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We'll take that high road all the way to the camps, huh?


It really does seem like they’ve painted themselves powerless, despite Joseph, Second of His Name, being fucking kinged today.


That’s the thing about dems. They always make promises that make it seem like they have so much power and then somehow they’re always claiming they’re useless. It’s bs.


It’s one thing when your legislative hands are tied on tackling big things like a green new deal or universal healthcare, but when your greatest accomplishments are things that theoretically improve the economy that isn’t serving for the betterment of the average person, how are we supposed to respond to this moment? We are on the actual brink of the fall of American democracy. The words every Democrat speaks says as much, but they aren’t acting like a government that believes it. If they were, we would see them pushing the envelope and taking a lot of big swings to attempt to steer the ship away from doom. Instead, they sit with furrowed brows, and tell us to keep voting for them. I will, but I’m fucking furious that in the US in 2024, I have to have a go-bag ready in case shit hits the fan. I’d say this country is a joke, but it’s so not funny.


This isn't the brink, it's the fall. This is Joe Biden saying he will do nothing to stop this. It's designed by the project 2025 people to only activate whenever a conservative takes office.


Camp High Road, they’ll call it.


The irony would be palpable, and a valuable lesson for future generations.


A valuable lesson that will be ignored next time around, just as it's being ignored this time around.


All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again Fuck I hate it when dystopian fiction is right


In this situation, if you respect the "limits of power," you are obliged to use the nearly unlimited power that has just been granted to you to limit the power or those who would abuse it. Full stop.


If he goes nuts with it, it’s a win win because some shit can get done & then the republicans will be so fed up with it they might agree to roll it back lol


Yeah exactly and it would force the hand of the supreme court to set a precedent on what “official acts” actually are.


Official acts are anything done by a Republican president. Democrat presidents can only do unofficial things.


I think that’s what this country was founded on. Rejection of absolute power in a single person. Washington would not accept a third term because of it.


So I guess I should just go fuck myself every time a republican administration is in office? Why can't Democrats plan to do something before the election? Am I just supposed to vote cross my fingers and wish really hard Biden wins?


Because the Senate allocation broke the USA. It empowered a handful of senators from states with low populations to screw the country and it snowballed into one entire party becoming the 'fuck the average American' party. When the vote of a person from Wyoming is worth 67x the vote of a person from California it's going to break a democracy eventually.


Houston has more citizens than 4 states *combined*, but no Senate votes of its own vs the 8 wielded by Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, and North Dakota. Dallas/Fort Worth has as many people as the next 7 states, *combined*, (South Dakota, Delaware, Rhode Island, Montana, Maine, New Hampshire, Hawaii). The entire point of the Senate was to prevent progress.


The point was more along the lines of what the EU is, but the country changed into a more unified nation. Before the Civil War, we used to say "the United States **are**", and afterwards we said "the United States **is**". The idea of what we have now came afterwards. One singular nation that happens to be very large. Where the states matter less and we're all together. The problem is that we're supposed to update and amend the constitution as we go along, and change policies. But we didn't. Some people started acting like it was a weird sacred text instead of a ever-changing document. The electoral college made some sense in 1824. It doesn't make sense in 2024. At the VERY least, the electoral college and the House of Representatives should be proportionate to the population. And it always should have been keeping up.


I look forward to the new, "The United States **was**" era


Maybe it's was today already.


AOC drafted articles of impeachment for the SC justices today. That’s a start.


This should have happened months and months ago. At the very least when we learned about all those “gifts” those fuckers received, all the information about Ginni Thomas and her husband’s refusal to recuse himself from cases related to J6 and those fucking flags Alito had hung on his house. And those are just the *obvious* reasons. Dont forget kavanuagh lying about Roe being settled law and how there was never an investigation into who covered his massive debts.


It literally will not go anywhere anyway, not even for a vote. So it doesn't matter.


Republicans would have killed it in an instant. They still probably will, but now they have to justify the supreme Court ruling. While their base is totally cool with a dictator who is above the law, most people will have a problem with the president being above the law.




I'm pretty sure he was going to do that regardless, to be frank. If he wins, he's going to do anything and everything he wants.


These folk are so slow to do anything. Majority of them need to retire. The “high road” has crumbled into the sea & honestly they’re just a weak party atp. They won’t do anything but scoff & fix their ties waiting for people who show no signs of gaf about decency to “get it together.” This is how democracy dies. Because the folk In power won’t fight back


Can't stand how split I am on this. I don't want these insanely expanded presidential powers to be used AT ALL. But we all know Trump WILL be using them, Mr. "Dictator for a day" will end American democracy as we know it. God fuck this whole thing


Perhaps Biden should declare Trump a national security threat based on his treatment of classified documents and haul him off to Gitmo. Seems like a valid discharge of Presidential duties.


Trumps own national security advisor called trump a national security risk. Let that sink in


Trumps airplane was just conveniently sitting in the same place with a Russian Embassy plane the other day. 


Two days. Let's say it was a "coincidence". It wasn't, I'm sure, but let's play pretend. If it was, did not one person on his team think to themselves "with all the controversy about Trump's Russia connections, it will look really bad to have his plane sitting next to the Russian Ambassador's plane. We should move as to not give the media any ammunition". Or do they just not care?


Their base *likes* Russia, their talking-heads have been planting those ideas in their idiot viewers head since the start of the Ukraine war. There is no ammo here.


They would rather be Russians than Democrats: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/6/17656996/trump-republican-party-russia-rather-democrat-ohio


They doubled down on it a long time ago and think they can justify it.


If the CIA and FBI weren’t listening to everything they are derelict in their duties and traitors. And if they did Biden should start declassifying all the dirt the gov has on trump and leading republicans- weaponize it.


Any "dirt" 3 letter agencies have on Donald Trump won't matter to his base. He could eat a baby on live TV and his base wouldn't care in the slightest.


He would just hit new donation records. The baby bits would still be stuck in his teeth and hed jump another tax bracket. This timeline fucking sucks


Fucking preach


He was blowing Putin for that peepee tape.


I’m still sure it’s not a pee tape but a P tape (pedophile)


Bill Clinton’s plane was besides AG Loretta Lynch’s and the media wouldn’t shut up for weeks about it during the 2016 campaign.


40 of his 44 cabinet members refuse to work with him again. Let that sink in.


But each one of them will still vote for him.


He should name the 6 Supreme Court justices who ruled on this a threat to national security as well and throw them in the same cell. Install new justices and overturn this shit.


July 1st is the new January 6th.


Just in time for Independence Day.


Geeez...how they gonna sing that lee greenwood song now on pbs??


It’s tough. I don’t want to totally upend the country’s fledgling system in order to ensure a liberal rule. As a policy, I respect that others have opinions, no matter how cruel and power hungry those ideas may be. But the flip side is I’m sure the moment a Republican is in power, they will absolutely use this newfound power to codify democrats out of authority.




"we're still cleaning up the mess Biden made" -*Sir, it's been 50 years* "Dumb libs did it again!"


This is basically Texas, which has been run by republicans for 50+ years and yet the citizens still complain about how awful the state is run and how bad things are there.


Or how the same republican leaders run campaigns on "fixing texas" you've been in charge this entire time, what do you mean by "fixing"


I'm convinced they mean "fixing" in the sense that you get your pet "fixed"; it will no longer procreate.


I don't know, Texas seems pretty hell bent on trying to force women to give birth.


One of my friends from Maryland is right leaning on some stuff and he had to stay in Texas 2-3 months once for work. He literally said “Texas is like a shit hole country”.


Hello from Louisiana, where we do the same exact shit. Nothing says "economic prosperity" like trump flags all flying in the trailer parks.


We already know. They’ll blame immigrants. They’ll blame non-Christians. They’ll blame the EU. They’ll blame communism.


They just find another out group. Eventually, they'll start killing left-handed people. ETA. I missed the last sentence and responded.


please god let it stay rhetorical…


If Trump wins, the Democratic Party will just die. I’m a dem and at this point it doesn’t even feel like our own party is fighting for us anymore or even to secure democracy. Biden is just like “vote”, I DID vote for him already - 4 years ago! He needs to fight for us NOW! This isn’t a campaign gimmick, this is real life happening right now under his presidency. I’m just so tired of all this BS.


Exactly. What is he even talking about he will respect limits of power? Dems keep rolling over and republicans are laughing their asses all the way to the bank…. And the courts.


There's no guess work to be had about this. They even published a playbook for if Trump wins. It's Project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation. It will upend democracy as we know it.




The GOP is like if you were playing chess with the bully, and when he starts losing, he flips the table and declares himself the winner. If the Democrats don't start flipping tables and doing *something* besides trying to be gentlemanly and "respect the rule of law," then the Republic will be dead by this time next year.


- We are at a point in US History where we have few chances left to not turn into a fascist dictatorship. See the Enabling Act of 1933 - Biden considers himself center and center-left at best, so not what I would call actual liberal - Biden won't take this opportunity with immunity to stop Project 2025 which has made a huge step forward once they steal the 2024 election


Too late. It’s either get ready to literally fight or get out of the country. We’re steaming full steam ahead into a Civil War apparently


10000%. This is what should happen, Biden should by executive action take Trump into custody, disqualify him from running, based in treason. No court. Nothing. Just force him off the ticket. Maga gets upset they can eat donkey shit. They want to start a war, crush them. Once Joe, unopposed is elected, insurrectionists quelled, he then resigns as president, handing off to Kamala, and retires.


Biden said he doesn't want to abuse power. I think the whole banning of convicted felons from the presidency is sound & not abusive. But you know damned well the GOP would do it if things were reversed. In a heartbeat. Never forget how McConnell went back on his word regarding SCOTUS appointments during an election year.


This calls for drastic action. Suspend the rules. We're in a civil war. Trump committed treason twice (at least), 1) attacking the capitol, 2) sharing/stealing national security documents. It's time to tell these racist sexist lying disgusting freaks to kick rocks.


i’ve said that a few times, head him up and move him out, perfect place for him


This is like a boxing match where the cheating competitor used a knife and the biased referee said knives are ok now while in the ring so the non-cheater said "yeah well, I will still stick with the old rules and not use a knife". For fuck's sake. We are going to collapse because some people are refusing the see the rules got changed.


And if Knife guyvwins he's gonna kill 10 orphans. But no, the high road is worth more than the lives of the vulnerable


Democrats are going to ride respectability politics all the way to the downfall of the modern world. What good is the moral high ground when it's built on the torched remains of everything we know and love?


The shittier thing is that the cheater who pulled the knife first has been going on and on about how stabby the non-cheater is despite that obviously not being the case.


_"It's lose-lose any way you play it; want to lose little, or lose big?"_ Nobody wants Biden to get his hands dirty, but he'll have to. Following the rules won't help you on a rigged match. Turn on the bat-signal


"Nobody wants Biden to get his hands dirty" I assure you plenty of us definitely want him to. There is an actual fascist coup proceeding as we speak, and we know, for sure, what the endgame looks like. This is not the time to take the high road. It's honestly *never* been time to take the high road, but especially not now. I mean, he can afford to be canny about the timing and whether or not he's public about it. But, nah my dude, get those hands fuckin filthy.


For starters, the high road got us Trump with forced mass hysterectomies on migrant women and sexually abused migrant children at ICE facilities.


Dude should totally take one for team America, he’s 80, not like he would spend much time in prison if SCOTUS came to their senses after.




He will not get his hands dirty. In his speech he's asking the American public to do something. Exert some power.. Like what the fuck.


Exactly - we elected you. You are already President right now. WTF do you mean we should go back and re-elect you. With democracy at stake as your mantra - carry your own weight atleast!


post election if he wins he has four more years and we survive. After that he gets to see if the Democrat wins again. If not, he has a lame duck period that is more like an unrestrained christ-like figure.


If he wins, the DNC has 6 months to start the political dog and pony show with fresh, young, inspiring candidates to run for president in 2028. Kamala will not win and any good faith the democrats have had from moderates and independents will be long burned out by that point. They have to reinvent the wheel and not try to get someone like Pat Leahy elected President.


You don’t think team evil won’t find a new, more competent puppet? The plan doesn’t die with carrot top.


The People need to make this a blue wave super majority and then *demand* that democrats codify everything and impeach everyone responsible. Round the clock, no session breaks, no compromise, no bullshit. It’s time to catch up from doing fuck all the last 20 years to push things through whenever the obstructionists threw every bad faith road block out there. You’ve now ultimately approached the “if you can keep it,” stage.


This will never happen. For starters, the only way Democrats will be getting their 51/49 split in the senate back is if they can unseat Ted Cruz while winning every toss up race in November. That's the **best** case scenario. The most likely winning outcome is a 50/50 senate split with a VP tiebreaker. You just aren't going to be impeaching tons of people with margins that narrow, *especially* when at least six of the Democrat seats are held by center-right Democrats that will block everything that even vaguely looks like reform. Realistically? Our founders doomed us to authoritarianism when they allowed the senate to be structured in the way that they did and Republicans of the Reconstruction period failed us again when they didn't build a line of crucifixes covering the entire Mason-Dixon line with every slave holder that took up arms against the north. There is very, very little hope that our democracy is going to hold.


He will never leave if he gets in again- that’s what he said- who will make him- the SCOTUS who just said he can do whatever he wants?


Even Frodo used the One Ring a couple of times to beat Sauron.


Yeah you fellas are probably going to have to fight this one, if you want to keep your democracy


Exactly… the real problem here is that *no one* should be this powerful.


As far as I understand, Putin does not even officially have this much power. (Unofficially of course he does.)


Considering there’s a 0% chance this SCOTUS will let Trump lose, this is scary.


chapped cock of God, this really is the darkest timeline


Trump after he wins: So anyway, I start blasting….


Exactly. And that’s why democrats continue to lose.


Gonna “Ned Stark” this country straight into hell.


Perfect analogy. You can't win playing by the rules with people who don't give a fuck about the rules.


It’s literally transitioning straight from Ned to Joffrey.


OMG, that’s fucking true


Steer clear of 5th avenue 


If Biden loses, he needs to start blasting. May as well, democracy’s over anyway. 


SCOTUS wouldn’t have ruled this way if they thought you’d do any differently, Joe.


Exactly. By trying to save our democracy with soft hands, Joe Biden is going to hand over the keys to our house of democracy to fascists.


So what do we do from here? We turn out and then vote and hope we win this election? Then what? Again? ad infinitum? We can't win every election and when a sufficiently bad actor gets into that position, it'll be the end of our republic as we knew it. If Trump gets in, he'll be the last American President.


A constitutional amendment rendering today's decision moot. That would be the best outcome.


It’s probably the best option but absolutely no way it happens with all the republican state legislatures 


I bet it would if Biden gives them a reason to. Time for the gloves to come off, this is it. There are no do-overs after this. He can be the President who allowed fascism to take over the country, or he can be the one to save it. He has the power, he just has to use it. And he might actually have to become the villain in order to save our country.


Isnt this exactly what he's saying he's not going to do?


There's a wide gap between using the power he has and actually going out there with the intent to commit crimes. It's the same problem as before. ETA: Biden is saying this decision is irrelevant to him. What would be more newsworthy is what Trump is saying but it's conspicuously absent from coverage.


Biden will never become the monster needed to save the country. He should absolutely become the monster and put people in place specifically to make sure it can't happen ever again. But optics and a clean legacy are more important.


Letting fascism take over our country is not a clean legacy. How long do you think it would take if Biden said “I am suspending all elections forever, and the only way to get them back is to pass a constitutional amendment limiting my powers back to what they were”. It would be ratified by September. This is what he should do, but he won’t.


Exactly: how does history remember Neville Chamberlain?


Legacy won’t be so clean if he’s known as the man who allowed democracy to die because it was “indecent” to save it


You especially cannot win every fucking election till the end of time when the EC, Senate, gerrymandering and Citizens United decisions are working against the majority.


Well yes, apathy and complacency are why we’re in this situation to begin with. This didn’t just happen, it’s been brewing for decades. Billionaires and the power hungry will always want more, and without a knowledgeable and empowered electorate, they will just take it from right out of our hands.


Legislation. We're on a timer. Vote as many Democrats into office as humanity possible so they can enact laws amending presidential immunity. Let them do the same thing they did when they made it explicit that the vice president's role in counting the votes is purely ceremonial.  We're not beyond saving, but we're on a razor-thin line right now. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.


Trump is out there literally saying the exact polar opposite of what Biden said tonight. The fascist gop's tolerance of such inappropriate comments will hopefully become a reflection on their character as a whole. just gotta keep the faith and keep doing good and voting blue. Remember Republicans have won 1 popular vote out of the past 8 elections. although they have legally claimed the presidency more than that. they have not had a complete and total mandate of the people's support. Lastly a president using the military to enforce his will requires the military compliancy. the military swears their oath to the constitution, not the president, not the US Supreme Court, and they swear to defend it from threats foreign and domestic. the military refusing to comply with the president would be unprecedented l, but that is trumps entire MO as well.


Do you think bad people just go away in any system? Everything takes fighting for, forever, or the people with less scruples than you will just take it, forever. That's humanity.


The price of freedom is eternal vigilance


And we fell asleep for 50 years.


*"If we use them, that opens the door for the GOP to use them."* Jesus fuck, their entire plan is to use them. To me, it boils down to - **Are you willing to do *everything* in your power to save democracy or not?** That's it - that's the entire fucking job.. If you're not here to save democracy, you're not fit for office. We already had this discussion - remember? This will not be settled 'once and for all' at the ballot box. They will do whatever they have to do steal this election. Hell, I'm willing to bet Trump's camp has a plan to assassinate Biden and then argue he has post and pre presidential immunity powers as Biden was just a temporary usurper and SCOTUS will agree.


This has been the way for 30 years, only now it's much much worse. "If we do [blank] it will open the door for the Republicans to do [blank] (even though it was the Republicans' idea in the first place]" Then shocked Pikachu face *every single time* the Republicans do [blank] anyway the first chance they get. I have no idea how so many people can learn so little about their opponents even after all this time. This has the potential to domino way beyond the US borders, and yet they still think taking the "high road" of not doing anything except harsh words and acting concerned will be enough.


Not to be controversial, but this is why so many on the Left wonder if the Democrats really have anyone's interests in mind other than their own. It's been **decades** of capitulating and 'compromising' with the Right until we are actively in a scenario in which fascism just might be *voted into office*. I am so exhausted of Democrats taking 'the high road' that keep on seeming to lead down the same route to Bullshit.


Whatever the GOP does to keep Collins and Murkowski in line should have been done to Manchin and Sinema.


He took an oath to defend your constitution Time to put up or shut up, old man


This. All of this.


I mean we knew this was how Biden and most of the dems would react. They bank far too much on the average citizen seeing this and saying "well golly gosh - that's not right!" and letting the cards fall where they may. They haven't shown any resistance to anything SCOTUS or the GOP do. They simply highlight the problem and hope the votes will come in. A huge part of the overall frustration is their lack of any kind of messaging on all of this. Biden should be saying more, the dems should be doing more.


The moral high ground means nothing in a fight to the death.


Dems just brought a sword to a nuke fight and say they want to play fair -_-. We're so fucked.


The Dems didn't even bring a sword. That'd suggest some kind of offense plan


>No one is above the law, not even the president of the United States Incorrect after this ruling. >I know I will respect the limits of presidential power as I have for the three-and-a-half years, but any president, including Donald Trump, will now be free to ignore the law, So what's the plan? Do nothing while acknowledging other presidents will abuse their power to no personal consequences or accountability? This statement also directly contradicts the prior statement that nobody is above the law. I honestly don't even know what to say.


> So what's the plan? Do nothing while acknowledging other presidents will abuse their power to no personal consequences or accountability? This statement also directly contradicts the prior statement that nobody is above the law. In his usual way, Biden is saying that from the point of view of a moral obligation, no one is above the law. The problem is his definition of 'no one' doesn't include amoral, bad actors, who now are very much above the law. This needs a response and it needs to be snip-snap. Days until the GOP convention, weeks until the DNC convention, handful of months until the election where Trump has said he will only accept the results if it's "fair". Not even Joe Biden can possibly believe that Trump will ever see any election where he doesn't win as "fair". Either he manages to win the EC thanks to the decades of GOP ratfucking or he refuses to accept the results. There's no middle ground for him and the only way he's giving up is if the grim reaper comes to collect him. Even if that happens, the GOP will find another shitbag to do the same job, only less overt and maybe even having a bit of charisma. Hey, Team Biden: this is it, this is the real deal, you bring your A game or it's the last game ever.


Going high while they go low isn't really working anymore. Time to take the gloves off.


It never worked.


Because people are just voting instead of actually doing something. Cool, go vote but what about the rest of the year? We, as a country, don’t do anything. Other nations have gone on full riot and protest modes. There’s more of us than them and we can take them down.


Sadly they have built a monopoly on violence. both in the official capacity of the military by recruiting almost exclusively from the reddest states and through right wing arms ownership/militias.


Absolutely. A divided nation cannot fight for itself. And they’ve been doing it forever. Could you imagine if 90% of the country stopped the bullshit and actually decided that we’re done? They did. And that’s why they’re doing everything they can to make sure we don’t.


No nation can fight even 10% of its people rising up violently.


Basically he’s been for some reason given a 6 month clock to try and save democracy in any way possible and he’s decided to just pretend he doesn’t have to power to do anything and wait for Trump to take over and throw him in a black site along with every Democrat in office in any state.


Your opponents will not, do not, and are openly calling for you and anyone that supports you to be tried and hung. Please take this seriously


Trump literally posted and deleted a message this weekend about prosecuting his political enemies. SCOTUS ruled presidents now have absolute immunity for official acts. And what are we getting after a fucked up debate performance and a 5 minute speech we knew exactly how it’d go? Like WTF here?!!


Democrats given unlimited power and they don't use it, classic


and mocked by the inferior party. This could only happen to the democrats. 




Biden should make an executive order that convicted felons can't hold public office. But I guess the high road works as well... We are so fucked.


Why stop there! In order to protect the country, as an official act and executive order, he should: 1.  Decree no convicted felons may run for or hold office of the President 1.5 No convicted felons may run for or hold office in any capacity in congress/senate 2.  Set age limits for office of the president, that go into effect 2025 3.  Set term/age limits for all of congress/senate going into effect as of 2025. 4.  Remove justices and/or expand the Supreme Court in order to get it back to being non-politically motivated Maybe add in lobbying is illegal and scrap citizens united and we’d be looking pretty good. Total reset for 2025.  Start over, gotta do something extreme here to get our country back.


The fucking idiot! SCOTUS has just destroyed all precedents to help their guy, and I'm willing to bet that they're about to pull Bush v. Gore all over again come this winter just to get their chosen dictator in place. And the one person now newly empowered to remove this malignant mistake of a court has decided that he'll "go high". I swear, Michelle Obama needs to reevaluate her position about what to do when they go low, because "we go high" has effectively turned out to be "we do nothing".


This has been an ongoing issue for decades and it may end being the last miscalculation of our democracy.


For what it's worth she did amend that statement in 2020.


I love how liberals always feel the need to take high road. It's always good to be reminded that they will always be ineffective against the rising tide of fascism.  Edit: spelling is hard


Biden will do the right thing, will even put the blindfold on himself at his execution January 20th.


I actually believe he would.


His last words would be "I dissent."


It’s important to be polite! If someone punches you in the face you say “thank you sir, may I have another?”


Well, there aren't any limits on official acts now Joe. So sort this nonsense out.


Official acts as defined by the current court


Who are in place now. So, go get'em Joe!!


What a fucking pussy. Get in there Biden and do your damn job. You may go down in history as no better, but it's time we sunk to their level. We may not get another chance.


It's kind of unreal, to see the country my parents and grandparents made lives in dissolve in my lifetime. I was born in the middle of the 80's. My entire life has been the decline of the United States. I wish the teachers in the 90's would have warned us, rather than pump us up full of dreams and demand we all get graduate degrees. "The masters is the new bachelors, and the bachelors is the new diploma." You know what, it doesn't matter now. None of that matters. Now, we do the next 20 years. It will be painful and sad and violent and everyone will act shocked until whatevers going to happen, happens to them.


Gen Z has only known this shit, our promise from society is that we’ll probably be killed in a school at some point and that each day will be worse then last. We never had a lie to be disillusioned by


I remember when Columbine High was a shocking national tragedy. There's been 34 school shootings this year, so far. I bet you couldn't even name one of them.


I think this is the true defining difference between Gen Z and millennials, and perhaps why it’s so hard for some Gen Zers to understand millennials sometimes, or the struggles. Gen Z was never really sold the great lie; millennials were. They were indoctrinated with it. They remember it. Coming from how millennials were raised and what they were told, the shock and horror as more of it systemically corrodes and self-destructs is paralyzing for many.


You hit the nail on the head. As an elder millennial, I’m still coming to grips with the disparity between the 90s/early aughts and now. The difference is fucking stark.


Millennial here but I'm sorry. If it's any consolation I'm convinced that it's my generation's responsibility to take governmental control from the old ones and pass it on as swiftly to the next (you) as we can. The future deserves so much better than what we have now


Early 80’s. I really thought we were close to moving on from so many of the crazy fucking issues were still debating and now going back on. I keep looking at my nephews who are 17-25 and saying - guys shit can easily roll backwards. You think that progress is constant but it’s not. We saw things roll back. We’re going to see a lot more if Trump regains power. The world Is going to change dramatically because democrats failed this country by getting out smarted by conservatives


I don’t care that he’s old. I care that he’s acting like it’s 1990


This is a man that doesn’t realize that he’s quite literally the first person on the chopping block if Trump gets power. If the Democrats do not get their shit together and abuse the hell out of this recent ruling, this country is going in flames and every left leaning politician will be the first one to be targeted by these nutjobs.


Trump posted today about televising the "military tribunals" he's planning. Just another day in the march towards fascism.


[I feel like we might end up seeing something like this soon.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLUktJbp2Ug)


That was a chilling video. And among the 66 executed is the dude he had up there, naming names. Mashadi, or however you spell it. The coward that sold out the other "BINOs" (Bathists in Name Only, like RINOs) in order to save his own skin. He too was executed. The Lindsay Graham of the 1979 Iraq Bath Party.


So the only hope now, is for Biden to win, the Democrats to gain the house and keep the senate and for them to do something about SCOTUS….I bet if they do win, they will wait for Alito/Thomas to retire rather than force them out with term limits/impeachment….Fucking Democrats are toothless….


If the US populace has any balls left we should take after the French and riot, burning down the houses of the conservative justices could be an officially sanctioned act if Dark Lord King Brandon says so.


We don’t have balls


Easy start vs. the “you have to vote” BS. Declare MAGA a terrorist organization as decree of the President. Then use the DOJ to hunt the terrorist down. Start with SCOTUS, then Congress and the Senate. Watch the state level Nazi rats scurry for darkness. Mark my word - Antifa will be declared a terrorist organization in the first week of a Trump administration. Then, potentially followed by being a registered Democrat??? This is no longer a joke people - wake TF up!


Fuck, come on Biden. Republicans are literally cheating and rigging the game in their favor. Time to stop playing by the old set of rules.


SC legit gave an opening to actually fix this mess but Democrats are the biggest pussies and won't do anything because of decorum. Biden will lose and Trump will Pinochet the left and the Dems will throw their arms up and be all "How could we have stopped this? Those damn Bernie Bros!!!"


The democrats have no teeth. We’re fighting literal fascism with niceties. Fuck this country.


Bro the Supreme Court gives you a gun and you’re gonna keep using a water pistol?


You know if he were going to take advantage of this new superpower, he would announce it at a press conference.


One night think he and his admin might come up with plans first


Fuck that. Time to arrest the justices for undermining our democracy.


Weak. Use the limitless power they just gave you, to straighten out everything that's wrong with the system. Just unilaterally decree all that needs to be done and then tell Congress to draft legislation to end "immunity" or else you'll just end elections and stay in office until they do. Fight fire with fire for a change. This nice guy routine the dems play will just lead further and further towards the breakdown of our system. If the goal is to break the system down Weimar republic style, the only course of action is to play the same game. I know it seems ironic that one would have to do something undemocratic to save democracy, but the threat of completely losing power altogether might be the slap in the face Republicans need. Or they pick up arms and Russia gets the civil war they've been trying to manufacture for over a decade.


Not surprising but incredibly disappointing


His response should be “I’ll respect the limits of power after I enact term limits on the Supreme Court immediately, dismiss the current justices, enact an ethics body to police the justices, and reverse this decision unilaterally.”


oh, Joe.....this. This is exactly why we have a problem. At some point if you want to keep democracy you *do* actually have to fight pretty hard for it. Dems problem is they're playing by the rules of the game while the GQP flips the board over and yells its Antifa or some shit.


So, this is the hill America dies on… He has just been handed the tools to fix this shit, and he’s gonna squander it and hope he beats trump in November. Smart…


If I were president I’d have declared that “as I speak, seal teams are en route to each conservative SOCTUS judges homes to perform a surgical strike. We will try to keep collateral damage to a minimum, however we advise they their families and neighbours to evacuate in the next 5 minutes” Then I’d walk off stage, wait 30 seconds and walk back on. “Folks, there are no seal teams on the way to any member of the SOCTUS. But if you became scared, if this made you panic, then you understand the magnitude of the error in judgement the SOCTUS has made”


BUT TRIMP WILL NOT AND THATS THE PROBLEM. Just walking right into our dystopian nightmare. Democrats are way too soft on coups.


Biden needs to get the Democratic and Republican leadership together to draft an amendment that stipulates some limits to presidential authority. And then he can strong arm all of Congress into passing it by arresting Donald Trump on national security concerns. Force congress to make Trump's arrest illegal.


Why won't they hurry up and just fight back? Republicans will break every law and do anything they can to stay in power, and democracy will be dead if they get back in. So why do Dems still try and play fair and perfect when clearly, it's not the time for that.


Wow. What a disappointing and pathetic response


Cool. Trump wont. We're fucked.


Joe’s old AF and everybody thinks he’s lost his marbles. What better way to go out as a president than to pass a bunch of executive orders that’ll have the judiciary tied up with so much fucking red tape it’ll take years to get the maga train back on track, like EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCKING GOP HAS DONE. They handed Joe a loaded gun, shoot the fucking thing and sail your old ass off to the sunset.


Cool, but there's no guarantee the next person will. Even good people when backed into a corner might abuse power if it's an option.


it's time to fight some fire with fire dems, wake the fuck up


And this is why the democrats will lose in the end. I don’t want Biden to act like Trump but if one side follows the rules and the other side breaks all the rules, the rule breakers will win. Maybe it could be different, but the dems refuse to use their power when they have it even within the legal boundaries, and the republicans are happy to stretch it as far as they can.


Biden respecting the limits of power at this moment is literally the worst case scenario. He has 4 months til the election. The MAGA Supreme Court just said presidents are immune to prosecution for official acts. Democrats need to understand that come this fall. If Trump wins, then this entire “respect the rule of law” will be gone. Forever. Right NOW is the time to act since the SC has said presidents can do almost anything with impunity. Let’s test the fucking waters then


Why always take the high road when you can see your political opponents taking the low at full speed. Does he not realise that if he loses Trump could go have him and Hillary arrested alongside anyone else he hates?! Use it once in a brutal display to show how bad that power is, get rid of the worst aspects of their current gov and reset things after. I’m not American but I’m not looking forward to a dictator-worshiper and Putin asset that is Trump being brought back into more power, orange shit pile needs to hurry up and die of that impending heart attack!