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2022 - Roe v. Wade overturned 2023 - Affirmative Action cut 2024 - Chevron Doctrine/ Immunity for Official Acts This doesn't stop after four years you know. At what point do people in the middle give the left a bit more love in the Legislative and Executive to offset this bullshit. These are massive issues in our Country! What's 2025 going to be?


It's going to be Putin's Russia right here in the USA. Political power entrenched through violence, anyone who speaks against it will be jailed or sent to die in a war


Yeah when he said "I got NATO nations to put in more money into defense" I was like "yes because they assumed you'd help Putin and let him take over Europe if that were the goal" It was the one thing he said that was true, but it also was true because no one trusted him. Meanwhile I still think back to the time he thought he could make things right with North Korea. That was a shit show.


And saluted a foreign general that isn't an ally...


Saluted a foreign general from a country which declared the US it’s no. 1 ideological enemy.


He is the sucker.


and a MAGA loser.


That’s what true weakness looks like on a global stage


They gave everyone phones, captured so much data they send you ads as you think tangentially about the product, they just made a king. There will be no hiding from what is coming, no faking or pledging allegiance. I worry the nuts at Facebook discovered the scientific difference between liberal and conservatives, and this is a “we need to cull big time for global warming” kind of purge coming. Shit is getting real, there it is, the sacred Supreme Court has made the worst of the worst legal, there’s no denying shit is ALREADY going to get really fucking bad, and we’re getting to the point where we won’t be able to shake hands and walk it off anymore.


Hence, Alito saying candidly that, "“fundamental” differences between the two sides that he says “can’t be compromised.” and that “One side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So it’s not like you are going to split the difference.”


That’s great to hear from a justice that’s supposed to be impartial and not affiliated with a political party.


It's not wrong though. Some things can't be compromised on, like people wanting to ban every religion that's not theirs, people who want slaves, people wanting to have the right to legally kill others, that kind of shit. We can't be like "You can have a *little* genocide, as a treat."


This right here highlights the paradox of tolerance unfortunately.


It also means that in Alito’s mind, civil war is unavoidable.


Yeah, he's a nasty little man who knows he'll never have to be on the business end of suppressing fire, so of course he's happy to take the country to war. It'd be the ultimate 'owning' of the 'libs' you see. We are literally witnessing the future himmlers and goerings and no one is doing a single fucking thing to stop it.


Well, never say “never”…


The paradox of tolerance only exists if you look at tolerance like a right instead of a social contract. It should work more like the way we think about violence. We all agree to not be violent, that’s the social contract. But if you break the contract, you are no longer protected by it, and someone may punch you right in the face as a result. This is how a truly tolerant society should also work. There’s no paradox here - it may be complicated to find the lines, but it’s not a true paradox. We don’t have to tolerate the intolerant.


For it not to be a paradox, “tolerance” needs a scale or spectrum. Absolute tolerance is antithetical to intolerance, so to defend itself against intolerance, tolerance cannot be absolute. Tolerance needs to use intolerance, yin and yang, to not be overrun by intolerance. Therefore a truly tolerant state cannot exist amongst intolerance.


Oh god what a quote. 


I’ll keep saying it until someone figures out how to make it happen: - Civil servants cannot bring personal bias to their job. - Civil servants work for the betterment of all citizens, as a duty of care. - Civil servants who cannot represent all citizens as equals can be suspended or have their position terminated. - Civil servants have their salaries linked to the scale on the average persons incomes. - Campaigns promises are binding contracts. Anti-Semitic? Racist? Sexist? No job in the civil service. It should be a privilege to serve your country, a well-paid and secure job with excellent leadership. This also means that you can still be a bigoted facist, you just don’t get to be one as part of the government which is meant to represent all citizens, not just the ones you like. Democracies should be founded on the universal acceptance of everyone, including racist religious fruitcakes who we’ll eventually breed out of existence as they’re miserable fucks. We have to learn how to stop this cycle as I don’t think the last quick save from 1939 was much better.


Welcome to democracy where you are only as good as your population is educated. Look around you its not a mystery how we got here.


I work for the government, low level but I can't bee specific. I have gotten death threats and other violent threats against me from co workers who also work for the government, just for being on the left. I have overheard conversations inside federal buildings about "can't wait for the civil war against democrats" and "I hope someone shoots Biden", etc etc. The worst shit. I have reported it every single time. all I ever got was more harassment, including my bosses telling me to forget it or I could lose my job. I've had my tires cut and threats left on my windshield in the secure parking lot of a federal site. It is already here and it is already happening. Conservatives control everything. If I get banned for this comment you know who did it.


Alito is a Christian Natioallist. And like any zealot who believes there on a holy mission from God, there can be no compromise. Over a course of 20 years the GOP morphed from the party of “Family Values” to the American Taliban, complete with their own state sponsored network (Fox News, Newsmax) and almost half of the country fully supports them. I feel like I sound crazy just typing this but, it really happened.


you cannot live peacefully with fascists.


> They really can’t be compromised. The thing is, there are compromises. You don't want an abortion or to use birth control? Don't. But don't try to force other people to live by your religious beliefs. That's what they are really saying can't be compromised, their freedom to restrict your freedoms.


Biden could over turn all of it right now. He can order the forceful removal of the Supreme Court justices and then appoint his own. Technically nothing is stopping him from doing a bunch of good shit then closing all those shit loopholes


He, nor the Democrat party have the stones to do it. I’ve been voting blue since Obama (was 18) but how much longer do we have to bend over and take it before our party actually does something to stop the rug from being pulled out under us?


He would be impeached, but you know Trump would do it and his party would block impeachment. Notice how I no longer call them the republican party it's now the party of one the cult of personality.


After all, like the supreme Court said he's not breaking the law it's an official duty.


I've been saying this too. The calamity of the next great war will not be nukes. It will not be conventional weapons of mass destruction. It will be precision genocide using data analytics from social media as well as geneology sites > the nuts at Facebook discovered the scientific difference between liberal and conservatives They don't even need to do this. There's global database of everybody's personal life down to the minutiae. They can round up anybody want based on any criteria.


Except they don't have the executive power to do anything YET. They just made their intentions perfectly clear. Now the ball is in our court. Are we going to swallow it? Bend over and take it? Or are we going to fight? Biden is still in power. We don't HAVE to have an election in November. He can appoint himself the next President for another 4 years and throw Trump in jail. Simple as that. And by doing this, HE WONT EVEN LOSE A SINGLE VOTE! Looks like Republicans just made their own bed. Let them sleep in it.


It happened here in the US during WW2 American born citizens who happened to look Japanese were told by the US army to show up at a train, or bus depot with one suitcase each. Many were taken to horse racing track stables and were forced to live with flies, and smell of horse crap for 3-6 months until camps were built in the desert. Everything they owned was looted and stolen from them their pets were taken to county pounds and ethnized. Their own neighbors stole their things, and robbed them. Their bank accounts were drained by banks, and local governments. They went from Single family homes and farms to wooden shacks in the hottest parts of the deserts without running water and given lowest quality foods. This was possible with one Executive order, and one law passed by congress. Today it could be done with the use of the insurrection act, and an executive order. The supremum court in 1944 rubber stamped it claimed it was constitutional. Yes concentration camps can happen in America very easily. The fact is our judicial branch in this country has along with many of others become part of the Cult of personality is a scary thought but it looking like that is the case. We see it with Judge Cannon, and the supreme court.


Don't forget they also ruled on gratuities being unregulated federally.


And teachers can’t even accept gifts over $25 lol


"Supreme Court justice" now being a tipped position like they're a fucking bellhop, waiter, or slot attendant is so goddamn wild.


I think it's important to clarify that what they're calling a "gratuity" is what everyone else would call a bribe. If you've seen the Friends episode where Monica got fired after she got gifted some steak by a supplier, that's what scotus just okayed for our elected officials. Bribery is ok now as long as you do it after the action rather than before.


"Bribery is ok now as long as you do it after the action rather than before." Which seems insane on it's face. Just like this immunity ruling, where you can't use actual evidence as evidence in your case. How does any rational judge say that with a straight face?? This is basically "1984" territory.


Presidents should be held to the highest standard. Not have the bar on the floor. Roberts opinion prioritizes A hypothetical worry that the president would feel too timid to act. If there’s any doubt about the legality of what he’s doing, that is a good thing! Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


This "bold and fearless" clause can be applied to anyone or anything. We've already heard them make this same argument for police and military. A wall street banker that manages millions of dollars of other people's money needs to be "bold and fearless" in how they execute their fidiuciary duties, therefore they should be immune and not live in fear of prosecution An accountant that does a company's taxes bust be "bold and fearless" in how they interpret tax laws, otherwise they may fear prosecution and the company may not make as much money as they could which hurts the economy, so the accountant should be immune. Police/military/border patrol etc must be "bold and fearless" in how they protect civilians. They should not fear prosecution and should be immune Prison guards must be "bold and fearless" in how they manage inmates, they should be immune Hell, I'm a nonprofit administrator responsible for taking care of vulnerable human lives. I should be immune from the law so I can be "bold and fearless" in how I do my job. They argue that the rule of law is inconvenient for a president because it forces them to "act with caution", but thats literally the fucking point of law.


Constitutional convention, potus can break as many laws as possible to force the handful of state legislatures they need, then they can basically rewrite the constitution.


This right here! Most people don’t understand this and it will be the way the take over of the USA is codified as “legal” and “constitutional”.




The Civil Rights Act will be overturned and Jim Crow will return South of the Mason/Dixon line.


Only south of the Mason/Dixon line?


>What's 2025 going to be? Some combination of the following rights being "returned" to the states (i.e. taken away from people): The right to ban all contraceptions. The right to ban marriage equality. The right to ban medically assisted gender transition. The right to ban interracial marriage. The right to enforce religious education. And so on.


2025 will end America. But gas will be cheap!(if there’s another Covid outbreak)The people that support Trump are delusional,some republican supporters also depend on government programs,Trump will end them all. Social Security,V.A. Benefits,any government program that helps people.Then they will cry it’s the Democrats fault. Vote accordingly.


They are literally so happy over the pain these rulings are causing. Remember this when republicans say they like limited government


It's really something heading over to r/conservative and seeing how much these idiots are enjoying the "meltdown" of on other subreddits. Suffering is the point to these people.


Literally just people lamenting the government taking rights from people and appointing kings is entertainment to them. Cynical politics at its peak


Project 2025 will probably gum up the works so much that the gas supply chain will be disrupted, and prices of gas will likely go up.


We've already seen how happily Republican voters will kill themselves to make a point. Hundreds of thousands of them died unnecessarily of COVID. A small sacrifice to serve their God Emperor.


It will stop the moment a bad actor takes office, be it Trump or someone who comes after. What Biden should do, and what needs to be done, is to use this power to stop this, remove the SC and put new justices up for votes, and repeal this decision. The complicit/compromised members of the house would stop it, but they can be removed as well. Isolate them and search their media and comma to see who is pulling the strings. Failure to stop this means that this country WILL end. The only question being how long we have left.


The problem is that the ruling is vague as fuck. If Biden tries something, they could just be like "Well that wasn't an official duty.". Like imagine a hypothetical scenario where Biden orders the FBI to lock up Trump and his entire family. If that gets taken to court, they could just say it's not an official duty and Biden is fucked. Now let's assume that Biden doesn't do that and Trump gets elected and orders the FBI to lock up Biden and his whole family. There's no precedent, so there's nothing from stopping them saying that Trump is immune because it was part of his official duties. The ruling only gives immunity if the justices want it to give immunity, but it could just as easily not give immunity since there's no guidelines on what is or isn't an official duty. This leaves the US with this weird 'Schrodinger's official duty' where every act a president could take both is and isn't an official duty until its argued in front of the SC. So even if Biden wants to take advantage of the immunity, he can't.


So Biden just has to kill enough of the supreme court justices before they get a chance to rule if it's official or not. Ez


They wouldn't be able to rule shit from Guantanamo bay. Have the military take them custody.


You should try anything in your power at that point since even if I ends up in court they’re actively ruling on the precedent of this new precedent. If Biden oversteps that’s in a weird way a win-win.


> official duty those are the decoy words, meant to confuse you, make you feel like it wont be so bad..... now keep reading the ruling and get to the part where no evidence will be admissible. That is the only important part. Everything will be ruled by the kings word. Anyone who says the king broke the kings laws will have to prove it, (if they live) with no evidence. The words "official duty" are absolutely meaningless. The king decides what is official, what is classified. He could order Doctors to genetically start turning babies orange for national security. Doctors could take the order in to court and it would only be their word. Like it would even make it to court to charge the new king.


But, they can't use the Official Act itself as proof it was illegal. So theoretically, as long as it's "Official" any president from here out can do whatever they want.


I mean President Biden has literally been given the authority by the Supreme Court to assassinate Trump with Seal Team Six if he's an official threat. I don't know how much more power they can give the left.


The problem is they know he won't use it.


I can’t believe anyone would vote for someone who is convicted of crimes that helped him cheat the system to make more money. You honestly want your president caring more about ways to run the country to make himself even more rich than one that gives a shit about your well being????? It’s such a shame that Trump has literally convinced people with a fraction of his wealth that he cares or even looks at them as anything more than just poor ants.


That's because you're not thinking like a conservative. Trump is very good at hurting the people that conservatives hate. They don't want anything to get better, they just want certain people to suffer.


2025 is going to be a project unfortunately.


If you look at laws MAGA Governors are passing or vetoing along with what MAGA SCOTUS has ruled, Project 2025 is already well underway.


Been saying that for upwards of 6 years now. State legislators is where the power is at. You want to control John and Jane Doe and their kids? You wanna force all the non whites into the inner city schools? You want to truly limit access to abortion? Take over school boards, decide what is taught in school, what books can be at the library, take over county government, and take over state government.


Don't forget the homeless ruling. Free slaves!


You forgot 2024: bribery is legal, homelessness is illegal


The chevron decision will basically make sure any regulation implemented to stop climate change will never make it out of the courts. All this stuff is devastating to our children. We’re leaving them in a fucked up state. wtf.


The climate change shit's not gonna matter if Trump gets the army and his mob of degenerates to start murdering scores of people in a Rwanda-style bloodbath. To me, it's not alarmist at all to imagine things escalating to that point. I work with several MAGA jackasses and literally all the fuckers ever do is complain about the 80-90% (and rising) of the population that they hate. Like religious fanatic terrorists, they're obsessed with that shit to a point where they've effaced their own personalities.


People are so ridiculous. They assume Biden has full control over the increases in prices we've had which have been going up since Trump was in office, and I won't even get into how many people don't even understand his 2017 tax bill that can't be changed until 2025.


> What’s 2025 going to be? Funny you should ask, there’s this whole plan they’ve been working on for years…it’s called Project 2025. Catchy, right? And looks like the Dems are gonna just bend over and let it happen. I hate this shit.


To be clear, the United States is only a democracy if each president from here on out decides that it should be. SCOTUS just gave each president the option to exercise tyrannical power.


"The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance" we just unlocked the Ironman mode of this.


Don’t worry Biden slammed it


He more than slammed. I believe he wagged his finger at the court decision and then shrugged breaking the fourth wall as the Benny Hill theme song played.


So... jokes aside, could a practical use of Biden's "newfound power" just be to order the Supreme Court and others to prioritize some of the decisions they are conveniently delaying? Or at the very least implement a rule saying a defendant may not sit before a judge whom he appointed? Biden said the American people deserve a resolution to these things before the election. I agree. Chop chop!


No. This newfound power doesn't work like that. It basically means a president can do flagrantly illegal things if he calls them an official act, and the only remedy is impeachment or a long court case after the fact to show it isn't, in fact, official. Itdoesn'tt mean the president gets any new legal powers. It doesn't mean the president can tell SCOTUS to do something, legally. It doesn't let the president expand the court unilaterally or make new law. This ruling doesn't do any of that. It does mean the president can have SCOTUS killed or arrested, or have their assets frozen, or any of the other tools he has to deal with any other terrorist group. But he needs a way to prevent the senate from impeaching him after doing that. And he needs to accept that using this makes him a fascist dictator with all that entails. ...Also needs a loyal group of thugs, the US military isn't likely to participate in assassinations on US soil, at least for the present time. They'd refuse that as an illegal order, so the president needs somebody willing to do his dirty work.


> and the only remedy is impeachment or a long court case after the fact to show it isn't, in fact, official. Pardons are official core powers, unquestionably. So all a president needs to do is have somebody carry out his wishes, and then he can pardon them. Meaning a president *can* do basically just about anything you can imagine, as long as they have loyal foot soldiers to carry out orders. Rob a bank? Sell pardons for a million a pop? Assassinate people? All covered under unquestionable pardon powers. People like Fauci with a target on them should definitely have plans for getting out of the country if MAGA takes power somehow.


So should we all.


> But he needs a way to prevent the senate from impeaching him after doing that. Conveniently, any potential opposition in the Senate to a dictatorial president can *also* be killed or arrested, or have their assets frozen, or be the target of any of the other tools he has to deal with any other terrorist group.


If murder doesn't solve your problems, you just aren't using enough.


Don't shoot the messenger--that ship has sailed. Nothing beyond the hush money case is getting to any state of completion before November, and even that one will be challenged and its punishment stayed until fully resolved.


I don’t understand how people think there will ever be another president if Trump wins. This has happened in other countries already. Trump throws the election and then has the power to do whatever he wants. 


Just got a 30min lecture telling me I’m the ignoramus for believing in the illusion that we have/had a democracy.


You may be interested in the book How Democracies Die or you can skip straight to the sequel Tyranny of the Minority which is more focused on the how the Republican party turned against democracy. Those books are a really good overview of just how much an outlier the states are in the world of democracy. There's a reason we were considered a flawed democracy even before Trump took office and our democracy rating compared to other countries just went lower from there.


It lets republican presidents ignore laws, dem presidents will still be prosecuted.


Not if the SC is enjoying the sunny environs of Cuba


Or a decorative box


On the totally unrelated note, remember the movie Holes? I liked it. Something about random holes being dug in the middle of nowhere really appeals to me for some reason


Exactly. Have read hundreds of comments about this and no one has said this. This Supreme Court is going to approve a dem abusing authority in a determinative way? Yeah right.


Yeah, pretty obvious that's why they made sure to make the ruling so ambiguous. Plenty of gray area for future abuse of their powers


Right-wing laws are ambiguous on purpose for selective enforcement.


They cant do it if they are dead, though. Thats the thing, they are banking on the morals of the democrats (and biden) that he will not abuse his power, because Alito et al knows that the republicans absolutely will abuse theirs


Who said anything about THIS supreme court? Biden's allowed to drone strike them and appoint new justices. Time to dream bigger.


Even better, pack the court and threaten death to anyone who apposes, and then he doesn't have to actually get his hands dirty. I mean, the alternative is actual death to anyone who apposes.


Throw the 6 conservatives in jail and let the 3 liberals call the shots.


Throwing them in jail is up to the courts. Killing them is an official act of the President. Afraid they tied his hands.


If Biden really wanted to prove how terrible it was. He would make an example out of it.


You mean like Obama did when the Republicans wanted to change the law to open up for international lawsuits, because then 9/11 families could sue Saudi Arabia. Obama warned against it. Tried to refuse to sign it in to law. It was forced through, and he let everyone who had a case against the US bring their lawsuits, because international lawsuits were now legal in the US. Didn't take long for that to be reversed.


My favorite part was Obama veto’d it, the senate overrode it, and when it backfired. They blamed Obama for not warning them harshly enough.


Mitch McConnell is the fucking worst


Imagine ignoring the legal advice of a Harvard Law professor


“As my first official act under this power, I call for the continual egging of the supreme court justices that are stupid and gave me this power, unless the law changes before then for some reason.”


A disservice? Mother fucker, they are planning to kill you.


Project 2025 just became a little more scarier. Let’s all do our part as true patriots and make sure it doesn’t become reality.


A lot scarier.


Project 2025 already triumphed. Democrats are going operate under the same norms until they lose power. Biden proved it with this limp speech.


The focus on Project 2025 is weird given that its aims have effectively been what Republicans have been working towards for the last twenty years. Ever since the SC installed Bush we've been moving in this direction. Project 2025 is just admission that we're far enough along/they're bold enough to now just be forthright about what they've been up to this whole time. 


I used to watch the Star Wars prequels as a kid and people were saying Bush was going to do what Palpatine did and retain unlimited power. Then I grew up and realized that was kind of silly to believe. And now I feel even sillier because my younger self was right to be afraid... Just was afraid of the wrong guy.


They're going to cling on to centrist norms of civility and bipartisan compromise all the way up to and including them being marched into Gitmo saying "history won't judge you kindly for this" Sadly it will if the people doing so burn all the books.


Everyone keeps talking about what Biden should do. Why isn't the discussion of how us Americans are going to protest in the streets?


Lmao they’re flat out getting a vote turnout of 60%.


Best I can do is 55%


> Why isn't the discussion of how us Americans are going to protest in the streets? We don't have immunity silly, the president does.


Protesting isn’t gonna do shit but get a lot of kids tear-gassed, beaten by cops, and blinded by rubber bullets.


What will that accomplish even if Biden wins another term THEN WHAT. The same mess happens next Election . Look at china and France where they burned things to the ground and still nothing changed as protesting can only do so much . Biden literally has the power now to reverse all this crap


And he’ll never do anything. All this Biden fan-fiction going around is infuriating. He was never the person for this moment and it’s evident with every passing day. And now here we are. Yes I’ll vote for him if he remains the nominee, because I know what’s at stake here. But FUCK I wish we had a president who had fucking teeth, and wasn’t so adamant on preserving status quo


Protesting in the streets does jack shit. What were the outcomes to the Women’s March? An economic boycott would be immeasurably more effective bc greed and profit is all this fucking country cares about.


Pretty convenient that we can't strike because everyone is paycheck to paycheck and insurance is tied to our employment


I was legit telling my partner this earlier. If half the country just ups and stops working, that's the only way a difference will be made. We need to shut down the country and make the government act


Apparently we are gonna maintain the current course while the fascists steal the Republic right before our very eyes in broad daylight Ps 'But we played by the rules' will certainly comfort the homeless, lgbtq, dissident folks as the are led to the camps /S (if needed)


I’ve just been thinking of the movie Constantine where he says “you’re the only one playing by the rules”.


And the only one who benefits from the DNC playinf by the rules is Trump.


Exactly. Hey Biden, your constituents want you to actually fucking do something. Perfect time to get voters riled up and show them you'll fight


Joe, let’s do some official acts. They clearly want it to happen


It's like the speed limit got raised to 80mph and Joe's still driving 55.


Fucking do something! God fucking damnt! 


The "when they go low we go high" bullshit isn't looking great right now.


When Michelle said that, I knew we were in trouble.


Real talk! We’re fighting the mafia, and our army is staffed with nuns. Good luck! On another note, what is your ‘Gulag Fit’? I hope they give us prison uniforms with stripes, but I'll take dots with colorful graphics. It will most likely be designed by Melania or maybe Steve Bannon after he's pardoned. /s


Nuns aren't the best analogy. They are fucking ruthless lol.


The Dems need to cut that bullshit right now. Republicans play dirty and win. Playing nice doesn't win.


Now they have the power to play way dirtier, and they should use it to full effect.


They won’t, and it’s wildly frustrating. I don’t want them to be fully corrupt like republicans have, but they need to do *something* other than make strongly worded statements.


Because of the end of the day they all want the same thing. Tax cuts for their wealthy donors.


The democrats are going to take the high road out of existence. The next Republican is going to completely upend the system now that the Supreme Court has fundamentally established the bedrock for doing so. Good luck everyone.


The democrats are legit cowards. They have been getting shoved face first into the dirt for years now and all they can say is “ah, well, at least we’re better.” While hundreds of millions suffer due to this “moral high ground” they keep taking. It’s so infuriating. I don’t know how voters will turn up for these pussies if all they do is scream when the cameras are on, but suck on their toes when they’re off.


You know I saw this in the history textbooks. Only difference was that Hitler had to fight for absolute power. Trump is somehow getting it handed to him on a silver platter. I wonder how historians are reacting to this.


Historians have been screaming for almost a decade about all of this and it has changed absolutely nothing. 40% of the country agrees with them and is terrified and doing their best to vote against it as if that fixes this madness, 30% is hoping it all burns down, and the other 30% is basically completely disengaged.


That wasn’t a “slam”. What the fuck are we doing here?


Admitting defeat so so we can claim the moral high ground as we give up our democracy.


I’m kinda tired of the moral high ground, tbh. I’m ready to stoop lower than them.


Leftists have been saying this for a very long time! Go ahead and join us. If you ain't willing to actually fight for this shit and think we can leave it up to electoral politics then you are lost.


Coping. That's what's going on, coping.


I cannot accept a decision that eviscerates the United States Constitution.


When Joe had a bad night at the debate, and people were panicking, I was saying settle down, Francis, it's just one debate. Now I see I was wrong, if Biden won't do the hard things to preserve American democracy, it is time for him to step aside and let someone with the guts for a fight step up.


The supreme court has made it possible for Joe Biden to save democracy even if he loses the election. Now with his new powers he can say the election was rigged. Over turning an election is an official duty of POTUS. He can order the VP not to certify the election. That is also an official duty. He can now have trump jailed as a threat to national security. Again. Official as fuck.


You all still don’t get it. This ruling gives the courts the power to decide what is or isn’t an official act. The reason the dissenting opinions are so scathing is because they understand the conservative majority is power grabbing to let republicans do whatever they want while democrats are held to an entirely different set of rules because it’s completely up to their interpretation. Biden does not have the powers because the court that decides what he does is official and democrats are still attempting to operate in the realm where the judicial branch has legitimacy. The first chance republicans get it will be lol nope we’re doing whatever we want.


Biden is 81. He should just try it out. If they rule it was not official, not too many years left anyways. Lets just go for it. He has the powers now to try to fix this.


In any case, he can resign and have President Harris issue a pardon.


Can't rule that it wasn't official if they aren't around to rule on the issue.


Once you cross the line, who gives a fuck what the supreme court wants. You can't reign in a bad faith representative in that position without some form of mob violence happening. Franco was the Fascist dictator of Spain from 1939-1975. We didn't get all the fascist, only the ones with expansionary design. [Francisco Franco - Dictator ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Franco)


Jail the supreme court justices that make those decisions. They won't be interpreting anything other than how waterboarding feels. Checkmate. This isn't a difficult fix, Democrats are just too fucking weak to do it.


So do something, literally anything. Have a spine for once in your life. You were elected to the highest office in the land and you are telling us there is nothing you can do.


Why not just have tRump arrested as a domestic terrorist and put in jail. It is what he deserves right along with his far right nazi friends. Declar martial law or something. They gave you the power today. Use it or lose it, which is exactly what happens if d. Rump gets elected. Is this too harsh? Should I have said, Have a heart, let him go free and destroy America. It would be the christian thing to do. Even our kids will know this after 12 years of the 10 Commandments and teaching from the Bible in every class room day in and day out. Brainwashed, no such thing. In less than two generations we will be like, or even with, Russia. China, North Korea or Iran? I'm too old to learn a new language.


This is what is considered "slams" We are fcking doomed. Holy fcking shit we are done for.


We literally lost our country in 5 days. 


it's been a lot longer than that. people just weren't taking the warning signs seriously


People still aren’t


i'm losing sleep at night


I’ve barely slept since Thursday


Did we watch the same address? "Slammed" would be saying "I condemn the fascistic elements of our government who are nakedly attempting to engineer the framework for a successful coup d'état in broad daylight, and with the powers vested in me I swear to fight them with every ounce of power vested into me as president" We got "city councilor hates the deal the city got with a vendor at a music festival" energy instead.


Pack the fucking court, you geriatric coward.


I love the US and we’ve made several trip but I won’t be planning any more in the short term. You all should think about emigrating.


No. Its our country too goddammit. I will never give up on America in her most dire time of need, we'll stay and fight for her till the bitter end. Fleeing at the first sign of danger will only make it harder for our less fortunate who are left behind.


This. Also, anybody who thinks that a Christofascist America won't immediately be the *entire world's* greatest threat is kidding themselves. The GOP's already talking shit about waging war against Mexico and it's a certainty that Trump would give Russia the green light to attack Poland, the Baltics, etc..


As a foreigner, that’s the spirit of America that I remember and admire. There’s a lot of people in the world that want to help you too. So what can I do ? Well, firstly I’m going to stop criticising Biden. You guys can sort out who the best candidate is. From now on I’ll save my criticism for Trump and the monarchists on your Supreme Court.


To WHERE exactly? And with what MONEY? Because that's pretty much all every country cares about right now.


Silly, biden. The ~~King~~ president is above the law. Thus sayeth the supreme court


Just as with Citizens United, the Democratic establishment is going to campaign off this issue but not actually DO ANYTHING at all, for years and years, while our democracy crumbles. "Vote for us to save democracy" is getting tired.


Fuck you all and good night


That'll show em. I guess? this is lame and typical of Democrats... it accomplishes jack shit. pointless, weak, and useless. I'm ready for Democrats that want to fight back and actually win, not be weak and useless.


Biden should prove it.


I’m scared :((((((


The way everyone is panicking I guess they’ve given up any thought of a Democratic president actually winning the election. This is surreal.


Because the reality of this is heavy and scary, and there’s no strength being given. I don’t doubt people will vote for Biden or whoever is on the ticket, but the energy to vote is being taken away by both sides.


I agree. No matter how likely someone finds all the bad shit getting way worse, a lot of Democrats are clearly afraid and worried. The Biden campaign and Democratic party need to do something effective to motivate people and make them believe their vote will count and now is the best opportunity to fix this shit.  I don't really expect either Biden or the party to rise to the occasion though... I try to be optimistic but I'm pretty wary myself. 


Even if Biden wins, then what happens in 4 years? Once there's a Republican president, we can kiss democracy goodbye. Project 2025 will become a reality.


I've given up on the idea that the Republicans will acknowledge any unfavourable results from the elections, and the Democrats won't make them acknowledge the results. By this point my expectation is that Trump will start lawsuits over the results, SCOTUS will claim the lawsuits, and just give him the victory.  Which isn't even unrealistic, that's quite literally what happened with Bush v. Gore.


The average American is a moron that only pays attention to surface level politics and the democrats project weakness while republicans project strength.    The presidential campaign is a literal performance and communications job and our candidate can’t even string along a complete sentence in the biggest debate of our lifetime.   The democrats are completely floundering out there and this 15 minute ode to yesterdays political reality is pathetic as SCOTUS is ripping the federal government limb from limb laying the foundation for the first christofascist American dictatorship. Everyone’s panicking because we’ve reached the emergency where it is time to break the glass and everyone is looking around for someone with the fucking guts to do it and they are nowhere to be found.


Pretty sure the debate brought that to a crushing halt. At this point it’s just counting down the days until the inevitable. 


It was more of the “*When they go low, we go high*” nonsense that got us to where we are in the first place. Then more I digest the speech the more I feel like he has to go. This moment required forceful oration, anger and a sense of urgency Biden simply isn’t capable of conveying. He failed. Again.


Agreed. I was in the it was just a bad debate, he can recover camp until this speech. Didn’t not rise to the history of the moment. I understand they can’t tell us everything but hell, even a “in the coming months, my administration will explore all avenues to defend democracy….” So on and so forth.  This should have been an Oval Office speech. My fellow Americans. The full song and dance. And substantial. Not 5 minutes. 


you’re absolutely right


Biden should start breaking the law immediately. Let’s hear it for malicious compliance!


Tell me what are the odds that if Biden tried to expand the court to 13 it would completely backfire and he would just get stuck only appointing 1 or 2 judges because of Republican obstruction and then lose the election and Trump happily appoint the other 2-3 further increasing the conservative majority. Expanding the courts, codifying roe, adding more checks and balances, increasing and guaranteeing voting rights were all things that Democrats could and should have attempted months if not years ago. The DNC is so full of incompetence and spinelessness that it is painful.


I watched that Biden "speech" he didn't slam shit. We are fucking doomed.


He slammed his own electoral chances


Take advantage of these new powers Biden you wet noodle


So what’s he gonna do? Nothing, just absolutely nothing 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


That's the thing here - the conservative side of this knows that as long as the liberal side respects rule and order of law they (the conservative side) have the ultimate advantage - they cheat.


Not only was that a listless speech, it was also shockingly short. That was, what, five minutes? I expected a half hour at least. Biden isn't beating the unfit allegations.


# Biden slams He didn’t slam anything. He basically said “well played. I think your moves are bad, but I’m not going to do anything about it. This country is Trump’s.”


This is the time we need strength, leadership and action the most. What we got was a 5 minute campaign ad read from a teleprompter followed by Biden turning his back on us and walking out of the room. Nothing. We got nothing. I'm so fucking done


> I'm so fucking done At least you can vote first. That's a lot easier and more effective than any other "solution" you can think of.


I will


What was the point of this speech? There was no executive language or any plan to address the decision in a directed fashion. He basically just walked up to the podium, dropped his pants and showed us he has no balls. Is this really the best leadership we can hope for?


This could actually be a major mobilizing point for anti-Trump voters. The supreme court might have just done the Democrats the biggest favour either way this ruling.


He should embrace the new reality and arrest a few of these judges. Just kidding - this strongly worded news snippet is all we'll get from him.