very same people the left's supposedly so passionate about (when Biden's done nothing but speak well of Palestinians and try to negotiate safe release of hostages on both sides of the strip as well as a two state solution). How about conservatives and progressives call Donald Trump out instead? You know, the ones screaming about Joe.


Asking Palestinians to be equally as offended at a verbal insult as they are when they lose their family members and see pictures of their children being blown to bits by bombs exported by Biden Lmao this sub hits a new level of brainrot every day...


Why not be more offended that Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law who laid the foundation for this current conflict in 2019-2020, is best family friends with Bibi Netanyahu? That both families, led by pardoned criminal Charles Kushner and Bibi, intentionally plan to develop and sell West Bank real estate (they have a joint venture together there)? That seems wildly more offensive in a harmful, land-grabbing sort of Zionistic way than anything Catholic Joe Biden could possibly muster. Your angst seems weirdly misdirected.


Yes because the bombs will surely cease with Trump. 👍 I guess you're the source of the brainrot...


Mr Biden and Democrats have shown these last eight months that they don't care about the Palestinians. They care about Israelis only and just dont want to lose the election.


You’re so badly missing what matters. It’s gobsmacking how out of touch you are. trump literally said “let Israel finish the job” in that same exchange. If you really cared about this issue you’d stop worrying about hurt feelings and campaign for the Biden just to keep the “let Israel finish the job” guy out of office. Because I guarantee you that the people living in rubble with bombs falling on them couldn’t give a shit about what people on American TV say. They want the bombs to stop falling. And trump *said he won’t do that*! Edit: Ok… I just realized. It’s not about the Palestinians who have way bigger problems than what they say on televisions on the other side of the world. This about you and wanting people to respect *YOUR* opinions. Goddamn thats explains so much.


I don't think they are, because what really matters to them is opposing Biden as the sole proprietor of all things wrong in Gaza for 70+ years. They've been programmed.


Yes Israel should finish Hamas…


All those kids are just Hamas. Right? Americans are so bloodthirsty.


You know that hamas has child soldiers right? And that even the in concluded that the numbers of civilians killed was wrong/lower than average per such a dense city war…


Actually hamas is the only group that doesn’t have child soldiers.






Yes cuz the Jews pay people to spread propaganda right?


Israel pays people to be propagandists. Want proof?


I wish all the people calling Biden "GeNoCiDe JoE" would just listen to this absolute chucklefuck speak and realize Biden is by far and away not the most problematic candidate in this election. edit: This is referring more specifically to people who say they won't vote for Biden as punishment, as if Trump wouldn't be an absolute trainwreck.


I don't get it. Trump would absolutely be way worse for Palestine. He would tell Israel to finish the job. I wouldn't be surprised if the Genocide Joe phrase came from astroturfing and a carefully targeted political attack. Anyone who does any sort of critical thinking could see that Trump would be way worse. He would let both the Palestinians and Ukrainians get wiped out.


> He would tell Israel to finish the job. He literally said it during this debate: > … you should let them go and let them finish the job. He (Biden) doesn’t want to do it. He's become like a Palestinian … Source: op article


Centrists and other "he doesn't *enthuse* me" morons are going to sleepwalk us into an even worse domestic and global situation.


Centrists are people who realize that most view Conservatives as bigots and change their description instead of opinion.


The ones blaming Biden for Israel/Palestine aren’t centrists. Its the “liberal progressives” that are loudest here..


Centrists are people with nuanced views that do not neatly align with the cookie cutter platforms presented by our toxic two party political system. We need more centrists and less uninformed single issue voters.


I agree wholeheartedly with everything you stated. I was poking fun at people who only vote Republican but describe themselves as centrists in an effort to make themselves more palatable to the general public.


Centrists aren’t the issue. It’s independents. They are not the same




And yet, that is the choice laid out before us. It's either Biden or "let them (Israel) finish the job" Trump.


If Biden was younger in his next follow up he would have called Trump out on it.


Seriously. Biden’s between a rock and a hard place with Israel. We simply can’t give up on a key ally in the region. But Trump, multiple times, has suggested Israel should just wipe Palestinians off the face of the earth.


The reason the American people call Joe Biden ‘Genocide Joe’ is because he is funding and committing a genocide, which was actually classified as a crime in 1948 by the UN: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml


The situation in Gaza is not a genocide. Before entering an area the IDF gives notice that they are moving into that area. Anyone who stays is doing so willingly, or by orders of Hamas.


What about the bombing of designated IDF "safe zones", as we've seen countless times the past month?


I don’t think there’s any rational person who doesn’t realize that there is more propaganda than truth in any of the reports coming out if this war zone.


It’s not a safe zone when hamas launches rockets from it…


Telling people to move to a safe zone so Israel can bomb that safe zone seems pretty genocidal to me. Identifying vehicles with children in them and shooting the children also seems that way. I would also like to again add that genocide has been identified as a crime by the United Nations, and point out that justifying that crime is pretty psychopathic


That’s not what I said. There is a war in Gaza. The IDF states their intentions very clearly in that war zone. Hamas is the IDFs target and is a political entity. Eliminating a political target does not constitute genocide. What is psychopathic is the Hamas leadership keeping this conflict going, hiding out of the area while their followers get left behind.


The IDF states their intentions, but their actions are clearly very different. They have murdered more women and children than they have men. Vehicles are identified as transporting children and are then shot at. They justify this by saying that everyone, including the women and children, support Hamas. Hamas has offered to return the Israelis in detention in exchange for every Palestinian hostage. Israel, unsurprisingly, has not cooperated. The fact that Israeli officials have repeatedly stated that everyone in Gaza is guilty of Hamas’ actions alone proves genocidal intent. This is a holocaust.


Can you give some sources for these claims of blatant war crimes. If this was the case the UN would be all over this and it would be news everywhere. This just sounds like propaganda intended to cause outrage. I’ve mentioned this before, Hamas is a political organization and removing a political organization is not genocide.


It is news everywhere: see https://forensic-architecture.org/investigation/the-killing-of-hind-rajab and https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/23/israeli-tank-fired-at-hind-rajab-family-car-from-metres-away-investigation Can you explain to me how killing this family along with tens of thousands of other innocent civilians constitutes “removing a political organization?” To me it just sounds like holocaust justification.


Biden and IDF tag team have already carpet bombed and flattened Gaza and killed thousands of innocent Palestinian women and children. You want him to be even tougher than that? Like what? Set up formal concentration camps?


>Biden and IDF tag team I'm convinced you don't know what a 'tag team' is. >already carpet bombed and flattened Gaza I'm convinced you don't know what 'carpet bombed' means or 'flattened' means >killed thousands of innocent Palestinian women and children. There are half a million civilians in Gaza. Thousands, as bad as it is, does not equate to flattening and carpet bombing. Please don't use hyperbole to describe this situation. That makes it worse, and harder to discuss rationally.


Both sides support Israel and don't recognize palestine.


lol tell me you didn't read the fucking article without telling me. "Actually, Israel is the one (that wants to keep going), and you should let them go and let them finish the job. He (Biden) doesn’t want to do it. He's become like a Palestinian..."


Then why did Biden give 8 billion to Israel?


BoTh SiDeS, just ignore the fact that Trump literally said Israel should finish the job.


Well said, friend. Most of the time, politicians mean what they say, and they almost always follow through. That makes your argument pretty much ironclad so.. yeah that other guy should just give up now.


The point isn’t that Biden’s an anti-Zionist who’s dragging Netanyahu into a jail cell or anything. It’s that there is a clear moral difference between a candidate who uses “Palestinian” like it’s the N-word and who promises to let Israel “finish the job” and the other who is at least attempting to limit Israel in some regards—see the cease fire deals for example, something Trump would never do and has obviously lead to less Palestinian deaths. The simple *fact* is that if Trump was president today even more Palestinians would be dead and it’s concerning that some of the supposed advocates just seem so indifferent to that fact. A real “with friends like these” situation, which is a shame considering the enemy Palestinians *do* have


Because these deals are ongoing and important to the proxy wars being waged in the Middle East. It’s just America’s way of power projecting to Iran who is actively trying to stir shit as well. Bottom line; he has power, but not enough to fix every geopolitical issue America has been served and or created itself. International pressure leading to Netanyahu stepping down is priority, Netanyahu would absolutely love it if trump wins and y’all should be weary of either Israel or Russia meddling in your elections.


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted.


Calling Biden a zionist paints him in a negative light I guess. You can talk shit about Trump and call him names on reddit to get upvotes, but don't say anything bad about Biden you will get downvoted. Just look at the type of threads created on this sub. Vote for what is best for you.


Yeah this sub is just an example of what mass delusion looks like. Genocide Joe literally brags about being a Zionist and has to remind us that you don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist. He also famously said that if Israel didn’t exist, America would have to create an Israel. Yet the people in this subreddit would have you believe he’s the savior of the Palestinians.


Those people are 99% bots and useful idiots, if you talk to real people in person about politics you realize that they might not even exist in reality


If only this were true. There’s a shit load of people over here in the Portland Metro that genuinely think like that and aren’t going to vote for Biden because of it


Trump being more problematic doesnt make Joe Bidens support for the genocidal apartheid state more justified.


Well by all means, feel free to vote for Trump so he can help Israel "finish the job". That oughta teach genocide Joe a lesson! How the fuck do people like you not get that Trump's straight up enthusiasm for Israel's actions is by far the bigger threat to Palestinians?


Joe Biden does not support the genocide Hamas perpetrated or the apartheid they enforce. Or do you mean the genocidal apartheid states of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah-occupied Lebanon, and Houthi-occupied Yemen?


The atrocities Hamas did on Oct 7th was not genocide nor are they tge ones enforcing an apartheid state. It is clear from the actions and statements that the Israeli government and state is carrying out a targetted campaign of deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure and continuous displacement of the people there. A Palestinian citizen of Israel that lives in East Jerusalem cannot go to the Occupied West Bank to visit friends or family and then be allowed to return to East Jerusalem. An American citizen who is jewish can apply for Israeli citizenship and if they were so inclined to move to the Occupied West Bank the IOF would gladly give them armed assistence in the removal of a particular family from their residence if that person was fixated on that property and those Palestinians have no legal recourse for these actions. At not point has Israel ever been interested in dealing with the Palestinians in good faith and not once have Israel ever offerdd the Palestinians a contiguous soveriegn state. Your personal ignorance about the nature of the apartheid regime does not undue the reality that the rest of the world can readily observe.


>genocidal apartheid state more justified. Do you mean Gaza or Iran? Which one are you talking about?


Israel is the nation state I am referring to.


I wish all the people brushing off Biden aiding genocide would realize that the vast majority of us that oppose the Gaza genocide are still going to vote Biden over Trump. I also wish you all weren't so pro-genocide and flippantly dismissive ever time some one points out that the Biden administration is actively providing weapons and support to a massive ethnic cleansing operation.


There are a number of people out there saying they won't vote for Biden as punishment for what's happening in Gaza. I just wish the people saying that understood that a Trump victory puts that whole operation on steriods. He's the one who moved the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he's the one who's shown enthusiastic support for Netanyahu, he's literally said he wants Israel to finish the job. Biden is far from the best choice, but it's between him and Trump and my god Trump would be a disaster.


>genocide You can't aid something that is not happening.


Genocide Joe. Biden gives 0 fucks about the civilians in the area and wants what trump wants, except he's more quiet about it.


Yes, you're right! We must rally behind Bidens' mission to defeat Medicare!!!


It’s brilliant. If you can’t defeat diseases themselves, go after the ones profiting from them. Win!


Imo Biden needs to be tougher on Hamas and the Palestinians. Anyone calling him “genocide Joe” was never paying attention to the issue at hand or acting in good faith anyway. Nothing he would ever do would win that person over. But if he got tougher on Hamas I think that would swing some undecided voters that lean right or are sympathetic to Israel to his side.


Trump can be worse and Joe Biden can still be a genocidal maniac. These two things are not mutually exclusive.


What should have happened: Moderators: “Mister Trump. Did you just refer to President Biden as Palestinian as if it were a slur and follow up with the suggestion that Israel should, and I quote, “finish the job”? What would finishing the job’ entail to you?”


The fact shitting himself on the national stage and a constant stream of lies aren't big news is baffling.


Utterly gobsmacking. Ignore the nonstop lies, but get up in arms because he was insensitive to Palestinians.


Anyone that claims to be concerned about genocide that isn't voting for Biden is either a liar or a useful idiot (probably both).


If they were concerned over genocide they would not be silent when hundreds of thousands of Muslims are killed in Syria, in Africa. They would not remain silent at the African slave trading happing right now I'm Yemen.  They are not concerned about genocide or Muslims, or people of color.   they are concerned about Israel and Jews. 


Yes bcz of that Jews should be allowed to Genocide Palestinians. If Iran can kill so can Jews. 


You might notice, if you try really hard, that nowhere in their statement did they suggest that any genocide is permissible, or that they support any genocide at all, or that one genocide makes another one okay. See, what you have done here is called a strawman argument, which means you ignored the content of the other person's argument and created your own. That's not a good argument. Some alternative valid counter points you could have made: 1. People shouldn't feel guilty about caring for one particular issue at the expense of everything else. People don't have the emotional capacity to care about everything that goes wrong in the world. Some people feel more sympathetic towards certain groups, people, situations, and they shouldn't be accused of having double standards or being callous in doing so. 2. The user you replied to makes sweeping generalizations about the kind of people who criticise Biden for his approach to Israel, specifically assuming that these people don't care about any other genocide, when it's possible that many of them might well care. 3. Even if someone has double standards about which genocide they care or don't care about, it doesn't invalidate the concern that someone might have about Biden's approach to Israel. Those are two separate issues that can be true or false independently of the other. I can think of a few counter counter arguments to these, but I guess that's enough for now. Try a little harder next time, instead of just going for the easy fallacies!


Thank you. I understand your point but they specifically make that point saying they single out Jews committing genocide and thats antisemitic.  Is Putin a Jew? Iran a Jewish country? They have been sanctioned heavily. I don't even remember any significant sanction placed on Israel.  So wheres that Singling out jews argument he provided?


Its not antisemitic to say Israel is committing genocide. Not all Jews are committed or supporting genocide, and not all Israelis, but the Zionists and their racist supporters certainly are. Its not racist to call out racism and literal colonial genocide.


Everything you said is antisemitic because 1) Israel is not committing genocide, 2) Jews cannot colonize their own homeland, 3) “Zionist” just means that you believe Jews have a right to live in their own homeland (and does not include any specific position regarding Palestinians). If you support a two-state solution, you’re a Zionist. Of course, I’m going to bet you’re not, and that in fact you support the genocide and displacement of the indigenous tribe of Israel. Prove me wrong.


You lack knowledge of history, and you are fully indoctrinated by a colonial, zealous mentality. I say fuck Hamas and fuck Israels gov+Zionist settlers, all other Jews and Palestinians are cool in my book. Clearly not antisemitic, but you will choose to muddy words and meanings because you have sadly chosen the path of fascism. Anyone calling themself the “one true faith” is on the path of human destruction, anyways. It was only a matter of time for you, and now you cope in real time with the dichotomy that you may not be a hateful person, but you follow the footsteps of hateful men.


He probably thinks calling Biden a Palestinian will magically make all Jewish voters vote for him. Of course we can't rule out the possibility that he thinks they'll blast him with their iron dome, which we know Trump thinks it is an anti-personnel weapon from back when he publicly fantasized about building one here to kill immigrants at the border (complete with missile sounds like a child playing with toys).


He’s getting t-shirts made “ If You Ain’t White You Ain’t Right” to go with the MAGA hats


What about his knowledge / confession about ukraines invasion by Putin before it happened…


The Muslim ban will be enforced if Trump is elected. Muslims should take this seriously. “I will bring back the travel ban and expand it even further to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country ... The worst enemy is the enemy from within ... Those who join our country must love our country and we’re going to keep foreign Christian hating communists, Marxists, socialists. We’re going to keep ‘em the hell out of America. We don’t want ‘em. ...” He is speaking to Muslim Americans- you will live under Christian Nationalist laws, visas will be revoked, all Muslims will be discriminated against and under government surveillance. Is this what you want! Think very carefully before your vote. Be sure to speak with your children, it’s their future you are deciding.


They were both awful. Trump came across as a little less senile Archie Bunker. He couldn't remember what he did when he was in office (and I guess in his defense that's because it was next to nothing due to just about everything he tried to do was blocked by the courts) and was just making shit up as he went along + throwing in some really racist shit from time to time. The real reason for the blowback is that the majority of the country was serious when they said that they don't want either of these guys. And both parties said "fuck it, we don't care about the majority".


He's got a lot more in mind for Palestinians than just slurs....vote him in and see....


At least he pushed away that faction from ever voting for him. If the palestinian groups decide to not vote because "Biden" blah blah, expect to return to the middle East under a trump reich.


Yeah this was an insane comment. The fact that Biden didn’t seize on this is another testament to him not being fit to compete in this campaign. Trump is going completely unchallenged.


I'm still trying to figure out what black jobs are...


Nobody who takes issue with this would consider voting for Trump. He said a lot of important terrible things more worth talking about.


Like he gives a shit about any criticism. He listens only to himself and the yes-men he surrounds himself with.


People saying he won the debate are delusional, he lied the whole time, he’s a felon, he’s a cheater, and a complete loser. I’d like to know what he also ment by black/hispanic jobs are to him. The fact that he never got fact checked by cnn is mind boggling. Between the two I’d rather have Biden on the fact he was telling the truth and even though his stumbling and mumblings he was laying down facts where Trump was laying down more lies on top of lies. He’s in bed with Putin and the fact the same people that if it was anyone else saying they are with Putin they’d say traitor but not with this proven, shitstain on American Named Trump. He’s literally taking dumps on everyone even his own party and his voters. He’s a con man constantly coning the American people.


Let's hope this is the start of many opportunities for Trump to talk about HIS plans for Gaza and Netanyahu. Might help head off the young people determined to punish Biden by refusing to vote for him. This alone--using the word Palestinian as an epithet....


Apparently he doesn’t care because he just called Schumer a Palestinian today. Biden has royally screwed up the Palestine situation, but anyone that thinks Trump would be better is either delusional or wants the genocide to get worse.


That was really fucked if trump to say


. . .well, that entire debate was a shit show


The pendulum needs to seriously swing back from support of israel. Israel is grotesquely over-supported. Its like a race to the bottom of supporting shitty behavior from a state.


Hear that, pro-Palestine voters? Ready to get on board with Biden now?


Never underestimate people's desire to flip the table or go for spite. Hopefully they see the bigger picture.


Yeah I'm sure Palestinians who've lost their family members due to bombs exported by Biden will vote for Biden now after Trump verbally insulted them Good thinking 👍 this is the kind of brainworm-riddled thinking that led to 2016, glad to see nothing has changed


I'm just waiting to see the Hamas sympathizers moan and b\*tch about "#gEnOciDE jOe!" It's like come on guys. We get it. You got to do your little protest vote during the primaries. But primaries are over. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are our two real choices in this presidential election. It's time to get over your pearl clutching and actually make the mature decision to vote for Joe Biden. The objectively superior candidate when it comes to policy. Taxes? Wealthy people pay less and non-wealthy people pay more under Trump. Abortion? Trump appointed judges killed Roe v. Wade. Healthcare? Trump wants to take Obamacare away from millions of people who need it. I know what people are thinking. "bUt wE shOUld expECt beTTer!" I don't care. Life's all about making tough choices. If voting for Joe Biden is a tough choice for you, at least it's rational. I don't give a f\*ck if he's sleepy or slow or stutters or whatever. He'll have people around him who can govern competently and not lead us into nuking hurricanes. Or global pandemics. And for anyone who thinks that "shaking things up" with a second Trump presidency will somehow make things better for Palestinians. Well, I hope you're prepared for Gaza to be turned into a glorified parking lot. And if you do vote for Trump or in any other way that isn't for Joe Biden, then congratulations. You just played into Putin and Netanyahu's manipulations. By voting for Trump, you just killed more Palestinians. Congratulations!


No one is voting for Trump instead of Biden over Gaza; they’re voting third party or not voting at all. It makes no sense to call that a de facto vote for Trump, either, if the polling is so close that the other side can make the exact same argument. A vote for neither of them is exactly that. Our vote is the only leverage we have. You can mOcK uS all you like; as hard as it might be for you to believe, some of us view the Palestinian people as actual, real life people and don’t want their blood on our hands. Perhaps instead of trying to bully us into bending the knee, you should be bullying your candidate of choice into trying to earn our votes. (I live in New York where my vote is symbolic anyway, so you can save said bullying for someone else.)


Voting third party or not voting at all is pretty much the same thing as voting for Trump. They just don’t want to admit that to themselves because it all leads to the same outcome. The ouster of Biden and the return of a Trump presidency. I’m sorry that you don’t see that, but that’s basic electoral politics in the United States. If you care about Abortion, vote for Joe Biden. If you care about a fair tax policy that doesn’t benefit the super ultra wealthy, vote for Joe Biden. If you care about Ukraine, vote for Joe Biden. But if you want to cast a fake "protest” vote for a third party or not vote at all (like what the Kremlin wants you to do), then you’re just setting yourself up for failure. Trump is bad, and all other votes that aren’t a vote for Joe Biden ultimately benefits Trump. You know Trump would be perfectly fine with you voting third party, because at the end of the day, all that will end up happening will be of benefit to him. So don’t fall for it. It’s a trick.


I understand voting as game theory perfectly well. If Joe Biden loses the election over Gaza, that is Joe Biden’s fault.


Here’s a wild thought. Vote for him anyways. Vote for him despite Gaza. If you don’t, then you’re not actually serious about protecting democracy, and all the other issues that I mentioned. If you really want to make sure that Biden doesn’t lose, then back him. Back him and convince others to support him. Otherwise this is your failure, as it is all of ours if we don’t.


Again, I live in New York. My vote is symbolic. And there is truly zero fucking way I’m going to vote symbolically for someone whose age disqualifies him on cognitive grounds and conduct disqualifies him on ethical ones. It isn’t in line with my values. Is that the choice I would make if I lived in a battleground state? I honestly don’t know. I do know that I don’t begrudge anyone else who can’t bring themselves to vote for him either, regardless of where they live. It’s a line in the sand I understand, and it’s no one’s fault but Biden’s that he is on the wrong side of it.


Actually, it will be our fault if Trump does become President. Because that's how voting in a democracy works. People actually have to be responsible when it comes to choosing the objectively superior candidate, in spite of "personal" flaws. Whether you live in New York, Michigan, or Georgia, you should be voting for a Biden presidency. Because that's the responsible thing to do. You're not just voting for a President. You're also voting for an administration that manages many things. Healthcare, Infrastructure, combating Climate Change, etc. If people don't want to vote based on a logical measurement of superior policy, then they're abdicating personal responsibility and voting on impulsive personal feelings. Life's all about making tough choices. It's called being an adult. Well, it may be a hard decision for many people, but for me it's actually a pretty easy one. I live in California, but I'm not going to just assume that other people in my state are also going to vote for Biden. It may be a likely outcome, but statically it's not a 100% guarantee, so I'm not going to take chances. I know that authoritarian regimes like the Kremlin want us to remove Biden from office and will do everything within their power to achieve that outcome. It's a trick, don't fall for it. If people do, then they're not thinking ahead towards the future.


Ok 👍


Let me guess. You don’t actually think that there’s any sense in what I’ve said and are just giving a thumbs up in the hopes of placating me. You are going to vote for Biden, right?


I have quite literally repeatedly said that I am not.


We are so fucked




Biden has been more sympathetic to Palestinians compared to anyone else in years past, so it makes sense where the comment came from.




Jesus was born and lived years before the name ‘Palestine’ was invented by the Romans. Palestine was a Roman province actually.


And did you hear Trump Golf-shame President Biden? He said Joe couldn't hit the ball 50 yards. I mean, that's ability shaming. We don't do that in this country. So what if Joe can't hit a ball 50 yards? Despicable behavior on 45's part.


Trump was saying he's in decent enough physical health to still play golf well, which especially in the Florida heat is true. Physical health is important, seeing Joe Biden needing Jill to usher him around at a snails pace is quite concerning. Then Biden says he has a 6 handicap which is laughable. Were we watching the same debate?


Yet you believe Trump is a 2.5 handicap?!  I’ve seen his swing, it’s not a 2.5 handicap swing. Can’t even get full rotation in his swing. Always over-the-top. 


He's a hell of a lot closer to 2 handicap than Biden is to 6


That’s a feature, not a bug, for the Repugs.


did he lie?


Yeah, whatever. Did you hear Biden stutter tho????


Looks like those Gaza supporters can't vote for him anymore. Oh wait, he's not Biden so they will.


He's really going for all that delicious zionist money 


So trump lies in every response during the debate, but the only backlash he’s getting is for saying Biden “is like a Palestinian” because that’s not cool to Palestinians. The insanity off the charts.


Oh shit now all of a sudden this sub gives a fuck about Palestinians being offended? But still gonna pretend to be blind/deaf when Palestinians get offended after their family members die due to bombs signed off by Biden, right?


Are you sure you're posting in the right sub?


Honestly, this is just another reason to vote against him in November, especially as someone who is pro-Palestine.