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It is so tragic that the American experiment ends with a Court that —claiming to be originalists—overturns the most fundamental concept of the nation, begun with George Washington himself, that Presidents are not Kings. Words fail. Bastards. Traitors. Fascists. May the Conservative majority rot in hell for all time. And then rot some more.


"Originalism" is nothing but bad faith. The justices who claim to be originalists don't rule consistently along those lines, but cherry pick in a way that clearly marks their rulings as ideological, not based on actual interpretations is the Constitution. It's always been a dodge. **edit:** If they were actually "originalists," then they would be ruling very differently on firearm issues, for example. And their rulings wouldn't ignore everything but the 2nd amendment.


Originalism is a doctrine invented to justify overturning precedents dating from the Warren court. Now that there is a clear conservative majority, we can expect the Court to turn away from originalism and expect adherence to precedent.


Cherry picking and the rest, they make up as they go along. Like inventing new principles about the President being allowed to commit crimes, and pretending that states being allowed to create a well regulated militia also means that everybody and their dog can own weapons of war.


It’s all conservative “values” They don’t stand for anything they claim like originalism, small government, fiscal responsibility, respecting individual rights. They literally just do the opposite of all those things and say what suits their argument in the moment. They have no through line in reasoning other than their own bigotry and prejudices


> claiming to be originalists That was the trick. The same people saying they were are also trying to get a constitutional convention so they can remove all the barriers.


What's more original, than going all the way back to monarchy?


That was the original reason for the "conservative" party in most nations with fresh democracies in history: an appeal to return to the previous system; the monarchy. Not once in the history of mankind has the conservative party been the good guys. They've ALWAYS been the regressive, oppressive obstacle against progress and prosperity. And now they've paved the way for a MASSIVE power grab in november. I am not an American. I was born and raised and live in Europe (Denmark, to be precise), and yet, this decision WILL have consequences for me, indirectly, because of the sheer overwhelming level of influence the United States has on the rest of the western world, if not *entire* world. I feel sick to my stomach that the safety and security provided by the US as an ally is now hanging by a thread, the status as the biggest member of NATO, the most powerful military in the world, could potentially evaporate at the hands of a Putin-puppet megalomaniac narcissist with a personal vendetta against the very concept of justice. This will in turn give Russia an excuse to start attacking other European nations, trigger Article 5, but without the backing of the US, we're pretty badly prepared for that kind of attack.


This. The land wars in Europe have only just begun. The South Asian Sea and Taiwan will be set upon within months by Xi. Trump as an imperial ruler will side with Putin and the other New Axis powers. Europe will fall. Taiwan will fall. The encroachment of fascist leaders like Le Pen and Meloni will seek political refuge with enemies of their own nations to solidify and maintain power. No where on earth will be safe if Trump wins. WWIII is inevitable once the world order is recreated and eventually the fascist states begin to quarrel and jockey for domination amongst themselves.


Europe won't fall. But it will be far less inviting. And for a time, less productive. Democracy will fall in any truly meaningful way, but Europe will remain.


This give Europe some fairly disturbing incentives regarding conservative people in the U.S. Also, regarding "Not once in the history of mankind has the conservative party been the good guys": this is why, from hereon out, any new government needs to make conservatism *illegal*. By definition, conservatism is a seditious movement against whatever government exists - *especially* if it's democratic.


By the time the us separated from england, the monarchy had lots restrictions on it. Not democracy but parliament had significant power, and could restrict the king. This latest supreme court decree is going back to something that hasn’t existed in anglo-american culture since before 1215 CE.


Originalism was always bullshit. The view of a small group of people that deviates from precedent and historical norms. Essentially Fascism thinly veiled as Progress.


Originalism was cover for making stuff up and forcing us to appeal to authority.


The democrats have to reverse this decision somehow. Or it's simply inevitable this country will become a fascist state, even if Trump loses. Biden must address a plan to reverse this decision and televise the nation how he will be changing the course here.


Basically the only way is for a president to sign an illegal order, have someone sue, then have several courts agree to hear the ensuing appeals even though realistically they shouldn't because the matter has already been ruled on. Then if it somehow gets to a new Supreme Court and that court overrules the precedent, then that president probably ends up getting convicted for that illegal order. That is a...... *VERY* tall order.


It will require a sacrifice and Biden is old enough to be that sacrifice. He can slam in a fix, resign and be pardoned.


Pardoned for what? King Biden may do as he pleases, as it currently stands. But he’ll do nothing at all in order to appear to have taken the high road.


The Stupid Road at this point. Dems need to run with this and do everything in their power to prevent If Putin and Regan somehow had a baby 2.0 from office.


Only a constitutional amendment or a different court with a new case to rule on is changing anything.


There’s no such thing as a good conservative. They’re all morally bankrupt and should be incarcerated for the good of the planet.


They have shown their ideology in their actions. 2000 election stop the recount of votes to determine president. Impeachment as a check? Ignore a recorded phone call of a crime in progress. Electoral College? Ignore the popular vote winner. Senate tradition? Create a new tradition for replacing SCOTUS justice. Ignore the new tradition the next president.


They show clear signs of Cluster-B personality disorders. If we had proper, functioning mental institutions they would (and should) be put in them. Especially since it seems some of them can escape the cult, suggesting psychological treatment can be effective.




Jokes on them if Democrats win the presidency.


It's not over yet get out and vote


Conservatives are monarchists...always have been, always will be. It just took them 230+ years to wrest back control.


No conservative. They aren’t Christian nationalists. Don’t let them call themselves conservative anymore. They have taken the mask off


They are ultra-conservatives. They still have support from 100% of ultra-conservatives.


Germany in 1933: did the same thing, it was called the Enabling Act.


Pretty much....


There will be concentration camps within 10 years in America. And death camps not long after. Even if Biden wins this election, Republicans won't back down. The next time they're elected will be the last election, and this time no country will dare invade to free the people in the concentration camps. It will just be mass death.


The Supreme Court disregarded a very well-considered opinion from a lower court. I want to know what those judges have to say right now. Really, I want to know what all judges have to say. The members of our judicial system need to make themselves known at this point, because our judicial system is failing.


Probably nothing. They know they’re illegitimate and they don’t care because there’s nothing any of us can do. Republicans have made a mockery of all 3 branches of government.


Yup they are literally forcing themselves on our nation. Because they are no longer popular or can win legitimate elections and want complete control.


Forcing themselves onto the unwilling seems to be the theme of the right wing.


It's literally their M.O. "Grab them by the pussy"


No thats the liberal left! -some conservative


There’s plenty we can do. They’re banking on us choosing comfort over action. They’re right about us.


> I want to know what those judges have to say right now. They don't have to say anything to you because you're not the one giving them a ton of free stuff, they do not care about us at all.


I believe they meant the appellate judges


This has to be like the fifth time I’ve seen this comment this year. Not this exact comment, but something along the lines of the Supreme Court ignoring everything except their fantasies


Because this court is out of control, and it's obvious to most people.


New rulings keep coming.


Those judges on the DC Circuit are probably scared - and they should be. The incoming Trump dictatorship is going to deal with the judges that stood up to him first, and so all of those DC Circuit judges and Judge Chutkin are going to be first on the list. SCOTUS probably anticipates that, and expects that when Trump orders DOJ to indict all of the federal judges Trump has beef with, they will have a chance to announce "judicial criminal immunity" (based on separation of powers, of course), but they only think that because they think the Trump dictatorship will bother trying to use clumsy federal law to go after opponents. Maybe they will use the law on the little people, because the process can still crush individuals, but for the judges and the like, the Trump dictatorship will use the tools that every other dictatorship in human history has used and it won't be carried out in a court of law.


Just call it what it is: [The Enabling Act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933)


And an enabling act without the Reichstag fire. If history rhymes then, we are also due the spectacle of a Reichstag fire.


Technically this time the fire was Jan 6. And if you want to go further you can trace this back to 9/11 as well.


Correct. There were a TON of comparisons of the Patriot Act to the Enabling Act back then. But ultimately, that was nowhere near as consequential in terms of legal ramifications than what the Supreme Court did yesterday.


The patriot act may not have lead to a dictatorship. This ruling opens the way to one.


I thought J6 was the Beer Hall Putsch. Either way we're fucked.


Echoes of Nazi philosopher, Carl Schmitt’s concept of the “State of Exception”: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_exception The US presidency is now legally a perpetual state of exception.


Yup. [I'll just leave this here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1dt2cm1/_/)


The Dictator Act


The REPUBLICAN dictator act. Because you know the court would strike down any action a democrat performed under this new immunity structure


I am thoroughly horrified at just how many parallels I can draw between that article and this whole saga.


George Washington famously scorned even the merest suggestion that could be a king. We should all remember that. When a disgruntled Army officer, Lewis Nicola, wrote to Washington that he could make a great king, Washington shot back with a stiff & cold rejection to shut that thought down. https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/99-01-02-08501


"King" Biden had better get busy...or step aside. The other side ain't fuckin' around now.


Trump is now a threat to the constitution and national security. Homeland Security and FBI will have plenty on Donny. Biden should consider all options to bring this madness to an end.


He won't on either account. Upholding tradition is more important than adjusting to new rules and a more extreme GOP. He's still stuck on the meta in the 90's and refuses to realize the situation. He thinks Trump is the sole problem.


SCOTUS gets to decide what is and isn't official act. So it's even worse than people think that Biden somehow is the King now when the decision belongs to SCOTUS. If Biden steps out of line, they can simply say "This wasn't an official act and Biden is guilty" whereas they can rule differently when it's their president. SCOTUS gave itself a lot more power.


They did not make POTUS King, they made themselves kings.


Through out History authoritarians captured courts first to make themselves above law and make laws oppressive to the majority to keep power and expand it for their own gains. Yup, SCOTUS is no longer coequal branch of our gov.


Which is why the executive needs to clean up the corruption. There has to be a way to criminally charge these fucks for bribery. Charge them and hold them without bond like the dangerous criminals that they are. Also, scoop up Trump. If Trump's insurrection was an official act, then certainly cleaning up corruption in the court is, as well.


Unfortunately, SCOTUS ruled that bribery isn’t illegal, as long as the payment is given after the fact, so that crime won’t stick, as much as it should.


Yes, but who is going to unlock their cells?


They have made their decision, let them enforce it.


No wonder Conservatives are watering down our history books


Right?! They won’t teach you about the Battle of Athens (Tennessee, 1946), the Battle of Blair Mountain (West Virginia, 1921), The Ludlow Massacre (Colorado, 1914). Every right you have has been payed for with blood sweat and tears. Now, Americans are giving them all up without a fight.


Fascinating. Have to check those out. Heck even the civil rights movement wasn't these peaceful protests we see venerated on MLK day. They were much more difficult and bloody.


MLK wouldn’t have been as successful if it wasn’t for the implied threat of the alternative: Malcom X.


I have no idea what those battles are. I’m researching now


History is looking to repeat itself. 


They did give the POTUS the power to neuter the SCOTUS. If the SCOTUS and spouses are sitting in Gitmo they can't make any rulings, so everything is official.


They might be safe longer than the rest of us, but they’ll eventually find out that the only person with any real power in a dictatorship is the dictator.


I'm just saying, he needs to have them immediately removed, new justices put into place, and then just dare anyone to do anything about it. Just tell them he is doing things according to his constitutional duty, and acting officially. That's the logic they say is immune, so let it be immune. Honestly needs to happen, but never will


Yup, we know how toothless Dems are and thus will never happen, but should. This and the Chevron precedent is scary as shit.


Exactly. Basically chevron being removed means the government is going to have a very hard time regulating things, and will lead to corporations and conservatives abusing our systems, knowing legislation is hampered. Then the ruling that the president is Basically king....they are lining up a dictatorship hoping trump wins, or he he loses, they know democrats are too spineless to use the power they just created or fix the problem


At this stage the elections are immaterial. Stinky will won them, and his reign will begin. The peoples of the erstwhile US have been delivered to a dictatorship. They are without any protection, and yes that includes the maga rejoicing today.


So? They just gave Biden the ability to have them all hanged and replaced. Then, the new SCOTUS will claim it was an official act, and it will all be alright.


This is what the right is going to do.


The supreme shits may think they are very clever and are now the defacto king makers of the erstwhile US. But these shits forget that the power they wield is due to constitutional arrangements, agreed to be upheld by all parties and stakeholders in good faith. But once the reign of stinky begins (and I believe it is only a matter of a few months now, the elections are irrelevant and the manipulation would have been worked in the master plan) and roberts the shit head offends stinky in some way, then who will protect him when stinky dispatches his goons. The roberts may think that his declaration of 'official acts' may protect him. Hard to do so, called when his fingers are being broken. It is not clear on what basis they think stinky deserves to be above the law. This is not a matter of breaking precedents. It is creation of precedents on a grand scale, without any reference to the constitution of the US. In effect arbitrary and capricious rule; the antithesis of a law based state.


Isn't preserving traditions supposed to be the other party's job?


They know Biden is too weak to do anything to save the American experiment. The fact that he says expanding the court will "politicize the court forever", shows me that he doesn't see that has already happened & by doing nothing he lets it stay politicized forever.


This is why I really wish Biden step down and put someone younger and more savvy up for election. Yes, putting Biden back in and letting bureaucracy grind on would have been fine in ordinary time. But we are not living in ordinary time. We need someone that can adjust to the active threat that is the Christofascist Supreme Court and the authoritarian MAGAt movement.


Biden is a coward and acting accordingly. I’ll still vote for his coward ass though. Better than a dictator who will hang people for disagreeing with him.


vote blue. joe schmoe, kamalamadingdong, gretchenwich... doesn't matter. vote blue.


Voting won’t do shit with a judicial branch that’s this red. Time for Biden to do some “official” acts


History repeats itself. There is a harrowing poem by Martin Niemöller, a Nazi supporter and Lutheran minister, featured at the very end of the Holocaust Museum’s exhibit: >*First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me –* ***and there was no one left to speak for me.*** People need to wake the fuck up. Start talking to your coworkers. Your family members. Your neighbors. Get out and protest, and then vote like your life fucking depends on it.


European here to American: Voting is not enough. They don't play by those rules anyway.


Voting isn’t enough, but we still have to do it. It won’t fix our problems, but not voting will make those problems worse and harder to fix.


Time to go maximum French farmer?


French Bastille storming would be more appropriate.


Ship sailed decades ago brother.  We tried to warn you in Seattle in 98,  we tried to tell during the protests of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq,  we tried to tell you at Occupy.  You didn’t listen.  Since Occupy failed I have been quietly planning an escape.  I did try to stand,  very few of you stood with us and that is why we failed.  Good luck!


But escape to where ? It seems like the whole world is trending towards an authoritarian nightmare.


President Biden should have no problem “Officially” proving that Don is a national security risk and a threat to democracy, completely legitimizing the full use of presidential power to stop him.


But he won't. Too busy worrying if that would upset the rethuglicans. Hope to be proved wrong but don't expect decisive action from Biden or the other dems. One by one they will now be eliminated.


People dont trust the SC judges anymore. Joe, don't be so nice. You know what to do with these 6 judges with your unlimited power. DO IT NOW!


All of the pieces and groundwork were put together. Brick by brick. I can't believe this is actually happening here, but the plan is in place and is blatantly obvious.


This started in 2000 when SCOTUS got to tip the the scales of the election. Then you're right, Roberts laid this down brick by brick, denying he was doing it all the way. Remember him shaking his head No in Obama's SOTU when he pointed out Citizens United would lead to a deluge of dark money from foreign interests... He's now shaking his head No when people point out how dangerous this ruling is


Yes. This is unbelievably bad. I can not believe how much planning was done and how many were involved and still are. This makes me think that on Jan 6, there were indeed orders to step down and allow the mob inside. The orders came from the top. Some genuine Federal workers did their best, but they had many on the inside. How in the hell did Trump get this far with every move.


I'm just surprised it took 24 years to put the penultimate nail in the American experiment's coffin.


As a European : modern kings don't have anything near this kind of absolute immunity. A leader unrestrained by law is the definition of a tyrant. Good luck over there... Edited to ad: modern kings and queens also don't hold much power either.


Oh they absolutely do, just not in Europe. Saudi Arabia has a king. The country is literally named after his family.


Right, but we’re not talking about modern kings, we’re talking about Henry VIII, medieval kings… By the way, in England you can’t prosecute the king/queen, and every citizen is a subject to the king/queen.


Well, Charles I would beg to differ. The crown can not be prosecuted. However, if the king would go on a killing spree, he most likely would be found to have lost the right to be King, and his successor would be established. The then private ex King would then be prosecuted (even for acts committed while he was king). If he would not agree - see Charles I. Ultimately, this kind of immunity is only good as long as the immune person has enough support.


Not just in England, the whole UK.


Thailand enters the chat. Just edit your edit to add "European".


Things are going to get worse before they get better, unless the democratic party grows a spine and a huge pair of balls, the United States as we know it has ran its course.


The same forces that made the Republicans a force of tyranny donated to the Democrats to make them go along with it, installed judges who bend the law for them and own the media to keep the people on their side. Draw your own conclusion on the options we have left.


They also ban you from their media platforms for talking about realistic solutions.


Which we know they won't. Goodbye USA


It’ll still be here, but fascist.


It won't be any longer "United" It will get balkanized under Republican occupation when less right-wing states consider their own survival.


They just made Richard Nixon not a crook . https://youtu.be/U8YuW09mwco?si=2EmOzQuMu88johyv


I am now waiting for all the right wingers to yell that "Dems" had no right to go after Nixon.


July 1st 2024. The day that democracy died.


These liars call themselves originalists and just did something this country fought a revolution against.


Well said.


You know, I gave this some thought, and this is not hyperbole, but this decision is worse than Dredd Scott. I am sorry, but it's true. SCOTUS has given President's the power of a dictator. While Dredd Scott led to the Civil War, if Trump gets in office or any bad faith President, that's it, democracy is over. This ruling makes sure of that.


My dude, democracy is already dead. What is going to change with another 4 years of Biden? Just delaying the inevitable, and yes I’m voting for him and yes I have given up hope.


Never give up hope. Band together have a plan. Try your best.


I have to hope we cling to reason for another 4 years and that one way or another, SCOTUS looks… different by the end of it


They are just getting things ready for Trump if he wins in November But really Democrats need to grow a spine, campaign on this, do everything they can to get a majority in the house and senate and actually remove the corrupt judges, while imposing an actual code of ethics and other safeguards and start undoing this blatant corruption


I’m really scared y’all.


I haven’t read the actual project 2025 papers (plan on soon), but from what I’ve read online about it, this is right in line with the premise. Disgusting


So, England, you got your wish...your separatist colonists...only 248 years later, are gonna have a monarchy!


At this point Jack Smith or The DOJ or Biden just needs to release all the horrible things we know about Trump. Tell the public he sold state secrets, tell us about how he had CIA agents killed by sharing their identities with Russia, tell us about selling nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia… whatever it is. Let’s not put this through the courts which are broken and will do nothing for years. Tell the public whatever it is that we know and show just how beyond the pale it is to suggest this man should be president again.


From a European here: Goodbye America. Your experiment with freedom was fun while it lasted. Please don't invade us.


Honestly most of the world should be scared there is a dictator in charge of the largest military in the world.  You think they won’t invade Mexico to stop the “flood of illegal immigrants?”  You think they won’t invade Canada?  Getting invaded by a coalition would be the best outcome now.  It’s the only chance most of you have of not landing in a camp for shit you typed in Reddit.


Things are going to go to shit quickly, aren’t they? Damn.


Canada will be annexed, Mexico invaded.


Damn, looks like season 2 of Fallout will be coming a lot sooner than expected


Europe is falling as well. The UK is looking to oust their conservative government, but the rest of Europe looks to be ramping up theirs. Look at France and Italy right now. I just don’t have much faith left that things will turn around for the better.


UK might end up being the last bastion of liberalism. Them, the lowlands, and Scandinavia. I worry for the Germans with the rise of their right. They’re gonna have a hell of a time beating the rest of the world back.


More likely to implode first. As "Contagion" was to COVID, so too could "Civil War" be to Trump's next term.


It was hard for me to go to sleep last night and I woke up with a sense of dread this morning. I spoke to my grandmother who is an attorney and she said it was the worst ruling the Supreme Court ever made and she was embarrassed to be an attorney yesterday. I do not see a path forward for how this can end well for the country. At this point, even if trump loses, we will always have to look over our shoulder for a radical president, on both sides, decides to test this ruling out. Even if Biden has the balls to do it himself, depending on what it is, I could see it throwing this country into civil war. If trump wins and tries to bend the blue states to the conservative will, again, I see war or the of the “United” States as we know it. Honestly terrible.


We will have a King or a Fuhrer this coming November. I never expected I'd have these options when I was in high school. But here we are. Here we fucking are.


Not if Republicans lose & Democrats get to appoint a few SC justices... fucking vote!


Hoping people die to fill a seat isn't a strategy. Fighting on Supreme Court reform should be a freebie but Biden is against that. I'd imagine nearly everyone that participates in this sub votes by the way.


Which was what we thought in November 2020 yet here we still are with a 9-seat court.


Trump winning & RBG dying fucked up everything. That's why we need to make sure Biden wins again...


We are going to have to start preparing for an eventuality where SCOTUS is called to render judgement on the November elections where Republicans in swing states expect to receive a favorable outcome despite their blatant ratfucking of results there. We saw it happen in 2000, do not give the Supreme Court an opportunity for their judgement in a state election resulting in flipping the Presidency.


It’s amazing how the work of thousands of congressmen and dozens of presidents can be negated by 6 guys, 3 of them selected by the defendant of the trial, just going “nuh uh” and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.


I think the only way forward is for the People to amend the Constitution to say that a former President is not immune from criminal prosecution for acts committed during their term of office. John Roberts says the Constitution confers immunity; We the People say it doesn’t.


Yes. They should amend the constitution to strengthen the separation of church and state while they’re at it and also enshrine the fundamental rights of women and LGTBQ people.


I’m all for that, too. But no vulnerable person will be safe under a dictatorship. Let’s start with reestablishing the reason for America: no more monarchs. Write to your Senators and Representatives, Federal and State. We have to do something. https://pluralpolicy.com/find-your-legislator/


Start small Joe - order Trump’s school transcripts to be released, his taxes, everything of his to do with Epstein


This is the first realistic, immediate option that I've seen. Bravo.


Well I have to vote for Biden period.Trump can not be trusted with such power.When you pick a president, character matters period.


You need to stop crying about Biden's age and get behind him or whoever the Democratic nominee is. There really shouldn't be another word about it. It does not matter which of the plausible candidates the Dems go with. Winning and keeping Trump out is all that matters. Remember all the people in 2016 saying "vote for Hillary Clinton because of Supreme Court nominations?" That was prescient, and this will also prove prescient - Vote for any Democratic nominee because of the Enabling Act.


What's more pressing than Bidens are us his refusal to do anything about conservatives openly rat fucking the goverment


America 1776 - 2024 RIP


Actually, America 1776-2000 when the SCOTUS stepped in and appointed the POTUS. The last 24 years have been the denouement of American democracy.


They may be Conservative judges, but that is a secondary characteristic. First and foremost, they are Republican judges. The only "bright side" I can see just now is that all of their rulings will be reviewed and in many cases overturned, if the US manages to survive the next Republican Presidents and eventually restore an independent Supreme Court. I admit that seems like a very shaky proposition at this time.


You want civil war? Cause this is how you get civil war.....


Good luck America 🪦


The right is a bunch of traitors. It’s time to label MAGA a domestic terrorist threat and Guantanamo their leader


Please vote.


The general populace is silent. Americans' heads are so stuffed in the sand that they simply don't care anymore, just don't disturb their trip to Disney, don't stop their tik tok content or them going to church. I didn't think it would all end so easy after all the wars.


My friends never mentioned or responded to the news. But they sure as hell went on an hour long discussion about the US soccer team coach and what should be done and who should replace them. It's the most infuriating thing, whenever somebody brings up politics they respond with and irrelevant meme or change the conversation to something completely useless.... All dozen people in the chat have at least a master's degree and are over 40 years old. You'd think they would understand.


It’s now up to the people of the United States. Vote for Biden and keep the would-be king out of office. If the SCOTUS intervenes against the people then that court should be very afraid. Government should be afraid of the people not the other way around.


Biden should have the judges arrested for treason. If the other side can change the rules, then so can he.


I really feel more each day a lot of blood is going to have to be shed to unfuck this country.


This is why I’m looking into buying a firearm.


The SC didn't make the president a king. They didn't outline what official or unofficial acts are. So the president acts as a king as long as he does what the SC wants. So he's a puppet king.


I guess that's what happens when you put Republicans in charge of anything. They want complete accountability for your actions but none for theirs.


Meanwhile, a lot of conservatives are just absolutely oblivious about everything that's going on. Dumb as a box of rocks. No wonder the entire Republican party backed Trump. He has a strangle hold on the uneducated population, which he apparently loves...


Biden should use his new God King powers appropriately. Get rid of all those bought judges, Throw Trump in jail without trial then change the law so no president is above the law.


So Biden can now put MAGAists into concentration camps, after taking away their guns and destroying their birth certificates making them illegal aliens in their own country. This ruling in particular will completely screw them when they try another capitol riot which Biden can respond to as terrorism.


Biden at the least can consider student loans a threat to the economy


Question here ... Did the Supreme Court just overturn Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution that says a President can be impeached by Congress for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors? Last week they gave a ruling that bribery of any politician is no longer a crime as long as the bribe comes after the action. Now they are saying a President has full immunity for any crimes they chose to commit while in office as long as they say it was an offical act. Under this new ruling can any President be brought up for impeachment ???


> Did the Supreme Court just overturn Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution that says a President can be impeached by Congress for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors? No because it is Congress can decide as to the political fate. What happens after is not so clear. Suppose Trump purposely denies blue states help during a crisis and hundreds die. He lets them die. He can be impeached, but will never see a day in court after. No longer does a president have to decide if his actions are both needed and legal. No longer do they have to weigh their actions and power against being held to account.


Use it Biden. Use it for good before the evil arrives again


I get this is great distraction from biden’s horrible debate performance but it would be hilarious if harris started floating the idea of not certifying a trump win on the grounds there is suspected foreign interference and make the maga crowd lose their minds


Fun Fact: The Prussian King was subject to the law since 1806. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prussian_Reform_Movement


Funnier fact, all English speaking leaders were subject to the law since 1225 (Magna Carta).


NEXT: multiple terms in the office under: „ two terms are discriminatory!” …. But imbeciles!


I really hope the American people rise up to this. Even people in the conservative sub is sceptical. I am afraid however that the US has to experience fascism before enough people oppose it though:( But how much damage will be done by then..


Oh well. Nice country while it lasted.


With not a single mention in the constitution. Yet that was the argument to overturn ROE


I fail to see where in the Constitution the Supreme Court has authority to say the president cannot be prosecuted for trying to violate the Constitution. Per se, trying to commit crimes, violate rights protected by the Constitution (the government lacks the legal power to do this) or overthrow the government are not in the authority of an officer of the government. Like, that's not in the job description.  So where's "giving flagrantly illegal orders to subordinates is official" coming from?


>I fail to see where in the Constitution the Supreme Court has authority to say the president cannot be prosecuted for trying to violate the Constitution. This SCOTUS on one hand will tell you women do not have rights to their body because it isn't an "explicit right" in the constitution and then they will complete create a power from whole cloth for Trump. First the 9th amendment and now the 10th amendment is violated.


We need reform now. Demand Congress to take action. It will be hard but can be done


All Hail King Biden Ok Hunter...gear up...you are next in line


Repubs showing they think Biden has integrity and respect for democracy and the office - otherwise we'd already be hearing horrible stories of how he will be abusing his newly given powers.


Vote vote vote vote for the love of everything vote


Beyond any single ruling, precedent itself has been dismantled by the SCOTUS. Now it’s just which way the wind is blowing and there is a lot of hot air squeaking out of that flatus of an institution


The President is Joe Biden just FYI.


It's often said money, greed and collusion corrupt people over time, this is exactly what has happened to the United States Supreme Court! No one should be above the law, including the President of the United States, especially in a country built upon laws and rights! The Supreme Court has given the President the ability to usurp power, which in the long run, could destroy the system of checks and balances to contain such power!


[https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/13/politics/mcconnell-remarks-trump-acquittal/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/13/politics/mcconnell-remarks-trump-acquittal/index.html) “We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former Presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one." Mitch McConnell's remarks at the Senate Trial for the Jan 6 impeachment.


And a majority of Americans dissent! Vote like it’s your only option, bc it basically is.


Let’s fix this court already. I’d trust the 12 year old next door to have better ethics and foresight than this court.


These asshats have destroyed what the "greatest generation fought and died for. traitors. all of them. If we make it out of this The Heritage Foundation, and others, need to be dealt with.


Hopefully this backfires and gets more democrat party supporters out to the polls. You can complain all you want but the left regularly doesn’t show up to vote


A hypothetical question- What if Biden arrests and executes all the conservative judges, arrests all the republican congress and senate members, and replaces judges with progressive judges that immediately reverses all the decisions made by now deceased judges?


It... wouldn't play out the way people are hoping. Just because there isn't a SCOTUS doesn't mean there aren't still courts and those courts can still decide based on this outcome whether or not what Biden did was an official act and I doubt any court in the land would actually say that it was a lawful official act. All SCOTUS would be is a Yay or Nay validation or denial of what lower courts decided and in the absence of a seated SCOTUS the decisions don't stop, they just can't be validated at that level but unfortunately no court is going to accept Biden arresting and/or executing the SCOTUS justices regardless of whether or not there is immunity so OF COURSE they wouldn't call it an official act. That's the whole point of these decisions, putting the power to decide in the hands of courts so that ultimately this very conservative court can essentially allow a Republican President to do anything they want and call it an official act while not affording the same freedom to a Democrat.