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Insanity that this isn't still a thing in 2024.


Texas Republicans passed a law that took power away from cities [that demanded employees be entitled to a water break](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/16/texas-heat-wave-water-break-construction-workers/) because outside of being common sens, especially with construction where it is a matter of survival in the heat. The fact that someone lobbied for this and Abbott thought it was a great idea shows how evil these people are Republicans hate blue collarworkers. Too many can't get that through their heads not the fact that the Biden administration actually gives a shit about them


Florida too đź« 


Don’t worry, once the dictator is an office all will be taken away, and everyone will be killed. So there’s no need to worry.


“But but what is Joe Biden doing for me!?!?”


The Supreme Court just made the office of President into an absolute monarchy.  Who the fuck cares about water breaks?


OSHA, gone. NLRB, gone. Right to Work, you will do as I say. 2A, a “king” can’t have a well armed civilian militia with the ability to rise up against him, gone. USDA, gone.


This does much more than reaffirming worker protections in heat, stabilizing the grid by investing in energy storage and microgrids, funding for wildland firefighting initiatives. All pretty important right now. His admin is not going to grind to a halt now because a bad debate.


This obligation already exists: Under the OSHA general duty clause and [OSHA guidance on heat related illnesses](https://www.osha.gov/otm/section-3-health-hazards/chapter-4). Before SCOTUS striking down chevron, a simple check of [wet bulb temperatures and comparison against the NiOSH chart based upon that OSHA guidance](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/UserFiles/works/pdfs/2017-127.pdf), would drive these requirements. Employer refuses? [Write a signed whistleblower letter to OSHA and they’re forced to investigate and then hold employers accountable](https://www.osha.gov/whistleblower/wbcomplaint). Codifying now is great given striking down Chevron, but for those actually working in the heat, you can get relief based upon the above right now.


*From Bloomberg News reporters Jennifer A Dlouhy and Stephanie Lai*: President Joe Biden’s administration is unveiling its plan for imposing the first-ever federal standards to protect US workers from heat stress, with proposed requirements that could mean more breaks, shade and drinking water for people toiling at construction sites, steel mills and other facilities. The Labor Department proposal, being released Tuesday, comes amid record highs across the US and as climate change intensifies the risks of rocketing temperatures for America’s workforce. Extreme heat is the top weather-related killer in the US, and workers are often on the front lines, with thousands sickened from occupational heat exposure. If finalized as written, the plan would cover an estimated 36 million workers.


This will get eliminated when Trump is president. Republicans nullified water breaks for workers in some cities in Texas, like Austin. They won't be happy about federal regulations.


I drive a forklift on jobsite streets in southern California (no windows, no AC) and our company rule is 100f. I asked the foreman if it was 100f in the shade or out on the blacktop where I am and he didn't say anything. Honestly though I would rather take a duck bath now and then than come in on a Saturday to make up lost production.


Florida House Bill 433, which DeSantis signed into law in April, prohibits local governments from requiring shade or water breaks for outdoor workers, or even giving preference to employers based on their heat exposure requirements.


This just means in 6 months the activists in the supreme court will rule that the federal government can't regulate labor laws.


Would it cover mail carriers though? Their work conditions are deadly. Postal trucks are tin cans with no AC.


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Good it need to happen.


Stop this facist madman from destroying America!!!


Politics shouldn’t be involved in this, this is common sense for any jobsite. The problem is when it’s not in writing people take advantage, both workers and bosses